Our living plant wall #anthurium #philodendron #rareplants #fordplants

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my name is Samuel Ford and welcome to my channel in this episode I will show you my living [Music] bow so I started building this wall in August last year 2023 so I mainly planted monsteras and philodendron on the th facing side of the wall because the sun is shining all the time on it I planted also a few Anum on the bottom and a few up here but they really struggle with the sun in the summer in the winter it's okay I used spum Moss at the moment it's quite dry um and we have the quick wall behind the spum Moss i u propagated all the plants by myself grown from seeds or from cutting so if you have any questions what the plants are please make a screenshot and send it me per per Instagram or just write a comment below so this is moner EPO it's a really really large moner and it's not the esal it's the real eppr noas they look really really similar but the eppr noas needs much higher temperatures and grows larger yeah this is still a small plant next to it we have monstera aop pinata here are the fruits and this form is from Peru and all the mon here is also a new Mon it's mon indans so most Monas look really really similar when they are small but when they get mature mature they they look all different like this look different so this one can see at the bottom we have not just um Anum of course we have things like Trisa so this is a variegated form of Trisa also we have a variegated P zvati can show this Lea they look really really beautiful and yeah monsters and some species I don't know what it is this one is has actually really really pretty flower and has a bulb here this is actually all the bulb quite big here we have a philodendron a fendum I don't know exactly the variety uh because I have so many different of them they leave now this one has a green side then we have this one is f ver verum Scarlet really red so has a red um backside but no red stripes just has red stripes is Amazon sunset um this is Monster Ali it has no official name yet ly was just the person who found the monster this is not another Lea they get like this big and long and narrow here we have mon obla amas we have many oblas here I have about 20 or 30 different new oblas and like 10 already described oblas so about 30 different ones this one is obl amadas it has narrow leaves and the holes um just on one side only so this are just slug holes but Amon o Amon has just on one side the holes or no holes at all so this plant is also just at yeah four months old at most this is a new Anum this is Anum Napo it's from the region Napo but I think it has no name yet has a more green form but not this red form and the flowers and the growth is also different this form is a lot smaller than the normal Nao form and it it's more reddish also doesn't tolerant tolerate so much heat so it's approximately from a higher region in the mountains this is one of my most um loved Bonas it's Irish Java it flows the whole year round and it's also good for planting outside in the summer yeah and it's really compact yeah it's a beautiful flower of Anum flavo lium at the moment you can see the male pollen and it's special because they are fine hairs coming out of the flowers with the p on it now we are on the North facing side of the wall and here are mainly Anum growing this wall is still in construction so we started building this side in December last year so it's about 2 months old the plants were before in in quite large pots um this side is uh out of a brick wall then we have stone wall for house constr construction and the last sheet where the plants are growing in is SPC numos at the bottom we also use pine bark can show you here pine bark spcn numos and perlite pumis is also um something is quite good these are also the mother plants so we have pollen and just cross-pollinate them or make um nonhybrid plants but after two months on this magnificum we have seeds and it needs another three months to have plants ready for selling so it's about 5 months from pollinating to young plants about this size they grow quite fast but not every Anum goes that's fast uh at the bottom we have new plants new arids that are not available yet in the market um like this K don't know if it is an AR probably kalanta from samur it's a region in Ecuador it's a new kante we have about 20 mother plants and it has a beautiful um purple flower um this is also a nice plant to point out and this one you can show over here it's the same it's um spatium Ian Pia I think Ivan potia is the old name show the flowers are the flowers have thick leaves and they are dark so more like black in the summer and greenish in the winter this is ausus varata this is adala oh AGA what is it Aga Pata varata here we have a normal fendron then we have non-described plants the same it's a gantos but it's a new species of gantos they're just three discovered and this is a forc um gantos then we have Monas this is a really nice moner this is monin narrow we also have monster super narrow and normalin so the leaves are always long but this is um this is a different monster but it looks similar to the to the monster taina taina is a region in Ecuador so this is my one of my favorite um Piper so a pepper plant from Ecuador grows like a bush and this one has silver leaves it has no botanical name yet thank you for watching my Channel please consider subscribing for watching my new upcoming videos in [Music] future
Channel: fordplants
Views: 2,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raretropicalplants, Samuel Ford
Id: ujxzDL37wdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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