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today in Blox fruits I Enchanted every mythical weapon these weapons were absolutely overpowered and you don't want to miss the reactions I got with them so make sure to watch into the end like subscribe and enjoy this Marathon all right guys we're back in blogs fruits and I've accomplished something absolutely insane I've acquired a blessing and it's on my dark blade and look at this bro it literally looks insane basically I can just kill people anytime I want because my dark blad's op now and I'm not going to lie I lowkey want to show it off because oh just look at this I look op and I think I see some people right here too I kind of want to show it off to them but let's see what they're talking about first bro your dark blade is so strong you're so lucky it's not luck bud it's skill I have this dark blade for a reason only strong players deserve it true R Goku is better though then how come I clap you every time with my dark blade hey yo okay guys calm down it's not that serious where's the proof I legit always one tap you do you want to go right now and it is that serious Jenna this scrub needs to be put in his place guys just chill you know what fine let's go oh shoot and they're both taking out their sword Oho they're now both swinging at each other they're literally having a sword fight and I think the dark blade dude just killed him so weak dark blade is obviously stronger bro what was that for shut up Jenna I know you like the dark blade better anyways his R Goku isn't all that you know what you're right your dark blade is much stronger I've never seen such a strong sword let's ditch that loser Jenna I want to spend more time with you he's basically just third Wheeling at this point and I clearly am stronger than him so true of course you're stronger you have the best dark blade after all but yeah let's go bet let's roll some fruit it looks like they're driving off now and this girl's literally sing over this dude's dark blade and I don't even think it's upgraded either I don't even think she knows that it could be enchanted too but where's that other dude they killed oh and I see him right here why is he just sitting and looking out in the view like this yo you good oh and he put the frowning Emoji what do you want don't you see I'm clearly busy uh not really you don't look busy wait wait you have the dark blade as well wow you're one of them listen your dark blade ain't all that great just cuz you have it doesn't mean you can step all over me dude what I just wanted to make sure you were okay just get lost your dark Blade's probably level one anyways trust me it's not level one oh sure like I believe that anyways why are you bothering me because you seem sad what even happened to you dude like why do you even hate the dark blade so much if you really want to know fine basically I like this girl right and we were hitting it off but this other friend came along and decided to ruin it he said his dark blade was better than my rang Goku and then he just killed me after I disagreed and then he took my girl and I legit just s them drive off together so you hate dark blades cuz he killed you with one and stole your girl yes you idiot now are you going to keep bothering me or are you going to leave but if you want to keep being rude and start something we can you want to start something listen Bud the dude got lucky last time but you we both know your dark blade is weak so just leave me alone you don't stand a chance all right fine whatever bro you do you and I'm going to just leave him alone and I'm not going to lie I'm lowkey just going to see what the other two people are doing I'm pretty sure they're rolling fruit but let's see when I see them up here are you going to stare at my dark blade all day or are you going to roll sorry it's just so pretty just roll when it looks like the girl rolled and she got a spin fruit that's trash yeah I know what do you think I'm going to get probably a leopard fruit because you have the dark blade and it's going to increase your luck leopard huh fitting for someone as powerful as me and yeah you're right my dark blade gives me op look what on it looks like this dude's rolling now see what this dude get bro and he pulled out the Falcon fruit okay see what happened was I didn't turn on my luck that's all yeah if that makes sense I'm not going to lie I kind of want to roll fruit too so I'm just casually stroll in and walk oh this dude just said hey dang it now he's staring at me who do you think you are PAL interrupting our date can't you see we're busy yeah don't you see as the dark blade to he would destroy you okay I have the dark blade to and I just wanted to roll some fruit fruits huh you think your dark blade is better than mine or something you must be out of your mind if yours is so much better go roll a fruit then pal all right I will watch bro's going to get a rocket fruit LOL okay well I'm definitely not getting a rocket fruit I'm about to get something insane look at this I got the magma that's better than both their fruits combined easy look at this boy it's drippy it's just an ugly magma okay but I still roll better than you therefore my sword's literally just better oh and now he just walked aside me and pulled out his Falcon and said Jenna which is better falcon or magma Falcon of course it clears you hear that buddy Falcon is better now scram bro what the heck what is this dude doing back here bro now you trying to steal my girl as well what the heck dude what are you even doing here oh look it's that lame Bozo from earlier well I came back to get my girl and you dumb dark blade users ain't going to stop me listen bro she doesn't want trash like you she wants someone powerful like me and my dark blade you actually think you're powerful bro you got lucky listen I know both of you want my girl but I already prove that I'm the strongest here does this dude not know that my dark blad's Enchanted I'm about to take it out right now and there's nothing you can do about it cuz I'll just kill you if you try anything funny all right bro hold up I'm clearly the strongest here yeah whatever buddy your D blade is just a worst version of mine that's true oh so now you Hayden you literally lost to a bot like him shut up I'll kill you too if I have to guys guys why don't we settle this in the Coliseum the winner can have me Jenna what's the point of all this we know I'm a win LOL Bro this dude really thinks he's strong I don't even want his girl I just want to beat him up well I know that but I want you to have some fun with the dark blade these nerds are the perfect punching bags and besides I already know you're the strongest all right you hear that guys let's take it to the C I'll body you all all right whatever bro all right we're here it's time to prove that I'm the strongest who you fooling LOL let's not act clueless now I literally have RAC me before and an enchanted dark blade if you want to be Mr tough guy why don't you fight me first unless you're you're scared of my power bro I'm definitely not scared of you oh the two noobs are arguing with each other hey bro shut up I'll deal with you after yeah okay anyways just hop in the arena I'll give you something to be scared of your power ain't nothing whatever you say bud it's time for you to die all right well I guess it's time for me to unleash my Powers I didn't want to show off but I guess now I'm going to have to so I'm going to just use my dough first look at this boom and now I'm taking out my dark blade come here boy look at him trying to run around I'm literally just slicing him open and look at the burn damage die and look at him he's trying to run boom he's dead slice right through him this dark blaz too op and I'm going to put my dark blade back so this dude doesn't notice and now he's calling him pathetic bro how you're so bad LOL you wish you could be us dark blades now just get lost or something Bozo shut up R Goku solos yeah yeah whatever just be a third wheel like you always are and you don't get so confident there's a scale to dark blade users and I'm at the top I'm the best dark blade player there is you can ask Jenna yeah he's so powerful just look at how shiny mine looks bro and he's literally taking out a normal dark blade it's not even Enchanted or anything and this girl is sing over it all right bro you're literally at the bottom of the dark blade scale your dark blade is puny I bet hop in the arena you punk okay Bet and I guess I'm going fight this dude now and I'm going reveal my dark blade Powers look at this come here bro when he's trying to come after me with that dark blade boy die he literally just got instantly killed build he didn't even put up a challenge wow that wasn't even a challenge oh my gosh that dark blade is so cool and look at this girl she's simping over it now yeah I know it's so shiny what the heck bro Jenna his dark blade is ugly bro I just destroyed you with it you're so salty bro how are you about to steal my girl with that dumb dark blade it's legit about to burn it's probably Rusty you're just mad cuz you don't have it stop being jealous I can get it if I want I'd just rather have grand Goku well your girl like likes it but she's mine now come on Jenna let's go Jenna no shot you leave with this dude ew get away from me your dark blade is disgusting that's the spirit now come on and I'm driving off now and I literally just stole their girl from them they were calling me trash and weak this entire time I bet they're so salty and I took her to middl town and I'm going just Flex my dark blade ooh are we going on a date uh to be honest no we're not I'm not going to lie I low key just wanted to take her from them oh now she's acting fuse what do you mean no oh you want to do more than just a date okay no I don't I don't like you I just wanted to prove a point if you don't like me what was the point of bringing me here you're just wasting my time well then just leave I don't want you well if you're rich enough to get your dark blade like that you should just give me a dark blade what part of I'm not interested in you do you not understand go away uh fine but you're not going to get away with it that easily bro what the heck these other two people just came back Jenna we told you he sucked we tried tried to warn you this dark blade is just for show he's trash wait where the heck did you guys come from did you spy on me yes we did but that's not the issue right now he's the problem we all would have been happy if it weren't for him you know what you're right yeah his fancy dark blade ain't all that yeah we should get rid of the trash bro are they really about to gang up on me just because my dark blad's Enchanted look at all them all right whatever you can't kill me anyways I'm too op we'll see about that bucko die bro they're coming after me what in the world all right first off just come here I'm setting this dude on fire bro and what the heck this spear dude's trying to use his moves on me well I got shark before now and I just killed one of them and I see this other dude and I just sliced right through him bro this dark Blade's actually brain dead and now I just got to kill this dragon and look at them doing that baby damage that ain't doing nothing to me and I'm going to slice right through them with my dark slash and now they're on fire where do you think you're going buddy I'm going use my 1,000 slices and they just untransformed and they're not moving and now they're dead One Tap just like that well I'm not going to lie I'm done dealing with these people bro they clearly can't handle the enchanted dark blade look at this bro it's insane all right guys we're back in Blox fruit and look at my Hollow siite it has the burning blessing and bro this thing is op all I'm going to say is that people are not going to want to mess with me with this they're going to get clapped let's see if I can find anyone well I think I see some people over here and it looks like they're talking and this dude just said hey ladies you miss me yeah where have you been I've been training my dark blade I got to make sure it's strong for you guys and so I can keep killing trash can you have the dark blade obviously are you blind you're so funny Chad of course I am I'm also the strongest too I own the strongest sword and I own the strongest race and on top of that I got leopard too really wow you're actually amazing I know I know ladies it might be too much for you to handle though so what kind of training do you even do yeah you must fight some crazy strong people well you see I join the top players and combo them with my dark blade and then I spawn kill them and make them rage quit and then after I join the first C and Hut noobs down for fun you're so cool yeah I want to be just like you Chad bro who wants to be like this bot I bet he's capping so hard right now too it must be so much fun doing all those things that you do trust me it's very fun why don't we go roll some fruits together though we can have fun and maybe kill some noobs on the way sure sounds fun all right girls follow me when it looks like they're driving off now and bro this Chad dude's literally capping he's saying that he destroys the strongest players I just at the jungle island and I see them right here all right girls we're here what do you think we're going to do roll fruits maybe yes but we're going to add some spice to it whoever rolls the best fruit gets to give me a hug bro these girls are sing over that really this girl has her mouth wide open oh heck no yes so better roll something good I go first no me oh and it looks like this Rebecca girl is instantly going first oh and she got the barrier fruit that thing is shining oh my gosh ooh nice one Rebecca thanks Chad all right Lia you're next easy when it looks like this girl is rolling now let's see what she gets oh my God she got the spike fruit Rip but honestly that's good for her cuz now she doesn't have to hug this bum disappointing wow that's sad oh come on she cheated now now don't make excuses Rebecca give me a hug bro and they're doing an e hug right now what is this cringe I should go in there right now and kill him that was amazing thanks bro this is so cringe but anyways let me show you what the master rolls this RNG ain't no joke and it looks like this Chad dude's rolling now let's see what he gets BR and he pulled out a Venom fruit what the heck okay this dude's actually surprising me wo wow easy venom fruit something light to be honest only someone as cool as you can roll that yeah Chad this just confirms to me that you're the best anyways about earlier what did you guys think the strongest sword in Blox fruit was well I thought it was the hollow Scythe but after seeing you with the dark blade there's no comparing the two ew Hollow Scythe that sort is bun I have it but dark blade is way better yeah your dark blade is the best Hollow Scythe just sucks every Noob who has it always dies when we fight them that's true I'm glad you realized then I kill Hollow Scythe users all the time all right bro they really beefing by my Hollow Scythe yo why are you calling Hollow Scythe garbage because it is look at this another Hollow Scythe user he looks trash too for real hey buddy get lost you're messing with big dog right now and unless you want to get chewed up I suggest you leave you tell him Chad bro who you telling to leave I do what I want you can't tell me what to do except I can do you not see what sword I'm wielding I'll slice you up in seconds he's scared like just look at you you can't even take out your holoye cuz it looks ugly in comparison I'm not taking it out because I don't want to embarrass you my holoye Ain't No Ordinary one yeah yeah whatever ladies let's just go this dude is annoying Chad you're such a nice guy yeah you're letting him go I wouldn't ever do that well I'm feeling merciful today and hey punk next time you run up on us like that things will end so nicely especially with that dooky holoye of yours let's go ladies peace out loser bro and they're all running off now that dude is so weird I'm going to go roll a fruit real quick and follow them oh and I got the Quake fruit okay and I also noticed the fruit spawned I'm going to go pick it up real quick too and I see the fruit it's over there wait a minute what is this girl doing here H it's just a dumb rocket fruit I can't impress Chad with this I'm going to confront this girl and she's saying that she needs something better well I'm going to take this rocket fruit and drop it in the water cuz I'm Li is trash but I'm going to ask her what she's doing here what's your problem weirdo what do you mean I just came here to pick up a fruit uh-huh sure by the way why do you even like that Chad guy so much he seems like a jerk what's not to like about him he has the dark blade and he's super cool and cute you on the other hand you use holoye and you're a creep guys like you make guys like Chad look so much better well I can tell you right now he don't want to mess with me and my Hollow Scythe is powerful I don't know why you guys think it's trash listen Bud chat has defeated the best pirates with his dark blade your Hollow Scythe is just ordinary and basic and could never defeat anyone LOL you really think that I bet I could defeat you with ease listen I'm not in the mood to fight but if you give me a good fruit I'll consider betraying Chad for you bro is this girl a gold digger what the heck you know what fine that sounds like a good deal all right it's a deal then you weirdo now hand over the fruit Play Your Part in the deal you're not going to scam me are you does this fruit work no right after you give me the fruit I'll take you to Chad and that fruit sure does work now come on you can trust me I have a plan it'll make him so mad all right here now take me over to him I dropped her the fruit let's see if she's going to scam me or not all right follow me it looks like I'm following her now and she's taking me over to Chad I just got here and she took me to the snow cave over here Chad's in this cave let's go all right well he I'm about to get my revenge on this boy calling my Hollow scyth trash and stuff I see him right here hey Chad I need some help this weirdo from earlier won't stop following me he keeps hitting on on me he won't leave me alone I'm scared bro what are you saying that's not a part of the plan plan what are you talking about you're supposed to be on my side you betray Chad Chad he's giving me a headache please do something I've heard enough listen loser do you not remember what I said last time oh I clearly remember and I'm going to beat you up ladies you hear this a hollow Scythe Noob is threatening me LOL this guy is definitely delusional there's no way he thinks he can win trust me if anything it seems like you're trying to run from me I bet you're scared cuz you know I can body you right now with my Hollow sight Chad's not afraid of you yeah I just don't waste my time on trash but if you insist let's take it to the Coliseum you bum oh boy this kid is dead all right then let's go I'll show you the true power of my sze yeah you're puny power you not doing anything let's go ladies well they're walking out now and I guess I'm going to meet them at the Coliseum and I made it to the Coliseum and they're all here look at the bum he actually showed up can't believe you agreed to your own funeral listen they call me the Grim Reaper I'm going to be snatching Souls right now cringe Chad what is it lizza I don't want you to get your hands dirty let me fight for you please I really want to crush this bot myself but all right that's very thoughtful of you it's not like he can even kill you anyways he has the hollow scye after all and he's laughing all right bro he thinks it's so funny all right I'll fight you first don't expect me to show you any Mercy though you mean you'll lose to me it won't even be a fight all right we'll see about that and it looks like I'm up against this Lisa girl and now it's time for me to show off my enchanted Holo side come here bro and she got me in the pierc and clothes line that ain't doing nothing boy and I just did 3K damage and my burning enchants doing fat damage to her still stop running who does this girl think she is you keep on running you just going to keep dying and she using her D moves like that's going to do anything well it's time for her execution die and I'm coming after her and she's dead boom get clapped and I'm going to show off my enchanted Hollow sight to them now wait what the heck lizard how did you lose I'm sorry Chad I wasn't strong enough you definitely cheated though uh of course he cheated he'd never be able to beat any of us fairly y'all think I'm cheating ladies he's not cheating look at his sword wait don't tell me no way yes it's enchanted with a blessing this hollow scyth is op but it's not like it matters anyways Hollow scyth is hollow scyth it's trash you know what Chad you're right I'm going to destroy this fool I thought I was going to fight Chad now but you want smoke too you're not worth Chad's time I'm going to destroy you myself and it doesn't matter if it's Enchanted or not your Hollow scyth is trash I'll make quick work of you all right then whatever you say you're delusional and it looks like I'm up against the Rebecca girl now and she has the sound fruit and look at her flying away bro really thought that was going to hit me like look at this aim L aim and I hit her with my death cyclone and bro what is she trying to do stop running buddy she's trying to use all her sound moves on me well too bad your sound ain't going to do nothing and I'm using my pierc and clothes line on her now followed up with my death cyclone and my soulle execution what would I miss well it's not like it matters anyways because he's dead now boom get CLA bro that's so broken no it's not you guys are just bad dark blade is way better than his trash his enchant means nothing let me show you how it's done well well well you're finally growing a pair you ready to get bodied bro you're not Bing anyone I'm going to kill you for hurting my girls and you think you can embarrass me with that enchant of yours well I got something in store for you all right I'd like this see get in the arena you bought and it looks like I'm fighting this dude now he's transformed into the leopard okay not like it matters though come here bro and he's flying me all over the place what is bro doing he really trying to hit me with that come on now that ain't enough to kill me oh shoot okay hold up I'm about to die that Cyclone Soul execution my enchant keeps damaging him look at that damage and bro keeps trying to hit me with that move well I got him in my pierc and close line boom and my soul execution oh and I missed well bro got my race4 activated now I'm tired of playing these games come here die get CLA no what the heck not only did he have Enchanted Scythe he had race before too man you guys really are something calling me trash and getting bodied how ironic you did this on purpose you knew what you were doing I can't stand this dude he's not even good he looks ugly too ladies I got an idea why don't we kill him together sure he thinks he's so tough let's see how tough he is when three of us come at him well you're going to jump me it's not like it's going to work anyways watch NB and bro trying to attack me well that's not going to work and I got all of them in my D punches now and I'm going to missile jab and use my Scythe on them and I got raced before and I already killed one and I just killed the other girl in one tap and now the sound user is trying to run where do you think you're going so execution boom One Tap instantly that was pathetic Chad you said you were the strongest but I am what happened you said you beat all those Pros I did you lied please don't leave me girls you're you're all I have I'm done with you you're too weak to be my man yeah same we'd rather be with him please no on these girls are walking up to me now hey so about earlier we're sorry nice Hollow Scythe by the way can I touch it ew no bro these girls are weird all right well I'm going just kill all of them bro die and I just killed absolutely all of them and I'm done with them bro this hollow Scythe is too op and I just destroyed all of them all right guys we're back in Blox roots and this time I got the enchanted true trip of katanas and bro look at this it's all blue and stuff and oh my gosh it is actually brain dead ain't no one going to want to mess with us cuz if they do they going to get clapped but I'm not going to show it off just yet you know I got to equip my level one Katana you know make them think I'm trash and now I'm going to go look for some people oh would you look at that I think I see some people over here let's see what they're saying gosh it's too easy I know right isn't R Goku just the best we literally obliterate everyone can't believe we're the strongest swordsman yeah not you Kelly yeah Kelly you don't even have her in Goku I know but I'll get it soon okay but soon doesn't mean now so don't say her master swordsman until you get it for real that title is for the elite only you'll get it soon though yeah nothing is better than R Goku not dark blade not Hollow scythe and definitely not true triple Katana those trash weapons LOL Dude triple katanas are so bad I forgot about them bro these laughing I know right even Kelly's buddy sword is better than them anyways you guys want to roll fruits hey I'm I'm feeling lucky especially after I destroyed that server earlier that's that blazing Spirit flowing within you man R Goku seems so cool but yeah let's go roll some fruits we might get mythicals we definitely will our sword has the best luck now let's go it looks like they're driving off now and I can't believe they actually think my true triple katanas are trash I'm going to just follow them over to the jungle island and I see them over there and it looks like they're rolling some fruits now Kelly you want to go first since you got the worst sword bro fine dang and they're just straight up disrespecting than Kelly watch I'm going to get a mythical all right well it looks like she's rolling now and I'm not going to lie I don't know if she'll get a mythical or not if she pulled out the spring fruit ew that is definitely not a mythical that's some mythical you got there all right Jessica you're up show Kelly the true power of R Goku of course bro I don't know what they're talking about they really think a sword actually gives them luck like bro you about to get trash well it looks like she's rolling now let's see what she gets oh it looks like she pulled out the do fruit what the heck bro no way ha as expected I already knew I would get this it's like my 50th dough I'll take it I guess that sounds about right bro and they really are acting like they got D 50 times that's just straight luck right there I'm not going to lie maybe the rokku sword might give you luck who knows 50th yeah nothing crazy ringku really is amazing I know it's the best sword we told you this already you bot all right Jessica let me go now all right good luck oh and it looks like that one dude's rolling now let's see what he gets hey bro I swear if he pulls out a mythical R Goku sword might actually be better oh you got a flame fruit obviously I'd get the flame of course you would flame is op too yeah it's the power R Goku stems from exactly well that was fun I want to go destroy some more people now to be honest same Kelly you coming I'll meet you guys later at the base all right sounds good I guess all right then let's go James and I see them and it looks like they're driving off now I think that Kelly girl is just sitting there hey well I'm going to go in yo you don't mind if I roll right uh I kind of do what the heck is that sword what do you mean get that trash away from me bro what it's my op sword like look at this bad boy and I'm not going to take the TR of katana's on her yet because if I do bro she's going to get bodied I said stay away keep that garbage away from me there's nothing op about that all right can I roll or not oh fine you're probably going to get trash just like your garbage sword to match it go ahead all right well I'm going to roll now let's see what I get I'm going to get something op oh my gosh and I actually just got the rocket fruit bro no see if I had the true triple katanas on bro I would have gotten something op I already know dang I'm not going to lie Kelly you were right this fruit is trash wasting my time your sword and your fruit are trash bro I wasted like 10 seconds of your time chill out give me one good reason to why I shouldn't end you right here because that won't happen I'll end you in second I won't even need my true triple katanas for you with that trash sword hey don't worry about it and your buddy sword ain't going to do anything to me either watch your tone kid hey you watch your tone you're talking to a future Master swordsman well you're talking to a Master swordsman I'm really himothy bro and she's laughing at me what what's so funny you can't be serious oh I'm being serious all right you're so confident with that trash sword dude do I have to really take out my true chag katanas on her it's Enchanted too so she'll really get bodied I'm going to crush your confidence bro and she just backed up and transformed into the dragon I thought she was going to use her sword all right well if she don't want to use her sword I'm not going to use mine come here buddy boom Bo and she's trying to spam all her moves on me like that's going to work I'll B you bro you're not doing nothing to me go fly away or something think a revolver after him and just sold boom bro and she keeps running away like just come here stop being a bot get clapped and I'm going to awake and race me4 and on top of that I'm equipping my true triple katanas now what look at my sword whose sword is trash now I don't even have to use it on her there's no way your sword was trash though how hand RAC before yeah so watch your toe relax I didn't even mean all that earlier gosh hey well you started it I just wanted to roll my fruit well my friends make fun of me for my trash sword so I make fun of others so I don't look bad then why hang out with them then if all they do is make fun of you well because they promis to help me get the best sword in the game rang Goku hey well my sword is stronger than rang Goku really yeah duh well they said that true triag Katana was trash but to be honest they're really egotistical they think the rang Goku sords make them the best in the world so I have a prop position for you what is it could you help me humble my friends ever since they started using ring Goku they changed they're not the same people I became friends with they're always making fun of me because I don't have R and Goku you know what I'll help you I need to show them the true power of my true triag katanas please do all right take me to them let's go hey bro well it's time to show these people that these true Tri katanas they ain't trash they Enchanted and it's about to make their R Goku look trash and it looks like we're heading to them right now all right we just got here and it looks like they're inside this cave it looks like we're walking in now and they're right here bro we destroyed everyone here I know right ring Goku so brain dead they didn't stand a chain for real the best sword in the game for a reason hey Kelly welcome back we had so much fun destroying everyone but also who's this dude he looks weak hey yo what she saying well you see you brought someone with true triple gatanas into our base bro get this trash out of here listen I could easily destroy you these true triple katanas ain't normal either so I suggest you apologize before things get ugly ain't no way you're talking big with that trash yeah those trash triple katas who do you think you are we have the rang Goku sword buddy Kelly come back us up hey bro Kelly better not back them up I thought you were my teammate I don't want to Jessica you guys are different you're not the same anymore it's because of that stupid sword did you just call it stupid so you think you're so much better than us yeah I do because I'm not crazy like you guys you treat that sword like it's your life okay and what if it is your trash sword is just as bad as his and if you think you're so much better let's take it to the Coliseum we'll show you why R Goku is the best sword Kelly you were so close to reaching our level unfortunately you were just a waste of time listen bro she's messing with someone who's actually good not a rang Goku NPC who just bullies her for no reason James you hear that a bunch of yapping I do he really does have a big mouth no self-control at all we'll meet you nerds at the C you better show up you're going to lose yeah okay see you there pipsqueak they're heading off now hey well I'm going to meet them there there we made it to the Coliseum and we're here well you guys actually showed up who wants to get destroyed first Jessica you're the one who's going to get destroyed wait Kelly you want to take her on I don't know about this mhm I need to teach her a lesson I thought she wanted me to teach them a lesson but hey bro you got this all right good luck thanks but she'll need it more than me up in the arena you Noob and it looks like they're fighting now oh it looks like they're slashing each other with their swords now what the heck wao out of nowhere bro she's using the D and she grabbed her in the piercing clothesline and she's punching her now with their dough punches bro what is this and now they're fighting again with their swords bro what is going on Kelly win oh no and I don't think it's looking good for Kelly no and she got clapped bro no too easy my sword and my fruit were too much for her to handle that's what happens when you challenge her and Goku yeah you get burnt to a Cris I'm sorry I wasn't able to defeat her I'm a failure hey well that's why I'm here I'm going to take him down they got too much of an ego l ego it's facts your sword is trash ours is op yeah dude you have an ego and a lot of confidence a trash sword and a big mouth L pathetic what an ugly combination all right well I'm not going to let this disrespect slide I'll take both of you on at once you really think my sword is trash I want you to say that again once I take it out not think we know you can try kid but you won't get far yeah you're true Tri Katana is just like everyone else is Bland and dooky all right then let's find out hop in the arena and don't get scared when the fight starts huh all right loser hey well it looks like I'm fighting them now and it's time to unleash my true triple gatana Powers with the end chance too it's over and look at them trying to come at me but first i'm going to combo this person up and that did 5K damage alone bro and now they're using the spirit on me well that ain't going to do nothing and now this girl got me in the pierc and clothes line but I'm not even concerned cuz I just use my dragon hurricane and bro oh my gosh 10K damage and now I got race before wol bang rushed and she got one tapped look at this Spirit dude look at the damage bro really can't do anything to me come here die stop running buddy oh my gosh I just ran through him and one tapped him bro the enchanted true triple katas are so brain dead oh my gosh what the heck his true Tri katanas are enchanted nah bro there's no way we lost to him you just did and you got obliterated I thought my swords were trash and now you're scared you're lucky it's Enchanted that's the only reason you won this has to be some kind of dream for real Kelly without the enchant his stores are trash you don't actually believe that do you I just destroyed them I mean it looked like you got carried by the enchant what are you talking about see told you Kelly come back with us we'll get you in Goku and we can destroy this bot we understand how we made you felt and we're sorry now join us dude don't listen to them let's destroy this Noob like the old times yeah bro there's no way Kelly's actually going to join them H that sounds fun sorry wow I see how it is after all my help this is what you do shut up no one cares about your sob story now die oh shoot bro she's coming at me with the pierc and clothesline I'm going to use my dragon hurricane and throw them all away look at that damage well they're trying to come back at me like that's going to work Dragon hurricane race me four now oh yeah it's over and look at this Dragon this is Kelly well Kelly you're definitely dying first come here L Diablo and I'm using my sanguin art and I just used my Dragon hurricane did 3K damage and this Spirit dude's trying to still come after me and I just use l Diablo and I'm almost dead well too bad cuz I don't die that easily come here and I just sliced through the dragon and all that's left is this dumb Spirit fruit user oh shoot Dragon hurricane and he's dead bro I almost died to them but of course I didn't because the true triple gatanas especially Enchanted is too op it just got destroyed all right guys we're back in blog fruit and this time we have the enchanted cursed katanas with the burning blessing and look at this literally op it's actually brain dead and we can literally body anyone with it but I want to go show it off to some people so let's see if we can find anyone and I see a girl dancing right here and two guys are walking up to her one of them has the dark blade and the other has the Buddy sword hey girl hi don't be so scared I just wanted to show off my op sword to you yeah me too do you like our swords um no sorry let me rephrase that question which sword is better mine or his oh well I don't like either of them but probably his I guess ew that ugly dark blade you know it has trash luck right wait really of course why would I ever lie to someone as pretty as you me and my buddy sword would treat you way better than that dark blade it gives me Good Luck too so we can easily roll mythical fruit don't listen to him I'll always protect you with my dark blade wow I don't know who to believe so you know what let's roll fruit I want to see which sword is luckier light work easy clearly it's mine let's go I'm down it looks like they're driving off now to roll fruits to see which sword is luckier I'm not going to lie I'm pretty curious to see which one is too but I'm going to be honest we all know my cursed du katanas with the blessing is the luckiest let's be real and I see him over here at the Goa looks like they're about to roll some fruit all right now that we're here who wants to go first I think the strongest should go first well since I'm the strongest I'll go first bro you're not the strongest dude I am I'll go first dude we clearly know buddy sword is better than dark blade don't even get me started yeah you're crazy Tessa who do you think should go first I think the dark blade should go first I like it a bit more fine whatever easy watch this it looks like the dark blade dude is rolling now let's see what this dude rolls does he have that Godly RNG or Garbage oh he's walking back let's see what he pulls out and it's a spring fruit bro what is that trash oh heck no yeah as expected clearly your luck sucked dang even the girl said ouch watch this let me show you the power of Buddy sword luck oh and now the dude with the Buddy swords rolling now I'm not going to lie I'm lowkey curious what he gets and he got the bomb fruit bro that is not that much better clearly that fruit is buns well sorry Tim I think Dennis wins beat that nah his sword is Garbage I'd easily destroy him his luck can't save him in a fight actually it can that's why it's called being lucky and this beautiful lady needs a lucky man not some unlucky bum all right then fight me prove it kid oh they took out their swords and I'm not going to lie things are getting a little too heated I'm going to step in and try to resolve this conflict bro who are you we're in the middle of something I'm just a guy who wants to roll fruits is that an issue yeah it is you're in our space you're bothering Tessa so leave yeah nerd your swords look trash too we'd mop the floor with you does he not know that I have the curs DU katanas is he blind you're funny yeah I know now just hurry up and roll a fruit cuz you won't be laughing if you don't in the next 5 Seconds all right bro these people are being weird weird I'm lowkey just going to roll my fruit and I got garbage bro the spring fruit is trash maybe the crystal katas has bad luck after all trash fruit for a trash sword I don't even know what you have but it doesn't look good at all for real probably garbage anyways Tessa let's go somewhere else we can't fight here with this loser in the way I know the perfect fighting spot ooh okay sounds good to me I'll get with whoever's the strongest all right let's go I'll defeat this Noob with ease they all got in a boat and they're driving off now they straight up just ignored me hey bro well I'm not tolerating this disrespect they were calling my sword trash they don't even know what it is I'm going to make them find out soon enough and it looks like they took him to this weird Island bro there's no one even on here what are they say this is your chosen Place tennis yeah and you're going to die here this rock is where my blade is going to put you to sleep you've already lost the fight hasn't even started yet and enough of your trash talk just draw your sword and get ready to die oh and now it looks like they're about to fight Tessa back up things are going to get messy okay good luck guys oh it looks like they're fighting now oh shoot and well while they're fighting I'm going talk to Tessa yo nice seeing you again thanks but what are you doing here not going to lie I wanted to destroy those Bots they think my sword is trash when clearly I could beat them can you really beat them they seem strong yeah easily they talk so much trash I'd body them hey what are you doing with Tessa Stop the fight Tim it's the noob again bro yeah I know what the heck is he doing here yeah why did you follow us because I came here to prove a point that my sword is better than yours get a load of this dude he really thinks his sword is better than my buddy sword it might be better than that trash dark blade but buddy sword yeah okay all right Bud either way we're not tolerating this disrespect okay and neither am I so what you going to do about it I'm clearly the strongest here you're funny you really think you can steal Tess from me Tessa is mine and mine only I'll slice anyone who tries to get in the way of that no She's Mine why don't you guys just fight already and decide who's the strongest hey well I'm down well we were but it looks like we have someone else to deal with we can't go full power on this tiny Arena it'll destroy the island then let's go to Kal then there's plenty of space there all right there I can unleash my true power okay whatever you say let's just go all right we made it to the Coliseum and the funny part is I haven't even taken out my swords yet and they don't even know what they are now that we're here are you ready to die nah I'm ready to destroy both of you though it's is going to be light work you should be afraid well I'm not the one who's going to embarrass myself in front of your girl you should be the one who's afraid shut up your sword is irrelevant and trash you can't be talking why don't I destroy you first then come at me bro hop in the arena all right well it looks like I'm fighting this dude now and it's time to take out my cursed du katanas oh yeah look at this blessing and bro's not even using his sword he's using his Venom powers on me what is this well I see him in the combo and now he's trying to Fly Above me and he's using toxic fog again I'm going to hit him with the revolving ravager then slice right through him look at that damage bro is barely doing anything to me like who does he think he is die boom and he's dead I just sliced right through him trash you didn't even use your sword you're so scared whatever you got lucky anyways wow Dennis I guess Tim was right luck really doesn't help you no he wasn't L stop making excuses Dennis Tessa is going to be mine right after I destroyed this kid wao don't get too ahead of yourself I just destroyed your boy with ease he's weak I'm the complete opposite though and I'll prove it wow Tim I'm impressed don't be cuz he about to get bodied hop in the arena and this dude really thinks he's about to kill me nah bro I'm taking out my cursed du katanas and it's over for him and I'm going to just slice right through him oh and I barely missed okay that dude got some Dodges and look at him trying to slice through me I'm just dodging it with ease weave get out of my face bro boom and he just put away his sword and now he's trying to use his blizzard powers on me bro what is that aim get get out of here and I just sliced right through him and he's dead oh my gosh literally clapped in seconds I'm going to just keep my swords out and just show it off yeah too easy y'all really thought you could beat me wow I'm speechless you're so strong wait a minute what the heck bro that's cdk with fire blessing Dennis you see that right his swords yeah they're op this kid's a sweat there's no way oh and Tessa just walked up to me and she said hey cutie come with me bro what does Tessa want and why is she dragging me over here what is it bro I just got my revenge they got boded those two guys lost to you yeah and you're stronger than them so I was thinking we should be together all right bro I just wanted to destroy them to prove that my cdk is not weak but now she's trying to get with me nah I'm good I just wanted to prove my strength wait what why because they disrespected me earlier and you don't disrespect my cursed du katanas no one rejects me ever well I just just did die wait what the BR she's getting mad at me now all right bro you're the one who's going to have to die she is the dragon fruit whatever it doesn't matter if you're a dragon fruit or not come here boom and she's dead she just got one combo what is wrong with her bro really got mad I rejected her one the two simps just came running to me and they said hey what is wrong with you why did you kill Tessa did you just kill her for no reason she tried to kill me I don't know what you want me to say he did Tim he tried to kill me me so I fought back how dare he she's literally lying nah you're messed up for that agreed attacking an innocent girl is a crime I Won't Let Go unresolved I knew you weren't good for her let's jump him guys yeah get him bro what the and now they're all attacking me I can't see a thing I see this Venom dude come here and I see this dude with the dark blade and now the Venom's trying to run after me oh my gosh yo they're doing fat damage I'm going to use my curs katanas and slice right through everyone and now awake in race before bro but I can't even see anything with all this fog like what is going on I'm going to use my soul guitar and my cursed du Katana do combo oh this Dragon just keeps hitting me everywhere and I think I killed one of them and I just sliced through that Venom user all that's left is the dragon and they just untransformed all I got to do is slice them once come here look at Tessa running what you trying to do bro get one Taps that was too easy yeah bro never disrespect my blessed cursed du katana cuz if you do you just going to get burnt up simple all right guys we're back in blog trots and look at our soul guitar it's literally Enchanted and on fire bro this thing is op I can't wait to use it on people because it has a burning enchant but let's see who I can show it off to oh I think I see some people over there what are they talking about looks like you guys made it glad to see your faces again you too I missed you King Mark I missed you guys too but you know why I called you here right or do I need to explain nah I don't know Heather just dragged me along he told me that it was an emergency it is you see there's a YouTuber in the server and you know how I feel about YouTubers they're ruining the game for everyone they deserve to be banned especially since they record without permission bro they think they're so cool cuz they have all the mythical fruits for real they make fun of regular players who mind their own business yeah they also think they are better than everyone else but anyways that's why I have a mission for both of you what is it I need you two to hunt the YouTuber down and bring him to me you can use any tactic you want just make sure he's alive that'll be easy yes sir affirmative we'll bring him to you no matter what good and when you do make sure you bring him to the base you're the only one fit enough to punish him we'll do sir I'll make sure their ego is gone when I'm done with them now I'll be out now good luck on your search thank you sir we won't disappoint it looks like the dude just drove off and now it's just them two left but bro I don't even know why they hate me so much and why they're trying to hunt me down they're basically calling all YouTubers trash so where do you think we should look first well I think we should go to the Jungle Island first that's normally where YouTubers hang around probably scamming their fans for fruits as we speak H they're so despicable I swear now I understand why the boss hates them all right let's head out when it looks like they're about to head to the jungle island and they're looking for me now hey bro well if they're going to look for me at the jungle I'll meet him there I'm not scared of them especially since I got my enchanted Soul guitar oh yeah I'm not scared at all all right so I'm at the gacha and it looks like they're both here too let just act normal you know like I'm just rolling fruits nothing too out of the ordinary let's what they say to me oh and they're looking at me now and this girl just said oh my gosh are you real I'm going just go along with it yeah I'm real what's up n Heather I think he's a faker what do you mean I'm the real one buddy Steve he's the real one oh my bad man sorry we're just huge fans dude you're good don't worry but thank you for being huge fans I appreciate it and I'm not going to lie these people are acting sus because I thought they hated me but now they're being nice what's going on here no problem man I've been watching your videos I love that video when you scammed your face fans LOL and started destroying innocent people uh that never happened yeah oh my gosh that was so funny well that's not funny I don't scam my fans oh must have been someone else then yeah ominous Let's Make a Deal what's the deal I'm curious whoever rolls a better fruit wins the loser has to do a dare between us three ooh that sounds fun all right I guess since you are huge fans after all but who wants to go first I'll go first oh now this Heather girl's roll okay let's see what she gets I'm not going to lie I'm a little curious ious oh she pull out a flame fruit okay that fruit's actually not that bad so all I got to do is roll better than a flame fruit to win man that's light work wao nice I'll go now and it looks like Steve's going let's see what this dude get oh and he pulled out the rubber okay rubber is better than flame so I got to roll something better than a rubber guys your turn ominous good luck man I don't know man hopefully my luck's actually good let's see what I get and I got the ice fruit okay I think that's lowkey the worst one out of the three in terms of Rarity dang that was a close close one I guess looks like you lost yeah GG's I tried yeah no problem man but now you got to do our dare yeah you ready yeah sure what is it we dare you to come with us uh where you going to take me to a secret area only a few people know about it is there anyone there waiting for me I don't know it seems kind of sketch what what do you mean oh yeah I mean there is one of our other friends is there yeah he's also a huge fan he loved the video where you stole Bounty from your fans all right that's obviously cat but all right I'll come with you guys then yeah let's go we're driving off now I have no idea where they're taking me they said it's to some secret area but we're about to find out and it looks like they just took me to Marine Fortress but there really isn't anything secret about it all right we're here follow me okay oh he's taking me up these stairs man I think that's his friend oh yeah and that's our friend over there he really wanted to meet you did you go say hi to him it mean the world to him all right I guess well I'm walking up to their friend I just said what's up to him and I said that I heard he was a big fan good job guys you brought the idiot YouTuber into my hands what are you talking about shut up your video suck and you suck we lured you here to kill you like you deserve yeah serves you right selfish YouTuber and there's nowhere for you to run any last words first off who you think you talking to I'll really B you all right here right now I could take out my soul guitar and literally just press L Diablo and kill all of them so I'll give you one last chance to apologize before things get messy apologize you should be the one apologizing you scammed your fans and bullied noobs for no reason what type of YouTuber does that not me cuz I've never done that I don't know what you're talking about liar yeah you're obviously lying have you even watched any of my videos that never happened so what if we didn't your vid are trash we don't want to watch them all right then how about this if I beat all three of you guys you have to say I'm the best and you have to subscribe to my YouTube channel okay and if you lose you have to admit you scam your fans and hate noobs all right then deal let's take it to the Coliseum see him all right Bozo you ready to lose trash YouTuber all you got is your puny gun and your puny sword I bet they do no damage too Heather take care of him this should be quick work yeah you're funny and Heather just said LOL yes sir we're going to avenge all the poor fans you bullied and then we're going to dislike all your videos all right well my real fans are going to like the video anyways especially when I body you and prove you wrong just hop in the arena kid all right well I guess it's time to fight this Heather girl I swear she's literally the biggest hater none of them even seen my videos but now it's time for me to unleash my soul guitar it's enchanted with a burning blessing and since they want to talk all this smack come here Soul Shaker oh she's trying to chase me with this blizzard flight like that even matters come here Soul Shaker L Diablo dang she's getting comboed up right now look at the damage bro I'm doing fat damage right now come here boom she's trying to hit me with those moves bro just die already it's still burning her body even after she got hit this blessing too op how was dare you use cheats against Heather despicable who knew YouTubers had to cheat to win wow you're exploiting now yeah what's up with that gun buddy you mean this it's a blessing I warned you guys an enchanted Soul guitar you're pay to win wow you're really trying to flex typical YouTuber you think you're better than us boss may I show him why he sucks enchant or not we're better yes sir on this dude just turned on his hawky and he's staring at me now I'm going to destroy you you pay to win cheater I'd like to see you you try buddy he's not doing nothing to me they really think I'm pay to win because of my enchanted blessing well it's not like that matters anyways he's trying to use all his soul moves on me but meanwhile I'm just going to L Diablo and soul Shaker him look at all that fat damage I'm doing he's literally on fire right now and now I'm just Spam clicking at him bro can't even hit me H Diablo oh yeah he's dead he's a goner that boy is gone too easy I didn't even have to break a sweat this is unbelievable how dare you hurt my comrades they mean the world to me how are you so heartless bro it's not that deep you literally called me all these names I haven't even said anything about you guys if anything you're the toxic ones just admit it now you're trying to Gaslight I see how it is looks like I'm going to have to handle you myself I'm tired of you you just need a Rest In Your Grave where you belong and now he's hitting me bro what's wrong with this dude he's trying to hit me with all his spider moves come here L Diablo Soul Shaker he's trying to fly away and use his spider moves on me bro that's not going to work I'm going to just fly up all the way and then crash down on him with My Soul guitar and I see him El Diablo mix up with the soul Shaker and he's trying to run where do you think you're going bro's dead too easy and this dude just came running back now there I won the bet so admit I'm a good YouTuber and you guys were wrong nope not happening you didn't beat us yet what do you mean I literally just did what are these guys on about do I have to destroy them again with My Soul guitar key word us Steve Heather let's make him regret becoming a YouTuber his his trash Soul guitar can't do nothing to all three of us bet die you loser will never admit defeat oh now he's attacking me bro I can't even move what is going on okay they're doing way too much damage holy bro I can barely move all right this is getting bad I'm going to use my soul guitar and slash right through him hit this dude with the L Diablo oh my gosh I can't even move what's going on and now I'm being hit but guess what I got race V4 now I'm going just kill this dude with my sanguin art grab this dude for my HP back combo it up with the L Diablo and now they're all trying to come at me at once give me my HP back boy bro this Blizzard's so annoying well I'm going to use l Diablo and I just killed one of them and look she's on fire she's about to die man get out of here I just sniped her and I'm at full HP yeah bro that's too easy you may have won but we're never going to sub or like your videos too bad I know my real ones will you guys don't even watch my videos so get out of my face I'm going to just combo all of them up and kill them with My Soul guitar just get out of here bro I don't have time for haters I know my real one's going to subscribe and like the video anyways well it looks like my soul guitar is too op for them to even handle and yeah bro you should have know better
Channel: Ominous Nebula
Views: 476,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, blox fruits toxic players, roblox, roblox blox fruits, ominous nebula, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits race awakening, ominous nebula blox fruits, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits dough awakening, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits update, blox fruits dough, blox fruits update 20, true triple katana blox fruits, blox fruits true triple katana, blox fruits true triple katana showcase, how to get true triple katana, ttk blox fruits, blox fruits ttk
Id: uh0i6080GQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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