I FLEW to the CHEAPEST F1 race...

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how much 260 euros like 300 USD I just bought the cheapest tickets to a Formula One race cost to attempt right earplugs it's gonna be a loud weekend and really to find out if it's worth it I was hope ful Mike welcome to Downey live video has some pretty awesome music in it because it's sponsored by Art list although I've been using them for the last two years but uh we'll get to that later first up we have to get there I've never been to the Middle East before or flown with Saudi Airlines before flying Halfway Around The World from New York City to the Middle East is a 20-hour flight now this feels like it's going to be an expensive trip realistically we're not just going to watch One race we're there for three days of racing but it's halfway around the world it's gonna take us a week to do the whole thing in fact that's the reason I'm doing this trip alone I couldn't find anyone else to do it with me because no one has a week to take off to go watch a race which is why I'm so glad that you're coming along it's always a lot more fun to travel with someone anyway that's why to me this is more than just going to a Formula One race but it's like this is a big trip probably the furthest I've ever been from home the cheapest flight I could find is with Saudi Airlines Saudia Saudia uh tucked here in the corner we got it all right I'm gonna pick up my tickets and then we'll talk price thank you very much so I'm going to Bahrain okay so how much does this all cost well I actually found pretty decently priced flights from New York City to Bahrain 600 for economy but for only another 600 more you're in business class so we did that not first class that was like eight thousand dollars but twelve hundred bucks business class to Bahrain I should add those prices are for one-way flights so same getting back also the sound effects it's all from art list as are all the sounds and music anything that's not recorded on this microphone time to board one of the benefits of business class is boarding Zone one honestly I'm kind of shocked at how inexpensive the flight is I thought flights to the race would be full and overpriced but I guess I'm wrong I might just enjoy this flight yeah this will do just fine so to get to Bahrain it's gonna take 20 hours of travel more or less plus the time difference we will be a landing well into tomorrow evening that's why splurging an extra 600 on business class makes total sense to make it this is my my hotel for the night now I'm excited to sit down and sip some champagne hi good how are you do you have sparkling wine or champagne oh it's a drier one sparkling water would be great interesting they say they're the only dry airline in the world this this trip might be more eye-opening than I expected obviously going to be a fun race so I gotta watch time to survive so let me just tell you the flight was comfortable the food was great and now we're getting my first glimpse of the Middle East it is currently 1am New York time we're just landed and we have four hours here before our next flight to Bahrain so the question is what do we do in the Jetta airport for four hours I could take the moving sidewalk but after however many hours on that plane I'm gonna walk these legs need some moving where is everybody so today is now Thursday F1 starts on Friday we're gonna get there Thursday evening there'd be more people we're not there yet but I wonder if my business class tickets come with lounge access my ticket come with lounge oh great thank you all right welcome to the Saudia Lounge in Jeddah Airport oh this Lounge smells so good where is that coming from oh a robot beautiful Lounge let's head to our flight Bahrain here we come so we've now spent 1 250 and 20 hours to get us halfway around the world and it's starting to look pretty nice now before we land a quick geography lesson ball rain is its own country officially known as the Kingdom of Bahrain and sits as an island between Saudi Arabia and Qatar but it's only about 290 square miles making it the third smallest country in Asia thank you I realize there's so much about this country that I do not know what side of the road do they drive on what what is the currency equivalent to American or Canadian dollars we'll find out soon the question is is Bahrain an expensive country speak of the devil currency exchange let's do it it's always good to have some cash on hand you never know what's the exchange rate from U.S 300 so 120 US dollars turn into 54 Bahrain dinar it's colorful just like our Canadian money oh and this is the circuit that's the formula one circuit that's what we're here for now that we have some cash our next expense is accommodation let's find a taxi and get to our hotel oh it's hot oh I gotta get this sweatshirt off the first thing I notice about Bahrain is how clean and spacious it is I mean I feel safe and comfortable I don't know if they have Uber or if we should Taxi try a taxi we just see Formula One as being this massive event it's just Nolan here hello we are going to the Sea Hotel beautiful here with the warm wind in my hair I'm immediately glad I've left cold Canada to come to see this race here it is beautiful here I really should do more research before I travel because I'm just in awe at the moment this is great so our taxi ride to the hotel cost me a mere 16 dinar which actually converts to about 43 US dollars do you take credit card or just cash cash you got it so I carry cash thank you bye-bye always good to carry cash I sound like my father these are all hotels in that kind of 50 to 250 dollar range I chose one on the water 125 a night well let's see how it shakes out welcome to the Coral Bay Resort AKA The Sea Hotel this is nice the hotel is on a boat this is great it's locked in but yeah but it's floating yeah oh yeah it's a nice clean room a very blue bathroom but I'm here for the deck I think we made the right choice I mean when I think of the Middle East I don't think waterfront property I feel like I'm on a cruise this is this is perfect honestly for 125 great deal well my goal is to stay up until at least Sunset so I guess we should go find some dinner or something to do now F1 practice starts tomorrow and I'm trying to avoid jet lag by staying up as late as I can so let's head into the city I honestly can't believe I'm here it's exactly as you see in the movies or in the news or TV shows it's just I didn't expect to be here I only booked these tickets last minute five days ago Dunkin Donuts Pizza Hut McDonald's Starbucks I've arrived at the American Embassy here I know this isn't very exciting for a first night but I'm just trying to stay awake here well I just slept for 13 hours let's get to the track where are you going bro can you take me to the formula one circuit all right we're off to the track to catch the F1 practice do you watch Formula One never never okay I thought as a professional driver you would watch other professional drivers I don't know yeah because yeah yeah since Bahrain is so small this one hour taxi drive from the hotel to the circuit is basically a cross-country road trip sunsets here are amazing and they they last for so long but you all have two days more oh yeah yeah just one tomorrow just come because very close of you very very very beautiful beach perfect and along with the sunset is a lot of excitement for the F1 Grand Prix all right starting to see some police checkpoints 16.5 bahrainian dinar about 50 US dollars you do yourself nice to meet you I will keep that energy all the time you bet I'll see ya here we are and we're in all right next three days let's do this this is the 2023 Formula One golf air Bahrain Grand Prix that's the entrance to the paddock and The Paddock Club outside of our budget maybe next time speaking of price that's the main grandstands we're not there we got the cheapest tickets so we're in the side stands called the university grandstand price was 65 bahrainian Dinars which was about 275 American dollars for the three days thank you not gonna lie really happy it's a night race here this would be dreadfully hot during the day oh yeah bro h i j k here we are seat 27 the question is is this worth it 265 US dollars to watch three days of racing from here I'm gonna be honest watching F1 is better on your TV commentator over the loudspeaker is speaking Arabic I can't understand them at all I can only see one well kind of two sections of track and the big screen TV here for replays is kind of too small for me to see the seats are a thin plastic but there is one blaringly obvious part that makes this better than sitting at home and watching on TV foreign I should have brought earplugs it's gonna be a loud weekend again you're watching this at home probably so YouTube can't really experience it the way that I am but take my word for it it is so loud I don't know if that alone makes this trip worth it honestly I kind of thought it would just be you know you know and it kind of is but it's better in person than you think you can feel it track here comes everyone's favorite car he's going all out in an astronaut so slow conver tible all right let's go explore the rest of the track well let's pick another artless song and find out what else is here to potentially make this trip worth the money as we saw as we came in there's a lot more action over by the grandstands let's go there we have this long walk around the edge prices are listed in both Bahraini and dinar and USD and honestly everything is reasonably priced the wrap was nine dollars and the bottle of water was a dollar fifty that's pretty normal they could be gouging us there are no other food options near the circuit so this is all we've got but I have to say the food stands offer a lot of options there's also a big area for kids to play and of course merch stores a Sim racing area and they have a display F1 car like a no-name brand generic F1 car which are huge up close by the way there's even a ferris wheel and the cup to be won this weekend who's it gonna be I think I will line up for the pit stop challenge I mean how hard can it be up all right all right now that I've tried it I guess I am a little more impressed by the pit teams I gotta admit the open space out here is nice I mean everyone just sits and eats and hangs out here on this artificial turf grass kind of like it's a big picnic now it's D just snake playing tonight never heard of them amongst any of his music in this video if I want it to be monetized so I've swapped in some copyright free music that I got from artless oh yeah I think it fits really well as you can tell through this video so far they've had a variety of music to fit whatever Vibe or feeling you're going for like for instance a techno concert scene right now with your subscription you get unlimited downloads of over 400 000 premium assets royalty free and you can use them in any project from your YouTube videos like this to client projects the variety of music and the versatility of one monthly rate for unlimited usage is why I've been using artless for over two years now there's a link in the description if you want to try it and with that being said I think now's a good time to call it a knife and head back to our hotel so I've been a fan of F1 for a few years now and I decided Now's the Time to start doing more things in person I've spent a lot of time watching things on my phone now I want to be there so this is the first step of that it's the first race of the Season plus it means I get to experience more places like Bahrain where I wouldn't maybe normally go what grandstands are you guys in turn one I just met uh Vincent and oh I forgot your name this is your first race too yes but you've done a race before yeah I've done monster before two guys from Germany are here for the race even though we cheer for different teams and drivers we hit it off I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to Xenon because he has a Mercedes shirt on but I'm glad I did because they have a rental car so we now have a ride to the track today been here 24 hours and I'm already getting into a car with strangers they're up why did you decide to come to Bahrain for a Formula One race at first the weather because in our country are snow we wanted to escape and see some other cultures we never we visited a country like that before you know yes and in Europe it's all the same you know everything is green there are mountains and size buildings yeah buildings yeah this is a little trip for you and of course the cheapness you know when we drive to Monza it it's uh we can drive with the car to Monza three or four hours and it's much more expensive than here it's basically the same reason as me it's an excuse to come on a trip and see a new culture and you already told us that the the tickets and everything also much more expensive in the US or near Europe exactly yeah yeah a simple reason I think yeah get you the full package I think yeah so friendly here so friendly well thanks again for the ride if you're welcome you're welcome you're more than welcome all right since we're all here for race day which is tomorrow we'll make day two a quick segment all right we made it just in time for fp3 with the German strangers I'm still alive qualifying day so they're in these stands we're around the corner I'm a little shocked at how empty the stands are look at this we'll see if it fills up tomorrow for race day this afternoon is the F2 feature race they are definitely slower than the F1 cars but they sound it's like a deeper growl and a loud pop every time they backfire and with a few minutes before qualifying let's get a refreshment I found the Heineken it could be your garden and obviously it's full of the orange Army boys hi how good do those F2 cars sound perfectly I think everyone had the same idea as us and now that the sun is set you know what time it is cheers see you later and try to try to qualify it's working a lot this year now here we go qualifying Under The Lights this is this is it I'll admit it's not exactly easy to follow there's so much to look at them can't understand the commentator all right but I'm enjoying the atmosphere tonight is a little busier than yesterday which might give us an indication as to how busy it will be tomorrow during the race that's qualifying oh my favorite my favorite Good Guys cheers we're gonna spend the rest of the evening having fun with Vincent and Cena and watching the Middle East Porsche oh yeah his watch is warning him that it's too loud and just for his ears four yeah destroy our ears since we're having such a good time together why not head to town and well have dinner together too the night's over fellas let's head to eat let's go get something to eat and we still have racing tomorrow I would like to have a steak Yeah it's a cup [Music] perfect [Music] ly stressing with you good night guys obviously the people I become friends with are my neighbors foreign day remind me to always get a hotel by the water I don't think I knew the water in the Gulf was so nice Bahrain is impressing me Bahrain would not normally have been on my travel destination like I'm so glad I came here it's only because of the race I'm not saying you need to go to a Formula One race but just pick a reason of something you're interested in and that's your reason to go somewhere and then who knows what you'll find speaking of that though it's race time you guys ready for the race let's go no no the sun doesn't fit at all no still doesn't feel right it needs to be more energetic yeah yeah this works we've hardly left the hotel you can already see how much busier it is today guys do you think those traffic jams for anything in particular yeah the race is in three hours and we're pretty much gridlocked 50 kilometers away from the track maybe something special will come oh oh I think oh what's down yeah yeah yeah is this the king oh that's um the FIA president really Nicholson Ernie Eccleston those are things you only see if you actually come to the race it's just a different experience than watching it on TV finally it's through the police checkpoints to find our parking spot I'm pretty excited oh look at this I can feel the excitement we are drummers man yeah you're really showing up any emotions not really any lineup getting in that's nice this will be epic first race a once in a lifetime race the energy is High I mean this is what I came for the first race of the F1 season guys see you after the race enjoy so the question we've been wondering since the beginning is it worth it the total amount that I've spent on this whole trip including flights taxis hotels food drinks and the race tickets is about three thousand five hundred dollars which is a lot of money I spent all that just so I could come here the stands are full now and watch this I flew halfway around the world for a race but what I didn't expect is to enjoy the country of Bahrain as much as I have it's a country that would not have been on my normal Travel list but this has been a surprisingly fun friendly and beautiful country nice thank you very much I mean that's just something I didn't expect to discover on my trip here come on start to the year so here's my verdict oh I don't know what you're into but let me tell you it's fun to be a part of someone and this year I'm gonna try to attend and contribute more to events and activities that I love amazing put it in for my first in-person Formula One race I don't think it could have been better yeah I'm still going Cheers Cheers so thank you artless for not only the music in this video but in all of my videos on YouTube Instagram Tick Tock for the last two years plus you guys are great in fact I think this just might be the beginning of many F1 trips that now the question is go to next that would be epic if you come to Europe visit us yes this would be this would be epic when you come to Europe it doesn't matter if it's France or Belgium or Netherlands and when you come to each of one of them yeah we will come I love it yeah we will come and to be the whole beer I will pay let me know in the comments down below which one we should go to be a good season please don't Monza please
Channel: DownieLive
Views: 1,459,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: downielive, downie live, Bahrain, F1, formula 1, f1 race, Formula 1 race
Id: Ptg_CyaUFtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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