I Created A Fully Illustrated Children's Book for $40 with A.I. (Chat GPT and Dall-E 2)

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all right welcome back everybody today I have a special treat for you I'm going to show you how I created a children's book I should say my wife and I created a children's book using chat GPT and Dolly now if you haven't heard of chat GPT and Dolly I'd be very surprised but just in case I'll give a basic overview of what they are chat GPT is an artificial intelligence um chat bot generator so you can ask it questions and get responses for example hey chat um what are some good AI applications for doing art and then chat will give me uh an answer based on what it thinks I'm trying to ask it's not saying there are many ways an AI can be used to create art such as generative art style transfer music generations and it's going to give a bunch of ideas I say and then I can respond to that and have a conversation now what I got to thinking was could chat GPT write a story for me and then could I use dolly dolly being an art generator to create illustrations for that story and keep continuity among the illustrations now if you haven't used Dolly one of the hardest things that people have trouble with is keeping continuity from one query to the next because each query that you give dolly is um counted as totally unique and so even if you gave it the same exact query twice in a row it might generate totally different art styles in the images so I'll show you some tricks in another video on how to get continuity with Delhi but let's do do this as an example um hey chat give me a an artistic description of a cool or a unique painting that involves what should it involve let's say Darth Vader and is humorous so it's going to give me something all right a comical scene of Darth Vader struggling to paint a self-portrait the dark lord of the Sith is seen holding a paintbrush in one hand and a palette in the other with a canvas in front of him the expression on his helmeted face is one of intense concentration and frustration as if he is having a difficult time getting the brush Strokes just right the background of the painting is filled with vibrant colors creating a dark contrast with the dark figure of Darth Vader the overall effects humor and irony so let's do this I'm gonna take um this I'm going to copy it and I'm gonna say digital art to start so I like to give Donnelly the art style I would like and then I'm going to just paste the rest and we're gonna let Dolly generate something out of it now this description is a little long so I may need to tighten it down but I want to just show you this is a this is virtually what we did with chat GPT and Dolly to create our first uh children's illustrated book we'll be creating many more in the future and as a little treat I'll show you the book and read you the first several pages of it today oh my gosh it absolutely nailed it look at that so here's Darth Vader um what's kind of cool about this is he's he's painting a self-portrait you can't really tell that I guess but you can tell that he's painting so so there's no canvas of Darth Vader that is being painted by Darth Vader but look at this it nailed it Darth Vader holding a paintbrush there's his his little uh what a pallet of paints um really freaking cool anyway we did this for a children's book let me show you what that children's book looks like it is Lily's adventures in the land of enchantment this was this title was generated by chat GPT we did not come up with the title and there are two books within it book one and book two uh and let's just Dive Right into book one here before I get in though actually let me say this it took us about five hours to finish this that's it five hours for the full text the full illustration and then formatting this all we used canva to to give it some nice little accents on the text Pages make sure the formatting was correct because we're publishing it with um with Amazon print on demand and I'll send I'll put the link in the comments or or maybe in the description if you want to check it out there so here we are once upon a time in a land Far Far Away there was a magical place called the land of enchantment the land of enchantment was a place where anything was possible the trees were tall and green the flowers Always In Bloom and the skies were always a beautiful shade of pink and purple the animals in the land of enchantment were special too there were unicorns that pranced through the fields of golden grass and dragons that flew through the air with great grace the people of the land of enchantment were kind and friendly and lived in harmony with nature it was a wonderful place to be everyone who lived there was happy and content in the land of enchantment there was a small village the people who lived there were kind to each other kind to their animals and kind to the Earth they were the happiest people that ever existed one day lily a young girl from the village decided that she wanted to explore the world she had heard so many stories about the Wonders that lay Beyond The Village and she was determined to see them for herself Lily packed a bag full of supplies said goodbye to her parents and set off on her Adventure she walked through fields of waving grass and climbed over Rocky fields marveling at the beauty of the land of enchantment as she traveled farther and farther from her home Lily began to notice strange and wonderful things she saw a pond that sparkled like diamonds and a tree that seemed to be made entirely of golden fire at the Pond Lily met a talking rabbit who offered to show her the way to the Hidden Forest a place where the most amazing creatures in the land of enchantment lived Lily decided to follow the talking White Rabbit and journeyed down a long and windy purple Road as the road kept unwinding the forest grew thicker and darker Lily began to get a little scared but she was determined to continue on as Lily continued her journey she came across a clearing in the forest where the trees grew in A Perfect Circle in the center of the clearing stood a beautiful fountain with water that flowed Crystal Clear Lily was drawn to the Fountain and as she approached it something caught her eye in the bottom of the fountain she could see a small object glinting in the sunlight curious Lily reached into the cool water and retrieved the object it was a small intricately crafted key made of gold she had never seen anything like it before Lily wondered what the key could be for she turned it over in her hand examining it carefully as she did she felt a strange sensation wash over her it was as if the key was calling out to her inviting her to unlock something special Lily made up her mind then and there to find out what the key could unlock she put it safely in her pocket and set off deeper into the forest determined to solve the mystery of the golden key and I'll end the reading right there if you would like I will post another video separate from this one that is just a full reading of the book so you can experience the whole book for yourself or if you'd like you can just purchase it on Amazon as well if you want to get it for a kid a nephew something like that absolutely incredible to me what can be done with the synthesis of AI Technologies um and I see it as something that helps enhance what humans are currently capable of doing personally I have zero artistic ability very low artistic ability but I love creating things I love building things and so being able to use Dolly and chat GPT to help me bring some creative ideas to life has been a really cool experience and I'm excited to see if you guys come up with anything as well so thanks for watching if you enjoyed this please subscribe to the channel helps support it so we can put out more cool content like this and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Tyler Taggart
Views: 3,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI art generator, ai artist, artificial intelligence, ai art trend, dall-e, dall-e 2, midjourney ai, ai generated art, best ai art generator, how to make ai art, dall e 2, chat gpt, chatgpt, chat gpt to make money, children's book, children's book illustration process, open ai chat gpt, how to use chat gpt, how to make money with chat gpt
Id: x_sp2gUcEwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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