I DIDN'T MUTE MY MIC! 💀 | Among Us (Voice Mod)

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hey who do you think it is what do you think it's brian it's not no glow you get it a lot but uh you want to kill me come up here kill me come on come on murder me yeah i'm postularius i am not the imposter scum scoundrel goddamn boxer players will never get impostor yeah obviously we've been playing too much spider-man you don't have to say crime this is not a game about crime this is a game about crime what are you talking about 100 about crime 100 about crime this game is about murderous crime your child has a better chance of getting imposter than you wow you take that back take it back i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you right now get back here get back here you son of a [ __ ] you come back here you take my blade to your face you take my blade to the back of your ears i will kill you i will slaughter you please surprise [ __ ] i'm haunting the guests storage okay and uh this body died delirious yeah honestly bad decision there wow why did you run away from me screaming uh because i think you're an imposter and i have my reasons why i was doing water wheels just standing there [Laughter] run away is very innocent as the body died on vitals i go off and i hear him screaming so he's innocent he's afraid of grieving because he's definitely a killer they can't hear me right now this is vanoss's third time you're dead oh my god i i i i didn't meet my i i you know i'm deaf and forever goodbye hold on i can figure this out vanoss are you a killer yes [Music] so now now that we know who's in i'm sorry that was good [ __ ] boys that was good [ __ ] thought it was muted i'm sorry okay i thought okay dude all right jaw dropped when he said that was that was a all right end this game [ __ ] really quick so we can all move on with our lives why why why scotty now i'm actually muted i am actually muted they can't hear me i gave badass up no one came in from the right side no one came in from the bottom and i was walking left down and scotty never passed me but he was coming from the vent in admin it's the only way he could have got into the place you're saying scotty killed delirious and storage invented into admin yes delirious said out loud that it was vanoss so yes but vanilla one of those two he's not correct i don't think vanessa killed him i think delirious [ __ ] up how would he know wow [Music] but it definitely was grizzy and now it's scotty and we went i did say the brain oh no glue bottom i skipped gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna play this game the right way and kill someone in storage and close the door and then immediately that person goes it says third time i thought i was muted i wouldn't thought i feel like i would be more annoyed if you yelled out for zero's name to like have my teammate voted out like that now are we gonna make the right decision it's time to get this [ __ ] i got locked out of the the lights room and because of that i moved a bit to my left and suddenly scotty came from the vent area above security cameras so it has to be cameras oh great [ __ ] who's that how could you be smoking so much distraction because his pants are on [Laughter] fire [Music] what [Laughter] no it was me [Music] oh yeah that was so funny if he dies in a fire are you still going to upload that clip [Laughter] hypothetically hypothetically guys hey if it makes views [ __ ] yeah [Applause] [Music] okay the world hates me because i am never the imposter i just want to do my test like a good little crew mate panda and a panda panda hey hey brian hey frank kill delirious hey terry kill thanos why so basically on the left reactor right that goes off very early which is weird there's a very large window into the hallway of electrical now i did the left reactor and in that window i saw a moo run by and go down to o2 as reactors going off we fixed reactor we fixed reactor [Laughter] we fixed the reactor and then i walk into the electrical hallway and then wildcat is just and also while while i'm going to the left reactor i hear wildcat go no and that's when i saw a move running by i thought it was i thought it was way further it sounded way more manly than that brock what you have to say about did you do okay so both face lie i was not going what did you say down i was down in o2 when reactors went off and i went down to the node that you caught delirious at and was going up now you were you could clearly see through the window but you were coming from the vehicle a lot longer than yours this [ __ ] guy deaf and deaf and deaf and never hey we've gone off ryan we're voting off you no go you're going you're the one dead to me dead holy [ __ ] i was definitely not knowing [Music] then watch me kill everyone here then brian actually no hey who do you think it is what do you think it's [ __ ] brian well it's not no glue it's [ __ ] waterproof you get it a lot but uh you want to kill me come up here kill me come on come on murder all me all right i'm considering you just did that because you you you dislike that i called you out for like no evidence i want to point out that delirious asked me to come with him to kill delirious and nogla followed and i chopped his mickey paddy head off good job this piece of [ __ ] up you're dead i don't think we have anything all right so honestly we vote on six i think so here's the things yeah so here's the thing are you admitting to the crime no i didn't no i didn't i just said it was it was delirious we should vote what we should [Music] the first round he stood next to me screamed for five seconds while running in circles and then just left about right so he had a chance to kill me but he did not i gave you a chance to kill me but you did not enough brian you just straight up said you chopped his mcpatty head off is that a new mcdonald's that's good enough for me no it's just yeah we have we have no proof we have no proof that i mean i still see no glass dead body fall brian killed him but we have no proofs [Laughter] holy [ __ ] we won we did it hilarious why'd you vote for me because it was you yes it was me yeah [ __ ] morons that felt good all right will always mute you it's moving me i know i love brock's defense yes imposter guys i i'm the imposter i'm the imposter it's me the whole time and then pastor hello hello there aren't you hello no dirty imposter scum [ __ ] dirty imposter scum somebody going down this pile of people actually who's gonna die here and yep [ __ ] call it all right [Music] i was there yeah okay so delirious no glam moo i wasn't on the stack i wasn't on the stack oh i wasn't even so you were you you were staring behind us all right all right then watching mathematically puffer watching it was dark yes and then [Applause] what the hell into the door there was a there was a giant domestic argument going on you couldn't hear me will never be the imposter and i will never be the imposter and i will always love you grizzly wow is that a ghost i hear you are you a ghost ghost who what the hell wow [Music] oh my god we were one second from reporting a body we were just looking at it we were flabbergasted that there was a dead freezer behind us we just kind of sat there for a [Laughter] we were minute running around the map mopping people off we just got destroyed that was [ __ ] dumb that was awesome yeah wow good for you all right guys if you enjoyed the video please drop a like i hope you are enjoying these among us videos thank you so much for the support hope you enjoyed this video drop a like leave a comment and i'll catch you all in the next episode peace out everybody goodbye you're never gonna take this away from me i'm in the delirious army delirious on me i'm so proud to be a part of this great big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 2,792,315
Rating: 4.9732084 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us guide, among us best impostor plays, among us tutorial, among us dream team, among us twitch, deceit, among us with friends, among us funny moments, crewmate, among us kill animations, among us funny, let's play, among us 2, best among us, among us best imposter, gameplay, cartoonz henry stickmin, among us impostor gameplay, H2ODelirious, H20Delirious, among us gameplay, Impostor, New Map, Among Us mods, among us mod, proximity chat among us, Vanoss
Id: Zx9H-2tiiE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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