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today in Blox Roots I'll be showing you guys every single time I awaken each and every race before I'll be saving my little brother pretending to be a noob destroying service and much more so make sure to watch into the end and enjoy this Marathon alright guys so I made it to the first seat when I see a group of people right here I wonder what they're talking about hold on let me see what they're saying look at my angel wings yeah they're cool but my shark fins are better shark fins are kind of ugly I have cute bunny ears you guys are all trashed I don't have anything growing out of my skin so there's a rabbit an angel a shark and a human all just having a conversation right here it wouldn't be bad if I joined right um who are you what are you supposed to be well it looks like they want to know what I am and of course you know I gotta let them know I'm a ghoul ew that's lame how is this lame I literally have a crown and I'm op I have wings I can fly Ben's jumping in the air I can run super fast yo she's running right now what the heck of course it's the mink race well unlike you guys I can swim with the devil fruit oh shoot the shark just jumped in the water and he's swimming whatever you guys are all weak anyways I could Pummel y'all with my eyes closed Jenny you got no cool looks I don't want to hear it wait a minute what can you do uh come on show us well I can do this I mean look at this look how cool that is bro bro they're all laughing at me they said hello that's so boring lame you think you're so cool how about I beat you up when she walks towards me what is Jenna gonna do to me he's trying to activate her hockey bro I'm not scared of you you know I already know I can destroy them if I go V4 so how about this let's roll a fruit whoever rolls the best fruit is the best you already know Angels get the best fruit okay mister knows how to fly well all right then it seems like they're interested so follow me guys all right so I spawned my boat and we're all heading over to the Jungle Island look at this shirt dude he's literally swimming behind us he just said elbows now it's time to see which one is the luckiest angel shark ghoul human or rabbit Ben said he's going first okay let's see what Ben gets bro put up the king of food that's so your eyes bro literally any fruit is better than that fruit he's trying to defend it he said no it's good bro that fruit is trash here let me try Okay so Jenna's up next let's see what Jenna gets oh she put out the dark fruit that fruit's actually pretty good not bad but still trapped as you let the master try now he put out the ice fruit I win well I still have to go because you already know I'm gonna get the best one oh but Viola said my turn now okay let's see what Viola gets you got the top fruit you know chop isn't terrible it's not worth the kilo but oh gosh all right well let me show you how it's done I'm Gonna Roll my fruit and watch me get literally the most god-tier fruit ever bro look I got the Buddha please do anything for it what are you talking about are you trying to risk me up yes I am please give me Buddha well how about this did you guys think you're better whoever beats me can have it easy peasy I'm actually afraid of fighting but I'll beat you up anyways okay then let's go all right we made it to the Coliseum who's up first hey instead of fighting this bunny can work for that fruit bro why is trying to raise me up what are you saying Ben said whoa there buddy you a weird Critter Viola shut up Ben here well fight me first Violet we can discuss this after but you gotta beat me first if you even want the Buddha fruit okay so I just hopped on the spot and oh boy they are not ready for this I'm gonna use my ghoul Transformations I'm just gonna go insane but honestly I might not even have to waste it on viola here's in clothesline you're just about to get body like that dang she's tanky though missile jab or she's chasing after me I'm gonna press my T and now I got the ghoul Aura surrounding me I'm gonna start punching her now come here it's a little Shaker on her as well oh she wants to hit me with that get out of my face and it's time to end her with the piers in clothesline goodbye Viola easy I'm just better she said uh you can have this bunny anytime though hey yo get out of my face all right who's up next wait where are they bro oh shoot there's people right here Caleb and Jenna so how are we gonna cheat to beat him I mean it's simple we need to make sure he's hurt from the last fight it's game over from there good this plan is perfect oh and Ben just said where are you gonna cheat get out of here Ben bro they just one tapped man I can't believe what I just saw bro let me just ask him if they're ready or not yeah we have been this whole time oh I don't know because you guys were off somewhere talking about some strange thing what exactly were you guys saying that's not important are you ready or not yes I'm ready and I turned my back and look at them already talking behind my back you know the plan right of course I do go and play Mind Games we got this three two one here we go I'm up against Jenna oh now don't run for me you don't even have her hockey activated come on now bro ghoul is trash I bet you're trembling as we speak oh wait never mind you finally activated or hockey now it's time for her to actually fight me she's trying to hit me with those kicks but that's just not gonna work I'm literally just punching her down and it's match over good game already bro oh and Ben's coming up to me ominous uh what happened Ben they are cheating that's it you're dead meat oh dude Jenna's chasing men down I got to save Ben Milo's gonna help save Ben whoa whoa whoa looks like it's just you you and me now he just transformed into leopard time to show you who's the best well it looks like I'm actually gonna need race before for this this is the shark Dude too who kept saying my ghoul was trash three two one here we go okay so we're up against this leopard dude I was missing all his shots right now oh shoot he actually hit me yo chill out bro chill out missile jab is that half HP hey bro is actually doing quite a bit of damage look at this dude running casual leopard bro I'm gonna punch him oh shoot he hit me out of the combo I'm gonna try to hit him with the pastry River I got him but he also got me Mario half HP and I'm gonna get it with the piercing clothesline come here bro oh I got him die I love us it's okay I disposed of Ben and Viola now we can take him on ourselves don't tell me they're gonna try to 2V1 me now and he just transformed into the leopard okay then they want to fight then let's go oh they're jumping around and stuff okay which one should I go for first oh my gosh they're actually hitting me quite a bit all right let me soul guitar oh my gosh hold up this leopard fruit dude needs to chill out missile jab when we try to get him with the pastry River I think I got Jeddah she's still not dead but she's really low bro they are just hitting me chill out curse through katanas boom I just killed Jenna now all that's left is this dumb leopard fruit dude I hit him with El Diablo oh I have my race before Awakening here we go it's cool time it's time for you to get slammed bro look at this dude trying to run away now nope you ain't running for me El Diablo Soul shakers missile Jabs and ggs I just killed him as soon as he hit me too all right now that I won though I need to figure out where bed and Biola is because Jenna said that she disposed of them I gotta find them so I'm using my portal fruit I'm gonna go to Middletown OH and would you look at that Milo is right here Ben's also here what happened we had to run away Jenna nearly killed us I could have done more I just wish I was Stronger and also wishes he was Stronger thing I actually kind of feel bad you know what for helping me guys I'll give you guys perm Buddha you guys were doing the right thing so it's the least I could do and I can help you guys get revenge on them all right I just gifted them Buddha fruit and Viola just transformed into the Buddha and so did Ben oh yeah it's GG all right I just used the portal fruit and teleported us to the Coliseum and now we're gonna confront them look at Jenna and Caleb you scared to see us whoa what the heck what happened to them how do they have Buddha I gave them it and we're here to get revenge now I equipped My Buddha it's game over for them this is just transform into the leopard fruit this game over come here bro get him bro they just killed Ben instantly the Buddha fruit did nothing well either way you gotta kill them where's this leopard fruit Duda me and Viola are chasing this leopard fruit down come here bro dog and we just killed him and Jenna's right here so die bro get out of here whatever let's get out of here Caleb human and shark forever solo and they just spawned the boat and they're driving off now it looks like cool before actually is the best easy all right guys we awaken Angel race before and look at us we look amazing we have gigantic angel wings we actually just look Heavenly right now but anyways with that being said we have to go to our angel Island you already know where we reside at I don't know if you guys knew this but if you have the dragon fruit you can have like two sets of wings with Angel before it's actually really cool it matches my outfit too all right so we made it to the island and oh I see someone here hold up what are they doing kicked me off the island wait what what happened why did you just say you got kicked off the island the dumb Angels kicked me off because I don't have any wings oh and she doesn't have any wings and her name is Fallen Angel okay that actually makes some sense now but why though who cares if you don't have wings well they also set him a bad luck charm because I don't have any wings and grew horns wow so you don't roll good fruits I'm guessing yeah I got kilo once I thought it was good but they called me dumb and kicked me off I'm not gonna lie kilo is pretty bad but I can help you out we can get revenge on them really how so whoa I can roll a good fruit for you and we can show it to them OMG really of course bro I'm serious that would be so helpful all right then let's go all right we made it to the blocks fruits gotcha we're here with Fallen Angel come on give me some good luck you already know we got race before we gotta have some good luck oh and we do have the light fruit show this to them and they'll have to let you in all right then let's go they will definitely let me in now well hopefully they do let her in the island because I don't see any reason why someone would be getting kicked off just for not having wings so we just got to the island and it looks like they're over there so I'm gonna tell her to go on and let's see if she could actually get a good fruit I'm gonna hide in these clouds though because I don't want them to see me or anything all right let's see what they say to Fallen Angel angels you got to let me in now look what I got love bro are they laughing at the light fruit just a stupid light fruit you can't be serious huh but it's good only Buddha and up can be allowed drop the fruit now they wanted to drop the fruit even though they're calling it trash no drop the fruit please no if you drop it we will let you in it's my first rare fruit please drop it and you can be one of us all right fine once you drop the fruit I lied oh my gosh is actually getting destroyed bro she just got obliterated what in the world dumb noob thinks she can be one of us I know right bro they're actually just too overpowered what in the world did I just witness oh and I see Fallen Angels he's right here wow I can't believe they did that follow me let's get that fruit back cause I'm not gonna lie I low-key feel bad I can't leave Fallen Angel out of my sight this time because honestly if I do she just gets bodied like that I'm gonna have to use my race before powers to protect her and we're climbing up the sky island and we're about to be there I'm pretty sure they're at the top but I don't know yet we're about to find out oh and we're here and there they are welcome to our Sky Island greetings those are some nice wings so soft and such sharp edges they're really shiny um thanks well with wings like that would you want to join our little sky crew um I'm not sure I'd be interested to be honest oh fallen angel is here as well did we ever tell you what amazing luck she has wait what bro didn't they just kill her she even got us this light fruit what a man amazing look hey fallen angel I want to show you something come follow me real quick it won't take long all right wait is falling angel going with them bro he just bodied you angel no all right well it looks like they're off somewhere else while he is taking care of her let me show you around the island I mean okay he wants to show me around the island I'm guessing he's doing it as a way to convince me to join his Sky Island crew so I mean I guess I'll take a look so here's our nation treasure our Master Sword dealer this is their National Treasure what is the sword dealer even sell bro he only sells these two garbage items bro what the heck I mean they're not terrible but bro I already have cursed little katanas he would Supply anyone with top-tier blades and here's our Rich Sky Garden is there anything else because I'm not gonna lie I don't see anything crazy here oh and he's taking me over here bro it's literally just a treasure bug we have a nice big Treasure Chest here as well where I can just take it look and it only get 800 cash I'm gonna be honest I'm not convinced oh and what the heck this dude just arrived I finished prepare a very special gift for you I don't know man once you see it you will for sure be convinced 100 all right then fine let's see the special gifts it looks like we're heading to the Coliseum what type of special gift is that the Coliseum so we just arrived I'm guessing we have to jump out now where is he taking me to bro I'm so confused wait what does fallen angel doing here we have prepared a special sacrifice for you bro they want me to kill Fallen Angel if you kill her you can gain Powers far beyond us uh I don't know it's okay I'm gonna do it I know you want to Bro should I actually kill fallen angel I don't know she wants me to join the Angels but you know what no this isn't right you guys bullied her Fallen Angel get out the way I have full fury on my dragon so I'm gonna transform they need to die oh shoot and they got the leopard in the spirit oh my gosh they're actually beaming me down yo too Heat Wave beam oh and they're using all their spirit and leopard powers on me bro too dragon at this leopard dude what I got him it's the spirit dude that's being annoying though come here boom and I just clapped them let's go fallen angel's safe but wait why is she laughing at me good job Noob what what is she talking about in fact I only used you to kill the Angels wait what but they were mean to you what do you mean my plan was to kill the whole race live before and you're not killing me bro time to awaken my form my power oh shoot is the Phoenix fruit I thought she had a garbage fruit this entire time oh my God yeah what is he doing bro she's actually biting me right now so I'm at half HP already climb Dragon through the floor my gosh I'm getting low though too oh my gosh and I got her low but she's here we go on her HP back no get out of that form bro oh my gosh before let's go Angel E4 has been activated I bet you didn't expect this and look at my form I look so it'll be time to die bro come here when she died look at her one time I need to find the others I'm sorry I betrayed you guys I didn't know she was evil so now you see that girl was trying to kill her entire Clan that's the true reason we kicked her out the funny thing is we were working with Fallen Angel this entire time wait what what is fallen angel doing here we actually want to eradicate this clan from the inside bro what and now we have everyone here time to die oh shoot yo they're all chasing after me though who do I even trust at this point it's like they were all just using me well I'm Max Fury it's time to go Dragon mode oh my gosh the spirit dude is just beaming me down yeah I can't move I'm just gonna use Fire's Tower and hope for the best everyone needs to die come in here we got it close beam oh and I just killed the spirit dude this leopard dude needs to die jerk on it Glow all right I'm gonna get out of my form I'm about to have race before look at this person trying to charge up and now I have raised before let's go come in here and I just killed the Phoenix dude it's just a leopard dude left Soul guitar that would be all blow Boom come here oh would I just actually just sliced through him he just got clapped but we're not just bodied them wow so this is the true power of an angel can we please join you no way you just asked that you guys just tried to kill me we will be useful we want to be just like you one day all right how can I trust you guys then well we will stop abusing the Angels you can trust this master so what do you saying can we join definitely not bro they're tripping come here and I just killed all of them bro why would I let them join the angel Clan bro yeah I'm out of here I don't know who to trust anymore all right guys we're in blogspruits as a noob look at our Noob Avatar we don't have anything on right now it's literally just plain Noob No One's Gonna Know But now that we're here at the Jungle Island I might as well roll for a fruit let's see if we have new New Blood because for some reason noobs get really lucky oh and I got the sand fruit not bad at all I'll take it wait who are these people what's up chump hello give us our fruit or meat dad what what do you mean what a new blow you better listen to them bacon but why what did I do you Noob shouldn't even be here go back to starter Island yeah you piece of Filth you make me hurl looking at you what's the reason for all of this we want to exterminate all noobs we don't need level fives on this island little do they know I'm not actually level five and they said that it's only level 1000 and above actually max level so if they actually try to fight me I wouldn't just be a regular Noob right now that's not what we're here for we're only here for the fruit so drop it or end up in the grave like all the other noobs yeah listen to our leader he's being generous all right fine man I don't want any problems just leave me alone I dropped in the fruit hopefully he leaves me alone now smart move ah thanks oh that was so easy what is he talking about I just gave you the fruit you're dead either way what oh got one time they're driving off now it looks like they're heading over to Snow Village well I can't believe they just one tapped me I tried to put in level one stats so they would think I'm a Noob but I didn't think they would actually kill me so now I'm putting all my stats back in I'm not letting that happen to me again and look at that we got Max stats now wait a minute why is Sophie still here why are you still here do you want to die again the real question is why are you still here that's none of your concern besides shouldn't a noob like you be elsewhere this is literally the Jungle Island it's a noob Island it's an island for noobs uh I can't take it you're being so annoying right now do we have a problem right now yeah we actually do your leader killed me and took my fruit so go spin me one right now who cares what about it I'm not giving you a fruit stop crying already you Noob things aren't gonna get ugly if you don't you don't want the smoke pip squeak like you could do anything well you really think that back to the Jungle house you go oh shoot now she's attacking me my HP well I also have the Phoenix fruit I'm transforming now come here 6K damn that's probably the worst thing you could have done you must have like ran out of energy or something 6K damage oh she's about to die I just killed her with my Phoenix proof get clap uh I guess you are strong I hate to admit it but if I had someone strong like you with me maybe we could be stronger together and overthrow that annoying leader Wade well how about this I'll Ally with you on one condition you roll me a fruit and she said fine yeah I'm getting my fruit back let's go it better be a good fruit too bro and she rolled me the kilo it's not the best but I guess you can do something with it bro this fruit is garbage well look I know where fruit is right now I'll get us there and we can go pick it up okay all right fine but it better be good all right I'm following her and she's taking me to the fruit it looks like it's right here and it's a palm fruit all right whatever this will do it's better than that trash kilo at least anyways last time I saw them they were heading to Snow Village are you ready yeah let's head there right now all right and we made it over here to the Snow Village we use my hockey and see where they are and I saw them in here look at them right there all right we're here but I need to talk with them so I need you to go to the Coliseum my sweet talk them okay all right I mean I guess she said she'll meet me there obviously I'm not heading to the Coliseum you got me messed up I'm gonna just spy and see what they're saying finally you're back at The Hideout where were you guys I'm sorry for the hold up it was a long story do you remember that Noob yeah what about that loser well after we killed him I decided to spend time on Jungle Island and then he came up to me and tried to talk to me okay and did you kill him again well he was annoying so I fought him but I may have lost you lost him trust me he's strong yes you're joking pathetic there's no way you got killed by a bacon I just don't understand how you would lose I literally one tapped him believe me I don't know either he just awakened those powers that were too powerful yeah okay Captain we should go track him down and kill him Sophia embarrassed us he should be at the Coliseum by now I've been pretending to be his friend so he'll be there for me awesome great opportunity to strike we should go now oh gosh and they want to hunt me down though and I don't understand I thought Sophia was on my side but it turns out he he actually was just trying to tell her crewmates to kill me when they get here I got a special surprise for all of them I'm gonna awaken my human race before and I'm gonna equip the op Shadow fruit and on top of that I'm also equipping my cursed dual katanas and my pale scarf I'm not an ordinary Noob anymore when I see them and it looks like they're arriving now hey I'm back hi Sophia and look at Wade he said how did you get that aura wait was Sophia not lying come on Sophia I thought we were teaming I'm not teaming with you you just stay there and die guys it doesn't matter anyways look at him he's a bacon you guys got this easy pickings uh whatever you say boss Sophia go and beat him let's just get this over with and I'm fighting Sophia now come here she's trying to hit me with that stupid Phoenix fruit like that's gonna do anything to me come here bro boom shade nest and look at all the bass chasing her she's already won she's so weak oh still yo Loki that did Fat damage but she's gonna die now come here look at her dead body way too easy it's whatever Sophia was the weakest one here anyways and she's like what yeah I said it you're weak will you still sleep with your teddy bear shut up Ken show her how it's done I won't lose like that failure Sophia and now I'm up against Ken this dude does not know what's coming to him and he just activated the Buddha but what is that he doesn't even have a wicked Buddha this dude's an actual Noob come here bro Soul Shaker and now I'm just gonna use my op Shadow move on him and look at him he can't even move he's just stuck there die and now it's time to finish him off come here curse duel katanas oh what I barely missed but I won't miss this one and now he's dead look at his dead body no way you thought that trash could beat me oh in the world did you guys lose what did I tell you he's strong whatever you guys always leave the mess for the leader fake it in the ring right now you're against me now monkey pet it's time for you to get destroyed then now I'm fighting the leader like he's gonna do anything to me oh shoot yo he's actually doing a lot of damage hold up chill out now he's spawning his dumb spear fruits he's trying to fly in the air like what is he doing I'm here bro oh my gosh I can't move these stupid Spears my gosh there's nothing that despise more than the stupid spear fruit oh my gosh they're actually clapping my cheeks yo too yo I think he's coming home all right I'm gonna just fly up to them come here and look at how much damage I'm doing by just flying around them I just did 4K damage just like that bro but why did they do so much damage they're actually kind of doing a lot of damage to me and this Spirit tree keeps putting me in place like stop bro like look at him he's just kidding his stupid spirit all right that's it oh my gosh I'm coming straight after him now boom I just used my curse though katana's and I killed him in midair collaps no way are Captain laws this bacon is literally a punk guys let's all jump them wait nebula can I join you please no you had the chance to and you betrayed me it's not like I needed you anyways Sophia what are you talking about you weekly I was just messing around yeah sure you were I'm not letting you on my team you're crazy you're going to the enemy side you're worse than scum uh no I'm not the three of us are gonna kill him anyways yeah let's just kill this guy yeah time to die oh shoot and they're all coming at me no all right well I'm about to unleash my op Shadow move oh my gosh that move was so Pete look how much damage it does and look at this Phoenix dude trying to regen their HP come here boom Oh and they're hitting me so much I'm at 5K HP that's it I'm Awakening human before it's time for them to die oh my God yo they're doing fat damage yo too all right I'm going straight after them El Diablo oh my gosh I'm doing so much damage right now oh but I just absolutely sliced in the Buddha dude all that's left is the dumb leaders and I'm about to use my op Shadow move to kill them and they're dead you do not want to mess with the human V4 bacon just because they thought I was a noob doesn't mean I'm actually a noob they just got destroyed bro this bacon looks insane he's way too strong of course I am let's Retreat I'm gonna try to run away hey no come here and I'm on their boat and I just destroyed all of them they're not getting away from me now I'm robbing their boat and never mess with the bacon hair again all right guys so we're here with cyborg V4 and we look absolutely in insane and I'm here with my friend Alice and right now we're just chilling in the jungle island did hi nebula been a while since I've seen you a long time no see man you look super strong especially with those wings do they enhance your powers yeah These Wings make me really strong they can also turn purple too whoa I wish I had something like that too bad I'm just not rich enough hey maybe one day I could actually probably even help you out to be honest oh if it means I can be powerful I'll do it well first off you're gonna need to become a cyborg like me but I don't want to cover up my beautiful face I'd rather just have those wings well you need both that's how you get powerful but I just want the wings listen if you're not gonna help me I'll just find someone else who will we're friends though and why is she walking off looks like she tp'd somewhere where'd she go and she's at the Frozen Village wait where are they going they're just walking outside now hey Dr gum I think we need to talk now what do you need I want Power loads of it what kind of power do you see well my friend Dominus has these really cool wings but I don't want to cover up my face I just want the wings yes but without the ugly mask according to my technical analysis I know exactly what your issue is but this information doesn't come without a cause what do you mean I'll do anything you need to bring me a fruit and then meet me back here all right doctor go on then oh shoot he's probably gonna TP back to the jungle and meet me at the gotcha so I teleported back to the Jungle Island she says she needs a fruit I'm gonna just wait for her here oh when I see her she's walking up the stairs hey nebula I have a request wait a minute where did you go and don't lie to me I had to see my doctor I wasn't feeling too good sorry about earlier all right she's acting a bit strange and Technically she's not lying let's see what she even wants from me so by any chance could you help me with something sure what do you need could you buy me a fruit and he will do all right since I trust you and you're my friend I will yay thanks all right so let me give Elise a fruit and let's see what she does with the fruit and I got this mid it's Loki pretty trash but hey she's got have to take it there you go do you want to hang out I'm low-key bored I think my head's a bit dizzy I'm gonna have to go back to my doctor sorry bro I just gave her a fruit and she wants a dip already is she leaving did she just tped away well you guys already know I'm gonna follow her and where'd she go when I see her she's back over here all right doc I got your fruit perfect and she just dropped him the fruit now what is it that I have to do well before telling you what we have to do next we have to head back to my lab at the second seat uh-huh okay help teleport us there perfect I will explain everything when we get there when they just went through the portal I think they're going to the second C now when I see them they're right there and they just went through the portal and I just followed them in and what are they doing there all right Alice this is the project I have been working on for years what is that thing wait and there's another cyborg dude inside of there what the heck what type of project is this if you can obtain the powers of these wings too but you're going to have to get your hands dirty did you already forget I said that I'd do anything perfect doesn't your friend and have those wings yeah don't tell me this bald dude's gonna tell her to kill me in that case you will have to go kill him and obtain his energy core if it's come down to it then I'm ready yo who was Alice want to kill me I thought she was my friend I'll bring you the court Dr gum knowing him though he's probably out training somewhere in the Coliseum I'll see if he's there he's at the Colosseum go kill him and bring me the core and I got you and she just teleported all right well since she's at the Coliseum I guess I'll have to meet her there there you are what are you doing here I was looking for you I just needed to help my doctor with some research it'll only hurt a bit what do you mean just sit back and relax she turned on her hockey wait a minute is she trying to fight me yo oh my gosh she's actually trying to fight me bro I don't want a fighter please stop we can talk this out that doesn't seem like she's stopping so I'm just gonna have to attack her bro I'm using my team move from the Cyborg and yo she's actually clapping my cheese I just killed her bro I don't know what her problem was hey I told you to just die I'm not gonna just die for no reason I'm so fed up with you you'll never understand she just teleported away I'm just gonna go through this portal doc it didn't work I failed you couldn't kill him no he was way too powerful I just want what he has besides why can't we just kill that thing right there oh and the doctor said no why not it has a cord this is my cyborg it's been my project for years we can't kill it then what do we do he's way too powerful if you can't kill him yourself then I'll help you you will I'm quite strong myself can we also bring that robot absolutely not why not it's powerful it's too unstable and if I bring it out now then it'll go insane oh fine let's just get this over with and it looks like they're probably going to fight me again so I need to make sure I'm prepared and ready for this I'm gonna equip the spirit fruit and look there they are hey nebula I brought my dog through with me this bald dude is your doctor yes I am what about it I told you that I wanted your wings and here I am he's literally corrupting you he would never I'm just simply helping my client Get Your Wings you literally told her to kill me you're the evil one here make my friend do dumb things if it's the only way it must be done how dare you call my doctor evil he's a strong person stronger than you'll ever be oh really yes and let's find out shall we oh and he just turned on his hockey bring it on oh shoot he'll use the dragon fruit okay hold on now bro my HP is actually just getting destroyed I'm gonna fly up to him and activate my energy core and just do some fat damage to him I'm grabbing him I'm spawning all my spirits now yo this is actually insane I can't believe they're both attacking me now though that's just messed up but now I'm gonna comment on Me on the dragon that just explode a little he's still somehow alive but I think I just killed Alice and it's still this dumb dragon fruit left come here bro look at him flying around oh and I'm about to wake it race before Oh my gosh my HP no that's it I'm Awakening cybered before I'm here bro boom and he's trying to run away I'm not gonna let that happen die I didn't want to unleash my Powers against him but I literally had to if it's come to this it must be done oh and they came back with the cyborg I brought my cyber to kill you and take your energy cord whoa you're dead now go cyborg attack him and he put dot dot dot hey I'm backing up this dude's acting mad sucks right now oh shoot he's attacking his own team he literally just killed Alice he just killed the doctor too oh my gosh and now he's coming after me oh shoot here's the dough fruit oh my gosh and he's using that big giant dough move that's not gonna work on me and I got him in the punches come here here's in clothesline yo this cyborg is so tanky oh my Lord but as you guys know I'm the better cyborg oh my gosh he just hit me with that God human did 3K damage all right I'm activating my team missile Jeff where's the cyborg do that oh my gosh no he got me in the piercing clothesline dang Danny oh my gosh guys he's actually clapping my cheeks right now my health missile jab I'm literally one tap bro and he just awake and race before oh my gosh my HP all right well it's time for me to awaken race before come here where is this dude at and I see him he's trying to jump away no you're not bro missile jab oh my gosh my HP I'm literally one but I see him come here and I'm jumping around him we're both trying to kill each other oh my gosh bro I'm so low right now if I get hit once I'm dead oh I got him in the combo missile job but he's dead let's go I killed the cyborg dude no no no how could you have destroyed my most precious Creations that's it I'm taking Allison turning her into a cyborg what no you're not and she's dipping and I'm not gonna let this dude do it either come here die and he's dead oh and Alice King back she said thank you for saving me I think I don't want to become a cyborg anymore though the process seems too painful but he wasn't even right that's not even how you get the cyborg in the first place but I'll show you another time either way I'm glad you're back to normal I'm sorry for trying to kill you earlier it's all good hours and it looked like cyborg is way too op then I literally couldn't die hey ominous what's up bro can I have another perm fruit please Buddha is so trash no bruh you're just trash your Buddha isn't even awakened yet how about we go roll for some fruits instead okay I'm gonna go with my little brother we're gonna roll some fruits I'm definitely not giving them another permanent fruit after I give him Fern Buddha like Buddha is actually pretty good all right we made it to the gotcha I told my brother to go first let's see what he gets I hope I get a mythical I mean he's wearing the angel wings so maybe oh and he got the magma yo uh magma it's not the mythical I wanted yo I'm not gonna lie it's actually pretty good though whatever Buddha is probably better than this trash well yeah Buddha definitely is better I'm gonna go roll a fruit now when I rolled a fruit and it's the garbage kilo and my brother's laughing at me you got the worst one in the game bro I'll definitely get a better fruit next time yeah sure oh and who are these people oh that magma fruit looks so nice is that for me who are you and no this bag was mine don't worry about it and who are these people simping for her it would suit you perfectly my queen this dude's name is Alpha top G anyways I was just complimenting you oh sorry for being aggressive you look cute by the way yo why is my brother telling her she looks cute this is blogs fruits bro oh thank you I had to say the same thing about you cutie hey punk stop with the extra comments yeah little man watch your words shut up Alpha your dog yes Queen bro she is ordering them around are they like scared of her or something anyways little bro come with me gladly let's take a little stroll they're on the ship now where are they going I'm gonna make sure that little man stays in his Lane and doesn't do anything sus oh and now this dude's jumping off hey man tell your little bro to hop off he's talking to my Queen way too much that short little loser hey man stop trash talking my little brother I don't agree with what he's doing but you're not about a disrespect him not in front of my face so I noticed we have a common interest you want your brother to come back and I want him off my queen so how about we team up a little to achieve that goal you know what fun just don't be annoying alright then let's get to it so I'm spawning my boat and I'm pretty sure they went this way I think they were heading over to the sky island I don't know why they would be there but we're gonna go find out all right and we made it to the sky island and I see one of the Sims over here hey back off the queen told me to stay down here Aiden calm down bro just move out the way do you want problems ominous enough to have a blind goals we all want that little loser off our Queen yeah we're gonna go and spy on them and see what they're doing fine let's get rid of that worm hey watch your mouth bro sorry I meant kid yeah he better not be calling my brother a worm bro anyways we're heading up this annoying Sky Island thingy where even are they when I see them they're right here let's get in the pool okay girl oh bro they're walking in the pool yo what is he doing you better teach your little brother a lesson that should be me how dare he be in the pool with my queen bro I can't believe my little brother like what is he doing I don't know how much longer I can watch so about that fruit can I have it I'll dance on you if you give it of course having so much fun awesome bro don't give her the fruit come on man and he just dropped her the fruit do you like it I love it thank you we should slide down that waterfall together is she talking about that ginormous Cliff right there bro if he jumps off that he's gonna die okay that sounds fun bro don't do it and he just jumped off and she also jumped off and she just flew back up what the heck bro she just tricked my brother into jumping off he's probably dead now LOL what a loser bro I gotta go check and see if my brother's okay oh he's right here yo are you good yeah I'm okay I jumped off and I almost died though well as long as you're alive that's good at least but that girl is using you she doesn't even like you what do you mean she jumped off with me bro no she didn't she flew right back up look do you see her at all what you're right she's not here see what did I tell you you were right I'm sorry I can't believe she tricked me we need to get revenge what do you think bro I agree they're super annoying anyways we gotta be fast though and since I got the mink race I'm gonna be super fast I'm running up there as fast as I can oh and I'm almost there and I see them don't run now wait how did he survive my queen run away now I'll handle them and they're running off now what is this dude gonna do I thought you were clearly nice but clearly not and he said it's time for us to meet our end oh shoot and he's using the control for me trying to blow us up and he just one tapped my brother all right bro come here boom when he's hitting me with the stupid gamma Rush come here missile jab and he's trying to throw these buildings at me stop running and I hit him with the pastry River he's gotta be low I got him in the doe punches I'm literally pummeling him to death die and I see my little brother right here hurry up we gotta go to the Coliseum I'm pretty sure that's where they went anyways I'm gonna have to leave my little brother behind but I'm not trying to let them Escape I made it to the Coliseum and I see them they're over here Aiden ghetto oh shoot and he's already attacking me bro and he has the leopard fruit all right well I'm gonna have to out speed it somehow I'm dodging all his attacks because I'm so fast oh and I got him in the doe punches here's in clothesline oh and I got him with that too he's gotta be low he's right here he's trying to finger revolver me obviously he's missing every single shot he can't even hit me okay never mind as soon as I say that he hits me pastry River oh and I barely missed all right leopard dude stop running we know you're not good and now he's dead now it's your turn no Aiden she just transformed into the dragon I'm not letting you get away bro oh shoot yo that did Fat damage she's flying over my piercing clothesline but never mind she just flew right into it boom Oh that only did 1K damage bro why is this dragon fruit actually so tanky oh my gosh my HP my HP my HP I think I'm gonna have to awaken make me four come here now I'm super fast I'm literally just gonna catch with my tornadoes no punches I'm just gonna hit her with My Soul guitar moves and my personal Katana moves and I can just clap for cheese all right bro that's it I'm getting her in the piercing clothesline brother I'm here hey he made it I mean I made it here oh shoot and this dude's back already listen we'll let you guys off the hook if you apologize right now does she think we're dumb bro she said it's a 3v1 you can't win what do you mean it's a 3v2 bro do you think you count you die in one hit little bro thinks he's on the team hey shut up he's better than all of you anyways yeah right and this dude's trying to make fun of my brother again he died from Fall damage bro stop talking well actually he survived either way well bro move out the way things are about to get messy why'd you kick him off the team I thought he was better than us well he doesn't need to see what's about to happen to you guys plus I can take you all on by myself enough talk big guy let's hop in the Kalo yeah you're about to get jumped let's get them my card dogs and they both said yes Queen at the same time they're so weird and now they're chasing me and they just transformed into the dragon they're using all their moves now well come here I told him I wasn't playing around here's in clothesline I'm grabbing all of them boom and I see this dragon fruit this leopard fruit is getting in my way so I can't even attack her all right well since they want to be annoying I'm going straight after this control fruit dude oh no all right I'm gonna have to use my big Powers I gotta use my super speed so they can't hit me I'm already at 3K HP oh my gosh I've had 2K but guess what I have make V4 now El Diablo oh my gosh my HP but I know I'm doing fat damage right now because they're all low but when I just killed the dragon wait no I didn't she's right there bro I'm not gonna lie this is actually really difficult I'm using my Mig powers and I'm trying to defend myself with these tornadoes but it's actually getting quite hard El Diablo oh my gosh about 100 HP oh and I killed the dragon oh and I killed the leopard it's just this dumb control fruit dude no go here and I see him he's trying to run away where do you think you're going bro die and he's dead I killed them bro wow you look sick you three me won them easy I want to unlock those Powers one day what is this Ashley person doing die loser she just once had my brother she's trying to run away no you don't bro make is way too fast where do you think you're going and she's trying to fly away with their dragon Powers I'm not letting her run away come here she thinks she can get away from me die and I just kill her she really try to run away from a mink bro well I guess Mick is just overpowered bro especially awakens all right guys so we're back in Block streets and as you can see we have shark man V4 awakened and look we got a nice big blue long tail and we also can summon some Seabees now too but now it's time to conquer the sea I see a ship over there we're gonna head straight to it Omen arriving it looks like there's some people here stupid humans why did this dude say stupid humans and now they're greeting me Welcome to our boat a fellow shark would you like to join our crew by any chance um to be honest I'm not sure but it's funny to see other sharks here well I promise it's worth it we're always welcoming new members but wait why is he saying he's off to get revenge on the stupid humans what do they do to you guys they killed me and bass for nothing they're evil and they need to die wow so they just killed a fellow shark for no reason yes brother they killed our kind for nothing well where can I find them I'll help you out last time I saw them they went that way oh and I see they're both they're over there all right stay here I'll take care of this I'll show you guys my true powers and now they're thanking me so it's time to go over there oh they're the kills for no reason I'm arriving at the ship I think that's them what have you guys done why would you kill us for no reason wait can you wait real quick what do you want for dinner Juliet cooked fish sounds very yummy indeed bro that's it but what happened to the fishes I can explain I don't care die and I'm spawning my Seabees it's time for them to die look at them trying to activate the Buddha fruit I can't tolerate this how dare you and they have the Phoenix and the Buddha they literally killed the fish for no reason and I'm spawning another seed bees killing my CBS get em and he's dead you shouldn't have killed my fish Brothers bro so I'm gonna head back to to them and tell them that I just killed them did you kill them yes I did and they said they wanted to fish for dinner too OMG thank you so much of course I always got to protect other fishmen so now that that's done want to join our crew you know what sure I'll join the fish man crew Splendid so it's become an official Member First you need to grab me a fruit from the dealer of course and the Rarity doesn't matter we need you to show your loyalty once you're done just bring it back to me here all right that sounds easy enough so they're dropping me off to get them a fruit now I think I'm gonna go all right I told him I'll be right back and now I'm going to get a fruit for them I'm taking the shortcut of course I don't want to take the long way and we're at the blocks which gotcha already let's see what fruit I get though and I got the chop fruit okay they said Rarity doesn't matter so we should be good all right I'm heading back to them but wait where are they wait why are they all the way over there why they just leave me here wait in the chat no please don't hurt me oh wait and what is this dude doing here you what are you doing here the real question is what do you do doing you want to eat us fish that's besides the point we need to help Juliet those freaks got her ooh the fishes they kidnapped her I thought they were nice listen man I don't know what you've heard about me but I didn't do any of it you didn't kill a fish man no why would I do that they're like Brothers to me my mentor was a Fishman too all right let's go save Juliet then so I spawned a boat because unfortunately he's not a fisherman so we can't swim with us in the water but we're going to save them I saw them going this direction and we just arrived at the Turtle Island I can see their ship here too all right whoa this place is huge let's split up good idea I'll go left and you go right so we're off looking for her now I'm gonna use my observation hockey and hopefully get an idea where they are and when I see them over there all of them it looks like they're on a tower of some sort I can't really tell but one thing I do know is that that's for sure then all right I see them what are you guys doing I got a fruit and you love well I saw this happening nebula you don't understand we were taking care of business these humans deserve everything why is he punching her what the heck what did she do to you she deserves it she is a human they all deserve this I thought you only wanted to kill the evil ones she did nothing wrong look even Juliet's think I didn't do anything please let me go that's what I'm doing humans are all evil all they do is destroy us but that's it I'm leaving the crew and you see this fruit I'm dropping it in the ocean and I just dropped it in the ocean I'm coming back though I'm not becoming an official member this is completely wrong whoa leaving after you join isn't that easy you trying to pick a fight you know you don't stand a chance what where did she go oh and Juliet escaped as they were talking to me pass go get her back I'll handle him I saw that leopard fruit and guess what I have one too time to die oh shoot he's coming straight after me come here and look at him he's trying to run away oh my gosh he just hit me with the finger revolver yochu come here bro you're not beating a shirt before yo he's low-key actually damaging me he's out spamming me I can't lie oh my gosh I'm so low but I gotta activate start before die oh I just clapped him instantly he said no chance against my shirt before I gotta find the others wait what is this dude doing here gills I can't find her wait where's gills he's dead no and you're next come here bro die he just got clapped instantly oh and I think I see Juliet over here what is she doing are you okay yeah a little oh and Gemma left this here I found her man thank God you killed them they shouldn't bother us anymore Blended I hope so Juliet I'm so glad that you're safe and you you're so gullible it wasn't a part of my master plan though for her to get captured like this but it worked what are you talking about you got rid of the filth those fishes what do you mean Juliet let's show him what we mean oh shoot bro my help bro they just jumped me for no reason like what did I do I literally helped them save her and now they're both attacking me like what I'm out of here I can't believe I just got tricked at this point I don't know what I can do all right well I just arrived at the sea castle and I see the two fishmen over here and they're looking at me you the traitor what are you doing here you guys know why I had to do it you said you want to kill all the humans I'm not with that well it's not all humans the idiot Jim made us mad so we stole his friend Juliet but I guess I let the anger get the best of me yeah well you can't be doing that but I have to tell you something too they just tried to kill me they lied to me what I told you I know I'm sorry but if we want to team up again you have to get rid of that hatred they're actually evil but not all the humans are bad all right I won't hate the humans anymore but Jim and Juliet have to pay I agree so let's get it we're teaming up again the This Crew all right so we're swimming after them oh I see them on the boat get em boys why are they turning back are they scared of us or is it because these three ships just monitor or try to kill them well either way they're gonna die look at me and the crew and I quit my dough fruit for this so I'm gonna go straight after them all right so I just made it here and I see them looks like they're waiting for me what you're working together with them of course I made you hate them wow you snakes enough of this you fishes need to die oh assume they all just transformed and they're all fighting right now let me go with my cursed dual katanas on this Phoenix boom I just sliced right through her oh my gosh what is going on I just see a bunch of explosions they just killed one of the fish men and she's trying to heal up no wait did they just kill the other dude too how oh now they're attacking me I'm so low I can't move oh my gosh about 1.8 khp I gotta go in the sea I have an advantage here I'm spotting my Seabees too look at my big red boy don't be scared bro come here look at this beautiful trying to kill me missile jab and now I have race before look at them trying to take on my Seabees I'm gonna spawn another one and look at this Buddha dude he's dead oh and I see the Phoenix person they're all the way in the sky and I got them in the dough combo and she's dead yeah bro shark v-force two op you definitely don't want to mess with me we literally own the sea
Channel: Ominous Nebula
Views: 1,740,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits race v4 tier list, blox fruits race v4 showcase, blox fruits race v4 human, blox fruits race v4 ghoul, blox fruits race v4 mink, blox fruits race v4 angel, blox fruits race v4 cyborg, blox fruits race v4 shark, blox fruits race v4 awakenings, human v4, mink v4, angel v4, cyborg v4, shark v4, ghoul v4, roblox, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits human v4
Id: 1nQkmqblBgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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