I Created The Strongest Character In The Naruto Universe!

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who do you think is the strongest character in Naruto whether you think it's kaga MAA Sasuke Naruto or even DS Kakashi it doesn't matter who you pick because today I'm going to be creating the strongest possible character in Naruto I'm going to be taking what makes other characters strong and combining them into one things like eyes chakra jutu IQ speed strength summoning everything that makes someone strong in Naruto I will go through and see which is the best out of these categories and combine them to make the strongest Naruto character ever but there's one rule to make this video more interesting I can only use a trait for my character once for example say I picked Naruto for main jutu I can't pick the uzumakis for clan because I already picked the Uzumaki let's start off with eyes there are a lot of powerful dojutsu and Naruto to choose from Byakugan is a good choice see that you can see chakras see all around you and you can see through certain materials then you have all the specific mangio shaan abilities good choices could be shisui or Itachi because they're powerful genjutsu like sukumi that can affect time in reality and Koto matak Kami that can basically mind control someone or even Obito Kakashi's Kami abilities these would all be good picks if the renegon didn't exist specifically moders renegon because just like the mangio sh gun the running gun grants the user a specific ability but before we get into that the running gun gives every user who awakens it the six past abilities all six path abilities allow the user to do different things like control gravity absorb chakras summon an infinite amount of animal summons and even heal or bring people back from the dead but on top of all that Mo has his own specific ability called the limbo clones using using his renegon MOA can summon four clones into limbo limbo being an invisible world that coexists with the Naruto world and these clones cannot be sensed unless someone has the renegon or the six path Sage Mode which are two abilities that are very rare to get and all four of these clones have the same exact abilities as Ma just imagine not only fighting the strongest character in Naruto but also four more of them they cannot sense at the same time on top of that Mo also awakened the reny Shan which allows Mo to use the infinite suomi the strongest genjutsu and Naruto and when used by kagi she could also send herself and others into another dimension if this character wants to wield the ren shaan they are going to need some good chakra but who in Naruto has the best chakra but this would be a hard question if there wasn't a literal god named kagi in Naruto I mean characters like Naruto and hashirama have a lot of chakra because they are from very powerful Clans like the Senus and the uzumakis but where do you think those Clans came from they came from ashra and Indra who both have half of Hagar's chakra while hagura would be a good choice a better choice would his mother kaga cuz like Indra and Ashera haguro and Hamra both have half of kaga's chakra also kaga was the one who brought chakra in the world of Naruto which means she would most definitely have the most chakra throughout Naruto and Naruto shapin and not only does kagia have the most chakra she can use all five nature Transformations alongside yinyang release but even if you have a lot of chakra it wouldn't matter if you don't have a good chakra control well actually I guess it did work for somebody like Naruto but that's a different story to be honest anyone who can use genjutsu without a dojutsu would be very good picks it takes good chakra control to cast a non-ocular genjutsu because essentially you have to do a tug and war with someone's chakra to manipulate their senses if you're good at it the target won't notice but if you're not they will notice and be able to break out of it right away so characters like kerai would be a good choice because she's the best non-ocular genjutsu specialist in konaha but it also takes good chakra control to break out of a genjutsu and you know who's been shown to do that easily throughout the entire show everyone's most disliked character Sakura she was one of the few people to instantly break out of the genjutsu that kabo casted in The orimar Invasion and the reason why she's so physically strong is because she's good at sending chakra into specific places like her hands and feet also to use the 100 healings ability Sakura has to have very precise control over her chakra cuz if you don't use it correctly you can die from using too much chakra and by the end of the show Sakura is basically genju resistant making you one of the best at Chakra control in the Naruto Universe the next few Cate are going to be physical capabilities things like speed strength and durability let's talk about speed first there are a lot of fast characters in Naruto Sasuke and Naruto were able to react to kaga the strongest character in Naruto shapa then you have Mye guy when he used the final gate who was so fast that he can warp SpaceTime you can also put Mino Toby and raich ha in this conversation as well being that they were all known as the fastest character at some point in the show but I'm actually not going to pick anybody I just listed I'm actually going to pick someone you might not expect I'm going to be choosing DMS Kakashi from the Feats we have been shown DMS Kakashi is the fastest character in Nar Shuda we see this in nagya versus Team 7 fight before Kakashi awakened his DMS kagi was 100% the fastest character at that time even Sasuke and narutu who just got huge amps could only Dodge the attacks from kaga and the only attacks that they can hit her with were mostly just offguard attacks but after Kakashi had his huge amp with DMS Kakashi was able to Blitz and land a hit on kaga while she was aware of the attack what makes this feed better is that kaga was slowly getting stronger because she was absorbing chakra from the dimension she was in So Not only was Kakashi able to Blitz kaga he also Blitz probably the strongest version of kagi we've seen next let's talk about strength this might be the easiest category because it's between two characters in my opinion that being Sakura and Tsunade and since I already picked Sakura I'm going to go with Tsunade while there are other characters in Naruto with some pretty good strength Feats for example my guy who almost killed juara someone who has hasham mels and nent tailes but you do have to remember he had a huge amp from the a Gates and also I just want to use my guy for something else later in this video but tsuna has insane strength Feats without any amps tunani was able to crack Mo's rib cage tan with just punches and kicks alone even though the rib cage stage is the lowest stage it is still a Susan known as The Ultimate Defense and as a teenager suady almost kill D with a single punch being the first one to almost kill Jah the last physical attribute is durability a lot of people would pick someone like tunani or Sakura that's because of their 100 healings with this tunani was able to get impaled by mod and survive and also with the help of Lady Kia tsunan was able to survive from being split in half besides literal Gods this is probably the best durability feat besides one person in the show and that is hashirama probably the most durable character outside the Gods in Naruto one of the reasons why hasham is so powerful is because of his ability known as mitotic regeneration this allows hashirama to heal from any attack in moments with this ability hashirama was able to battle the likes of Mo for 24hours straight and it was even stated by modder himself that Hashi Rama's healing abilities was Superior to tunat next let's talk about something the character cannot control and that is their born talent I have three characters in mind Itachi shushi and minito all three known as child prodigies Mito to this day has the highest score in the written test in the academy and also at a young age Mino created his own JSU known as the renan while still ating shisu awakened his mongio shangan which granted shis one of the strongest genjutsu in Naruto he also knew the body flicker technique at a very young age and shui was only 11 years old when he became a joning making him the youngest joning ever and soon after that he became an U member but if I had to pick one out of these three I would have to pick Itachi Itachi had the second highest scores behind minito and also has the fastest time in the force of death behind gar but what makes it even more impressive is that atachi did it by himself atachi was the youngest U member joining at 11 years old and shortly after after he awakened his mangek o Shan he was able to assassinate his entire Clan mainly by himself atachi is from the uchia clan one of if not the strongest clan in Naruto next let's talk about some IQ I'll be splitting this up into two different categories that being IQ and battle IQ cuz they are definitely two different things let's first talk about IQ at first I was thinking of someone like Shikamaru from the start of the show he shown his overall intellect in and out of battle but then I got thinking about black zetsu the character behind the entire story of Naruto and manipula many smart characters in Naruto to be able to resurrect kaga but then I got thinking some more and remember that Orochimaru was a character Orochimaru most likely almost knows every single JSU of Naruto he knows even more Jus than someone like Kakashi who has copied around a thousand Jus in his lifetime this is because he literally tested on hundreds of people from different Clans that possess different abilities while this is not the morally correct way to figure out immortality he still knows a lot about chakra and jutu from it now let's move over to the other half battle like you and I'm going to be choosing none other than the dur antagonist Sasuke uchia while Sasuke gets a lot of slander because of his questional wins through on Naruto that still doesn't change the fact that Sasuke has criminally underrated batt IQ besides maybe characters like Kakashi Itachi or even Mino Sasuke has the best battle IQ and Naruto a good example is this fight against dat Sasuke very quickly figured out how to use lightning to release to counter dat's explosives in that same fight Sasuke also made a last-second decision to summon Manda to protect himself from dater's c0 and even when dor thought he had Sasuke with a C4 Sasuke was able to put dor under again jutu even with dor having an eye that is immune to the shaon this is just one example of Sasuke's quick adaptability in a fight now let's move over to the jutu side of things there are a lot of Jus in the world of Naruto so many in fact that would probably be hard to just pick one so instead I'm just going to be using a character's main jutu you may ask what is a main jutu a main jutu is the jutu that a character is most known for or just a JSU that the character uses the most for example the renun for Naruto and the Chidori for Sasuke so what is the most powerful main you in Naruto like I said it before you have the renun and the Chidori while strong they are not the strongest in the show you have the a Gates that allows you to compete with Godlike beings but you can get injured or even die from it you then have the flying rise in juu that allows you to literally teleport but what if I told you there's a juu in Naruto that can grant you the ability to change reality itself and that due to is hma's creation of all things technique this ability allows the user to turn fantasy into reality the way this works is that HMA uses the spiritual energy of Yin chakra and combines it with the physical energy of Ying chakra and because of this haa is able to create things that he imagined this is actually how haa is able to create the ninetail beast but the only drawback to this Jutsu is that you have to have enough chakra for whatever you create but that won't be an issue because we have kaga's chakra and kaga has more chakra than hagara just imagine being able to create for example a tail beast whenever you want or create any duu imaginable on the spot speaking of of Jutsu let's talk about some Tai Jutsu while Tai Jutsu is technically a Jutsu I don't categorize it in the same category as Ninjutsu and genjutsu cuz you don't need chakra to perform tautu tautu is the Bare Bones fighting style of Naruto this means that there is a lot of characters in Naruto that are really good at using tautu you got characters like Mo who is able to take out the majority of the Shinobi Alliance mainly with tautu then you got Sasuke or Kakashi who's been shown to be also very good at tautu and were both able to copy and learn tautu very quickly but there's just one glaring problem with those type of characters every single user of the Shong gun has been shown to be good at tautu mainly because what the Shong gun grants the user which is enhanced perception characters like MOA Kakashi and Sasuke rely on their sha gun when using tautu but what about non Shong gun users like Naruto Naruto is one of if not the best haitu specialists in the show being able to throw hands with literal Gods but Naruto also relies on and specializes in other styles of Jutsu like Sage Mode the raun and his choma forms but there are two characters that are obvious picks for this category and that is Rock Lee or my God two characters that only specialize in taijutsu because they can't or are not good at molding their chakra into Ninjutsu and have shown to only use tautu to beat Strong opponents in Naruto but out of the two who would I pick well I would probably pick my guy because he has shown more impressive Feats like being able to almost kill Mo in his tales form and he did this only using tautu in the Y Gates something that no one before him could do and these characters were using things like Ninjutsu and genjutsu on Mo the last jutu category we are going to be talking about is summonings while technically I already have animal summons and the ghetto statue from the renegon that is a renegon specific ability besides those what is the best summon in Naruto well you have the big three summons which are the snake Toad and slug summons which are probably the strongest but we already picked the characters who could summon them then you have Kakashi's dogs and even if I didn't pick Kakashi yet I would not pick them either because they're really only good for information so the next best summon is probably Heroes and summon Monkey King Emma Monkey King Emma has two forms forms his main form being his monkey form in this form he's shown to be highly intelligent and is strong enough to fight alongside Heron but anma is also capable of transforming into an Adamantite staff which allows him to turn into an extending and expanding staff that is as hard as Adamantite which is the strongest material in Naruto in this form Herz and use enma to push the full Ninetales fox out of konaha enma can even clone these staffs to make an adaman time prison wall that was strong enough to protect against early edoh hashirama's wood release to make this character even stronger we are going to make them a gingery as well since we already took the strongest tailed beast jiner the 10 Tails jerks I'm going to go with the next best thing being narcis jiner is the Ninetails Kurama Kama is the strongest tailed beast out of the ninetail Beast and it's also stated that the tailed beast is stronger with its Jeri because of Kurama Naruto got access to the kuram cloak that came in different forms at first Naruto could not control his form but once Naruto got control you get access to his casium 1 and casm 2 forms both of these forms increase your physical capabilities and also allows you to use the Kurama Avatar mode and just for the sake of this video we're going to say that this character has befriended Kurama and has access to all these modes on top of that Naruto was kind of a 10 tales Jinger Because by the end of the show he had some of every single tailed beast chakra in him so this character would also have access to their chakra as well and if we count Boro this character would also have access to Baran Mo which is the strongest form we've seen so far in the Naruto universe and last but not least where did this character come from basically what I'm saying is what Clan are they from well I can't pick the strongest Clans like the uchia who possess the shaan the Senus who have powerful life force and chakra or the uzumakis who have powerful ciling Jus and chakra as well but there are still powerful Clans for example the Aames a clan that I think doesn't get the respect that it deserves majority of the Ambu is made up of the Aames because of how strong they are the auam claims main abilities involve a variety of bugs that they collect just to name a couple things that these bugs can do the raiu bug can destroy their enemy cells the Kochi bug can produce a poison that will paralyze their victims and kill them in a short amount of time the poison then disappears once the target dies preventing it from being tracked or found that's just two of the many bugs the aamis possess they also use these bugs to gather information and these bugs are Genji to resistant making it so the users also G you to resistance so that is the strongest possible character in Naruto at least I personally think so if you think I should have chosen different characters for different categories let me know in the comments and if you enjoyed this video and want me to do this for other animes like the video and subscribe subscribe to the channel where I explain things about your favorite animes or check out this video right here where I figure out which is better Naruto or Naruto shapin
Channel: The Name's Mason
Views: 14,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, naruto shippuden, anime, manga, naruto manga, naruto anime
Id: NYmYpQ1oRxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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