I Exposed the Biggest Scam in BBQ

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is there such thing as the perfect steak Well turns out there's an exclusive group of highly trained steak cooking experts who converge annually at the steak Cookoff Association World Championship to see who can cook the perfect steak but I'm going to hunt to expose the truth you can't handle the truth is the steak I cook in my backyard actually better than these competition steaks let's find out first things first let's talk about the meat this right here is a whole rib roast in the sca competitions ribe eyes is what they use reib eyes are also often considered the best cut so we're going to slice this up and these competition Stakes are exactly 1 and 1/8 in thick and just like that our entire RI roast is sliced up and I put them in order of how they were sliced which is kind of cool to see starting from here to here we have all the stakes on the Chuck or shoulder side and what you'll notice with Stakes over here is that the cap muscle is massive so that's going to be this muscle right here which is the most tender most flavorful and most expensive and as we get closer to the back of the animal well you can see how that c Muscle really starts to get slim and by the end of it it's pretty much nothing at all so State cooking competition or not always try to choose rib eyes with the biggest cap possible now the way SCA competitions work is that a whole bunch of stakes are on a table all the competitors draw numbers they have to go out and choose whichever steak they want and this is my first issue with this type of competition the quality of steak between for example this one and this one is drastically different so a lot of this comes down to luck and specifically this is the exact stake we want now full disclosure I have never competed in one of these SCA competitions however I've done my research this is why we want this steak you can see how we have the eye that spinalis or Cal but we also have this little guy here which is the complexus and notice the size it is pretty much the exact size of a nickel which per my research is the ideal Stak so this will be our competition stake process and for our backyard competitor I'm just going to choose this steak right here I'm going to start by seasoning it this is just your standard salt pepper garlic based rub and what you'll notice is that I really didn't do any trimming at all like I kind of like those extra fatty charred bits especially if I'm just cooking for myself I just find it unnecessary and for our backyard ribey literally as easy as it gets throw it on a rack let it hang out in the fridge to dry BR so you saw how easy it was to trim and season our regular backyard steak now we're going to get into the process for an SCA competition steak and it is completely different first up there is a lot of trimming to be done this whole fatty tail area we're going to completely remove now me personally I think fat is Flavor kind of hurts me to have to slice off all this fat even along this spinalis here you want to get this all removed even that flap right there it's got to go we're at a point now where our steak is substantially smaller and quite trimmed up in SCA competition we'll have judges tasting the steak and they're only taking a couple bites from that spala section and what we want want to ensure is that the bites they get are as perfect as possible so we're actually going to do quite a bit more trimming from here so what we'll do is actually make a pretty aggressive cut right here and just like that we've gone from this to this a big Raggedy but pretty nice looking ribeye into this petite cute little trimmed up SCA steak but the madness when it comes to prepping this SCA steak has only just gotten started the next step is to add our toothpicks and the idea here is that we want the most photogenic steak possible and this to me just feels like we're overdoing it you know part of the fun in my opinion of cooking a steak is the Simplicity of it now we'll need some butcher twine and we're just going to tie up our steak once again the whole point here is to keep it as circular as possible with our steak tied up believe it or not the next step we are going to mechanically tenderize it huh in my opinion a rear is already tender enough but this is competition State cooking and we want our judges to have the best bite possible but we're just adding some stabs in here which is going to help our marinade and tenderizer seek through but apparently I've been stabbed the next step we are actually going to marinate our steak in a tenderizing liquid 15 minutes on the first side then we'll flip in 15 more minutes with our steaks marinating I am extremely excited to share that at Max jerky we have some new products we of course have our four classic flavors that you all know and love but we also recently launched our Kansas City sweet Heat beef sticks along with my personal favorite the Sichuan chili crisp beef jerky I have to say I am super pumped about how these new products came out if you've ever been interested in supporting our Channel Max jerky is the best way to do it but with that let's get back to the video the full 30 minutes is up we'll remove our steak we have finally reached the point where it is time to season believe it or not we're actually going to be using a binder very common in SCA competitions what I'm using today is some W sauce by far my favorite wish toir sauce we're going to add a very thin layer and I have to say we're going to be going pretty crazy on the seasoning we'll start here with a kind of salt and pepper based rub that does have some MSG for a little extra pop this next layer is a rub that actually has just a touch of sugar in it and finally a slightly more coarse traditional steak rub a lot of black pepper in there what you'll notice is I'm actually going heavier on the cap which is that area that the judges are going to be tasting we want to keep the eye a little less seasoned for better presentation we'll flip do the same thing on the other side and I am just going to hit the sides a little bit as well now we're going to be cooking this over charcoal we're actually going to be using these guys right here which are grill grates now this is probably my biggest bone to pick when it comes to competition Stak the focus is primarily on the visual element these grill grates give you beautiful looking grill marks however it is at the expense of a perfect crust so as you can see two wildly different looking staks though they both started the exact same way time to get them both on the grill to get the perfect grill marks we'll need to carefully lay down the steak on our hot grill grates running at about 550 fahit with the weight on top you can see how my steak stuck slightly on the first flip here but we quickly improved change the angle for that nice crisscross pattern letting it cook for exactly 1 minute per angle meaning 2 minutes per side and you can see how gentle I was with the steak doing my best to get those nice grill marks when it comes to the sca presentation is key once all my grill marks were set I move the steak to the cool side of the grill and let it come up to about 135 fah internal shooting for a medium dness on the steak next up the backyard ribeye no funny business when it came to this steak all I did was let the charcoal do the work flipping every once in a while yes the Caps started to separate yes some parts got a little too crispy at least visually but hey this is the way I love cooking my steaks and just like that both of our steaks are done and as you can see these rib eyes could not look more different first and foremost the crusts are completely different on our backyard Stak we have tons of crunchy bits and it's a pretty consistent overall steer compare that to our SCA stake and of course we have those beautiful dark grill marks and it overall looks super symmetrical but the issue that I've always had with this type of steak at least visually yes we have those beautiful grill marks but look in between there there's pretty much zero sear in those squares if this was a legit SCA competition we'd present our steak sort of like this box it up and off to the judges now the next step in the judging phase would would first be to slice this let's see how we did on that internal temp and as you can see we pretty much perfectly nailed that Medium internal temp you actually do want to have a slight gray band over the top with a Rosy pink interior I'd say that's pretty good and now let's get into our backyard Stak the most important thing to me is that super consistent crust we developed all throughout dry brining it helped but also continuously flipping and in terms of internal temp I think this is a pretty fair comparison both right around medium and the only thing left to do this taste we are joined by Kyle and Sophia welcome both of you thanks for having us hey let's dig in we're only going to be tasting the cat muscles of each starting off with our regular backyard steak Kyle there you go big piece or small piece little guy little guy all right little guy huh steak number one traditional backyard rip eye classic so good just the best really the crunch the flavor it's the cap of a ribeye you can't go wrong get that char just that classic seasoning it's great perfect super tender also tough to beat moving on to our I don't know if I should call it a Franken steak or what but we did a lot to this to hopefully make it taste amazing just looks like a perfect cartoon steak all right time to find out which one's better let's do it cheers cheers it's juicy very juicy ton of flavor in there but I don't get much crust you miss that Char flavor you get from traditionally cooking over charcoal but I can't lie the flavor on that is out of control though personally it's it's almost like too much flavor I don't know if I could eat that whole steak I agree I think the crust is the most important part of the steak and it's kind of missing that right I think we're a household that appreciates Simplicity we did so much to this steak to make it taste and look the way it did scientifically it visually and for one bite is probably the perfect steak but at the end of the day you got to go with old Faith all right well there it is guys thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out Max jerky we have tons of incredible new products and flavors hope you love them and see you next time
Channel: Max the Meat Guy
Views: 241,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: max the meat guy, cooking video, recipe video, how to cook, how to cook meat, outdoor cooking, sca steak cooking, sca steak competition, sca ribeye steaks, sca steak marinade, sca steak competion, sca world championship steak cook off, how to cook steak, how to get perfect grill marks, how to cook a steak on the grill, weber kettle steak, how to cook a steak to medium, medium steak, what is the perfect ribeye, sca steak rules, how to cook sca steaks, sca grading system
Id: Wz8uAsobFD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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