What if Naruto Had Bloodline Of Destroyer With Power Of Sharingan, Rinnegan?

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Hello friends this is fanfic Universe how are you all so in this video we will see what if Naruto had bloodline of Destroyer with power of Sharingan renegon but before we start if you want more amazing stuff like this then be sure to subscribe to our Channel and like this video also if possible share this video with your friends now without wasting any more time let's begin the story Nar hurried into an alley looking back at the huge mob that had chased him he could see nearly all of the villagers had some sort of weapon he slipped into another alley hoping to throw them off he waited a bit as the crowd ran past Nar sighed in relief he quietly walked out not noticing several Shadows behind me die demon Naruto heard Naro felt several canai stab into him he turned to see several ninjas and an amboo watch as he bled to death help me please Nar begged several ninjas began stomping on Nar one Ninja made several hand seals and sent a burst of flames at Naruto burning his body severely Naro fainted only remembering that the ninjas had red eyes thank Camy the Demon's Dead one of the Ninjas said happily you want to go for a drink fugaku no thanks the Hokage will be angry that the demon died I must be sober tomorrow to place the blame on those damned hyugas fugaku answered Itachi dispose of the body yes sir the ambo said the ambo picked up the body and vanished the amboo was seething inside how dare they disregard Yandy's Last Wish those damned foolish uias only his mother and a few other iias understood that narut was a hero Itachi hurried to the hospital and put a genjutsu on himself to prevent any other villagers from recognizing him he ignored the front desk and went straight to the only doctor he knew that would help Ren Ren Itachi called they've done it again only worse a woman came running toward Itachi she had shoulder length brown hair and two marks on her cheeks she gasped at the damage Naruto suffered how long ago 10 minutes Itachi answered this child is lucky he has rapid regeneration half his wounds are closed but there's still Massive Internal damage and skin damage Ren said she sighed why didn't the villagers understand she led Itachi to a bed Itachi gently laid Nar nar's wounds were terrible nearly all his torso was burned black and his legs and arms were severely burned his face was also burned his back had several stab wounds and cuts there were bruises all over his body Ren began performing many jutsus and giving him ointments to speed up healing and prevent scarring Itachi shook his head such an innocent child forced to accept this treatment day after day but he didn't hate the villagers but instead wanted their approval in their acceptance that's why he made so many pranks and stole supplies from Rich Clan houses to to give to the poor on the street Itachi was Disturbed from his revery by the Hokage speaking Itachi San report hi hok Sama Naruto was chased by a mob of villagers they were egged on by many of the Uchiha Clan narut ran for an hour the villagers numbering from 40 at the beginning of the chase to 100 at the end of the hour Naruto managed to give them the slip as soon as narut was out in the open narut was attacked by several luchias one of them was fugaku I was there also to try and save Naruto from dying after the uchihas stabbed beat and burned Naruto I brought him here to be treated by Ren Hokage nodded those damned uias they have been gaining too much power there have already been several assassination attempts on him by ninjas hired by the uias he needed to wipe them out or severely limit their forces Itachi how many uchihas are loyal to me the Hokage asked around 50 including most of my family some of my cousins and uncles and others Itachi answered good of the 50 how many do not hate narut all of them many are neutral but there are some that openly like Nar only SAS hates Naruto thanks to my father brainwashing him the Hokage stood up Itachi stiffened when he saw the somber look on his face Itachi I'm going to offer you an SS class Mission it will be your choice if you want to accept it Itachi was surprised the last SS class mission was given to the yandi to wipe out several battalions of Ian nins to be offered this was truly an honor and a testament to how highly the Hokage viewed him I accept are you sure Itachi the hok asked this Mission will change your life forever Itachi nodded I'm sure the Hokage nodded tomorrow night I want you to kill every disloyal uch no disguises you will be branded an S-class nin but I and the Dao shall keep the hunter nins away from you essentially you will become like a sonin but never be able to come back to the Village again Itachi was stunned the merciful Hokage asking him to kill his own Kinsmen and be in Exile forever why the majority of uias have grown Arrogant with power I cannot do anything against them as the hyugas despite their dislike of the Clans will challenge any law strictly against the clan as it will apply to them I already know the fug U has hired several assassins and some of his own clan members to kill me I cannot allow that they have become too dangerous I fear that an alliance between danzo and fugaku will happen very soon the Hokage explained Itachi nodded this is for the good of the clan and konaha Itachi was disgusted with many in the clan because of the arrogance yet laziness of many in the clan they scoffed at hard work but adore cheating off their fellow comrades jutsus I accept Itachi said the hokagay smiled proudly at the loyal ninja he was sad that such an honorable ninja will have to be exiled but it was for the best of the village good now there is another part to this Mission I want you to escape with narut but let him return When you think he is ready teach him to become powerful beyond belief he is and will become the hero as he was meant to be seen the Hokage said Itachi sighed what a mission kill those arrogant Kinsmen and also raise the ginu of the cobbi I accept tomorrow night after you kill the uias I want you to sneak into the Hokage Tower and retrieve Naruto Naruto will also have a letter you need to give to the Dao or the other sonin that you are a friend of konaha despite what the Bingo book might have against you the hok said in this letter is also my permission for you to have an annual pay of .5% of the konaha Ninja budget more than enough to raise Naruto and you Itachi nodded he bowed to the Hokage and vanished the Hokage sigh this Knight will add so many years of burden on his shoulders in nutk mind deep within nutk mind there is a large cage sealing the CIB in Naruto the demon shook its head and began to repent for all the pain it had caused to the innocent despite human Legends say demons are not evil but the deliverers of judgment caubi had meant to kill a snake called Orochimaru it attacked konaha sensing that vile snakes chakra however it was sealed into this boy and watched the boy be p persecuted and despised by the villagers and ninjas because of the caoi the caoi glowed as it morphed into a woman the woman had redish gold hair that reached down to just above her hip she had a perfect figure and a face that was fit for a goddess she clutched the bars of the cage holding her and whispered to herself I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I a teenager chanted as he walked down a dirt road enough damn it we'll play I Spy a voice in his head screamed the teenager chuckled he knew she would agree if he annoyed her long enough the teenager's name is Naruto born of konaha and host of caoi he was around 5'4 and had blonde spiky hair with red highlights that could never be combed right he wore steel toed boots loose black pants with plenty of pockets and a black shirt with a small orange spiral on the front he also wore a black vest and trench coat a blood red scarf hid the bottom half of his face hidden in various Pockets were several storage Scrolls canai shans exploding notes a mask and a small plushy of a fox he also had a special sword placed behind his back the sword was sheathed in a kodachi sheath but thanks to several seals it can fit even though the blade was 3 ft long currently Naruto was on the way to konaha at the orders of Itachi narut had grown very fond of his surrogate brother Itachi taught narut all he could Itachi taught him the basics of being a ninja and showed him many ninj jutsus and jutsus he also let Naruto get trained by several missing nins he trusted one of them taught Naruto the basics of kenjutsu and assassination another taught him element manipulation and taijutsu caubi also helped Naruto in several ways she gave his body rapid healing greatly increased stamina and superhuman senses she trained Naruto in controlling yo-kai chakra very potent but powerful chakra her greatest gift was a choice of bloodline Nar had a very unique bloodline it did not give him any more advantages against most ninjas however his chakra can damage the bloodline abilities of ninjas and made them worse this meant that the Sharingan would only see after images of movements and the Bakugan would be blurred eye it also meant that the kagaya bones would be brittle and the abame family wouldn't be able to command their Kikai overall those with Bloodlines would be at Naruto's mercy so kit what are you going to do once we get to konaha caubi asked with Naruto's permission caoi altered the seal so that she could see through Naruto's eyes and ears she also altered the cage so it would be a large Japanese house instead of a sewer hum I guess after I give the old man several letters and packages I'll go walk around probably play several pranks QQ Chan Naruto replied ooh do tell caoi cou hok Tower and Monument this ought to be good caoi said eagerly Naruto reached the gate he passed his papers to the guards the guards scanned his papers checking for forgery business the guard asked visiting a friend Nar answered all right just don't cause any trouble the guard grunted Nar nodded and began walking to the Hokage Tower after walking for several minutes he decided to walk around for a bit like a tourist he was amazed at the number of people and ninjas he saw he did see some odd characters that Itachi warned him about he saw a silver-haired man walking around totally concentrated on an orange book he was reading he turned and saw a purple-haired kunoichi eating a huge number of Dango in a short amount of time he chuckled a bit and accidentally bumped into someone I'm sorry sir I didn't look Yos Your Flames of Youth Are Burning Brightly if I cannot Match Your Flames of y u h i will hop 50 laps around konaha on one hand the person Naruto bumped into shouted Naruto took one good look at the man and bolted away as fast as he could he headed into an alley and hid he didn't speak for several minutes Q was that the result of eating too much Ramen narut asked nervously caoi couldn't answer she was stunned that a human would go out in public looking that bad Q kit you never saw that man it was a bad dream caoi said agreed Naruto said he went out from the alley and headed to the Hokage Tower Nar entered the building and and went to the receptionist excuse me I have a letter for the Hokage that is very important Naro said politely he handed a letter to the receptionist the Dao and the Hokage stamped the letter Naruto waited as the receptionist delivered the letter soon the receptionist motioned for narut to follow her Nar followed her until they reached the hokage's office Naruto stealed himself and entered Naro a voice said in Delight Naro looked up to see Ren hug tightly very tightly the Hokage watched in Amusement as narut turned blue help me Nar gasped at the hok the hok chuckled let him down Rin I want to hear what happened while he was away with Itachi the hok said Ren pouted but let Naro go Nar jumped out Ren's arm length and began recounting what happened during his six years with Itachi not to be mean or anything but I won't tell what happened just yet there are several people that I do not want to reveal so when I arrived here I walked around a bit and saw several ninjas one of them scared me more than caubi during that time of month narut said hey though now I think about it you're right caoi said oh yeah I met AOS senon during my travels and he told me to give you this book Naruto handed the Hokage a small gold book the Hokage gasped Nar is that the hok gasped Nar Shrugged if you mean the latest book of the ichaa series icha Haram knights in a limited Gold Edition and signed by the author with extra bonus pictures then yes it is Ren glared at the Hokage as he opened it reverently Naruto could have sworn that the book emitted some gold light when it was opened the hokagay started to giggle and blush Naruto sweat dropped were all men perverts and what is with that book even Itachi began giggling and blushing when he read that book oi oaji what now Naruto asked rudely the hokagay closed his book regretfully and thanked Cammy for jariah you will be going to the academy where you will take the jenin exam and take place on a team there you will work with your new team until you become chunin rank the Hokage stated Nani Naruto yelled no buts Naruto the Hokage said firmly now narut Youk be staying in an apartment that I bought for you you will also get a weekly stien until you reach chunin the Hokage tossed Naruto the keys to the apartment Ren please show Naruto the way to the academy also tell aruka that he is to be allowed to take the genine exams the hok said Ren nodded when they left the Hokage took out his book now for some quality reading aruka was having a bad day it was the day before the genen and exams he looked at his class if you can call it that in one section of the room where the ucha Fang girls are staring at the air of the Uchiha Clan SAS after Itachi's Massacre of over 400 uias young sake has been obsessing over Revenge even his own mother Makoto could not persuade sake against being an Avenger sadly she died a year after the massacre making him fall into an even deeper madness he was the top of his class but aruka worried for his sanity it reminded him of one of the sonin he read about aruka shook his head he turned his attention to two girls yamanaka Eno and Haruno Sakura both girls were diard Uchiha fan girls and honestly a disgrace amongst kunoichi always focusing on their looks instead of training dieting to at 12 do they want to kill themselves nearby were Nara Shikara and akamichi Choi these two were heirs to the akamichi and the Nara Clans both have the sum of the lowest grades in class however aruka knew they were hiding their true abilities judging by their father's lack of concern about their grades aruka had to admit there fathers seemed like older versions of their sons both narus both said Troublesome and started to sleep the akamichi Shrugged and ate their potato chips in another section were inaka kba and his pet akamaru and hanada hyuga both of these ninjas were extremely competent and ready to be jenin however they had personality problems kba was wild he needed to settle down and not act on his instincts he needed to use his brain more often and focus on some longrange genjutsu to compliment their unique taijutsu hanata was perfectly capable in aruka eyes she was proficient in the Bakugan and gentle fist however in Lord hiashi's eyes she was weak this led to severe inferior complex in hanata however she had an extraordinary talent in healing as she developed a healing cream that healed a cut at an extremely fast rate in a corner by himself aaram Shino was silently observing the class aruka never knew if the boy was sleeping or not aruka noted that he was an extremely gifted person in strategy and logic he was also skilled in tracking and stealth a true ninja he hid his skills from most of the class in ARA's opinion if Shino and sake got into a fight sake would lose aruka sighed well better start the lesson Troublesome aruka muttered he stood up and said all right class settle down no reaction a tick mark appeared on ARA's face shut up and pay attention the class settled down enough for aruka to start his lesson good now today we'll be going over different ninja Villages Now can anyone tell me the five major ninja Villages the door opened and aruka turned to see who it was a boy around most of his students age walked in he sighed as many of the girls commented on his hotness compared to SAS U the boy smiled and gave him a slip of paper here you go Scarface it's a letter from the hok the boy said said cheekily aruka was a bit annoyed but read the letter he was a bit surprised when the Hokage said that Naruto has permission to take the genine exams this late in the school year all right narut please sit in the seat next to SAS over there aruka said narut looked over to where aruka was pointing you mean over there next to that emo homo with the chicken ass hair narut asked revolted the class was in an uproar all of sas's fan girls demanded punishment and ret ution while kba fell on the ground laughing Choi chuckled a bit and carried on eating Sho looked on in interest shut up aruka yelled he turned to Naruto fine please sit next to Shino over there Nar walked to the seat beside Shino without any complaint he stuck a hand out to Shino Uzumaki Naruto At Your Service Shino eyed his hand then shook it abam Shino so you're one of the famous Aames my Sensei told me about them in my opinion they are some of the finest ninjas around stealthy and they quickly finish their mission without having to waste much energy epitome of a ninja's role Shino was stunned not many people praise their Clan as highly as the hyuga aruch this was truly a pleasant surprise you use Kai bugs to Aid in your fights right Nar asked you seem to know a lot about my clan Naruto San Sho said so knowing your enemy and battling your enemy is two completely different things if the body is not strong enough to counter what the Mind views as a threat then you're dead Naruto countered a wise statement Shino said he was impressed a new student so wise in the ways of the Shinobi it would be beneficial to be his friend all right class out in the training field for sparring aruka called out the class calmly went out to the practice field aruka had them go to one of the practice Arena now class time for some practice sparring you can use any taijutsu techniques or kenjutsu aruka explained now anything goes except Serious injury or death now let's have Shino and Eno Spar aruka called out the two went into the arena the match was a short one as Shino quickly delivered a knockout punch to Eno's Temple aruka sweat dropped to how short the match was all right how about sake and aruka called out I want Naruto sake said every everyone looked at Naruto I'm flattered but I don't swing that way narut smirked as the uch flushed in embarrassment he saw kba laughing on the ground and many fan girls screaming obscenities just get over here and fight me Sake said Naruto Shrugged he calmly faced the uch aruka Sensei do you cave a bakan Naruto asked sure aruka answered he tossed Naruto a standard wooden bacan Naro caught it deafly and twirled a bit testing the balance satisfied narut went into a sword stance with the bachan positioned like a Sheed sword whenever you're ready cug Nar said sake rushed Nar he threw a punch at nar's head however Nar easily dodged it and smacked sake hard with the bachan on his thighs sas's kegs buckled as a numb sensation went through his legs SAS threw a roundhouse at Naruto Naruto quickly ducked and slammed the bachan at sas's other leg SAS fell down hard when he knee buckled from the force of Naruto's blow SAS scrambled up angry at Naruto toying with him SAS became even angrier as Naruto began walking out of the ring where are you going Doby scared nope bored you're too riled up to be a challenge Naruto answered cheerfully he gave sake the victory sign to say SAS was angry was like saying spandex was a bit ugly sake was Furious Caden great Fireball a large Fireball flew toward Naruto aruka formed seals for a water jutu as it headed toward narut Naro ignored it until it was a meter he thrust the bachan at the fireball kenjutsu bullet a blast of air blew through the Fireball and struck sake in the head sake flew out of the ring Landing 3 ft away from where he was standing Nar glared at the uch his brother would be ashamed of him nuto looked back to see kba and choji applauding him while Shikamaru gave him a small approving smile Sho nodded approvingly at Naruto's skill aruka was impressed to disperse a fireball with only the wind from a sword thrust needed a lot of skill it even had enough power to blow his opponent away with only a bakan aruka wouldn't he want to be on the receiving end if Naruto had a katana aruka Sensei Sakura shrieked Naruto cheated SAS wouldn't be defeated like that Naruto must have used an Ninjutsu to beat sake rematch nark eye twitched Cammy how can someone like her be that stupid narut thought one of life's greatest Mysteries kit caubi said she was appalled at how stupid the girl was Sakura Naruto fought fair and square he defeated sake without resorting to using a Ninjutsu techniques SAS on the other hand directly disobeyed me and fired a kenjutsu at Naruto's back a Ruka explained patiently newa sake never fired a fireball that was sas's awesomeness radiating from him Sakura screamed that sets a new low for being narut thought Camy she's even more imaginative than the people who invented singing caoi thought Min clip four cavemen were sitting around the fire grunt grunt grunt grunt grunt grunt grunt o o o for the longest time o o o for the longest time they all sang in unison if you said goodbye to me tonight oohoo one sang and mini clip Naruto Shrugged he wasn't going to argue over this he went over by Shino to watch the other matches kba Choi and Shikamaru joined him great match Naruto kba congratulated I'm kba of the inaka clan and this is myet akamaru akamaru yipped at Naruto where did you learn to fight like that keba asked a friend of my Sensei Naruto answered you think I can get a few tips keba asked learn a few Jen jutsus Jen jutsus why you use mainly Tai Jutsu in battle if your opponent is in a Jutsu you can easily Maul your opponent before they realize it Naruto explained keba nodded soon after all the sparring was done Naro spent time with his new friends he learned a lot about the Village People and places of the village after school they went to a barbq restaurant they spent hours there laughing and joking despite Shino being The Silent One Shino could make really funny onliners and observations soon it was late they split the check four ways and left Naruto went to the address the Hokage gave him it led to an apartment complex that was shared by many ninjas of konaha let's see number 726 724 725 72 26 here it is Naro unlocked it and went in the apartment was a decent place it had two rooms a bedroom a kitchen fridge two closets and a bathroom it was empty Nar had a remedy to this he took a scroll out of his jacket and placed chakra in it soon a couch bookshelf loaded with books and Scrolls a futon kitchen equipment clothes training equipment a chest ninja equipment food soap and other stuff popped out Nar then created several Shadow clones to organize all the items as soon as they finished Naruto dispelled them he went to the chest and opened it inside was cleaning equipment for his sword he removed the sword from his belt and cleaned it carefully the sword was nothing fancy it was like most katanas except that it was made by one of the finest blacksmiths it was extremely sharp durable and can Channel his chakra this allowed him to make his kutsu attacks long range when he channeled his wind chakra through it also any Cuts with his sword would damage bloodline abilities it also had an element of surprise that his sword was sheathed in a kodachi sheath narut sheathed his sword and laid on his futon he was excited to see what tomorrow would bring in this Village things already looked very interesting narut closed his eyes but opened them when he heard his next door neighbor narut groaned but got up he had this weird dream about some black-haired girl whatever dreams are dreams Naruto groaned he scratched his stomach but paused no not that ooh what have we here caoi cou looks like someone had a wet dream shut up narut yelled he went to the bathroom for a long cold shower after he finished drying his hair Naruto put on some shorts in a loose t-shirt he took his sword and storage scroll but nothing else he quickly tied his shoes and weights on these weights are tied to his limbs each of the weights weigh around a 300 lb caubi could you please activate the gravity seals to 5x Naruto asked fine caoi said narut felt his body sag as the gravity seals increase from 4X t5x he jogged around getting used to the new weight thanks to cao's training his body has literally become so dense that his body is as hard as Stone and his bones harder than steel he put his hands into a seal and gathered chakra cage bunin no Jutsu 200 clones popped into existence I want a 100 of you to work on chakra control 50 of you find a training ground and Spar using kenjutsu and tautu blindfolded the other 50 will work on ceiling I want those improved explosive notes by the end of the week Naruto instructed after 2 hours dispel yourselves the Clones nodded and dispersed to do their work narut did a few stretches and began his morning run according to kba's information Nar needed to do 50 laps around konaha before his normal training Naruto started jogging it was peaceful to hear the birds sing in the early morning and feel the fresh wind of a new day quiet tranquil perfect Lee it is time for our youthful morning run if we cannot make a 100 laps before the sun rises then we will walk all day on our hands oh godamn it why does he seem to show up everywhere hi Sensei and if we cannot do that we will spread the wisdom of Youth while we are in the springtime of youthfulness Naruto knew he shouldn't have turned but against his Common Sense he looked behind him Not only was the weirdo with the spandex huge eyebrows and bowl cut there but he also had a mini me the mini me was dressed like the weirdo also but the freakiest part was that they were hugging very tightly what it's not enough that he's a weirdo but he also had to corrupt a child into dressing like him and allowing the weirdo to molest the child gu sensei Lee a huge background with the sun setting and the waves crashing appeared behind them Naro had several ticks but calmly made the seal for dispelling Jen Jutsu Kai Nar said nothing Kai nothing Kai still nothing Kai Kai Kai Kai narut screamed he couldn't dispel the Jutsu run for it kit Run for Our Lives caoi screamed Nar began running faster than he ever thought possible he ran to the Hokage Tower screaming he sped past the receptionist and straight into the hokage's office the Hokage was enjoying his ich a heram book when the door to his office blew up he watched in shock as Naruto blocked the door with an earth Jutsu made multiple reinforcing seals and traps narut then grabbed the icha heram book from the Hokage sat in a corner and began reading as fast as he could Naruto suffered massive blood loss in a matter of seconds and blacked out Naruto are you all right the Hokage asked worried spandex eyebrows minii youth Sunset Naruto whispered the hokagay sweat dropped no one was the same when they met guy or Lee Naruto woke up after 2 hours he was lying on the sofa in the hokage's office he looked up to see the Hokage hard at work with paperwork he also heard the hok cursing the paperwork goddamned paperwork killing me more painfully than a daab wound the hok moaned the Hokage looked up and saw that narut was conscious on Naruto you're awake the hok said narut nodded but was a bit confused why was he in the hokage's office and why did the Hokage have a rock slab with traps and seals for a door he asked the Hokage both questions the Hokage sweat dropped narut don't you remember Nar tried to remember but found caubi locking a huge chest labeled ideas for Jen Jutsu hor ERS caoi what happened 2 hours ago narut asked you're better off not knowing caoi said curtly nope don't remember Naruto said to the Hokage the Hokage sweat dropped and suddenly remembered an article about how the human psyche will bury traumatic memories Naruto you should be getting back home the academy starts in an hour by then you'll have the genon exams the hok said the hok sighed and went back to his paperwork you're right Nar exclaimed he made a seal for sunin but stopped don't you have a quicker way of doing paperwork Naruto asked the hok looked up so fast that Naruto thought he heard the hokage's crack do you know of a way the hok asked Nar nodded have you tried cage bunin Nar asked Nar left by sunshin the Hokage was in shock he slowly got out a slip of paper that his students gave to him years ago on it was a circle in the circle it said bang head here stupid stupid stupid stupid the Hokage said while hitting his head on the slip of paper on his desk narut arrived at his apartment just as all his clones dispelled he was a bit disoriented by the flood of information after a minute he reviewed all of the information gathered he nodded in approval at the progress he made he quickly bathed and changed back to his regular clothes he wrapped his scarf around the bottom of his face to hide the marks on his cheeks it would not be good if people knew the caubi gyuuki was back he packed his Necessities inside Scrolls and strapped his sword on his belt after checking his equipment he headed toward the academy narut passed through the market square the air was filled with the smells of delicious foods he heard his stomach growl loudly and decided to head to a nearby Dango stall the stall was a bit crowded but homely Naruto sat at an empty table and ordered some Dango and tea after the waiter gave Naruto his order Naruto eagerly dug in he finished one and was about to pick up another when he felt someone's presence behind him anko midari was hungry after training so she decided to head to the Dango shop for Dango and sake as she entered she saw a teen with a full plate of her favorite Dango she decided to take one surely a teen wouldn't deny a toab betsu Jan she skillfully reached for one she would have stolen one if a glowing Katana weren't tickling her throat TCH TCH TCH didn't your mother teach you any manners Naruto asked he turned to see anko glaring at him now if you ask politely I'll order another one anko was about to tell the teen an explicative but her stomach growled loudly who cares about Pride when your stomach is concerned I'm anko maidashi konah has wife snake mistress she said now could you please bet me an order of Dango narut ordered more dang Dango as she waited for the Dango Nar began a friendly conversation anko and Nar talked about various things she was curious how narut detected her presence and how narut was able to move so fast narut deafly steered the conversation away from him to her he was able to by telling her that he was an Academy student no way I was nearly killed by an Academy student anko exclaimed if it's any consolation I've been taught by many good teachers Naruto said consolingly anko grumbled a bit and viciously bit into a Dango yeah well how's aruka doing anko asked why isn't he just an instructor Naro asked anko shook her head not just an instructor but was a distinguished u under the name of isamu held a record number of completed solo missions however he always wanted to be an instructor he even turned down a chance to be one of the 12 guard ninjas of fire the Dao's Elite Hokage allowed aruka to be an instructor ever since aruka became an instructor jenin of his class tend to pass the Jan's personal test they often become chunin in 3 years anko explained she had a light blush on her face you know a lot about him Naruto said he smirked a bit when anko squirmed in her seat he sniffed the air and found the air soaked with hormones coming from anko narut had a grin on his face anko got suspicious what are you smiling about you like aruka don't you Nar teased he grinned even wider when anko blushed a deep red anko Nar turned to see a Janan with red eyes and long dark hair standing outside the entrance of the shop she had a look of complete surprise on her face she went to their table and sat by Naruto anko I Heard the Last Sentence do you really like him the Jan asked gently anko nodded and began crying anko sniffed she hated to be seen as weak this damn brat was able to break down her defenses in less than an hour she was a torture Ninja for cammy's sake she should have seen this a mile away yeah K andai I do I've been in love with him since a year after Orochimaru left he was my best friend after Orochimaru left in the years he's always been there to cheer me up help me stand tall and never treated me like an outcast I've been too afraid of rejection or the chance of persecution against aruka to admit my feelings anko whispered Kuran I squealed and began saying how romantic that was to fall in love with your best friend narut felt a bit sick he should have never pried into these private feelings it made him sick it was worse because caoi in his head was saying the exactly the same thing Kawaii kurai caoi squealed narut gagged after a long talk kurai cheered anko back to her normal self Nar was forced to sit through it because caoi threatened him he looked outside and remembered he should should go to the academy now well it was nice to meet you but I have to go to the academy narut was about to run off when a hand shoved a package in Naruto's pocket make sure aruka gets that anko said mischievously Nar nodded and ran to the academy he arrived in the classroom just as the bell rang morning aruka Sensei Naruto said morning Naruto please sit down while I call roll aruka said Naruto began walking toward his seat by Shino he stopped though when he remember remembered about the package aruka Sensei aanan gave me a package and told me to give it to you she said it was important Naruto said he tossed the package to aruka aruka caught it and went to his desk he sat down and opened it Naruto and kba began sniggering loudly when the package opened to reveal a stained pair of panties in a picture many girls began to shout at aruka for being a pervert while secretly planning to do the same thing for SAS aruka was bright red many of the students were shocked to see their teacher receive something like that it didn't help when the Hokage dropped in aruka I wanted to talk to you about the Jen and examinations in oo the hokagay said as his eyes spotted the panties in the picture the hokagay smiled lecherously so what bold lady sent you this lovely package aruka hastily hid the package in his desk and tried to appear as if nothing happened Hokage Sama what about the exams the Hokage cleared his throat and tried to recollect his thought thoughts aruka I have been reviewing the jenin exam and after consideration they will be sorted into teams now and be tested tomorrow by the John and Sensei the Hokage gave aruka a list and exited aruka looked at the list and was surprised in the past the students have been sorted into specialty teams such as tracking capturing and assault now the teams are much more balanced with much more a variety all right now the genen and exams are cancelled today aruka announced he waited as the students began booing after a minute the booing stopped and aruka continued under the new system students will be sorted into teams to take a much harder test the test is a practical mostly and will occur at the time the jnan chooses aruka explained now the teams and John and Sensei are as follows team one includes narut tuned him out until his name was called team seven will be Naruto aruka called Naruto sat up eager to find out his other teammates SHO Nar grinned as Shino shifted a bit and Shikamaru Naro punched the air with his fist Shikamaru mumbled Troublesome and went back to sleep team Seven's Jan will be anko maidashi narut began praying to Cammy for Mercy a I'm dead ain't i q Naruto asked after aruka dismissed the class he asked Naruto to stay a bit after class Nar waited as the rest of the students whispered explanations for why Nar n was being held after school Nar wondered if it was something about anko after everyone left aruka spoke Naruto will you come here Naruto walked to ARA's desk aruka was holding anko's package Naro sighed as this about the package Sensei Naruto asked aruka turned red yes but there's another reason why I asked you to stay aruka admitted Nar sighed this was going to be a long afternoon Nar why did anko give you this package Naruto shree I don't know really I just met her in a Dango stall this morning she tried to steal my Dango aruka nodded tried I tickled her neck with my sword Naro explained anyway after offering to buy her an order of Dango we started talking you have quite an impressive record for an Academy teacher isamu aruka blushed embarrassed yeah but I always wanted to teach she spoke very highly of uruka Nar said Is it true that you two were roommates we were for a bit aruka admitted after Orochimaru deserted konaha she was treated like a traitor I never believed it and felt sorry for her she kind of clung to me a bit while she got used to the glares and insults I often had to sleep in the park so that she won't be alone anko's landlord soon kicked anko out of her apartment she didn't have friends like her and I yet and her other friend Hannah lived in a clan house she went to me and I allowed her to stay at my apartment she stayed for several months until she got her own apartment Sensei I was lying when I asked about the roommate's part Naruto admitted aruka turned a darker shade of red when he realized Naruto tricked him aruka what do you think of anko Naruto asked um well she is kind and gentle despite her normal attitude after you get past her shell she is a beautiful caring person that any man would love I count myself lucky T be her friend aruka said there's not a of a lie caoi noted hey kit this man really loves anko look at his eyes they practically glow narut nodded he noticed this also he decided to test aruka aruka as I talked with anko she told me she had a boyfriend aruka looked at Naruto a new boyfriend yeah some junan named Kakashi Naruto said Naro sensed some killing intent waft from aruka anyway from what I heard Kakashi she's been a real jerk heun's been ignoring her and despite her pleas HEK been flirting with some of the women in the village Nar said Nar smirked as aruka was glowing with killing intent he decided to push him a little bit more the worst part is he forbid her from telling any of her friends that she is forcibly engaged she cries to sleep most nights Naro said sadly he was blasted back as aruka chakra let out a pulse breaking chairs in his desk Kakashi aruka growled he pulled out a beautifully made Katana you're dead aruka jumped out the window carrying his Katana with him narut chased after him his face split into a mischievous grin Kakashi was exiting a bookstore eagerly reading his purchase ich a Haram nights he turned around a corner and ignored a shout Kakashi my eternal rival why do you read that unu n yo U HF book I challenge you to a race around konaha with a boulder on our backs hum did you say something so hip my eternal rival Kakashi Kakashi turned around to see aruka charge at him with a drawn Katana Kakashi dodged it but aruka sword sliced the book Into Pieces Kakashi stared at the book in horror my I I haa I shall avenge thee Kakashi yelled he used a canai to Parry aruka Katana aruka channeled chakra Into The Sword and the katana sliced through the canai like butter aruka stabbed Kaka but Kakashi turned into a log aruka stabbed the ground with the katana and quickly made some seals chakra pulse a wave of chakra rippled the Earth around aruka Kakashi was forced out from underground aruka swung his Katana at Kakashi who managed to dodge it why did you hurt anko aruka roared as he attempted to cut Kakashi in half what Kakashi said as he ducked aruka Katana you heard me you womanizer aruka yelled aruka made some seals sweeden water darts Kakashi swerved to avoid several darts of ice that aruka shot at him Kakashi made several seals as he dodged another of aruka stabs Caden fire sparrows several birds made of fire flew toward aruka aruka channeled chakra through his sword and sliced through the birds you hurt ano you were engaged with her and still kept flirting aruka roared that is most you and n y u t HF L my eternal rival I must c l e a e your u n y u t HF l n and show you the joys of Springtime of Youth guy shouted Naruto saw the mini me pop out of nowhere G AI Sensei Lee the evil Jen Jutsu popped out again quickly stopping the fight for a second because everyone was transfixed on it meanwhile anko was heading out of the Dango shop she headed toward the market for some sake she had a feeling she would need some tonight as she headed to the market she felt a large chakra Source surge near her she headed toward the source to check it out she saw aruka fighting Kakashi equally aruka was using his sword to keep Kakashi on the defensive and preventing any Ninjutsu she also heard aruka shouting something at Kakashi why did you hurt anko she deserves someone better than you aruka bellowed she is the most wonderful person I know and I will never make her cry Kakashi was confused as hell what the heck was aruka yelling about he dodged another swipe from iruka's sword when snakes wrapped around him tying Kakashi up aruka aruka turned to see anko she had a blank face aruka got extremely nervous did she hear all that aruka did you mean all that anko asked uh uh uh aruka stammered he looked down yeah I did ARA's head was lifted up by anko's gentle finger she looked into his eyes searching for any traces of lying all of it every single word anko aruka said anko smiled and at aruka as hard as she could aruka happily returned the narut stood on the sidelines watching the couple he was honestly happy for the couple Itachi had said they've been dancing around each other for a while it was time they both resed happiness guy and Lee were sobbing and shouting about aruka and anko's blazing fires of Youth Kakashi was still confused as hell and wanted his eah heram Knights repaired many of the women who watched the scene thought it was romantic including caoi many of the men thought aruka was lucky to have such a hot girlfriend in the Hokage Tower the Hokage was furiously riding down the scene from his crystal ball he was giggling lecherously and excited to see what jiah would make from this information when the two stopped for a breath anko giggled she whispered in aruka ear Naro wasn't able to pick it up but was able to make an accurate guess as to what it was considering ARA's red face the two stood up and left leaving a shouting guy in the Lee a confused Kakashi and a happy Naruto Naruto headed home pleased to give two deserving people happiness it would also make his genine exam easier tomorrow he headed toward the clan houses to visit his teammates Naruto asked several civilians where the abam and Nara Clan houses were he was able to find directions from a chunin and headed to the abame first he headed toward the abame clan house the house was big but not humongous like the hyuga Mansion it was quiet but Naruto was able to hear humming sounds like insects he knocked on the front door and waited a ninja dressed like Shino opened the door how may I help you I'd like to speak to Shino abame about the Gen and exams tomorrow Naruto said politely the ninja nodded please follow me into the living room Naruto followed the abame into a large Airy room where several people were studying or meditating narut saw a person watching his bug collection the ninja turned to narut please wait here while I see if Shino is available Naruto Shrugged and sat down on one of the cushions around the living room he took out a scroll about ceiling and began to read after 5 minutes Shino greeted him hello Uzumaki San why did you come over to my house Shino asked Naro placed the scroll in his jacket for later reading I wanted to talk to you about the gen exam Naruto explained since they canel the normal jenin exam in favor for a more rigorous practical I wanted to have a mock battle to see your skills abilities and weaknesses why since we will be taking the test together along with Shikamaru it would be best that we have some idea of each other's abilities so that we may work together as a cohesive team tomorrow Sho nodded then follow me to the practice field Nar followed Shino outside to a large open field there were several posts in w for taijutsu and targets for projectiles in the center of the field was a large area for sparring Shino and Naruto went inside the circle whenever you're ready Shino Naro said Nar settled into a kenjutsu stance while Shino waited Shino made the first move he threw several canai and sharkens at narut Nar easily dodged them without moving his feet Shino sent a huge mass of Kikai bugs at Naruto Naruto channeled chakra into his sword Itor you wind tunnel Nar swung his sword in a circular manner the chakra from The Sword caused a wind tunnel that sucked all of shino's bugs away from narut it channeled them away from Naro back to Shino interesting technique Shino commented he charged narut with a canai on hand Nar parried the attack and kicked Shino in the stomach Shino exploded into a shower of bugs the bugs then climbed all over Naruto and began sucking his chakra Nar quickly channeled chakra he concentrated on mxing his wind affinity and water Affinity chakra together after several seconds Naruto had a shiver run throughout his body due to his ice Affinity chakra Shino was in the trees as he watched his Kikai bugs drain Naruto's chakra he prepared to knock Naro out when he noticed something strange the bugs all over Naruto's body began falling off as if they were paralyzed Naruto shook the rest of the Kikai bugs off good trick Shino Nar complimented you would have won if it wasn't for the fact I can make ice Affinity chakra Shino nodded narut decided it was time for him to go on the offensive Naro made several seals Sweden Ice fog Nar faded away from shino's sight as a thick and very cold Mist appeared Shino released his bugs into a protective wall around him Shino noticed that his bugs were very sluggish from the cold Naruto made several seals and concentrated Nino allseeing ey narut sent chakra to his feet and was able to sense where Shino was he made several clones and sent them after Shino Shino dodged a hail of can and sent several shans back he heard a small poof but thought nothing of it a Naruto clone made several seals and aimed at Shino Sweden rain grenade Shino saw several orbs of water heading toward him he made a bug wall to protect himself the orbs of water exploded against the bugs soaking the bugs with ice cold water many of shino's bugs fell asleep from the cold Shino turned to find the Naruto clone but felt a sword at his throat you lose Shino the fog vanished and found five Narutos pointing their sword at various parts of his body I forfeit Shino said Nar grinned the other four Naruto vanished Nar sheathed his blade and made several seals Caden Heatwave a pulse of hot air instantly revived most of she bugs the bugs flew back to Shino for warmth as most are still damp from Naruto's juus Shino after observing you I find that you are indeed jenin or low chunin level narut said Shino nodded however you are lacking in close-range combat also you are very weak without your bugs it would be best to use your bugs in combination with taijutsu or kenjutsu Jen Jutsu would also be a good addition to Your Arsenal Shino nodded keeping notes of Naruto's suggestions what about your abilitites I know that you were holding back against me narut nodded I was my abilities excel in kenjutsu Ninjutsu and tautu I am proficient in Jutsu but do not use it often I have a three element affinities water Wind and Fire I find it extremely hard to do earth and lightning jutsus I also have a bloodline what is your bloodline Shino asked narut grinned my bloodline is caused by by a mutation in my genes along with having an extremely high amount of chakra and chakra control my chakra is deadly with anyone possessing a bloodline what Sho asked if a hyuga or uch were exposed to my chakra their bloodline abilities would be messed up for example the Sharingan would not be able to copy any of my jutsus and would only see things that happened 2 to 10 seconds in the past the Bakugan would not be able to see through my body and find my tenus while also losing their 300 59° Vision Naruto explained basically any ninja with a bloodline would be nearly helpless if they only focused on their bloodlines Shino was impressed a bloodline that can Bloodlines while only graning the user increased chakra combined with a kenjutsu and taijutsu Naruto is the nightmare of the hyugas you know if the hyugas learn of your abilities you might have to deal with very powerful enemies in konaha Naruto grimaced spoil sport Nar waved goodbye to Shino and gave him a gift Shino unwrapped it to find weights a scroll and length of chain it was around 12 feet long and had a small weight at the end he looked back at the package and found a small note by narut dear bug boy it said Shino had a tick mark above his eye during my travels I received this from a ninja I beat I found that it was a really effective weapon if used right it is meant for capturing an opponent or for assassination I modified it a bit so the way weit at the end of a chain can store Kiki bugs this way once you've captured a ninja with the chain the Kikai bugs can eat away their chakra also you can Channel chakra through the chains to make the chain as sharp as a blade Shino Whirled the chain around and wrapped it around a tree branch he then channeled chakra throughout the chain and pulled the area where the chain was wrapped around was cut into pieces Shino wrapped it up and picked up the scroll and weights eager to learn this new weapon narut went to shikamaru's house house it was around the same size as shino's house and was hidden in the forest he spotted several deer hidden by the foliage Naruto knocked the door and waited Shikamaru answered the door oh hi narut what are you doing here Nar gave him the same answer as he gave Shino after explaining Shikamaru nodded lazily and muttered Troublesome blonde they went to the training grounds where narut and Shikamaru sparred Nar easily beat Shikamaru Shikamaru do you ever train narut asked a little Shikamaru muttered narut sighed he made several hand seals and poked Shikamaru lightly Nino Earth chaining seal shikamaru's limbs became twice as heavy than before Troublesome blonde what did you do to me Shikamaru said angrily Naruto smirked I put a seal that will make you train I won't take it off until I think you're ready Naruto said he quickly left before Shikamaru could catch him see ya tomorrow shika Naruto called Damn Troublesome blonde Shikamaru muttered the next day all the Academy students were waiting to take the test narut Sat by Shino who was reading the scroll Naruto gave him Shikamaru was slepping but Naruto noticed that he was a bit more built now most of the junin were waiting to test the student there but they had to wait for aruka because he had the team list after an hour aruka showed up he was grinning like a maniac and was very happy good morning class aruka shouted morning Sensei the class responded slightly confused Nar sniffed the air and smirked aruka just got laid last night Nar looked at some of the junin one of the junin giggled perversely and was elbowed in the stomach by kurai all right team one please go with jenma aruka announced a junan and a group of students left the classroom Naruto began to sleep until his team was called out team 7 in narut looked up please go with a black ball came through the window it popped open to reveal a banner that said anko mirashi why Sensei of Team 7 in all right my team anko yelled meet me at training ground 26 Naruto Shino and Shikamaru left the classroom anko quickly at aruka and followed her students narut and the others arrived at training ground first they waited as an o arrived she grinned at her new students once she saw Naruto she started throwing canies at him narut easily deflected TM with his own Kai good morning anos Sensei I believe you and aruka had a memorable night together Naruto said politely anko turned bright red as a matter of fact we did I have to thank you though you provoking aruka like that Sho and Shikamaru turned to Naruto interested I hooked up anko and aruka the two all right now I like to get the interesting things done first before anything else anko said so I'll give you your test now the three looked at anko waiting to hear what their test was your test is to capture me for a full 30 seconds if you don't complete this in 3 hours you all fail anko said Shino and Shikamaru looked at Naruto Nar nodded all three vanished into the foliage around the training ground narut made several clones and had them attack o so she would lose some energy and chakra he always went to look for Shikamaru and Shino Nar found Shino trying to dig himself out of the earth Naruto quickly pulled Shino out of the hole and dragged him into the foliage as Shino brushed dirt off his clothes Naruto explained his plan Shino listened carefully when Naruto finished explaining the two went to find Shikamaru narut and Shino found Shikamaru sleeping annoyed Nar kicked him awake Shikamaru grumbled but woke up hey shika now listen wek need your help in capturing anko Sensei Naruto whispered I want you to hide in those trees over there Sho and I will drive her in your direction when that happens use your Shadow imitation jutu to trap her we'll make sure she doesn't escape Shikamaru nodded and hid himself in the shadows Naruto and Shino went to find anko anko was sitting on a boulder eating Dango as she took a bite she sent Shino and Naruto she quickly finished her food and faced the two Naruto threw several shurikens at anko she dodged them and threw a canai at Shino the canai hit Shino but Shino exploded into a cloud of bugs anko dodged as a group of bugs charged at her Naro gathered chakra and made several hand seals fooden wind cannon Naruto fired several near invisible spheres at anko anko didn't notice it until it was to late she was hit hard and knocked 10 ft away she growled and made several hand seals summoning Jutsu a humongous snake charged Naruto narut quickly went into a kenjutsu stance the snake tried to eat Nar it was 10 ft away from Naruto before Naruto moved Itor you gate opening the snake was sliced cleanly in half anko's and shino's eyes widen to have the skill to cleanly cut a 50-ft long snake with one move takes an amazing amount of talent Naruto charged anko using a full frontal assault with Shino supporting him with his bugs and chain despite the fact anko used many Ninjutsu anko was nearly hit by the chain several times already she avoided a stab from Naruto and a sweet Ninjutsu anko jumped back to dodge a swarm of insects and ducked shino's chain she watched as shino's chain wrapped around a tree trunk and sliced the trunk into small pieces as Shino pulled she jumped back to avoid a slash from Naruto's blade and landed in the shadow of a tree and became Frozen Shadow imitation technique success anko was forced to stand up straight while sho's chain wrapped around her body several times anko's neck was forced back by Naruto's Katana she also felt shino's Kai bugs crawling on her body and sapping her chakra away fast she grinned Naruto and Shino lured her into a trap that was set up by Shikamaru Shikamaru would be able to hold her still for a minute while sho's bug sapped her chakra away however it wouldn't have worked if Naruto hadn't attacked her ferociously so that she would have noticed shikamaru's absence anko grinned this team had great teamwork and all of them good State gists I Surrender Naruto smiled ad sheath his Katana Shino nodded and retracted his chain he also ordered his Kikai bugs back into his body anko shuddered involuntarily as she regained control of her body well BRZ I've got to hand it to you you pass with flying colors I can see you three become great ninjas anko praised the three smiled even Shino however all of you have something to work on Shino you need to work on some Jan jutsus as well as some Ninjutsu your Tai jutsus is good enough for now anko said Sho nodded any pece advice is always helpful Shikamaru if you don't step up your training I will come over to your house and make you and you won't like my training schedule if you don't like giant snakes poison and the good chance of getting stabbed multiple times anko said sternly Shikamaru winced Troublesome Brad and you Naruto I don't know what to do with you your Ninjutsu is well above jenin level and your kenjutsu is junan level you should meet him and challenge him to a duel I would probably say that you were the strongest genin out of konaha anko said Naruto smiled he would have to ask gecko for a spar all right now that we got the test out of the way let's go to a Dango stall anko shouted the three jenin agreed as they were hungry and a bit tired after they arrived in the stall and ordered food anko spoke to her team okay now that I know you three are ready to become jenin let's introduce ourselves I'll start my name is anko mitarashi I like Dango sake Jutsu involving poison and my cute boyfriend aruka I dislike a certain snake sonin Toad sonning and little orange books my specialties include njut Su poisons and assassination my dream is to have a small family become a proper junan and to see a certain ninja without his mask anko said why don't you go first bug boy Shino had tick above his eye why does everyone call him that my name is Shino abame I like collecting new bugs and training I dislike bright light loud noises and pesticides my specialty would probably be Tai Jutsu and my clan jutsus my dream is to show konah that the abam are as skilled as many of the famous Clans in konaha you next sleepy Shikamaru opened one eye at the kunoichi and glared at her my name is Shikamaru Nara I like sleeping and looking at Clouds I dislike training and Loud Noises my specialty would be Clan jutsus and strategizing my dream is to have an average family grow old and spend my retirement looking at clouds and play shogi your turn Blondie Naro quickly swallowed the Dango he was eating my name is Naruto Uzumaki I like training meeting friendly people helping others and learning new jutsus I dislike a certain pair of loudmouth spandex wearing B bit weirdos and their jutsus it's evil I tell you my specialty is kenjutsu and Ninjutsu my dream is to be so strong that the heavens themselves shall remember my name anko grinned she had a diverse team a lazy ass an ambitious Outcast and an overachiever this was was going to be quite an interesting team interesting and destined for greatness all right you three are dismissed I want to see you at training ground 26 at 7:00 in the morning she left the stall in order to report to the Hokage he'd be very interested in her report Nar and the others left soon after anko while Shino and Shikamaru went back to their houses Naruto went around konaha looking for a gecko hayate anko arrived 30 minutes early for the junin meeting she waited until the other junin appeared anko anko turned to see Kur andai sitting beside her hey K andai what's up nothing really I did hear an interesting rumor that you and aruka are now a couple K and I said anko smiled that's right we've only been going out yesterday but he's everything I wished for K and I pouted why couldn't she get a man like aruka the two talked about their genins Kuran I's team included shoi hanata and Eno soon all the junin that tested the new batch of jenin arrived the hok waited until everyone settled down everyone Jun and Sensei please stand up and announce if the team failed or not also announce how well they passed team one failed team two failed team three failed Team Four failed team five failed Team Six failed team seven passed with flying colors anko said proudly team eight passed their teamwork is a bit rough but they'll get better over time K and I said Team nine failed team 10 passed they barely passed though their teamwork is horrible though Kakashi said the Hokage looked at anko anko you said your team passed with flying colors will you please tell us what happened anko grinned the team I have includes Naruto Uzumaki Shino abame and shikar runara the test I had them was to capture me for 30 seconds the Hokage was impressed that her team managed to pass her test anko was as slippery as a snake and her ability to evade is matched by some of the Ambu many junin were also impressed from what I can tell Naruto expected this kind of test he organized a strategy that efficiently captured me I expect that this team could be the next Enos shikao team Naro and Shino attacked me directly anko recounted Naro is able to use fooden and Sweden jutsus very effectively he also is extremely talented with kenjutsu during the battle I summoned a 50-ft snake to attack narut instead of getting knocked around or swallowed Nar split the snake in half from head to tail with one move the Hokage was deeply impressed to defeat a summon usually needed medium tunin skill depending on the summon to be able to defeat such a large summon so easily meant that this narut was on par with a junan while I had to deal with Naruto I also had to fight Shino also Shino is skilled in Tai Jutsu and his clan jutsus he also wielded a chain proficiently his weapon acted like a long flexible sword when he pumped chakra into it between the two of them they drove me into the shadow of a tree Shikamaru was waiting for me there and immediately caught me in his shadow imitan Jutsu when I stepped into his shadow Shikamaru held me there while shino's chain wrapped around me Shino also let his Kikai bugs feed upon my chakra also I had Naruto's blade touching my throat the three could have easily killed me right there anko said many of the junin were deeply impressed the Hokage was pleased to know that such a promising group of jenin existed I must say I haven't seen such a more promising group in my years as Hokage not even the sonin came close anko grinned she was going to have such a fun time being their Sensei the Hokage looked at Kakashi Kakashi I understand that your group included kba inaka Sakura Haruno and sasak uch I would like to understand why they failed so badly Kakashi s there are several reasons on is that kba and sasak are both very headstrong individuals despite the fact kba accepted he needed the others help sasak denied him and Sakura followed him Sakura also possesses the worst case scenario of a Fang girl she is absolutely brain dead if SAS is in the area and also insults keba repeatedly I had to stop kba multiple times from killing Sakura sasak is skilled for a genin but is very proud and obsessed with Revenge if I had a choice between the three I would choose keba he is the only one out of the three that has a realistic idea of how to be a ninja it was only because of kba they passed the Bell test the Hokage sigh Itachi wow would be very disappointed to hear how low his brother has become everyone dismissed anko karanai Kakashi I want regular reports on the progress of your jenin teams Naruto finally found what he was looking for he found gecko hayate in one of the training grounds practicing kenjutsu excuse me are you gecko hayate Naruto asked gecko turned to see the jenin he coughed a bit and nodded yes I am gecko replied how may I help you I want to spar with you my junan Sensei said that you were The kenjutsu Specialist of konaha I want to spar with you to maintain my level of skill and improve Naruto explained gecko nodded he drew his sword and settled into a kenjutsu stance Naruto drew his Katana and also went into a kenjutsu stance gecko charged first he slashed at Naruto only to have it parried by Naruto Naruto kicked gecko in the stomach and swung his sword at him gecko dodged The Sword and tried to slash Naruto's feet Naro jumped over gecko's blade and stabbed at gecko's head gecko ducked and moved away from Naruto's blade narut smirked he made a thrusting motion with his sword despite the fact gecko was 10 ft away from him it tore You Bullet gecko dodged an air bullet that smashed through a tree leaving a 10-in round hole gecko held his sword in a guard position as Naruto rushed him Itor you demon slash gecko's hands became numb at the sheer power of Naruto's strike gecko jumped back but narut wouldn't let gecko Escape Itor you wind tunnel Nar spun his sword in a circular pattern creating a whirlwind gecko slammed into a tree trunk before he realized it nark sword was at his throat I win Naro said gecko grinned he finally had a sparring partner he could go all out against well done I haven't se such skill anywhere in the fire country gecko said narut rubbed the back of his head yeah well I had good teachers gecko rubbed together his sore hands if you ever want a rematch just look for me don't worry next time I'll be harder to beat Nar grinned I wouldn't want it any other way now Shikamaru used his Jutsu to freeze the cat while narut shoved it inside a cage then Shino used his bugs to drain the cat of its energy Naruto watched as the cat became drowsy and fell asleep Naruto gave Shino the thumbs up sign to stop Mission success anko Sensei Naro said anko nodded she looked at the stopwatch in her hand and smirked congratulations you set a new record for capturing Torah the Cat 1 Hour 4 minutes and 7 Seconds beating the previous record by 30 minutes narut smirked Sho nodded Shikamaru let out a snore Nar and anko sweat dropped how can anyone fall asleep so fast anko picked up the cage well letun get this back to the Hokage we'll probably be able to do c ranked missions now narut kicked Shikamaru lightly to wake him up after Shikamaru woke up team seven headed to the Hokage Tower Torah was rudely woken up when she found herself smothered by her owner thanks to Shino Torah couldn't even lift a paw in defense the Hokage nodded in approval at the efficient team now team seven there are several D missions ready now there is no Naruto yelled I'm tired of these damn Dem missions the hokagay sighed he looked at aruka for help however he was preoccupied with anko at the moment he looked at Team seven Shikamaru was sleeping as usual Shino was meditating Naruto was polishing his Katana the Hokage breathed in deeply he checked team Seven's record 30 missions preformed with flawless teamwork not to mention the newest record on capturing Torah the cat fine I'll let you have a c rank Mission the hok AG relented Naruto cheered everyone else was concerned with something else anko anko turned to the hok yes Hokage I will be assigning a C-Class mission to wave your team will be escorting to Zuna you are to protect him any Bandits you might encounter Hokage said tuna you may come in now Naruto Shino and anko turned to see an old man leaning on the door frame he was carrying a bottle of sake and was a little drunk what these are my guards these are just a bunch of BRS tuna said in a grally voice as that sake from wave narut asked excitedly tuna grinned yes it is some of the best I've tasted I'll trade some of Kumo sake for waves Naruto said Naro pulled out one of his storage Scrolls and summoned a bottle of sake 50 years old very strong narut said proudly tazuna began laughing he tossed narut an unopened bottle of sake Nar grinned he opened it and toasted to tuna for delicious tasting sake in the future Nar toasted indeed tuna said I like this kid the two drank a bit from the sake bottles smooth tasting and soothingly sweet Naruto observed delicious tuna shuddered as the sake went down his stomach wow this stuff is strong and puts a jolt in your body I love it tuna said excitedly all right team seven meet me in the konaha gates in 2 hour anko said Naruto and Shino nodded and Shino kicked Shikamaru awake hey shika we going on a c rank mission pack up we have 2 hours meet us in the konaha gates Naruto explained hum Troublesome blonde Shikamaru muttered he went back to sleep Naruto and Shino left the Hokage Tower in a few minutes he arrived at his apartment where he heard grunting from the person next door he dearly hoped that the guy was training Nar went into his apartment hey Q yeah Naruto what's up what do you think I should bring on this C rank Mission Naruto asked I'm guessing your sword ninja equipment an extra set of clothes sleeping gear and food basically the scroll labeled C rank Mission caoi said Naruto sweat dropped he forgot about those prepacked Scrolls he made narut packed one of the Scrolls in his pocket now what Naro asked why don't you go train it'll be good practice before your mission Nar headed over to a deserted training ground he added more weights and began doing his caes he went through many of the forms for toru Naruto also went through e Jutsu practice as he trained he sensed two people hiding in the bushes all right come out I know you're hiding there sake and Sakura came out of the bushes SAS had a look of envy and anger on his face face Sakura was just looking at sake with dumb admiration what do you want uch Nar asked fight me Sake demanded Naro sighed he hated the fact that sake thought everyone would obey him because he's the UIA Prodigy no sake became angrier fight me damn it I don't feel like it Naruto said he turned his back toward SAS and resumed his training SAS glared at the blonde how dare that commoner treat him like a weakling he was an U Kaden great Fireball sake fired a large Fireball at Naruto narut burst into flames sasak smirked as he could see Naruto's body in the Flames Sakura was a bit disturbed by sasak violence but Shrugged off seeing sas's smile sasak is so cool Sakura screamed sake grinned but it faltered a bit when he heard no screams he looked at narut more closely his mouth dropped narut was calmly eating the fire off of him Munch Munch you call this a fire Jutsu it's only warm not very strong at all weak even Nar said as he continued to eat sake could only watch as Naruto ate all the fire off of his body burp thanks for the food though cug Naro said Naro put his hand apart and made several one-handed seals in each hand he then put both hands in front of his face in a horse seal Oni Caden air Fireball narut fired a baseball-sized white Fireball at sake meanwhile in the Hokage Tower the Hokage was examining the forest so beautiful and tranquil Boom the hok looked toward the training grounds to see a large gout of fire explode what the hell back in the training grounds Naruto examined his work SAS was face down on the ground with several Broken Bones from the shock wave SAS also had had numerous third and second degree burns all over his body Sakura was also injured her clothes were singed and she had many third degree burns on her arms the training ground itself was a mess Naruto aimed the fireball 10 ft away from sake the area where the fireball landed was a crater 10 ft wide and 5 ft deep around the area the ground was scorched black hey kit I think you went overboard caoi noticed yeah but who cares Nar said caoi scowled narut you need to hide your abilities more carefully if the council sees you as a threat they will manipulate the villagers into persecuting you the only reason they haven't yet is that they don't know who you are narut side fine qchan narut walked up to sasak and kicked him over he leaned over and whispered cug never mess with me again or you'll have more than Burns and Bones to worry about Naruto walked away he stopped though for for a second to speak with Sakura black lace are you trying to be a he ignored Sakura's scream and headed toward the gates he waited by a nearby tree for 15 minutes Shino was the first to arrive he carried a small backpack with him on his hip was the chain narut gave him hey Shino all Nar asked hi Tao Shino said Tao why' you call me that Shino Nar asked it's because you really are the among this team Troublesome blonde Naro turned to see Shikamaru walking towards them with a lazy look on his face hey Shikamaru I've seen you got used to the weights now Naruto said Shikamaru nodded they feel like my normal limbs now Shikamaru said Nar smirked what are you doing Naruto Nino Earth chaining seal Shikamaru tried to dodge Naruto's finger but was to slow Nar poked him hard on the chest sh aru felt his body become heavier damn it Naruto Shikamaru said why do you keep doing that because you won't get your lazy ass to train Naruto said I don't do it to Shino because he's wearing weights right now Shino pulled up his sleeves to show a bracer attached to his arm he also lifted his pants a bit to show weights around his ankle Shino how much do you have Nar asked 200 lb altogether Naruto Tao Shino answered Nar Naro grinned that much already she know that's great Naruto said they waited for 5 more minutes anko arrived with tazuna tuna was a little bit drunk he saw Naruto and raised his sake bottle to him hey kiddo this stuff is great when we get back at my house why don't we share a bottle tuna said his words a bit slurred Naro laughed sure I'm always interested in different sakes haahaha tuna laughed anko looked at Naruto aren't you too young to drink old enough to kill old enough to drink Nar retorted anyway sake in small amounts can speeds up your chakra making it easier to control and manipulate it also tastes good that's right tuna shouted anko Shrugged fine but I won't be carrying your drunk ass if you get drunk all right team 7 Shino I want you in front those Kikai bugs will be able to sense any danger that may come toward us Shikamaru you next you can back Shino up with those Shadows Naruto in the middle this way you can help me or Sho and Shikamaru if we run into trouble tuna stay behind Naruto I'll be the rear guard as I'm the most experienced anko ordered the group got into formation and began traveling towards wave they traveled in silence for about 15 minutes Naruto got a bit antsy and decided to speak up tuna what's wave like Nar asked tuna paused a bit it's a beautiful country surrounded by Crystal waves the people there are friendly to me it's Paradise tuna said Naruto and anko noticed that his voice had several emotions in it the most prominent were sadness and longing they passed a puddle Shino gave narut a look narut made a calming motion with his hand Shino nodded and continued ahead as the group passed the puddle two Ninjas appeared they charged the group tuna moved tuna turned to see anko wrapped around a bladed chain the ends held by two Ninjas the ninjas pulled in the group watched anko sliced into pieces the ninjas then charged T Zuna Naruto charged the two Ninjas he sliced the chain easily and delivered two powerful kicks the two Ninjas landed in shikamaru's Shadow where they were easily restrained and drained of their chakra by Shino anko came walking out of the bushes good job shikar tie them to a tree Shino take anything useful from their clothes Naruto come with me tuna and I are going to have a little talk anko said the two went to tazuna who was shivering from his close encounter with death tuna tuna jumped a little bit we want to know why two Ninjas are trying to kill you anko said she drew a canai from her pack don't make me use this I promise it won't be pleasant if I do got tuna spat out narut was surprised you mean the G one of the richest people in the world tuna nodded that damned man wants me dead because of what I'm doing he sees me as a threat because I'm building a bridge a bridge that's why anko asked perplexed you have to understand wave's geography before you understand why godd fears the bridge wave is surrounded by ocean the only way to end from the island is by boat tuna explained ever since God's shipping drove everyone else from from business got literally controlled wave everyone lives in poverty got's thugs do what they please the bridge I'm building is large enough to drive G out of wave if the bridge is completed then wave's economy will flourish again I couldn't afford a b rank Mission so that why I lied and asked for a c Rank by now Shino and Shikamaru were back they looked at anko for orders anko nodded everything made sense she put the canai back into her pack well go back to konah I'm sure no anko turned to see Naruto with his arms crossed letun complete the mission I'm not going to just give up on this Mission just because it was mislabeled anyway we're ready we caught you and could have killed you in our genine exam you're a junan also I'm sure we're more than ready to go on this Mission Naro explained anko turned to Sho and Shikamaru do you agree sheo nodded Shikamaru sigh it's too Troublesome to go back now that we've gone this far Troublesome blonde narut glared at Shikamaru o quit calling me that or else all up those seals Shikamaru immediately shut up he didn't want to carry any more weight now anko sigh they were right anyway she needed to go on a mission like this to maintain her skill okay get back into formation anko ordered Naruto grinned and went back in line anko turned to tazuna Once wave get back on their feet you will pay for an aank Mission understand Crystal Clear ma'am tazuna replied they walked for several miles everyone had their guard up every once in a while Naruto used Nino all seeeing I Naruto noticed the wind changed Direction and smelled the air he smelled blood iron and sea salt narut threw a cany into the bushes the rest watched as they saw Naruto pick up a Snow White Rabbit scared to death a white rabbit that means it's been raised indoors someone used if for a Cary anko thought she heard a deep humming noise coming toward them duck anko pulled tuna down just as a huge Zan Batu missed them it missed the three jenin and stabbed a tree a large ninja appeared on the sword anko looked at the ninja recognizing him Zabuza Mochi demon of the Mist anko said Zabuza laughed I'm honored you know me anko mitashi the Leaf's snake mistress every everyone turned to see narut waving at Zabuza to their surprise Zabuza waved back with a look of delight on his face hey brat what's up Zabuza said where's you Sensei around doing missions is a hired nin Naruto answered wait if you're here then that means Naruto Nar turned to see a girl jump at him she caught him in an ultra glump Naruto I knew I'd see you again the girl shouted happily look at you you've grown taller than me and you also have read highlights in your hair you look so good anko Shino Shikamaru and tazuna were so confused what the heck is going on narut who is the girl and how do you know them anko asked Naruto turned to face her he waddled a bit because the girl was hugging him very tightly her name is hku anko Sensei Haku noticed the others and bowed politely nice to meet you my name is Haku narut rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment Haku noticed and glomped him again Kawaii Zabuza smirked so what are you doing here oh I'm on a mission to escort tuna here to wave Naruto answered Zabuza side he was worried about that well brat my mission is to kill the old man you know what this means yep Naruto said haku's eyes widened anko felt something was going to happen she Drew out her canai Shikamaru copied her while Shino prepared his chain the tinin was so thick you could cut it with a knife nothing can be heard except the wind rustling through the trees everyone tensed as they waited to see what will happen Jan Ken Pon Naruto and Zabuza shouted everyone except Haku fell down Naruto had scissors while Zabuza had paper ha I win Zabuza smirked oh well I guess I'll let you pass heck I'll help wait a second anko shouted you're going to help us Zabuza nodded that's the way the seven Swordsmen solved their problems the winner gets his way and the loser helps him anko sweat dropped one of the most powerful groups settled argument with Jan kenon Zabuza retrieved his sword well letun get going he began walking Haku followed him while dragging Naruto Along come on anko Sensei Naro shouted the others chased after them they reached a wave with no problem during the trip Zabuza and anko discussed about GD since you worked for GD you must know if he hired any more ninjas anko asked Zabuza nodded GD hires most Mist nins because of the Civil War within Mist most of the Ninjas gotd hired are barely above jenin however there are three that may give us problems who are they anko asked let's see there's yazu the stone bear AO rokusho is there he sucks as a swordsman also there's a kagaya named katsu he's better known as the Spear of the Mist great three junin and an S rank one two anko looked at her team she was sure that they would be ready but a little training wouldn't hurt she also looked at Haku Zabuza if you gave Haku a rank what rank would she be anko asked um hi chunin maybe a low junin rank zabu a guest meanwhile Haku and Naruto were happily talking Shikamaru and Shino watched while tuna drank his sake hey Shino Shikamaru whispered Shino turned toward Shikamaru you think narut had some kind of romantic relation with Haku Shikamaru asked Sho observed he couple it was obvious that they are very comfortable with each other and judging be their body language they did not hide anything from one another they also had a hint of a blush on their faces it is possible Shikamaru Shino admitted Shikamaru grinned he matched his movements with Naruto and made a hand seal Nino Shadow imitation shikamaru's Shadow connected with Naruto's Shikamaru quickly made Naruto's hand slap her ass Haku was in the middle of a sentence when Naruto slapped her ass she looked at narut Nar was bright red and stammering Naruto I didn't know you were like that Haku said coily she pinched his ass hard itai Naruto screamed Shikamaru was struggling not to laugh Shino was smiling beneath his collar tuna didn't care and continued to drink Shikamaru snickered and repeated his Jutsu only making Naruto grope Haku Nar if I didn't know better I would say you want me Haku whispered in honesty Haku didn't mind during Naruto's training Haku fell in love with him and her love only intensified when he left Nar was extremely embarrassed godamn it Shikamaru as soon as we get back to konaha you are dead narut thought you might want to thank him Naruto I notice a huge influx of naughty thoughts in your brain ooh that's kinki caoi said shut up Nar thought Nar was jolted Back to Reality by Haku jumping on his back naroon my feet hurt will you carry me until we get to tununk house Haku asked narut was about to say no but made the mistake by looking into her eyes she had the puppy eyes at full blast okay Haku you can stay there until we reach tuna's house Naruto said Haku cheered and Ed him on the cheek damn puppy eyes Naruto thought Naruto blushed though when Haku nuzzled his cheek Nar looked at Haku she really was beautiful her skin was Flawless and her hair was long and soft it didn't hurt that she had a well-developed body that was much better than than the girls her age in konaha Haku Chan Naruto said softly the rest of the trip was finished in silence once they arrived at tuna's house most just went straight to bed anko and Haku had their own room while everyone else slept on another room narut tucked Haku in a futon she really was beautiful narut blushed and felt his heart race am I really falling in love with her Nar thought Nar shook his head and Ed Haku on the cheek good night huim he whispered and left the room Haku smiled despite the fact that she was sleeping a section of the room shimmered it stopped and revealed anko she was grinning the Damned Naruto got her and aruka together now it was her turn to play matchmaker and she would do it while causing Naruto plenty of embarrassment narut went back to his room Shikamaru was sleeping no surprise there Shino was reading the scroll Naruto gave him tuna and Zabuza were sitting by a small table drinking sake tuna turned and saw narut narut come over here and have some sake tuna shouted Naro grinned and sat with them tuna poured him a shot of sake Nar sipped some iwake Naruto asked tuna nodded got this one five years ago not as strong tasting but has more of a filling taste Nar drank the rest of his shot after several drinks Nar went to bed tired and a little drunk good m o o o o o o o r n i n g n a a a a r t u uuu t Naruto opened his eyes just in time to see the bottom of zaba's sandals stomp on his face it's training time Zabuza shouted godamn it why do you insist on doing that every morning Naruto bellowed Shish calmed downall I did was just stomp on your head Zabuza said just stomp on my head are you a bleeping Naruto bellowed Zabuza smirked anyway get your ass out of bed I've been itching fro a good sword fight since you left narut grinned he picked up his Katana and ran out the door Zabuza ran after him a big smile on his face Naruto and Zabuza went outside both of them immediately went into a kutsu stance let's go all out brat I want to see what you can do Zabuza said my pleasure Nar said narut dashed at Zabuza he swung his blade low at zabuza's thigh Zabuza shielded his leg with the Zan Batu and used its weight to push Naruto off Naruto jumped back and brought his blade up to block zabuza's swing Naruto felt the ground give in as he pushed off zabuza's blade he quickly stabbed Zabuza Zabuza dodged it and swung his sword at narut narut managed to duck the blade and stab at zabu 's shoulder Zabuza jumped back panting a bit well brat you certainly gotten faster Zabuza chuckled he channeled his chakra through his Zan Batu metsu Jutsu chakra wave Zabuza swung his sword at Naruto a huge blue chakra blade shot out at narut Naruto dodged it and thrust his sword at Zabuza it tooru bullet Zabuza held his blade sideways the air bullet smashed into the blade with a loud clang metsu Jutsu wave chaos Zabuza swung his sword rapidly in Naruto's Direction Nar had to deflect and Dodge many of the chakra blades he was so busy deflecting the blades he didn't notice Zabuza behind him kenjutsu gay Dragon Zabuza roared and slammed the handle of his Zan Batu up nark ass shei Nar screamed as he flew away from Zabuza narut landed hard on the ground he glared at Zabuza who was laughing at Naruto Naro jumped back up he released some of his weight seals and charged at Zabuza Itor you demon slash Zabuza was able to block at the last moment however Naruto's attack was so strong that Zabuza flew of his feet Itor you wind tunnel Naruto fired a tornado at Zabuza Zabuza began spinning fast and slamming head first into a tree trunk Naruto smirked as Zabuza got up he was developing a large bruise on his forehead y brat metsu Jutsu chakra Dragon Zabuza channeled a huge amount of chakra into the blade and swung it at Naruto a humongous glowing Dragon sped towards Naruto Naro calmly put his sword back into the sheath and settled into a kenjutsu stance zabuza's eyes widened he mastered that technique iutu demon wheel narut swung his sword and sheathed in one movement a giant red buz saww made of chakra easily sliced through zabuza's dragon and absorbed it the Busa sped toward Zabuza twice as fast as the dragon Zabuza Channel chakra into his Zan Batu hoping to lessen the impact of the giant buz saww it slammed into Zabuza causing him to crash through several trees before stopping Zabuza looked up to see Naruto's blade at his throat yield Zabuza sighed he dropped his zanat down as a sign of surrender narut grinned told you I'd beat you one day narut said he started laughing when he heard Zabuza mutter something about Troublesome blondes come on letun get back to tuna's house Naruto said he helped Zabuza up and dragged him back to tuna's house Haku Was preparing breakfast with tsunami she was thinking about her feelings for narut was it more like Adoration of was it truly love Haku sighed these feelings are so confusing she looked outside to see Naruto and Zabuza sparring she watched as Naruto eventually defeated Zabuza she smiled happy to see that Naruto finally defeated Zabuza in a kenjutsu duel Naruto did promise to defeat Zabuza next time they met she watched as Naruto dragged Zabuza to the kitchen table good morning Naruto Haku said cheerfully Naro smiled at her good morning Haku Heim Nar said Haku blushed maybe narut was falling in love with her the thought made hku blush dark red Nar noticed Haku blushing he put a hand on her forehead you okay Haku you don't seem like you're having a fever he sweat dropped when Haku fainted tsunami giggled when she saw the confused look on Naruto's face excuse me Naruto would you please lay Haku in one of the sofas tsunami asked narut was surprised there was another person there but did as she asked after an hour everyone except Shikamaru was awake anko ordered Naruto to wake up Shikamaru after a couple seconds they heard a thud a curse and Naruto shouting wake up y'all lazy bastard Shikamaru came running downstairs while narut chased him holding a finger out anko looked as Naruto chased Shikamaru around and around the table she had enough when Shikamaru passed by her she grabbed his ponytail and slammed him on the ground she then punched narut in the stomach will you shut up it's 8: in the morning Gan ano Sensei Naruto and Shikamaru said simultaneously anko smirked and began eating her breakfast after everyone finished eating she took her team outside what the heck happened anko asked aloud the backyard was cut up with slash marks a crater and a huge ditch many of the trees were cut down that was Zabuza and I Sensei Naruto admitted we had a kutsu spar anko shook her head she should have expected it a few days ago gecko told her that Naruto's kenjutsu surpassed his by far gecko suspected Naruto was trained by one of the seven Swordsmen anyway I'm going to teach you a couple of jutsus first I want you to channel your chakra into these cards anko said she gave Naruto Shino and Shikamaru a card Naruto channeled some chakra the card split in half then one half began burning while the other half turned wet Shino channeled chakra into his card his card exploded into Flame names shikamaru's card split like Naruto's did all right narut it appears you have three chakra affinities wind is your primary element while water and fire are your secondary type narut nodded he already knew about this already sheo you have an unusually high affinities to fire more than most uias this most likely means you'll be able to able to perform fire in jutsus which ease but be vulnerable to water jutsus Sho said nothing it does explain the reason why I'm able to perform bug bomb Jutsu so easily Shikamaru you have a wind element like Naruto you'll be able to perform wind and Jutsu with not much difficulty but Earth Jutsu are out of the question Shikamaru nodded anko grinned today I'll be teaching a defense and offense Jutsu for water Wind and Fire anko grinned today I'll be teaching a defense and offense Jutsu for water Wind and Fire the first one I'm going to show is K Phoenix Immortal flame it is a spread fire Fireball technique it's useful as a distraction or move to hinder enemies also it's possible to hide shans within the Fireballs anko showed them the seals and fired at a nearby stump five Fireballs whistled toward the stump scorching it badly the defensive fire technique is katton burning Ash smug it's like Mist Jutsu only that it spews stagnant Ash hot enough to create Burns also if you click your tongue the Ash ignites anko showed them the seals again this time a cloud of Ash wafted toward the stump anko clicked her tongue and the ash cloud exploded leaving half the stump anko dismissed Shino to practice the two jutsus she showed him she turned to Shikamaru now the two jutsus I'm going to show you are food and great breakthrough and food and spiral Shield anko said Shikamaru observed as anko slowly did the hand seals she blew a wind shock wave that knocked amaru down she then made another series of hand seals in blue a near invisible tornado spun in front of her acting like a shield Shikamaru went away to practice the techniques anko turned to Naruto who was patiently waiting for anko to show him two water jutsus all right Naruto the offensive Jutsu is named Sweden waterers shark missile the other one is Sweden water wall now water shark missile fires a jet of water in the shape of a shark the other Jutsu summons a water wall that surrounds you for several seconds anko explained now since these jutsus can only be used near water I'll just show you the seals themselves anko said Naruto memorized the seals quickly and went off to find a pond he searched around the forest for several minutes until he smelled water Naro headed toward the source of water Nar went to the clearing the clearing was a wide Meadow in the center was a large pond the pond was filled connected to a waterfall Nar examined the area it was perfect Nar spotted something on the banks it was clothes very familiar Clos too oh crap Naro Nar turned to see Haku bathing Nar blushed extremely red he felt his head heat up drastically 3.2.1 lift off caoi said Naruto suffered a nose bed that made him fall of the tree branch he was on he landed hard on his head Nar Naruto Nar cracked open his eyes to find himself staring at haku's eyes they were full of concern are you all right Haku asked yeah I'm fine narut grunted he lifted his head and had a great angle of haku's bare chest Nar blacked out from the blood rushing to his head Naro after an hour Nar woke up he opened his eyes to see Haku fully clothed a Naruto you're awake sorry about that Naro said it's all right it was an accident anyway what are you doing out here Haku asked oh anko Sensei showed me hand seals for two water jutsus Naruto explained really what two jutsus Haku asked um water wall and water shark missile oh those is jutsus I know those jutsus Haku said really can you teach me Naro asked Haku nodded sure but I expect you to teach me two jutsus in return narut nodded that sounds fair for the next 3 hours Naruto and Haku spent several hours learning the new jutsus narut enjoyed spending time with Haku she was beautiful caring strong and had a great body hku also shared the same thoughts Naruto was fun Charming skilled and amazing they stopped when Haku fell down suffering from Chakra exhaustion are you all right Haku Chan Nar asked worried Haku gave Nar a weak grin I'm fine I think I used a little too much chakra though narut smiled well we should be getting back to tuna's place now Haku nodded and tried to stand up but couldn't she tried multiple times but her body was exhausted Naruto could you carry me to tuna's house Haku asked embarrassed she felt ashamed looking so weak in front of narut Nar smiled he gently picked her up Bridal style and began heading toward tuna's house Haku was extremely happy she had a great time teaching narut jutsus she knows she's beautiful enough for narut and now she's being carried back like a princess she nearly squealed in Delight narut was having an argument inside his head I can't fall in love with her she's only a friend I'm sure that she sees me as a friend also narut thought you are so stupid kit you know that Caillou said why do you say I'm an idiot any person with an eye can see that you love her deeply caoi answered yeah right Naruto said sarcastically it's true she has cared for you constantly and didn't care if you groped her caoi noted that was Shikamaru narut screamed Point as she loves you give her a chance sometime caoi said narut aside you're right maybe I should give her a chance can you feel the love tonight it is where we are it's enough for this wide-eyed Wanderer that we got this far and Can You Feel the Love Tonight how it's laid to rest it's enough to make Kings and vagabonds believe the very best stop singing shees just trying to set the mood here no need to get all defensive about it caoi said sorry Naro said no problem caoi said you're right but what should I do narut asked I have no idea maybe after the mission you guys can do something caubi asked hum you think the Hokage might allow them join konaha what caoi asked I mean think about it Zabuza would be a great asset to the konaha force also Haku isn't really an enlisted ninja Naruto answered maybe but you're going to need anko's recommendation the Hokage will probably need some Act of good faith caoi it would also be good if you discussed it with anko and Zabuza caoi commented Sai Troublesome Nar Nar snapped out of his thinking to see anko waving at him he jumped and landed noiselessly on the ground we've been waiting for you tsunami just finished making a delicious dinner we saved some for you anko said Zabuza came out the house to greet Naruto hey brat have you seen he stopped when he saw Haku on nutk back he also saw the trail of dry blood on Naruto's face narut and anko became worried as Zabuza began emitting killer intent you Zabuza thundered as he pointed at Naruto what narut asked thoroughly confused what did you do to Haku Zabuza took his zanat out channeling so much chakra in it that the blade began glowing oh Naruto thought he held out his hands in front of Zabuza trying to calm him down look Zabuza nothing happened I accidentally saw her bathing and you're dead author's note now not to confuse any pedophile fans who think Zabuza is in love with Haku Zabuza is just being very protective of Haku who he sees as a daughter a huge chakra blade shot out at narut narut dodged it but had to use a cimi to avoid a slash from Zabuza wait all we did was train I swear to Camy narut yelled as he dodged a giant chakra Dragon Zabuza raised his sword again to launch another chakra blade at narut he stopped when he felt two senbon needles dunure his pants just a hair's breath from his balls he quickly put a hand on his crotch just to make sure nothing was missing show and KN good they're still there Zabuza whispered relieved now Zabuza please stop Haku said from behind Naruto she had woken up when Zabuza began attacking narut Naruto and I were just training and I overexerted myself a bit Naruto offered to carry me back so I could rest on the way back Haku explained Nar nuto nodded in agreement Zabuza glared but placed his zanat back on his back he trudged back to the house muttering about blonde BRZ anko smirked as she nudged narut so just accidentally saw her bathing yes Nar said exasperated he lowered Haku off his back he didn't notice that he was unconsciously holding haku's hand right accidentally I'll believe that when Kakashi takes off his masks anko said sarcastically in Kona guy was sparring with Kakashi he ducked Kakashi's punch and kicked him in the chin this blow inadvertently knocked Kakashi's mask off his face gii stared in shock at his rival's uncovered face Snicker giggle ha guy laughed Kakashi glared at guy as guy fell on the ground laughing haahaha Kakashi you have a mustach and buck teeth guy shouted and began laughing again he continued to laugh long after Kakashi left leaving many to believe the ninja had finally cracked back in wave Naruto greeted Shino and Shikamaru who were lounging about on the kitchen in the kitchen tazuna was drinking sake while tsunami was cleaning the table anko was eating a couple of Dango she saved in konaha and watching Zabuza and Haku in an intense Whispering argument hey guys how'd it go Naruto asked Shikamaru grunted went fine my great breakthrough and spiral Shield need more chakra than I can spare so I need to build up my chakra Reserve how about youo Naro asked can perform both jutsus but I'm too slow Sho said narut grinned he had mastered both sweet and jutsu's anko showed him while also mastering burning Ash smog it helped that he had a teacher and monstrous reserves well I'm sure you can do it soon Naruto said optimistically the door opened and a child walked in the child had a look of extreme depression on his face ohari tsunami greeted the child come and meet your grandpa's bodyguards they're here to protect him from go until grandpa's done constructing the bridge the child gave the group a baleful glare you should leave now it doesn't matter if you're ninjas GD will kill you all anko and Zabuza glared at the child Haku looked at the child with sympathy in her kind eyes Shino merely observed him and judged he wasn't worth responding to shikary didn't care hair Nar was seething what gives you the right to say wek die Inari looked at Nar everyone dies if they go against godd you're no different Inari closed his eyes anyway you wouldn't know how hard our lives are narut snapped before anyone could react Nar picked the kid up and threw him through the wall everyone was too shocked to react as Naruto went outside to shout at the kid I don't have a bad life I was nearly killed several times before I was seven and you tell me I don't know what a bad life is Naruto shouted living in rags while s c a v g i n g food out the trash no parent to comfort me when I was stabbed kicked o beaten no shelter except the confines of a small moldy cardboard box Naro ripped open his shirt look at this Inari gazed at nark chest disgusted scars and burns crisscrossed his chest and torso a large burn making the word demon was the most visible wound narut calmed down at the sight of inari's horrified face he buttoned his jacket and said softly looki nari you have a mom who loves you and a grandfather who's brave enough to defy godd they love you with all their hearts also other loved ones watch over you always narut said gently Inari started crying ashamed at himself Naruto was right kaisa would be ashamed of him Naruto smiled when he saw enari cry let it all out Inari it's all right Nar said gently he hugged Inari letting him know that he was not alone enari sobbed on nark shoulder narut Nissan he sobbed Naro smiled and let the boy cry into sleep in his arms meanwhile at gd's Thug headquarters a small figure spoke to three people in front of him now it's been 3 days since Zabuza left I assume that he's been killed by ninjas protecting tuna this time I want tuna to be dead for sure the short figure said go to the bridge and kill tuna I want his head for a gift for the people of wave hi God AMA the three figures said they stood up and left the room one of the men was huge he wore standard EA junin clothes and also wore a bare Pelt over it on his back was a gigantic axe the man spoke to his comrade in a rough voice oi o do you know where the bridge is what is a bridge anyway the Big Man asked aoi rolled his eyes at the huge man's ignorance AO wore clothes of an aim nin he carried several umbrellas on his back and on his hip was one of kah's revered Treasures the Nim sword yazu shut your dumb fat ass up aoi snapped gay freak yazu snapped bear Humper umbrella sodomizer take that back AO roared make me yazu growled and withdrew his axe from his back AI pulled one of The Umbrellas on his back and Drew the Nim sword enough the two junin felt a massive spike in Chakra behind them a palish white man was casually flipping a dagger made of bone he glared at the two junin enough already I'm tired of your bickering if you do it again before tuna is killed I will shove a spear up both your The Pale Man said the two Ninjas nodded clear kagaya Sama good the kagaya said he stabbed himself with a bone and watched it melt into his bone the two junin shivered at the freaky sight the kagaya jumped off into the trees with the two junin close behind him all three prepared to go any lengths to complete the motion anko woke up early managing to witness Zabuza sneaking up on Naruto for a painful morning wakeup call she stifled a giggle she should do that to aruka or Shikamaru Shikamaru more likely because that lazy ass wouldn't train unless someone specifically told him to train she smirked when she heard zabuza's war cry a thud and Naruto yelling at Zabuza at the top of his voice she moved out of the way as Zabuza ran past her snickering with malicious Glee while Naruto chased Zabuza in an undershirt and boxers waving his Katana in a threatening manner after they passed anko heard a door opening she turned and saw Shino calmly walking out the boy's room Shino noticed anko and greeted her good morning anko Sensei I'm going out to train Sho said anko nodded while SHO jumped out the window into the forest anko went down to the kitchen to see tazuna piss drunk at the table she proed him awake with a poke from her canai eai tuna said bolting upright he groaned and held his head oh hangover he blundered into the kitchen and began searching in the various cabinets after several minutes he came back to the table carrying a red bottle and a shot glass anko watched in interest as tuna filled the shot glass with some bright green mixture from the red bottle he stood up and dumped the contents of the shot glass down his throat he stiffened for a moment and collapsed anko quickly hurried by his side tsunami San she yelled tsunami came running to the kitchen she noticed her father on the ground with anko frantically checking for a pulse she then noticed the red bottle on the table anko it's fine heun's just knocked out for a bit tunami said anko gave her a skeptical look what he drank was a very strong herbal mixture that rapidly flushes the alcohol out making them fully functionable in an hour however the mixture knocks out a person for an hour then wakes them up by involuntary urination of the alcohol anko gave a disgusted look at the involuntary urination part she stopped checking on a pulse left him on the ground she walked over to examine the mixture she poured a drop on her finger and sniffed it woo that's some strong stuff anko exclaimed tsunami nodded anyway would you help me with breakfast anko sand anko nodded for an hour she helped tsunami with the breakfast mentally remembering some of the dishes to cook for aruka when she got back to konaha while they were preparing breakfast Naruto and Zabuza came into the kitchen arguing that was my win brat Zabuza gloated no it wasn't you used a Jutsu therefore I won Naruto protested Zabuza gave a Nar a eating grin so I'm a ninja Nar growled let's decide who won now Jan Ken Pon Zabuza had scissors while Naruto had paper bleep I and G bleep go bleep yourself narut bellowed Zabuza was laughing and giving narut the victory sign this only infuriated Naruto he tackled Zabuza and the two fell to the ground in a brawl anko rolled her eyes at immaturity of the two honestly they act like children she heard a yawn and turned toward the source Shikamaru walked in his face in a lazy expression as usual he acknowledged anko with a nod of his head he sat in a chair watching the brawl with mild interest he suddenly grinned and made several hand seals Nino Shadow imitation shikamaru's Shadow connected with Naruto's Shikamaru made Naruto's hand grope zaba's crotch yaah Zabuza roared and kicked Naruto off Nar was pissed Shikamaru narut bellowed he made several hand seals that Shikamaru recognized Naruto began chasing Shikamaru while a raging Zabuza was chasing narut get back here y freaking Zabuza roared I'm going to make your weight so heavy you'll have to work to sleep Naruto bellowed Troublesome swordsman Shikamaru yelled the three ran in circles around the kitchen table after 5 minutes anko got tired of all the noise enough anko screamed she pointed her hand at the three screaming idiots Nino hidden snake hands 12 snakes wrapped themselves around Shikamaru Naruto and Zabuza she lifted the three up and slammed them down on the ground hard eai they screamed anko smirked she Drew her Kai and licked it a sadistic look in her eye that scared the hell out of Naruto Zabuza and Shikamaru now sit still like good little boys before I get to practice my torture techniques on the three of you let me tell you I'm better than iiki at physical pain anko said evily the Shikamaru and Naruto nodded fearfully surprisingly Zabuza nodded as well Zabuza heard of iiki the torturer his methods of torture are barbaric painful and made you wish you were dead at the start anko released her snakes the three sat at the table barely moving at all anko grinned that's a good boy anko CED as she patted each one on the head like a dog tsunami sweat dropped but didn't say a word the kitchen was completely silent as the two women prepared breakfast Shikamaru farted once and Naruto giggled both of them found a knife quivering dangerously close to their crotch Zabuza thanked Camy he still had spent years controlling his emotions soon Shino walked in and patiently sat at the table he immediately noticed Naruto sitting completely still along with an awake Shikamaru he gave anko a questioning look they were too loud in the the morning anko said Sho nodded Haku woke up last with Inari behind her she brightened up when she saw Naruto good morning Naruto Haku said cheerfully and went to hug narut narut blushed when he felt haku's breasts press against his back she nuzzled his cheek causing Naruto to blush a deep red breakfast is ready anko called at that moment the sound of running water filled the air along with the smell of ammonia everyone turned to see the do tuna grunted and yawned he stood up to see everyone staring at him what Shino pointed at his pants tuna gaze followed where Shino was pointing a damn awkward after tazuna washed up and changed everyone began eating the breakfast was wonderful anko showed her sadistic side when she forbade Naruto Shikamaru and Zabuza from eating until everyone was done all right team seven we're going to guard tuna at the bridge while he perks anko said Zabuza Haku will you join us Haku nodded because she wanted to spend more time with Naruto she wanted to make the most out of the time Naruto and her were together Zabuza agreed because he was scared of anko anko grinned good as they left anko turned to narut narut make a dozen clones to protect the house if godd knows were gone he might send thugs after tsunami and Inari Naruto nodded he made a dozen Shadow clones and sent them to guard tuna's house team seven headed to the bridge at a casual Pace when they arrived at the bridge there was nobody there tuna was confused while everyone else had his or her guard up where is everyone tazuna asked aloud we sent them away an oily voice answered the group turned to see three people standing on the bridge Zabuza growled yazu the stone bear AO rokusho katsu kagaya the spear of the Mist yazu smiled well Zabuza look like you switched sides good I was hoping to be the one to kill you yazu charged at Zabuza wielding his humongous axe Zabuza blocked the axe and kicked yazu in the stomach yazu reeled back and blocked zabuza's blade Zabuza pushed yazu back and channeled chakra into his sword metsu Jutsu chakra wave yazu quickly blocked it with his axe flinching at the power the attack contained yazu bit his thumb and made several hand seals he slammed his hand on the ground seals appeared on the ground where he slammed his hand summoning Jutsu yazu roared a huge puff of smoke appeared When the Smoke cleared there was an armored bear carrying in a giant battle axe the bear growled aoi chuckled well letun get started he threw several umbrellas in the air as they floated down aoi made several hand seals raining needles The Umbrellas began firing thousands of needles at Team 7 and tuna fuin great breakthrough anko Naruto and Shikamaru shouted together they made a whirlwind that knocked all the needles away from them Naruto Shino Shikamaru go battle him anko ordered Haku guard to Zuna all battle katsu the jenin nodded and charged AO Naruto made several seals Nino unchaining seal he poked Shikamaru Shikamaru immediately sped up much faster to shikamaru's surprise it also surprised aoi who had not expected such speed from a jenin Shikamaru kicked AO with harder than Shikamaru thought he could aoi managed to block shikamaru's kick he jumped back though when a chain shot forward nearly impaling aoi Shino retracted his chain and shot it out again aoi jumped up to avoid the chain Shino smirked aoi managed to hear a buzzing sound before he was enshrouded in a mass of Kai bugs immediately they began leeching out his chakra at a rapid Pace aoi went into the water and dived managing to rid himself of the Kikai bugs as the three jenin waited for him to resurface Shino removed his weights and Naruto disabled part of his gravity seal aoi charged back on the bridge this time he was wielding the nid sword the Thunder Spirit blade Naruto gasped anko was panting she glared at katsu who was breathing a bit heavily in his hand was a bone white spear she couldn't predict the length that damned spear would be it changed length and shot out like an arrow it took a lot of her chakra to dodge that spear anko bit her thumb she made several hand seals and slapped the ground summoning just sue a large cloud of smoke appeared out of the smoke came several large snakes each of them 40 ft long and had fangs dripping with poison katsu eyed them carefully he had to avoid getting bit by those snakes katsu gathered chakra and concentrated anko watched in Fascination as bone spikes grew out of his body making him a human porcupine anko thought with those spikes katsu could injure the snakes without moving snakes could only attack someone using their fangs and body no distance attacks anko made several seals Kon fire dragon a huge Dragon made of fire sped toward katsu katsu dodged it skillfully and stabbed one snake in the head dispelling it another tried to bite katsu but his spikes impaled the snake through the brain killing it anko thought back into zuna's house two of his thugs were heading toward the house they knocked down the door tsunami screamed as they grabbed her mom tunami looked to see Inari hiding behind a wall enari run she was knocked out by one of the the thugs hey let me slice up the kid God said we only needed one one of the thugs said make it quick his partner said he hoisted tsunami on his shoulder and watched his partner Inari ran he could hear the thug behind him laughing sadistically he went up to his room and locked it he went under his bed and pulled out a hunting crossbow kza made for him he loaded it just when the thug kicked open his door Inari aimed quickly and fired the arrow flew straight and shw into the Thug's neck killing him instantly Inari loaded another arrow and went downstairs to see his mom rescued by a Naruto clone the other Thug was dead on the rug Naruto nin Inari said in Delight he hugged Naruto Naruto hugged back I'm proud at you enari you defended your mom well with the cunning of a ninja enari beamed enari you need to get the villagers to come to the bridge godos has an army of thugs marching their way to the Village they're going to be on the bridge Inari nodded scared but determined Naruto smirked he gave Inari a thumbs up make me proud Inari bolted out of the door Naruto went out to help the other clones thin the ranks of God's Thug Army meanwhile at the bridge Zabuza was having the time of his life sure he was bleeding but Cuts in a bite from that damned bear but he never had a more fun fight yazu was getting very worried Zabuza had managed to dispel two summoned bears with only kenjutsu yazu knew he had the elemental Advantage but would that be enough to defeat Zabuza Sweden water shark missile yazu looked up to see a water blast in the shape of a shark head toward him yazu dodged it but was slapped by the flat side of zabuza's Blade yazu flew away bouncing a bit come on is that all you have Zabuza roared he faltered when yazu crumbled into dirt Zabuza turned to see yazu making a long chain hand seals doden Stone bare Landslide a huge number of bare Golems made of rock charged him yazu smiled no one ever survived this Jutsu Zabuza roared he went through the herd of bare Golems chopping them into pieces huge chunks of rock flew everywhere metsu Jutsu chaos wave Zabuza began swinging his sword wildly chakra blades flying everywhere destroy ing the Bears yazu watched in horror as Zabuza demolished his Bears he was covered in Cuts bite marks and claw marks and was bleeding heavily but was laughing like a maniac Zabuza finished destroying the last bear and charged toward yazu yazu swung his axe in desperation but zabuza's blade cleaved through the axe in him yazu body stood for one second before falling apart in two Zabuza spat on the corpse and snarled not even worth it narut blocked a Parry from ao's sword smirking at the worried look on his face that amatur was just waving his sword around with no skill he probably thought the sword would Beth any weapon aoi was getting worried this blonde jenin was able to keep up with him also he was a master at kenjutsu and his sword could stand up to the Thunder Spirit blade he was getting more tired by the moment dodging those bugs while repeatedly breaking out of that damned Shadow was taking a huge toll on his chakra it didn't help that numerous fire balls and water cannonballs were fired at him also that damned Shadow brat seemed to just come out of his shadow Naruto smirked he had him now narut shoved aoi back and with a powerful strike with his sword he disarmed aoi Sho Shikamaru aoi watched in horror as a chain wrapped against his body he was trapped then he felt his body freeze up as Shadow imitation took its effect Shino directed all his Kikai above his head had them form into a giant dense black orb Hutu Kikai meteor the huge mass of bugs slammed into aoi breaking his spine AI screamed in pain as the kai bugs drained all of ao's chakra killing him Shino and Shikamaru fell to the ground Dead Tired they had used a lot of their chakra wearing the fast Jun and down Naruto smiled he went to ao's corpse and cut off his head for the Bounty he stored inside a scroll and retrieved the nid sword Naruto held it reverently don't worry you're going back home he whispered it might have been his imagination but he could have sworn that the sword gave a small pulse Nar stored it carefully in his pocket he looted all pockets and found lots of money and a good amount of equipment Nar heard a shriek of pain he saw anko on he knees with a spear protruding out of her shoulder nearby Haku was lying face down a huge wound on her back Haku Haku was spending the last moments of her fading Consciousness reviewing what had happened moments ago she saw anko having a hard time so she encased tuna in a large ice Dome and went to help anko Haku kicked katsu away from anko katsu stepped back and observed the newcomer well well I didn't expect to see a high out and user to be here hakku said nothing and threw several senbon needles at katsu katsu smirked and held his arms out hakku gasped when she saw her sonds deflect on katsu's chest this is my bloodline shakat Sam yiku I can manipulate the bones in my body to make them as hard as steel if you can't find a way around this you're dead katsu explained katsu charged at Haku with Incredible speed she dodged the spear but flew back due to a kick that hit her in the stomach she landed on her feet but coughed up blood heun so powerful I'll have to use it if I had a chance Haku thought she stood up and made one-handed seals hi Oden demonic ice mirrors katsu watched as mirrors began to form all around him he watched an interest as she melted into one of the mirrors High outen thousand flying water needles of death at once thousands of senbon flew toward katsu katsu rolled his eyes and spun his spear he deflected all the senbon with ease it that all katsu asked I'm disappointed High outen Glacier grenade Haku jumped from one mirror to another while firing an eyes orb at katsu the ice orbs exploded into flying shrapnel katsu raised an eyebrow he concentrated his chakra and formed a suit of bone armor that protected him from the shrapnel I'm bored katsu stated he slashed at Haku she fell down hard on the ground bleeding heavily all of her ice mirrors and the ice Dome protecting tuna shattered anko watched as Haku Was Defeated she rushed to engage him in a taijutsu match but was quickly defeated she screamed as Katsu stabbed his sword in her shoulder Haku katsu looked to see a blonde jenon wielding a sword he sighed he was getting bored of these weaklings he swung his spear at Naruto Nar caught it in his hand and snapped it in his hand what the hell katsu yelled Naruto grinned I recognize that bloodline shakat Sam Miku it manipulates bones to a user shape and hardness katsu nodded how did you break my speak Naruto waved his hand he gathered enough chakra so it could be seen instead of a normal bright blue Naruto's chakra was a dark blue green color my chakra specifically attacks any bloodline limit making it useless katsu's eyes widened finger bullets katsu watched as his finger bullets turned into powder upon impact with Naruto he charged Nar with a bone blade when it connected with Naro it turned into powder Naro punched katsu in the face katsu was knock back katsu was horrified to feel that his bones were fractured narut glared at katsu and flared out his chakra to the maximum katsu was frightened at the sheer amount of power Naruto had Naruto sheathed his sword and settled into a kenjutsu stance run katsu turned to run he went three steps before he heard Naruto I Jutsu demon wheel katsu watched in horror as a giant buzs saww roll faster than he could react katsu's body was split clean in half Naruto watched in satisfaction as the two halves of Katsu fell to the ground he hurried to haku's side where anko was treating Haku the best she could Haku Naruto cradled her body in his arms Haku please haku's face was extremely pale narut could only hear a faint gasp as she was trying to breathe caoi give me your damn chakra so I can heal her Naruto demanded but kit my chakra has a 50 % chance of killing her do it caoi released some of her chakra narut channeled it to haku's wound the wound closed up and disappeared Without a Trace soon Naruto felt haku's gentle breathing she opened her eyes Naruto narut began crying tears of happiness he thought he lost her he hugged her tightly Haku was crying also she thought she would never see nut's face again inside nut's mind caoi was amazed it was a miracle her chakra along with Naruto's bloodline would have definitely killed Haku instead it healed her at such a rapid rate narut must have willed cais and his own chakra to heal her perfectly Zabuza limped to see Haku and Naruto hugging each other tightly he could see so much Real Love In Their Eyes he looked down to hide a tear coming down his face his little girl was growing up so fast anko watched the scene in contentment they really were perfect for each other it reminded her so much of her and aruka first without the guy and Lee and the confused Kakashi tuna walked toward them he looked at the happy couple and silently prayed for their happiness he reached for a flask of special sake and toasted to the couple's happiness Shikamaru smirked as the couple and smirked he was happy for his friends despite him controlling narut to make him do perverted actions he looked at Shino to see his reaction and sweat dropped Shino was balling his eyes out he was also shouting a youu so touching I ain't crying bastards um Sho Shikamaru said well well a snide voice said the group turned to see nearly a 100 Bandits on the bridge many of them were sporting Fresh Cuts and stab wounds there was one with a huge slash on his face in the front was a short man he was responsible for the depression of wave finally the Kingpin Gotto appeared his fine clothes were ripped in multiple places and he had a deep cut in his face the man inspected the bridge with an uncaring eye his eyes widened when he saw all three of his hired ninjas slain lying in a pool of blood he let out a small gasp when he saw ketu's body split head to tow it half he then gave a grin good job on eliminating my ninjas they wanted a high paycheck at least I don't have to pay so much Bandits are so much cheaper and effective in large groups I know they are good Fighters though so I bet a 100 Bandits will be enough to wipe out a group of tired ninjas gotd said there was some truth in the statement anko Shino Shikamaru and Haku were too weak to fight however Zabuza and Naruto were able to fight Zabuza was still able to fight because he still had a majority of his chakra left Naruto's massive reserves were barely tapped hey got a voice shouted out an arrow flew above the ninjas and landed at GDK feet godd and his arm Army along with the ninjas turned to see who it was it was enari he wore a wide and confident smile behind him were all the village men in wave everyone was carrying some sort of weapon narut saw ores hatchets pitchforks knives clubs staffs and an amazing variety of weapons he snickered when he saw one belligerent old man wave his walking stick at the bandits go gulped this was not supposed to happen he turned to his Bandits killed all I'll let you have the wealth and women in the village for yourselves go shouted the bandits charged eager for plunder and slaves charged eagerly what can untrained villagers do against an army of Bandits narut stood up and Drew his sword nay Zabuza what brat Zabuza asked first one to kill GD gets a bottle of sake whoever kills the least number of Bandits has to walk around for a whole day you in Nar said Zabuza gred I hope you're ready to walk around the morning winds get very chilly if you know what I mean narut grinned the two settled into a kenjutsu stance when the first Bandit was 20 ft from them they charged after the mission Shino could only describe the battle between the Bandit and the two Swordsmen as a massacre Naruto and Zabuza tore through the mob like how a shark attacks a group of seals the bandits had no chance at all geysers of blood flew in the air painting the bridge in blood screams of pain attracted crows and ravens to a feast limbs were sliced off throats cut open skulls cleaved open and organs Spilled Out as Naruto and Zabuza swung and stabbed with their swords brutally destroying the bandits Naruto stabbed the last bandit in the chest he grunted as he ripped his sword from the man's chest he looked at Zabuza who was leaning on his sword how many 50 Bandits Zabuza grunted 50 also Naruto said Zabuza and Naruto turned to G gate was trembling in fear his army first numbering 200 but lost 100 to ninja clones in the forest then these two demons decimated the rest brutally Naruto and Zabuza charged gado began running for his life he wasn't fast enough though narut and Zabuza easily caught up to him and sliced him into three pieces Naruto and Zabuza inspected their work a mass of bodies was piled high on the bridge lying in a veritable Pond of blood it's a tie again Naruto said you know what this means brat Zabuza said Jan Ken Pon the two shouted Zabuza got rock while Naruto had paper I win in your face Naro shouted while dancing you lucky son of a bleep in bleep bleep bleep b e p Zabuza bellowed narut grinned and gave him the victory sign the villagers in the Ninja sweat dropped at the immaturity of the two vicious Warriors how can such merciless Warriors bicker like children Inari was shocked at the Bloodshed but began shouting in happiness what are you shouting about a man asked don't you see without God wave is free Inari shouted with joy the realization struck the villagers all of them began shouting in Joy they began throwing objects and hats in the air many began hugging and dancing more than one person shed tears of joy team seven Zabuza and Haku watched the villagers moments such as these make all the horrors of a ninja worth it anko and Haku cried a bit in happiness Shino was balling in happiness as Naruto Zabuza and Shikamaru smiled widely the ninjas were soon carried on the shoulders of the villagers back to wave for 3 Days the villagers celebrated Zabuza and Naruto along with a group of villagers raided the bandits camp and godo's storehouses they brought the food and money they found to spread among the villagers in the 3 days they celebrated by finishing construction of the bridge and cleaning it of the bodies Naruto collected katsu and yazu head for the Bounty while Nar carried Yu's corpse to dump in a pile a scroll fell out Naruto used the blood from yazu to open it his eyes widened it was the Summoning contract for Bears Naruto opened it to look to see who signed it after Yaz there was another name he did not recognize next it was the name akamichi several names with the name akamichi also signed it Naruto stored the scroll in one of his storage Scrolls it rightfully belonged to the akamichi anyway he already signed the toad contract along with two other contracts in his travels he didn't need any more the villagers burned the corpses in a bonfire and carried on celebrating during that time anko tuna and Zabuza got drunk multiple times Shikamaru and Shino celebrated with the Villagers Haku and Naruto had the time of their lives one morning narudo asked if he could talk with Zabuza and anko in private they were curious but agreed they met into zuna's kitchen so brat what's up Zabuza asked after this trip is over I want to know if you want to stop being missing ninjas and start a new life in konaha Naruto said Zabuza was curious even if we did do you think the oag will let us join konaha I'm an S-Class nin and former Miss junan what reason would they have for letting me join you would be a great addition among konaha you are a former member of the seven Swordsmen and a master at silent killing kenjutsu and Sweden jutsus Haku also possesses a bloodline and a powerful one at that if that isn't enough I can persuade several council members Naruto explained how anko asked Naruto smirked he opened his storage scroll and retrieved the bear Summoning contract anko gasped that isn't a Summoning contract is it anko asked Naruto nodded look at the names anko opened it akamichi yep I can also persuade Shikamaru and Shino to persuade their fathers to vote for Zabuza also once you fill out your report anko the council will see how powerful I am and want to be on my good side Naruto said anko and Zabuza were shook their heads the Imp possible seem to be likely if Nar tried it Zabuza grinned well brat where would Haku and I live you could stay at my place until you get settled Naruto said well I'm going to ask Haku Zabuza said he left to find Haku anko and Naruto winced when a earsplitting squeal reached their ears Zabuza came back a bit cross-eyed and wiggling his ear she says yes thanks I couldn't tell anko said sarcastically Zab glared at her ano Sensei you should send a letter to the Hokage before we leave narut suggested and how do we do that anko asked narut smirked he bit his thumb and made several hand seals he then slapped his hand on the ground summoning Jutsu a cloud of smoke appeared the smoke cleared up to reveal a large Raven the size of a dog on its back was a round tube with the kanji Speed The Raven bowed to Naruto hello Naruto Sama might I inquire the reason you summoned me the Raven asked in a polite voice I need a letter delivered as fast as possible to the hok of konaha it is of great importance to me can you do it yuru yuru nodded I am honored that you chose me to deliver this letter I shall deliver it to the best of my ability anko did not bother trying to deny the existence of a raven contract she quickly wrote the letter and gave it to Naro Nar placed the letter in the tube and closed it May the winds bless your trip Naro said to yuru and the Stars guide you well yuru replied yuru spread his wings and flew off with amazing speed in less than a second yuru couldn't be seen Nar turned to see anko and Zabuza staring what is there anything you can't do Zabuza asked anko nodded I can't fold my tongue Naruto admitted Zabuza and anko sweat dropped the next day everyone was gathered at the bridge they wanted to say goodbye to the ninjas that saved their country Inari struggled not to cry as he said goodbye the villagers had gathered enough money from God's storehouses to pay for the mission and give each ninja a bonus that was equal to an s-rank Mission pay while still having enough to rebuild wave Naruto patted inari's head hey make sure you grow big and strong so you can protect this village with us gone I'm counting on you all right enari enari nodded struggling no to cry okay okay Naruto Nissan I promise to protect every person in wave Nar grinned that's my little bro Inari beamed and waved goodbye to the ninjas as they left H I forgot to name this bridge tuna said causing many villagers to sweat drop oh I know the pride of great Builder tuna the path of sake tsunami slapped her father we are not naming this bridge after sake tsunami said sternly how about the great Naruto Bridge Inari said many of the villagers nodded it was a great name the great Naruto Bridge the villagers shouted they cheered and christened the bridge with a bottle of sake the trip to konaha was uneventful the group took their time traveling the jenin and Haku trained constantly they also made drastic improvements under the rigorous training of Zabuza and anko narut now had a formidable arsenal of Sweden jutsus Shino was proficient enough with his chain to take on Zabuza and wound Zabuza at full strength Shikamaru was extremely stealthy and was able to consistently catch anko in his shadow imitation Jutsu before she noticed Haku became faster and able to hold her mirrors longer while performing a various number of Sweden foodin and hayen jutsus when they got to konaha an Ambu captain and his team escorted the group to the Hokage Tower the Hokage dismissed the Ambu ninjas in order to speak with the group privately when the Ambu left the hok picked up a sheet of paper narut recognized it as anko's letter well it looks like you had a very exciting Mission instead of a simple C-Class Mission it turned into a high a rank Mission defeating two M chunin allying with a former member of the seven Swordsmen and his Apprentice bringing down one of the richest people in the world liberating the country of wave and slaying two-way rank junion in an s-rank kagaya I must say I am deeply impressed the hok said Pride evident in his voice team seven smiled Nar blushed and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment the Hokage turned to Zabuza and Haku I understand that you two want to be konah hanin why to put it simply I'm tired of running and being chased by Hunter nins constantly I also did not want Haku to spend such life when she has done nothing wrong Zabuza said the hokagay nodded well after hearing your reasons and reading anko's report you and Haku will be inducted as Kahan nins after a six-month probationary period if you are judged trustworthy you will become Kahan nins with all the Privileges and rights as one trained here Zabuza and Haku nodded the Hokage dismissed all of them wait a second hok Sama everyone turned to see narut reach into his coat he pulled out a cylinder it looked like a sword handle without the sword Naro reverently handed it to the Hokage the hokage's eyes widened Naruto as this yes the personal sword of the naid Dame Hokage the Thunder Spirit blade Naruto said the Hokage channeled chakra into the handle a blade crackling with energy appeared the hokagay stopped channeling chakra and watched as the blade vanished thank you Nar it is a relief that A Relic from one of our greatest heroes have been returned to konaha Nar bowed and left with his team as soon as they left the Hokage Tower Naruto asked Shikamaru a question hey Shikamaru do you know where the akimichi clan housee is Shikamaru nodded yeah the akimi clan housee is right near the Nara Clan housee I can show it to you right now Naruto followed Shikamaru to the akamichi clan housee the akamichi clan house was a Humble House big but not showy and exuded a sense of comfort and safety Shikamaru knocked on the door hello a large man answered the door he had Shaggy red hair and wore armor with con for eat on it despite his warrior-like appearance he had a gentle face he looked down and smiled hi Shikamaru if you're looking for Choi he's with his team right now the man said Shikamaru shook his head actually I was showing Naruto where the akamichi clan house was I assume he has something to tell or give you narut decided to speak up akamichi San has your family ever had a Summoning contract it's shua and yes we did however my grandfather's contract was stolen by an Ean nin during the third great ninja war shua asked confused what animal was it with Naruto asked Shikamaru was confused what was going on the Bears why are you asking these questions Naro shua asked just a test to see if this really belonged to the akamichi shua Nar said with a grin he pulled out a storage scroll and retrieved the bear Summoning contract he handed the large scroll to shua shua opened it and his eyes widened where did you get this shua asked and Ean nin by the name of yazu held it I was lucky enough to find it in one of the storage Scrolls yazu had on his person shua smiled widely this calls for a meal come inside shua literally pushed the two jenin inside his house he thanked the jenin by giving them huge amounts of food inside Scrolls Naruto thanked shua now he wouldn't have to buy food and Save up for now shua merely grinned and said that Naruto is a friend of the akamichi family and can always come back for a free meal Shikamaru headed home mumbling about sleeping in a bed narut just shook his head at the lazy Nara he headed to the training fields to find Kakashi's team training sasak Was preparing to launch a k and Jutsu but the sight of Naruto made him so angry that sasak overloaded the Jutsu with chakra and it exploded in his face he fell backwards from the blast but quickly got back onto his feet you SAS yelled pointing as Naruto Kakashi looked up from his book and saw SAS angrily pointing at someone he looked on in curiosity looks like the mere sight of Naruto pushed sake to the edge Kakashi Sensei that's the person who ambushed sasak before one of our missions Sakura said Kakashi was even more interested so he's the person that managed to knock SAS and Sakura in the hospital for several days look SAS I have no interest in fighting with you every time I see you do you remember our last fight Nar asked he took several steps closer until he was 5T away from him do you remember my warning sake flushed in Anger he made several hand seals Kakashi's eye widened he made to intercept the Jutsu but sasak released it before Kakashi could stop it Caden fire dragon flame missile a huge flame came from sake's mouth and hit point blank at Naruto Kakashi knew he was in deep his pupil deliberately killed a fellow Shinobi the same Shinobi was a favorite of the Hokage he hoped he would at least be a toab betsu junan at the end of this Fiasco Kakashi noticed something there was no scream or groan of pain he looked closely at Naro Nar was still in Flames but it was as if the Flames did not hurt him Nar grabbed a piece of fire from his shoulder and ate it Kakashi's eye bulged that was simply against the laws of of this world yet Naruto was calmly eating fire off of his body Naruto soon ate all the fire off and belched a small bit of smoke sake use your brain I showed you in our last encounter that fire doesn't work against me yet you still used a k and Jutsu against me Naruto said Nar turned to see Kakashi staring at him copycat ninja Kakashi of the Sharingan renowned in the Ninja World for copying and mastering over a thousand jutsus Naruto said Kakashi nodded also suffers from being chronically late creates bad excuses and reads smut 24/7 Kakashi glared indignantly he read smut 23 557 you must be Naruto the Hokage told me of your genine exam he said you were a prodigy amongst prodigies SAS glared angrily I must gain more power once I get the Sharingan I will become more powerful than Naruto then Itachi SAS thought Nar looked around where's kba HEK working with his mother learning and improving Clan jutsus Kakashi said Naruto looked at the sake SAS was glaring at him Naro sighed Kakashi San will you be the referee for a fight between sasak and I Nar asked politely Kakashi looked as SAS he was itching for a fight Kakashi sighed it would be better to let Naruto to spar with sake sas's ego has been getting to Big the match will will have no rules other than no killing or permanent injuries Kakashi announced will the two combatants come here sasak and Naruto stood 10 ft apart with Kakashi between them begin Kakashi jumped out of the way as sasak sent several canai and shans at Naro Naro plucked them out of the air and sent them back at sake sake dodged them and engaged Naro in a tautu match Tey Naruto grunted his muscules expanded and compacted as chakra went through the muscles making them as hard as steel narut Stood Still as SAS kicked and punched him at a rapid rate that soon slowed down narut smirked as sake realized that none of his attacks were affecting narut Nar pushed sake off of him as sasak stumbled back Naruto channeled chakra to his legs and kicked out in sas's Direction Raku a chakra blade flew out and slammed into SAS sake lost Consciousness almost instantly Nar gave SAS a disdainful look Kakashi tell him if he ever wants a chance to match me he must have something to fight for Nar left ignoring a screaming Sakura he went over to shino's house for a decent Spar Nar knocked on the door to the abame clan housee the door opened to reveal shibi abame sho's father Naruto bowed good afternoon abam San may I speak to Shino shibi said nothing but gestured to narut to follow him shibi led narut to the abame training field where Shino was sparring against another abame the abame Shino was fighting was hardpressed to defend himself against shino's bugs shino's fire jutsus and his chain soon shino's chain wrapped against his opponent's leg Shino tugged hard and swung him hard the abame was slammed against a training post and knocked out shibi lightly applauded his son's skill the abam Shino had faced was one of the top chunin in the abame clan for Shino to defeat him as a jenin showed shino's potential to be the greatest abame Naruto ran up to Shino and slapped him on the back way to go Shino you want to spar with me next Shino nodded both of them took their positions and waited shibi was curious to see how this would turn out he had heard rumors from many of the junin that this Naruto managed to lead Shino and Shikamaru in a plan that allowed them to pass anko's nearly impossible test since then they have displayed exemplary teamwork and have gained the reputation as the rookie team of the generation under Naruto's advice Shino Diversified his abilities to not only include Clan Jutsu but also weapons Ninjutsu tautu and jinjutsu and combine them together it has only been 3 months but Shino was able to take down a junin with the help of Shikamaru and narut narut moved first he drew and thrust his sword at Shino in one fluid movement it toru Canon a a large orb much faster than Naruto's bullet slammed into Shino Shino exploded into bugs the bugs then flew toward Naruto seeking to drain his chakra Nino Shadow clone Jutsu Naro made five clones to block the bugs while Naro searched for Shino Naruto grinned when he spotted a flash of white in the bug Cloud metsu Jutsu chakra wave narut swung his sword into a section of the bug Cloud Shino was knocked out of the cloud by a blade of Akra Shino quickly made hand seals and blue Kaden Heatwave Shino blew for 5 seconds when he finished he disappeared back into the bug Cloud narut frowned thanks to the Shino Jutsu any food and jutsus will be off Target due to the displacement in air pressure Naruto had an idea and made several hand seals Sweden Ice fog a chilling Mist surrounded the field it countered with shino's heat wave causing the air to be extremely moist Nino chakra pulse narut sent a small pulse of chakra to find Shino gacha Naruto made a long series of seals sweeten water dragon a humongous water dragon formed from the water vapor in the air and slammed into Shino soaking him to the Bone his bugs cannot fly when wet and he was unable to stand Naruto held out a hand and helped him up great Spar Shino you almost had me there several times Naruto said Shino nodded the two turned to see shibi clapping loudly wonderful match I must say I now believe that the abame clan must start to diversify our bugs are useful tools but we must also not rely on one trump card to win a battle shibi said to Shino well see you Shino Naro said he left and went to his apartment he opened the door to see Haku walking in a towel Naruto quickly closed the door counted to 10 and went back in welcome home Naruto Zabuza is walking around konaha at the moment I hope he does not get lost he has a terrible sense of direction Haku said meanwhile Zabuza was muttering to himself trying to find a store to buy sake let's see the guy said to go north for a block and then West for two blocks north is always coldest and West is my left side needless to say with that kind of directional skills Zabuza was hopelessly lost back at the apartment Naruto arranged the furniture so that Haku had her own room while he shared one with Zabuza Naruto went down to a nearby furniture store with Haku to pick up stuff for the apartment they bought a dresser for Haku and Zabuza two small tables two futons two armchairs and collapsible boxes for storage the apartment was a little crowded but cozy Naruto was going to enjoy living with Haku and Zabuza Naro filled the refrigerator with the food shua had given him there were several pounds of meat lots of fruits and vegetables flour rice and milk Naruto was surprised to find spices included with this food Naruto made some dorei gudin rice stir fried vegetables and beef and mixed fruit for Desert since Zabuza was hopelessly lost around konaha Haku and Naruto had a pleasant dinner all to themselves they soon went to sleep waiting for Zabuza meanwhile Zabuza was pissed he had wound up in the gay district of konah multiple times and was tired of being chased by gay drunks he turned around a corner to see receive full blast that God aul Jen Jutsu Lee gu Sensei what the bleep is wrong with this Village the next morning narut went out to meet his team he left Haku note to tell her where he was on his way he found Zabuza in an alley he was lying in the fetal position crying oi Zabuza you okay Naruto Zabuza started crying on relief thank Cammy I got lost and wound up in the gay district and had to run away I went around the corner to see two freaks and spandex shouting and hugging then this scene appeared it was horrible horrible I tell you Naruto slapped the slightly hysterical man snap out of it Zabuza became his normal self again Zabuza listen go straight down this road for seven blocks then take a right and walk for two blocks on the left side there is an apartment complex our room is 726 Haku is still asleep I left some of last night's dinner in the kitchen Zabuza nodded those directions were simple enough he began walking to the apartment Naro sigh why are there no normal ninjas Naruto met his team at training ground 26 after meeting with their Sensei they completed 10d rank missions in record time they also completed two c rank missions simultaneously they went back to training ground 26 before being dismissed at training ground 26 anko gave each of them a slip of paper anko Sensi what are these Shikamaru asked these are tickets for you to compete in the chunin exams the chunin exams Shino asked aren't we a little too unprepared to take it anko laughed you're joking this team is more ready for the exam than any other in konaha Nar smirked Sho have we met an enemy that we couldn't defeat heck we killed a junan without our Sensei if you still feel like we're unprepared we'll Spar more at you house yeah Sho don't worry about it Shikamaru said anyway we got Naruto Tao to lead us to Victory remember in wave he slew that katsu guy I'm pretty sure heun back us up if we get in a pinch anko laughed this exam will be very interesting team seven spent the next month and a half before the chunin exams juggling training C rank missions and the two lowb rank missions and strategizing the training was intense as anko placed Shikamaru and Shino in extreme situations such as in a pit with giant snakes wearing 100 pound weights on their limbs Naruto often sparred with Haku Zabuza and anko at the same time without his sword or Ninjutsu anko also taught them several useful jutsus Shikamaru and Shino also trained with their fathers in Clan jutsus thanks to their fathers Shikamaru and Shino learned more Advanced and deadly jutsus due to the complete success of the mission to wave the Hokage granted team 7 the privilege of SE rank missions and some lowb rank missions despite some of the council's protests that SAS should also gain this privilege however the protest stopped when Time After Time team seven performed the missions flawlessly and in record time so far the mission count team seven had done was 29d rank 17 C rank 3B Rank and 1 a rank anko was truly proud of her team they kicked ass their teamwork was perfect they knew their jobs and roles in the team Shino was the tracker Scout and support in the group Shikamaru was the stealth strategizing capturing expert in the group Naruto was the leader and the primary assault expert in the group team seven with shino's logic shikamaru's strategy and Naruto's leadership they were among the likely candidates to pass the tunin exams the week before the exam ano had the team to scout out the local competition Shino and Shikamaru often did this by stealth since they were trained by a stealth specialist the two often were undiscovered unless if a junan detected them the two collected info from the teams of rain Mist grass and sound none of them were a serious threat to team s Naruto visited the konaha teams and also the San jenin amongst the konaha teams his Amia cable nature and good will earn him the trust of some Leaf teams other were distrustful of Naruto and sometimes attacked him when that did happen narut often defeated them easily and intimidating them out of the exams Naruto found out that all the rookies were taking the chunin exams team eight Kai's team consisted of hanata Eno and Choi the three worked well together as a tracking and capture alive team team 10 Kakashi's team were the exact opposite it was a mostly assault team with Sakura as support however their teamwork was EX extremely bad as kba was alienated by his other two teammates narut met the sand team quite by accident it began with him strolling down the street looking for his teammates however he saw a group of children run a fowl of two sand jenin a girl and a guy Naruto recognized one of the children as konah hamaru grandson of the Hokage he decided to step in when one of the jenin picked konah hamaru up in a hostile manner Naruto switched places with konah hamaru and punched the jenin in the face the jenin fell down with a bloody nose his teammate began to reach for a large fan on her back but froze when Naruto instantly had his Katana pointing at her throat you know if you're visiting a foreign Village you should attract as little attention as possible thrashing the hokage's grandson just because he accidentally bumped into you is definitely asking for trouble Naruto drawed he watched as the girl glared at her teammate who ped under his thick face paint Naruto smelled the air and detected a ninja smelling of dust and blood hiding in a tree whoever you are come out I can smell you in the tree nearby narut called out the ninja who was hiding came out he was shorter than narut had red hair and a large gourd on his back it was his eyes that stood out the most though they were dead looking but glinted as if the ninja was hiding something Naruto noticed out of the corner of his eye that the two jenin he met were pale white and sweating like crazy gar we the painted ninja stammered gar looked at him shut up before I kill you gar said almost without concern narut saw the paint start to dribble by the huge amount of sweat coming down the painted jenk face gar turned back to narut my apologies for my teammates they have been eager to compete much too eager Naruto sheathed his Katana no problem here's a tip don't attract too much attention that way you'll have a better chance in the exams gar nodded thank you for this advice I'll be looking for you in the exam narut Naruto Uzumaki Nar said Gar nodded until next time koru tamari let's go Naruto watched the sand jenin go he felt something familiar when he was talking to Gar something familiar and dangerous Naruto Shrugged he turned to see the three children that had bumped into the sand jenon they were looking at him with adoring eyes you're so cool Nissan they said in unison Naruto's sweat dropped thanks but who are you I know konah hamaru by the old man but not you two squirts Naruto said the girl in the group spoke up first my name's Moi and I'm udon the kid in the glasses said my name's narut Uzumaki pleased to meet you Nar said can you teach us to be strong Konohamaru asked Naruto grunted in disbelief please Nissan Moi asked all three were making the puppy eyes pouting look damn Nar thought I still can't resist that look do you want to be strong Naruto asked the three nodded eagerly then my first challenge is to prank several chunin and some junin at the same time purposely let them see you and Outlast them in a Chase narut said the three tilted their heads in confusion why Naruto Nissan konah hamaru asked planting pranks takes stealth outrunning them takes strength and stamina having such a number caught in prank at the same time Ty's cunning these three things are the abilities a ninja must have to be the best Naruto explained now when you are able to do that three times in a row that tells me you will be ready to be taught the secrets of the Ninja the children nodded when we do Youk teach us right Naro grinned I'll teach you my favorite moves if you're able to guys what are we waiting for Konohamaru shouted Moi get some eggs and flow udon gets some string scissors and Nails I'll get some rulers and stuff let's meet at ozen's office in two hours udon and Moi nodded they bolted eager start narut chuckled as they ran as fast as their little legs could carry them he chuckled knowing he released a Scourge on the ninjas of konaha you do know it'll be years before they complete the task kbi said if they still persevere through all the failures I'll know if they have the willow to keep striving to be the best even in times of darkness and pain narut responded caubi was impressed by nark answer he was right even the weakest Ninja can defeat a prodigy if they were determined enough as the week ended team seven was fully prepared for the Chun and exam they knew the most of the competition's ability and prowess and were confident that they could beat them each of them were relatively well balanced in tautu Jutsu and Ninjutsu Naruto admitted that g was the only that worried him they made a note to avoid the sand team as long as possible anko told them the details and time of the test when she finished she had final words to say I want you to be careful listen to Nar as he is experienced enough to lead you Nar listen to shino's and shikamaru's advice as they are smart enough to avoid useless battles and accidents there is a high chance of death in these exams so show don't Goof Off anko warn I also want to say I am proud of all of you you are known as the strongest jenin team in konaha and deserve it it is likely you'll return as chunin and soon junin I hope you pass and make yourselves me your family and konaha proud anko said her eyes watery she gave them a group hug oh wait we need to get a picture before you go anko exclaimed she pulled out a camera and made a shadow clone the shadow clone took the camera and held it up now get a bit closer that's good now everyone get ready 1 2 three Say Sushi the anko Clones said Sushi everyone said afterwards the picture turned out great Shino and Shikamaru flanked narut while anko was behind them Naruto and anko had huge grins on their faces while Shino and Shikamaru had smaller Smiles behind the group were several trees in the Hokage Monument being illuminated by the sunset now report to room 3001 in the academy building at 9:00 sharp good luck anko said the jenin headed to their homes Naruto went straight back to the apartment he opened it to see Haku cooking dinner and Zabuza drinking sake hello Naruto I'm making Yaki Tori in guioza does that sound good to you Haku said yeah that does sound good Naruto said Naruto placed some plates and chopsticks on the table and patiently waited for dinner so brat do you think you're ready Zabuza asked Naruto nodded Zabuza grinned good now I want to see you pass I can't have my sparring partner to always be a jenin at least as a chunin you won't be thought of as a mama's boy who needs his mama to guide him in missions Zabuza smirked as Naruto glared at him Haku smiled a bit and served dinner the dinner was delicious they ate a small quiet dinner together everyone enjoying the first dinner they had together in a month after dinner everyone went to bed as Naruto came back from the bathroom he saw Haku in his futon Haku what are you doing in my futon Naruto asked Haku pouted I wanted to sleep in the same futon with you narut sighed you do know Zabuza shares the same room as me Haku shook her head not anymore I convinced Zabuza to switch rooms with him Naruto sighed knowing he wasn't going to win this conversation he lifted the covers of the futon to reveal Haku wearing only a Naruto's t-shirt and panties Naruto near nearly had a nose bed Naro laid in his futon and blushed as Haku hugged him tightly make sure you come back Nar I wouldn't know what to do if you died Haku whispered Nar turned to face her I promise I will not die I come back stronger than before Naruto and Haku closed the distances between their faces they add passionately and lovingly Haku hugged Naruto fiercely as they made out it was a first for both of them and it shared Sparks of pleasure throughout their bodies it was Heaven for both of them Naruto waited at the Academy for his teammates he had to put a henge on his face because he had a stupid smile on his face all morning no matter what he did he couldn't stop smiling Shino and Shikamaru soon arrived they greeted Naruto but noticed something wrong with him Naruto Tao is something wrong Shino asked no why because I am detecting a huge amount of pheromones from you and from somebody else Sho said shakam made a hand seal Kai Naruto's henge fell off and revealed a widely smiling Naruto Shikamaru smirked so mind telling us how you lost your Shikamaru asked nothing happened last night just drop it Nar bellowed blushing furiously Shino and Shikamaru nodded not believing narut the academy was full of jenin waiting to take the test team seven walked around and saw a fighting on Naruto went to have a look he saw the weirdo mini May on the ground with a bruise on his face his teammate was on the ground beside him they were looking at two jenin guarding the testing room Center please let us in the mini May said we just want to take the chunin exams one of the jenin laughed if you can't stand up to us you aren't going to survive the exams we've taken it three times and still haven't passed it you're better off leaving if don't think you're upd it that's right but you will let me through and remove the jut on the door an arrogant voice said Naruto slapped his face that idiotic uch sake strutted up with his team to the two jenin the jenin smirked so you saw through the genjutsu a the door revealed to be a section of the wall the jenin launched a swift kick at sake sake lifted his leg to intercept the kick with one of his own several things happened in a blink of an eye the minime came between the two and grabbed their legs with his hands behind sake and the other jenin Shino and Naruto had a canai at their throats SAS I sometimes wonder why the council favors you didn't you see if you kept quiet about the Jutsu you would have noticed it cut down on competition narut scolded s smirked at Naruto the black eyes gave way to the Sharingan with two Tomos in each eye now that I have these eye eyes I'll be able to become much more powerful than you can dream sake gloated Naruto rolled his eyes SAS until you know the meaning of hard work you will never beat me only those who work the hardest will become great Shino signaled to Shino to release his hostage Naruto glared at the jenin what are you doing here ketsu get back to the hokage's office Naruto snapped ketsu grimaced but left along with the other jenin narut was about to walk away when he someone tap his shoulder he turned to see a hyuga with long black hair looking at him can I help you Naruto asked what is your name the hyuga asked Nar smirked I'll tell you if you introduce yourself Nar answered back cheekily Nei hyuga the hyuga said Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you Naro said the mini May went up to him and struck a pose I am Rock Lee student of the tautu master made a guy narut glared at Lee I have a problem with you and your Sensei narut growled sheo amaru Nei and his teammate were surprised that Nar had a problem with Lee and guy what is it Lee asked hoping to fix the problem both of you use that godamn Jen Jutsu whenever you're hugging you're a menace to society my roommate was traumatized by the sight of your Jen Jutsu and he's an elite junan Naruto bellowed everyone sweat dropped Naruto calmed himself down I needed to get that out team seven left the stunned group and went ins inside the testing center the room was filled with jenin from around the land narut noticed with satisfaction that team 7even had information for 95 of the jenin he let Shino and Shikamaru talk with their old classmates and Friends he went out to make a quick trip to the bathroom as he did he spotted the Lee and sasak fighting Lee was thoroughly thrashing the uch Lee kicked sasak in the chin causing sake to fly Lee disappeared and reappeared behind SAS now uto recognized that move and realized the match is going too far he jumped in the air at near junan speeds grabbed both Jen's necks and slamed them hard against the floor enough Nar demanded Lee what were you doing it's much too early to waste energy doing that move save it what would guy think if he saw you doing that move for no good reason Lee started to weep you're right Naruto San Guy sensei would be ashamed of me I shall do 5,1 armed push-ups to discipline myself why don't you just go to the testing center the exam will start in several minutes Naruto suggested Lee nodded and ran to the testing center as a break neck speed Nar turned his attention to SAS Naro applied more pressure to his neck you know SAS you might want to follow Lee before I cause you to miss the test because of injury narut let sake go sasak glared at Naruto but followed Lee into the testing center his team team followed sasak Sakura was glaring while kba was giving him the thumbs up Naruto headed toward the testing center to see SAS talking with a konaha jenon named Kabuto that's no fun you know their names Kabuto said he pulled out four cards first up Rock Lee he's a year older than you are and completed 20D Rank and 11c rank Mission he's a tautu specialist but lacks greatly in Ninjutsu and Jutsu however his tautu skill is beyond chunin and possibly junan next three are konah has team seven they are Shikamaru Nara Shino abame and Naruto Uzumaki they are in your graduating class but have extremely impressive stats they have completed 29d rank 17c rank 3B Rank and 1 a rank missions they are a well-rounded team with no real weakness in taijutsu Ninjutsu are Jen Jutsu although Shino and Shikamaru have their Clan jutsus they Diversified and covered their weakness the leader Naruto is definitely Beyond junan skill he excels in Ninjutsu and kenjutsu and has defeated an s-rank missing nin named katsu Naruto had enough he grabbed Kabuto's pack of cards and threw them to Shino burn them Shino easily burned the cards to ashes however the damage was done team seven was identified as the most powerful team in the room nearly all the jenin were observing Naruto Shino or Shikamaru for any weaknesses Naruto's temper snapped he jumped up on a desk and released control of cao's chakra for a full minute the effects were instantaneous everyone in the room was gasping as the suffocating demonic chakra drained the will to live from the body the amount Naruto was releasing was greater than a cages gar was holding his head in pain as a voice screamed in Terror everyone was on the ground some jenin were suffering from seizures many were asphyxiating from their lungs not working not uto reigned in control of the Demonic chakra now go mind your own godamn business he jumped down and checked Shino and Shikamaru they were a bit winded but we going to be fine all over the room the strongest jenin were helping their teammates up soon Only the strongest were conscious which was around 17 teams everyone else was knocked out a large smokes Cloud appeared hey worthless bastards everyone turned to see a large group of chunin and junin appear in the front of the room the lead spoke I'm iiki Morino the lead examiner for the first part of the chunin exam iiki looked around and pointed at Naro you there control yourself before we fail you right where you stand narut nodded he threw iiki a book my apologies iiki San I hope this book will be an acceptable conciliatory gift iiki caught it and looked at it his eyes widened most of the male examiners crowded around iiki when they heard I say the title ich a Haram Knights the unedited version with pictures iiki opened the book a poster opened itself and exposed its contents to the examiners nearly all of them had a jet of blood fly out from their nose a female examiner had enough she took the book from iiki and hid it from the males she then proceeded to slap iiki iiki flushed at being caught off guard at that book all right you little bastards the first part will be a paper test you will be spread out r randomly to take it the jenin were assigned different seat all over the room Naruto Shino and Shikamaru were relatively near as they were on one area of the room the rest of the jenin that were knocked out from Naruto's chakra was sent to the hospital the first rule is that you start with 10 points but will lose a point for every question wrong the second rule is that you pass or fail based on the average of your team score the third is that every time you are caught cheating you will be deducted two points the last is that if a member of your team gets all of his questions wrong the whole team fails you have 1 hour iiki said begin the end now we will see you in the next video
Channel: Fanfic Universe
Views: 1,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bVJnCSEx1sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 57sec (11397 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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