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okay welcome to the Cain killers have to shoot them in activate traps wisely all right so wait should we do the tradition and say one word at a time no thanks a lot delirious sorry okay okay okay okay what's the order letters are making making their okay where's their G and we are making their way what city this is going great okay try again runners are making their way to shoot them and activate traps wisely to kill them check oh well affairs well death run oh I think there's a whale in the map somewhere oh but my team is equipped with bulletproof vests my team has 30 people on it yeah I'm [ __ ] ready yeah we're one man down as death run then it's two two versus three why we're gonna snipe you no good um we're not wearing it or not well your runners Oh God Oh we already made it sorry hook this is jumping easy [Music] yeah behind us I got crushed by a fire trip keyboard a mouse on two guys we got three I got a controller this always st. the puppy don't the finish line [ __ ] door boys and I'm [ __ ] Road [Laughter] we didn't oh I definitely did we make it to the end in a hat I know I just about the fares well got this move the Lannister [Applause] oh yeah he's gone he's gone he's going he's going he's going common go all the way changes they can see you they can see you tank it's right there oh he jumped to take oh it's over down you actually [ __ ] did it he made oh yeah or they're just got a draft board a little bit there we go I can't believe he made it takes for the wind boys welcome letters let us go for a little bit there's only [ __ ] two of us let's go through a bit let's see if they can make it borders I was [ __ ] let's say nobody's being murdered to it oh oh oh [ __ ] all right I was like an action movie all right I won't use my new keyboard then person - I will never all oh thank you or gracious one thank you a shot didn't lie lighter to my fans few things up there in protect you okay yeah don't forget to jump I forgot to jump here yeah there was like a big propane tank that was on fire here in front of me go go I'm gonna let you go to the point where you fall down the tube yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you oh all kinds yeah but that control only control yeah don't be [ __ ] pull out your keyboard a mouse ah here we go there he is that's it I'm here I'm here got any jumps across thank you guys [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] okay okay I'm gonna let you go past the ferris wheel all right thanks man thanks I believe you this time trying to take us out it's already good you're gonna knock me up you said and you're dead all you do guys how you do is just stand here trying to come over them it wouldn't let me climb all right guys these people think they can get on the ferris wheel for free they didn't buy tickets wait so you're not letting us on the slide afford it see you [ __ ] lie to me a [ __ ] lawyer you're gonna kill a little water okay boys I'm going down the ferris wheel thank you to whoever [ __ ] did that and Ferris wheels he fell off the ferry no Evan just wasted on my scream all right oh it's bad I was gonna make it sliding on Evan keep going keep going no that's it Evan keep going [ __ ] do you see that I didn't make it turn left and boom over there come on you're [ __ ] dead gotta save my own life you're that confident please you guys can't shoot you said you wouldn't shoot no you just wait for it's me versus Brian you can't shoot bro you talking about it's 1v1 I shoot this is this bulletproof [ __ ] I hit him oh you could do it oh this is not good oh you got this the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh you can shoot through this little camp so yeah careful man those [ __ ] feeling it [Music] get a happy horse I'll be the team race three players to v3 listen you drop that that that terrible out or a champion notice let's go no Haley tries really hard against me hey oh yeah they made it he did it you didn't give me no did he make it no good again move on come on we got a [ __ ] move doesn't know what to do yeah I do where you going move so I got ice the drug don't forget a comeback [ __ ] yeah hey write this in the car he's waiting for Terrorizer oh yeah I am confused I have no idea what he got crushed underneath the fire truck and then hit he slipped back up but then he was like below the map it was like on the ground level ready yeah you got a bravery stipend yeah dear life here we go wait just wait shut up Raiders you cannot play with his move Shay nothing to play with hey boys we're going boys delirious while you [ __ ] this go just go just go No Go Go Go get take it down Oh [ __ ] kill me don't worry about the blow-up mr. Barrow boys explodes in the copy if they've got shot in the toes didn't matter well you got shot in the toilet you got shot if you make it to the tank I'll give you a life video get to the tank this time yeah yeah I knew someone who I knew Brian who's got shinny a little bit I could have broken the keyboard to the wheat do we aren't their own up to thing wrong to think they're on to thing watch watch watch keep watching watching teleport them when he comes across shooting when it comes across you don't want it you got it you got it y'all see that horn Oh [ __ ] starfish you may pass the first real whoa all right to the right to move didn't you oh you made it time to get your revenge this is your time where you've been training for whoa wait for that [ __ ] to move everything that's exciting let's go for it let's knock this [ __ ] down you're gonna get on [ __ ] you gonna get him watch he actually owned with Phil yeah just wait like that yep perfect good waiting all right watch no we [ __ ] won I'll just say I'm sad work there's no feelings in this all right oh okay enemies you're right Tim no team of [ __ ] three men you're right I don't light red they are my enemies [ __ ] red looking on yeah look at their faces there's the way first I always go first you'll meet over there yeah you'll make it to tank yes all I always go first you go first long and this clip let's animus quick never stop running I'm not ready jump Wanda McGinnis yeah made it Oh [ __ ] barrels Oh oh my goodness how you know I'm so dead I'm so dead we it paris-nice whoa you got this Oh [ __ ] me would just write read write this all yeah it's all you man I believe the Maya push me all yes the fire push me link is getting hurt here if that's what you said it's getting hard or not my dick the game oh yeah we clarified next time look look all right we want to know if you're getting harder it can mean so many different things hell they made it oh no no they made it oh damn it they've made it oh god moose going all the way oh yeah I'm gone you got a bit too eager oh my god I just saw its body and Evan stork how do I get out of this [ __ ] trunk here I guess you did like yes yeah yeah jump jump off Naugler off and ended forking over no just right it's gonna it's gonna blow time only shot what time that round one shot one kill look you got it man you got us you got it man dude dude if you think about this way you stopped a lot of the traps for me time to [ __ ] run and hope here we go runnin and runnin oh [ __ ] pig in my head up there yeah they are they can definitely sleep your face off [ __ ] wing on the judge this can't touch this I'm the cradle on fire we gotta wear no here's the Nereus you're going down throw it down out I'm going down we're shooting that man there are usually I'm taking them out to work now we know you're out quit telling us oh boy okay goodbye okay did Brock bigoted Brock has made it past the ferris wheel to make it did you make it you shot all the trash [Applause] I wish I'd shot all the traps so you guys didn't have to deal with them honey you didn't shoot the ferris wheel screw you the team of tow I don't want to be a part of the try-hard by the way mutter my name all of you stop making ponies hey guys if you want more gta5 anything any kind of mood just like this one we could do races we could do more sandbox stuff we could do death run there's all kinds of stuff we could do in GTA 5 hit the like button it shows me that you like go for this video will be a solid 50k the last video is almost a 50k so I believe this one would definitely get there on another note I want you guys to go to my Twitter account and follow it because I post clips all the time on there sometimes I post clips of videos I haven't even posted yet so you get like a preview of maybe what I'm about to post or anything like that I tried my best to get goofy stuff on there so go follow it yeah I hope you enjoyed this video drop a like leave a comment and I catch you off in the next video peace out everybody bye [Music] you never gonna take this away from a big family you're never gonna take this away from me
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 3,927,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: H2ODelirious, Funny, Hilarious, Random, Moments, H2O Delirious, Funny Moments, GTa 5, DLC, Grand Theft Auto 5, GTA, Vanossgaming, Moo
Id: pV6GLghwGQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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