I Don't Know How Much More I Can Take | Outer Hebrides Ep3

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Applause] foreign [Music] anywhere today so I'm not bothered I'm gonna get all my clobber on me walking clubber and go for a walk take the cameras and see what I can find I took a real picture yesterday actually one of my favorite ones so far and it's as simple as anything it's a picture from inside the bedroom looking out to the Sea um there's a little vignette on it so it darkens everything around the edges so it just leads you into the photo now I'm going to eat my granola get a fire on another lazy day think of anyone yeah good morning foreign Ty sitting across the table from each other [Music] the berry and granola we're gonna go for a walk I've just realized I didn't bring any normal gloves like walking gloves I want to get my biking gloves so I don't really want to be putting them on but I remembered I've brought this it's probably crap I want to take a Christmas raffle and warmers you just break that and this all all this liquid goes hard and goes hot and all you have to do to reactivate it afterwards put it all in boiling water so it turns back to fluid see if it works eh it's nice and cold like some snow coming yep I'm not sleep obviously it is very very cold the roads seem to be absolutely fine so I probably will end up having a ride in a bit we shall see I'm gonna walk to the beach have a look down there pictures see what we can do [Music] is it how peaceful is this foreign [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] and I think my face is going to snap off [Music] I should have come up here on the bike after about an hour's walk to this look at that let's go over that Monument School shall we go on then so I'll read about it first medieval fort rectangular dwellings with Central hearts built against enclosure wall H2 this is a nationally important ancient Monument please take care not to disturb the archaeological remains or the ground around them in any way oh fantastic wow this is cool wow my belly just gone foreign so this is a medieval fort old settlement there used to be a wall all the way around the edge and then several dwellings in fact and they could find coins dating back to 1530 in the in said dwellings that little Tower there used to be an old Watchtower up to four meters high it's pretty cool though pretty cool a walking day today actually it started out Mega um Mega icy so I thought I'm not riding today and I had a good walk since well earlier this about 10 o'clock ish um and it's not bad at all there's no ice on the road so I might have a ride later if not later definitely tomorrow crazy to think that people used to live on this tiny Island [Music] [Music] foreign foreign just up here where they used to sail in and then pull the boats up and keep watchful eye of the bloodies here we are look yeah he's down to the Sea this is where they used to pull the boats up wow we're on the most northern tip of the outer Hebrides you really won't be able to hear me now so that that is the Faro Islands that is Iceland which means all that is the north which also means the Northern Lights are out here quite a lot so I've got my camera settings all done and if they come out I am going to get try and get video of it properly it's not fresh really lovely [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's gone hard now and it's really hot it's just gone very weirdly warm all of a sudden to the point I'm I could unzip my jacket [Music] could have easily got up here on the bike [Music] can't be that fresh air beautiful absolutely beautiful thank you [Music] we've been out walking today in this beautiful weather there's a shirt out of the window just seen this storm rolling in across the sea you can barely see the sea now let's just chucking it down I'm open that carries on all night actually and then that means it'll wash all the snow away so I've got a good ride for tomorrow [Music] foreign [Music] good morning everybody welcome back to my uh hebridean Adventure from what an adventure it's been wow it's lovely sweet over here look at the clouds to the right I think it's snowing it's the last night at my dick's tonight I've got to be out for 10 in the morning oh it's been lovely that Cottage has really lovely not a single teeth completely on my own inner sticks roaring fire every day yeah brilliant of roads like this yeah it's all snowing over here oh look at this wow wow wow I'm feeling these are digs stay in them I mean they look like it they're all sealed they've all got Electric you can you can stay in them can't you oh these are cool really cool hi morning you all right fine how are you yeah good thank you yeah stunning before I haven't no just came up from Derbyshire a few days ago in England yeah from South Carolina okay yeah how long have you been here then just yeah cool [Music] I don't know it's just a little bit more than we bargained for yeah um at the top of Arab Rock so the very Northern Point okay yeah yes I said yes yeah but we're going today yeah yeah today perfect you know the roads seem fine so I thought I'd just come for a little ride and have a look around you know are you staying here then yeah wow it's stunning like I said I've never been before so I just thought I'd do what it looks like on the inside are you sure okay cool thank you very much rich IE nice to meet you Cece how are you doing well thank you very much oh this is Rich oh nice to meet you just go out there and pick up straight it's just pick it up is that riding a sheep of the way back did you sorry yeah I said come on let's go back come on wow look at this close the door that's fantastic [Music] yeah you see how thick these walls are look at that wow them that's unbelievable well thanks for showing me around in this side oh yeah they're fantastic oh look at this wow wow yeah it really is fantastic Tennessee ah fantastic I taught across all the way across America a few years ago played on stage in Nashville done up one of my life dreams yeah a guitar and sing and piano yeah yeah didn't expect it to happen but I thought to myself if I'm riding into Nashville on my own motorbike that I put on a plane I'm going to make it happen that I play on stage with a band and I just did I just managed to have my best blagging fingers on that night I was speaking to the guy of what this particular band and I just said you know I'm from the UK it's been my dream to play on stage in Nashville is there any chance I can get up with you and he just said well what do you want to play have I said anything and he said give it what songs do you know I said anything I said it's your band you decide and I'm just thinking please choose a song that I know you know because he could have he could have said 10 songs that I didn't even know and the first song he said I said yeah yeah cool yeah and I just thought thank goodness for that so jump to France it was a Kip Moore song I don't know if you're familiar with Kip Moore a big National star yeah so I just managed to get up and and you know play the guitar and led the band there so and then riding out to Nashville the next morning you know carrying on towards uh the West I just remember thinking I don't care what happens now I know okay what happens yeah this whole tour is done now for me uh yeah so brilliant but yeah looking forward to going back next year I think anyway I'll not take any more time you fine people thanks very much for showing me in here I'll go take some more photos and I'll be on my way this is this is stunning I can't believe it you would never think that they're that deep inside would you mucking around on tomorrow ah amazing yeah absolutely amazing well take care hope you have a great trip thank you thanks very much bye-bye how nice were they from South Carolina all right keep going down amazing that was very nice of him showing me into that inside there very nice indeed all right if you can persevere with the weather it always always looks after you it all it's always worthwhile in the end you're horrible coming up here but you know what look at this now thank you it's still not ideal to be honest but what place to be on your bike and keeps you switched on that's one thing for sure it's a bit here that's just eyes look if I see ice in the middle of the road I tend to gas it beforehand and then just Coast over it so you're not making the tires do anything they don't want to do and to be able to see it on the snow foreign -ish standing stones [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] got this just mounting after mounting look at it all right maybe turn around with this one looks like we're going right over there as well I have actually got to come back on this road my uh about 10 miles more to go on it I might just turn around look at this oh man glad I pushed on my head's still not right you know from the ferry on the way home still feel a bit like dizzy gotta go and get back on it again tomorrow don't you blow me into the ice you the lean angle open Corners have been dealt with my car I went over to steer it rounded to either bite bolt up right when I put my viking fans on connected me socks into my jacket when I sat down I felt the pop I've unplugged my right leg my right soft my toes are freezing yeah there you go it's almost tall is there still ice a lot so we're gonna go down and do hutchinish Beach and then across to the Golden Road then I'm going to make my way back up so it's not any fun at all when you're having to constantly be glued to the clear line where you can't really enjoy riding because you just stuck to one line that's the the safest line to be on they're mentally draining definitely oh my God does it look beautiful your name absolutely stunning look at him he's full of water in the lake lot nice up and thick as well there well that thick you can see it step up I can't even get into any of the lay bars because they're all just wiped over white again welcome to the Isle of Harris oh at least I've left Lewis it's one thing Paris I think I I'll wait to myself come back up and um the springtime Brit that's it think I need to turn around still we're still Fair Way I don't think I'm sure to worry it I don't know folks I like to get myself into somebody don't I three degrees up here oh yeah yeah down to your left what color of the sea and uh and we turn around or try to come on big lad we can do it boy that's me and you dumped off foreign this what I've been doing today is all right but this isn't and it's just asking for trouble if I get all the way down there and then the weather turns I'm not going to get back up here am I so exact decision done another shot all right no more messy now let's just go back without uh being stupid or putting myself in any more danger than I have to a lot it's far from over yet because sale tomorrow back to um foreign middle yeah I sailed tomorrow back to all the pool and it's still very much like this in all of Paul very worse I think it's been one hell of a trip that's one thing for sure I'm sure you're living as nervous as me watching it says it's not over yet um got to find somewhere to stay in all the pool just for the one night and then I'm just going to keep plucking away and work him away all good to drive up to miss oulish and the Golden Road just not worth it and the Bloody ironic thing is the weather's due to go up to about 12 degrees next week so there'll be no snow no issues at all with the ice I'm sure it'll be lovely I was so close I was so close to postponing the whole trip after seeing about this weather and I just thought no we're gonna take a chance I'm gonna go for it I'm glad they are I am very glad I have the only thing I dislike the snow at all cold no problem at all thing I dislike is being forced to not do something like the ice I mean so things I've set out to do I can't because of the eyes it's just a bit disheartening really you know you put so much effort into things but I'm not about to cause myself any harm they're a lot whiter down here than it is up north the further away I get from the digs the more concerned I'm being about what might be going off up there weather-wise this is day six of the trip I cannot believe this is day six I don't feel like I've been away for it that long at all well it's snowing over there so quite easily even after go through more of that in front of us just to get back to the cottage I mean look so I stop [Music] led into a false sense of security this morning weren't we with the all the snow gone outside the cottage I think I love nightmares about snow for the next six months when we're taking fast now Jesus there's no scenery left now it's just a little snow in the air I mean it might be all right I might be able to ride out of it but this has been another adventure again on tick yeah maybe next year's winter trip I'll go south so I think I deserve it after this it'll be fair share of snow on this trip do you know what very nearly when I was planning to come up still not chosen destination Paul said about a heaven is I've never been cloud formations now what are very nearly very nearly went to Portugal to do like a rocky for a Portuguese tour very nearly it's a Portugal or outer Hebrides and we're in the report to Head release in the snow it's definitely made for a different kind of view in any way hope you've enjoyed it full stop like I said it's not over yet this is our last night in the outer Hebrides my face is slowly losing function it's not cold I've not got my balaclava on today oh my face it's really it's not working properly I think we should be all right now it looks quite clear over that way again what the [ __ ] I do in here this time of year riding through blizzards day after day one day off it's enough Saturday was the first day I saw snow so I've had Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday I've had five days of dealing with snow and it's not over yet definitely something going off in front of as well clear left clear right through the golden arches well thank you Lewis and Harris for an unforgettable experience and thanks to a big lad for looking after me come on let's go and get home get in the bath um thank goodness we're back near me I don't know folks time for a rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: RichyVida
Views: 56,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildbad, wildbad touring, richy vida, motorcycle, motorcycle touring, photography, nikon d750, gopro, hero4, hero5, hero7, drift ghost-s, dji mavic pro, cute kittens, motovlog, travel, mmt-2, africa twin, africa twin adventure sports, honda, vfr800, richyvida
Id: cKEYK20ufwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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