I Discovered The Rarest Miscut Pokemon Card Ever Made

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today i'm going to be searching for the rarest evolving skies cards ever made and these cards are so rare that they were never meant to be released like this but the crazy thing is you can actually pull these cards from regular evolving skies booster packs how can i possibly be so sure that we have a chance to pull these cards though check out this video where we discovered one of them [Music] oh my god oh my god so here's the card that you just saw get pulled by my daughter amelia absolutely insane miscut cards like these can be worth 100 some even up to thousands and this is probably one of the most sought after because you have the alternate artwork glacion on here and then underneath there you can see part of the rainbow um that is actually i identified it as the garbador so these are absolutely insane to pull so right here i have 100 booster packs of evolving skies these were put away to the side in a bin and one of the packs in there was the one that my daughter opened up the other day i think if any evolving skies pack have a shot at pulling more of these cards it's going to be these 100 right here so let's see if we can pull some miscuts and really quickly i wanted to let you guys know that i have one evolving skies booster box that i want to give away to one lucky winner here in the poke cave 10 to the giveaway just number one smash the like button number two make sure you subscribe to the channel with notifications on and then number three down below in the comment section do you guys think that we're gonna pull any miscuts today also let me know what you guys think of miscuts i i just absolutely love them i think it's the coolest thing to find cards that were not meant to be like put out that way get pulled out of booster packs so hoping oh nice we got a new burn yeah noise burn v to start it off here but yeah hoping to pull another um miss cut out of here i think it would be insane um just i don't know just finding error cards i feel it's just one of the coolest things copycat raichu regular hollow let's keep it going pack number three can we do it um so what i've noticed is it's pretty much gonna be the secret rare cards either rainbows or the alternate artwork cards we got a dialga regular holo and that's kind of what i found when i did a stream one time if you guys remember that from oh it's probably like a year ago i want to say where i just had these booster box cases and there were so many of these miscuts coming out of them but i think these 100 packs are probably from those uh cases so there's not many left i think this might be it rayquaza v regular v card we got hits out of every single pack so far now the cool thing is with the bombing skies is even if we don't actually pull um like a miss cut today there's so many good cards that we could pull out of this set it's actually kind of insane crustal how do we keep getting hits that's like six in a row arctivis v card but i honestly i really think we have a shot here i really think we have a shot here um if we could just get maybe just one would be amazing love this c dot slack off but it's always awesome open evolving skies one of the best sword shield sets how do i keep getting hits though is the question literally like seven in a row here all right wait this is a green code card right there are other ones with green code cards down there that wait what is happening those were green go okay that has nothing in it but there definitely were green code cards that i just pulled that had hits all right i don't know let's keep going um so bobbing skies right now the packs are they're like five dollars a pop online so this is actually like a 500 opening it's kind of crazy drowsy non-hollow out of that one but we're kind of going lightning speed here because we got a hundred booster packs and we just want to see if we can do this um again it's probably like the last of like these error sort of pack things tropius it's one thing to get miss cuts on some of the non-hollows like commons uncommons you know regular holos even regular v cards but when you have like these packs that are literally the top of the top cards like the alternate artworks some of the best cards you can get i don't know what i'm doing uh it gets even crazier okay i don't think there's anything in that one come on i want to see a crazy ultra could you imagine oh my god if we got the rayquaza as a miss cut like as the alternate artwork rayquaza or even like the umbreon or something crazy dude let's go come on can we do it regular hollow on that but honestly that glacion that amelia pulled is the fourth most valuable card in the set like it's worth 125 raw just for a normal copy that was a miscut so i can't even imagine what that thing's actually worth of course that's staying right in her collection so it's but it's just kind of crazy to know that she pulled that thing i think i guess that's the biggest card she's pulled she has pulled the ultra mercury quasi-v she has the best luck with evolving sky she pulled the alternator great quality max i've never pulled out here we go here we go okay ready it looks like we got something nice here what is it going to be oh joel trv full our hit evolving skies man one of the best sets from uh sorted shield easily jolteon v coming in hot all right so that's gonna be our biggest pull so far but we could do a lot better than that all right here we go eevee cutie fly hit my chin right what's up with all the raichu hollows so many ride shoes i feel like we've pulled like three or four raichu hollows today okay let's go berg my drowsy scraggy hop hip talon flame now we're not gonna we're not gonna know until we hit like a um a secret rare like a rainbow or an ultra artwork we're not going to really know what's happening until we hit one of those code card and yeah these are all from booster boxes um i don't know i think they were like leftover because i had them in a bin under a table that i hadn't seen in so long and my kids found it like can we open up some of these like sure you can open up a handful of them but i think these were leftovers from when i was doing the evolving sky stream trying to complete the binder set and that's when i was pulling out those miscuts um so like these are the packs i mean there was one in one of these already so these are the packs if we can if we can get them they're gonna be hopefully in one of these it's kind of crazy though because so yeah i get my stuff distribution and it's like from a distributor and this i guess just like the small like whatever amount that i had on a certain part of like that shipment had the the sheet of like a bobby skies ultra rares that were cut incorrectly but that's it's crazy i was trying i was trying to figure it out trying to narrow it down but it was so hard because there were some cases of them that didn't have them at all and then there was like a handful that had them slacking regular hollow i know there was some fusion strike booster boxes that had an insane amount of secret rares and full arts like put into them by accident um but like this i think this is pretty cool to miss cuts we got oh a lycanroc v-max all right so we got two more on our first stack green code card in this one but i have seen some that i hit nope not that man i think my daughter's just super lucky i gotta say like i think she only opened up one one or two packs of evolving skies uh it's tropius and entei all right moving into our second pack of evolving skies let's kick it up another level here and see if we get something crazy pikachu c-dot here we go here we go here we go oh my god the right cause of me that is insane we actually just pulled this card oh my god dude dude that is nothing see it's all talking about we didn't get a miss cut yet but like pull it in one of the top cards from this set easily a top ten the right claws of the alternate artwork it's not the vmax version which i still have never pulled it's the only card that i've actually never pulled but this card is easily one of the best so it's definitely not a miscut but that doesn't mean that we're not gonna see any today start off that second pile of packs all right man yeah you can't really be you can't beat a big evolving skies opening like ah it's just it's one of those sets where it's like it's just really good regular holo all right let's keep it rolling here yeah it's like you think about sword and shield loving skies man that's that's probably my number one or number two set from sword and shield error here sylveon v not bad all right we're still rolling here having fun either way whether we pull them or not i i really do think we have a good chance at pulling one but whether we pull or not i think we're going to be having a good time we got regular non-hollow all right you can see the packs in the background slowly getting lower and lower here oh my god i see something again i gotta stop moving the packs like these this oh dragon salt v i said these i meant to say this like this okay because you guys can see like on the corner it's like peeking out a little bit we got drag assault v full art man i kind of feel like doing another live stream evolving skies doing a big opening what do you guys think i'm you know like i miss doing the really big uh live stream openings not gonna lie you know i don't miss doing them every single day like eight to ten hours a day which we were doing for a while there that was a little that was a little too much but like one you know once a while like once or twice a month do a long stream leafeon v well actually if i do a really long one the next one coming up has to be actual radiance because i still haven't done that but also pokemon go which is going to be coming out i don't know if it's even out by the time you guys see this video or what but that's definitely a priority flap i will 100 be doing a binder collection live stream for pokemon go i mean without question that one's definitely like a lot um i don't want to say easy but it's more reasonable than doing like actual radiance which probably would take 12 hours i'll probably need to do it i don't know if i would get it on one stream lycanroc v well no evolving skies big stream would be fun all right we're almost we're sort of almost halfway we're getting closer um still haven't seen a miss cut that's fine though i still have um i still got hope you know i still feel like we could do it tentacle vega i love this cdot wishy-washy fun though it's fun opening evolving skies i will say it doesn't have the best pull rates i mean obviously compared to like brilliant stars actual radiance but when you get the hits they're nice we got an umbreon regular v card man that's probably the best regular v my opinion anyway i love that one all right let's continue let's continue still moving that umbreon's actually pretty cheap it's only two dollars it's a regular v but it's a nice one wobba fett not hollow all right all right all right 100 booster packs of evolving skies here the hunt for the miss cut oh oh my god i was i like went way past it so we do have a rayquaza bmx rainbow it's not gonna be the miss cut but it's not over yet it's not over yet because i have seen when we were opening up before we had some that were miscut some not still of hope but dang we're getting the right quads today that is amazing like what are the odds we keep getting as our like secret rares rayquaza's another card that's like almost a top 10 card in this set i feel like which is crazy and yeah just double checking it it's definitely off center left to right nothing like like miss cut or even oc grade i'm sorry we got a cool card though let's keep going let's follow it up i see a green and white code card in this one let's follow it up let's follow it up ooh trevor not v-max all right man so many good artworks in this set it's kind of ridiculous it's kind of a ridiculous set lit leo not hollow on that one all right next booster pack here that's a green code card that is a green code card nothing in that one hopefully i'm going at a decent pace for you guys here i don't want to go too slow i don't want to go too quick though but we got a hundred packs here so hitmonchan zapdos apparently my daughter is just the luckiest person i guess with opening up packs she always does it she'll open up just a couple packs boom pull crazy card sharpedo and then we're over here opening up like a thousand of bobbing skies back i think it was like two thousand evolving skies could not pull that rayquaza alternate artwork v-max she i think she opened it her first ever pack of of all these guys nothing in that one all right we're coming down to almost halfway there we do have two secret rares that we pulled two i mean really nice rayquaza cards that we pulled they didn't see miscut action on those but that's all right i still think what i feel i still think it's possible aunt frust all right the final 50 booster packs let's get it going or roughly 50 left i don't know the exact amount articuno come on i think it's about time we got another secret rare green away code card feeling good about this one mmm marie dragon come on we need an evolution miscut card i can feel it i can feel it c dot that's a talon flame still moving we don't give up boba fett hop it swab blue oh thievil i feel like this is the toughest set to to when you ask somebody what is your favorite card in this set to answer there's so many good cards in this sense insane like it's it might it's it's it's just too difficult there's just too many good artworks too many amazing artworks um and a lot of the cards most of those hold their value to this day which is crazy like that umbreon v max the umbreon v max ultra artwork is 320 raw that's the market price on it right now ridiculous let's ungrade it from a pack sua blue eevee but yeah we might have to do another big stream of this volcarona v before the packs get any more expensive i mean unless they're going to reprint it they sort of did a free print but it's like i think you could only get it on pokemon center as etbs i think i feel like they might do a re um it's hard to say i feel like they might do a reprint on this set that would be amazing like anytime they do a big reprint on something that's my iq to like go in and start opening up packs while they get you know while they're cheap that's that's probably the best way to go about it oh jolteon v-max all right joel tr i think we had we had the jolteon for today too right yeah all right uh we're getting lower and lower on packs i just can't believe she literally picked that out of this bin like one or two packs had it had the miss cut um so like i don't know she picked the right one i guess all right here we go keep moving keep moving flapple the apple gotta be one more there's gotta be one more in here what do we got go lord v we're getting closer nothing gotta have faith gotta we gotta have the heart of the cards wrong tcg but we can still use it harder the cards baby harder the cards baby we'll bat lily up all right i feel like this is like one of those long live streams but it's not live almost at the 75 mark here scraggy bag on woobat psyduck gigolith not what we want that is not what we want psyduck oh more shadow but yeah check it out i mean the pull rate right it's tough once you go to brilliant stars actual radiance you see the pull rates on there with that subset yeah stuff is tough without one of those all right two more then we'll get to roughly 75 packs in we got two secret rares non-mis-cuts will we get one here we go love this fletchling oh no all right guys don't give up on me yet this is our last stack of roughly 25 booster pack that's a green code card bad sign oh no our packs are dwindling away next one altaria all right well on the bright side amelia pulled one so that's awesome and i have pulled a bunch with that one time but i want to pull one today i want to put one today i want to make this video worth your guys time watching glacion regular v card come on yeah it's hard to pull secret rares it's hard to pull secrets only two i mean two really nice ones honestly but there's a lot of nice cards in this set so the odds are you're gonna pull a nice one when you do pull the secret rare well i mean yeah higher odds anyway than most sets pretty much all sets let's be honest come on so we can be forgot you were in the set not gonna lie i completely forgot that you were a v card in this set okay having fun this is a good excuse to open up a bunch of this set anyway sharpedo you know i'm like what can i what can we do to be able to open up more evolving skies this this was the answer literally a flapple oh not many left maybe 20 or so left still a decent shot what do we got what we got we got oh it's the gyarados another secret rare rainbow but it is not the miscut it is not the miscon oh i feel like we're so close but so far nice pull though still like a top 20 card in the set honestly still getting some really nice secret rares but that is pretty nicely cut hey i'm still happy i'm still happy can i get this open there we go okay green and white code card come on let's just just keep banging out the hits right now oh another jolteon beforehand okay we'll take it code card out come on just pile up the hits that's where all the goodies are waiting so where all the goodies are waiting glass of flour i love this fletchling el degrasse man okay here we go here we go come on apple turn oh no scraggy talonflame what do we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten more booster packs all right it's gonna be an annie it's got to be in these last ones flapple it's so weird because when i was doing the live stream too trying to complete the set uh you know it was like we i'd have some days because we did it for like a week straight i feel like like what's that oh got more gyarados regular gyarados v i remember we we'd have some days where we were just getting the miscut cards like pretty frequently and then there were some days where we weren't getting them i think it just depended on which case of booster boxes i opened up because they come case packed with six booster boxes in a case so i think it was just like the luck of the draw on some of them that had those misc cards in there so it was like really hard to try to figure out which ones had them and which ones didn't once you saw one in there it was more than likely that you're gonna find more in the same case of booster boxes i don't know i thought we had a chance here still do still do you know but yeah we're almost there fun either way opening these up got some really nice pulls out of that the rayquaza being definitely my favorite well there were two rayquazas the one that was my favorite would be the v-altern artwork oh no all right this is about the end i'm sorry i i really thought that we had a good chance at uh pulling one of these things sorry if i uh wasted you guys time watching this video hopefully it was still fun to watch but well hey you know life's packed magic right last pack magic psyduck suabloo c dot woo bat evie lit leo no we couldn't do it okay wait actually hold on a second i had another bin next to there where there were like a whole bunch of mixed up packs i think these ones have a pretty low chance at having it but i wouldn't be able to sleep if i didn't try these ones too so we got like 11 packs i'm out of breath because i ran to go get them and then i realized that this is not even a live video so it doesn't really matter how long i take oh oh oh my god are you serious oh my god are you actually kidding me right now oh my god oh my god what oh my god dude dude oh my god oh my god ladies and gentlemen i think we just pulled the rarest evolving skies card ever made i i can't even like oh my god oh my god i don't even know what to say dude my heart is like oh my god i can't believe that just happened this is the number one card in the set and i have never pulled the miscut version of this i think this might be the like this might be the number one miscut card that you could ever pull from i can't believe that just happened oh my god oh my god i don't even know what to say dude and that is crazy crazy miss cut like that is even more miscut than this card because if you look really closely on the bottom let me take it out of the sleeve so you guys can see it better look at that you see on the bottom there that is actually part of the next card like the actual back where we'll say pokemon and show the pokeball and stuff this one is really really off but it just barely doesn't get that on there oh my god i'm sorry i i'm just still shocked i just can't belie i literally these i was like i was going to end the video i was going to end the video because these packs were like in another bin mixed up with like a whole bunch of vivid chilling rain and stuff like that and i just thought there was no shot that this was a part of like the miscut it's so confusing because i don't know what i did with the packs i must have mixed some of them in there then from the opening oh my god i'm just still shocked right now i am in complete shock that we actually just pulled that and i can't even tell you guys a value on this thing but i mean if you're talking about the number one card in the set i mean it's it's either like the number one number two card in the set as a miscut oh what trainer is that i think the only way we know what trainer card that would be is if somebody had like a picture of a a full sheet of evolving skies because i i wouldn't be able to tell from that because there's no way to identify it i think there's five regular trainers so it's gotta be one of those five i am like i'm telling you guys i wasn't gonna open them like i just i thought there was a zero percent shot but that's that's literally why you just you never know you don't give up like oh my god i i really feel like that's probably one of the craziest pulls ever i mean for evolving skies my heart is still just going i can't believe that i i cannot believe that trevor not v regular full art let's go and by the way i'm pretty sure that there's a bunch of packs from um the miss cut that are out there whether they're in pokey rev packs whether they're booster boxes that i've sold if you've ever bought evolving skies from me and you have sealed packs you might want to consider opening if you haven't opened them up yet because there's a good chance oh my god what dude i know what's getting over these see look then here's one oh my god we got another alternate artwork wow dude i'm still shaking right now this is unbelievable so this one is not the miscut it's so wild it is so wild i'm sorry i keep going back to this but i also want to mention that this is the first time i've ever pulled this card by the way um and to pull it like this is just insane really we got to thank amelia and leo for wanting to open up those packs and and and like i don't know i don't know what would have happened but yeah i'm so like my brain is just going a mile a minute here but yeah if you've ever purchased evolving skies packs for me and they're still sealed i'm just saying you might want to consider it dude what is happening rick why is a v now wait have we almost got all the right clauses today we yeah we pulled all this secret rayquaza the v-alter artwork the v-max ultimate artwork and the rainbow then we just got the v i think the only one left is the v full art that's not a secret it's just a regular uh full art wait no there's also just a regular v-max too but i mean we got the best three the best ones okay oh my god oh here we go last pack we actually did it guys i i i don't know i think we literally pulled the rarest evolving skies card that might be it that might literally be it scraggy and a regular hollow hit thank you guys so much for sticking that out with me that was insane i'm so glad i opened up the rest of those packs but if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to smash the like button also feel free to click on one of the two videos at the top there hit that subscribe button as well and as always i hope you guys have a great day and i will see you on the next
Channel: PokeRev
Views: 875,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, pokemon, miscut, rarest Pokemon card, evolving skies, pokemon cards opening, opening pokemon cards, pokerev, pokecave
Id: mhOFxEx_Bss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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