I Combined 3 Pokemon Games into 1 Randomizer Challenge

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[Music] bam oh I found my own cut we might get early cut then what's the cut badge the Cascade badge there it is I combined Pokémon Red Crystal and emerald into one big Pokémon randomizer every time you obtain an item it can be an item from any of the three games this includes item balls items given to you key items badges HMS TMS and also hidden items in Pokémon Red If an item you pick up is from a different game it will be automatically sent to the other game's inventory thanks to the archipelago multi randomizer I will be playing all three games at the same time trying to navigate through a randomized seat with the goal of beating all three games as fast as possible oh and I forgot to mention Pokémon moves and abilities are also fully randomized if you enjoy videos like this please remember to subscribe to the channel I plan on uploading many more videos like this one anyway let's see how this run turned out for me in 3 2 1 go all right we're doing it we're doing it so what while he's walking over I think I'll play Crystal oh of course let's play Crystal it's not speed choice but we got the running shoes that's nice oh poke gear is not part of it I guess all right let's go to Emerald play up to the starters because I feel like it picking all three starters at once yep Charizard in all three imagine all right to the starters I'll start with Gen one Jinx tangula and tentacle wait do I go for tentacle or Jinx I don't know I think Jinx is the best actually uh let's do Gen 2 next farfetched met metod oh boy kava I guess kava [Music] wins uh cfish let's do it uh oh man this move set this is really bad we probably will avoid playing Emerald for a bit if there's just as many items in in Crystal then and in Emerald does that mean I have hidden items on in Crystal or no I feel like I don't have hidden items on in Crystal then scen on emeralds ah sorry dude I got to get used to this oh my God wait chansy we might be able to run this kova uh never mind all right I I think I'm going to I'm going to chill here because I might if I find a Gen 2 rot I can go down to the water before I fight the first trainer we got thundershock Jinx that's it yeah we have we didn't really get any good starters man man M maning Jinx is is a commitment that' cry bam oh I fought my own cut we might get early cut then what's the cut badge the Cascade badge there it is oh dude we can use cut already so this this might be the parcel then I think the parcel is always in my own game it's like one of the special items this must be it then right no is there anything else oh dude I can cut past the old dude should we should we catch him main I mean the duck Trio is usually like the go-to right Mr mime oh dude level 31 first try and it's actually not a bad Pokemon either okay let's do p Den shall we yeah I have no idea how long this run is supposed to last literally no clue I was hoping like 6 hours or so but it might take longer who knows they're blind oh I didn't check the move set did we get any TMS oh no we didn't we got bubble beam bubble beam skull Bash could be worse 100 coins and a TM cool I guess oh yeah so in order to go right uh I have to find the boulder badge uh but we're probably not going to find that because we found um cut pick up all the forest items Escape rope that was fly an emerald hello surf I would go through diglett's cave now because that's the only thing I can do however if I do get the boulder badge I would probably go to mount Moon first so I think I'm going to switch game here before committing down going down through the cave here Vaporeon is probably better than kava all right what do we do while we're here uh should I climb the thing I would have to fight the guy though so Pokemon crystal is going to have actually really tough fights now faler and the sage right so we want to avoid fighting and hopefully get access to high level Pokémon [Music] instead what dude four trash items from Crystal the rooms aren't random oh uh yeah so I can't make any progress here unless I want to do like a really tough fight so let's play uh Emerald I think first Emerald [Music] check okay my main was a really bad killfish that's rough man maybe I should continue red blue actually you know what let's let's play gen one actually come on give me the super rod of of a game oh dude I'm thinking of Crystal oh this is going to be confusing fly dude two out of three flies already damn my nose is so itchy I have I have to like once or twice a month the outside of my nose like just tip so itchy for no reason what's up with that we got lucky with Mr M as as our main that's actually really good how's our Pace chat we got one badge in 30 minutes so this should be we should be done in 12 hours good pace almost done all right 16 it's it's 32 bades not 21 Crystal and emerald are just waiting for for Red's rods if you know what I mean I don't know what you mean could you explain it it was a penis joke red has two penises you're welcome I kind of want to check the TMs in the store but I'm out of money items so maybe I'll maybe I'll play other games until I can have more money should we play Crystal dude the gym with a level four horn drill ah too low level though dude what do I do let's get so let's get the early game items here level up defeating wild Pokemon like a casual plane badge yeah I'll just take the XP on kava because the vaporeon's move set was really bad sword [Music] stance okay we might want to go physical no I used outrage [Music] I don't think I can win this triple I don't think there's no way I live triple kick i' have to body slam paralyze oh do I live that n all right well we got some XP on the kava I could try again let's instead teach strength so coalfish can beat the Rival I forgot what Pokemon we gave rival but I don't think it was good oh God quack's actually really tanky oh no maybe I'll go for a paral paralysis charm oh my well I think we are winning at least that's nice all right that's nice so we in Emerald we can actually get so much done now what oh we send strength to Emerald H to Crystal that's what I meant to say [Music] rainbow badge and we have strength right oh no we don't gen one is the only strength we don't have [Music] yet actual super rod for Crystal just what I wanted okay let's uh let's let's go to Crystal I mean 40 Poliwag is pretty good how does it evolve AG would know no idea oh no it it has no moves wait I I guess I'll I'll fish in the cave too then let's see maybe we can find something better oh Magikarp would be really good with a candy ma male Magikarp with Peck Fury cutter Thief I mean still better than po I think wait wait fish encounters aren't random is that cheating well you know if I if I just went with the powak we would have never known no it's my first run let just pretend that was coincidence I'm running a Magikarp dude give me a break uh Thief is that good enough oh my God it doesn't one shot bner gives us two items the good rod in Emerald the prophecy okay when we hit 1 hour I'm going to tell you guys how many checks out of the you know however many we did so far are done I think we have about 750 checks across all three games also we just got the boulder badge for red okay so I do want to just do aelia as I'm here I I think but I kind of want to evolve that Magikarp so I can actually oneshot everything should I just wait for a rare candy from another game oh yes we're one hour in and we've done 81 checks so far out of 765 okay so we found lonon so far on this route only was the move set any [Music] good luster Purge reversal oh higher level come on level 24 lonon show I'll take four levels the lon was Hasty though the level 20 oh yeah I should te strength for sure that would have been very smart secret potion from Crystal Clear Bell from Crystal back to my key items there's no sponsor for this video so I want to tell you about my music instead you can find me on Spotify Apple music Amazon music and other major streaming platforms I will not issue copyright take down so feel free to use it in your own streams and videos check the description for a direct link and more info okay now back to the video is this too much Pokémon at once are you guys already missing Minecraft no damn I know you all would miss Minecraft it's okay it's okay man all right according to the tracker we can we can go up to fber how wait how and why why does the tracker tell me I can do that oh because of the free fly point oh wait a second AG when you made me the emerald thing did you enable Flying Without badge because that might be our unall then I can fly without the badge all right all right all right we're free dude early fly is nice um let me check no only fly without a badge yo Emerald is actually almost done recover Devon goods I can't do that I don't have the letter I think we're done in Emerald so we have to play we have to play a different game we have to play I never found a rare candy I don't think oh they're blind fight uh keep forgetting sludge bomb Oh my God that would have hurt zap Cannon Alm man The Magikarp needs to evolve soon this going to be pretty rough otherwise how do we knock out vill Peck yo we're going to have stab peack once it evolves let's go solar beam [Music] molus dude what okay Evol nice our Main's good now let's go what is this a TM for Emerald but we don't have a a definite main yet like in Pokemon Red we might main that Mr M forever in the other two games you know we're unsure although actually wait that Gyarados is really good all right let's get the bike shall we so we can be faster give me the bike oh the bike is actually a letter oh ooh oh squirt bottle so we're free to do more in Crystal then actually Thunder badge dude we're at five badges in Pokémon Red already and thunder badges fly wait and we have fly so we're just missing fly in [Music] Crystal Wood I mean what I main wait listen I think those aren't random well the cries aren't random all right do we go left to Olivine or right to Mahogany first what's the play Macho brace and a TM a trct uh you have I have the secret potion yeah so we should go left a blind trainers is actually so nice in Crystal I can just run up deliver the potion I have the SS ticket I can just go to Kanto but before I commit to Big travel let's switch game because I can fly in the other games so we don't have a good main yet I don't have the Devon goods do I hold on I don't have the Devon goods I don't have a bike either so I can't make much more progress here actually yeah I I can't make more progress uh so I have to I have to switch game again all right we're on gen one now all right I'm saving and I'm checking TM so we have a Mr mime main with surf wait do we have surf yeah we Surf and Vine whip oh Amnesia that's a good move I don't have the bike are they going to let me on cycling Road oh wait I have to I don't have the flute anyway doesn't matter um I don't have the scope so I got to keep going here oh man I can't go this way either we have the underground items oh why why didn't I do Pokemon tower all right we're doing Pokemon Tower without the scope good rod for Crystal don't really need that do we nope Thunderstone for Emerald oh I can still do Mount Moon I have the boulder badge so I can do Mount Moon I forgot about [Music] that go Goggles go Goggles unlock stuff in Emerald we could go back to the desert rare candy ether all right we're 2 hours in chat let's get a an update on how many checks we've done 2 hours 5 minutes in we've done 169 checks out of 765 the old school B no oh that's bad I'm I'm stuck I can't even heal it because I used skull [Music] bash okay we want an iron or HM o5 I'll take the iron uh we can go towards Rock Tunnel and actually we we just found flash which means Rock Tunnel is in logic I believe o Earth Badge wait that's six badges already yo acrob acrob is a major unall now in Emerald oh my God I'm teaching strength to jinx get ready to listen to jinx's cry over and over again um I believe oh there's one more thing we can do there's one more check we can do and that's Surge and then I'm going to have to switch game again nope nope nope cool room 2 key okay I think gen one's done um we could go back to Emerald if we want to delay Crystal a little further yeah I'll just play Emerald because we have fly right uh my main still sucks and I can't surf so I'm going to avoid the Rival oh I should get that one item though that was Crystal's Flash oh that's the most useful flash actually wait am I really still at zero badges in emerald and one in Crystal out of 16 but six badges in in red blue that's really weird uh let's go this way check this out acrob bik design love to see it it something that's not artillery maybe okay Drill Pack hoo oh my God it has the move oh surf surf but I don't have badges so it doesn't matter what new megas do you hope to see in Pokemon Zed uh mega ckit mega Charizard Zed and then whatever whatever new three starters they're choosing those will probably get Mega Evolutions as well um my startup predictions were Snivy hipop and I think it was Lon actually wasn't it dude Mega Empoleon that that sounds amazing Empoleon is such a cool design and the typing is so cool too power plant key Glacier badge yo we found another badge finally what's the badge average right now time divided by badges what what are we at one badge every 19 roughly okay fog badge that's surf unlocked in Crystal um and in Emerald I think we're kind of stuck aren't we there's not there's nothing to do I'll just chill at the [Music] beach the stone badge we got our first badge finally first badge in Emerald yo the bicycle everything's coming together [Music] shiny it LIF another one what any Pokemon names in German that you think are ridiculous yeah like geodudes Geodude is just called small Stone and in the anime he go small stone Small Stone but in German dude licky tongue in German is called schlurp that's a good [Music] name I think there's some good names to better than English price down for the red scale and Oaks parcel finally we can get the Pokedex Soul badge that's surf in Pokemon red blue and we're one item from dun that's crazy uh so once I'm done with signwood I'm actually going to switch game again and hope I find fly all right we're do another 3H hour update here with 3 hours into the Run we've completed 272 checks out of 765 this is bad I'm going to be here all night oh no I mean if we find you know what is it the the marsh badge find the marsh badge please I would love to find the marsh badge asab that could save me hours all right the Mewtwo is Porygon o this kind of sucks is Porygon a better main than primape probably not I'll catch it anyway we only saw one wild here I could I could stay we only saw Butterfree here oh Raichu let's check out the the moves nothing also nothing all right Raichu wins storm bad storm badge but no fly sepher badge I don't remember flash Boulder badge back to back badges Earth Badge oh my God another [Music] one oh my God why did I teach Jinx strength uh wait I don't have the pass season pass $1 million uh okay what do we do now uh um we could go through V Road that's probably pretty good shall we also I have seven badges I can beat Giovanni oh my God I still haven't delivered the parcel I'll do it I I haven't gotten the the the town map Parcel Plus town map all I need is the marsh badge and we're done with this game he we could bike wait is there an item here somewhere wait no there isn't I'm thinking of a different game fire R Leaf Green Well now we're here now I got the fly point I mean there's still a couple things we could do but I guess we'll let's play Emerald now all right so Emerald we unlock cut which means we can do the trick house I have one badge only dude we've been playing for almost 4 hours I have one badge in emerald and there there's only one trick house thing I can do so far right because you get one per badge I think well that wasn't very much balance badge GG balance badge means Mom right but can you drive a manual uh yes I've actually never driven an automatic before and I don't I don't think there's anything else really in this game oh did I not get the mom item dude we talked about this classic rookie mistake I just got her number rised mom and dipped let's switch game oh got seven badges no yes we do seven Badges and strength we could go through ice path but also we've had the SS tiet it for like ages maybe I should do that first there was one time where a car would have been nice it's when I got a new mattress um I went to EK by bus and I just carried the mattress home I I did all right we did all of the bat for a Chester Berry amazing wait did I get the item at the top oh I don't think I did man this is confusing playing dude hidden items aren't part of it what am I doing this is so confusing gen one Kanto gen two Canto he doesn't have items what am I doing wait why is Misty not talking to me hello she's just in the gym oh that's weird wait that's such a weird change why um what do we do what do we do we go we go down here I could do wait no I don't have the machine part let's let's keep going here all right we have 4 hours in new update out of the 7 65 checks we've done 358 so almost halfway done but with release I think we're over halfway [Music] done dude he talks so much oh machine part okay well I was just talking about that I don't have cut uh keep going wait I don't to fly though waterfall to Emerald but we can't wait is that useful we can't surf yet no no we've done a lot in Emerald I'm just I just visited Mom recently okay what do I do what do we do oh we can do backtrack with surf in jodo there's actually and and uh ice path there's lots to do if I go if I go back I don't have cut oh my god dude want one a that's so annoying is there anything else I can do I don't want to go all the way back knuckle badge okay we should play Emerald then wait there's more here though I'll do this and cycling Road and then switch to Emerald cycling road is tough there's one how many items is it total was it five or six Sil scope that's a big one all right okay so we're done here so with Sil scope we can actually beat Tower and then go into Sil Co which is like a lot right and with the knuckle badge oh wait knuckle badge is just splash isn't it knuckle badge is useless wait Emerald has was nothing it's just that it's just that we unlocked trick house stuff I think I think that's actually it I can't think of anything else huh do you need do you need the Dynamo as well a man he's not ready he's not ready yet okay we'll go top down uh silco and get anything I can there's a bunch of items in here man it's been a while I don't remember how do I get to this uh girl again anyone remember what [Music] floor I think it's this one oh my God [Music] Legend oh my God that was surf what okay okay wait that's huge right we have the balance badge yeah this this is massive oh my God Mirage Island there's no item here right it's just just Wilds why the berry is not part of it though what's the level 50 going to be Kingler again whirl poool crystals whirl poool usable we still don't have flying Crystal Devon scope and poke block case a lot to do fly yes we can fly [Music] hey I can fly he can fly he can fly he can talk oh my everything's going to be fine everything's fine everything's going be good I can fly in all three games now I don't have the Mack Bike but I do have surf so I can get this item Dynamo badge progress do I have rock smash I don't have rock smash that was an earthquake TM ooh earthquake for King pretty good de Goods I thought I had them already oh wait I had the Deon scope uh surf is available let's go here just hit 5 hours on the run all right another hourly update on how many checks we have left we've done 440 checks out of 765 Safari pass oh that's nice that's a bunch of items in red SS ticket ooh SS ticket and Safari pass to Red back to back that opened like 20 items or more I'm feeling really good today today is a good day oh I was going to check move sets first but I guess this is pretty good surf strength should get us [Music] there Cascade badge for Crystal thank you e44 marsh badge a dude I freaked out it was the other marsh badge it was Crystal's marsh badge rock smash everything is coming together I haven't beaten Watson yet what the I thought I did oh hype train complete I hate the Hat no I love the hat no I actually don't mind the hat at all but when I'm having a bad hair day I'm have to fix my hair every time that's the only the only part in Pokemon Red we have to do Safari Zone and SS SSN tons of items yeah I think I think I'm switching here and in Crystal we have tons of items as well actually first fly in gen two uh let me look at my tracker you can't fly from from region to region oh my God guys please fix that oh [Music] no rain badge oh yeah I forgot we need that I was just going for a check [Music] actually that's actually me you [Music] to no it's not God damn it I got parasite again this happens way too often wait wait I haven't uh gotten the items over here yet there's no items over here is there like through the cut Bush I think maybe I've gotten these all good did I I can't cut yet I can't cut yet how am I going to get through diglett's cave I don't have waterfall either I I'll switch to red blue I think while I'm here mineral badge another badge for Pokémon Crystal dude who thought this song was was a good idea in the zone secret key that's uh Blain's gym I think what's the oh God I haven't done SSN in a while I don't know where the items are how long till you swap I can swap whenever and right now I have a bunch to do in Red before probably switching back to Crystal heat badge yo okay so Emerald just unlocked a bunch yeah it's strength and we have the magma emblem so we can do magma Hideout that's a ton of items I'm going to check the Zapdos for the fans a man of the people how was [Music] that zapto sounds like a horse man I'm telling you all right quiz time 5 * 4 [Music] 20 17 is negative 19 no title 49 of the US code of federal regulations part 397 67 states that the shipper is responsible for planning routes when hazardous materials are transported yes this doesn't apply to me this is the best change to R and this so doid a man in Cerulean City was looking for farfetched I didn't talk to him that was a guess po evolves 63 times not quite Sky attack is flying type dong was sleep on Route 60 I don't even have the Poke [Music] flu that was nothing okay according to my tracker I'm completely done with Pokemon red blue minus that one item in Pallet oh my God it's a coin case that's a ton of items okay there's three items in here wait it only showed me the second one there okay it's a Max Elixir a Max surve and an Ultra Ball sooth Bell [Music] rare candy all right that's it yeah I'm done I'm done with this game I I have no items left un unless we get like card Keys then I can play more uh there's a waterfall there's a couple waterfall items here and then I think I'm going to have to switch game again which means we have to play Crystal but without cut I think the next badge we're going to find is the hi badge that makes a lot of sense here we go here we go here we go okay how do I get wait how do I get to Kanto like efficiently I think I have to take the boat right all right so I'm going to jodo because I want to go through ice path ice path has a ton of items and I haven't been there card key 9f that's a bunch of items in red blue right wait is it I think it's just one I think actually gold teeth okay so we got gold teeth and floor 9 key for for red potential more item checks it's actually crazy that I remember where every item including hidden items is in gen one two and three now that is such useless knowledge except for today card key 8 F okay red is getting more and more item checks available Marsh uh genen wers in the prediction uh anything in the city I think so got this guy [Music] Soul badge wait H crystal soul badge right of course it's been so long since we found a badge I was confused hi badge yes we were waiting for this so we have cut now which means we can go to left side Kanto which has a ton of items a ton of quick items uh 6h hour item update of course um as of now we've completed 573 checks out of 765 so around 200 checks to go across all three games we have currently 24 out of 32 badges I don't have cut wait I do have cut I haven't taught it uh we're not going to main switch off the Gyarados I don't think are we that's a hidden item what am I doing by the way I Jasmine was available for like hours and I still haven't beat her this is it she's she she will have the marsh badge what she took the OS what the hell damn what a move set what a team I mean G those is pretty cool oh ah the pass that would have been nice oh well I'm actually just finishing the checks in Crystal in jodo for some reason that is what I have decided to do I don't I don't know if this is smart or not guys we're almost there man stay with me chat we're almost there any moment now we're going to find that marsh badge all right I don't think I don't think I have the Silver Wing so I can't get Lugia has anyone tried Mr Beast new chocolate I've heard some PE some trustworthy people like talk there's the Silver Wing what the hell uh talk really highly about [Music] it rainbow badge we're almost we're only three badges from dun in in Crystal all right fine I'll check the Lugia for the fans but I don't think I'll main switch off that game gados I it got the stat XP from the whole run Victory Bell Porygon damn I should have got that I think I have an upgrade actually I'll catch it Porygon again oh yeah right meww was Porygon too all right we're officially done with items in jodo well there's still items remaining but currently I cannot get anymore all right we're in Kanto and we're going to do diglet cave first I think that makes sense all right we're going to pick up like 30 items very quickly how many badges will we get in the next 20 items two badges is my prediction oh my God right no actually it's not that many items because hidden items aren't part of it and no trees I don't know why does the tracker and Crystal not uh tell me I can't beat Brock Thunder batch like why is Brock not on my tracker yet find out why wait is there a reason he's right here there's nothing wrong with Brook he's right here all right is it worth to even fight this guy they beating E4 is one item [Music] right surely it's not E4 bro I have Tin Tower I still haven't been there [Music] volcano badge one item to go in Pokemon Crystal and one item to go in Pokemon Red I've never gotten the super rod I walked past that building twice too confusing man because I got it in gen [Music] one I skipped the second cut item ah because gen one doesn't have one there I man playing gen one and two at the same time is so confusing [Music] room four key okay I I'll I'll get it now yeah the surf plus cut item we could try yo what are the odds the marsh batch is vanilla hear me out it was actually nothing an escape rope what else do we do this is unavailable right yeah I would have to do the so many story fights if I do this um we can go get the Victory Road items right that's in logic I think basement Crystal basement I forgot brilliant brilliant idea uh let's I mean I have to go this way anyway I'll finish this 7h hour check sure we have completed 638 checks out of 765 so I mean this is my first run so I don't really know if this is a good or bad seat but it feels like the fact that we're four items from done and none of the games have been completed yet makes me think this is not the greatest seed but it has been a lot of fun so far golden Ro wait Gen 2 coin case items are not feather batch we're wow dude really every every game is now one item from done that's so lame so we have around 120 items left and three of them will beat one of the games any moment now without copium any moment now we'll find a badge that will beat a game crap man what else do I do all right don't judge me but this item has been available for like the longest time this is for the Rival [Music] thing oh CLA with a Pidgey kind of like a dragon yo what if they make it a new Regional Pidgey like new region Pidgey and it's dragon type dragon flying although wait well PG yard already got special treatment oh yeah we were talking about this earlier so someone was like I wish kingla got a mega but I I'm like I don't think kingla will get a Mega in the new game because kingla already received a gigantamax form so no more special treatment for that one but genga got both Mega and giganta Max yeah but G genga is a mega fan favorite kind like Charizard and and Pikachu and Meowth you know what is it what is it it's not actually the rising badge she didn't give me anything wait hello why she hear me nothing oh oh I got it in the gym oh okay okay never mind all right I don't know if I can actually go into Tin Tower but if I can I'm going to call if I can go into tin I'm going to call it we're going to find one of the Game ending badges there's at least one is going to be in this building it's just too likely it's just way too likely all right here we go 100% there's a badge in here if not I'll give five there it is there it is man the rising B let's go all right we're beating the first game uh by beating the game we're going to release all of the items that are remaining in in Crystal which is 19 items at once all right um red with a grandbull grand bull lead so even if it has like Thunderbolt it shouldn't one shot us I don't think let's open with an X defense play it safe I would say the only one I have by the way okay cool it has Thunder oh my God why did I say anything no dude all right um Here Comes Porygon do I have another candy crap I don't think I do I can't evolve the the the Porygon two Thunders that's two just stall a couple more three oh my God this is going to take so long five oh nice good misses seven eight eight eight used or seven used I try the poly outspeeds the grand all right that should be it though uh flash uh body slam maybe I don't know did that do zero damage oh God now we can set up I used one xped should be good enough all right do you think we'll get another badge from this release why did I set up to plus six against Weedle man it's pretty likely we get another Meganium what's a good level for Force ful evolve in Emerald 40 level 40 is good so all the E4 is like tough all right is that it we did it did we get anything I'm scrolling super nothing 4our stream no no no I hope I can get sub eight still I think it's barely possible dude you know what's more likely than a badge actually we might get we might find oh wait no dive guaranteed because we need the Mind badge last that's nice all right we're back in the trick house for round two I don't remember this it's been years since I've done this oh my God mock bike challenge wait how does this work oh here any more items dude that was so fast I'm a puzzle genius okay what is this this is strength puzzle come on deep sea tooth nope is there one more if you answer quizzes correctly then you will go to Mecha do 5 one of these Pokemon is not a water [Music] type which costs more Harbor males or one burn heal three Harbor one burn [Music] hero more expensive in SE where there more men or women bro I have no idea wait like the with the lemonade I think it was the same it's yes wait there's no yes what do you mean I going to go neither no no the whole thing again leech life [Music] dude these questions are actually tough do one repel and soda pot cost more than one super potion no it's the [Music] same 700 sell one great ball and buy one potion how much money remains it's nothing uh in SE were there more men or women dude it's this one again women no it's m cycling wrote how many Tri athletes were there Google I didn't I didn't Google it I didn't Google it I actually didn't Google it thanks [Music] chat bro made me work for the Mind badge all right we're beating Emerald Calm Mind Blastoise okay that is terrifying it's going to live don't cook me [Music] plus one only oh my god of course it's four times resistant though oh my God what is this back to back too oh and I had drill Peg right I did have that one all right all right merro yeah the the legendary birds continue to show on Champion what's next Pidgey all right Emerald done the big release is happening we need the marsh badge come on we got the marsh badge the marsh badge was let me confirm it it was Route 127 item East I think that's one of the dive items the grand finale chat we didn't get sub eight today with the scary song I'm going to talk a little bit over it all right prediction how many types is I think how many types of retro all right here we go what wait Reds this is Blue by the way but I think everyone knows what you mean we got Articuno lead it's always going to start with the never mind I fix it amnesia amnesia I'll just triple Amnesia easy sweep something could out sweep me I guess Electro and me to maybe and Aerodactyl all right two types all right three types total so far flying fire ice what's next poison and Bug uh water and psychic seven with two Pokemon to go damn oh this might kill me that's a really powerful explosion oh never mind oh I have I have badge boost that's why there's the meww uh no new type still at seven wow I didn't oneshot meww at plus six that's crazy that thing is a monster man one Pokemon left grass 8 types total I think and we're ending at level 69 just like Emerald let's go GG 8122 what a run sub 9 hours Sub 10 chat let's go we'll get we'll get at least sub eight next time this combination is honestly such a blast and I hope you like it too if you want want to watch more multiworld randomizers check out the link in the description don't forget to like And subscribe thank you very much for watching and bye-bye [Music]
Channel: 360Chrism
Views: 15,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archipelago, archipelago randomizer, minecraft archipelago, pokemon archipelago, super mario 64 archipelago, sm64 archipelago, randomizer speedrun, pokemon randomizer
Id: 8pa7LFaJC3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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