I Finally Beat Minecraft for the First Time… (ft. Ranboo)

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who's becoming a god today no no no no more of that no more cheating and and lying and mods no more of that every time chad every time i've streamed minecraft i've beaten it but i haven't really beaten it there's always been a catch there's always been something i do i slash game mode creative i give myself something you know but not this time this time we're gonna be beating minecraft legitimately for the first time in my goddamn life i've had a minecraft account for like 12 years and never once have i beaten it ever ever ever since they added the ender dragon something's kept me away i didn't even know it had an end for a little bit and then i just kept cheating and and i i just got stuck in this loop forever and ever and ever and it's finally time to break it and ranbu gave me gave me a call he said hey man i'm [ __ ] worried about you dude why don't you just beat the game legit and i said rambu i don't know if i can man and he said yes you can yes we can and i cried and now we're here yo yo what's up i just timed out let's go yeah you died that's constantly well then there i go off to a great start rambu man i'm i'm so happy that i'm finally here with you beating minecraft legitimately i know oh it's gonna be it's gonna be great i was so happy when you reached out i felt like it was finally time to to move on i'm just so happy that we can share this together it's going to be great it's going to be like what can we compare this to like a good thing good sandwich we got some pastrami on here oh yeah red bean you're the salami to my to my mustard man and we're gonna make the nicest thing anyone has ever said i mean that i mean that from the bottom of my heart and even though i don't like salami or mustard i think this stream is gonna be really great and i'm really happy to be here beating minecraft with you oh it's going to be it's going to be fantastic so you know you know i'm assuming that you know like the basics right the basics of minecraft who do you think i am punch the wood get the get the wood you take the wood and then you craft [Music] which you use to beat the game let's go exactly exactly let's do this we're going to speed run it or we're going to take our time i've never beaten minecraft before you're asking me to speed run [ __ ] yeah we're going to speed run oh it's going to be fantastic oh my god oh god what happened to the pace what happened to the pace what's going on i don't know i don't know i don't know we have to just faster faster wood wood crafting table crafting table craft crafts crafting table crafting table crack there we go that's just a piece of sticks sticks all right all right uh uh sticks did you not make it into planks you [ __ ] [ __ ] you i got sticks okay you got sticks all right we can use this we can use this right you can use these yeah we can use the sticks all right do you know how to make a pickaxe oh it's like it's like when you have the big test and you studied come on does this is this like a 50 oh no oh you created a hoe what do you mean you created a hoe no it's a thing i just forgot the other part you just forgot i mean you can use that to mine if you want but this is right here it's a pickaxe you can use it to mine what the hell come on you only got two-thirds of a pickaxe right there man come on okay okay i'm gonna do some crafting just like you showed me did you just make another one i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna see this stick yeah i'm gonna combine them yeah oh my god oh wow even i don't know that technique world record space world record pace all right we're going we have to do the first part in the name minecraft you know what that is um mine mine mine my mind yeah oh we gotta go mining we gotta get some stone okay all right all right let's get some stone this is good yeah i got something the stone age how's our pace looking our pace we're still still world record honestly because we're so good at it there's the stone age like think about it we reached the prehistoric era already i feel like time is compressing so fast well what is this this is another crafting table what the hell are you doing it's just another crafting we already did get an upgrade you got to get an upgrade you got to upgrade it you got to use your stone [ __ ] it you need to do that i don't know what you're talking about oh it's like terraria i see yeah exactly that's basically just terraria that makes more sense i think think about that you just got to keep that mindset so why do we need the stone what's going on right now uh we need it to upgrade our tools and then we can go upstairs again or the overworld again and then we can win i don't know man it's nice doesn't the uh doesn't the upstairs get kind of scary in the night it's fine we can we can handle it all right you just got to believe you just got to believe slimesickle dude as hey as long as you're here with me man i believe i believe that's good that's good all right all right uh what the hell is going on i can't get there we go there we go sorry i haven't i haven't played minecraft in a bit i guess i got the uh i guess i got the macros wrong it's a little rusty it's a little rusty yeah that's all right that's all right i i just got her got to remember the techniques got to remember the technique i remember what you taught me we just got it we just what we have to find next is we have to find iron is that iron that that is not iron that's the sign i'll kill you that is this is that is not run oh god why do i have to run away from the iron mine it ran boom mine it okay [Music] hey man i was just messing with you that wasn't iron at all that was actually a creeper and they explode when you get close oh oh man we can upload this to speedrun.net when we're done this is gonna be great they're gonna love this we we're changing the game we really are i say it i don't mean to alarm you but i have one heart right now you do you just eat rotten flesh i did it was it hey man it did the job come on i've played okay okay you're right you're right you're right i've played minecraft before what do you take me for that's good that's good all right so we just need some iron right yeah we just need some why would you let that happen world record pace it's fine it's fine over here what are your chords what are your uh friends a negative two twenty locking on i'm locking onto your chords i didn't even need i didn't even need to f3 dude that's how good that's how good i've become world record i just see the code everything is numbers oh god i'm pretty sure you just pressed the wrong button no no no oh lava pool that's actually important for speed running do we need that we need that we do need that but we also are there any secrets in there i there are some secrets but i would not recommend going into the secrets with all of your items i'm gonna be real i say i would not recommend that oh not yet um okay i'm gonna be real i'm completely fine let's go okay oh that horse doesn't like you it will all right i'm ready to ride man you made friendship all right let's go he seems a little he seems a little reluctant you might have to push him yeah yeah i got you wait you got it let me yeah you got to stop wait you can hold up let me just keep spinning fat ass all right there we go wait okay hold on let me get behind him real fast maybe if i start going the other way maybe that'll oh there we go okay let's let's push you oh wait one second no hang on he's he do you have something he likes he's literally i think you have something he likes i don't have anything that he likes oh hey you're gonna spook him you're gonna spook him get out of here there we go okay this is still world record pace don't worry we're still on it man we're still on it we're still we're still on it i think you might have to get off the horse okay um yeah i'm gonna look away and i'm gonna tell him to be free and then he's gonna ride off into the sunset while i'm not looking and he's gonna be gone he will he will fight nay a little just so you know be free i'm gonna miss him yeah you really yeah he really is yeah yeah he's with your family yeah oh look he gave us a present look at that oh that was so nice that was so kind of him so nice of him oh what a great guy what a great guy oh a cave oh now this is minecraft no no skin off his back this is a really bad cave i'm gonna be honest we need we need this for iron iron iron we found it world record solidifies this solidifying what are the chances of thinking oh the odds are very low i'm in a straight time with a straight die oh oh oh half a heart baby world record pace one [ __ ] pace okay i ate some more stop this way oh no no no no no don't go those ways [ __ ] man i feel my old ways coming back to me i wanna cheat i wanna cheat i wanna cheat you gotta stop me you got it not cheese games no no where are you i need to prevent you from cheating come on i'm in a cave i'm in a cave oh god oh come on come on man got it you gotta resist you gotta resist man come on no you come on this because you're gonna be literally for the first time come on i want you guys for the first time no no no no no okay okay okay okay don't worry okay okay oh thank god oh that was a close one you almost released one more one more like that one more like that man and you're gonna have to put me in adventure mode yeah oh god not adventure makes your mouth just sealing you away um i have eternity of doom i've got four iron i see a threat down there all right yeah just do not go towards the threat uh oh that can't be good i'm turning my render distance up so i can see when i'm gonna die before it happens oh [ __ ] yes okay okay okay everything's going wrong i'm gonna put some wood in the furnace that's good that's a good idea down this tree over here i guess it's okay no this is good this is so much easier with the diamond axe that i could drag out of my creative inventory i have another way another way so you know what i just found you know what i just found what'd you just find it's the button it is the button this is like a one in seven point like three trillion chance of happening it's absolutely amazing hey but like they say that means there's still a chance exactly exactly so all you got to do is just press this button and what's going to happen when i press this button that there's a one in i7 it's a point completely random thing based off of what you've been saying it's cr dude rrng this run man i know it's been great okay all right i'm gonna push the button that they put in minecraft completely legit i can't believe it i'm going i'm pressing it look at that oh my god wow it's it's like this is great it's like god himself is crying as i got this diamond max he's crying for a lot of other reasons too i'm gonna be real probably because we're breaking his pace in minecraft speed run even god is slower than us he's got nothing on us man he didn't find the button oh oh and then we gotta go to that lava pool and we're gonna go to hell doesn't that's not very nice no no that's legitimately something you're inviting me just you invite me here to play minecraft with you and i it's it's just something that and we and there's we have a one in 7.5 trillion run and then you tell me to go to hell man i can't tell you to go to hell i'm telling you we have to go to hell wait am i just a joke to you you want me to cheat don't you you want me to cheat no no i don't want you yeah you want it you come on you want it so good get it right you're right you're right i want it i'm just making excuses i'm just making this you got it got it don't worry i'm gonna smelt us some iron is that okay is that cheating is that cheating completely okay no it's not cheating it is not cheating you know sometimes sometimes i can't even tell the difference anymore it all just feels like cheating no don't worry don't worry this is this is the this is the steps towards recovery you're in denial i believe okay i think you're in denial yeah right now because you're thinking that it's fueling no no no it's not there it is oh [ __ ] you're good man you're good yeah i'm really good at this all of my minecraft speedruns just turned into therapy sessions at the end i'm going to be real i'm getting i'm giving us some more wood i'm getting us some more wood since we're going down hell apparently we are going to hell it doesn't seem like a very safe place if you ask me oh get him get him i'm so lucky to have found this diamond axe but i can use so lucky i don't know what the odds are i know what the odds are probably one in about seven uh uh uh 1.76 trillion our odds are just getting better and better and and that's because we're at a world record pace baby oh what does that say 26 seconds so far oh my goodness it's felt like way longer i think so okay i think your clock's a little off i actually have got 28. oh okay okay i think we just started our second slightly different way seconds hey it's fine man what's what's the difference really for us i don't know we're moving we're more moving at world record pace time doesn't really matter i'm gonna be ready [ __ ] what and we're moving at world record pace yeah time doesn't matter time doesn't matter you i am so glad that i am i am beating minecraft with the help of the wisest minecraft player i've ever met all right so i've got there's this pit of lava you're telling me there's secrets at the bottom if i only just jump in i can find them right you said that to me do not do not you say you're saying that to me right now there is no there are no secrets in there there are there are no secrets in there there's a secret in this case hang on let's switch let's find out let's find out um some secrets see i'm not really sure if what kind of secret that was i think it was a carrot it was a carrot i kind of wish i think it was i don't think it was carrot secret now i am i'm making are making our way to hell oh don't worry about that i already i already have some obsidian for that you don't need to do this whole thing i mined it yeah i mined it earlier you already mine's done yeah i mined some earlier well i figured um it's um hang on my nose itches that's better now let me just check my inventory i mined it earlier oh that's good that's good wow what are the odds when when you were when you were telling me uh about how important it was to not relapse to not cheat um i really took those words to heart and i went and mined some some obsidian just for this wow um i'm so proud hang on how the [ __ ] hat one sec right it's up here yeah and then you there we go take move this up here there we go sweetie get some this is a nightmare what have i made what can i say all of chat simultaneously blinked for a really long time yeah it happened that happens with my chat too whenever i do anything wrong right chat right chat you guys close your eyes whenever i do anything wrong i see a lot of rights that's good that's good that's good how did you get that cool cape by the way i want to get do i get that i would get that minecraft convention you went to minecraft where is that i went to a minecraft i went to minecon which way is that what are the chords five years ago all right i'm going so now we have to make what's called flint and steel all right oh how did you go to minecon already um wasn't really all i expected we need foot and steel oh there it is all right bam there i have it look what happens when we place it down what yeah i [ __ ] know why are you talking to me like that man [Laughter] i'm gonna smell some more smell some more iron for us real quick it's important when you're doing a speed run to take your time and make sure you have everything you need exactly it's important during the world record pace to take your time and also to not worry about time time is just an illusion because it because it is it is all right are you ready to go to hell uh no that was very anticlimactic hang on oh thank you i can go out in public i gotta find your pants when you're going to hell make sure to bring your pants very not gonna let you in all right you ready almost okay just let just let me know when you're ready i'm scared bro it's okay so i'm scared of what's down there listen you just gotta believe no we've had such good luck so far you're right you're right so great the rng is over there oh it's been it's been fantastic we're gonna go into the nether we're gonna find the blaze rods we're gonna get the end ender pearls yeah oh and it's gonna be fantastic it's gonna be so good i was gonna give you boots but but this world record pace would would knock your socks off too much so i can't give you that true are you gonna lose your boots i am all right oh my god yep oh there they go [ __ ] guy i knew it i knew that what happened oh it really knocked your socks off oh it did it literally just knocked my socks off it really jumped over that really casually where are these oh wow what are the odds come up here what that what you see that right there i see uh another question you see that hang on let me just turn on my let me just turn up my odds i mean render distance okay okay oh they're so great let's go it's a terrible fortress this fortress sucks oh i don't like it i don't like it it almost makes me wanna cheat no no no no you can't you can't you can't slash no no no yeah no please i just wait i just want a couple place rocks no you can't no i just want a couple why should i stop no no the blaze rods they're gonna they're gonna be there and it's gonna be great okay it's gonna be great we're gonna get the place rods legitimately they taste better that way where are they i'm hungry oh man i have a good feeling whoa it's another button it's truly incredible oh man are you ready press the button see what happens we're fine what's going on it's a miracle what's it wait wait what you're fine i don't like this no it's okay i'm a little spicy i got some in my mouth hey what who's this funny guy oh that's mr gast we don't like looking what's his deal oh [ __ ] hang on hang on i've seen this before watch this okay check this out all right all right this is the one this is the one okay yeah okay watch this watch this watch this bam okay okay this is but this is the one hello harvard is that you yes it is me harvard oh my god oh my god i uh this is crazy they're never gonna believe this okay what is it we we've got a world record pace right here you ever heard of minecraft oh i've heard of minecraft that's what i like to hear all right i'm gonna need your finest fine esthetician okay what's their name oh you're speaking to him wait wait wait wait wait don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me their name okay all right you're right we can't we can't say all right you ever heard of astrophysics oh you [ __ ] me all right what do you say what do you say oh i say i'm gonna write you the best report the world has ever seen that's gonna be like 20 pages oh god us two us two getting together writing this right in this report what are the odds of this i got two for two i got two for two on blaze rods what are the odds oh what are the odds sorry about that rainbow i was just on the phone with someone really important don't ask what their name is i don't i do not know oh that's good that's good it's probably oh okay we're good we're good not our perfect run not our perfect run all right how many of these do we have how many dollars uh oh there it goes um don't worry do not jump down for it do not jump down for it this is the first time this run i've heard you sound like genuinely [ __ ] worried okay [Music] oh god oh god how many do we actually how many do we need blaze rods uh we need about like eight how many do you have whole one i have three all right how many do you have i've got two i i've got five we only need one more and then we can we can start trading oh my goodness mr harvard we are still are we still to go yeah yeah we're good we're good i'm watching the stream right now wait a second i'm not viped in your chat what is this vip harvard just slash vip lvip hey i noticed you're not prime subbed mr harvard oh [ __ ] oh no no oh what are the odds what are the odds of this oh it's fine i'm picking up your stuff and i'm coming back okay hang on hang on i never died whoa you're here all right that was crazy wasn't that wacky we beat those blazes we did and we really did we got we got all the blaze rods right we got all the blaze rods that we are ever going to need oops sorry that's my diamond axe oh oh oh my bad my bad my bad yeah i go hey man please don't i worked hard for this i know i know i saw you press the button it seemed like a lot of effort we don't want to anger we don't want to anger we don't want to anger i pressed that three i pressed it three times oh god do you hear that what's wrong what's happening hey oh god hear what oh hear what rambo oh i don't i don't know man i don't think it's good i don't think it's good [Music] it's angry it's angry it's angry it's angry at me i cannot press the button they're trying if they're trying to take me back upstairs no no you got to stay downstairs man you got to start minecraft speed run our minecraft speed run is so good it's angered god it's only been 43 seconds we're doing so well so good man i'm so good at this game i can't believe that we're streaming it all in slow motion live just i'm actually talking like alvin and the chipmunks right now oh that's funny theodore okay harvard i'm looking for your best students yeah i'm looking for your best students simon simon the chipmunk simon the chipmunk yeah my friend wants to meet him we haven't we haven't we haven't heard of him in years we haven't heard of him i'll i'll i'll try to see if i can add him to the call tell the upper management you've got a code blue okay okay we got a code blue we need me to summon on the phone immediately okay can you bring them up can you follow me back on twitter please what are you just looking for my clown buddy uh no no i respect you as a musician [Music] i'm wearing pants i'm wearing pants these are new those are nothing to me no that's right you don't even wear pants you don't even wear pants i forgot i don't think you want him following you back man i don't i do not think i don't think you want simon chipmunk following you back on twitter that guy seems really awesome he seems [ __ ] unhappy if i jump off of this cliff into that lava something tells me in my heart of hearts that i will not survive but also all i gotta do i know it's just like you've taught me all i've got to do is believe get ready okay here i go here i go i'm winding up i'm winding up come on i need you to catch me around boy i need you to catch me i'll catch you okay three two one go go go here i go here i go oh i caught you he's believing careful you can only believe for so long you can only believe for so long i believe so hard right i can only believe for so long i believe so hard right now hey um what are you doing right now what are you i'm getting gold we need to trade with the um with the piglens i'll trade with you oh piglet that guy that guy in the armor right over there that thinks that he's better than us yeah he's going to be the guy that's going to give us i'll show him i'll show him hey buddy heard you oh [ __ ] he stabbed it in my throat no no no no you're gonna be okay just believe just leave the wound away i'm leaving i know it's a fatal wound just just believe it closed okay oh [ __ ] oh i just wasn't believing hard enough we gotta get so much no not again not again not again [ __ ] who is this who is this guy oh [ __ ] he does a lot of damage oh my god if we have enough drip the guy won't stab us let me give you some more drip come on i got you come on drip drip anything dripping hello there it is oh my god it dripped down cool if only a pickaxe could could drip onto me as well so i could help mine this gold right on oh my god that is so crazy wow that's absolutely insane so bonkers what are the chances of that happening rambo we should probably not be going this way actually why is that it's gonna be real cool it looks cool but it is i like these guys i like these no they do not like you hey uh oh i know how we can get pearls how's that these guys right here oh we trapped them because we're we're just simply smarter than them how much smarter i am than them well which one are you locking eyes with one right in front of you okay okay let me lock guys with them let me look at that stupid lock eyes [Music] i'm on my way so much smarter a stupid enderman see just gets trapped in here you can you can lock eyes with them as much as you want okay now what now we put them down take them for one last ride yeah oh i am very hungry right now uh yeah me too uh any any food that grows around here i should be aware of nope you sure you sure there's no just like nope there is there's there's not just like any chickens or cows nope or pigs maybe can you can you turn around real fast whoa look at what i found oh this is fantastic oh my god oh my god oh my god do you have something do you have something to be signed if something is something he's technoblade are you technoblade absolutely not one down 30 to go look at me i'm gonna see do you see how he's screaming right now do you see his torment that's me on the inside rambu when i'm playing in survival and now and now after all this help you've given me that's the new me that's great you've died on the inside oh [ __ ] i think i gotta rethink this all right we gotta find some more of these guys oh god look out there's one behind you there's one behind you there's one behind you stop he's right behind you he's right behind you i'm looking up oh he's right behind you don't look at him don't look at him i'm gonna try and hit him okay i'm gonna try and take him out oh god he's just looking at me he's just looking he's just taunting me yeah right here i'm here oh yeah hi there was an enderman and oh that's that oh that's terrible and it was it was scary man and i'm just i'm glad you're back i think he i think he got scared all right let's uh oh uh place down the boat immediately i'm looking at him take the phone take the phone look away we just gotta look away gotta lead him gotta lead him push you oh we're safe gotta put him out he's trying to paddle he's trying to paddle no don't let him escape oh okay good okay i've oh sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry go straight god no it's okay man it's okay i'm i'm exhilarated too i'm exhilarated i've got currently how many do we need i have zero we need they're like 14. 14 yeah um okay i guess i could trade you for some you know okay what i want you to do is i want you to do the boat strategy over here and then i'll go trade all right all right good thing i'm gonna lava too sometimes sometimes it does but most of the time no no i gotta get one in the pit renboo i lost the boat that's not good oh man i'm doing some great trading right now i'm doing some great trading rambo i know you didn't cheat to get those ender pearls no look i don't have any in my inventory right now i'm actually just about to check the um the piglet trade that i set up here [Music] oh what would you look at that yeah no that i mean that okay you had me worried for i'll be honest you had me worried for a second dude you were gone for a bit you're being a little suspicious i even know that's a bunch of trees i even saw you throw about 300 ender pearls in there but after seeing this this is legit yeah this is legit hey where are we going right now by the way we can get out of hell i thought we were going to be here forever i thought this was my punch no for all that cheating no there is a punishment for cheating it's just instant death but the thing is we have nothing to worry about right right right except that enderman behind you yeah yeah nevermind i don't know why you keep on seeing enderman man it's really weird that's a great i actually never thought of that before do you want to own speedrun.net i do i do want to own i mean we're already owning all the other speedrunners so we might as well own the company yeah yeah yeah we're doing great did you know that your friend can randomly burst at any moment um like the i or you i think me oh christ god dude i'm pretty sure i'm about to try it we better [ __ ] finish this game no we gotta go we better finish this oh no not again okay we're okay please don't burst please don't burst on me before we finish the game i took the blast it's okay my friend he burst the prophecy oh god i'm gonna meet you i need i'm gonna need you to press a button man i got up there's another one there's another one okay hang on hang on hang on oh god okay here goes nothing here goes nothing oh button button press oh i don't know we're good i get myself we got to run we got to run we got to run now listen man i'm going to go ahead i'm sorry i got the pants i got the pants or i'm going to randomly burst no it's randomly burst again uh we don't have to care about the time and we're speed running 117 one minute 17. absolutely not bad not bad this might be gotta be a pb boys yeah pb for everyone on humanity otherwise known as a world record let's go so can you come here often no i actually hate this game i'm gonna be real i've never played it in my life before this but you know this is off camera so we're fine because no one's seeing this right now the world will though the world will see and they will know the world will see our speech i'll cut this out of the um official hey the official speedrun just splice it out they won't know they won't oh i'm so good at splicing mr harvard can splice it for us and when we own minecraft when we own speedrun.com there's going to be some real changes around here make it so that you just beat the game instantly you don't even have to play it i like the sound of that world went into the mountain again uh oh i guess we better climb it at world record pace world record pace look at me go oh man mcc i'm ready oh i feel just like a goat in the new minecraft update where they are going to add goats we are also we are goats the greatest of all time at minecraft i get it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i get it oh there's some a forest fire happening smokey would not be pleased oh he would be would not he'd be really he'd be really ticked off he'd be like hey why is there a forest fire over there i really don't understand man simon simon the chipmunk would probably be like what would he be like you must have been really tuckered out we got to do this fast our run is too hot for the world to handle that's true that's true we are creating so much friction with our speed that we are just setting the entire world ablaze right now yeah i'm uh i'm hitting these i'm hitting these minecraft moves so fast that i am ready to sink the country um whoa just like there's like the pros just like that let's go swim swim down dude i'm getting i'm getting pretty sweaty here this is the final getting gamed this is the final stretch let's watch this oh 360. oh there we go oh no it's okay it's okay it's okay what what what what nothing man nothing i just okay okay let's go can i just go in front please okay yeah you can go in front you can go in front of them michael jackson is here oh he's here he's watching he's watching right now i always feel like somebody's watching me that person is michael jackson all the time oh there's a bee where oh right over here where's the wait where are you give me your chords give me your chords negative one eight four seven negative four four eight negative one negative four four eight i'm locked onto your location let's [ __ ] go dude oh look dude why is he dripping why is he dripping like that why is he dripping oh he's fully pollinated cool let me get some okay just just yeah it's a little dry you go all right throw oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's backwards oh it's time is this hit is this remember no i'm ready to win i'm ready to win damn it i gotta see into the future one second what's going on behind those eyes i gotta see into the future dude i've never seen you like this before what [ __ ] what i'm going to be do you see it [ __ ] i believe i believe dig with me brother okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm trusting you i have a question man in the future did we um did we do it did we get the world record i think we got world record man you think so i found it you did oh yes spew your future vision coming in clutch [ __ ] my future vision is awesome there we go oh it's the perfect amount what are the odds of this [ __ ] me man i saw that they were all not there and i got very worried don't worry there's actually 11. so this is it huh this is it this is it start throwing stuff okay i'm just gonna start to give some sacrifices to start throwing things in honestly i honestly do not know where it goes we're ready to beat this thing i'm ready to beat this thing let's do it oh it's gonna be great where is he where's he i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm right here right here where to go oh let's do this you ready let's do this let's do it two one let's go let's go rambo let's go we're gonna beat the energy game yeah okay i'm going up this one i'm going up this one oh this is exhilarating so this is what it's like this is what it's like this is what it's like to be fighting and they're dragging legit exactly hey what do i i i don't know what to do i've never gotten this far oh it's fine it's fine i just gotta believe i just gotta believe i just gotta believe okay okay i'm gonna try and go up again did you get one did you get one i got one i got one all right nice nice nice going up this is for you oh got one got one fine i'm fine i'm fine this is for you simon oh i'm totally going to jail after this stream but i don't care it's okay it's okay gotta make sure his death wasn't in vain it probably was but probably was okay i'm going up for another one i'm going up for another one this is the hardest i've ever believed in my entire life i'm so glad you're here to see it i'm so glad you weren't able to see it hey listen man we haven't we haven't died yet we're not going to start died yet we haven't died yet ignore that ignore what huh yeah that's what you're talking about all right all right all right oh so you were you were i'm going for the caged one are you sure i'm i'm very sure nope never mind not not too sure the throne throws there we go rambo right world record pace oh we're still on base we're still on track we're still on we're still thank you i made the achievement are you happy i finally got an iron pickaxe is that i i gotta figure out where the where the remaining crystals are real quick let's go okay there's one up there this one right now i'm going for that okay you got it oh [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god i looked at one i looked at one i looked at one [Music] i need to close them i need to close my eyes and look away from the screen oh even oh you believe leaving so hard you're doing great i'm doing it you're believing so well the world record pace it was slipping for a second but we got it back that's it i'm i'm getting them believe i believe in you get back here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on get over here oh come here come here come here yeah yeah yeah he's got nothing he's got nothing on us oh here we go here we go get him my beliefs they're so powerful my beliefs they're all in me right now ranvu i really thought i was gonna cheat man i really thought i was gonna slip and sheep i know but you saved me you you really saved me you showed me that there's more than just cheating that i that i could beat this game legit you just gotta believe man how's our pace looking how's our pace looking oh we're still easily unwind our pace our pace is so good easily a world record oh you did it i did it oh man let's [ __ ] go we did it oh do you have any you have any last words you want to say before we i don't think clear this world record run i don't think uh oh wait a second what is this a final button should i press it you got it man i'm sure it's probably going to give us something even better than before what are the odds after all the odds that it'll be better there's something bad there's no there's no way oh god what do you hear that no oh no oh god oh my god the second boss phase the true ending time oh god we found the true ending we gotta go we gotta go we gotta get him we got it we gotta beat them all oh that's it me are you sure man yeah we're doing great you did it again you you you beat the game again we beat the game again world records not only not only are we setting one world record we're setting a new world record every time yes rainbow we're we are we are all of the world records we're gonna get like fifth fiftieth place oh my god oh god fiftieth through first all of them are gonna be ours all of them are just gonna be us finally oh it's gonna be fantastic oh there's another one gone nice nice nice come on i got this one i got this one you got that one you got that i'm chasing after him i'm chasing after him just keep coming just please just one of these okay okay oh my god perfect perfect oh my god he's exploding from your beliefs we had such powerful beliefs i [ __ ] guess oh another world record i'm gonna let you get the final hit i'm gonna cheat i can't do it i'm gonna cheat no i'm gonna cheat i mean acceptance we were at acceptance yes i didn't need to cheat i never needed it we did it the real cheap whis was believing the whole time rhymes the friends we made along the way i knew it i knew it rainbow did it quick let's get our 10th world record and jump into this portal we got it you ready i'm ready three two two one one let's go yeah finally oh how does it feel ron it feels so good i didn't think i'd ever do it i did it i thought we did it i'm so proud simon is proud too aren't you simon [Music] thank you so much man i could never have done this without you they're gonna take this speed run down aren't they no no i'll i'll i'll write a nice email we'll get harvard we'll get harvard you don't think they're gonna think they're suspicious about this run do you no no not at all not at all not at all i know there's no there's nothing suspicious about this yeah okay god um yeah your turn you
Channel: Slmccl
Views: 1,338,092
Rating: 4.9750123 out of 5
Keywords: slmccl, slimecicle, slimecicle twitch, i beat minecraft for the first time, i finally beat minecraft, minecraft speedrun, ranboo, i finally beat minecraft for the first time, slimecicle minecraft, epic smp, beating minecraft legit, i finally beat minecraft legit, beating minecraft without cheating
Id: eGdI5TTCqvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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