I Finally Modded My 3DS

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this video is a bit of an update on where I am with 3DS at the moment and also a bit of an experiment recently I finally went through the process of actually modding my 3DS modding the 3DS is something that I've been aware of for a while and I've also known about all of the benefits from doing that but it's not something I've ever actually done myself and towards the end of the 3DS's Life I even actually just bought a load of games digitally that I was worried that I wouldn't get access to once the eShop closed I I don't normally like breaking the rul rules even if they are sort of these corporate rules that I don't necessarily agree with and I was also worried about losing my 3DS account in the process you know some kind of ban happening I've had that account for a really long time I think it was 2015 that I first got a 3DS so you know I I didn't want to lose that there are a few other reasons as well but really I just never felt the need to actually mod any of my 3DS's so you might be wondering why would I do it now well there's a couple of reasons really first one is the closure of not just the eShop but also the online servers now for multiplayer it really feels like at this point Nintendo just the 3DS is really just dead to them there's no support there at all from you know the official creators of the system but there is still a lot of support from the online community and so I wanted to check it out and the second reason really was everything that happened around Yuzu and Citra Yuzu I can kind of understand but Citra the 3DS emulation software being shut down as well did just feel a bit weird to me can't buy any of the games anymore and a lot of people use Citra to record 3DS games for things like streaming and gameplay on YouTube channels and I'd been considering for a while using it myself to record some 3DS gameplay so that I could make some videos about 3DS games on the channel so with all of that in mind I decided I was going to give it a go now the process itself actually was a lot easier than I thought I'm not really going to show the process on here there's plenty of videos for that but you know I used the Fairly well-known and well documented website it's a really good guide it takes you through everything step by step you just need to make sure you've got an SD card reader and you can follow instructions it can be a little bit scary because at times it makes your 3DS just show like black and white text like it's an early 2000s computer but on the whole yeah it's really simple to do I've got a few 3DS at this point so at first I modded this 2DS XL which doesn't have my account on it just to sort of test out the process you know see if I liked it I messed around with that for a month or so and then I decided I was going to go ahead and do it with my main 3DS console which is this black new Nintendo 3DS this is my favorite one and it's gone fine on both of those consoles and so now that I've got my main 3DS there's a few things that I'm prettyy excited to try on it first of all I'm quite excited to try emulation on it I really like just taking my 3DS around with me because of the clamshell design and while I do have other systems that can emulate things like Game Boy Game Boy Advance I think it would just be nice to have one system that can play 3DS DS you know Game Boy Game Boy advanced and some of the older systems as well and if I can get my 3DS to do that then that would be great just to have that sort of allinone console at this point and I know a lot of people are probably saying you know steam deck can do that but why I mean there an All-in-One console that's a bit smaller steam deck's a bit big for me to just carry around all the time I'm also excited to try a few things like some fan games and some ROM hacks especially Pokemon ROM hacks I am a fan of Pokémon games and I do like playing the ROM hacks I played quite a few of the older ones for like game boying Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance but I'm pretty excited to try some on some of these later Pokémon games I've heard that the 3DS does have a few decent ones uh ancestral X for Pokémon X is particularly supposed to be quite a good one so I'm pretty excited to give that I go Modio 3DS also opens up things like themes and customization even more I do already have some themes on my 3DS that I like that I bought back in the day but you know having more customization is always a good thing it's one of my bug bears with the switch so opening that up even more in the 3DS is a pretty big benefit for me and finally there's pretendo which is this new online system for the 3DS which is completely fan developed and fan-made I don't think it's quite complete yet I think you can try out on a few games so I'm quite excited to give that a go and see if it gives the 3DS sort of a newly of life when it comes to these multiplayer games you especially things like I can imagine loads of people want to play Mario Kart still on the 3DS I know that moding the 3DS also gives you the option to acquire games in a new way and but I don't really need to do that like I said I sort of panic bought a lot of digital 3DS games that were like digital only or ones that were expensive to buy physically just before the ESOP closed so I kind of already have all the games I'd want to play any of them that were physical I should still be able to pick up physically but at the same time I do see the benefit of that being there because you know eventually my cartridge might break I might lose it something like that nothing really lasts forever so just having that backup option is kind of Handy really though there's one big main reason that I modded my 3DS and it's link to what I said at the start when I said this video was a bit of an experiment so through this video you've been seeing some footage of some 3DS games and like I said before I've been wondering how I could possibly make some more 3DS content you know I don't have a way to really record my 3DS none of my systems have a capture card installed already and that seems to be pretty difficult to do around where I live these days and now with Citra being shut down you know emulation on a PC seem to be off the table recently though I came across a video on YouTube I think it was by Good Vibes gaming which was all about things you could do with a modded 3DS and one of the points in that video was about a program called NTR booster which allowed you to stream wirelessly from your 3DS to a PC now the frame rate was a bit wonky but while I was sort of looking around and seeing how possible this was I saw that somebody else had made like another version of this program which does seem to have a better frame rate so that's really is the main reason that I wanted to see how well this would work so all of the 3DS footage that you're seeing in this video is me playing my 3DS and a 3DS wirelessly streaming to a PC and then you know I'm just recording it on the PC like that now sadly this can't do DS apparently when you play a DS game on the 3DS it launches like a whole new operating system and so the program can't capture that but really I just wanted to test out how this looks you know what do you guys think does a footage look decent does it look usable I'm going to show a few different layouts some top screen some bottom screen some switching between some of them have had both screens in some of them with borders and backgrounds and some of them without where it's just sort of plain black around there so hopefully that will give both you and me a good idea of what looks good in a video and what doesn't as you really like recording gameplay this way when I'm recording my steam deck footage normally or things like the switch footage then I sort of have to go upstairs up to my office plug the console into the PC it's all got to be wired up and while it's not uncomfortable it's not really the most most comfortable that I could be whereas this because the 3DS itself doesn't actually have to be wired up to anything I'd sit on the sofa and stick the laptop next to me I do make sure that the laptop is sort of like wired up via an ethernet cable just to be sure that I've got as good of a connection as possible but from that point all it is really that is that I've got a laptop near me and I'm just playing my 3DS on the sofa like I sort of would normally anyway so I actually really like recording gameplay this way so I am hoping that it works quite well there are plenty of games that I would like to play on 3DS at some point I've talked about my sort of backlog for that console and I think it would be fun to make some videos about some of them if the footage turns out decently the 3DS is especially good for the types of things I'm into at the moment you know lots of Pokémon games lots of these big long RPGs that you know would be fun to make videos about some of these I've been meaning to get to for a really long time as well you know just off top of my head there's a couple of bravely defaults there's Dragon quests there's some of the Zelda games you know I've never tried a yo-kai watch game there's plenty of games on the 3DS that I would still like to get to so if I can record that footage more comfortably I don't have to always be wired into something then I think that would be really good and I would really enjoy making videos that way and I'm sure I'd get enough footage that if occasionally it was a bit jittery I could not use that clip so at this point in the video really I just kind of wanted to get your guys' opinion you know what do you think of this do you think it works well and it looks good for a YouTube video and you know if so what kind of games would you like to see from me on the 3DS most of the footage that you've seen is just me experimenting with a game for like 10 15 minutes there is one game that I've been playing through a lot further that I probably will end up making a video on but if there are any games from the 3DS that you want to see me talk about then let me know down in the comments thank you so much for watching this video and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Tom Finler
Views: 4,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds homebrew, 3ds, 3ds games, modded 3ds, 3ds gameplay, new nintendo 3ds, nintendo 3ds, 3ds custom firmware, 3ds cwf, 3ds hack, 3ds homebrew 2024, 3ds 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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