I Finally Played Ashes Of Creation Alpha 1 - My Thoughts.

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So this past weekend was the non NDA Ashes of creation Alpha 1 preview test and I had the chance to play the game for a few hours and see how things are progressing along, Initially I recorded this video as a first impressions style format but all 9 hours of my facecam footage got completely messed up so you'll have to settle for a voice over video instead. Today's video has no sponsor but if you're interested in Ashes of creation and wanna support the channel then you can create an account for the game using my referral link in the description below and I'll be rewarded for it once the game is eventually fully released. Also bare in mind this is the first non NDA testing phase for the game and it's still a long way out from a full release so don't take this as a final product. So starting out there was 4 playable races with male and female options for each as well as 3 different classes for this Alpha test, for the full release of the game there will be 9 different races and 8 base classes. The character creation right now is super limited with only a few presets but we know this is something that'll be added to later on. I decided to play a Kaelar Male Mage called "Big Damage" After that I logged into the world and read a notice that basically explains that this is not a content test or one of those marketing alphas that games like to do 2 months before full release, this is a legit Alpha designed to test the backend, core systems, fix bugs and gather feedback. I zoned into the world through one of the divine gateways and the first thing I noticed was the enchanting background music that you've probably heard in some of the games trailers. I got familiar with the controls, Shift to sprint, the Z key switches between tab and action camera mode and control is dodge, there was no obvious giant exclimation mark or intructions telling me where to go so I followed the path to some NPCs and spoke to a sergent to see if he had any tasks for me. I went through the dialogue and was given multiple choice answers when talking to the NPC, he sent me to go kill some animated armor mobs. Before doing that though I spoke to another NPC and going through her dialogue options resulted in me being given a level 15 quest, this immidietly gave me the feeling that questing and zone layouts in Ashes would be non linear. I got to work killing the animated Armor and it was very quickly apparent that the combat has been improved for the mage class since the last time I tested the game a few months ago, previously the fireball ability locked you in a static long animation and felt extremely clunky, now the animation is spead up and it can be cast on the move, it felt pretty good, additionally the wand felt a lot more impactful that in the past, previously you could hardly see any projectiles or hit effects when using the wand but now it looks and feels much more impactful. I killed the mobs, handed in the quest then was introduced to some merchents where I could sell my loot and buy gathering tools, I grinded some mobs for money, got to level 2 and went back to the merchent to buy one of each tool, I then spoke to the blacksmith to get a quest to craft a new magic wand. At this point I ran around exploring the area, killing mobs and looking for gathering resources to collect so I could craft this wand however unbeknown to me the gathering resource spawn rates were bugged during this Alpha so gatherable trees, stones and plants were very rare. Eventually I decided it would be better to do the resource gathering whilst cracking on with other quests so I went back to the sergent to see if he had anything else for me to do, after going through some multiple choice dialogue options the NPC asked me what kind of task I'd like, I could deliver supplies, go hunt monsters, go on a patrol, hunt a world boss or do some research and discovery, I really loved the feeling of freedom I got when the game gave me all of these choices so early on and I didn't have to sit through some 2 hour tutorial holding my hand like in other MMOs, I decided to try a patrol task. For this task I basically had to run around the parimiter of the camp to the red dots on the mini map, I returned, completed the quest then selected the supply run option, I left the camp and followed the road until I reached a camp to hand in the supplies. Once I handed in the supplied I spoke to another NPC and after going through his dialogue options I was given a quest to go find 2 missing scouts at a nearby cave, The cave was fairly vast and had a few dead ends with a lot of mobs so I had to fight my way through, the quest indicator didn't give me an exact location for where to find these NPC just a general area so it certainly required a bit of exploration and observation, during this I ran into another player who saw my name and assumed it was me, I was pretty surprised anyone recognised me with this name so shoutout to MagicaDeHex. After trying to run through the cave to skip mobs and dying I eventually found both NPCs, one dead and one paralized, the quest took a fair amount of time and was quite enjoyable due to the exploration aspect of it, I handed it in to the NPC and that appears to be where that story ends for now. After completing the starting area quests I decided it was time for a bit of exploration, I climbed a nearby mountain to look around and the view distance of this game is just amazing, being able to see these giant mountain peaks and points of interest from so far away makes you want to go there, the world has this epic sense of scale and freedom about it that sparks your excitement for exploration and this Alpha 1 area is only around 17% of what the full sized game world will be at launch, with this in mind Ashes of creation could feel like one of the largest and most expansive worlds we've seen in the MMO genre at full release. Next I ventured into a 2 different biomes north of the starting area, one was dry and dusty and the other was more of a swampy marsh area, both of the nodes here were at encampment level so I returned to the forest and found a node at the village stage. The village stage node looked pretty cosy, there were a few plots of land for sale, quite a lot of NPCs around and it seems as though players could vote for a mayor who could set a tax rate at this stage, I also had the option to become a citizen of this node via purchesing an apartment for 2500 gold. I left the node and continued exploring and automatically picked up a quest upon visiting a lake, there was a lot of brood mother mobs and the quest appeared to be bugged, I died due to pulling a group mob and lost half of the gathering resources in my inventory which felt pretty brutal, I also had a bug where the game thought I was swimming when I was walking on land so I couldn't dismount. I decided it was time to make some progress so I travelled to the north of the map to the tropical biome and spent the next few hours grinding mobs, experimenting with the combat and making selling loot. I actually found monster loot in Ashes Of Creation to be fairly boring, monsters only seem to drop essence of varying rarities that can be used for crafting or sold, they don't seem to drop anything else, on one hand my inventory wasn't filled with useless junk and crafting is more important due to not getting gear from mob drops but on the other hand I just focused on grinding the mobs that had the highest level but lowest HP to maximise my grinding efficiency, there was no real reason for me to kill high HP mobs when the exp and loot rewards for killing a low HP mob of the same level is the same. During this grinding I did die one or two times due to mobs respawning on me, it seems like every death you lose 50% of your essense and gathered resources, this actually feels pretty brutal but kept things tense and had me playing like it was an ironman challenge, imagine grinding for 3 hours and getting 1000 essence for which you could sell for 5000 gold, then a mob spawns on you and you lose 50% of that, feels rough man. Additionally one of my deaths resulted in -20% exp debt in addition to losing half of my stuff, such a feeling I'd imagine is only comparable to divorce, whilst I do like that you're punished for dying I think the exact values probably need some balancing. After a fair few hours of grinding I eventually reached level 10 and got a big damage lazer beam ability, overall the mage combat in Ashes so far feels pretty decent by tab targeting standards, however if you're an action combat fan you might not be too impressed with it, it felt like a cross between Archeage and Guild Wars 2, Still a lot of work needed but for level 10 Alpha combat not bad at all. Upon hitting level 10 I did a bit more exploring and came across this rather amusing horse bug. I found a castle full of group mobs that killed me from across the map Then I started making progress with a level 10 main quest I'd had for some time where I had to follow an apperition across the map, eventually it lead me to a raid entertance that has a dragon for a main boss, I didn't have a group to experience this content with though. I returned to the Village node that I'd visited the previous day to find that the building archatecture had changed from Kaelar to Empyrean, I thought this only occurs when a node levels up but maybe I'm wrong about this, either way it was cool to see the node evolve. I spent the last few hours of the Alpha 1 weekend focusing on the questing, Quests in Ashes are dotted around all over the place and you really need to look for them, they're not obvious, for example I came across a camp of NPCs and just decided to talk to them to see if there was anything I could do, there's no quest market, some NPCs had nothing for me whilst others had multiple stage narrative quests that would lead me to multiple locations across the zones. As someone that's a big fan of Sandbox MMOs I love how quests are designed in Ashes of creation, for the most part they're self contained stories but they don't usually stop after one step, you don't kill 10 bears and hand it in there's usually a few more stages to each quest that feel like their own little mini adventures. In terms of rewards questing feels less efficient exp wise compared to grinding and I think there's probably not enough quests to level up via questing alone, you'll need to do a bit of both, quests do however reward you with weapons and armor and due to these things not dropping from mobs, obtaining them via questing does feel rewarding. The last thing I did was find a weapon vendor and experiment with different weapons, every class can equip and use every weapon in Ashes however some classes are better with certain weapons for example a mage will do more damage with a wand than a tank and vice verse with swords, after messing around with the melee combat for a bit I think currently it's lacking compared to the mage combat, I don't like how attacks move you forward and it feels a lot more clunky and animation locked compared to the free flowing, unrestricted movement of the mage. But that was pretty much it for my time playing the Ashes Of Creation Alpha 1 weekend, overall I had a great time playing the game and by video game Alpha 1 standards it's very impressive, performance wise the game ran surprisingly well, visually it looked great and all of the core features seem to be working as intended... Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to participate in a castle siege yet as they always seem to take place in the morning of my timezone but hopefully during the next non NDA test this week I can give it a try and do a live reaction style vid like normal if my camera doesn't mess up again. As always let me know your thoughts on Ashes Of Creation so far based on what you've seen from the Alpha 1 livestreams and click my link in the description below to sign up for Ashes of creation with me as a referral if you enjoyed the content, thanks for watching, I hope you all had a successful day and I'll see you again really soon.
Channel: TheLazyPeon
Views: 392,216
Rating: 4.9189396 out of 5
Keywords: ashes of creation gameplay, ashes of creation mmorpg, play ashes of creation, ashes of creation mmo, ashes of creation trailer, ashes of creation alpha 1, TheLazyPeon Ashes Of Creation, TheLazyPeon MMORPG, asmongold ashes of creation, ashes of creation 2021, best mmorpg, intrepid studios, ashes of creation release date, mmorpg, mmo, ashes of creation alpha, what is ashes of creation?, ashes game, ashes creation, Ashes of creation review, asmongold, ashes of creation pvp, Peon, PVE
Id: KFwuhe4BiX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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