Hiking 45 Miles Alone on the Grand Teton Loop

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um uh-huh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh um [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do do do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's like right there [Music] [Applause] oh god [Music] oh man [Music] so [Music] baby [Music] [Music] oh okay welcome back that was the grand teton loop in teton national park wyoming i hiked the 45 mile loop in two days and had about ten thousand feet of elevation gain which is a ton for that distance and this hike was literally made possible by today's sponsor forsake i was able to hike 25 plus mile days because of these shoes i loved wearing these forest green cascades size 12 and a half you can wear them peak to pavement which means they look cool everywhere in the mountains in the woods but then also in cities just anywhere of course check out these shoes yourself by visiting the link in the description below if you want to support me support my sponsors thank you for sake so a few days ago i arrived in the area in teton national park i had flown into the jackson hole airport before and met up with curtis and then driven away and seen the mountain range but i had never been up in there or hiked them before it was about time for me to renew my 80 annual parks pass and i definitely had a few days to poke around the area do some car camping and sightseeing and just get a sense of what i wanted to capture while here in one video but the morning of the hike woke up crakodon 6am drove from the national forest area where i was car camping into the park and then was greeted to the sunrise hitting the tops of the crest of the range it's just beautiful every time you see it and the moon was still out there were multiple times where i just like stopped to take pictures or videos it's just something that you do in the tetons at 7am i parked at the string lake trailhead packed my things and then started the hike i was very efficient with the food that i brought for this hike i think i brought exactly enough i had a mountain house rice side potatoes beef jerky peanut butter kind bar breakfast biscuits two oranges and cashews this trail was amazing though you just have constant views the entire way you're in alpine zones for a lot of it the three tetons and grand teton being the highest and most spectacular is just almost constantly in view you go around it in this loop there weren't too many people of course at the lakes there will almost always be people like solitude lake and then the wilderness area there were probably a half dozen to a dozen people camping there alongside me but camping in the wilderness is definitely a game changer i wasn't able to get a backpacking permit to spend the night in the national park but it is right next to a wilderness area and if you hike 20 plus miles up into that area you can wild camp and follow their rules and you don't need a permit and then the next morning you can just hike right through the national park again i was expecting the temperatures to drop well into the 20s i was expecting like winter degree level coldness at night so i brought all of my winter stuff but ended up not needing it the weather was so great i had clear cloudless skies for both days it was just perfect it was a great hike i definitely pushed so i wouldn't recommend everyone to do the exact route and itinerary i did pushing all the way up into the wilderness and then looping back to the same point it was a lot in two days especially with that elevation gain the last 10 miles of the valley trail it's kind of flat going along the front of the the range that was rough i was hungry i was tired and it just there weren't as many views so my morale was down but that got boosted as soon as i got ice cream and powerade at the jenny lake visitor center store so that's a great little pit stop and then jenny lake itself is beautiful especially at sunset with the light coming right between that valley you can go in the water there were people swimming kayaking just lounging i totally recommend that you take a dip after a long hike in jenny lake but circling grand teton really made me want to climb it i want to get more into rock climbing and mountaineering and i watched brie larson's youtube channel video of all things where jimmy chin took her up and they summited grand teton so i would like to do that in the future jimmy if you're watching this i'm ready to go whenever you are buddy oh and special thank you to anyone who stopped and said hi on the trail it always makes my day so thank you but i was snapping photos and writing down little notes so make sure to check out my all trails map it's a custom route it's in the description you can view it download it and follow it on your own hike and it's got a bunch of helpful advice so make sure to check that out so here are a couple tips locations that i think you should know if you're hiking in the area i think the best spot to like park and then step out to take a photo is the jenny lake overlook i had a couple drone shots in this video and all of them were legally outside the park in the national forest where it's okay to drone so i marked that spot and you can go there put your drone up you're a little further away from the mountain range of course because you're outside the park but i still think it's a good view and then car camping up in that national forest and that same area is free a bunch of other people in rvs and car camp van things are sleeping there as well so you can do that but if that fills up if you get there late at like 9 00 pm or something i found this secondary more secret area where you can car camp for free and it's got like a good little view so that's a good spot as well the best spot to get a burger and a beer after a long hike is dornan's doornands duran's i don't know it's this like little teepee uh lodge area with a grill it's so nice dornan's dornan's that's how you say dornans and then my spot in jackson to get breakfast coffee and to do laptop work where i added this entire film i'm actually in the parking lot of it right now is picnic it's kind of like a hipster-esque coffee shop opens up at 7am which is nice for early birds and like i said good coffee outlets wi-fi everything you need to get some work done oh i'm just living it out here i love it just reading in the park relaxing walking around drinking coffee it's a this is a special place i like jackson so you may have noticed that i did not have a microphone on top this one i wasn't using this for the hike and i've just been experimenting with like what's the least amount of stuff that i can use for these films and ironically enough the onboard microphone on my sony a600 is very spatial so you may have noticed like you can really tell the shape like the location of where the sound is compared to the camera in this film which i think gives it a cool effect but the downside is the wind so there's really no wind protection for this microphone and i had to mute practically mute almost half of the clips in this video just because the wind sound was just too much the music in this film and a lot of my previous are all from musicbed i license with them because they just have really good stuff a lot of ambient music tracks that are perfect for these films so check the description for a free trial and you can check them out yourself of course special thank you to all of my youtube channel members helping me to go on more trips and make more videos like this you are directly helping me to have confidence to keep making videos like this and to make this my full-time job so thank you thank you thank you and if you want to become a member you can click the join button on my channel home page and pledge your support in that way so thank you i'm so happy such a nice day listening to mika's playlist peanut butter hi dre beautiful there's not too many people here [Applause] pass of the hike wow t-swift of course oh so many mountain chickens a lot of people here now cai noon play trail we did a fame
Channel: Kraig Adams
Views: 201,542
Rating: 4.9606628 out of 5
Keywords: kraig adams, teton national park, grand teton loop trail
Id: iVmw1cdla50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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