I Don't Think I Was Suppose To Get This! - TSA Confiscated Knives

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we are gonna be breaking into the final section of this box of tsa complicated knives if you haven't seen the two previous videos go ahead and check them out found some cool stuff nothing real valuable but some unique finds nonetheless hope i was entertaining along the way so let's go ahead and get right into it shall we we've got a corkscrew wow what a way to start this off okay we've got a eagle with the crosshairs this this okay this one has a flashlight so this is like kind of top-tier elvis brother kind of thing this is like college age dollar store knife if i had to guess it even has a carabiner not sure if this was original but it's a plus still a dollar store knife okay we've got lots of dollars tonight this is going to be fun we've got this is definitely the teenage years of the dollar store knives awesome we've got another dollar store nine cj sierra sierra yeah cj sierra well sorry guy got your knife or whatever that means very cheap here we have kind of the adolescent like you know 12 the 13 year old dollar store knife it's got a little bit of texture to it you know there's a certain amount of personality developing but still not you know the big brother but not completely useless either we got another dollar store knife this one is the more plain jane style you know the quiet kid that's this one okay guys now now i have found a raymond knife is there anything on the back the grand canyon okay i think i know where i can find that i could figure this one out for myself thanks this is in arizona i finally figured one out you guys you must be so proud of me we have another one of those this one monument valley monument valley you know just a hunch but i'm gonna go with utah if i'm wrong correct me go ahead but those things those little expire rock things that's it's pretty that's pretty utah-like i don't know ivan seems like a guy who'd go to utah i don't know it's not that i know him but i can tell his taste in knives and you know admittedly it's not that great but but you know good enough for utah we got napa jets on her wow this might be a good knife a good corkscrew very simple very stainless you know it came from a place like nampa jet center so you never know might just be the best thing they got some engineers there i would imagine i don't really know what that is we've got an aged we've got a fine wine tourist knife from my man gilbert here this whoa yes like i said this this is like two seconds away from being a dollar store knife if that other wooden plate came off it would look just like this side and then you'd have it absolutely trash knife when this is a good example when you buy these things these touristy type knives this is all that's underneath like it's not good this is the cheapest knife you can get so just beware just buy it put it on shelf it's for looks okay just for looks what do we have here we have a no brand no brand leatherman style not terrible got some rubber grippies that are still there those things like to tend to fall off because they're just glued on um [Music] yeah just standard knives and stuff let's keep going i really love these tours now we got the badlands national park i i think i've been there who knows um yeah see they didn't pay enough to get a name however though it has brass pins that's kind of cool i haven't seen that in these tourist knives yeah put it on a shelf here we have south oh no padre south padre island texas well i'm going to say it's in texas off of a coast just an educated guess because there is a shark on here i would hope andrew i've got your south padre island texas nice corkscrew from a different brand this time it says true tap whoa whoa i almost thought for a second we had a victorinox kind of screwed me up for a second toothpick disgusting it has teeth marks on it there's something not right here this knife it's like higher on this side the like the plastic the plastic side panels are moving or something this obviously very safe this is this looks interesting now i am so curious um compass come on compass i know which way north is and it is that way okay so not west kind of oddly though it does seem to be no it's not moving look at this there's a flashlight a knife what is this something comes out here oh oh wow a nail file is there anything on the other side no what is this oh okay now maybe this i was doing it wrong the whole time come on compass come on compass no nope pacific trail i already had one of these is that just a brand that must just be a brand whoa i found another thing a screwdriver like for glasses or something a little little phillips screwdriver i think that's a mirror so like a signaling mirror if you saw this would you guys stop the plane because i don't know i wouldn't i mean if i saw it yes i would but i'm not gonna see it now guys this has the potential to be a victorinox classic but i'm kind of thinking it's not nope it's missing a toothpick all these knives are missing something i think that might be the lot that i bought though i think i wanted the volume of knives over the you know kind of quality just trying something new okay we've got whoa guy or girl i guess i don't want to discriminate you paid way too much way way way too much or maybe nobody bought this maybe the store just got sick montreal canada i feel like a thing that must be in montreal i see a bridge i don't know what this is anyway i see okay a tourist knife that makes more sense but i'm gonna guess this was unsold and i don't know why you'd liquidate stock of tourist nights i mean did you change the name of your city how does that work uh winner palm springs regional i had one of these knives this is like a dollar store knife but you know colored this one has a color so it's more luxurious it's got little grips not good same thing not colored okay kind of same thing not colored and no grips see i've got the dollar store knives to your list going on okay we've got a different style of grips we've never seen the style grips before it says nova firm novo firm don't know what that is dollar store knife different style grips so kudos for that um i see an interesting looking tourist knife right here this says nice uh yeah i don't think that's english and it doesn't look like american architecture so if anybody wants to spread some light on this one i'm all ears ah beats me it's not good though hear that it's just ready to fall apart this this here is interesting we've got a batman night okay if batman's watching this and he wants his knife back go ahead and hit me up you know i sounds like a seems like a stand-up guy i'll i'll give him his knife back i am a little curious because most of the items you know the promo items for batman are either like t-shirts sold at like a hot topic kind of place i don't know who who wants to carry a leatherman style knife like multi-tool pliers thing it's just batman on it especially they even went to full nine and they got this like plastic retainer deal i don't know not my cup of tea okay paul where have you been paul anybody anybody want to guess where's paul been paul has been to santa barbara california santa barbara gotcha santa barbara isn't that word uh the show psych and then they take place in santa barbara okay we've got a different grippy style dollar store knife this is like probably like toddler knife you know toddler with some some angst going on because it's got grips but they're different see it's all about the grips so the quality of the knife knife is judged by the grips when you're talking about dollar stores we have on this we got a hygiene clc chime not sure it's got the same branding logo that one of the other knives that we pulled out had not sure what that is i think it's kind of supposed to look like a well we got a geico direct right direct yeah looks like direct auto insurance kind of leatherman style why would an insurance company give you something that's very obviously a safety liability just curious i mean it doesn't seem like a very good decision i guess geico i don't think writes uh life insurance policies but nonetheless we've got the adult dollar store knife with these weird curvy grips at the end has some girth some nice girth moving on corkscrew corkscrew kind of weird one actually it has this would be more ergonomic see i told you my thing is ergonomics you can actually hold on to this one it's garbage but you can get your hand around it anyway oh my my money we have a dollar store knife okay no grips actually they were so cheap they decided to recycle some of the metal before they even pumped it out of the factory and they drilled a bunch of holes but this one appears to me this knife has been in somebody's pocket a lot there's no color left on it just very little yep that's kind of gross this i thought for a second i thought it was going to be a victorinox classic it looks so convincing but not up close you know it's got the scissors and everything but missing these tweezers the toothpick this has been in somebody's pocket it has been worn a lot because oh i think i got the toothpick yeah the toothpick doesn't look very used okay we've got the lime green the lime green wannabe victorinox corkscrew solid stainless dollar store knife says something on it it says bay rep incorporated oakland california got another dollar store knife it says burrows concrete phoenix arizona we've got another corkscrew this one has some ergonomics going on like i was talking about it says crescendo fanmara crescendo finmaro rolls right off the tongue oh we're getting down there let's get this last bubble wrap oh god i don't know what fell out of there this knife my my my this has got a lot of weight to it says i love you on the side with a heart pretty sure that's real wood kind of looks like birch maybe i don't know that would be too soft wouldn't it it's very light let's see i don't know how they interesting design doesn't look very sharpened to me the locking mechanism has a little like plate so you don't have to break your finger if it's ever hard to get unlocked uh compact like the computers covalent i don't know it's another one of that brand i don't know what that is but this one actually appears to be missing a little like brass looking piece it's compact solutions yeah i'm pretty sure that's computers ventura california got an old ford coupe with surfboards sticking out the back charles sorry charles sorry for your loss uh completely inaudible thing you're not a unreadable i don't know advanced medical innovations dollar store knife missing the metal recycled previous recycled previously um we've got a lawyers fees start at 19.99 this is one of those companies you can hear them on the radio though have you been injured by whatever whatever have you been injured by cheap dollar store knives you may be entitled to financial compensation contact i said call now funds are limited yeah that's that kind of thing rolsum yep that's a rollsome okay guys look at this knife a little chain sure that goes somewhere but i mean it could go on any of them so we're going to call that whoa this here was 15 it better be plated in gold or something ah ah yes malibu figured it out like i said not worth it put them on a shelf don't lose them at the airport okay we got a dollar store knife from paris that's my first one verifiably from out of country anyway that's kind of cool it's a different style too it's like uh it's textured i'm losing my mind here looked at so many knives let's keep going corkscrew pet i found a pat okay pat where were you pat was at fisherman's wharf san francisco california we had another one of these didn't know how to pronounce it then don't know how to pronounce it now we must be running out of knives corkscrew mr corkscrew get out of the way okay guys we found a whistle and i'm sorry but i'm not you know what i can't believe it if you watched the first video in this installment i found this little doodad and i couldn't figure out where it went but my goalie we solved it what are the chances this was one of the first things i pulled out this was one of the last my golly we figured it out though okay we've got a monterey california a lot of california ones he's still in the wrapper the plastic brian i found your knife brian sorry about that i wonder how many years ago it was i don't know oh well we got a knife avalanche going on over here okay we got an adrian where were you adrian adrian was in the grand canyon well i hope he wasn't you know in it i guess i don't know i've never been to the grand canyon but being in the canyon doesn't sound very pleasant unless you're on a horse or a mule or whatever it is oh we got a what um now this is something this is not a victorinox can't be where is the main blade that will tell me it is this is a victorinox knife i did not know that they made wood grain there victor knox swiss made i didn't know they made a wood grain knife i actually think that i wasn't supposed to get this in this box i would guess whoever sorted these knives before me since i didn't find any other victorinox knives this was an excellent way when we're not done we're not done but oh well this might as well be the last knife this is an excellent way to end this box i think this was an accident they didn't they didn't mean to send me something actually worth anything but it looks like one of those tourist knives so i just got missed that is cool that is very cool i'm gonna set that one not in the avalanche pile knife feels really nice no it needs to be tightened up a bit a little antler tile antler style i need to quit i'm not making any more sense oh and round it off with one of those dropped knives run it off with a knife that is now shattered into pieces no uh strasbourg strasberg it has like a tower on it i'm guessing that's a place we don't know i think my golly we have reached the end that's gonna be it for this video that's it for this box that ended up being a three part video so check out the other parts if you didn't already don't forget to hit that subscribe button and thanks for watching
Channel: Hoardster
Views: 720
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: tsa knives, tsa confiscated knives, tsa confiscated, mystery box, victorinox, leatherman, gerber, crkt
Id: OE3m2tcZzeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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