i followed famous authors' daily routines for a week as an act of self-sabotage

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Hello everyone and welcome to another dumb youtube  video on my dumb youtube channel. Basically, I have   been recently loving the work of Haruki Murakami  so i bought this book which is called What I Talk About When I Talk About Running and this  is essentially Murakami's memoir, and in this   book Murakami talks about his batshit crazy daily  routine. So, every single day he wakes up at 4am -- A.M.! --  the time i usually go to bed... which in fairness  says more about me than him. But anyway, he then   works for five or six hours before running a 10k -- every day -- and then reads, listens to music and   goes to bed at 9pm. And this got me thinking, which  is dangerous and something we need to stop from   happening -- what if i spent the next week of my life  not only following Murakami's daily routine but   also the daily routines of five other very, very  famous authors? So -- this is so stupid -- I'm also going   to be following the daily routines of Jane Austen,  Ernest Hemingway, Maya Angelou, Charles Dickens,   and W.H. Auden -- did I pick Auden just because  his daily routine involved having cocktails?   Yes... but I deserve it and also, because apparently  this wasn't already a big enough act of   self-sabotage, I'm also going to be reading a book  by each of these authors each day so you'll get a   kind of mini book review as well, so tomorrow's  day one. Tomorrow I follow the daily routine of   Haruki Murakami and I am dreading it. [Intro] on tonight's  program ladies and gentlemen we have something   that's going to make you sick...... [alarm beeps] Oh, I hate myself.  Oh man. These video concepts always seem like   such a good idea when I come up with them. Oh  god, it's so bright, oh man. It literally burns.   I've gotta work for five to six hours and -- you  know what? -- that's the last thing I want to do.   Okay, I've been working for like six hours now and  it's only 10am. I feel very smug that I've been   up since 4am, but equally I feel very, very tired. I also just wanted to quickly let you know that   today's video is in partnership with Skillshare,  so thank you so much Skillshare for sponsoring   it and we'll talk about them a little bit later  on. Okay, it's now time for the dreaded moment -- I am   going to run Haruki Murakami's daily 10 kilometre run. Am I going to run through Regent's Park just   in the hope of seeing some dogs? Yes. Am I saying  that i'm running 10 kilometres instead of 6 miles   because 10 is a bigger number? Also yes. And I  think this could be what I talk about when I   talk about DYING, and we'll see how that goes. [Music] Okay we're halfway  and my feet feel like they're gonna fall off. So   that's good, we are done. There's my route, um, I  appreciate that route makes absolutely no sense   and that's basically because I decided that if  I didn't plan then my brain would be so busy   working out the route that I just wouldn't think  about the fact that I was running. Did that work?   No, and so I ran the 10k or six miles in 47 minutes  and 51 seconds which I'm pretty chuffed with I'm   not gonna lie. So I'm currently chugging this water  and the reason I don't look like a complete mess   right now -- just an average-sized mess -- is because I  actually finished the run like two hours ago but   just as I was walking back to my house, walking  down the street was one of my friends from uni   and so we ended up going to the canal and  having a massive catch-up. It was so nice,   such a weird coincidence but, um, yeah that was  so lovely. So she saw me in my sweaty, exhausted   state so you don't have to! She really took one for  the team. But I am absolutely shattered. Imagine a   piece of glass near an opera singer singing their  highest possible note... that's how shattered I am, and I think I might have mentioned this while I  was running but genuinely my feet went completely   numb, like I could not feel my feet for about half  of the run and normally I would have just stopped,   but because of the pressure of filming I just  carried on for some reason, and I'm glad I did   it but, um, oh my gosh -- my feet! It was the weirdest  sensation ever and I would suspect not a good   thing. And can I just say I've got to look after  these babies because someone made an account for   me on a fetish website. Genuinely, I don't know  if this is something I should be proud of but my   feet have a higher average rating than my literal  book -- like the book that I wrote -- so, you know, these   feet are my greatest asset apparently. So let's do  a review of What I Talk About When I Talk About   Running. Now, listen, I know this is gonna sound so  stupid because this book literally inspired this   whole video, but I did not really enjoy this book ... at all. I don't want to use the word "pointless" but   I am putting it out there. Normally i love Murakami.  I think that he creates these fascinating, bizarre   characters in every single one of his books but  this book, for me, was just not it -- just because   this really is a collection of short extracts  about Murakami's journey with running from   his first ever jog to his first ever marathon. The  experience of reading this book to me was the same   as when you go to a house party -- remember house  parties, weren't they fun? Isn't that nostalgic? --   and you would get stuck talking to someone that  you barely know and you'd be in the corner of   the room and they're telling you about their hobby  that you really don't care about... that's what this   book felt like to me. This felt like I was stuck  in small talk with Haruki Murakami and there are   so many things I would love to know about Murakami  but it just-- it wasn't this. And I cannot see myself   recommending this to anyone really. Maybe I'm just  bitter that this man made me wake up at 4am today,   but following his recommendation I'm going  to spend the evening listening to Red Hot   Chilli Peppers, Gorillaz, and Beck and the Beach  Boys, and reading, and then going to bed at 9pm.   Honestly today has been pretty terrible  actually, like, I'm just so tired. I don't   know, I guess somewhere between waking up at 4am  and then doing a 10k run just wipes me out so   Murakami's daily routine is going to be a big fat  no from me. Also I just had a massive nosebleed but   I feel like i can't really pin that on Murakami.  I imagine this kind of routine could work for you,   but then what happens if you have one late night?  Like, you're screwed! So, I don't want to do this   ever again. Thankfully all of the other routines  wake up slightly later than this so I will see   you tomorrow. Hello, it is day two! I am very excited  for today's activities mostly because it doesn't   involve any running whatsoever. So today we  are following Maya Angelou's daily routine   and what Maya Angelou would do is she would rent  a hotel room in her local area. She wouldn't stay   the night, she would just go there for the day  and I think the idea behind this is to get a   kind of work-life separation and balance, and so I am going to give it a go, and I've rented a hotel   room on this website called Dayuse where you can  basically just use a hotel room for the day, not   the evening. I didn't know that this existed until now,  but there really is a website for everything, so   that is today's plan! Well look who it is! Okay, so  I've arrived at my hotel now and I've accidentally   booked somewhere so bougie! I mean look at these  cabinets... that is nice! I've been here about five   minutes and I've already hit my head on this  about 12 times -- ow! So the one thing you will notice   is that the room is very, very pink and I cannot  believe how nice it is -- like, look at this bed! This   is so beautiful and genuinely this was the second  cheapest place on the website, so then we have this   sliding door -- yes, I do feel powerful, thank you for  asking. And look at this little area! I have to say,   i probably should have checked that the room I  was staying in had a desk since that's, like, the   whole point. But this table will definitely do, and  then we have this little kind of kitchenette which   is so nice. Here's my view -- honestly I absolutely  smashed this -- and the downstairs and the lobby and   everything was so nice as well. And then finally  the bathroom is blue! The block colors actually are   making me feel like I'm in a music video, so here  I am, this is what I look like just in case you, uh,   forgot. And then this is the bathroom, of course  I've christened it already. Very swish tap and this   of course is a fantastic feature -- look  at this! "Who gives a crap premium toilet   paper" -- that's right guys, now that i've hit 400,000 subscribers I only use the premium stuff.  But yeah, I can see why Maya Angelou was into  this. So this is Bermonds Lock in Bermondsey and   the reason I chose Bermondsey is because my family  are actually from here originally. My grandmother -- so my mum's mum -- actually grew up on a council  estate really close to here before they all kind   of moved down to Sussex which is where i grew  up and my great-grandmother -- Nanny Glad -- she used   to talk about Bermondsey with such fondness and  she was so proud to be from here and so when I   saw Bermondsey on the website I was like "I have to  come and stay here". Obviously it's so different   now and so gentrified, but it's really cool to  come to a place where my family is literally from.   So I recently listened to Maya Angelou talking on  the BBC World Book Club and I don't know if any of   you have ever felt this but have you ever fallen  in love with the way that someone talks? Like, the   way that they string a sentence together is just  so elegant and exquisite and beautiful -- that's how   I felt about Maya Angelou and instantly I just  wanted to read everything she'd ever written, so I ordered three but this is the first one I've  got around to reading. I just finished it just now in my bougie new apartment. This is Letter to my  Daughter and this book just feels like a warm hug,   genuinely. So Maya Angelou has a son but she never  had a daughter and so this is basically a letter   to the women of the world who she sort of inherits  as her daughters by giving this wisdom and her   advice, and she's lived such a fascinating, complex  life and existence, and it's so interesting to read   about. It feels so honest and compassionate and  inviting so I enjoyed this so much and I am now a   Maya Angelou stan. So I would recommend, and I also  feel like this is the kind of book that you would   read and reread and reread again, and now I cannot  wait to read "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"! Okay,   so I was just sitting here doing my work and I  was thinking to myself "who would rent a hotel   room just for the day?" and then i realised the  usual kind of clientele for this kind of thing is   probably prostitutes, porn stars, or people having  affairs... and now I feel so weird about doing this,   especially because I turned up with my camera. And,  now that I think about it, when I checked in the   lady at the desk was like "oh, are you expecting  a guest?" and I was like "no, no, just solo today!"   So, um, yeah. Now one thing Maya Angelou would  do is she would remove the art from the walls   in the hotels that she would stay in, basically  so she had, like, a blank canvas for thinking.   We're not going to do that because I will break  it and the trick, I think, in life is to know your   own limits, know your own capabilities. And let's -- ow! What I was going to say is "let's get working!" Listen I was gonna get my money's worth, so I found that there's a gym -- like a fitness suite -- that I could rent out, and now I have the sole  use of this whole place! How cool! That's right,   you've heard of "hot girl summer", now get ready  for "going from a 4 out of 10 to a 6 out of 10 men   spring" -- listen it's not quite as catchy but  I'm working on it. I had a great gym session, a   wonderful shower, and unfortunately I will not  be sleeping in this bed because Maya Angelou   would not have done that. She just stayed in these  hotels for the day, and that is breaking my little   heart because that, I imagine, is really comfy.  I haven't even let myself sit on it because   I don't want to know if it's comfy. I don't want to  know. I would actually say, though, I have been very   productive today in terms of work, and I can  definitely see why Maya Angelou does this, but   I do not have the funds for that, so, uh, I'm gonna  go. I am going to pack up my stuff and let's go. I'm   home.. I'm not happy about it, but i am home. I'd very  much like to be sleeping in that hotel bed but you   know what? It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. This  has been day two, this has been living as Maya   Angelou and I will see you tomorrow for day three!  Good morning, today is day three and today -- just to   mix it up a little bit -- I'm going to be following the  daily routine of one of my least favourite authors,  Sorry, sorry, this is controversial, but that author  is Charles Dickens. One thing I am pleased about   is that he wakes up at 7am like a normal human,  so he would get up at seven, he would then work   for the day and then, in the afternoon, he would go  for a three-hour walk around London. We're now out   of lockdown so everything is opening back up and  there are so many independent bookshops I really   want to go to, so that is the plan. Do you want to  come with me? You actually have no choice. Okay, so   I've made it to Finsbury Park -- here's some cherry  blossom -- and I'm listening to the audiobook of a   Tale of Two Cities because i was finding reading  it kind of boring, not going to lie. So I'm hoping   that the audiobook is going to help me finish  this book, but right now I'm in Finsbury Park   because i'm looking for this bookshop which is  also a cafe. It's called BookBar and I just think   it's the best idea ever -- it's literally combining  the two things that I love the most: books and   bars! It's the dream combo -- honestly name a more  iconic crossover. You thought Avengers was good,   i'm excited for this. So I'm currently using my DofE  orienteering skills to try to locate this place,   so fingers crossed I can find it and  fingers crossed they're open. Oh my god,   there she is -- wow thanks a lot. So this  is the store and look how lovely this is. Oh my god you guys, BookBar was everything  I've ever wanted and more. We also had a really   good chat with Chrissy who's the owner and she's  recently set it up -- it's only been open for a few   weeks -- and, yeah, it was just so cool and I did make  a purchase. In fact, I actually joined the book club   that BookBar has and this is the first month's  book. So you know when something is so beautifully   wrapped you don't want to destroy it. Independent  bookshops are just the best thing, and I always   think that the people who run them are just so  lovely. It's the best experience ever, so get out   there and go to an independent bookshop if you get  the chance this week. And this is the book -- this is   Small Pleasures by Claire Chambers. Firstly, that  has to be one of my favourite book covers of all   time -- that is absolutely stunning! "Long-listed for  the Women's Prize for Fiction in 2021, this is set   in 1957 in the suburbs of South-East London" so very  excited to read that, and quite enjoyed my little   three-hour excursion -- thanks Charles Dickens! One  thing I unfortunately did not enjoy so much was   this book: A Tale of Two Cities. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  I honestly had exactly the same response to this   as i had to Bleak House and Great Expectations,  like, I can appreciate the sheer talent that   Charles Dickens had -- he crafts these really rich  mosaics, there's so many characters and so many   different events, so many different story lines,  and this chorus of characters collide -- but I just   don't enjoy reading it. I can kind of see why this  was serialised in magazines and newspapers when   it was first written, kind of like the victorian  Coronation Street, and I'm glad I've read this book   because it is so iconic, like the first line "it was  the best of times, it was the worst of times" is   one of the most legendary first lines in any piece  of literature ever. And i've given Charles Dickens   so many chances now but I'm- I'm done. I'm breaking  up with Charles Dickens. So, yeah, I'm tapping out.   Good morning! Today we are going to be living like  Ernest Hemingway. I say "we" -- I feel like you're not   really pulling your weight here. I feel like I'm  kind of doing all the work. Anyway, I am currently   reading A Moveable Feast, and this is all about  his time in Paris! It's kind of like a memoir   and, um, I've just got to the bit where he meets F.  Scott Fitzgerald and the descriptions are just   incredible. I really love this author -- he's my  Ernest Heming-bae -- however I am not so excited for   what is yet to come. Also, I am absolutely ecstatic  to let you know that today's video is sponsored by   my friends over at Skillshare -- you know I love  Skillshare! This is an awesome platform with   hundreds of courses designed for curious and  creative people. There's such a range to choose   from but the course that I'm currently taking is  hosted by the icon that is Roxanne Gay -- she's the   author of the hugely successful book Bad Feminist  and she talks about crafting personal essays with   impact, and honestly it's just so cool getting to  hear this established author talk about how she   constructs her writing from the very first draft  all the way to getting published. So, if Skillshare   tickles your pickle then you can click the link  in the description down below and the first 1,000   people to click it will get a free Skillshare  premium membership, so get on it! Right now is the   perfect time to learn a new skill or get better  at the ones that you already have, in classes   designed by experts in those fields. So take this  as your sign to get cracking -- love you Skillshare!   So, Ernest Hemingway would work standing up and  so I've kind of constructed this makeshift setup   where I've got a cardboard box on top of a cabinet  and then my laptop balancing on that, however I've   been doing this for an hour and a half now and  it is killing my back, and i've been having back   issues anyway -- my back is sore from carrying  youtube.com -- that's a joke! And so, to be honest, I'm thinking there's no Heming-way that I can carry  on with this, so I'm actually just gonna give up and, also, if you are interested in reading his work I wouldn't necessarily start with A Movable Feast.   It's more for, like, the die-hard Hemingway fans. You  know, would I say I'm a die-hard fan? Not quite. It   is interesting, but it's mostly autobiographical  so I would recommend his fiction instead. Good   morning treacle -- today we are living like W. H.  Auden. Now, here's the thing, Auden would wake   up at 6am and I had the intention of waking up at  6am and the alarm went off, I just then snoozed it   for several hours. But, minor details, the important  thing is that we're here now and we all have our   health. So, apparently, Auden would start each day  by doing a crossword which I assume is to kind of   stimulate his brain and get his brain ticking at  the beginning of the day and, normally, my brain   does not function until like at least midday.  So I was thinking "where the hell am I going to   get a crossword from?" I went downstairs and look  what had come through my door -- this one here says   "quick crossword" which is bold of you to assume  that I will do this quickly. Also, you can text five   pounds for a clue -- as if I would pay five pounds  when I could just Google it. Listen, work smart   not hard. Okay, so I am not the worst at this, but my  attention span is like the length of a TikTok.  So I'm getting kind of bored, I think we're gonna  leave it there, so that there are no cross words   about the crossword, and also I do need to start  work at some point. Yo be fair, the best thing about   this is that the answers aren't in here, so I'll  never know if i am stupid. I'll just assume i'm   really clever just for doing the bare minimum -- oh  wait, maybe the answers will be in tomorrow's paper!   Yeah, I just won't buy it -- I'm telling you, work  smart. not hard. Okay, so it's quite a lot later   on now, and I've basically been working all day in  my publishing job, so now that i finished my day of   working with books we are going to do what Auden  would have done at the end of a day of writing   books and that is making a cocktail! So I've gone  for a bit of a rogue one but my cocktail of choice   is going to be a mango daiquiri. Will it go wrong?  Probably. But there's only one way to find out. Huh,   so I've started by chopping up my mango -- mango is  in here -- then I'm going to add lemon juice, some ice,   and also the spicy water. Let's just say it rhymes  with "quite dumb" -- I'm not gonna lie I just kind of   completely guessed the quantities required for the  lemon juice and the devil liquid because, in the   words of Nigella Lawson, "recipes are for wimps" -- she  never said that but, um, let's just pretend she did. Victory! Okay, here we go, let's all just  agree to pretend I'm not sitting here in   my apartment alone drinking a cocktail... cheers! Here goes absolutely nothing. Wow, okay. I might have made it a little strong, but  it's good! Okay so I know that Auden had no role   at all in designing this cover because he's -- well -- dead, but this is a thing of beauty! My compliments   to the chef. I've just finished the collection,  it's so versatile and inventive, it uses a lot   of kind of traditional meters and forms and  Auden is the king of the elegy. This was just   a masterclass in poetry writing, honestly there  are so many beautiful lines. "In time, pretending   to be blind, and universally unkind might really  send us out of our mind" -- it's so, like, tasty on   the tongue. Speaking of tasty -- cheers! This is just a  bit too delicious. You know when it's dangerous how   tasty this is? Anyway, I hadn't really read much of  Auden's poetry even though I did my dissertation   on Christopher Isherwood who was, like, his best  pal, so I'm pleased to have finally picked this   up and this has been my favourite daily routine so  far. Auden was just doing his crosswords, drinking   his cocktails and vibing, and that is a routine I  can get behind. So, I'll drink to that! Auden, RIP, you   would have loved the Jack Edwards youtube  channel, and I'll see you all in the morning...   I hope. Good morning friends -- today we are living  like the queen of English Literature... not Rupi Kaur.   It is, of course, the woman on the ten pound  note Jane Austen! So this is Jane Austen's daily   routine: "she would wake up early before the other  women were up" -- since I don't live with any women I   just took this as I can wake up at whatever  time I want. "She then played the piano" -- don't   have one of those, slight technical difficulty.  However one thing I would like to do is: "at 9am   she organized the family breakfast, her one major  piece of household work" -- and that, I'm down for. So   let's get cooking, good looking! Alright guys, it's  all happening. There we are -- wow, these -- uh -- spot the   difference games are getting harder and harder, huh?  Ta-da, "wow", look it's-- it's a candlelit breakfast!   By the way, that strange, strange man that you  saw me cooking breakfast for is my housemate   Adum -- he's finally back in London and so i'm  not living on my own anymore, which is so, so   nice and also he has just released his debut  single on Spotify! It's called "Help Myself" --   you would have heard it throughout this  video, it's an absolute bop! And yes I do   have it in my head constantly, so if you want to  stream it and get it stuck in your head as well,   head to-- I'll leave the link, uh, down below,  um, and go stream it on Spotify because it's   wonderful! Anyways, today's book was this one:  this is Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I really   enjoyed reading this because Jane Austen has this  incredible ability to create characters you just   despise. So there is this bloke in this novel  called John Thorpe who is just the worst-- the   categorical worst. I'm telling you, if he was alive  today he would be Union Jack Twitter. He just   is an ar**hole, he's a misogynist, he's a gaslighter. He is the worst and, even though I hated this man   so much, I think that is testament to Jane Austen's  ability to create believable characters who you   genuinely feel real emotions for. Basically the  story is about a woman called Catherine who is   experiencing fashionable society for the first  ever time. I thought it was witty and charming   and silly and I really enjoyed it. So that is the  final book, and the final day of this silly little   challenge, this silly little video. This turned  into a much bigger commitment than I thought it   would be when I first kind of had the idea, but  for some reason i never learn and I keep setting myself these silly challenges so subscribe if  you want to see the next one! I'm also doing a   big book giveaway over on my Instagram when i hit  100,000 followers and we're very, very close, so   if you'd like to check that out then please  go and give me a follow! And you can enter   the competition when it's up in the next few days.  What did i learn from this? Um, I learned that three   hour walks around london are lovely in the spring,  cooking breakfast is a way to keep your housemates   happy i learned that waking up at 4 am and running  10k and standing up whilst working do not make me   happy, and staying in a hotel was really good fun.  So actually it's been quite an eventful week, so   thank you so much for watching this video. Thank  you for the continued support on this channel,   it's absolutely blowing my little brain, and a huge  shout out to Skillshare for sponsoring this video   and making it all happen -- the link will be down  below if you want to be in the first 1000 people   to get a free trial of Skillshare premium. As  always you can give this video a big, fat, juicy   thumbs up if you enjoyed it -- I love you all to  the moon and back, and I will see you next time!   [Outro] On case I don't see you good  afternoon good evening and good night
Channel: Jack Edwards
Views: 328,589
Rating: 4.9860282 out of 5
Keywords: murakami daily routine, living like murakami, famous authors, booktube, booktuber, charles dickens, daily routine, schedule, jane austen, auden, hemingway, authors daily routines, daily schedules, jack edwards
Id: yrBaWRR70jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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