I Entered A COLLEGE Fishing Tournament!!

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my college is hosting a fishing tournament last spring my buddy Ian and I did pretty bad only catching a few largemouth bass and so over the year I've been doing a lot of training hauling in five six seven Pounders so here we are today and the competition is looking tough but these trophies look amazing so Ian and I are going to give it our all and spoiler we did pretty well what a lovely day for a tournament everybody's getting ready getting on their boats my boy Ian and I today is finally our day but before we start the verse of the day comes from Romans 122 do not copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think then you will learn to know God's will for you which is good and pleasing and perfect back when I was in high school I was really concerned about what other people thought of me and everything and fun fact back when this channel was around 200ish subscribers I remember one embarrassing day where my teacher even pulled up one of my videos on the screen and some of my classmates thought was like really funny here we are today so that just kind of goes into don't be so concerned about what others think about you be concerned about what God thinks of you now today this is my tney buddy Ian in our very first college tournament he and I fish together and our team name is bubbly bluegills let me walk you guys show you some of our competition here oh yeah there's uh Davis looking lovely as always so will and Davis has actually won the first tournament ever that this college has hosted and so today I think they're going to be a tough competition for us got a lot of other people out here Ian you ready to get on let's do it so a couple goals today is um we are just going to try and catch as many fish as big of fish as possible we're going against 1 2 3 4 five boats let's board and then we also got to try not to like fall in the water today but Ian and I we are so ready water is looking so clear put up and now we are just waiting for the final instruction everybody's just crashing into each other everybody ready yeah oh here we go it is now underway and Ian has dropped in lure we're going to be trolling I guess wow look at him bro bro's literally going to carry this team today everyone is just taking off in a New Direction Let's actually go somewhere where nobody else is going everyone is just hoarding over that way but I don't want to cast side by side against people let me run you guys through what is going on through my mind right now cuz it's a little overwhelming we got like maybe 10 minutes to prepare and then boom now we're all in the water we have 2 hours until we have to head back in so going into today I used this tool called Deep dive which is an app on your phone to prepare for today so I select the college Lake right here uhhuh we see how the wind okay Ian we don't have to worry about wind today it's only going to be slight breeze of like 5 to 6 miles per hour that's all chill now when we go to baits we're going to finish a combination of shallow and I would say it's pretty clear so yep all these natural colors a lot of Texas Rig a lot of weightless stuff yep yep yep taking that into account if we go offshore that's also some good recommendations and lastly once again weather so I can just make sure and double check that it's not going to have a giant storm come out of nowhere with this in mind I think I'm ready to start fishing I have two rigs with me very simple got a weightless senko in this baby bass color and then a drop shot you guys drop down in the comments have you guys ever fished a tournament before and if so how did you guys place I know y'all are good I know some of y'all have won some things okay well grab some flat-sided shed yes sir was crushing them on this yesterday trying somewhere that's a little different than everyone else but if in the first hour we have no success no worries we will just dip that first tournament that Ian and I fished like I would say 1 year ago exactly today we did okay we probably caught like maybe two three fish but it just was not enough to take the victory drop shot is on let me just toss this out see what I can do if you guys saw last week's video I was throwing a massive top water bait that actually looks like my mini bass boat called the yint and they were destroying it on top top water today we're actually going back to the simplistics cuz we're trying to win this tournament oh it's so hot that's why can't forget y'all drink water oh yeah this is nice never never never not bring water I've fished with too many people in the past that did not bring water and they got cooked by the sun I'm going cast this out there into the sun I just know some of our friends are really serious and so they're probably going tree to tree to tree o we have e in trolling two rods there's a good chance that one of them will start bending and then we'll reel in our first fish of the day now the fun fact is this tournament it's I'm pretty sure it's any fish really uh so you don't have to really technically Target just bass yeah I think it'll be worth it to just uh cast onto this bank right here yep I got one First cast in this new spot already have one ni yep okay I'm right let's let's calm down let nobody else see that we're here I wish we had a net but it's okay this Hook is very sharp so they're not getting off oh yeah Ian I'm going to give him to you you going to weigh him for us good trade nice just shout at me tell me how much it is and Okay cool so we are on the board with the first fish praise the Lord this drop shot might 1.37 good I'll take that wow that was so quick we pulled up to this new spot and boom all right let's get back in there now these flat side Shad they have bait fuel in them so that might contribute you have one oh yeah Ian's Scout something let's go got like a bluegill or huh oh grass weird so far I haven't seen anyone else catch anything but but we could be behind or we could be in first place who knows we're fishing for like a trophy right no money is there money involved in this thing think I I don't even know what I'm fishing for last tournament Ian fished I wasn't here but this man caught like all of the fish in the last minute just like just like that see oh dude I that looked like a fish to me with only 2 hours this is really a tournament of of who can stumble across the fish cuz if you do that then you have a good chance of winning our main competition will and Davis are down there they are a dangerous Duo see look they they just reeled in like a two- pounder right there like bro come on that that's what we're going against we're going to go with the worm I think the trick is we just got to fish deep with some big worms the trick is just to find where a couple of them are then we'll just catch all of them we're going to switch our methods cuz they ain't biting the Plastics right now we're going to tie on a deep dive and crankbait wow look at this thing we got three trolling rods now oh yeah trolling didn't yield anything going back to the drop shot got one there we go it's a big one do you have a net I don't okay it's okay that's the one we've been looking for that's a huge yes yes yes this will get us up and wait all right easy easy nice nice this is a two pounder two two plus get over here get over here nope no no no no no there you go nice there it is that's biggest one of the day so far all right we're getting back in there 1.68 1.68 all right not quite the two pounder but that's something at least that that has to be around three lbs total so far about three pound total so we're already we're already beating our record from last year oh yeah last year how many how much did we have last year three total oh last year we had three lbs total and we're already beating it so far so praise God nice thing with a small presentation like a drop shot they just slurp it up you're hardly ever going to miss fish on this thing unless they're just really lazy I got one see keep it keep it down keep it down oh this is not this is not small this is a good one yep he's bigger than the last one for sure yep all right don't jump don't jump I hate when they jump man it scares me so bad scares me so so so all right we need this we need this we need this right come yes thank the Lord that's like a pushing two- pounder good hooks up yep top them mouth there you go we're going to try and keep it down not to alert too many of our fellow competitors I know that this right here is a home of a bigan I've caught him many times in the past before trying to keep it really lowkey I don't want anybody else to know what I'm doing yes good Ian good you got him yep we'll take him we'll take him we need anything we can get now mhm good bite him in I'm just happy it's a fish there we go there we go little one wait what's the rules cuz that's that's a tiny one is it best five or it has to be best five it's not what just gross weight gross weight y bro those are some crazy rules there we go oh oh that was a bigon that was a bigon Oh that was off want try again yeah if it's needed which I don't think it is see let's go yep nice all right this is a good one he's digging oh yeah dude this is just going to help us in our total weight at the end of the day this is great the drop shot is so good learn how to fish one those I I'll I'll teach you for sure ch ch got fish yes yes we de hook him and then get him to Ian got it out yeah give him a drink sorry buddy here you go oh that's a fourth fish for me that's like a two lounder I think we have like six lb total right now which is looking pretty nice last 15 minutes of the tournament Ian's going to bring us to a secret spot the place that helped him win the last tournament that I was not a part of I think we're sitting in a pretty good spot right now with around 6 s lbs of fish but is that enough to win it I don't know I have no clue how everyone else is doing going to take this bait we're going to take it off yes the bait that caught us everything we're going to take it off we're going to replace it with this just like that I got one yep last minute fish let's go thank you Jesus stay down that's a good one that's a good one yep we need this we need this we need this this is the winning fish this is the winning fish this is the winning fish yes all right weigh this quick Ian let's go thank you Jesus nice yeah the Lord get it back out there there's more wherever that came from so nervous right now it could come down to the last pound my boy Samuel is over here hey you want to be in a video sure I sorry I can't no worries no worries Hassan right hey you guys getting graduation photos we are we are fishing video uh yeah we just fished a tournament and Hassan and Samuel right here both brothers in Christ all right you guys have a great time boom boom unboxing the trophies right now how you feeling bro pretty good call one fish let's go all right I'm going at least have to interview you guys all right so well how' it Go went all right it's kind of it was kind of weird like we at the beginning we were just destroying we caught like so many and we went on a long slump and then got a couple more at the very very end so like it was just kind of weird I don't know all I will say is at the beginning we were not destroying thanks for coming guys new people as well it was good to have you all out it was a good day actually probably our probably our fishiest tournament by by by two times like every day that we decide to have a tournament the fishing always sucks so at 6 with one fish one banging fish we're the fish Slayers 1.1 lb nice nice at fifth with a total of 3.6 lbs for the happy fishermen Trung and Nick who are not here anymore at fourth with a total of 5.07 PBS were Dudley and Andrew of Theology of the bass nice nice at third with 9.28 pounds the bubbly bluegill Ryan and Ian at second with a total of 9.9 pounds Xavier and Larson now okay Davis and will of the aquaholics previous Champions previous Champions and finally uh with a total of 15.67% cicat or trophies it's okay I did better we did better in this one than we did last time so we're already ahead of the curve and we still have like two more years of college so that's some more more more tournaments coming up [Music]
Views: 125,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0trshXVcB3c
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Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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