The BEST Side Hustle for WOMEN that nobody talks about 🤫/ Make money online

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i noticed that the best side hustles for women to make money online or make money from home are not often talked about here on youtube yes there are a lot of great side hustle videos but a lot of them seem like videos that would appeal more to men than to us so i've decided to make this video because as much as this channel is for everyone i'm really here for women because we go through so much at home at work and i just feel like there needs to be a space on the internet where women like you can get the tools and resources you need to become financially empowered if you're new here hi welcome i'm vanessa and on this channel we talk all things earning more and building wealth and today we have a really really good one i'm gonna be sharing 10 side hustles specifically for women side hustles that appeal to us of course some of them are easier to start than others and some of them earn more than others as well and in fact number eight is my personal favorite because you could earn over one thousand dollars in a single day alone and more women need to start doing this as well but we'll talk more about that later in the video so if this is the kind of content that you enjoy then please go ahead and hit the like button it might seem like a little gesture but actually it goes a long way in supporting the channel and encouraging me to keep bringing these videos and resources to you now without further ado let's get into these side hustles number one is to become a mystery shopper i know this sounds mysterious but it's really not a lot of businesses want to know what the customer experience is when people come into their stores whether that's their online store or their physical store they want to know how their customer reps are doing how their cashiers are doing and they pay people to be mystery shoppers to walk into the stores buy a few items and document your shopping experience there are a ton of websites out there where you could sign up to become a mystery shopper and start generating income to do something a lot of us already enjoy doing number two is to become a ghost writer everyone and their mamas are launching books nowadays and you think they're all sitting down to write these books by themselves honey they're not they hire ghost writers to write for them granted the ideas might be theirs they might own the rights to all of the content but there's some people who are behind the scenes sometimes writing for them they're ghostwriters the right for blogs they're ghostwriters they're right for books if writing is your thing if that's something you already do at home anyway then you might as well start generating income from it and y'all know i love watching cnbc money because money is my thing okay and there's a girl who makes 378 000 ghostwriting on fiverr my name is alex fasoulo i'm 28 years old and i make 378 thousand dollars per year as a freelance writer on i mean that's how much doctors make she used to earn less than 50k a year when she worked full-time and now that she's a ghost rider full-time she makes over 300 000 actually almost four hundred thousand dollars so if you're good at writing if you really enjoy sitting down and putting pen to paper then girl you should check this out number three is to become an amazon associate your favorite influencers don't want you to know this girl but every time they talk about a product on their insta story and they link it and you click and you go buy that product they get some coins out of it especially when it's linked to amazon so youtube can become an amazon associate but of course you're gonna have to have an audience somewhere but it doesn't even have to be a large audience if you want tools and resources to grow your audience we're gonna have a couple of modules coming up in the launch to wealth community so if you haven't signed up yet then sign up in the description box the link will be down there number four is to join a marketing focus group you can actually get paid to show up as yourself when you show up as yourself maybe as a mom or as a doctor or as a black woman they want to hear these perspectives because they want to sell their products to all these types of people so you can represent your type of person in a marketing focus group so all you have to do is search for a marketing focus group in your area and be a part of it and start getting paid to give your unique opinion about a product or service number five you can become a personal shopper yes girl that's actually a thing they're bougie people who don't want to do their own shopping and that's where you come in they're actually websites that connect people who don't want to shop with personal shoppers number six is what i like to call getting paid to enjoy luxury it's called house sitting because we deserve nice things we are children of the most high some people have vacation homes some people have multiple houses and they don't want to leave their house bare and they also don't want to rent it out full time so they look for house sitters to stay in their homes and take care of the homes while they're away and you can find this service on a website like number seven is to become a virtual assistant if you're organized if you're good with doing multiple things at a time if you're good with social media then you can help a small business owner out or even a big business owner and get paid to do that there's a website called virtual you can go on there and sign up to be a virtual assistant save a business owner's life and collect the chat and number eight is my favorite on this list because more women need to talk about this first of all more women need to get into this second of all and more women need to start being confident enough to do what invest your money investing is how you build wealth and if y'all want me to bring videos about investing to the channel maybe later down the line then let me know in the comment section for now we're talking mostly about business about monetization side hustles and all that good stuff but if you're interested then let me know in the comment section below number nine is to design logos on and number 10 is to help job seekers with resume writing or cover letter writing this one is relatively easy to start you just need to set up a linkedin account if you don't have one yet and advertise your services on there people are constantly going on linkedin want to search for jobs and two to search for people who can help with cleaning up their resumes and cleaning up their cover letters or their linkedin profiles in order to get good jobs of course whenever you save someone whenever you make someone's life better they're more than happy to give you their coins okay i hope you enjoyed watching this video and beyond enjoying it i really really pray that you get the confidence and courage to actually start putting these lessons to work i love it when y'all leave comments letting me know how much you're learning from these videos nothing gives me more joy than to see you guys actually step out in faith and put some action behind these lessons i want to hear you tell me i started this side hustle i couldn't make ends meet before but now i have more than enough i want to hear you tell me i started my business i wasn't making sales before but now i'm making a lot of sales that's what i want to hear and that would happen when you push past fear push past your limiting beliefs and start taking action i'm rooting for you okay and i need you to root for yourself as well if you have any questions at all let me know in the comment section below and don't forget to use the link in the description box to sign up for the wait list to join the launch to wealth community so until next time take care you
Channel: Launch To Wealth TV
Views: 970,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle, side hustles 2021, 2021 side hustles, side hustles for women, make money online, how to make money online, the best side hustles for women, work from home jobs, high paying work from home jobs, side hustle ideas, best side hustles, make money online 2021, how to make money online 2021, passive income 2021, work from home jobs 2021, make money 2021, The best side hustle for women
Id: qvBCY4WXgoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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