I Built a MUD BRICK Castle in Hardcore Minecraft 1.19 Survival Lets Play (#18)

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building massive things inside of minecraft is fun and all but if there's no story behind the world things can be a little bland today i aim to expand the lore behind this world by constructing a brand new castle using the new minecraft 1.19 blocks and spending over six hours building a new farm that doesn't even work but my goal is to tell a story that anyone can understand simply by walking around this minecraft world leave a like and subscribe if you're new for the lore since 1.19 was announced i've been obsessed with the mud bricks and i've already used them in the house over here but i need more of them in my life recently i saw a castle by history builds and i got super inspired to make my own mini castle and i thought this would be a great excuse to try out the new mud brick blocks shulkers are ready to go and i want to get everything i can out of the mangrove swamp because i'm sure i'll figure out a way to use it later on we're starting by clearing out all the mangrove leaves and all of the trees so we can get to the precious mud blocks [Music] clearing a mangrove swamp is absolute pain that was 30 minutes to get from here to there but now with the trees cleared it's time to move on to gathering up all of the beautiful mud [Music] at least there's a good amount of mud once you start digging down in here because this and there's more right there was already an entire shulker box and some change next up while we're out here i really want to find some frogs i just slept and there he is look at him oh there's a second one come with me you're mine now we have two frogs look at that little waddle look at how cute they are did one last loop around and couldn't find any more so we're just bringing these two home no no don't die on the cactus i'm getting you two home as quickly as i can almost back home but i gotta deal with some mobs real quick and clear out this section of the land to connect the froggy express all the way back home and here we go now our base is officially connected to the ocean so we're completely connected to the guardian farm see pathways everywhere the perfect spot for the frogs to be able to hang out is going to be in the little lake we built in the last episode leave them to hang in the boat for now now for a very important step we're grabbing some slime balls and i need to know what color frog do we get spawning in here have a slime ball and have a slime ball and baby froggy oh we get tadpoles oh we got the advancement again nice they haven't done anything you guys do something how do we make the baby frog oh my god they did it huh frog spawn wait that's so cool frog land has begun so i'm thinking about putting the new castle somewhere over here to protect the existing land we built on and any threats coming down the river that we just went through now first i've got to clear a bunch of trees out of this area and i did want to take a quick moment to check i built a lot of big things in this world and i really love doing that in minecraft i'll be honest originally today i had planned on creating an entire nether hub like a really really big one but then i thought about it and realized that not everything i do inside this world needs to be mega or massive don't get me wrong i love the mega projects i really do but sometimes the most fun way to play minecraft for me is just to pick something that i can build and really enjoy the process of and have a lot of fun with learning and building up new details so today is going to be about that a really awesome build and going through the process of just enjoying creating something in my minecraft world oh he managed to get stuck in the boat again i don't know but look over here we have tadpoles ah they're so cute now with some stone i want to plan out the shape for the castle so i can know a little bit more about what we're working with here we're starting with a big circle tower that's going to overlook the water next i want to build a wing off of this but to keep this small i want to throw in a big tower here on the corner as an end piece looking pretty good so far now we expand along this edge going back to the inspiration image i'm using i think we can also raise the terrain up here a bit but i really like the shape of this so far thankfully we've got a good amount of dirt left over from last episode and there should be a box out here too yeah there we go so i'm thinking we just bring the dirt up about this tall and merge it back into the terrain with the first side completed i started to fill in the remaining sections around the north side of the castle as well i'm not quite sure what i want to do on the water side as i've got something fun in mind for going across the river here so we'll just leave it for now moving on to the next project as i need a lot of wheat to convert mud into packed mud so it's time for an auto wheat farm and to get started on this i need some allays to use to automatically gather the wheat which we can only find at a pilger outpost so grabbing some leads and we got plenty or maybe a woodland mansion but it's time to explore oh whoa hey first pillager outpost right let's see what we got down here any allays yes yes don't want to let them out so we're going to go in the side and i'm going to give them sand here go buddy take the sand take sand everybody follow me let's get out of here we definitely need more than two and it's not 119 one yet so we can't duplicate them and we definitely want to leave the villagers behind the true question can we fly no no we cannot no we definitely cannot fly oh this is gonna be a long journey here we have pillager outpost number two oh we have three there's three there's three there's three there's three and a golem oh i need to clear that for you there you go now you can go kill them take some sand take some sand follow me but we do have one two three four five six we might have lost one in the fray right we made it to the ocean we're in the home stretch now and that watering trader over there had small drip leaf oh today's a good day this is taking far longer than i care to admit but having the base completely connected to the ocean via the waterways is amazing all seven ala's home safe and sad felon hull safe and sound for easy access to the villager trading hall in the mountain via the railroad i think i can put the farm in the side right about here now i really hate doing this but i can't figure out a way to make this farm look nice so i'm gonna be hiding the entire thing underground which means it's time to do some digging 30 blocks down is a lot farther than i thought it would be oh that pickaxe is very dead and we are out got my pickaxe fully repaired now i needed a few redstone resources i already had a handful of observers i needed tons of hoppers as well as pistons to craft sticky pistons finally i also have a use for all of this leftover glass lastly needing composters for the farmers items have been acquired now we can begin the farm first layer of the farm is now done minus a little bit of deep slight now we just need to stack this up five more times and plant in all the fields second layer is now done third layer is done just three more to go [Music] there we have it the easy part is done not for a quick way to turn it on and off because ow this hurts to listen to and it's off oh peace and quiet as next i need to get one villager and one lay in every single one of these boxes first up villagers as i'm way more worried about the lace escaping rerounding the iron farm rail i think i can just go straight this way here we should connect into the farm right there perfect starting from the top going down to the bottom let's hope this works first villager is a go i've just got to meet him over on the far side any minute now he's gonna be coming all the way down here i've lost my villager buddy or i just wasn't patient enough but there he is well come on in buddy there you go i'll get some wheat seeds for you soon don't worry [Music] here we have all five villagers ready to be added come on in this way let's get everybody inside you sir need to go to the bottom oh that's gonna hurt him every time four more flights you're okay right last one ah i told you you could do it good job buddy the looters are all in place and now i need so many seeds not only do i have to fill in all the farmland with wheat seeds i also need to fill the inventory of the farmer nope back up stop so that he can't pick up any of the wheat second villager is done but i'm already almost out of seeds thankfully when building the birch forest last episode i created a flower farm in the flower forest and these things are great gotta hit this side great for making seeds i just gotta sit here and burst my eardrums here we have a ton of new flowers to work with later and all of these seeds right that was only enough seeds to actually do two more of them and i've got another two left to go one more round these get your stupid carrots out of here we don't like carrots here we only want wheat we only want wheat in these fields and fill up the inventory please take the seeds i think we're good time to get the allays in now for the most difficult task out of all of these things i would like that sand back and have some wheat no he took my toe dump no no no no okay we've got one let's go come on buddy no up here you gotta leave your friends you'll see them again they're coming too i promise come on just walk with me oh this is gonna take a long time we got one inside yes and now if i just unlead you you are ready to go now how do i get out without letting you out stand there please okay first one's done five more to go second one is now in if he wants to walk in here yes and we out there delay is now in and disconnected fourth one is now in and locked last two to go brought the last two together and number five is in and the last one look at the wheat there's weed on the ground don't you want to pick it up oh he's finally inside the brain hurting thumping has begun which means the farm is active and it's quiet up here oh thank you i changed up the sound so it doesn't sound quite as terrible but i want to get out of here so let's take some stone and we're headed over to the castle to plan things out a little further starting for the gate we can go one two three bring it up one and over which will give us a walkway right about here and then the corners i'd like to give a few more blocks of height there's the gatehouse planned out very roughly i'm going to do the big tower last as i want it to really stand out so we've got to get everything else planned in we can start with a pretty simple roof on this one then the stair tower is going to come up just outside of it but we can connect the top for now yes that's good it's odd and this guy's probably gonna come up to about here and the roof will extend up even further on the inside maybe we go like two or three blocks taller just so it's not a carbon copy don't worry i hopefully won't die building the castle this time i'd like to keep all the roofs about the same height so maybe this guy starts right about here but he's a weird angled build and i'm not even at the corner that's the corner and i'm really hoping this meets up in the center but it does not i've sorted out this weird diagonal structure and i think i got something that's going to work in here it'll be a little wonky until we get the roof in but that should be good and everything's about the same height but there's still a touch of variety now for the big boy i think we raise it up to about here so it's taller than every other tower and then we can put the topper on it which from down here looks like we've got a lot of blocks to place in after we blend out these back sections where the circular tower is gonna come just above the roof line for the other guys quick look back from the water and that is gonna look really cool once we get everything in here oh i'm getting excited in the meantime have we gotten any hay i need to turn it off even being in this room no thank you one we have one one hey i don't think it works when we're all the way over at the castle that's very disappointing okay new plan as we need a ton of hay to be able to do this thing let's work on creating the road going over there hopefully that should fill up step one is going to be chopping a load of trees so we can actually see where we need to send a pathway through which is pretty surreal as these are the oak leaves of the first tree i chopped in this world only 1 639 days later with the pathway cleared i started to work on building the road from spawn all the way out to the castle using the typical road pattern for this region with coarse dirt and some spruce slabs to smooth out the height transition making this actually into something that's walkable and the road is now finished and so is the courtyard there's just no walls to make it an actual courtyard we should probably deal with that with the road completed it's time to work on actually building up the castle i don't typically show this side of building but here in a creative testing world you can see the base plan in mind for the castle slowly adding in all of the details for the castle and reworking a bunch of it i tested out the texturing here on the front and i think it's gonna work out time to do this all over again in hardcore survival oh no my castle it's broken but we're back in the hardcore world after over six hours spent planning and it's time to get some blocks together from here i got to work gathering up everything i could get my hands on raiding most of my storage room for different types of blocks from deep sight to calcite to diorite mangrove wood copper spruce dark oak and a ton of bricks jumping down into the villager trading hall as well i traded for a ton of drip stone blocks to blend in with our packed mud starting to lay out the massive shulker monster oh you gotta be kidding me okay at least we didn't lose any boxes i now see why i need a castle defense system well that's everything i have so far and i'm a little worried here that i don't have enough mud but i've got to convert it and we can at least get started on the castle all right wheat farm have we produced anything besides being very mind-numbing three three wheat we've got three wheat so far that's that's not going to work pains me to do this but i will dive into the decorative hay bale count because with this we can definitely convert it all did i really waste four hours building up that wheat farm and it doesn't work at all any ideas on how i can fix it but for now we just make all of the packed mud we need and that will have to get us started i think it's time to tackle the front gatehouse [Music] with the gatehouse in that's all i really had planned to do for the texturing so i'll make up the rest as i go but next up i'd like to tackle the small stair towers first i'd like to start by thickening up the base a touch more that should work out now we just go up with some white blocks far enough i should convert some of the concrete powder into concrete which we can do right over here [Music] now from here we can start up building on top of this tower and send ourselves all the way up [Applause] [Music] first hour is done and i think i like it i'm purposely not filling in the back so it might be not the most stable but it's minecraft stable next up i think we just get the second one in right over there because it's basically the same thing the twin towers are now risen and while the hobbits are on their way to eisenguard we should probably get a little bit more work done out here i started the base of this one and oh my lord the inventory problem in minecraft is so real there's too many beautiful blocks i want to use and i can't fit them all in my inventory because of which i think we work on this front face here because we've got a big old grand window if i can find my glass anywhere in this mess ah there was a great way for the castle that we can add a lot of detail in super easily is just by adding a little bit of depth around the build like some decoration on the front of a window trying to really define the shape of this thing something like this balance it out with some deep slate and then we come around the back here and just border the whole thing with calcite bringing in some glass panes we now have window which looks so much better than just a flat thing now let me get a roof on it well building up this castle wing i have a question for you all do you enjoy the time lapses or do you prefer the montages and stutter cuts in game i want to show me playing the game so i like a balance of all three but i'd love to hear your opinion in the comments on what i should favor the most before i can throw the roof on the first wing we've got a little bit more work to do on this wall back here and i thought it could be interesting to give ourselves a walkway sticking out the side this way we can have a little bit more height variety inside of the courtyard without doing any like crazy terrain work i've already done a staircase over there too but instead of stone on this side what if we try something a little different here and use some wood i think i can do this trap door there and then i won't hit my head yeah we can make it up around this however i'm thinking we do throw in some mangrove trapdoors because i just love the color and a little guard for the walkway so we don't fall i like it now i just need a wall going all the way up and also to add to this i've fallen in love with this window design recently so we do some light grey glass stack that up and ladders in the front then from here we add a little decorative shutter and another window right over here one final element on this side is we need to get the mud brick stairs going all the way across and now to finally put a roof on part of the castle for a simple roof topper we can take some chains and some polished walls and that should come all the way across perfect and then little boys on top of them after that i also want to bring in quite a few of our little chimneys using sulfire campfire so they don't glow all that much but we still get the smoke there we go the first building is done four more to go the big old tower is looking a little sad from the front being half completed so let's toggle that next with all of the walls in place i can now start adding in a lot of the details a ton more easily like the matriculations here on the battlements with that in place i thought the wall over here looked pretty flat so we can have a wooden jut out as a way for people to defend against any ships that might be coming along the water putting in some temporary blocks where then i can come on the outside and add in a ton of spruce trap doors this way we can maximize the amount of standing space in the middle while still getting a cool little bit of detail i really want to put mangrove accents more in this build so we're just gonna add some in here because i can and now that is starting to look a lot better down here let's get the roof on this guy oh i completely forgot the middle maybe that's a good thing i got an idea i want to test first in here we can start by raising this up a touch so that we're not just walking in off of the dirt floor then we can have some fun by bringing in some lighter tones being our birch and sandstone bits this way we can create a small door down here well maybe a little bit of a bigger door with a mangrove door right in the center i'm just always running out of them door lever lever lever i don't think i can go any higher than that nope nope can't even try not even worth the try with that in place it's time to finally put the roof on this and i think while we're at it we grab this guy too another time lapse [Music] okay let's go [Music] with the roofs done we can start working on some of the larger towers so we can really fill this place in but they're rather flat for now so balcony time and of course we do need a door back here with our mangrove and darko yeah that looks really good okay one more back here and the second one is now in as well looking pretty good we just really need a top on these two towers let's do the big guy first i'm more excited about that one first on the big tower i want to pop it out a touch so that we get a little bit more depth up here this is all secretly because i want to make a really fun looking roof i don't know why i have to keep that a secret but here we are now extending the trim out even further i'd like to bring in some mangrove trap doors as well as some slabs and now we can start the actual tower for the top we can bring in a bunch of diorite our concrete colors and a little bit of the calcite awesome window in a ladder down here because we can and some spruce trap doors for a little window shutter carrying this around to all the different sides adding in little details wherever i can fit them that should look pretty good once we get a roof on top with the top of the tower walls completed i got to work creating an entire roof out of copper to make this pop even more against the rest of the castle also building a small flag on top of the tower to give it some more flair i ran out of oxidized copper so i have to wait for the top to age a bit further but at least i can fix up the bottom for now and add in some of the honeycomb i meant to age it a lot further but i'll be honest i actually really like that especially with the flag on top so far i've spent nearly 10 hours today building this castle and my elytra is hurting so before i hurt as well i've got to go repair it well electra's now repaired back to the castle from there i've been working on the roof of this back tower and so far it's pretty boring so i open up the top again and i think instead of the deep site just going straight up we could instead break it up a touch using some diorite and calcite going all the way across and create some archways add in some iron bars then mangrove trapdoors along the base i like it yeah let's do it on all sides with that done we can do the same pattern down here of the dark oak trim which is double slabs going all the way around now i just need to throw the top with the deep slate on again and the exterior of the castle will be complete adding one more flag on top of the tower we can finally call the exterior of the main castle completed now i say the main castle because we still have that river gateway i mentioned earlier so for this we've got to get rid of the ground and overtake the river then from here i'd like to start stacking up a bunch of tough blocks so we can create a support base topping that with some andesite then we pull out cobble stone and stone bricks and we can just kind of start adding these in as we work our way up picking out the water a little ways and we can put a tiny two by two topper on the thing i also like to build another one of those over here excuse me the river's closed right now the same slabs and stacking the cobblestoney beds all the way up right like this there we go second tower is now done too from here we grab some jungle fences and start to connect them all the way down to the different towers i just created in between the towers i want this to come all the way down and touching the water on the corners we can also add in a few of these guys to make it look like the whole thing is floating now over here i want to bring it back up and do a tiny version of that tower [Music] with one last element to add into our new little outpost i wanted to create a dock down here along the edge of the water with a lantern so the drones don't get us but look at this we've got a little pathway leaning all the way up to our brand new structure i tried taking the color palette from the main castle which looks so good and turned it into this tiny boy and i really like it one final step here is going to be attaching this to the edge right over here the castle is completed and oof i'm happy to be saying that but now to decorate the bits of land outside of it to bring it more into the environment and maybe get rid of that starting with the riverbank by clearing away the grass adding in some rooted dirt and adding in some coarse dirt after that i want to add in some mangrove roots to be a bit of like a thicket of sticks or things gotta get some flowers in too sugarcane some bamboo and a few dark oak saplings to be small plants and some mangrove leaves as well which i always forget we can now water log these so that's really cool you get a little variety in crops though i grabbed the hoe and we can just plant a few potatoes around today i learned if you hoe rooted dirt you get a hanging root there's only one thing left to do cleaning up this absolute mess of shulker boxes and that that's a lot of items we have left over but the castle is looking so good spending over 100 days in minecraft building a brand new castle and i am so excited about the results of this one using mud bricks for the first time on a big build and i absolutely love it but that's gonna have to do it for today my friends be sure to leave a like down below and please subscribe if you're brand new but with that i'll catch y'all on the flip side [Music]
Channel: fWhip
Views: 984,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fWhip, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft hardcore lets play, minecraft hardcore survival lets play, Minecraft 1.19 hardcore survival, minecraft 1.19 hardcore survival, minecraft 1.19 hardcore survival lets play, minecraft 1.19 hardcore lets play, I Built a Mud Castle in minecraft, I built a mud brick castle in hardcore minecraft 1.19 survival, Minecraft 1.19 castle, Minecraft 1.19 mud brick castle, minecraft 1.19 mud castle, minecraft mud castle, minecraft hardcore castle
Id: cm9wAtaPT3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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