I Created Minecraft's NEW Rarest Armor

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this is treadmill armor one of the uncraftable items in Minecraft and because you can't craft it this makes it extremely rare but today I'm gonna make it even rarer you see with the release of Minecraft 1.20 Mojang added armor trims a small decoration to add to your armor and with these trims came the silence armor trim an item only found in ancient cities though combining the hardest to obtain armor with the rarest armor trim would leave me with the new rarest armor in the game but before we begin let me tell you a little secret obtaining Channel armor from a mob is like finding a diamond in a haystack I'm talking about a skeleton or a zombie wearing armor and that armor being chainmail the chances are Slim So to increase my look of the armor even dropping I'm gonna need looting three bro that's gonna take forever and there's they're not even giving me good trades because accidentally hit one please have it please no oh it sticks for every bro I got it you got learning through this right here oh my God and it's cheap oh my God looting three oh my god let's go what does my sword have Smite one that's fine please wait sword including three boom hey say thank you thank you let's go now that I have looting on my sword I need to create a Zombie Farm because if I want to have the highest chances of mob spawning logically I should do it at a spawner the only thing is I have no clue where one could be yeah I have no idea I've only explored this cave once and that's when we uh when I got us diamond armor oh my God is that a baby zombie with gold armor what the heck oh my God oh where is that probably not that rare I don't know but I'm getting chased by two baby zombies right now I'm here with you bro I said you wanna oh it's nighttime oh my god oh shoot okay oh my God what was that are you okay bro I'm fine where are you where are you here follow me right here does it go any deeper or is it okay it's just this never mind never mind all right let's go back up maybe this water will lead us somewhere maybe this this is the waterfall whoa hold on I just swim through oh waiting attacks oh I got a leather tunic that's not a chain mail tunic but it's still it's still a tunic oh what the a chainmail please oh did she dropped oh the Looting three do I have it you picked it up I got a chain drop it yeah I forgot looting three is actually that good we already got it we haven't made the farm yet wait a minute oh my God I forgot landing on it's a couple of Landing you found it go oh my God yo wait what's in chest that was so easy armor iron iron oh saddle okay that's like bro that literally took forever to find dude like okay what bro we're trying to find a zombie spawn to make a farm let's take this this cave is like really I feel bad we've been exploring for so long now oh let's go oh shoot Diamonds oh I got 10 diamonds from that actually that's crazy dude wait watch out dude after years he actually picked up the freaking four years oh my God here bro hey all right don't break it this time after finding the spawner I began creating the farm oh my God wait move oh my God and you're gonna put one kelp on the Soul Sand and bone meal it all the way up [Music] now we go down 23 23 and then right here I'm gonna rebuild our little collection room [Music] now that the form was finished I could finally complete step one getting the chainmail armor [Music] am I tripping is the number I hear zombies but they're not oh where am I hearing them you hear them right yeah I don't oh no you wanna go check sure okay bro well I literally hear them they're like right on the other side of this wall and they don't fit it does look like there's a jam right here uh okay okay I got one oh wait bro oh I took half of my hearts I was happier so what happens if I like oh my God wait hold on I saw a chainmail armor helmet okay yeah all right we just need the chest plate we literally just needed after about an hour of AFK and farming zombies that one was finally complete as they went on to complete step two which was to enchant the armor and heal it I realized that I hadn't actually set up the villagers yet oh my God this was gonna be annoying power four which is not even the best power you can get a five million power in Rise oh my God I got bending you actually got mending wait wait wait wait okay it's a 22. okay wait where's my okay we already have one here just wait what is he gonna break it wait oh you got many I got another for the same price Wait no that's cheaper that's 14. yep good we still have it okay I locked in the streets we can't I don't want to kill the villagers bro dude don't die no dude okay fine I can't help you I actually can't help you oh it's getting worse I'm dead oh my God hey four vending books Let's go oh yeah no he does not like you bro he does not like you throw me rocks catch thank you so much oh you're gonna die again [Music] get in here and get your stuff bro he's so low let's kill him I did it we're good all right [Laughter] the horns too again I want one breaking I want to just get this armor done I know you want this job I know you want it yes sir oh yes nothing oh he's here again Protection One bro please I just want to get out of here man I just want to enchant my armor and leave mending again for 10. oh I see I see you oh no he's not tunnel vision I see you you're tunnel visioning all right right here right now no why just take the job this is my this is what my life has come to oh my God you got it 11 emeralds oh did it lock it in oh I need emeralds how do you get emeralds where's our where's our paper guy after an hour of breaking and placing lecterns I had finally Enchanted the Army but at this point I was getting super tired so I decided to just get the final enchantment or trade but before I could do the trade something unexpected happened oh my God we started a ride bro okay where are they where are they are they oh my God wait did they kill the farmers oh my God hold on did they I think they might have actually killed all the Farms down there there they killed all the farmers oh the farmers are gone I'm actually gonna die I took so much fall damage that's so stupid I only had five villagers down here wait there's one left oh he's over there I see him he's over there oh my God oh my God oh my God dude wait can it will drop it oh my God there we go oh my God there's a ravager what wait is the route the route is the last thing it's down here he's low bro I'm going in he's low I got it oh my God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my God oh my God oh my God these boxes there's so many people please please [Music] oh my God I killed him oh we did it we did it let's go we had almost lost everything fortunately though luck was on our side and we finished the raid with so now with more gear than before we made our way to make the tree the unfortunate thing was the only person with protection for books on the server was my enemy all right did you bring anything into the for the train uh yeah oh shoot okay there's a the oh my God yeah I have slowness it says he said the base should be like 50 bucks for me what you just rolled up in a boat yeah okay wait I think yeah okay that's it that's it that's it oh that's it oh I have slowness that's why I'm going so slow I don't have arrows for my bow okay before I make the trade let me tell you guys something nighttime on this server is extra dangerous because this server isn't any ordinary server this is the nocturnal SMP on This Server PVP is disabled during the day and the difficulty is set the easy but at night PVP is enabled and the difficulty is set to hard so doing this trade at night make this 10 times more dangerous so you have a oh there's a bell you should ring it yeah all right [Music] oh freaking zombie over here hello join VC one hello yes we are here for the train you have the prop four books um yes uh what is it that you actually want to trade me uh we have a few things to offer actually here I got you cat some chicken and a stacker on flesh okay um I'll throw in these guys by the way oh my God um I was gonna see you kind of destroyed my base I was gonna say cat's kind of lame do you have anything else at all okay anyways um I have I have Pig stuff [Music] oh yeah we got that from the Bastion I have that on me just in case you didn't want cat all right let's do um let's do cat pigstep and the chicken and I'll I'll give you oh I'll do that yeah that's good oh everything is nice it's protection four what do you like what are you expecting that is true here's one all right two I need to see the other ones before I give you I just pick something else fixed up there you go um is there any anything else you need not really I think so yeah oh okay have a nice trip wait what oh my God oh my God um if I'm being completely honest because kind of bullied my teammate into leaving and now I'm kind of by myself so yeah you killed mine bro what the heck oh my God I used both totems on this trip bro that was not worth it at all Oh no you're behind me oh my God no oh my God [ __ ] again I don't know how to use it please oh my God's Not Landing oh my God thank God thank God my under Pro landed holy crap that took so long I am out of here bro oh my God I better look next time holy that traps sucked now that I had barely survived with the books I could finally fully check off step two and move on to step three so after my teammate came back online we prepared for the nether okay so I could finally I could probably put this this enchantment on my armor bro the armor will be halfway complete boom okay we got prop 4 on everything the armor is looking sexy bro um I mean actually we could probably make you a new set we can keep it as display and yeah what tools do you have on you all right I got some iron tools right now oh nice nice and food we're going to another right now right or no uh well we need to make threads first let me make beds bro what why is there a vill that is not a villager hold on oh shoot I'm on my gear up okay hold on hold on bro I saw a villager but that it wasn't a villager who is this and why are you here it's my new teammate what yeah you remember them trust these people remember a storm uh you remember what happened to her yeah so I came back for the the the books [Music] uh I kind of like just put it on the armor like just like two minutes ago where's the armor uh in my chest but I'm not giving it to you bro that's not how that's not gonna work sure yeah I'm sure bro whoa whoa whoa hold on bro all right what's oh my God what dude his sword is so strong and the Villager does PVP I mean half of her I'm actually gonna die hold on hold on hold on hold on here oh my God Jason where are you where did you go yeah yeah you're not escaping this time are you I don't have pearls I don't have Bros help me Jason forget the villagers help me forget the villagers five or something oh my God I'm gonna die oh my goodness behind me oh my God I'm I'm at one hurt I'm gonna die yeah there's a skeleton okay I need to eat I need to eat that's fine we got one we got one we got one he's running he's running he's scared bro he's scared [Music] I like that bro how is he not dead dude how is he not dead he's so low [Music] oh my god dude oh my I'm actually gonna die I'm actually gonna die bro somehow blink Orbit's new teammate had a silent armor trim meaning step four was already partially complete dude the Villager he had silence armor dream wait Venus yeah what dude hold on wait we actually we we might have we might have this stuff for this wait this might actually be one of four any of these we do oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wow wait let's go oh my God that's one complete dude that looks sick a while emotions were high I made a massive mistake that's sick oh my God wait hold on wait wait wait you could you can craft them oh my God you can crash them you can craft the trims if you already have one really yes I just threw that away are you kidding me oh my God oh my God now we actually have to go to ancient city but I couldn't let this discourage me I had to keep moving so I made my way to the nether oh my God oh my God I almost dead oh my God that did half my heart oh oh my God I have two beds left how much another do you have those wait how many beds do you have left I'm out of beds you're out all gone I have one bed left we use two inventory events and we we got one another running it this bed will find us three okay we got nothing nothing yeah drop your another right thanks we still need the trim though we still need the silence Armory so right now there's another right is useless let me make the ingots boom two of four let me go put that in the we should get an Ender chat soon but we need to go to another Fortress for that we're gonna put this I can go find one like right now uh uh sure you could do that and I need to find another way to get another right but after using an entire inventory of beds I had only gotten one netherite Ingot and since repeating this process would take forever after I healed my armor up let's go heel back up I decided to steal the remaining two okay so I think our bases are connected or at least there's another because we set up little Bridges as you guys can see we set up Bridges to all the bases I actually have never been through his portal I've never been through this person's portal so uh we're just gonna have to try and sneak her win okay I have I don't know where I am is this what is this their base okay this is the base okay oh God how am I gonna here I don't know but is I know they have another ingots I know they have nether I just don't know which festival oh my God they're online oh my God they're here wait okay they are in line I didn't know they were at their base though what why are they at their base what are they what is that is that a oh my God it's an iron farm oh my God what wait is that full Dennis full diamond oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay food uh oh whoops I need to make sure he doesn't notice uh oh my God another way wait okay another right another right I'll move it also oh my God okay that was I was in that chest for way too long he probably saw my name tag uh I need to go up I need to go up I need to go up I need to go up I need to go uh he's zombies zombies I was never here hi hi hello you see one okay um hello sin hello what the [ __ ] are you doing in my house nothing bro I was just looking around I went through your nether portal and it just it led here it just LED here LED here lit here so hey I was looking around you got you on a nice base uh I'll bring you my chest room uh I was just I went upstairs if this happened to your chest room uh nicely yeah I see you I see you have an iron farm out there that's that's cool yeah yeah so do you mind if I borrow some iron actually that is and I have to yeah I'll go take some iron from that apartment I'll just be on my way so uh if you don't mind Hey weirdly enough I'm missing some netherray ingots and they were here a moment ago so what's with that I don't know what you're talking about I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go actually because I didn't take anything I didn't take it I didn't take anything why do your ax out you're not gonna kill me right I didn't take anything no no I'm just I'm just waiting for the creepers why are there so many mobs out okay you're attacking me I didn't think you said why does your why does your freaking accident so much damage that's my girl okay but you're asking a lot of damage to me I don't have any I have a lack of food right now oh my God that's my first time though I just got this from another and I'm out of arrows okay I'm gonna go to the Nether Portal and I will be on my way I can't close your door your door is not functional oh my God oh my God oh I'm good I'm good okay you know what maybe I just fight you off that'll work uh how about that how about how about you just don't you just don't kill me uh I don't know how to escape I don't know where I am I don't know where your base is uh okay you're like a lot a very far from my base oh you hit me through the tree the creeper there's a creeper there's a creeper uh what do I do what okay I'm at Evert I'm a heifer I just don't okay that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good look I really need the stuff please you could see I'm in chainmail armor okay I'm weaker than you you're just coming to my house and steal my things okay but I'm weak and you're not I don't know why I put that there I'm weak and you're not so how about you just let me take this stuff and I'll be on my way and maybe I'll repay you or something like that maybe you'll repay me okay no no I will I will I will I will I will I'll Farm another right and I'll get it back I'll get it back but I really didn't want to I decided to steal it okay um fine okay look I also I'll be completely honest with you so just you trust me I also took your silence arm return I took that but it's for my armor trim it's for my armor set look how cool it looks look how cool my chest plate looks you gotta be honest it's horrible okay that's mean but look I I took that and another eight okay I'll pay you back with what I'll pay you I'll give it back to you once I once I get more you know look I'm hard I'll hear I'll even take my armor off I'm harmless okay you literally armored it was literally Collins Oh you mean the trim the trim was calling yes yes okay okay well I still need a trim I need a trim for my armor because I'm trying to get I don't know you said it yourself go to a thing you know where any ancient cities are that you have yes you do yeah can you just give me the chords to it here you can take all my pearls I don't think you have any of those yet so yeah you have all my pearls I just I need the chords to an ancient city and then I you don't pay me back I will demolish you that's not very nice wait what are you doing oh did you put on a paper for me yeah oh thank you thank you for letting me keep the ingots you have a very cool I'm sorry for like vandalizing and uh and stealing from you and please don't kill me I didn't realize how strong you were so uh yeah I'll be I'll be on my way after escaping with the netherite I was finally able to move on to the most difficult step yet raid in ancient city for the silent armor trim luckily though I now knew where one was so I notified my teammate and made my way there I think the squid just died we're like 200 blocks up there I don't know if we want to dig straight down or if we want to like find a cave that connects to it but I don't think it pickaxe so I could probably dig down what do you have on you I just I only have my swords do you have any food I only have 14 chickens a lot of pork chops right oh my God whoa that's a big ball where are these Phantoms we need to kill them bro I'm good I have water oh I can I can MLG clutch for the content oh yeah oh oh I see it wait is that the ancient city or is that just go what dude this is oh my wait this is not even our water okay well we have to be we have to be quiet okay oh my God there's a creature right there we're already triggering it oh uh how did they you have to check around the chest right I'm so hungry isn't eating loud oh it is loud okay but hey how do we do this it's literally a screecher right there do you see that oh we're covering it we're covering it oh my God you're a genius it's fine I can't hear I can't hear anything I know but there might be another one we haven't seen okay oh when did you get the golden apple other side we got the other side disc oh my God bro I really wish I didn't oh I don't have a totem anymore I well I used my last totem on sin yeah this chest right now I'll go explore this way listening and mending oh my God okay so quiet in here wait there's so many right there there's also someone down there do you see that where oh yeah I think that one's too far though we just need to cover all of this this might be it bro hold on wait wait here I have an idea oh my God what it's nice that's a 1.2 chance oh I'm giving Darkness that's this one that's this one oh wait maybe that's two I don't know just don't know I didn't do another one before I don't know oh my God there's two sensors right there oh oh my God we didn't really go this way oh oh I did I forgot the eating the trigger oh no oh my God that's Warden there's a warden there's a warden I'm running I don't know where I am I hear two two I think two spawns just run run I'm powering I'm towering I'm towering oh my God that Warden I hear it I hear the word to respond wait I see you look at me here oh yeah it was good okay I'm gonna just do this okay water bucket Cuts did not triggered I think yeah I hear it walking oh it's sniffing oh sniffing how long do I have the darkness effect for nine oh yeah oh my God I see him I saw his little antennas I'm running out of wool dude my darkness went away okay oh my God I mean we just we already have the seventh armor champ so I could I could leave but oh my God I just actually another one oh my God I hear so many I hear somebody spotting dude this is scary I can't even see the floor anymore I'm running out of blocks to build with to get out of here right I'm at the ceiling I'm at the ceiling yes I got it dude this is like a horror game oh you might go another oh my God oh they're chasing me they're chasing me they're chasing me oh run please no PMA on the water I'm gonna die they're asleep oh my God what the heck well where it's like right here still did it leave the area oh it's still there it's still there yeah it's still here I got my stuff back I got my stuff back want another one dig down just Dig Down they can't reach us if you're 20 bucks down oh my God where where I forgot we're near bedrock bro I'm running I'm running I'm running I end up put away I spawned another one oh my God just run away dude I'm just digging up I I literally can't dude and they're fast it's like your heart literally starts racing dude I can't do it I am good I have a pain in my chest bro oh oh you died you lost all your stuff Jesus dude there's a screecher right there after days of work and way too many deaths I had finally completed the armor but after getting the rarest armor on the server what had I really accomplished and then three okay we're about to be done bro we're done another wedding gets okay let's go let's go put it on we're about to have beef oh we are about to have the rarest armor in Minecraft bro all right one two three all right we got the helmet we have the legs the boots and we're done we are done bro look at that oh my God that looks so cool we did it bro we did it let's go let's go wait we need to take a screen and uh let's take one last screen [Music] it became a bigger threat was this a good idea after all or had I just screwed myself in the long run [Music]
Channel: Tap
Views: 1,146,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft smp, minecraft hardcore, awaken smp, lifesteal smp, i killed a stacked player, Infuse smp, Old Traps Vs Minecraft SMP, Old Trap, minecraft traps, Sharkilz, slots smp, Infuse SMP ip, I hunted the rarest armor on the server, minecraft survival, rarest mob, rarest item, 1.20, risen smp, bliss smp, season, rarest armor, silence armor trim, carvs, building, I built, Minecrafts rarest, rarest armor trim, nocturnalsmp, nocturnal smp, tap, taplive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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