I Fermented Beef in KIMCHI for 10 Days (and ate it)

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Dino ribs are the biggest baddest ribs on the playground but can we make them even better today we'll be fermenting these ribs in a variety of Korean ingredients for not one not two not three but 10 full days and like usual at the end of the video I'll be doing a completely blind taste test to see if fermenting them for so long makes any difference and to see which one comes out on top and with that let's get started okay first things first I got to show you guys what we're working with today these right here are dino ribs the first thing you'll notice is that ridiculous marbling this is just a choice grade rack but honestly it almost looks like wag you another very important element is you'll see that there are exactly three long bones sometimes you'll see the Chuck short ribs those only have four and they're a lot shorter so if you imagine the anatomy we have the rib bones here the big rib eyes would sit right above right around here on the cow and because these are directly below those beautiful ribe eyes these are going to be the medius short ribs possible now before we get into any of the marinating and fermenting steps the first thing we're going to do is prep the short ribs the way we always would and as you'll see there's this pretty thick fat cap SLS silver skin over the top there is so much marbling in here that the extra fat isn't necessary and leaving it on prevents us from developing a great bark and a trick I've learned is to find a piece attached like this start by putting your knife in like so and just kind of work it facing upward slightly allowing you to get off big slices at a time and just like that our four sets of plate short ribs are all trimmed up and it's time to show you guys what we're going to be adding to them and first up we have kimchi next up a unique sauce called samjang next up we have goou Jang and last but not least we have soy sauce and what you'll notice is that these are all Asian SL Korean inspired sauces SL ingredients and the reason is the greatest dish in the entire world is something called galby it's a Korean dish made with beef short ribs it's marinated in a whole bunch of amazing Korean ingredients and for that reason I hope these combinations will work incredibly well so the first one is kimchi this is actually a fermented food it's basically just napa cabbage sometimes a variety of different vegetables but it is super delicious and you're about to witness me consumed vegetables for maybe the first hopefully the last time on this channel psych I'm just kidding that's actually amazing I personally love Kim Tre it's super crunchy if you haven't tried it you absolutely have to next up we have a sauce that as I mentioned is called Su Jung it's often served with Korean barbecue however if you do ever want to elevate your vegetable game this is an incredible dipping sauce and for the second time ever and hopefully the last you're going to watch me eat some Sam Jong with a cucumber I think this is a cucumber I have no idea it's salty a lot of umami in there it's sort of like a fermented soybean and it makes whatever this is taste pretty good and next up here we have our goou Jong this one's going to be a little bit more more spicy but once again it has a fermented soybean base to it so we're kind of following the trend here with the fermented sauces and ingredients it's just so flavorful definitely has a kick to it I think this one may just be the winner and last but certainly not least we have soy sauce now believe it or not this is also a fermented ingredient absolutely fundamental when it comes to Asian cooking it tastes pretty good it's nice and salty I feel like it could come out good okay and without further Ado it is time to add all of our fermented ingredients to the short ribs I'm just going to go in with my hands and as you can see there is a lot of moisture in here I'll start by just adding the kimchi itself then I'll throw it in a bag let it kind of brine in there but just going right over the top with a whole bunch of kimchi next up we got that Sam Jang feels very weird to have this in my hands it's almost like clay or Play-Doh or something just massage the meat and next up that spicy goou Jong paste definitely airing on the side of using more rather than less really want to make sure that flavor is kind of all throughout and fully penetrates the next up we have the soy sauce going to throw this right on top no see that would not work this is a liquid we're going to throw this in a bag first in hindsight probably should have put all the meat in bags before covering them with sauces and staining my entire setup here we'll add all the soy sauce into the bag and we'll get this sealed up okay time to try to get this one in a bag definitely made a mistake here adding the sauce prior to going in the bag can't get in there get in there come on baby okay and we'll seal this one up as well next up our Sam Jang covered short ribs hoping for easier entry here here we go not bad time to try and get this kimchi covered oh it's a complete disaster well it's in just stuff and kimchi in a bag it's a standard Friday night now what I assume is going to be the most important part the leftover liquid that brine juice and I'll get this sealed up we have a stunning Tibby prancing on The Cutting Board stunning Tippy in his natural habitat all right and we have all of our meat completely bagged up the only thing left to do is throw these in the fridge and I got to wait 10 long days and 10 long nights for these to ferment fortunately for you guys you don't have to wait that long it'll probably be about 5 seconds from [Music] now and just like that it has been exactly 10 days let's see what we got and number one we'll be slicing into the goou Jong marinated with that nice deep red color definitely smells like goou Jong the color on this thing is absolutely beautiful sort of reminds me of like a Korean barbecue Feast with that smell but either way let's move on to the soy sauce smells like soy sauce it's really darkened up in color and it's definitely gotten a bit more firm almost like it's been brined but it looks quite nice next up we have the sum jum crack this baby open w almost looks like it's covered in peanut butter and this one's definitely taken on an interesting color we have those chunks of soybean on there as well it looks super flavorful but only time will tell if it'll actually taste good last but not least the real reason we're all here we have our 10day fermented Dino rib in kimchi and as you can see there's just a whole bunch of liquid that came off from that kimchi which hopefully led to a great rining and right off the bat I can tell the smell of this is unbelievable you know there was a small part of me that was like maybe after 10 days it'll ferment get all weird and like rotten so I'm not going to sit here and L to you guys and say that this thing is looking good it is certainly gotten more or pale as it was fermenting but to be honest that doesn't really matter the only thing I care about is if it affected the taste so to really find out if there was any benefit marinating and fermenting for 10 days my plan is to cook these using two different methods the first is to thinly slice and Grill over charcoal and the next my personal favorite is to smoke them one slow so on each of these plates we have three bones one two and three between these two there's the most amount of meat so what I'm going to do is remove this third smaller one interesting you can see it doesn't visually look like there's been too much penetration from the goou Jong but to be honest it's been marinating for so long it could have easily penetrated all the way through and that's why we have that nice deep red color next I'll remove this from the bone it is quite thin at this point but I'm just going to do my best to take some nice thin slices and these slices here will be perfect for method number one of cooking and over here we have the remaining two ribs which are going to be perfect for the smoker and next up our soy sauce marinated rack smells pretty good looks pretty good as you can see this one is a lot more meaty once again taking some slices doing my best to cut Against the Grain and next up the Sam Jung following that bone and this one is a bit messy but just taking our slices and last but not least we have the kimchi because I want to develop a nice bark on the meat itself I'm actually going to remove all this leftover kimchi oh man I can tell it is completely packed with liquid it's almost like it's water logged and we'll remove that bone and this right here is why I love beef short ribs there is just ridiculous marbling in there which makes them always come out insanely juicy and flavorful all right and we are just about ready to get on the grill now I am actually going to season these there is a fair amount of salt content on there already but because they are big they should be able to take a good amount of seasoning and I'm going to keep it super simple with just a salt and pepper Bas up starting here with the goou Jong keeping it pretty light there is a lot of salt especially in something like goou CH Jang and soy sauce does have a ton of salt as well so keeping this one a bit more light too the samjang our kimchi fermented and of course the control no binder in my opinion there's never really a need for it it's sticking on quite well and with that it is finally time to get them all on the grill so we have our meat on the grill should I show you guys how to make kimchi like I'm Max the meat guy I'm not Max the kimchi guy figured I might as well show it but we're going to keep it super quick we're going to make kimchi in exactly 30 seconds so this is a challenge for the editor Chris you got this starting off here with some Nappa cabbage slice that the long way then chop into chunks just like this hit it with some salt then really get in there and massage the Cabbage add some water and press down using a weight like so then you'll have to wait a good 1 to 2 hours then we'll rinse it off micro plain some garlic as well as some of your finger out that hurts some extremely pungent shrimp paste some Korean chili flakes for that beautiful color slice up some match sticks of daon radish some green onion sesame seeds bring back the masseuse Vibes and finally Jam that into a jar just like that our Speed Run of kimchi making is complete let this sit at room temp for anywhere from like 1 to 7 Days enough of these vegetables let's see what's going on outside on the grill and the short ribs have been on for just about 6 hours at this point they've developed some incredible bark time to bring them inside to wrap to finish up the cooking process and starting off with our kimchi fermented and for your reference the internal temp at this point is right around 170 F and we'll wrap up our [Applause] present next up the sum Jung and I have to say the bark on this one looks even better and once again we'll wrap it up next up the control pretty standard bark but by no means is that a bad thing now we have the goou JN might be sort of hard to see on camera but it does have a bit more of a reddish Hue to it and it's just beautiful last but not least we have the soy sauce just pretty good looking bark not really too much to say about this one before we go any further it is time for a couple quick words about Max jerky now I know a lot of you guys know about my jerky company this is something we've put literally a decade of hard work into and I'm extremely grateful to everybody who's tried it we have four really awesome flavors this right here is the greatest way to support us if you you do enjoy the videos Max jerky is the way to do it and on top of that if you're watching this video before November 27th 2023 we are offering a 50% discount sitewide if you shop through YouTube on the carousel down there or through one of the links on my videos the biggest discount we'll ever offer for a very limited time so take advantage and it has been two more hours all of our short ribs have reached 203 F which is perfect they are now super tender let's check them out and first up we have the kimchi ferment did next up the Sam Jang then the goou Jang the soy sauce and of course the control I have to say these are looking absolutely incredible the kimchi one probably has the least strong bark sort of makes sense cuz it was sort of sitting in moisture throughout that 10day fermentation process and if I had to choose one that I think looks the best I feel like I have to go with the samjang they're all pretty close in color the samjang one just seems to have a bit more texture I cannot take it any longer it is time to slice these up and we'll start off with to control and whipping out the brand new brisket slicer that purple handle this right here is why the dino rib is often considered one of the best bites in barbecue I can tell this thing is super tender and I mean the visual just speaks for itself this thing is Juicy and it is time for the soy sauce fermented and let's see what we got and now the goou JN got to say the bark on this one looks ridiculous it is just super dark and it looks so flavorful and let's go for a slice honestly they just keep looking better and better I mean you can almost hear it just and now it is time for the Su jum I actually think I'm most excited for this one let's go for slice and this one is just a big old boy she thick so clearly this one is a bit thicker than the other ones and you can kind of see how it isn't quite as rendered as the rest next time I'd probably cook this for another 15 20 minutes but either way I can tell it's still going to come out great and last but certainly not least we have the kimchi wo what dude no way what is going on here look at the color on these short this is insane it's almost like it's been literally brinded with like curing salt I mean it's pink I have to say it is not very often that I am genuinely stunned by experiments if anybody understands the science behind this please help me understand but what matters most is of course the taste it is currently 2:21 a.m. we got our taste tester tie here Kyle please help me do the honors that's a that's a hefty Big Boy cheers that is so freaking good there was a little bit of a bite to it the seared okay so that seared one was a lot spicier the only spicy one should be the goou Jong number two a lot more flavor to this one actually I definitely got got a lot of saltiness feel like this one is soy sauce number three my gut feeling is that this one is just the control I'm straight up getting the meat sweats already number four usually when you cook barbecue there's a lot of flavor on the exterior but in this case it is literally just jam-packed I feel like this one's kimchi I think this one's my favorite so far number five a complex sweetness to it 90% sure that that was a su Jung so it's time to figure out how we did 100% woo yeah 2:30 a.m. party well eating it in seared form is more difficult to tell the difference between them overall I feel like I prefer all the fermented ones over the regular one and if I had to choose a favorite it would actually be the kimchi one not only does it have a really cool color but it also tastes absolutely amazing if you ever want to experiment with fermenting Meats whether it's brisket short rib definitely give this a shot I really hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please make sure that you like the video and that you're subscribed to the channel also be sure to check out our jerky company at Max jerky.com I'll see you next time oh where are we going I'm staring over here Max is there enough smoke H yeah
Channel: Max the Meat Guy
Views: 356,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: max the meat guy, cooking video, recipe video, how to cook, how to cook meat, i fermented ribs in kimchi, kimchi ribs, gochujang fermented ribs, marinating ribs in soy sauce, smoked beef ribs, beef short ribs, smoked beef ribs recipe, beef ribs, beef ribs on the grill, i fermented beef ribs, what is ssamjang, what is samjang, max jerky review, is max jerky good, how to cook juicy beef ribs, max the meat guy dry aging, fermented food, how to make kimchi
Id: wxeZxUVfZ9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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