I Broke All Laws of Physics in The Coin Game

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well hello there everybody and welcome to day one of our arcade survival today we have a coin game and I've been wanting to do this for a while now one of my favorite ways to play this game is in the survival mode which is still in beta uh just because it's so difficult and I love an arcade game that's based on a survival game so yes we have two dollars and fifty cents to start with which is basically nothing and we legit have to eat in this game we have to survive by mostly winning arcade prizes there is small jobs you can do around the map and yeah if you haven't seen this game or seen much of it uh it truly is one of my favorite indie games that have come out in the last couple of years and yes I just love the survival mode so I forget what we start with here I believe we have a little bit of food in the fridge yeah we got some TV dinners I'm gonna put this in my inventory because we're gonna need some today for sure we'll take some cheesy poops and I think that's pretty much it for right now so goal number one is to earn some money I don't know if I want to go straight to the arcades I don't think I can play much with two dollars and fifty cents all right you know what I think I'm gonna go to the islandville mall for the start here I have a good idea on how to possibly make some money so we'll head over there all right at the islandville mall 8 A.M in the morning job number one is to hopefully do a little bit of a treasure hunt so hopefully nobody steals my bike we're just gonna throw it right there all right we're not going to the arcade today what we're gonna try and do is actually use these Fortune tickets uh if you don't know these things I gotta time this right I don't remember how to do this um obviously when his mouth open is over and click and okay that wasn't too hard at all done thank you all right and we have enough for one more play hopefully we don't get a double because that would really suck and I lost and that's what I'm talking about like this game is gonna be hardcore at the start I could obviously go do a job that probably be the smart thing uh but I want to see if we can actually do these treasure hunts now whoops you mean to drop it all right and here we are at the next stop my wonderful forts now if we use this on this we should see part of the map okay so I got three different or sorry four different treasure areas of course they're at the far side of the map I believe yeah we it's it's in the it's in the exact opposite side from where I am great fantastic so I'm gonna spend all day traveling here I hope it's worth it whoa yeah I almost died oh God oh my God oh my God oh get off the road get off the road people do not care about my life because I wish there was a sidewalk God that was close I have died in this game uh due to exactly that that's the biggest risk of the survival mode is getting run over by a freaking car that was really close I legit got clipped there I'm just gonna look around this rock there's not much here for things to hide in I don't even know really what I'm looking for that's why I want to do this so badly it's the one it's one of the few things I haven't done in this game is find these damn Treasures so I'm hoping this works now uh I might have to open up the maps to see exactly where we are but maybe here you know what let's just get off and see how we're doing okay so we are right on the beach it was like right here I have a screenshot of the thing so it should be like right over here oh wait what's that there's something is that is that a box yep that's gotta be it it's right by the rock so I walked right by the freaking rock that it was behind okay at least I know they're here we got our first actual treasure in this game look at it it's a treasure chest too oh please be something good I legit need something good right now interact uh what did I get oh my God okay that's two prizes oh three prizes hell yeah dude that's actually fantastic all right well there we go we finally got treasure in this game there is four more that we unlocked so we should at least profit because it was only uh well it was one dollar to play but I did lose one so it was two dollars we're definitely gonna make more than two dollars doing this God I hope so because we kind of gotta get some money to play the arcades damn it so uh I do know there's one at the UFO arcade which is right over here as you can see uh not really sure where it is but it's somewhere around it so it should be pretty easy to spot I mean they're giant chests all right hello forklift man uh looks like there's some new arcades coming in that's exciting it's probably like right here I'm just gonna get off my bike and growls a bit you got any treasure chests here no oh yeah dude I'm already seeing we got a scratch ticket that hasn't been scratched one that has I can't seem to grab the boxes unfortunately so I can't sell actual trash and I'm stuck in here great um that's probably here to get out oh God please oh I die in this game there we go oh there it is wow it was way further than what was on the picture so good thing I decided to look behind the fence and we have our second chest I wonder if they're always going to be beside rocks what do we get this time more of these things and I don't know what the hell that other thing was all right so this is the dollar play match three to win come on baby I got a dollar do I have to put this anywhere nope I just get it right away so perfect and that's going in the inventory well we can't get this final two because I got full inventory right now and I probably should be going back anyways uh to get some more food so yeah we'll head back to uh the main town and maybe cash these prizes in I don't know if I want to play the market or not there is a a market in this game if you don't know certain prizes are worth more certain days okay welcome to the weirdest pawn shop ever the place that buys arcade prizes what do we got right now snake Inflatables up 100 foam hand I think I have that up 100 and I'm not gonna get anything else but I think we should have the hand I think I'm just gonna sell these anyways but when we get deeper into the game obviously oh my God I think this is it but obviously when we get deeper into the game we will um try and collect these things and sell them at the right time I can't even fit this in here uh fun hand is worth eight bucks alone all right and I guess the cat pillow is actually worth more but I think because it's black it means it's not a high demand item at least that's what I'm assuming unfortunately yeah my rare item is not worth much but that's okay at least we got some money in the bank now is this worth anything let's find out yes uh even a used lotto ticket this place will buy I love this place all right there you go my first actual money I've earned was via treasure hunting and that is freaking awesome and that's actually not bad 38 bucks now I cannot buy some stuff not a lot of things though I believe pretty much everything's expensive in this game so let's go before anything get some more food I don't know if there's anything new in here uh that's all the um fish food where's the Band-Aids there we go yes I remember we need lots of these how much are they though I think they're five bucks aren't they yup wow I am gonna be struggling let's buy three of these for right now we'll buy some more Cola that seems to be the best option and there we go I've earned forty dollars and half of it's gone this feels very real to real life or true to real life don't forget about your curfew uh make sure you are eating and drinking enough and don't forget to be home before curfew tonight when's curfew I hope you win lots of junk and stuff or whatever the cool kids call it and all that nowadays it doesn't even say when my curfew is I believe it's 10 it could be eight though so maybe I should get home at eight so we need uh this guy needs lawn mowing I believe that one was really hard I know the babysitting job is pretty easy and I can steal food there so I think we're gonna go steal some food and babysit some robots um before the end of today I really that doesn't say what my curfew is that's evil because I think you lose the game if you're not home until ah I can't believe I ever said I'm so gonna die in this game all right I forget where the babysitting job is if I'm honest I know it's close to my home at one of these homes this house looks familiar I'm pretty sure this is it yep ha ha okay it's time to babysit these little jerks get the freak over here get it go go to bed go to bed I caught one already that's pretty easy there we go I I charged him up now where's the other one you're making a mess over here all right well the main part of the job is done the kids are charging and I just gotta clean up everything now great but before that we must scour the fridge this is why I love this job yes please we will eat that that thankfully didn't drop my health I was a little worried about that I believe it's just the pop that is uh bad for you all right let's have a microwavable meal how do I open this there we go this is the best perk of this job you get free food get in there there we go cooking some microwavable meals and while that's cooking we'll put away all the kids toys I love how you legit have to wait like three minutes like real life oh what's up Mr Potato Head all right my my meal is done is this gonna give be enough energy plus 50 Health Plus 25 well we could do better than that let's dude I am a I'm a bottomless pit get it in there get it get it thank you okay and then we just clean up what is going on why is that no state state what is going on stay thank you I don't know why I kept dropping it ah and there we go job well done whoa what did I just do I just sat my am I okay oh God oh God I'm stuck I'm stuck how do I get out I just broke what is going on that was so weird I don't know what happened all right but we got 20 bucks and we also got almost full health man I have to do this job every day 20 bucks and just free food fantastic can I can I just do it again did I just hold on wait wait wait did I get paid twice no I didn't because I had 40 bucks wait I did because I spent 20 bucks I don't really want to break the game anyways but now we know if we leave twice we get paid twice all right and this is the little arcade that started it all honestly one of the better arcades in here too just because it's so small and compact uh but it does have a lot of games as well by the way kids get out of the way I'm I'm here on freaking business this is this is a serious game what do I want to start with I have to go for complete luck and just hope for the best I love ball drop all right here we go baby question mark question mark almost all right 35 seconds not bad and jackpot right away oh that was close I would love to get that jackpot man I am not going oh like I timed that one I was one behind it though I got the 18. I might be able to time this right there we go right there almost get it in there jackpot's at 506. I feel like that's pretty good and plus even if you fail in this game it's still quite a bit of credits honestly let's try the round bonus okay I'm I'm still delayed a bit bonus round whoa whoa oh I didn't even know I got it oh what's the question mark I got the question mark too oh chill out chill out that okay so it was 50 tickets for the question mark I think it's just totally random and dude this is great not even winning in this game is is still great and I and if I can get the timing right it shouldn't be too hard and right there oh okay a little bit later that was a lucky bouncing we got it baby I don't know if we're gonna get the mega jackpot but that's all I wanted was the actual jackpot oh that feels so good in SmackDown is 382 so who cares about that let's try and get bonus round more balls the luckier we are for mega jackpot oh I just got the question mark dude I'm getting so lucky with these bounces last time I was 50 let's see if it is random oh it is random whoa okay that's actually huge honestly that might be an easier one to go for and can't complain with 50 tickets at the end that's by far my best round let's see what we actually got I think I said 900 and something 943. I am very very happy with that grab them put them in the inventory that was every game was over 100 that's not bad all right it wouldn't be all right if we didn't do a claw game these might be worth a little bit of money so we got something that are right beside this I'm just gonna go for it see if we can grab two right away come on man give me something wait why what oh you can't do that I can't believe I won first try though I still have three credits oh my God all right this R looks to be okay to grab I don't know if I'm I'm too far okay I can't believe it got rid of the one oh I didn't even see how much these are worth okay so as 500 why is 250 I don't even know what I got there's a bunch of pink ones here those are 100 so let's see if we can get lucky and grab one of those oh that might be a double oh my God oh my God I got the double hold on hold on forget oh god oh you mustard oh this game hates me all right this is always a game that can pay out well if you time it right so let's see I didn't even look at what's unlocked nothing's unlocked I don't think anything comes unlocked with this so I don't almost got to 500 if we can get the 500 I'll be happy there it is there it is okay it's at the end now that's good that's good there it is ah now I'm too forward oh there's two 500s I didn't see the other one till now now it's all alone this is this is the worst because if I miss it we don't get anything but we got it now where's that other 500 it's by the 250 and the C all right that we should be able to get that one too if we if we time this right oh so close so close all right it's right at the edge now I got I gotta keep going until I get that one oh and reset it you bastards why do you do that you don't reset the other one all right screw that if it's resetting it I'm mad still got it I'm happy 510 tickets not bad I hate stacker but uh let's see if we can do it oops I didn't mean to do that damn it I wanted to keep it on the edge oh I'm so bad at time based games okay already screwing up as you can see wonderful oh God oh God no no no let's let's just pretend that didn't happen oh you know what it's five dollars to play this that's insane but I'm having fun damn it let's just go for it how do I do this how do I do this okay go like that yeah sure I don't care which one they're all the same what what the f uck okay so you have to hold it and let go when you want to let go got it uh I gotta play once more dude this is so expensive though this better be like 10 000 tickets and I don't even know which one to go for let's go for that nailed it dude you have to be why is it five dollars this is so hard screw it I just spent ten dollars there all right we got an hour 30 left just to play it safe Let's uh get going home I don't know if I'm gonna spend these tickets right now how did we do today though not bad considering we only had a couple hours 2742. I think we'll just keep that there for right now we don't need money anyways all right not bad for day number one started with two dollars and fifty cents and ended off with twenty one dollars some a bunch of tickets and we got some food as well speaking of food how you doing buddy all right you need you need a little bit of food and there we go you are good are my fish dead yet no fish are doing okay so we'll feed our fish there you go little guys and everyone's happy all right and day one complain it completed bonus health or plus Health bonus for sleeping yay all right and here we are on day number two it is time is it seven in the morning okay first things first I wanna go see if I can do the babysitter job again and get free food because uh screw buying food if I can just do this every day that will basically give me all the food I need plus an extra 20 40 bucks I mean this is great good morning I'm not sure who needs to babysit their kids at 7am I guess people do have to work but uh I am here and grab them quick grab them quick could I make this job as easy as possible oh you're not getting too far today oh no no they didn't restock the fridge for me oh this sucks I gotta actually do things to earn money now I mean it's still 20 bucks maybe even 40 if we can uh break it again so I can't really complain it's super easy to do a little bit of a bummer I don't get more food though and job has been completed thank you very much forty one dollars let's try this again can we break it twice dear babysitter we don't need a babysitter at this time screw you I'm gonna see if I get paid again damn it how did I do that let me break the game I don't want to have to actually work anyways I'm looking for that robot that you can program in this game now I do oh there he is ah damn it there's fall damage this game hey buddy I don't remember how to do this um hold on hold on here interact all right let me just see oh crap what's the security system again okay I forget where I see this I think it's actually I'm just gonna put zero zero zero in warning code unaccepted make sure you have money in your ATM credit union account and that four digit code is correct okay so junking is two nine five seven first of all we gotta and uh put some money in our ATM I forgot he takes it directly from my ATM okay so we'll put uh I have actually ten dollars in there but we'll deposit an extra 20. I forget how much he takes I believe it's very much worth it though to get him to junk for me what he'll essentially do is go around the map looking in all the uh trash bins for anything and give me it hold on big guy hold on hold on here you you get you got your guts hanging out two nine five seven there you go buddy go get me lots of good stuff today okay I don't want to have to work all right you know what we'll do today UFO arcade I only got 21 bucks to my name so we'll see how long that lasts me hopefully it gets me a decent amount of tickets here all right first and foremost I think we should do a coin pusher whoa did they change this I don't remember these what the hell is this I'll play it I was gonna do a coin pusher but I'm intrigued by this oh I think I did play this I think the butterfly comes out and it's a lot harder than the uh hockey stick game but it's kind of the same let's just go for it and yeah this is gonna be much harder and yeah I'm not playing this one again screw that that was 20 tickets uh I'm sure there's a way to do much better at that game but I'm not gonna try and do it uh so we do have this coin pusher I do want to do coin pushers today because you have to uh well the big goal of coin pushers is to get the uh bonuses collect all eight cards and win a Pete plush you gotta collect eight though that's freaking gonna be hard to do I'm sure but we will play it once just to see and let's throw let's throw four dollars into this I'm running out of money whoops damn it I was choosing how many to put in damn it all right I just gotta time this right ah done it card drop perfect oh I got it oh I got it oh I'm a freaking master I mean I can time this game pretty well of course the moment I talk I I get it bad but it's gonna take a long time to get all those cards like I haven't even gotten one yet oh there we go I got a Bonus Hunter tickets popcorn Pete's going insane and I got whoa okay maybe I spoke too soon I'm not getting the cards but what the frick is going on up three bonus plays yay I'm not sure how I'm getting all these extra things oh my God I got three of the same freaking one now you hate me just give me all the other cards please oh more please I mean I'm I'm good at this game all right I think we'll wait though let's leave this game I'm pretty happy with that though that was that was a fun game oh two bucks for a plush that's not bad let's see if we can get get one of these guys and oh my God the UFO light I'm so bad at claw games man all right let's see oh we get two tries though that's nice this guy seems like he he can get kick grabbed there we go come on man grab them grab them little UFO yes please stay please stay oh my God no problem at all let's play again I mean these have to be worth at least like eight bucks so if we can win one each time that's a good amount of profit and oh this Ripper's pretty good that's a bad angle though I had two I got two in a row oh I got three yes I still have a credit this guy seems pretty easy back here so we'll go for him dude if I if I get four and two plays that's insane that's actually insane how is this claw so good okay I might have to you know what screw you I was gonna say I might have to empty this machine but it just screwed me over so no all right this game I remember this is the one game you can truly time and win pretty much every time so I just gotta remember the timing here that was way off never mind that's that easy I mean it didn't really aim that right though see there we go I'm getting much better very easy game to uh win there we go I mean the jackpots are not worth much but you can time it right can we get two in a row here oh I'm a little bit late still oh I just realized I'm freaking out of money damn it I'm out of money oh that sucks I hope Jimmy's doing okay uh his thing's off my bar so that tells me he's done so I guess we'll cash out uh I'm gonna go check what prizes are wanted right now we definitely did worse than last arcade which is insane considering I think I spent way more money I only got 1 236 oh all right but we got almost 4 000 tickets so that's pretty good and you can't forget here though the big thing is I caught those plushies man oh that was great all right so I'm gonna make a quick stop here sell the Plushies that we already have in our inventory since inventory is what Blake wants to kill me now too all right but let's see how much my two dollar plays earned me with these cows what are they worth five bucks okay I was hoping for a bit more I have to be honest but that's okay it cost me four bucks to earn 15. and I could have earned 20 if the game didn't hate me all right but I wanted to come here as well to see what is worth what right now I don't know what arcade has what in terms of prices but the UFO toy model is worth something the basketball donut and official dunko plush okay let's also see how stinky Jimmy did for me hopefully he didn't scam me he should be back here right Jimmy are you home oh all my crap's on the ground okay looks like okay okay oh oh oh I almost died why does the bike want to kill me well I guess we're going to the shop to buy a med kit right now because my screen is blinking red and that means I'm going to die of course I left my Band-Aids at home all right screw up get out of my freaking way I'm just here to buy things can I please have that I don't I don't need it bagged I don't need a bag I really just need it right now oh thank God okay well that was fun thanks uh bike thank you Jimmy are you okay buddy are you trying to steal my things all right this is all the things that he got me he's actually trying to hide them from me what else did you get me um trash great trash more trash stinky Jimmy I don't know if this is worth it or not bud I mean we got some light sticks much I think this was twenty dollars last time I tested this it was worth quite a bit it's not looking good right now stinky Jimmy I guess that's the risk of using stinky Jimmy because it is 20 bucks right yeah 20 bucks all right well we'll head over see if we can buy one of these wanted plushies all right what do we got what do we got okay we do know the basketball is worth uh double I don't have enough tickets for The Donut oh my God 1500 tickets so yeah I think we're just gonna buy a couple basketballs and call it a day because we don't have a whole lot of credits in this game yet and I'm just trying to earn some money so give me my basketballs thank you very much don't don't steal them kids all right a little nervous honestly I thought we'd earn more with our tickets but I guess that's okay how did my basketballs do uh four dollars oh my God we're gonna have to figure out a way to earn some serious cash in this game because clearly my arcade winnings is not enough all right and the glow sticks are worth 50 cents each yeah stinky Jamie really screwed me over today I got some elastic bands can I can I sell those oh 50 cents oh my God stinky Jimmy are the cheesy poops worth anything I mean I probably will just keep them just curious 50 cents yeah you know what we're putting that back in the old inventory all right well that's my wonderful hard work of tickets God that's sad that is so sad we have to go back to treasure hunting man those treasure chests were worth so much money and yeah there's still two we can get on the current map that we have and the other ones will be very easy to unlock as well anyways guys I think it's a good time to wrap up this episode here let me know what you guys think of this I definitely wanted to get back into the survival mode since when we played it uh it was very early into the development of this game and I truly just love everything about this there's so much to do in this game now and uh yeah we only scratched the surface in this first episode so if you want to see more let me know in the comments below hit that like button and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 127,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the coin game, arcade games, arcade game, coin pusher, the coin game gameplay, arcade jackpot, coin game, arcade tickets, coin pusher jackpot, claw machine, arcade hacks, the coin game update, the coin game funny moments, the coin game survival, arcade wins, arcade simulator, the coin game funny, coin pusher hack, coin pusher win, arcade videos, the coin game playthrough, arcade games jackpot, mega jackpot, the coin game walkthrough, drae, draegast
Id: 2eFbKmta6io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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