I Had Amnesia And Woke Up Married To A Billionaire

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hey everyone I'm Sophie from France if you think you've had some Misfortune in love well I promise my story will make you think your romantic life isn't so bad but first please like And subscribe I was born in a super rich family and our mansion by the beach looks like a fairy tale Castle I used to play hide and seek in the garden maze with our mates and my dad bought me a stunning white pony which I rode all over the huge grounds princess your smile lights up my world and I will never let you down he lied big time when I was in fourth grade his company was accused of financial fraud dad managed to avoid being jailed but we lost everything my pony was sold and we moved to an ordinary house in an average neighborhood after that my parents argued every single day and soon they got divorced dad left us and never looked back he never even sent a card on my birthday Mom started a new life and started dating another man I had no choice but to move on too and I quickly made friends with kids in my new neighborhood although I enjoyed playing with them I struggled to come up with idea as for games so I preferred to follow the rest one of the kids Tom was a natural leader he often told us what to do playing an admiral a king or even my future husband Sophie when we grow up you will marry me um okay we all played outside till it was dark and Tom often walked me back home which was sweet but over time his behavior started to get strange like once when he had to go visit his grandma for a week he told me not to play with anyone else while he was gone we were also in the same class at school and I loved making friends and joking around with everyone but it seemed to bother Tom a lot Sophie stop being so friendly with everyone it's annoying nobody seems annoyed except you Tom in Middle School a cute boy sent me a card on Valentine's Day saying you brighten my day and it made me so happy but the next day when I tried giving him a chocolate he ran away terrified like he'd seen a ghost of course Tom was behind this I was getting sick of him and even tried creating distance between us but he didn't take the hint if I didn't walk with him to school he just followed me he'd turn up at my house whenever he pleased and if I didn't talk to him he'd just sit in my room for hours watching me I told Mom not to let him in anymore but she always said he was the sweetest friend I had once in high school I decided to sneak out to a party late at night but I was more worried about keeping it a secret from Tom than my own mother thankfully I didn't encounter him on the way and I was ready to have fun but every single boy I asked to dance with me turned me down Okay can someone please explain what's going on I'm pretty and cool and yeah pretty why don't you boys want to dance with me because your boyfriend isn't gonna like it I followed his sideway glance to see freaking Tom watching me from a corner Tom are you stalking me and stop telling people you're my boyfriend it's dangerous for you to be out alone so late so of course I followed you and I never said I'm your boyfriend I'm your fiance you accepted my proposal remember we were nine years old listen we are not dating or engaged and I don't need your protection you need to back off I'm warning you I should have stopped this nonsense all long time ago but to be honest I was a bit scared of Tom but now I really needed to send him a clear message that I was not his property so the next day I asked the strongest guy in school to date me it started out well but on the third day my boyfriend disappeared he broke up with me on the phone and didn't come to school and soon I heard he'd left the city now I was officially Untouchable although I was furious with Tom I still cared about him and he obviously needed help listen Tom you're my friend and I think you really need therapy you seem to be obsessed with me no I'm not crazy just being in love seemed like Madness to you it's not love it's an obsession but he didn't seem to get it and I didn't know what to do anymore fortunately mom offered a temporary Escape Sophie we've been invited to Vacation anytime at this beautiful Villa owned by the son of an old friend how about we go away now it could be a nice break I was only too happy to accept the owner of the Villa Pierre seemed to be only five to six years older than me he didn't inherited his father's business and was already a millionaire as soon as he saw us he smiled brightly and his gaze was fixed on me I felt myself blush Pierre was a really Charming gentleman we spent the whole day together enjoying his amazing place he revealed to me that a year ago he'd been in a terrible accident that had caused him Amnesia I couldn't even remember my parents names and I felt so lost it was a really dark time and I I zoned out as the wheels in my brain started turning Amnesia yes this could be the perfect solution for getting rid of Tom well I'm glad you're fine now but on the upside it must have been good to forget bad things oh trust me there's nothing good about it and it took a while to recover maybe faking Amnesia was a bad idea but it was the only shot I had at getting my life back so the next day I was busy looking for an opportunity to fall and act like I had Amnesia and it presented itself when Tom suggested that we go horse riding I chose the wildest horse named Terror who went riding along the coast and watched a lovely sunset I knew we'd be heading back soon and I had to execute my plan now I haven't ridden a horse in years I remember I visited once and you had the loveliest Ivory Pony my MooMoo yeah my parents had to sell it that's a shame you loved it so much I was trying to force Terror to rear up but this horse was just not listening to me sometimes that life just feels like it was all a dream but you can return to this dream Sophie if you want what just then the horse reared out and I let go of the reins and fell to the ground the world spun around me the last thing I saw was Pierre's worried face before I blacked out when I opened my eyes again I found myself lying in a hospital bed how do you feel I I don't know what happened where am I where's Momo yeah so I pretended that I didn't remember life after I was six I didn't remember getting poor or dad leaving us or any of my childhood friends including Dom my fall was an accident but Pierre blamed himself for letting me ride that unruly Horse He begged us to stay at his Villa so I could recover in peace and my mom and I were pretty thrilled at the idea pretending to have amnesia I acted like a child the first few days which was quite funny I did all sorts of silly things like hiding in the garden and asking Pierre to find me then jumping out and scaring him I even drew a mustache on his face while he was sleeping Pierre was dedicated to helping me recover my memory and did all sorts of mental exercises with me and he pampered me a lot he had his Cooks make my favorite meals took me to his private Cinema often and bought me anything I wanted at the mall and I really got to know him better his eyes lit up when he talked about how his company was helping build schools for kids in Africa where he went often Pierre was the complete opposite of Tom he was kind and gentle and being around him I felt safe and I knew I was really falling for him but the guilt of lying about my Amnesia was eating away at me I'd have to tell him the truth eventually but would he forgive me a few weeks later the doctor said I seemed well but my memory would take time to return I'd already missed a lot of school so Mom and I decide to go back Pierre had to deal with some business abroad but he promised to visit us soon and when we got home Tom appeared at our door in five minutes where have you been why did you leave without saying a word how could you not reply to me um are you sure you're at the right house who are you huh what is this dumb game Sophie mom told him everything about my Amnesia and Tom was shot then he got angry and refused to believe mom but she firmly told him not to stress me out and leave our house the next day at school everyone found out about my Amnesia and asked me stupid questions like if I still remembered how to read or write Tom followed me around watching me but he didn't say a word but that afternoon as I headed out of school he confronted me enough of this nonsense Sophie I'm not buying your stupid act look I'm sorry if you were someone important to me but I really don't remember you I'm sorry how How Could You Forget Me I've loved you since we were nine I've been by your side every day since how could all that just disappear no I refuse to accept that I'll remind you of every memory till it comes back to you he grabbed me by the arms and I started to panic leave me alone just let me be help someone please help me some people watching the whole scene called the police and the police ordered a restraining order against Tom my plan had worked I felt both relieved and guilty I knew I'd gone too far but it was the only way after that Tom kept his distance but I could still feel his eyes on me from the Shadows my only hope was to graduate and leave this place and Tom behind soon for good a few weeks passed and I was already missing Pierre a lot I texted him several times but he didn't answer maybe he was just really busy or maybe I'd misread some signs and he didn't feel the same way about me I was looking for something to occupy myself and decided to sign up as a volunteer with some friends at the nice Carnival a major music event raising funds for charity as soon as we were done setting up the sound system on the stage the announcer stepped up to the mic before we start the performances I'd like everyone to welcome up our generous sponsor who's made this event possible and donated 10 million to our purpose give him a great Round of Applause Mr Pierre with his lovely fiance Bev my heart sank to my toes when I saw Pierre step on stage with a beautiful brunette on his arm as he spoke a few words I couldn't stop staring at them not even a girlfriend a fiance just then her eyes met and it hurt to realize how deeply I was in love with Pierre I quickly turned away and started to run when I was far enough I sat on some porch and just cried I had no right to be mad at Pierre since I was a liar and he never said he loved me but I still felt betrayed Sophie can I sit near you yes Tom that guy on stage I saw how you looked at him you're in love with him aren't you suddenly I just broke down and told him everything how I'd been scared of him and faked my Amnesia Tom I never said you were crazy but your behavior isn't okay and you made me feel suffocated I know I've been a little intense but it's only because I care about you so much Sophie I've loved you since the first time I met you but caring about someone doesn't mean not respecting their boundaries and you can't force someone to love you back you can't hold on to an obsession for years and expect it to turn into a healthy relationship I know you're right but I don't know what to do so I can't help how I feel that's why I think therapy could help you Tom you really deserve to be happy but it can't be at the expense of someone else's well-being you need to learn to let go and move on Tom promised that he'd try therapy and I felt like someday we could be friends again Pierre's calls and texts were endless but I refuse to answer them but one day a strange sound caught my attention it was a helicopter landing in the fields behind her house and Pierre came out of it what are you doing here Pierre fighting for the love of my life that's you in case it wasn't clear those are strange words for a man with a fiance please I just need a few minutes to explain Pierre then told me that his dad had laid a condition on him to find a girl to marry before he could take over the family business so Pierre had proposed to a girl he wasn't in love with just to please his father but the pressure to settle on a day for marriage had been too much for him and he'd escaped to his family Villa for a break that's when I met you Sophie and everything changed I realized that I'd made a huge mistake when you left I went back and ended things with my ex-fiance we had committed to the nice Carnival as a couple so we decided to go through with it together I know I should have answered your text or told you earlier but I was scared of losing you I wanted to explain everything after it was over Pierre I don't know what to say say you'll forgive me Sophie and give me a chance to make it up to you before that I need to tell you something too and you may not want to talk to me after this I told him the plain truth about Tom and my fake Amnesia the worst part is that I knew you really suffered because of Amnesia and faking it was completely out of line I'm so sorry Pierre is that stalker still bothering you no I've dealt with it he's going to get therapy and wait why are you laughing I can't believe you put on an act for weeks you should look into a career as an actress we both burst out laughing like crazy when we finally got our breath he took my hand and kissed me
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 11,979,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HpmlSR2cW6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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