I Do THIS Every Spring And My Plants THRIVE!

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chances are a few of your beloved plants have been looking like a real dog's dinner over winter and a few of mine most certainly are by the way and you're a bit worried about whether they'll pull through and return to their former glory when the blue bells and daffodils come out in Spring and spring really is the best season for our plants all that hope and expectation for the season ahead is enough to make any plant fluenc giddy with excitement but there are a few things we need to do right to set our green babies up for success but don't worry it's nothing too taxing just some simple tips that you might not be thinking of that will really make a difference let's crack on so that you can be the true hero of your house so I mentioned my plants looking like a dog's Last Supper over winter and look it really is true you see it's not just you my plant friend it's all of us well it's me anyway all of us with long Winters that are cold and dark struggle during the winter I've got filad dendron that refuse to unfill new leaves why God why I've got a fonia that looks like has been dragged for a hedge backwards twice you're meant to be one of the good ones you Burk and the less said about zebie my Cala Zina the better just when I thought I'd finally figured you out you do this to me to be honest I could go on and on and on the reason I've not been committed yet is because this isn't my first rodeo no I've been here many times before more times than I care to remember it's always the same story my plants look absolutely rubbish over winter but thankfully they normally always bounce back in Spring it's the circle of life and you just got to learn to roll with the punches all this waffle is just to say to try not be too downhearted and lose confidence when your plants look like this right now that my pep talk is out of the way it's time to get to the nitty-gritty and to start giving you some valuable tips so valuable in fact that you'll be fighting all your instincts not to hit the Subscribe button but why Fight It Go on it's free so the first step is all about Boo boosting your morale and your plant's Health to boot cleaning I know I know it might sound boring but trust me this is very catic for the so will make you feel so much better about yourself when it's done you see this fonia here and all the bad crispy bits that make me look like a bad plant parent well be gone you horrible suckers there much better eh almost as if there wasn't a problem to begin with right and how about zebi she was looking like a shocker right a quick tidy up and boom she looks much prettier dramatic smaller and like she's had a lmer run over her by accident yes but tidy nonetheless the beauty of doing this is twofold it makes your plants look halfway respectable and it sends a signal that it better hurry up and push out New Growth to replace the mob that it's lost and what about that filad engine that doesn't want to unfur uh yeah well at this point I'm fresh out of ideas to be honest you know I call this guy melan a crisis for a reason he's the single most annoying plant in the whole wide world I'd say two out of every three leaves need to be mothered like a newborn and even then lots of them need chopping off because they're stuck in stasis if you know why this keeps happening to me then please please please leave it in the comments so you've got your tidying up down and your plants they're looking half decent again feww but why stop there my plant friend why stop there let's go a bit heavy metal rather than classical music spring is just about the perfect time to channel your inner lever face and really hack your plants to Pieces plants people if you've got a green friend that is looking a bit sparse and lanky then don't be shy and chopping it in half now spring is here replacement growth will soon come to save the day I chopped my fiddle fig in half for a recent video but look four new stems have shown their face to really Bush it out and to make me look like a plant Pro to all my friends and family and that's what it's all about right to have the best plants in the neighborhood to prune our kid what's the worst that can happen if anything you'll just get extra plants to slowly kill when you propagate the section you cut off win-win chances are you've not been paying too much attention to your green army over winter cuz they've not been showing you much love back and this unfortunately means that they're probably looking like a Mucky pup that's just been for a run into muddy Woods yeah bits of skin hair toenails and other unmentionables have lightly collected into the crevices of your green Pals and they're in dying need of a clean even the shelves and whatnot that they sat on will need a bit of a spring clean excuse the pan so get your rubber gloves on and ch your inner jilli and McKie and get to it there are two very important reasons why you don't want to skip this step Trust Me O come back and listen to this it's important some people eh I know cleaning is the last thing we want to do a thick layer of grime on the leaves and stems at a perfect breeding ground for unwanted visitors to make hay on your plants spidermites FRS and M bugs just love dust and whatnot to hide in we really don't want those buggers creating an indoor Army in our home and the second reason is photosynthesis yeah remember that from your school days plants use light to turn into energy and all that and having a thick layer of dust really doesn't allow this to happen all that great so get your damn cloths out and give everything a wipe or better still take your monkey pups outside or even into the shower with you and give everything a hose down sha Shang style this is the perfect setup for the summer ahead while you're doing your spring clean it's always a good idea to check for the little while you're at it you really don't want something nasty to take hold and create Untold stress for the year ahead winter is a great time for spidermites to latch on all that dry air from radiators is mAh to a spidermite so spring is a great time to do a deep dive and to be honest this is something you shouldn't only be doing in Spring I know I sound like an annoying preacher and it's something you don't want to hear but here it is anyway a WIP a day keeps the leaf eating munches away or something like that I'm always checking for pests honest I am and touchwood I've not had too many issues with sap suckers so far and I put all that down to my attentive care okay okay it's all luck I'll admit it hopefully I've not jinx myself into a lifetime of misery keep your fingers crossed for me so that's the parts of the plant you can see more or less taken care of what about the bits and pieces that live under the hood the engine room is what powers the whole thing after all and if your engine fails you won't be taking the kids to school on time now I don't do this for every single plant in my collection honestly they don't do Reserve all that attention but for those that I suspect something might be up or I've not paid enough attention to for a few years I like to have a Peak at their Roots I pull his trousers down and see if anything is bulging a little too much you see Roots grow pretty much all year round provided temperatures are above 12° C so it's perfectly feasible for a plant to become rootbound over winter and having a rootbound plant in Spring is not a good look it just probably means puny growth over the summer we all want our plants to grow to their full potential and it really matters now don't be too alarmed if you do actually see some Roots I mean it's a plant after all and that's just what they do they grow roots it's when you can't see much soil at all that you want to consider upsizing your little Fell's accommodation and no need to break apart the root ball like a Savage a gentle pull here or there is enough now if you're lucky enough to have an allocation or two in your collection or should I say unlucky enough then chances are you've been pulling out your limited hair over winter desperate trying to understand why the bleeding thing has been losing all its leaves one by one like a cruel demon put on this Earth just to torment you this is winter dormy my plant friend and happens when we can't give it the light it needs to keep its leaves yeah it's not dead it's just going for a long snooze hopefully you didn't chuck yours out thinking it was dying like I did to my black velvet a couple of years ago now to combat this as well as to try and keep the rest of my collection looking halfway respectable over winter I mov lots of my plants closer to the window so they can at least get some vitamin D I pretty much have them all piled up on the window sill they must look a bit crazy from my neighbors perspective probably why they always cross the road when they see me actually anyway the thing I often forget is moving them back to where they came from before the sun gets too strong and burns the leaves in spring and summer we all know the usual suckers that this applies to don't we the extra fussy specimens in our collection that tend to fry in the tiniest bit of sun I'm looking at you zebie and Spencer so yeah just keep an eye on anything you might have moved around during winter so you might be sat there watching this video on your big Telly screaming well what about watering Mr Sheffield and to that I say there is no change needed hear me out plants do indeed need more water during the Spring and Summer all that heat and light makes them transpire quicker so we no doubt have to top them up more regularly but you won't get a you need to water them every week in Spring versus every month in Winter from me no instead you'll get her you need to continue watering when the soil is dry from me and honestly nothing could be simpler whip out your moisture meter probe and water when the soil is dry this applies to pretty much all plants except maybe Calif I don't let them get bone dry makes them upset with me so watering schedules are a plant's worst best friend but feeding schedules are most definitely not now don't worry too much about this your green buddies won't come bust if you're not feeding them regularly I mean I often forget to feed mine and there's been no Mutiny at Cara Sheffield just yet it just means that I've not been getting the absolute best out of them it's light that makes them grow big and musly after all I used to try and remember to add house plant Focus to every other watering but the problem was they were all drying out a different rate and I lost track of when I last fed what it was a right mess the solution for me was pretty simple I kicked myself and not thinking of it sooner to apply a weak dose of fertilizer to every watering can I make up it's the perfect storm I never forget the plant gets fed and I don't fatten them up with too many calories perfect the thing that I'm absolutely not afraid to do when things are still looking ropey despite my best efforts during spring is to show them the inside of my bin sometimes it's just not working and who wants to have a reminder of that proudly displayed in their home yeah not me there's no need to feel guilty here and to fight that guilt you can easily take cuting to keep the bloodline going before adding to the compost heap sometimes just not meant to be so I've showed some real clangers in my collection during this video and here's another site to behold this was Ox my apparently dead Oxalis triangularis otherwise known as purple shamrock at the end of winter now when in rude Health this guy is an absolute stunner with beautiful delicate purple leaves and tiny pink and white flowers the trouble is getting it into rude Health can be a bit of a challenge that is unless you know the secret I reveal in this video on the screen now that allows you to get the best out of him every spring trust me it was a truly epic transformation and well worth a watch so check it out and subscribe for more fun see you next time
Channel: Sheffield Made Plants
Views: 147,118
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Id: Cup7Kxt9a2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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