I FOUND Hidden LARRY IN Roblox Break In 2 Story

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it's asking me if I want to be an adult or a kid let's be an adult I'm going to be a batter obviously yes yes why am I all skinny like this I look like a pencil what do you guys think I look like I bet you can't guess what game this is if you can guess it in the next 5 Seconds you're Pro remember to leave a like on this don't look at this right here it's not telling you what it is all right we're all going together we're going to go to the camp come on everyone in don't be shy what is that it's like a blinking Goblin what is that oh the guy said he's got candy he's taking us that person jumped off now you probably would have guess what it is I don't know how to play this I played the first one a long time ago I still haven't told you what it is we're going through some some fog oh hang on our car crashed we're lost the car's broken down walking together this is well cool can I beat people up being outside makes you slow I both you slow in real life we need shelter maybe there's someone nearby something nearby oh it's going to be over here look just over here there's some shelter as you can see on my butt there's Cod Delite you could use if you want it helps me massively hopefully I can kill this little Goblin thing I don't even know what it is there's lightning and everything and now there's balls coming down smacking people in the face snowball things let's go inside quickly no there we go Piat That Thing Up pick that thing up pick that thing where on Earth are we it's so dark oh they go straight on the weights okay I'm guessing how do I how do I oh don't click you just let it lift I'm lifting weights cuz all these people are doing it I don't know what it is uh what just [Music] happened oh I just noticed someone's in a cage over there secret e evil villain base so hang on a sec we we crashed and now we're in their base didn't they attack a home on the first one [Music] there we go there's there there it is if you didn't guess it the whole time and you're stupid simple as hang on back on this doing the weights come on D D D D lifting weights d d d they've got two strength I want two strength they've already got two strength that person over there's got one come on come on come on I'm guessing strength for mean how hard I hit but means I can kill these noobs there go I'm level two I might have to start jogging in a minute that looks actually really cool you got to move backwards and forwards on there to work out okay so you can do gym or fight everyone's over in the gym so that's why I'm working out it sounds really sad but I see everyone else working out I thought well I should too Uncle Pete has joined your team well that was cool I didn't know know that was a thing you can press the bar when it glows up like a Christmas tree I'm hoping it's actually going to be a story it's not just going to be a beaten simulator come on please look at them LIF the bar there that's horrible it's evil oh [Music] yes I'm Pro clicking did you see that I'm absolutely Pro I click that so much I'm lifting weights I'm not getting no stronger I still look like a blinking pencil and that person that scary as anything look looks like i' been sucked into a black hole been spaghettified that's what it looks like we have to get a treadmill in a minute get some runs in get out of my face bad person how much strength can you actually get then well I'm already maxed out on this one this is weapon strength so we need this really badly I would want speed as well otherwi we're going to be slow we hit hard but slow I'm guessing it's going to be a big fight going to take place too so we're going to do some weights and get strong here we go go Evil news breaking news I repeat breaking news scary Larry's body has gone missing after his defeat now a few weeks later there has been a break in at our secret evil why am I in front of them Intruders I'm looking like the bad person here be easy to beat we are preparing three waves of backup to defeat them once and for all the first wave of backup is leaving now oh great our new leader is Scary Mary scary Mary or evil and we'll put a stop to The Intruders of course she is yeah I don't believe a word of that they're coming they're coming now first wave incoming they're incoming they've got 30 seconds so I'm guessing oh hang on he's got sword okay I got to defeat three bad guys I hear them outside they they're pulling up here comes the wave as long as I don't get damaged I don't care I completed it my cash my cash my cash what is this so you can buy weapons hang on I got I just got a weapon there repare for how do I switch weapon oh it's a [Music] tool no money no let's buy some money let's do it we're going to buy some money why not what does that do though oh power up power up in the gym I'll go up there in a sec hold on I'll be up there in a sec yes I want to be up there do it mine out mine out come on let me out oh they're going to take all the juice they're going to take all my power juice quick no don't take all the power juices we got some power juice now boy take that power juice going do some jogging in a minute though the power juice is awesome it makes you well stronger I you can fight the guys over there and then you can make money wow if we get to Max does that make me super strong I'm hoping it does but I don't know if it does come on I'm so close to the end of this I'm keeping clicking here if I I don't know how much strength you can actually [Music] get oh I can't grab another one come on please give me full strength and then we'll be kicking them in oh we're almost we're level four okay now do some jogging there'll be something that pops up you got walk on it makes you faster nice we're getting them [Music] combos trying to keep in this circle thing this uh if you stay in it the square or rectangle whatever you like to call it uh you get more power each time as long as you're get in a combo it goes up and up each time I wish that was like that in real life it make it much easier so basically you're in this and you have to you have to get as strong as you can to beat up some people that going to come in and take you out that's what I'm guessing I don't know but I'm thinking that's the the gist of it what was that noise I was in the middle of a combo let's go quick click this guy [Music] ah got to defeat 10 B guys you ain't going to get in there are you I've got a new weapon but it doesn't show me what my weapon my weapon is or where to get it so I've got the weapon I can't change it here they come here they come okay I'm ready to do this oh my Lord there's loads of let them do it first let them beat them first that's it I'm taking damage here all right they're dead we can pick up their cash they dropped how am I meant to change the weapon hey hey oh no there's a guard in here I we meant to take him out help beat him beat him up he's loving chilies at me yo Mustache Boy oh oh no chilly time for you boy get slapped man I'm slapping him about reminds me back when I was young p in the other room as well oh ooh it give G me loads of Health how do I see the weapons I have then oh okay so we got a power no power I was going to say I thought we were going to have to go do a generator you I see that I was like oh generated time we'll go outside now say I can grab one but I can't I've got a bat how do I change weapon oh I see the crowbars are no good you have to get a legendary the same with these I guess no more money I run out of money you can ride bikes outside oh no no no no no let me in let me in let me in oh my God that was so close almost got trapped outside how have they got oh I see I think it's because uh I'm an adult I have the bigger weapons not the crowbars just noticed I'm not worried I be to take him out easy peasy lemon squeezy here they come what is that that's a boss smack him smack him yes don't get smacked [Music] boy I don't understand what's oh my God he just one tapped them he just right my legs don't worry I can fix it with a cookie ah he is so strong what is this oh my God you just hit that girl I'm proud of you being strong mate being strong she he died that's a big shame cool good job okay let's run out of there hang on give me a bag of money yeah uh oh she's here that's enough [Music] Brads oh nice it locked us all up B inside there though okay yes yes you're incredibly clever oh well thank you I didn't think I was uh what is this we're going inside a vault this is seeming a bit sus I'm not going to [Music] lie I'm guessing it's going to be like down the [Music] sewers and they're going to try to attack us oh my God oh God wa for me [Music] wait out stock what's this there's a key in [Music] there okay we need batteries there's a battery there oh you got to check the trash cuz they dumped it inside here there's one we need need another one is there any [Music] more oh you found it well done put it in yeah now we did it I'm [Music] ready you ready to do this come on are you ready by the way I have my joins on so people can join me oh here we go she seems kind of uh weird hoping it's going to be easy but I don't think it's going to be and I've got on like harder mode not the hardest mode but I'm literally on hard mode ah we meet at last you caused me a lot of trouble of course I did he was weak we fixed him how do you fix him I know what happened she murdered him and he sold his kidneys oh no I'm trembling oh she's laughing at me cuz I didn't train my speed wow it's seen what I've got mine is a lot stronger you don't have armor I see he just trying to wind me up I see how it is no chance where did she go what is this oh I see it fills up and then you can't touch it you can't touch that cuz you get hurt I see you ain't getting me here she is why can't she be attacked [Music] oh be careful she spitted what is going on here go I don't understand what happened we turned the her key is she a robot [Music] then I don't know what's going [Music] on [Music] uh it's going to go over this way now I can see there's like panels here that will knock you flying so you got to be very careful that's okay it's okay she going to jump down yes [Music] okay there's spikes that come out of here as well ah you ain't getting me [Music] girl this makes it very difficult she keeps spinning around and just try to knock us out no chance [Music] girl oh my she's getting faster though she's going to get knocked out in a minute get ready who just smacked her I didn't get a chance what is going on oh watch out for that panel there [Music] though I'm not touching that cuz that [Music] is no no no no no no it's a lot faster now we got keep running around in a circle trying to get away from this whatever this is red wine maybe or blood one of the two what do you think it is is it blood what is this she's here it's going to get hard now it's a final dance she is so much [Music] quicker okay let get a lot more difficult now it's way more [Music] difficult there's so much going on [Music] she's getting well quicker though there go knock her out she's gone down to [Music] what I bet you half this place is going to go oh you think you beat at me yes I do calm down here you Blinky Noob what are you laughing for oh she halfed it I told [Music] you oh no what is [Music] this [Music] he's not com close to me what is [Music] that they just come in they just come through this yes took him out really easily don't tell me to could do spike thing again it's really hard cuz I always got stabbed on that one ow [Music] what I understand [Music] now you go this way cuz he's going to slap that that person get slapped what what just happened what just happened he just slapped he just slapped her that's all right I'm safe don't worry I'm safe I'm safe I'm just clever I'm just doing my part as you can see me just there I'm guessing we making this robot attack her accidentally she's actually killing herself cuz she's stupid ouch you got to be Pro to get through this [Music] that is super [Music] hard ow ouch oh no she's Fallen one person's Fallen no no no don't worry we've got this we got this she just got knocked out I'm hoping this the one that's going to slap her yes you going to get slapped girl one more life left we sh we thought we took her out last time but we obviously didn't there you go more spikes don't worry they're friendly spikes they're only meant to slice your organs [Music] out what is that what on Earth what is going on why are they coming out [Music] slowly oh my God that's scary Scary [Music] Larry help he's R help on there so hang on a sec help me he's stuck inside this and they're controlling him horrible people so they fixed him but they obviously didn't oh [Music] oh he's shooting lasers as well this is so difficult he's trying to kill me Larry I'm your friend mate I didn't kill you can't believe this it's actually really hard he going to throw them in I'm going to run away this way and I'm going to go back and then help from behind so I don't get hurt so much is that only a few of us left where's the other guy [Music] gone he just knocked them don't tell me just killed them we got to run really quick this way ow I didn't even get near that that is evil no no no no no no no no no there go cool he's oh what I got slapped as well what was that I was outside the area he's going slap her please slap her slap her this is way harder I would suggest collect her as much as you can someone just healed [Music] me oh no she's going to climb out is she told I just knew it completely ruined [Music] it it's like she knew he was going to win or we knew it was going to win uhoh Purge time that was the end of it I think that's the end we survived Larry he's unconscious he's just unconscious does that mean he's going to come back that was awesome anyway hope you guys enjoyed that and I'll see you guys in the next episode bye
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 178,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: race clicker, race clicker roblox, roblox break in, Roblox Break In 2 Story BUT What Happened To Larry, roblox break in 2, roblox break in story 2, Break In 2 SECRET ENDING, Break In 2 (SECRET ENDING), What Happened To Larry, Roblox Break In 2 Story BUT, roblox but, roblox story, roblox elitelupus, roblox break in hidden endding, elitelupus, elitelupus roblox, break in 2 hidden endding, break in new, new break in 2, break in 2 story full, play break in 2
Id: y6Yn8Je0y98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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