I TROLLED a Public Lobby With My ABSURD Centrifuge Track!

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what's going on everyone welcome back to zapes today I'm joined by moonbow con and unique and we're going to be doing more track builds now today I woke up and apparently chose violence because I built a ridiculously hard track with some of the physics objects that are in the game and what my friends don't know is that there's also a small cheese which I don't think is even going to matter because this is hard as is and I'm going to keep photo mode on so they can see everything because well they're gonna need to check it out welcome to the Carousel of fun and as you guys can see the first thing that at least you know draws attention to my eyes is this carousel right here which is actually made up of like I think seven windmills that are spaced apart and you know they create this rotating platform which I can't really show you until I get up there myself like so and oh my goodness as you can see here it is now this is a very difficult track guys as you can see I am already struggling and the idea is to start at the well at the start over here and not actually drive into the Finish because there are six checkpoints but to go through these hammers which at the right position as you saw Will bump you up onto this platform at which point you have to go onto the Carousel and maneuver your car in such a way with the right speed and the right angle that it launches you off onto this path right here it's hard guys in fact it's so hard that I already recorded my validation lap and I'm going to show you at the end of this run in case I don't make it in the public Lobby um but it took me a while to validate this track it took me about an hour and a half almost two hours I did have to do some tweaking uh so you know that kind of added to the time but regardless this is just going to be gnarly so once you're on here you actually go through this section right here which has these uh ramps that I've flipped sideways to go side to side and sort of block you if you're not timing it properly now once you're past that the wall right Narrows and it goes up into this section which is fans with spaces where you have fries and a bunch of other food products falling up on top of you um it's pretty much RNG if you get hit with it or not so good luck so once you pass it out you go down this wall ride which is also very difficult because it Narrows down yet again so you have to really be careful with your steering once you're down this path you hit this booster and you go up this Chute right here at which point this fan will sort of suck you forward and land you back on the carousel now if you're skilled enough at this point you're gonna get heated back into here drop down into here and go into the Finish however if you're a clever one uh you might notice that there's another finish right underneath here and it is arguably easier to get to I'm not exactly sure I'm gonna show you guys the uh you know the quote unquote cheese finish in my validation run and then you know hopefully I can replicate it in the lobby but honestly I'll take any sort of finish in the lobby but I guess without further Ado let me show you guys the validation run and then we can uh we can hop into a public Lobby and see what everybody else thinks I already know what they're gonna think they're gonna they're gonna hate me but that's okay all right here we go into the Hammers you have to stop in the right position here because it needs to give you enough speed to be able to pull off the spin maneuver which is insanely difficult it's so hard you have to have the right speed the right angle of approach it's just it's treacherous now over here the wall ride does narrow so it does you know get a little bit tricky but it's still very much doable got some food particles stuck to the fans which does happen I think I managed to actually do this wall ride decently enough ah yeah that's okay did a bit of two-wheeling now here for the cheese finish you actually gotta break down to like 100 uh so that it sends you over this uh this Edge and you can ride right down into the finish it looks it looks a lot easier than it actually is trust me guys but without further Ado let's hop into a public Lobby and see what everybody else thinks alrighty gentlemen welcome to Cosmos Carousel of fun emphasis on fun yeah well uh you will certainly suffer you will certainly experience pain and there are certainly no refunds oh my God so enjoy it and I'll see you on the other side oh any percent 4.8 there you go there you go how do I turn off the FPS indicator in the top uh the tilde the tilde mark okay thank you you're welcome oh okay I get how this works so I was gonna keep photo mode off for you guys but this is not an easy track and I figured I'm not gonna be like full evil you know like I woke up and I chose violence but like not towards my friends entirely so you know I hope uh I won't say the theme is RNG and it's like no we don't do themes anymore we're going to do themes so we want the teams yep there that's my plug for your oh no I'm breaking I actually did the track the non-intended way and like on my first on my first or second or third drawing this is insane this is actually famous cheese I didn't even do the cheese I didn't even do the cheese there is the cheese but I already do the cheese sorry wow how do you get across the windmill the windmill is a tricky one you have to get the Hammers to bump you up to I think 33 or 34 speed when you land on the platform and then if you go straight onto the carousel you're actually uh you're gonna be able to like spin yourself around and get launched through that uh you know that checkpoint right here and it will you know it will send you in the right trajectory somebody I think figured it out or at least I thought they figured it out you got to steer to the left a little bit or something I think is that what it is uh here let me do it and I'll tell you guys what I do because at this point it's just muscle memory so if the Hammers get me up at seven that's not enough no no you have to break for the Hammers and your back wheels have to be on the Hammers basically I would break on the Hammers because that kind of lets you keep your momentum afterwards okay so once I'm on the thing I turn a little bit left and then I go arms up and I do a bit of right and braking in the in the midst of all that to sort of stop myself but arms up as actually crucial so left and arms up you could have done this track with just like the first two Ops I could have but then you know maybe other people would have finished and I'm not I'm not having that I have that no all right I'm going for a second run here apparently my Carousel worked out so go get I can't even get up to the students wasn't planning on finishing so tracks still look so painful now do they no they don't listen I had to make a strong comeback okay I sat a week out my audience doesn't know that but I sat a week out and I had to come back strong you know I had to show you guys that life is not all just you know peachy and uh you know and rainbows and unicorns get up the stupid freaking okay cameras don't eat you enough yeah because here I'm gonna spectate you and I'm gonna see what am I doing I'm gonna see exactly what you're doing and see how I can maybe uh help you out all right come on where is it so many people unique we need a hard expectation there we go push this yup oh my god oh look I made it I made it but I have three speed so that's not that's not enough amazing this is hard it's it's not easy it is not easy guys oh no but then what how am I supposed what that's so precise where's Khan okay oh my God I made it I finally made it across the carousel but then you got to land on a straight road like yours yeah yeah there's yeah of course yeah not onto the straight God generous piece of track a straight line I'm just gonna actually speculate like this there we go perfect this is so rough oh here we go let's go easy as I found out it is all about your Hammer position oh unique [Music] okay bro be careful careful okay too late too late finish it's okay easy I got it perfect okay now this is tricky be careful here all right there's stuff falling from the sky off your track I didn't you did what I made it but I'm out here in the desert oh well how are you liking it is it dry it's great it's great I love the following meatballs you were so close my man you were literally like past the hardest part I lost all of my wheels oh no oh no this isn't the cosmo I know and love I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know what happened okay this is actually like incredibly tough this is everyone an apology this is why we need themes because otherwise my brain spirals into chaos and you guys get the Carousel of fun AKA thanks everybody who made this track with just the first two obstacles I know I know I could have I don't think the Carousel of pain that's a little more appropriate listen I'm kidding listen that's why mubo needs to make more tracks because mumbo's tracks are like yeah tracks oh somebody made it who is this oh no that's Feats again that's are you kidding me I ain't well yeah kind of I am a little bit kidding you yeah when I land am I supposed to go straight on the straight road or that little like curvy Road no no you're supposed to land on the straight road sorry I should have put an arrow there as well I tried to rules Aaron yeah I try to put arrows um in the hardest parts but yeah God I hate this so much you don't have to you can just choose to not experience those feelings you know you are in control of your own emotions I'm sorry oh feet yo pizza's actually like getting it the most consistently out of everybody who's this just oh just Maki oh no guys I'm screwed guys I'm screwed mocky made it all right Maki went past the the freaks oh and Monkey's dead perfect Connor thought you were gonna reset why I had to re I I was in a good spot I had survived the rail look at this look at that look at that nice body nice almost at the Finish really yeah where is unique where is unique I have to go across the thing again of course you do I don't do anything don't do anything there you go perfect buddy oh my God unique is gonna finish died you died well you said you weren't gonna finish this either listen I gave my channel members a one in 200 odds to uh you know for me to finish this track because it legitimately took me almost two hours to validate it the math checks out the math that's a great way to make money put a cheese in a track give them one to two hundred odds and just make people bet on it I think that's the lead on it guys profits oh no stocks went up listen I would go again too but like I don't have any competition how did you make the carousel I don't know the carousel on the way back is actually a lot easier you just sort of like steer ever so slightly made out of oh it's windmills bro it's like six windmills offset oh Zolman Zolman is making it let's see what Zolman does here Zolman you got this buddy the Hammers are like obviously hammers but the the you got this omen if anybody's gonna make it at zollman it's not Zolman my problem is every time I go off the carousel it leads me to the left and I can't yeah so the carousel is uh pretty tough one to get it it's actually possible to get consistently it's just really hard how are we doing over here sad sad beats made it on there perfect so I'm so I'm so happy right now I'd like to make it through okay nope no I'm not all of my family and friends for really supporting me to getting to this point in my life where I need a shower after this yeah dude I'm I'm actually so sweaty because a part of me like wants people to finish but a part of me doesn't so Cosmo what's the trick honestly here's the thing guys I can't even explain the trick because it's such like dark magic to get through that Carousel um what my friends don't know is I want my fridge is pain yeah and they're gonna know very soon okay okay okay I made it God Jay who is this who is this oh no I hit the checkpoint died I'm rooting for your feet Focus pure focus is an obstacle look at this yeah right look at this machine look at this guy I know look at this man you can do it what is this level this is like 100 this is like an x03 Contender I wanted to do more stuff with uh with physics what do I do what do I do okay okay go left go left go left never mind just get past through that go left here down yeah okay go up now there's gonna be a tricky left turn up here perfect okay there's gonna be another okay here you're gonna have to go left again because the wall ride gets narrower so stay left but not two left you can do it you can do it just get up just get up there's a booster oh no oh no you forgot to hand out the instruction manual at the beginning yeah it was like like that was a comment on my last videos of rally and it's like tight Left Right tight left tight left tight left tight left out of time sting somebody else finished I was hoping for a single finish but that's okay if this Hammer section with the track if the track at the top was just down like a meter or two I know right it would have been a lot easier to get this consistently but I keep I'm just like a little short yeah just a little short yeah I'm just always a little short yeah you know what you know what hear me out mobile right though he could have put the start not at the Hammers But like after the Hammers right completely yeah but they would have still been there so you can say you made it right you guys are hilarious we're just giving you options for the future thank you thank you I appreciate it yeah you know what I think it's trying to make it easier on yourself I get it we're doing seams next week right that's right we're doing themes needs to be an easy and a hard track so it's like you make two tracks in one and there's an easy and a hard route that's right oh so one the harder one is faster or something yeah yep well I hope you guys enjoyed my torture track I did not I had to do it to him give us some suggestions for themes down below uh we're gonna be doing themes next week again and check out cons track I'll have the link down in the description and we'll see you guys next time bye bye goodbye foreign [Music]
Channel: Kosmonaut
Views: 44,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kosmo, kosmonaut, zeepkist, zeepkistenrace, crazy zeepkist track, trolling my friends, surprising my friends, impressing my friends, zeepkist hard track, zeepkist kosmo, zeepkist hard, zeepkist tough, zeepkist shortcut, deceiving my friends, zeepkist deceptive, kosmo zeepkist, kosmonaut zeepkist, zeepkist fast track, skill map, super hard, i destroyed my friends, zeepkist trolling, zeepkist troll, zeepkist cheese, zeepkist secret finish
Id: WoIGa1VZqA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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