I Didn't Think I Work Here 8 Stories from r/Idontworkherelady

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[Music] welcome back we've got some stories today from I don't work here lady that I hope you enjoy yeah you got my new equipment and I've learned more about my editing software so this sounds better I hope you like it tell me what you think down in the comments so without further ado let's get started this happened several years ago how was the nighttime charge nurse / the ICU I just finished a 12-hour shift at my hospital that turned into a 14-hour shift because of the rapid response right before shift change the patients responded well I was exhausted I had to return for a fourth shift in nine hours all I wanted was some items to drop into a slow cooker so I had something to eat when I got up tonight so I stopped at a well-known big-box store that sells groceries clothes electronics and the works I'm wearing royal blue scrubs a nametag with a big are in plastered on it and I forgot to take my stethoscope off so it was hanging around my neck well obviously they don't as I'm walking towards the store I see an elderly couple struggling to load a large box in their SUV I mean they were old 90 plus and they had shaky hands they were teetering around with limited mobility I kind of see this with a med list like three pages long there is no way that his hips can take the weight without snapping and I've had enough work tonight I approach quickly and I address the female half of the couple and offered my help it was gladly accepted and I got their TV loaded with very little difficulty it was more cumbersome than heavy I'm chatting with this woman who is explaining it was a gift for their son I was wondering why the employees weren't helping that's when it happened how will be the RN and the woman will be entitled which or aww Hey hey startled I stopped our conversation to look over it's a lady in her 50s dressed in a cheap lookin beige pantsuit with a get your miniature hairstyle spending about 15 feet away with her hands over her broad hips if you are about done I need help over here she then points to her cart with two boxes of bookshelves some assembly required I realized that she thinks I work here oh sorry ma'am I don't work you're already making me late just get it done and don't scratch up my paint the elderly lady and I exchanged looks of disbelief and I try again I don't work here just get it done then she steps away from her carting grabs her purse grumbling about how we're effing idiots and digging for her keys when her cart starts to roll further away and one of the wheels goes off the curb the entire uneven load causes the cart to topple over I instinctively jump forward so that I can try to prevent everything from falling it was unsuccessful now aw who has now turned to see her particleboard bookshelves spilled out on the cement the corners of the boxes are crushed and a few of the pieces and packages are now exposed aww completely loses her crap and she becomes a raging thunder but what the crap you stupid pick them up God dang it crap I'm gonna have you fired you owe me a new bookshelf and I'm late at this point I'm done pick them up yourself I don't work here then I turned to go inside when I fill her grab my sleeve and try to yank me around I jerked my sleeve up out of her grip and I turned to face her now violently red-faced she opens her mouth to start screaming again but I put my finger in her face and I say no don't touch me shut the heck up I do not work here and even if I did I'd quit before helping you clean up this crap II W stands there speechless her mouth is opening and closing sputtering and shocked that I dared to raise my voice to her that's when the manager and an employee comes out II W sees a manager and she finds her voice are you the manager this guy damaged my bookshelf and is refusing to pay for them I just stare in shock seriously having realized that a man in bright blue scrubs with a stethoscope and a big RN badge really doesn't work here instead of apologizing she chooses to double down on her craziness and now accuses me of breaking her stuff before I can voice my denial the elderly gentleman that I helped the earlier steps in and explains the situation to the manager he WS still voicing complaints but the manager realizes the real situation and apologizes to me and the couple and still standing by watching angrily as the manager deals with II W and inspects the bookshelves they are not damaged he offers her two new boxes buddy W has now done with the whole situation she says no and she's already late because of me she does glares over at me and says to the manager just load them I'm RT late enough because of this the manager and the employee lift up the boxes and they wedged them into the lady's car as I shake my head and go to entered the store I will stop by the elderly lady that I helped earlier she said sir thank you so much for helping us with the TV I am so sorry some people are so rude she then reaches for my hand to shake as she folds both of her fragile hands around mine I feel something in her palm that she's giving me then she whispers wait until she leaves I slide the package into my scrub pocket and the lady walks away he W gets into her car and without apologizing or thinking anyone she pills out and drives away I finally entered the store to grab my food items and when I reached in my pocket I pulled out a plastic bag with a bunch of screws and hardware I realized immediately that the sweet old lady she took advantage of the commotion and she stole the hardware out of the rip box I couldn't believe it I had the biggest grin on my face as I did my shopping and I have a new pity revenge hero to idolize this story took place last weekend on a Sunday morning I got a graveyard shift at a gas station after I graduated college since I really needed the money really bad so I clocked out of work and got into my car and I was about to leave when suddenly a random lady walked in front of my car the lady stood in front of my car and looked at me for a few seconds then she ran to my passenger side and she tried to open the door this is when the conversation between me and random lady began yo what the heck are you doing get away from my car excuse me mister that's not the way he's supposed to talk to a customer maybe I'm confused I just clocked out five minutes ago so I'm not working right now customer lady I don't work right now and get the crap away from my car the lady clearly isn't taking that answer and she says yes I am your customer you supposed to drive me to my location do I look like an uber driver or something it says on my phone I actually looked at her phone now her driver has a full-blown beard and I don't so I said lady do I look like I have a forest on my face and does this car look like a Prius her driver's car was a Prius and mine doesn't look anything like a Prius that lady looks at me and her phone several times then she says well you're wearing their uniform so I got confused what the crap are you talking about my uniform is bright orange and it says 76 gas station but he should give a lady a ride when it's very cold and wet out here after she said that without saying anything I got back into my car reversed my car and left I wasn't in the mood to waste my time on some random nobody I just found this sub and actually I got a story of my own that fits perfectly here's a bit of background I'm working for a private bank in the city now this city has a hundred and fifty thousand people our bank is in the center of the city and obviously there are some other banks around in most of the banks all employees are wearing business clothes suit shirt tie leather boots for men and so do I a couple of weeks ago I was sitting at my desk and sorting out Mel then I saw a letter that was addressed to another Bank nothing special the postman just made a small mistake usually we just send the letter to the right address then I realized that the bank was literally just 300 meters away so I just decided to drop it off during my lunch break I started my break went to the bank and handed the letter to the woman at the front desk I was already leaving the building when I saw a buddy of mine withdrawing money from the ATM I greeted him we went a bit to the side and started chatting about random things after a couple of minutes I heard someone behind me coughing and it didn't bother me at all then the COFF got louder and I still did not turn around until someone grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn around this is where the conversation with this old witch started help me with the ATM already oh I'm sorry I can't help you I don't work here of course you do you wear a suit and you helped him at the ATM no he's just a friend of mine I just met him here at this point my buddy starts to go into troll mode a bit sir you can't refuse to help a paying customer he just confirmed that you work here and I ain't got time for that my friend starts laughing and says uh I was just kidding he doesn't work here at this point she completely loses her crap and she starts yelling about having half a million euros in her bank and that she's going transfer to another bank and that we both are gonna be fired I don't know how she wants to get my friend fired since he's obviously not wearing a suit then the lady that I gave the letter to comes up to us and starts asking what the problem is the old biddy told her that we were refusing to help her and that we were making fun of her and how wealthy she is and that she wants to talk to our manager she looks pretty confused and also confirms that we actually don't work there she starts yelling again that she's gonna transfer everything to another bank then she drives off the lady just looked at us and apologized I told her it wasn't her fault and we just left the bank now I'm the lady in this story I was waiting for my uber and I was looking for a black SUV the corner that I was being picked up at it's a busy intersection near multiple hotels and restaurants so many people are temporarily parked in their cars I get a call from the driver and I'll let him know where I am and that I don't see him yet he tells me that he's flashing his lights so I look around for the SUV with flashing lights at this moment a black SUV pulls up and he throws on his hazard lights so I opened the door and hop in the back seat a very surprised and confused man turns around and he says can I help you I now notice that there is another black SUV across the street with there hazard lights on and it dawns on me that this is not the car that I'm looking for I'm so sorry I thought you were my Ober I'm glad the guy was so cool about it and he chuckled about it because I was mortified I now check the vehicle type and license plate before I get in the car this is my first encounter with the I don't work here lady this is where a lady grabbed me yelling for me to help her so after a minute of arguing I yell at the top of my lungs unhand me you wicked witch I don't work here the cuffs in entered the store arrest her and everyone begins clapping and cheering and then a super hot woman manager gave me a job and took me out for dinner I'm just kidding obviously so a couple of days ago I went to the nearest grocery store to pick up some stuff for dinner the employees there were all black and they had their label on the back of their shirts I was wearing black jeans a gray shirt and a black hoodie I don't have any logos or name tags anywhere I had my basket and I was clearly shopping I had in my earbuds listening to some really awesome music when I heard someone yelling I didn't pay it much attention then someone grabbed my hood and pulled me back I took my earbuds out and I turned around mad then I saw the woman she looked like she was in her late 20s or early 30s then the conversation went something like this typical man thinking it's okay to ignore a woman are you ready to help me now what the crap I don't work I don't care I don't work here I don't care about your excuses never mind just get your manager I tried telling her but she cuts me off again get your freaking manager now okay wait here I'll go get him she gave me the most obnoxious smile ever I left her there while I got the rest of my stuff and paid for it and left I go to this store weekly and I've never been confused for an employee before I'll never understand why people think it's okay to treat others like that and to the people who work retail that have to deal with people like this daily I'm sorry as I was leaving I look back and she was standing in the same spot I left her it was a few days before Christmas I was in a supermarket wearing a red ski jacket and I had a purse hanging on my shoulder and probably keys in my hand I'm clearly not an employee just getting a few quick items I was walking toward the exit off to the side and ahead of me were two older retired aged gentlemen they were talking as they watched me approach as I got closer they stopped talking and their attitudes changed to a watchful wait I started getting a bit apprehensive they seemed to be expecting me and this is what happened excuse me miss where's this item one asked I answered sing something about where I thought it was why were they asking me I'm clearly not an employee thanks said the same man then he took off on the hunt I was just a bit bemused when his companion said oh he knows you don't work here we could never find an employee when we need one so he said he was gonna say something to the first person he saw wearing red and that's you and it worked you knew where it is I laughed and I agreed it was a good idea here's a bit of background there's a theme park a mile or two away from the town I grew up and me informed my friends we all had special all year around admission passes so we went pretty much every weekend we were about 13 at the time and this was 2010 it's also worth mentioning that I'm pretty darn tall for a girl in fact I'm 6-3 and back then I was about five nine or five ten if memory serves me right so mistaken me for an adult was within the realm of possibility even for someone who isn't a complete the employees at this park wore different colored polos and t-shirts depending on where in the park they work as well as black or brown pants or shorts and I was wearing a red t-shirt and brown shorts that day which I was slightly concerned about at the time now one I'm barely a teenager so didn't expect to be mistaken for an employee and two I really wanted to show off my new t-shirt to my friends and three if on the on our off chance somebody did mistake me for an employee I could just tell them that I was a guest and they'd understand right right wrong I was so very hopelessly wrong so this gaggle of young teenage girls spent the whole day writing every single ride playing every game and being scammed by every rigged arcade machine after we were done with most rides we were ready for the biggest best ride in the park every park has one ride that most everyone thinks of we always saved that ride for last we finally decided to go get some food because we were hungry I had just gotten some fries and was walking way to meet my friends when someone tapped me on my shoulder so I turned around that's when my little minute of Hell began enter entitled jerk where are you taking those fries excuse me what do you mean who ordered those fries where are they these are mine what are you talking about do you think I work here well of course you do how come whatever lazy butthole who ordered those fries get them taken off to him when I have to wait in line mister I don't work here these are my fries don't mess with me which here's a little something for the jerk who thought he was too good to be in line then he spat on my fries it was at this point that my friend showed up she had been at the stall a few feet away and must have seen me in trouble and she's twice the woman I am even back then what's going on I didn't say anything I was just kind of in shock the entitled jerk on the other hand was more than happy to speak up are you the one who can't stand to be bothered to wait for a food like everyone else well kid your precious fries are ruined so get in line my friend looked at my fries and immediately realized what transpired he must have been 10 inches taller and 200 pounds more than her and grabbed him by the shirt and then she said to him listen here a-hole you just ruined my friends fries and you will pay for more or else or else what she then proceeds to kick the entitled jerk hard in the shins probably a stupid move but it was nice to see the guy in pain at this point a real employee approached the entitled jerk immediately turned to her crap kicked me how come she doesn't have to wait in line this guy spent my friends fries after some Dharana bickering and explaining the entitled jerk caved in gave an unenthusiastic apology and practically sprinted off I got two free portions of fries and after eating them we went on the big ride and I felt much better right away this happened in my first big-girl job it was with my college towns Department of Aging I was their Communications Coordinator and part of my job was to go around town to try to rustle up some contributions gift cards and merchandise to use for raffles so we can raise money for the Senior Center at the time of this story I had only been working there for a few weeks so I stopped at a popular fast-food place so I can see if I can snag a gift card the cashier said she didn't have the authority to issue one but her boss would be back in a few minutes and told me I could wait I had the time so I stepped to the side and waited as I was waiting an older lady that I met at the Senior Center approached me hi good to see you sorry I don't work here I'm just waiting to see the manager you're the manager you have a badge it's me Annie this badge is from the Department of Aging see I sure my badge and she appears that me like she's connecting the dots I was kind of put off by being called the little girl but I still remain friendly yes that's me that was a fun time wasn't it luckily at that time there's another person behind the counter who overheard the exchange and they give her the pickles really quick I told my boss about the encounter later and she thought it was hysterical it's become a running joke for her to call me back to her office just to ask me if I can get her some more pickles thank you very much for joining me if you enjoyed those stories please give me a thumbs up man I'm really enjoying this setup I'm glad I was able to make the time to do this we've been so busy lately but I've got more coming on the way again thank you very much and I will see you very soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fun With Failure
Views: 196,178
Rating: 4.8871622 out of 5
Keywords: Fun with Failure, Fail, Funny stories, laugh, awkward, Reddit stories, funny reddit stories, reddit, retail stories, lady I don’t work here, work stories, workplace stories, funny retail stories, retail, r/IDontWorkHereLady, /r/IDontWorkHereLady, I Don’t Work Here Lady, I don’t work here lady, r/TalesFromRetail, /r/TalesFromRetail, Tales from Retail, tales from retail
Id: iq25QLlQyXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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