I DON'T WANNA FIGHT WITH YOU - Pastor Jamal Bryant | Must Watch

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or discouraged because of this vast army this battle is not yours the battle is the lord don't be afraid don't be discouraged because of all of your enemies this battle is not yours this battle is the lord's i want to preach for a little while today using as a subject i don't want to fight with you i don't want to fight with you recently my teenage god son called me hyperventilating overcome with frustration he called me in search of an advocate and an ally the bone of his contention rested on a blow up between he and his parents after being penalized as he perceived by being quarantined he was ready to break free he independently organized an outing with his friends to innocently go out to lunch but he only got as far as the front door when his father inquired about his itinerary when he divulged his plans his parents immediately objected as they are both afflicted with pre-existing conditions and did not want an alien strand coming back in the house he passionately attempted to appeal but the father thunderously put his foot down and said you are a child and i am not going back and forth with you revered scholar dr john henry clark famously stated i only debate with my equals all others i teach pediatric psychologists contend that the most effective approach to stop arguing with your child is by refusing to participate perpetuating makes them feel like a peer and will feel as if it is within their rights to challenge your authority you've already lost when you allow your child to pull the trigger you cannot give them the authority to shoot you with the bullets you bought they are under your house under your authority under your domain and yet contend with the spirit of rebellion most of africa hasn't had to deal with the ravaging effects of covet but the nation of uganda was starting to see a spike because the same logic that many people right here in atlanta use they were exercising as leverage unlike our dimwitted commander and thief the president of uganda made a state of the union emergency address last week and he talked to the entire country as if he was the father and they were rebellious children he is with the president of uganda said to the nation last week he said in a war situation nobody asked anyone to stay indoors you stay in by choice and if you have a basement you stay as long as it takes in a war you don't insist on freedom you willingly give it up in exchange for survival during war you don't argue about opening your business you close your shop and run for your life and pray to outlive the strife during a war you don't worry about your children not going to school you pray that they aren't enlisted as child soldiers he further opined the world is in a state of war a war without guns and bullets a war without cease-fire agreements a war without any u n peacekeepers the war isn't aimed at a regime change a political position natural resources ideological stances or religious convictions he said to the people of uganda this war's only intention is to kill i don't want to fight with you when all i want to do is see you live and it's amazing how many people you've had to rehearse that with i want to fight with you when it is that i'm just trying to help you see a better way i don't want to fight with you when it's clear that i'm one of your true pure and honest friends i don't want to fight with you here it is when i'm the one paying the bills sustaining your lifestyle i don't want to fight with you when it's clear that you don't listen in the first place you've got to get to a place where you uh adjust and make up in your mind it takes too much emotional psychological capital for me to invest in somebody who is not open to understanding my children brought me a t-shirt for father's day the t-shirt was a quote with me printed on it said i'm not arguing with you i'm just explaining that i'm right loudly sometimes you got to get to a place i am not arguing i just want you to understand you've got every right to be wrong second corinthians chapter 10 verse number four it says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty under god for the pulling down of strongholds i gotta ask you a question this morning if you have a weapon why did you think you were never gonna have to use it he's giving it to you and yet you feel as if that you just gonna sit on the sidelines the church has had too many casualties of war because for the last 25 years we have had the church shout for victory but never prepared them for warfare so when the enemy attacks we go into shock in all because we didn't believe that we really had weapons i felt like when i was reading second chronicles that the text was screaming at me i was reading second chronicles chapter 20 and uh i bump into a gentleman by the name of jehoshaphat who has just narrowly escaped something that was devastating i wonder if i'm preaching to anybody today who's ever come through something you didn't think you would survive anybody who came through literally by the hair on your chin chin chin anybody came through something where you had to repent because you doubted god would deliver you from it you ever come through something where you had to even check yourself because you overcome fire but you don't smell like smoke you know that god's hand is on your life when your testimony is so good that when you tell it people doubt it you came through something and you came through it barely that's where jehoshaphat was and after he had come through it narrowly three different armies three different nations three different tribes are coming at him at the same time maybe i'm the only one who can confess that there have been moments i felt like i was being attacked and i didn't even know what i did hear this but survive here it is that you find yourself always being under observation and all you did was find yourself guilty of having favor that you don't even understand that you are offensive to some people because you are an overcomer you'd be amazed how many people are disappointed that you got delivered i mean people are angry that you didn't find yourself as a casualty of life's predicaments so jehoshaphat understands that these three armies are coming after him to attack him and he feels attacked and here's what it is that jehoshaphat does he doesn't deal with it in privacy he doesn't suppress his anxiety and his stress and his weary he calls the whole nation of judah together and he says i need you all to come into agreement with me because i need some help i'm under attack and i can't do this by myself will y'all just pray for me and i feel like i'm talking to somebody who's who's dealing with three different areas of concern laid off from your job dealing with a broken heart strife at home three different things you gotta lean on the house you got car that needs repair got a relationship that's dismantled will you just pray for me if that's where you i want you to type it on the screen right now will you just pray for me i'm under attack this ain't the time for you to be cute coy shy and stuck up put it all on the line i need somebody to pray for me i'm i'm giving i lose my mind i'm i'm at the breaking point i'm at the tipping point with anybody pray for me so i don't do something crazy so i don't go back to the stuff i'm comfortable in will somebody pray for me so i don't lose my hope my faith my joy and my mind will somebody just pray for me and it's amazing that he asked for prayer from the people of judah and this is uncomfortable for them because you already know by now judah is only known for praise and now they have to shift because of circumstance into prayer for the last 20 years the last generation all the church has been doing is praising and now we need some praying says when it is that you call out unto me and i need you to do it with a whole heart i need you to do it with conviction i needed to do it believing by faith somebody prayed for me had me on their mind they took the time and i'm so glad that they prayed millions didn't make it but i'm one of the ones that did whatever you're gonna do please don't talk about me just pray for me and he asked all of you to come into agreement pray for me i want those of you who are in this room would you just point at somebody else and tell them i need you to pray for me through this sign i need you to pray for me through this furlough through uh through this downsize through through this divorce through this loss through this pain through this disappointment i need you to pray for me and while it is that the whole nation the whole congregation is in prayer the spirit of the lord fell on jehoziel son of zechariah we had never heard of him before but while they were praying i hope you all don't miss this the spirit of god fell on somebody with no title fell on somebody with no degree fell on somebody who did not have a prominent position in the church when you pray you cannot dictate who god's gonna anoint when you pray you have no authority who god is gonna choose when you pray you'll know where the glory is going to find its resting place i believe in this moment you ought to brace yourself because you are getting ready to be anointed out of a crowd god has committed to pick you out even when you've been picked on god's getting ready to choose you when your own family would have never selected you god is getting a raise you up when your ex tried to tear you down god says i'm going to find nondescript people i'm going to anoint them i'm going to elevate them and then they're going to speak jahaziel in that moment rises up puts up that one baptist finger and says can i say something i know i'm not on the program i know i'm not one of the deacons i'm not one of the elders but the spirit of god is talking to me and the spirit of the lord is saying to me as he is saying to those of you that can hear my voice don't be afraid this battle is not yours it is the lord's and i don't know who this is for but i came to tap somebody on the shoulder to tell you ain't got to fight no more you ain't gotta fight to be loved you don't have to fight to be seen you don't have to fight to be respected you don't have to fight to be valued you don't have to fight to be appreciated you don't have to fight for an opportunity this battle is not yours this battle is the lord's pastor what are you saying to me i'm not telling you there's not gonna be a fight i'm telling you you ain't gonna be in it that god is getting in the fight on your behalf i feel bad for the people who've been fighting your vision fighting your promise and fighting your destiny god said tap me in and you get out of this watch me deal with issues that have been larger than you i'm sick of seeing you fighting especially while you've been faithful talking to somebody who's got dry tears stained on your cheeks you've been frustrated been agonized you've been overwhelmed you are burnt out you don't hit a brick wall you pulling the hair out of your own head and the reality is i don't feel like fighting hallelujah i give him glory because this been a year of fights right after i deal with one thing i got something else to happen as soon as i got another thing handled something else jumps off lord i'm tired of fighting and i want to say this for five of y'all that will be able to receive it i hope you don't throw that laptop across the room i'm tired of fighting with god i i then gave god everything he asked of me but everything came to shut down and god said i had to have you fight so i could tire you out so you can lift up your hands and say lord not my will but your will be done i don't want to fight with you hallelujah i don't want to fight with you i'm tired of fighting i'm tired of arguing i'm tired of defending myself i'm tired of explaining myself i'm tired i'm being misunderstood i'm tired i'm being taken for granted i'm tired of folk who don't know me make an opinion about me i'm tired of fighting the lord said if that's you here is your word hallelujah tomorrow get in position hallelujah hallelujah i'm still in second chronicles tomorrow get in position because when you are in position i'm going to start fighting for you and all you got to do is watch me work somebody ought to be giving god glory because god said tomorrow i'm going to start working on your court issue tomorrow i'm going to start working on your banking issue tomorrow i'm gonna start working on your health issue tomorrow i'm gonna work on your marriage issue tomorrow i'm gonna work on your rebellious child institute watch me work [Music] it's as if i'm tired of fighting hallelujah try to argue and tired of explaining but can i tell you what i'm not tired of i'm not tired of lifting him up i keep so busy praising my jesus i ain't got time to die i know it's been a rough year i know it's been hard the last 17 weeks but if you're not too tired will you worship him now if you're not too tired will you give him glory now if it ain't too much to ask will you praise him now oh how i love jesus oh how i love jesus oh how i love jesus i gotta tell you i love him because he first loved me there's somebody right now who's tired of fighting you don't feel like fighting can i say this tired of fighting family members tired of fighting people who's supposed to have your back tired of fighting people who know enough of your trauma that they shouldn't bring you any more pain tired of fighting people who already know what i've had to overcome god told me to tell you this battle ain't yours this battle is all mine you ought to be giving god you're a sign of surrender don't put your dukes up put your hands up saying god i'm i'm lifting up my hand because i'm taking my hand off of it so you have complete authority over it how much did you lift up that hand right where you watch right where you worship hallelujah i don't know whether you heard the good news you ain't got to fight no more i really thought you were going to shout better than that i i better say it again you ain't got to fight no more hallelujah i don't know how you ain't rejoicing you ain't got to fight no more the th this is the last round everything that has been fighting you is about to be knocked out everything that has been an enemy to your anointing is about to hit the pavement everything that tried to blind you from seeing the salvation of the lord is about to get a black eye you ain't got to fight anymore and those of you who have been kicking against the prick why are you fighting it you know this supposed to be your church why are you fighting it you know good and well you need to give jesus your heart your soul and your mind why in the world are you fighting it you already know that you got to give it over to him i want you to surrender not my will but that his will might be done i want you right where you are to follow those prompts that are right beneath me i want you to join the church today stop fighting the gift of god stop fighting the grace of god stop fighting the glory of god is wearing you out is wearing you thin is bringing you down low come on just join the church you've heard enough by now you already know what it's like to fight with people who are not in your weight class people who are not in your division you're defending a belt that they can't even fit i need you to get ready for where god's getting ready to take you here at new birth we have been in so many fights we've been fighting for those who are contending with food insecurity just two weeks from now we're fighting for young people who have to go back to school under duress so that they might have school supplies we're fighting for those who don't have access to adequate health care just on yesterday we were able to provide free covet testing i want you friends sir ma'am brother sister neighbor co-worker whoever it is that you are i want you to come into agreement with me that in this season i am adjusting to not fighting i'm just the referee i'm gonna watch it all go down i want to see how god gonna knock out my bills how you gonna pay down my mortgage how he's gonna restore my credit how he's gonna catch me up with my car note how he's gonna wipe out my student loans how he's gonna give me my down payment how he's going to make sure my utilities are not cut off how he's going to ensure that the tuition is paid how he is going to absolutely qualify that the insurance is covered i want you to come into agreement with me can you here's the clincher adjust to not fighting many of you you've been fighting so long you don't even know how not to be defensive how not to be on edge i want to show you how to do it if you're always in position to fight even when you're not thinking about it your hand is closed in a fist there's no way you can give with a closed hand those of you who are not tithing are fighting god those of you who are not giving god your 10 you're fighting against your next gift those of you who keep your hands clutch i ain't giving nothing to that church you don't even know the only person you hurtin is your destiny you are inflicting pain on what james fortune would call your future self i need you right where you are to equip yourself don't don't fight it you you don't have to call to ask for extensions for delays you don't lie put your child on the phone put their name on the account you fighting over stuff that ain't even yours today i want you to surrender your resources over to god i want you to surrender your seed over to god i want you to surrender your offering over to god we're a tithing church we're mindful that malachi told us that god loves a cheerful giver i want you to be glad you ain't fighting no more i want you to be glad that you can finally hang up your gloves i want you to be glad that even though you took taking some bumps and bruises you walked out of the ring with your dignity and tag i want you to give i want you to sow i want you to invest i want you to share those of you who are visitors your guests you're not members of our ministry you've not reached the level of faith to tithe i'm going to challenge you to give a gift of forty dollars believing that god is gonna do something in the next generation that my children will not have to fight the way i did my grandchildren will never know the taste of struggle
Views: 400
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: jamal h. bryant sermons, jamal h. bryant sermons 2021, sermosn2021, sermons, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, church 2021, jesus, sermon, dr. jamal harrison bryant, harrison bryant, pastor jamal bryant net worth 2021, pastor jamal bryant net worth
Id: 4hgBe_KRx1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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