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this where's my baby oh that's where's my baby i gotta protect you everybody back up i gotta protect i gotta take my family back off i'll be something back off i protect my families protect my families dude think what i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i haven't been queen yet we're doing the same i don't think i'm ever gonna become queen oh baby you're always the queen i would love to be the queen i would love to rule over a nation of deliriousness delirious you're naked for me right now is that oh god don't look at my face reveal face reveal oh my god delirious face revealed you take that back i just saw it everyone did it's like take that back we need a minute black mod where i have the little that neutralizer thing all i heard is that i'm gonna go to that try not to do it you gotta be careful you never know you never know you're gonna pay for that for that you know you never know when you're gonna sleep so nice of yourself no navigation's all i ever wanted navigation's gotta save my friends navigation which shall never end what the [ __ ] they just queen is killed wow they killed each other imposter killed the queen well i thought we don't gotta report this back to duties um number number two how's the stars uh trajectory going two right at the beginning that's amazing that's right all right so there's one impossible it looks like you're wearing uh wine check out the planet real quick that's amazing cartoons are you the imposter huh go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep crow no please no i'm all right i'm done i'm done hello hello hello hello so there's only one imposter left we we've gotten two of them out one of you guys is scum one of you guys is scum of the earth it's come to planets i have two two things in the electrical boom chosen chosen wasn't around he don't know look the imposter killed the queen in navigation and they pulled over nice they're both gone yeah who was the imposter who died or squirrel was the imposter and the other one was the queen yeah and you're the other i wish honestly yeah stand me in the back stab me in the back i know you want to stab me in the back i know you want to stab me in the back one two three four five six seven eight nine guys how do you count to ten you're almost there you're so close two more numbers very close look rocky at least wait for me to finish before you kill me oh no well you know i guess that happens when you do sketchy deals like that yeah that's right that's right you know who you know who took them up up on that option no it was squirrel squirrel was the one that took him up because i don't know if you heard since you don't know listen since you don't know that squirrel killed rila or really kill squirrel that means you don't know that the queen is dead the queen died oh the queen i did think i heard tunes talking about that so there's one imposter left yes there's one imposter one imposter oh okay oh interesting i want to pass one imposter all right i don't think his rocky rocky could have killed me rocky could have definitely murdered me guys thank you thank you i was coming to the bottom we're in a meeting all right guys there's a there's a black chosen dead body and navigation beside the other two bodies all right it's not rocky i don't think because me and rocky were over on the other side of the map he died recently okay i have a question i think where was she at last uh reaction she's bottom right when reactor went off she did bottom reactor on the top bottom right i know i saw her i saw her body bottom right above [ __ ] i'm talking about g yeah i i did react her with g he's so then she ran off and probably died on the race well i was telling you i i called it in because i know where it is guys i have something very serious to tell you tell us what's that baby lyrics just pooped on my lap baby hear me out she could have diarrhea it could be crono she'll be fair her her poops aren't brown i don't think yeah no they're yellow but yeah he's already dead pretty sure we won actually you think it was kyle that would be amazing yeah i do i think it's tunes i think it's i do think it's tunes as well i think it's tunes as well i think it's me actually i do think it's you if it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down if it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down if it's white and red and blue you have a clown clown clown if it's yellow let it mellow let it mellow guys that was the most beautiful song i've ever created in my entire mind i love hearing when i run by you i love it oh my god it's so cute i'm living on this quick report what happened y'all found a body you got a buddy we we did right there underneath babylirious oh i got it i gotta talk to baby larry i gotta talk to baby lyrics talk to her was it you talked to uncle tunes was it you baby girl [Music] that's a pretty solid argument so wait who'd she say it was hang on who was it who is a paper girl she doesn't want to she doesn't want a rat on her daddy no no she doesn't want a rat on her head me and rocky were in electrical and we saw blood through the wall well then it's lit liz you came out in front of my child what you killed in front of my child she literally just pooped on me i didn't kill anybody maybe she would make it is there a chance there wasn't blood we saw spray through the wall it was poop no no you know what i don't know who it is i see standing around with other people but all those other people are dead oh no that does sound suspicious but we can't vote for the blood i don't know if it's liz or delirious that's my because i know it's not you rocky cause we were electrical yeah but i thought i thought tunes i heard tunes i don't know if you were in the electrical club he doesn't know i mean that's what an imposter would do posture i don't know it's not me i'm the most innocent i got one more task and it's over here i got my last task three more tests just run away just run and hide please oh okay okay okay okay if they keep i oh my god all right red to red yellow to yellow i think if rocky dies it's 100 cartoons 1 000 cartoons of rocky dice someone locked in here huh someone like the hand no no no nobody's in here oh my gosh it's so cute she she needs a nappy nap time she's she's a little cranky today a little cranky oh no no no no no no no no no she fixed the face lights face lights fixed like there we go i fixed lights that time no no no cartoons no i didn't just kill her cartoons why would you kill her i [Music] what i'm so confused what happened what wait what how to tune how the tunes die what the [ __ ] just happened what happened i killed you and died no i wasn't the queen but apparently i'm the king [ __ ] are you sure you're not the queen i was not the queen no uh oh wait wasn't the queen no i wasn't the queen all right hold up hold up hold on wait wait me and cartoons double killed the leary israel right for whatever reason when i killed delirious it killed me i stabbed myself i wish it was like at least a ghost on myself [Laughter] play that's smart wait wait wait wait what are you saying whoever what the hell you guys saying huh i protect my family never take my damn families dude i think i think you think what oh lance man come back oh no no no no no no let's jump in a hole jump it hole oh my god is it oh um oh um oh what a coincidence was it the queen oh my god get the hell out of here you jump in the hole jump in the holes there's two [ __ ] bodies oh there was two bodies next to the next to the um three bodies all right well the g he and rocky was next to the button yep where was squirrel anybody see him no no i saw him i'm so bad what did i miss when was he in now you were you were afraid yeah i have no information i just know i saw two bodies like it looked like they were trying to press the button that's what it looks like it was you then no it wasn't me i know [Music] side because i left ron kyle in yeah where did squirrel die i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm skipping because there's seven but yeah i don't know i mean what are the numbers we're supposed to vote on are we not sure like maybe a imposter tried to kill the queen they were really close yes they were right beside each other i think then kyle's not what are you saying about kyle why is kyle got suss because usually he would kill kyle oh no maybe maybe she calmed down come on first try calm [Music] third tries to charm all right we need to go over here we need to do our damn test we need to do a damn test okay come on come on i got to do my task all we got to do turn lights on there's a body on lights already i'm gonna turn light lights on yeah turn lights on turn lights on turn on you already hit the button you already have [ __ ] you already hit the button press the button press the button there's no point [Music] damn it all right kyle's body yeah it was on the lights i was i was worried to hit this button because i don't we have no suss but and i i can't i can't run anywhere i i can only look at a body because i have no more no more buttons did you impregnate that body before you left elise oh i i i listen mine no no no he would be alive he would be alive right now i yeah yeah yeah i would definitely throw an egg in there since we haven't seen any eggs i do think the mother's gone i think the queen's gone because we haven't seen any eggs so do you think there's only one imposter yes that's what i'm that's what i'm there's only one hmm did one person die just now or two just one right it was just this one baby girl you know what's happening because i don't know what's happening [Laughter] i try to put you to bed and you come back here and then you're awake and people are dead so who do we vote here i don't know if it's only one imposter there's only one there might only be one imposter honestly there can only be one see who survives there can only be what is it you is it you no is it you i wish i wasn't talking to you sir ah okay okay okay okay okay wait wait where's baby ladies right here i don't see her she's invincible [Music] all right let's follow me follow me come on come on come on come on follow me follow me follow me we're gonna work together i feel like i've missed most of this come on come on really a queen just follow me follow me follow me all right guys we're gonna go ahead hurry hurry um i can't press a button chosen i can't either liz was the queen [Music] all right guys if you enjoyed the video please drop a like i hope you are enjoying these among us videos thank you so much for the support hope you enjoyed this video use my creator code https and i'll catch you all in the next video peace out everybody [Music] in the goodbye army delirious on me i'm so proud to be a part of this great big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 1,488,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us guide, among us best impostor plays, among us tutorial, among us dream team, among us twitch, deceit, among us with friends, among us funny moments, crewmate, among us kill animations, among us funny, let's play, best among us, among us best imposter, gameplay, among us impostor gameplay, H2ODelirious, H20Delirious, among us gameplay, Impostor, among us proximity chat, Upside down Map, Upside down Among Us, Alien Mod Among Us, Among Us Alien Mod, babylirious
Id: K9uh-FUnMXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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