I Escaped My Early Marriage (THE MOST AWFUL experience IN MY LIFE) | This is My Story Animated

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i've never had any freedom in my life i'm not saying that to be dramatic it's just the truth i grew up in a really traditional family that has totally outdated views of men and women from a super young age my parents pounded it into my head that i was going to get married be a good housewife who cooked and cleaned and have as many babies as possible for a while i was on board with that but as i got older i started educating myself to be frank i was a nerd i realized that i had options like maybe i could cure cancer or fly into space or create new energy sources i was excited about all these things but my family wasn't they insisted that i needed to get good grades but as soon as i finished high school i was going to get married i was so upset that that was my future but in the meantime i figured i had to learn as much as i could because of our religion i wasn't allowed to hang out with people after school after school was for finishing homework and doing my woman's work while my dad and brother sat on the couch and watched tv because of that i was unpopular i wasn't allowed to go to school dances or join clubs or even go on the cool field trips that the school scheduled because of this i quickly got a reputation as a loner and an outcast and people bullied me relentlessly but one person bullied me more than anyone else manny manny grew up in the same church as me and he was my worst nightmare he was one of the popular kids and it seemed like making fun of me made him even more popular when we were in elementary school it started with the standard things he would pull my chair out from underneath me he'd make fun of me for my frizzy hair when i got the answers right in class he'd cough and say nerd under his breath in middle school it got even worse i wanted desperately to go to the school dance and he knew i couldn't he dared one of his cute friends that i had a crush on to ask me and when he did manny made fun of me in front of everyone for not being able to go when his friend got embarrassed he told everyone he only asked me on a dare and the entire school laughed at me [Music] i ran into the bathroom and cried and when i came out manny was smiling at me like the absolute sociopath that he is i started performing well in science fairs and manny couldn't handle it he had been the smartest person in class for a long time and me going up against him made him mad i worked for weeks in secret on my big science fair project because my parents couldn't know i was doing it when i was finally about to present it i put my invention on the table to find it completely destroyed manny stood in the corner and winked at me i knew he was bad but i didn't think he'd sink that low i was more angry than i'd ever been in my entire life i stormed up to him telling him i was going to report him for what he did and he just laughed at me he told me i should be cooking or cleaning not doing science science wasn't meant for women i replied if women are bad at science how come you had to destroy my invention just to beat me he didn't like that at all when i got home my parents were waiting for me furious they were mad at me for entering the contest in the first place and for attacking a fellow member of our community i realized that manny had tattled to my parents how childish was he when i entered high school i tried to avoid manny as much as i could i threw myself into science and inventions and people started to notice i knew my parents didn't want me to go to college but i thought if i could get a scholarship maybe they'd have to let me go i applied to go to a prestigious technical college in our state and applied for one of their scholarships to my shock i was awarded the scholarship and for a moment it looked like my life was going to be exactly the way i wanted it not anyone else that is until i broke the news to my parents they screamed at me for going behind their backs and accused me of going against our religion while most parents would be proud of their child mine were just furious they told me they needed to teach me a lesson for getting so rowdy and that putting me in my place seemed like the only way the next morning i awakened to discover my parents had arranged my marriage the wedding wasn't going to be until we both turned 18 but that was only a few months away i was devastated but it got even worse when they told me my future husband was manny the boy who had sabotaged any chance at happiness i had the boy who made me feel like crap pretty much my entire life when i arrived at school that morning he instantly put his arm around me i froze i was so uncomfortable i felt like crying he told me from now on i was to sit at lunch with him when i protested he threatened to tell my parents i didn't know if i could take any more yelling from them at lunch he ordered me to get him food from the lunch line all his friends snickered as i stood up and walked over yeah she's always gonna get my lunch and cook for me now that's her job i heard manny say i was burning with rage so frustrated i was ready to set fire to the lunchroom and run out of the building but things kept getting worse manny yanked me around like i was a dog on a leash he made me dress more conservatively he made me stop going to science classes he even tried to get me to drop out of school before graduation i knew i had to get out i thought about going to the school that i got accepted to but when i checked my email i realized manny had already sent them a rejection email from my account my hope for the future was gone the day of graduation was one of the worst of my life i knew a week later i would have to marry the meanest man on earth but in the days leading up to the wedding i knew i had to get out i begged my parents to cancel the marriage telling them how abusive and cruel manny was but they just rolled their eyes they told me we all make sacrifices and this was mine my own parents would rather i stay in an abusive horrible relationship than go to college and be successful that was the final straw i called the college that manny had sent the rejection email to and told them what had happened they didn't have any openings for fall but they did for next spring i told them i was taking it my heart beat a million miles per hour my plan was starting and there was no going back i knew i need money to leave but my parents had never allowed me to work i started selling off all the clothes and electronics i owned in secret by the middle of the week i had about two thousand dollars which isn't much but it was enough to at least get me out of town i knew when i left i would only have two thousand dollars and a few clothes to my name the day before my wedding i bought my bus ticket out of town i decided i was going to call my parents after i left to break the news to them because if they found out ahead of time i was going to be screwed the night before the wedding i snuck out of bed i got what little i had together and snuck down over the stairs my parents caught me with my hand on the door they demanded to know where i was going i lost it i told them exactly what was happening i yelled at them for not letting me live the life i wanted to for not letting me live the life i deserved my parents threatened to call the police on me they told me i was a disgrace to the family and that if i ever try to come back they would pretend they didn't know me i was dead to them and i had made the biggest mistake of my life i sobbed the entire bus ride i gave up my family for my independence in my new town in my small apartment i didn't know anyone on holidays i was alone lately it's been getting better my family sends me messages that beg me to come back and say things will be different but i don't believe them manny sends me threats all the time and that tells me my parents words are a trick to get me back i'm not sure if i made the right decision am i mean for leaving my parents or did i make the right choice 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Channel: Dear Diary
Views: 206,670
Rating: 4.9083557 out of 5
Keywords: revenge, revenge story, teacher, expose, privacy, teacher stories, exposed, actually happened, my story, my story animated, animated, real story, pain, problems, stories, story, storytime, true stories, animated story, animation shortfilm, google, funny revenge, dear diary, animated short films, love stories, lies, family problems, mom, dad, neighbors, early marriage, strict parents, my story animated period, revenge song, siblings, real stories
Id: WxYy_JKkRCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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