ZT 0640 First Impressions And Mods! Scale Swap, Clip Swap, Thumb Disk Swap!

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hey everybody jake here from bearded gear and it's time to do my first impressions kind of on this zt 0640 but i also have some stuff here for it so i've got a lynch northwest package i have a sharp dress knives package and i have a gray precision package so i've been waiting to do this until all of the components arrived and i've ordered all these things waited for them to get here and so i'm going to be doing kind of a first impressions we'll talk about that and then i'll be putting these components i don't know what that sound was and then i'll be putting these components onto the knife so we're going to be doing a scale swap a clip swap and a disk swap so lots of swapping happening here the reason why this is only kind of a first impressions is because this knife the way it sits um i don't like i like the knife that the clip really has been the biggest deal breaker for me i hate this clip i think it's terrible i think it's one of the worst pocket clips i've experienced on life in a very very long time i don't know how zt is okay with this um the big issue isn't like i would love for it to be deep carry yeah that's my thing that's not even the problem here the problem is it does it barely sits up off the scale at all there's like no room under there and then to get it started going in your pocket is like virtually impossible it just doesn't stick up enough here to even get it started it's like i i tried it the i think it was the day after i opened it i was like i'm gonna carry it like this and see how it goes hey trying to put it in my pocket i was like i quit and then i tried again in thinner shorts not cool didn't work again so it was like no i just this pocket clip is unacceptable to me it is atrociously bad and uh my recommendation if you're gonna get one of these would be immediately like as you purchase the knife also purchase an aftermarket clip for it because this just blows it is a horrendously bad pocket clip in my opinion i guess if you wear clothes that are like paper thin maybe maybe if your clothes are paper thin then then you can make it work but it's it doesn't work for pants made out of fabric it's just not it's not acceptable to me that it's that bad for it and i don't think i mean this is the pocket clip that comes on all these i can't imagine this has an off pocket clip on it um so yeah i have a lynch clip for it and then uh these scales are also not my favorite i thought for a moment about trying to dye these a different color to see how that would come out but i only have um on hand i funny enough i have some like lime green grit dye which i used on a blue bug out at one point to turn it like this cool kind of aqua color um and then i have some like cobalt blue red dye and neither of those were colors that i thought would really help this situation much the blue might have made it more acceptable to me but um it would have been like turquoise i guess maybe if it went right and i just i i had scales on the way so i waited for it anyway other than the scales being a color that i don't like and the clip being absolutely unacceptably bad i've already grown to kind of like this knife just fidgeting with it at my desk a little bit um i've done a little bit of cutting with it hardly any because i haven't carried it but at my desk i've just like opened mail with it and this blade i'm liking so far it's not crazy thin behind the edge or anything but it just feels like a good work knife it feels robust and kind of solid without feeling over built either per se i guess mostly because it's kind of a slender profile overall um the ergos feel pretty good to me i'm liking quite a bit about it so i'm excited to be transforming it here and now so that i can start carrying it and actually experiencing it and seeing what it's made of but yeah this clip oh man it has to go it's just so bad in my opinion anyway i'm gonna go ahead and see if i can pivot the camera down onto my little work mat that i've got sitting here and uh we're gonna see if we can go ahead and get all these components put on and then we'll see at the end maybe i'll switch back to my face time will tell we'll see where the night takes us anyways we're gonna start busting into this and we'll flip now all right we're here so um i apologize the tripod is casting some shadows anyways i think we look all right here we're we're working with it um so i'm gonna go ahead and bust these packages open i've got the lynch clip this is the thumb disc and these are the scales which there's a surprise in there as well um i might as well use this knife i supposed to open these things i'm gonna not turn this over because it's covered in my personal information but uh let me off camera real quick open that guy up all right um thank you for my support thanks casey thank you card very cool um in here this feels like it's got the clip this feels like it's just some hardware yeah some silver hardware um and then a lynch sticker lynch northwest casey lynch is a cool dude by all accounts i like his work and his clips let's bust into this [Music] all right there is the clip um i'm gonna go ahead and just reuse these factory screws so that's now gonna sit quite a bit deeper which is gonna be nice i like that and it's shorter too which is also nice so that's the clip let's get these things out of here too great precision thumb disc um i opted for the zirconium one which isn't normally my thing so it's an oversized thumb disc it's gonna be bigger than the factory one which i think may help for spidey flicking it um and yeah i did zirconium which i think will look kind of cool with these scales that you're about to see so let's bust into those all right so sharp dress knives um i should say this as well the lynch clip i purchased i didn't even reach out to lynch because clips pretty cheap and inconsequential this i purchased these sharp dress knives scales were sent in by sharp dress knives i talked to him about doing this project and was asking him what he had in stock and he said he had just gotten some material and then he'd be happy to provide him and then during the time when he was going to be sending them he reached out again and was like hey i made you two different colors you can pitch pick which one you keep and then give the other one away so i'll be including some scales in a giveaway soon but some sharp dress knives stickers here and let's see set number one yeah this is the i believe it's called arctic storm fat carbon it's like a black and white fat carbon material the way i understand it fat carbon is essentially carbon fiber with like ceramic in it or layered with it so we've got arctic storm i think is what you call that i don't know i always forget the terms of these and then we have the blue as well and uh i i'm really torn which color i'm gonna go with on my build and which i'm gonna give away it is possible i'm gonna stay state this right now i could very well end up switching in the next day or two and seeing how they look but i'm gonna install one tonight and i'm kind of thinking that i'm leaning towards the blue i don't have many blue knives in my collection if any really um this will be my first fat carbon knife too which is really exciting i've been meaning to use some fat carbon um i love that this is kind of like it's black and white storm trooper e but i think the blue with the zirconium and this clip will probably be really rad so we're gonna go with the blue tonight i'll set these aside we're gonna put the blue ones on here with that thumb disc and this clip and that should really make this knife more appealing to me personally um all right so i have a t8 bit in here and i can't tell those might be t6s that's a t62 are there any t8s on here is the pivot of t8 the pivot's a t8 great i can use this for the pivot cool there's one screw i can use that for the rest are going to be t6s which i'll use this for i might not even need to do the pivot actually too now that i'm looking at it that's hilarious all right let's go ahead and you know i'm going to take the clip off first because i hate it the most because it's made me the most upset it's a good reason right so clip screw number one and i'm obviously going to be reusing these for that clip so make sure that they don't get far away this mat by the way people always ask when i do disassemblies on it this is from b weiss leather b-w-e-i-s-s and this one in particular you'll see has the milly club logo he did a series of these for the milly club he's also done runs of mats like these for river's edge cutlery in different colors and i think he offers him on his website too uh he's got an instagram and website and really cool dude yeah this clip is the freaking worst i hate this thing um obviously i'm not gonna like get rid of it because if i ever do let go of this knife i should include the factory clip with it but yeah i i strongly advise against that clip i think it is terrible all right there's one body screw looks like there's some white loctite on these more close there we go body screw number two does appear to be identical seems to be hugging onto that pivot over here it's also spinning it which is funny so i'll adjust the pivot when i'm done i suppose come on this should not be captive on here i don't think maybe it does set into it all right apparently i'm gonna disassemble it to get that side off we'll see if this side comes off on its own some more body screws out yeah feels like i have to take the pivot out in order to deal with that so maybe i'll leave the body of the knife alone but just take the pivot out this driver by the way i forgot to mention this is a brian brown knives uh titanium driver this thing is awesome there's the pivot screw [Music] so now that's off i should have grabbed a rag i've got the uh sharp dress knives case though that's coming in handy all right so yeah it was set to hold in with the pivot screw that's why it wouldn't come right off this side's got to be as well so i'm going to hold the knife kind of firmly shut here while i get this pivot oh it's gonna suck to try to put it back in isn't it all right let's go full disassembly because we're already this far let me take these got that scale off oh no maybe i can get away with it let's see i'm lucky i'm holding tension pivot hasn't moved so it should be all right probably should have pulled these out before i was holding this knife like a weirdo trying to keep tension on it there we go all right let's take this i'm gonna get this little bit of lube cleaned off on there too so we're clean underneath it's kind of cool this knife looks like it would actually function as just a really slim little frame lock without the scales um but the scales are going to be dope now so it's doesn't matter all right there we go so that's that one i like that the screw will still be captive in this aftermarket scale too and it slots into there all right so that is through let's take this side and put the pivot screw in close enough start putting body screws back in these scales look so much cooler oh man body screw number one nice and tight i love it when scales just fit exactly like factory ones do and uh they don't make it too difficult for no reason you know all right so now put these on here there we go final body screw sweet let's check for action that might be a little too tight yeah that's definitely a little too tight that feels better all right i can fine tune that when we're done as well all right so now i'm going to do the clip last because i like working on the knife while it's skinny like this let's do the thumb disc next all right so there it is nice uh this one's like a polished zirconium and then around the edge he has options for like knurling where it's like x-shaped much like what you see on the factory one or this one is i think he calls it rifled um so it's just one direction of kind of slots notched into it this looks to me like a t8 let's see if i'm correct yep so see if i can yep it's tight but just got that screw to disengage i'm gonna reuse this same screw of course that was close but i literally caught it in my lap all right so there's the factory thumb disc this looks like it's also got a little bit of white loctite on the screw let's go ahead and set the thumb disc and it's kind of proper position here see if i can get the tool in there we go i'm gonna go ahead and torque it down quite a bit because it was real tight in there that was super easy that looks cool oh yeah the added size helps see if it helps for middle finger flicking this knife i found it might need to break in a little i have a tough time middle finger flicking it it is rough come on oh yeah i'm gonna have to see about getting that to break in i'll put a little more kpl heavy on the detent ball too it's like just bruised the tip of my finger trying to do that crazy but this thumb disc works well there i'm hoping that as it breaks in it'll become more like my zt0620 that knife i can middle finger flick no problem all right so i shouldn't need that driver anymore now it's just the clip one thing i like to do when i'm getting a clip installed and it's one of these where you're like going through a window i'm going to set that screw down in there oh that just fall through there no it can't be right that would suck if the head of the screw is skinny enough to fall through there we go so i like to at least get that middle screw sometimes all of the screws frankly set onto the clip before but this one looks like the sides have pretty decent access so let me get this one just started that way it's gonna stay put while i get these side ones positioned there we go this one started i'm not going to tighten any of them down fully until they're all three in position there's another one two and three all tightened and that is on there now i think this looks like a way cooler knife than it did when we started um that was quick too that felt pretty easy to me getting all of those components put on for a pretty complete transformation that's a pretty sweet so yeah i'm going to go ahead i feel like where i'm at on action feels about right it really might just need to break in to smooth out a little more let's get some kpl on that detent ball some kpl heavy that is see if that helps a little bit oops i'm going to go ahead and just toss this factory thumb disc in here along with the factory clip i've got my factory components right here put the factory scales in this sharp dress knives pouch so i've got all my stuff baggied up i can go in my parts store all right little kpl heavy um kpl heavy i don't really recommend using for like the washers or the bearings on knives i really just like it for detent balls and detent tracks and then the kpl like standard i'll just drip a little bit in right now while we're looking at it i just like to put in the washers if i'm doing a full disassembly that'll be when i apply it but you can also i find just get a little in from there and then kind of work it in cap on this all right yeah it's already feeling like it's dropping a little bit more doesn't it it's a hair off-center though all right that feels pretty good i'll tinker with it a little bit more i'm sure but let's go ahead and spin the camera around and uh you can look at my face a little bit while i talk about this some more now that it is basically a new freaking knife all right here we go all right so as uh modifications go i feel like that was pretty painless um the only thing that i wasn't sure about going into it was whether i needed to take the pivot out to get the scales off and i did but i was able to do that without disassembling the rest of the knife so that's nice um this oversized thumb disc i'm liking i like that it's not thicker than the actual profile of the knife but it kind of matches the thickness of the profile of the knife so if you know what i mean like it's not sticking out further than the the width of the knife itself but uh it does being a little bit bigger feel like for my thumb deployment at least i am getting a better deployment i don't know middle finger flicking it oh it's rough yeah i don't know why what it is about that that's making it not want to work so well but thumb deployment is great so far and i'm hoping that now that i'll be carrying this fidgeting within a lot and using it some more that it'll break in quite a bit better but yeah this blade looks gorgeous these scales are freaking phenomenal um i'm pretty confident in this moment that i'm not even gonna put the white ones on because this looks great to me and i really like the color blue i just for some reason don't have many blue knives and i think it looks awesome on this one i forget which finish this lynch clip is i think it's the sand blasted one i went with and i feel like it goes pretty well with both the scales and because the scales are shadow box and you can see some of the titanium coming through it just it looks right to me i'm glad i went with that finish it's a cool looking knife now i like that the zerk thumb disc kind of plays off of the dark parts of the carbon too and the black hardware seems to match a little bit better than that factory disc did for what this looks like now yeah this is cool this fat carbon also feels i don't know it feels like smooth but it does have a little bit of kind of natural like it's not super polished maybe it's because it's got this matte finish it doesn't feel as slick as i maybe thought it was going to in a nice way oh and this thumb disc too it's providing a bigger spot for me to place my thumb on here i like that because i put my thumb on the spine anyways i find so that's good pocket clip doesn't really feel like it's making too much of a hot spot i can feel it more than that factory clip but that's because the factory clip basically was not even a pocket clip it's just like a thing bolted onto the side that you can do anything with so yeah now this is going to carry pretty freaking deep um there's not going to be much knife sticking out past the end there and it looks sweet so it's all put together um yeah i'll be doing a full review after i've carried and used it quite a bit more this is my knife i do personally on this so i'll be testing it pretty heavily and uh seeing what i think in the end but this is cool i like that it's an emerson design it doesn't have a wave it gets points for that for sure i like the proportions too it just feels like a properly sized knife this is like perfect primary size for me where it feels very big and capable but it's pretty slim at the same time it's not needlessly robust all right thanks for checking it out guys as always when i get something from river's edge cutlery i like to link them down below so river's edge cutlery will be linked down below because i did get the knife from them and then i will link sharp dress knives because he provided both of these sets of scales which is really rad and then i'll link lynch and grey precision as well because they're the parts that i used um yeah so you'll find links to all of them as always a thank you to rivers edge cutlery for being awesome they're super supportive of the channel and really really cool guys over there and a huge thank you to sharp dress knives as well because he literally donated these scales for me to do this and donated the extra set so i did as of when i'm filming this just past 6 000 subscribers here on youtube so i'll probably be giving these away as part of a 6k here on youtube um that'll be interesting because not everybody has this knife but maybe if they get a rad expensive set of scales for it then it'll push them over the edge to get one and try it so yeah we'll probably end up doing that here on youtube um but thanks for checking out me guys check out everybody in the links down below if you're not familiar with them or if you're interested in this stuff and we'll see on the next one
Channel: Bearded Gear
Views: 2,673
Rating: 4.9055119 out of 5
Keywords: zero tolerance, zero tolerance knife, zero tolerance 0640, zero tolerance 640, emerson, Emerson knives, Ernest emerson, zt, zt knife, zt knives, zt 0640, zt 0640 scales, zt 0640 clip, zt 0640 thumb disk, zt 0640 review, zt 0640 mods, sharp dressed knives, sharp dressed knives zt 0640 scales, knife scales, fatcarbon, fatcarbon zt 0640 scales, gray precision zirconium disk, Lynch clip, Lynch zt clip, Lynch clip zt 0640, zt 0640 disassembly, knife disassembly, knife mods, edc
Id: PJ8C7vxyNq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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