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yeah so evil girl let's talk about a few things if you want to do a survival series with me let's not blow my house every every second okay [Music] don't forget to subscribe and stop the Bell so you never miss a video on today's video we're on a Minecraft realm with a fan so let me tell you what happened first of all I was the histogram I was going through my messages that people like pretty much sent me and I saw one message from a fan and they said they wanted me to join the Minecraft realm and also talk to them on wall to speak this scored or whatever so I decided you know what it'll be pretty cool video to actually join a fan server and see how they react whatever we do this on our server the squad MC people go crazy so why don't this is on a one-on-one on a private thing while recording inside of a side job and I've curly on a microphone with a fan and the person's name is called evil girl 27 so I'm gonna join a teamspeak call with this fan and let's see the reaction alright so I'm joined the teamspeak right now here we go ready okay hey what's up hey how you doing so I saw the Instagram request and everything and I'm on the world right now so so your name is evil girl 27 right you're good well I just I'll just call you ela girl does it work uh uh eyes so let's jump I am recording right now so evil girl say hi to the moose on me there we go so this is crazy man okay so I'm gonna see little girl let's just start a basic minecraft survival in this world and then we can go from there and then what we all can do we'll ask the fans and what do they want to see how about that Oh cousin fun just count them go Oh stab Hey okay good fats got the note let's chill get out daddy are you selling sound like you're echoing oh what's that that's a really scary skin yeah what yeah whatever you said yeah awesome alright anyways how about this how about this here you get some wood I'll get someone as well we'll get the basic tools and stuff and just just put the whole thing he's got okay wait you have creative mode Oh creative mode that's cheating yeah Oh creative mode I mean you know no vomiting telling this will establish rules will establish rules okay no cheating no hacks nothing sounds good oh maybe the fans say so you know so Bella's always better when you play legit so we'll just do legit minecraft survival sounds good you final locations to build a house and Wilbur look at yo you look at do we're gonna be like a cool city or something like the Moose Army City and then yeah and then if you watch it we could bring on a bunch of fans as well we're gonna run out like a fan each episode or something I'll be pretty cool sweet I mean up to you cuz you're on the microphone but yeah just totally up to you perfect so I got Sherm cabbage don't up I hear zombies right eyes a bit you wanna play some AI Oh Geoff sick of quick fixes Oh No okay you know what maybe this was a bad idea maybe this was a really bad all Camden yay there you go so ladies gentlemen if you don't want to see another one of these episodes with Eva girl 27 let's get 10,000 likes and we might even bring on a different fan but make sure you guys let us know is jump and make sure you let us know what do you want to see next ok so you want to see us build a house something I want to build a house is episode ball let us know what you want to see and we'll make it happen so I mean if we have all the basic materials we need so either girl how about this I'm like it you this pickaxe and if we can find the key this would be awesome now one thing else to notice is this is an amplified world right yeah it's kind of cool so you guys are the ladies elven there is amplified worlds in Minecraft some people do actually know about that's a feature so you're gonna have a look a giant wow oh my god oh my god yeah then oh I'm good he's overreacting do we have the ability so we'll do we'll let the fans aside if we can now let's see teleport how about that so that we can teleport do something huh I know that's the whole world but what about these I can't I can't find you I don't know what the whole world needs as they say you see my country huh what oh it's just a Gabi hello Oh evil girl doesn't giant zombie behind you by the way he's gonna eat your face yeah good here we're gonna get it oh snap I'll change okay boom no these zombies man they want to tussle I got you bro all right perfect so I do that I do quite a bit of materials okay so what we could do right now how about this um how about we get Bubba weevil the city like a small little city you have your own house I am my own house and go from there follow me girl let's go awesome so by the way ladies and gentlemen we try it we're trying your best to fix the internet issues right now evil girl does only have the best Internet and the audio might sound a little bit weird like it keeps like so you kind of cut out randomly play you know it's no big deal I think people can still understand you hopefully boom you follow me some of this we gotta find that City location we gotta start building our city you don't believe we got the best city the whole world moves City on the way hey Dex I'm starving let's go perfect so he's older then if you if you want to be in the next video with evil girl 27 and me alright alright now how about this everyone go follow my Instagram and it's moose guts and my Twitter at its moose craft and I'm gonna choose one random person that messages me or likes to post comments on and that kind of stuff so we're just gonna pretty much go through and choose just one random person honestly the best option what's up what's the idea oh that's a good idea or do you TT from ah okay all right oh nice all right how about this ready here a several in the house here sounds good all right I'll build my house separately and then you build your house as well I'm going for pretty true looking crazy boys all right yeah [Music] Abbi I don't want to have no competition I'm a pretty competitive first of all listen I don't want to have those cops dead I wait you you you you really want to usually when I'm competition we build it now I'm gonna go all out I'm pretty serious all right bet let's do this first want to make the best looking house wins most look how about that yeah okay here we go get rid of this get rid of that and I'm having a hot new tree oh let's go he's coming he's gonna be the craziest house you'll ever see and evil girls got no change I mean your house is pretty good too well you already get competitive you want to compete with your ball boost where'd you get all these different blocks from a little bit uh fishy are you trolling me I'm sensing my moose senses are tingling and let me tell you I think I feel like you're trying to troll me hey hey hey hey hey hey I just built this house no evil girl tells me and that's all right you know accidents accidents happen so anyways evil girl what's your plays alright what's your plans and then what do you want to do next how about that what you want to do awesome there we go you'll blow up my house what'd you expect thanks appreciate it how about this I'll help you with your house after this sounds good well we'll help each other out yeah boom perfect so this looks pretty cool fine I count it's not that crazy of a house you've lost by the way any blocks hey hey hey hey stop stop no you that's not helping evil girl that's that's not helping at all that sabotaging me they go that's not evil girl remember happy thoughts happy thoughts okay not not blow up boost no no no no no hey hey hey no no no hurt moose moose moose good guy do not hurt act just because just because I used to buy you the diamond you control it for no reason okay oh boy you know yeah I can tell that my house is on fire I could at your tail all right listen I can see this here I just give me a second real quick I gotta go use the bathroom all right just don't do anything crazy all right ladies gentlemen I meet him like a phone I'm acting like I'm opposed to the bathroom but I'm really not she's do it to my house she's putting Jessie everywhere don't her name is Eva girl but she's legitimately being evil right now and I mean she is a fan and all and I'm excited and all but I just want to be rude you know me like come on I wanna have a survival world with her about something let me know what the Dubrow and posed to evil laugh that was not a cool says that was some sketchy stuff so something's off and and usually I'm a moose moose senses are tingling because you don't move on in and stuff something's even Jeff look at Jeff even Jeff said that I just for somebody's just mine you gotta be nice to people so she I know you like a lot of people never like anybody just like Jeremy isn't like me sometimes and hey the point but as I was saying I got bats this is about this Jeff's got bad senses about this but we're just gonna be trying to be super nice and until it'll stop trouble at the house okay the house looks pretty good yeah so evil girl let's talk about a few things if you want to do a survival series with me let's not blow my house every every second okay go go if it goes on it's like Oh oh sorry sorry you you like cut out for me for some reason like your Internet's off right now yeah oh don't don't worry about it yeah what happened to the house [Music] but you blew it up why'd you why'd you built the house now what we supposed to build all over the film now we gotta bring fans and stuff on and we there's no work to build anymore [Laughter] [Music] don't you worry I'm just taking a look at the house it looks really beautiful where are you boy ever on the house what [Music] well uh okay I gotta go somewhere okay what what's up Oh flowers yeah I love some flowers that's awesome yeah but I gotta I gotta go walk my dog so uh yeah I gotta go walk my knob no no there's no way okay sit Oh Liz Lemon um think so much watching I hope you all the joy that we can subscribe to glowy look like I'm gonna get out of here real quick to go walk my dog walk my dog hey uh how about this so I how do we do another episode another time sounds good we'll just ask the fans what they want to see and if we get ten thousand likes we will upload another episode tomorrow that's good awesome all right ladies shower we'll see you tomorrow peace now [Music]
Channel: Moose
Views: 124,463
Rating: 4.9092727 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, family, family friendly, kid friendly, girl, boy, server, moosecraft, moose, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, 09sharkboy, shark
Id: KanONnnCaSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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