Pokémon Emerald [Map Randomizer] by 360Chrism - #ESASummer23

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[Music] thank you thank you very much hello everyone [Applause] um yes we're going to do Pokemon Emerald ex speed Choice map randomizer that's a lot of words um basically Pokemon Emerald but a new version of it that has all Pokemon from gen 1 through 8 and all of the moves and all the physical special split and more and it's also map randomized and lots more I'm just going to go through the settings really quick I just wanted to show you guys the title screen before doing the settings um but yeah there's lots of cool cool things um you look up Pokemon Emerald ex you can you can find it yourself uh Evo every level We're not gonna do today that would be a pain but I'm going to randomize the music for the fans and I'm good to go do I start it myself yeah oh God that's the button is so far away someone you just hit it for me or okay all right we're starting in three two one go all right [Applause] so yes you can actually see the map tracker that I'm using since um I cannot remember the 310 warps that we're about to try to discover the goal of this run is to find all gym leaders all E4 in no particular order and beat them and then finish with champion Pokemon moves items and abilities are fully randomized and every single door teleport and loading zone that we enter except for the first city because the game doesn't like it when you don't have a Pokemon and we got quality of life like starting with the bike and we can bike indoors yes ex with random music um is really cool it actually adds all the Gen 4 music too and the sight game music [Music] okay that wasn't that was a mega evolution stone that sells for a lot of money so that's really good to find early on basically we want to find a high level main as soon as possible so we can start shredding the gyms um but before we can do that we have to find a Pokeball so we can actually catch it so we have to like randomly find a Mart or the boring thing to do is beat rival so we get the five free Pokeballs but I'm not doing that we're just gonna Gamble [Music] and the tax was really fast too it's really nice that's the whole speed Choice aspect [Music] Mark bike might be a little sloppy on the new setup but you know not going to complain about it too much starter Choice doesn't matter too much [Music] you know with the recent news let's take the alien uh is good [Music] oh no we don't need that all right and first loading zone coming up uh audience which one should I go in first it's going to determine the whole fate of the Run Mart [Music] this could matter a lot saving just in case and hopefully we'll find pokeballs really soon 310 random loading zones I went with the center all right we're in rustboro [Music] yeah that's bad we don't want that that's a little too high level right now [Music] after I'm playing most of the time a little uh like one-handed trying to navigate the tracker and my character [Music] it's also all about recognizing rooms that you enter really quickly and try to find them on the map without losing too much time that's just a lot because I played a lot um oh that's the same room we were just in actually oh no man um if you have any donations you can go ahead [Music] yes we had a 50 donation by Neo matamune and the donation went towards the Final Fantasy 9 any percent and they named Steiner Neo and that name is currently in the lead too and we also have a five dollar donation from Ash stad and it reads I went to get milk at the Pokemon in Viridian City and ended up in cyan wood send help I'm just going question mark to question mark as fast as possible trying to find that's bad okay you know we haven't found anything so I'm just gonna reset I'm gonna mark this as an exclamation mark because that's a force fight and now we're going running right awesome any balls [Music] that's the storage key [Music] yeah so that opens one more door in the abandoned ship I'm Gonna Save that this is for later we have a double edge move tutor and since I got the key I'm Gonna Save I want to keep that all right any pokeballs please yes and I get one Escape rope and two repels oh I need to actually see how many accidents they sell here okay that's really good we want to keep that one in mind I'm going to mark that very important all right now I'm ready to find one of the level uh 70s there's five level 70s in this game there's Lugia Ho-Oh Rayquaza Groudon and Kyogre put your guests in the chat which one we're gonna find First [Music] uh sure we won [Music] oh yeah one day of that music oh that's the storage key room so we don't didn't actually need it [Music] but if you want to go I hate this place [Music] [Music] that's pretty good look at that movement [Music] was it worth it Maybe okay this is pseudopolis topside if I Mark something wrong then everyone please be mad at me okay [Music] yes we should talk to him this opens one loading zone by uh scapula nope nope oh actually I'll catch it as an intermediate it's good to like repel all right who guesses this one got the two I got three ton [Music] [Music] no music oh God and now we're gonna get catch XP so I put on random music which is kind of risky foreign level up jingle it could be way longer and then we're sitting here for a couple of minutes but this one's okay I think so yeah [Music] get some donations in so we have some time to fill for for moments like this everyone [Music] oops I just hit the Escape function I think that's a built-in Escape rope I usually don't use it if I don't have to that was an accident though sue me Nintendo please don't fix it all right we have an intermediate now so we can actually at least run from Wild uh I just saved so I'm gonna use the repel [Music] oh nice the big March big Mart's a great Hub because the elevator does not randomize so it's a bunch of loading zones we can cycle between this is always a nice find I'm definitely going to sell everything I have and just buy some repels one item everything I have uh I have five pokeballs already we need money for X items later for now I'm just gonna get regular repels so I can actually go places and I'm saving that there's you don't actually have to save very often but just in case you'd like jump a ledge or you walk really far and it was a dead end you don't want to have to like walk back that would be annoying oh it's selective [Music] okay any moment now we'll find a level 70 I believe any any moment opium [Music] I can pedal work [Music] oh that's a one way see that's what we see sometimes [Music] foreign [Music] no fear Naval Rock which is the event place that's where HOA and Lugia are if it wasn't map randomized oh hello not now is that's actually the first objective we found that's a it's pretty late to find the first objective oh I'm not sure which building that was was that this one yeah what we found an E4 first objective out of uh 13. oh look back home that's a dead end uh I guess I go back here [Music] rust Pro is almost done so the the best thing we could find is Winona's gym because we're known as batches what unlocks fly and fly is really easy to get that would be by far the best also level 70 would be you know nice [Music] oh it's floor one desert ruins is a one-way I think I saved recently uh we'll figure it out oh two bedroom [Music] ah that is not Kyogre that is the room with the the fight it looks exactly the same unfortunately [Music] hello [Music] I'm sure any moment I would find a 70 like any anyone would know anyone now okay money wise we're not doing too great either I only had one mega stone I'm gonna pick up some hidden items wow [Music] I don't think that sells at all actually that's unlucky oh tutor hold on Rock tomb that's not the worst [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] anymore now we went through 70 loading zones already fast right um this one 70 out of 310. [Music] Landry's gym I'm not too confident in the gotha Tells ability so I'm going to skip that for now [Music] there we go money and a drink [Music] okay don't worry it's fine and we can listen to the cry too wait was that just Rayquaza's cry [Music] who's that Mewtwo no way that would be really good don't be parasite oh let's go [Applause] that's a good main I think yeah we can agree on that laughs this seat is by the way completely untested I just randomized it and went to Esa with it and hope for the best hopefully fly isn't an impossible location [Music] all right don't have like truend or something Trace intimate it's got a couple good moves [Music] all right we can probably work with that let's beat Flannery foreign [Music] [Music] okay that's all I need to do uh if you got a donation you can you can go ahead uh we've got a really long donation from Tiger Tiger 28 for 25 and it reads here's some fun map random math for everyone in order to stay on Pace Chris will need to check 310 warps in 150 minutes meaning he needs to check 2.07 warps per minute there are 13 important fights that need to be completed this means it takes 27.64 chrisms per fight it also means that he needs to win one important fight every 11.54 minutes put that all together and every 20 minutes we get to watch roughly 48 chrisms beat 1.73 fights and clear 41 warps Chris wow best of luck on the Run Chris thanks that lived what no chance huh is that maybe sturdy but it doesn't announce it I don't know it usually started it with an ounce that's great [Music] that was narrow's hits flying types right oh yeah it's a good move but it's physical I think all right first gym James Early are always nice the TMS are reusable in this game so I think that's a play rough uh another physical move think with Mewtwo we would rather go special uh let's go back to Pedal work [Music] the door just disappeared all right cool [Music] all safe here so I can easily turn around to uh pedalberg [Music] it's it's actually good pace for like finding a main and catching it oh yeah the cutscene I hope the music's funny oh my God please it played like a clown music last night was hilarious oh actually uh this music is kind of kind of scary for the for the YouTube copyright I don't know this works really well [Music] and I entered through a door which means it'll put us in the water I think yes even though we don't have surf so I can save here and we can get to the right side of sotopolis which is out of logic the right side will will be available another way but I can also get waterfall unless I have to reset here of course [Music] oh I should uh [Music] should have repelled [Music] okay but we're back to pedalberg anyway and I don't think I yeah I meant to turn around one step earlier yeah we don't know how to catch Pokemon yet so he's telling us the way you know that trumpet is so obnoxious [Music] I can hear that is that the chicken oh this is surf locked if we didn't enter the wrong building foreign [Music] ah Stephen this room is not needed for anything but he does give you a TM so and no jingle for TMS [Music] [Music] oh my god oh this time I have to do the puzzle [Music] okay thank you thank you for the mock bike he's played the game before Freedom nice [Music] huh we don't need those two we call that quantum teleportation oh that's a good one to find okay Watson unlocks rock smash once we find Rock Smash and Rock's mesh unlock strength so that's a good song all right perfect time for another donation all right we have a five dollar donation from an impressed but baffled spectator and it reads never seen a Pokemon randomize a run like this before what in the gobbledygook am I looking at yeah and I just want to remind everyone that you can still get your BSA Marathon t-shirt at speedrun.store or by typing exclamation mark merge in the chat [Music] we've got some good luck on the songs they're all bangers [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah map randomizer is basically about finding a high level and then being really efficient with discovering stuff making smart decisions with like X items although with Mewtwo we might probably not need that many um yeah uh just to play fast and then also a little bit of luck of finding all the things [Music] this is a solid start though I think that's it energy ball [Music] a special move at last hey we're in a hub with a bunch of undiscovered locations so I'm Gonna Save here [Music] also you know for Marathon sake I don't know the game has not crashed on me before but you know I want to be ready for that too [Music] oh it's a gyro ball not energy ball well that's not as good uh it was this one okay in this place I like to grab this hidden item and at least one of the TMS just in case fiery dance oh that's good all right so we won't need X items I don't think [Music] we also have fire blast pirate dances I think 50 chance to raise special attack [Music] laughs [Music] no we don't we don't do that one I'm scared of children's puzzles uh no all right I like to Mark Pokemon centers with like a red color just in case [Music] foreign because our main is really good oh [Music] [Music] that's Steven's post game room if I finish like 30 minutes underestimate I'll fight him oh I wanted to repel here [Music] thank you [Music] oh we're back here again okay lots of Gen4 music oh Champion oh no not right now yeah game is uh all the quality of life changes like in vanilla you would have to fight him but in the map Brando you can just turn around oh okay Island cave is doable in Reverse actually uh sure oh that's a good song oh man I only heard like one second [Music] I mean it was the Rayquaza and it still has Dragon Ascent I guess right [Music] uh I'm gonna turn around for all of these places that have like forced fights because I might just find the other sides and I'll keep it for later because if I can't avoid fights I will oh Lugia all right doubles partner [Music] I don't know what that is [Music] [Laughter] everyone's favorite [Music] I mean that would have been actually really good as a level 70 as well that would definitely get the job done okay we probably do not have to catch anything else because that's two very decent Pokemon oh I can heal here [Music] you want me to read a quick donation uh yeah go ahead we got a 20 donation from Safir and it says greetings from the esa dinner party downstairs good luck finding the entrances while we finish our own trees damn enjoy your meals [Music] foreign item wise we're pretty sad I'm gonna need I'm gonna need to buy some more we were here already when I need to buy some more repels but other than that and maybe some potions actually [Music] come on hiker for the for the marathon never look 1 in 64 chance to see an NPC walk up the mountain okay [Music] okay let's not fall down and fight all these trainers Maybe if you use the Mach bike on the tiles that it actually goes so fast it skips tiles so don't do that [Music] [Music] huh was it immune speed boost okay oh that might that might live oh my God it actually did [Music] and it's gonna he's gonna heal so I'm gonna use a different room [Music] [Music] yeah when I submit that this run I actually summited emerald map randomizer and not Emerald ex randomizer but Emerald ex mybrando came out after and it's more or less the same with like the new Pokemon added and the quality of life changes um so I just kind of I'm just kind of doing ex without telling Esa about it but we don't have to mention it it's actually faster so how does that survive how does how does that why man this Tippett Mewtwo is not good [Music] I think leaf tornadoes also physical [Music] [Music] all right that text was a little too fast I did not see the TM there but if someone saw it you can just donate and tell me [Music] oh God please be a nice jingle oh no jingle okay oh that's a fast one that's not bad [Music] so he gives us all the event tickets that we won't need at all you could actually use them to your advantage oh I guess actually technically they could be necessary to finish that is not something I would check until like the very very end of the run though okay most deep City to get the fly point from Austin city you have to actually run down the stairs and go back up and then you get to play point spiky Shield that's not punch punch punch [Music] I don't want to do that one [Music] though I have that one already [Music] nope [Music] that's a good one to find we don't want to go there [Music] that's a dead end [Music] uh that's Kyogre I mean maybe for the fans later we'll have a look later [Music] wait sometimes I do the thing where I enter and I immediately forget what I just saw okay [Music] uh that's another Forest fight I will check those but not until later oh very nice all right we're gonna have a good time guys we're gonna have a good time that is probably like a 30 minute Time Saver this early we still have to find fly but fly is just in at the outside of fortree so that's really easy to find I can actually already walk there oh the him is out uh whatever yeah that's really good for the marathon setting were we behind on schedule on this one I was set up took a while I think I'll make up for it it's I'm also also way overconfident like I might but I might go an hour over estimate who knows I think my oh did I just not teach coin forces oh no oh wait no there was no target but it was um yeah I should have changed bohem out of the lead [Music] all right over here good [Music] put my favorite Pokemon in the second slot instead [Music] there's only one more double battle in the whole game by the way it's the Titan Liza fight [Music] all right I'm starting the gym leader now so you can read another donation I'd love to we got a 20 donation from mini Stefan and it says hey Chris wishing you good luck from the crowd and this donation went towards the Twilight Princess low percent skip Stallard incentive for which we are just uh 27 away from meeting so keep donating towards that and we'll meet it before the Run starts which would be really nice [Music] Beast boost I didn't even see that imagine Beast boost uh Mewtwo would be so insane [Music] now foreign badge jaw lock or whatever that was I don't know E4 without setup might actually still be a little bit of a struggle like as in I'm not one-shotting everything because I only have one special and I want them to go as fast as possible obviously I'll save again maybe I'm saving too often I don't know [Music] ship block I'll have to write this again okay another chance for the hiker [Music] nope never lucky very fitting music for that Ryan foreign [Music] but I haven't found rock smash yet so we can't get string oh God uh [Music] okay I should do this while I'm here [Music] [Music] okay just back in the big March I'm just gonna keep going then [Music] that is a corridor as in it's only one door one exit I saved recently and I haven't done any objectives so I'm just going to jump the ledge and I'm gonna reset [Music] uh I just saved let's just try it oh [Music] are we fine are we fine first impression oh my God yeah that's gonna take too long without setup [Music] and Felts Feld Stinger is pretty interesting [Music] we could I mean we could probably win that but I'll just come back later when I have a better move set [Music] oh yeah I never went through that room so I'm gonna have to check that later [Music] hmm oh my God [Music] thank you so many physical movements maybe I have to go Feld stinger [Music] Marvel to this no this sucks foreign [Music] [Music] thank you okay I actually beat a couple fights though so we can go to floor four and check the TMS because they're randomized too they're all physical [Music] fueled by your Wrath foreign I mean that's a special move I might as well buy it and this is also a good time to restock repels [Music] this just one revive as backup I'll get regular repel still kind of short on money oh wait I didn't sell any [Music] uh I got a couple potions let's do super repels seem good oh my God it's so awkward without music and here we go far away Island I'm gonna give this a it's never been an issue I just I I assume it's a dead end but it it isn't in reality so if I'm like super lost at the very end of the run I'm gonna check it again Uber room [Music] oh nice first time first time fortree this is where we gotta fly and I believe it was building [Music] poor turret ring and we got the Boost [Music] thank you [Music] all right now we can actually fly so I don't have to worry about saving as often anymore because if I get to the end of like a very long corridor I can just fly okay this fight might be needed to open one loading zone at Jagged paths I can sleep forward [Music] Norman okay you want to exit immediately and go back in because otherwise you start the cat tutorial and that would be bad and Norman will unlock Surf and actually hand it to us right away so that's a special move any more donations yes we've had a 10 donation from Albert Rodman and his reads hi Chris hi did you know that Slowpoke likes to roll come on Chad show Esa how Slowpoke grows Chris grin roll with me [Music] [Music] I'm honestly not sure what my PB in this category is I forgot and we don't have a speed on our home page but I I think it's one hour 30 something or like it's between 1 hour 20 and two hours somewhere around there I actually don't remember but for Esa I did give a very generous uh estimate just like last time uh last USA I I ran Pokemon Crystal full item randomizer and I think the estimate was also 230 but I finished in 140 and scheduling team was freaking out and were like calling people oh we need another run Kristen was too fast so I think they actually woke up fatska to like figure out how to fill the schedule I'm sorry it might happen again hopefully the next Runner is here already [Music] but then again this could take another you know three hours who knows [Music] all right that's this this and I think I got the did I get the goggles for the the desert yeah yeah I did [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right just continuing in rosborough okay uh I mean we have fly let's just go down so this loading zone is not open yet it's actually I think the worst check in the whole game so hopefully we'll just find it struggle [Music] foreign [Music] oh wait oh God leaf tornado is a special move oh oops I thought it was physical for some reason I'm thinking of petal blizzard I think uh what and I'll keep a thousand arrows I think yeah thank you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I did a I did a catch em all once where I taught um sweet scent to get encounters to Hypno which was like every single time and it was a catch them all there was like a 10 hour run [Music] definitely hate Hypno now [Music] oh nice Roxanne getting off the bike because I'm scared so if this was a regular non-map randomized how scary would this fight have been quill fish lead somewhat scary [Music] oh boy yeah level 15 Raikou on not map Rando this would have been a really really bad one [Music] the letter that we already delivered [Music] ah actually I can't do that [Music] oh they're not talking to me okay [Music] [Music] I've seen both sides it's this one I'll just rope out uh and then we've only checked I think two loading zones and four trees so let's go back in uh we got time for for some messages yeah all right we have a five dollar donation from script fish without any comments but the donation went towards the skip Stallard incentive which is just 22 dollars away from being met and why not donate there are some amazing prizes you can win for example if you donate 69 you can win a refurbished PlayStation 3. or for fifty dollars you can win a Sonic Lego set and of course if you donate at least 250 dollars you can win an amazing customized Esa PlayStation 5 so get those donations in win in and win some amazing prizes while giving some money to charity isn't that awesome [Music] all right quick update we have 113 question marks left on the map we started with 310. that's a dead end [Music] foreign [Music] okay from memory I think uh this place is good that's Groudon all right you feel the fans we'll check it out [Music] Victory bow is my guess hey [Music] that's all right we got some we got some moves now I'm still Gonna Save though okay that's all E4 and Champion found we're only missing brawley's gym and tnl's gym and we can finish oh God I'm gonna be underestimate I think [Music] I have no X items so I'm gonna need the boosts here [Music] what if I PB I mean on my last run my last Pokemon randomized run at Esa I did PB which was great but you know opposite of marathon line [Music] [Music] [Music] uh yeah okay so I'll just Dent that instead of fighting them because we have definitely seen the other side uh sure uh I still don't have rock smash so I can't do this I've seen both sides of this one as well children's puzzle skip today let's go [Music] okay where do I fly um I think dewford has two more yes this in the cave oh nice sorry I want to go I'll actually mark it when I beat him just brawley's gym to go 94 question marks to go 1894 on the next loading zone uh Rock slides pretty good with 94 to go that's actually insane I think I think on my PB had like 30 or so left if I actually have 80 or so remaining that would be incredible that would be so lucky [Music] oops that's wrong [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] doing this as a double fight they're both both forced anyway it just saves time on the battle startup doing it together I'll just I'll Just Surf Rockstar [Music] thank you [Music] all right this is why I called a second Pokemon [Music] I'm sure we usually would have been able to handle it himself though [Music] oh Hitmonlee survive oh they both survived actually ah and I missed rocksly they're both gonna heal I actually I think they only get one potion per turn Let's uh fiery dance oh [Music] just try again I hope I don't miss oh they do get two never mind maybe I've just never done that to where I get both into Red Bar there we go range Maybe oh that was a crit nice oh thank you thank you very very skillful I'll just Spam hopefully proxy survives that's okay [Music] okay that Citrus Berry was actually pretty good [Music] [Music] Mewtwo walks alone the revive is now useless [Music] all right uh so fun fact actually the badge check in this game only checks if you have the sixth badge and nothing else so you can you can go in here as long as you have Winona's badge because that's the only one in the whole game you can actually Skip and make it this far I'm gonna say if it happens in a while I don't know rock smash uh let's go to the doford cave 94 question marks left one of them is brawley's gym [Music] I'll fly to uh oh God that was a guess I'm not sure oh no that's all done um I'm flying to reciprocity the tracker is actually awesome um if you don't know where question marks are remaining you just right click the question mark and it Cycles through all the pages where some question marks are available [Music] if you're interested in starting running this yourself and you want all the resources you can join um my Discord server I have a whole Channel dedicated to all the resources [Music] let's go down to route 104. [Music] uh [Music] yeah I'll just jumping thank you [Music] yeah pretty good I shouldn't really pick up any more items I don't think we'll need any Mirage Tower and I have to do this without falling [Music] you don't know that I'm not gonna first try this anyway all right [Applause] [Music] it's just a muscle memory to re-enter there's no point um [Music] that might be questionable going all the way down just for this one but I'm kind of running out of easy question marks to go for [Music] at least the ones in cities [Music] uh yeah we don't want to use that [Music] Ah that's whatever he gives a rare candy but we're not gonna use it [Music] oh we've been here [Music] yeah the all the aqua fights disappear once you beat uh Tino and all the magma fights disappear wants to be to Maxi which I found I could actually fight him I don't know if it's worth it though [Music] oh my God that song that's actually also such a journey that's not that one question mark abandoned ship is really good oh my God foreign [Music] left side that's where I am you can read another Nation perfect fire Yoshi donated fifty dollars hey Chris best of luck on the PB attempt Smiley and hello to awesome people in the crowd and with this donation we've also met the Twilight Princess incentive so we will see the skip Stallard trick one of the hardest games tricks of the game [Music] uh what floor is this let's be this one uh I yeah I'm just gonna jump [Music] foreign [Music] okay this is gonna be really fast I really pick the next Runner pick the next round oh God I have only like five fights to go laughs I I could I could stall I didn't mean to [Music] back to back is apbs for Pokemon randomizer maybe I need to be more confident on the on the estimate [Music] okay uh I'm definitely gonna check the TMS for final move set and then we just have three four and Champion left to go I'll add Champion uh not Champion Steven the post game fight too why not foreign [Music] yeah kind of stupid you can fly here though [Music] 65 question marks left over that's definitely the most I've ever I've ever had in one of these that's pretty crazy [Music] all right final moveset check ER punch was one of um flame wheel hmm [Music] only Vault switch is kind of good but I would have to like deposit everything else might be worth yeah maybe on the next Pokemon Center visit I'll I'll deposit I'm actually gonna open with fiery dance just to get a boost hopefully I get a boost come on there we go first impression u-turn [Music] oh I'd lift them um I'll go for another one I do have to revive so it's not too scary [Music] heart switch why oh because I use the fire move [Music] hopefully that goes down everything survives with so little HP [Music] all right [Music] we also skipped strength Flash and rock smash which all have loading zones behind them all right shut up [Music] I don't know I kept going we want to go turn around actually [Music] uh Pacific lock seems good for glacier [Music] and then we can route oh this one's in the city as well so all the E4 actually really nicely placed on the map yeah uh kind of scary amount of HP for me right now [Music] I believe the zero [Laughter] oh there's no chance right that has to have like fluffy or some type of physical like defensibility there's no way absolutely nothing all right I'll use my revive now [Music] please go down [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] oh overheat again go why does everything survive [Music] that goes down for sure no if if it survives it's sturdy okay okay [Music] two fights ah [Music] great now we should go down to that was Narrows yep [Music] all right I have to heal I'm out of revives and bruxish is dead [Music] very scary [Music] what Butterfree okay iron bars what's wrong with this Mewtwo [Music] lava Ridge and I think there was a Pokemon Center here we have time for a quick donation yes go ahead uh shocks to see if I pronounce that correctly donated twenty dollars hi Chris are you doing it again PP incoming metronome only to Roxanne as a bonus Chris grin oh I mean if if Esa needs me to stall a little I could do that yeah that's a good idea okay I'm gonna deposit the bruxish and teach Vault switch wait that's my flyer never mind I need that one you're back in [Music] and I'll save because I'm out of revives now [Music] thank you [Music] um I'll still go for a fiery dance even though vanish rock may have knocked it out come on no boost [Music] still I need a boost there we go [Music] hmm [Music] didn't think so [Music] yeah X items are definitely a little more reliable [Music] [Music] King's Shield [Music] okay this goes down for sure now [Music] [Music] all right [Music] kill [Music] um I don't think that was a direct route I could just fly and surf over or I'll do Lily Cove [Music] this actually goes through a Pokemon Center which means I can do the Strat where we teach voltswitch [Music] [Music] thank you all right I'll still save might come down to getting a couple fiery dance boosts I'm not sure [Music] uh that's a it's a good time yeah I think actually now that I think about I think my PV was like a one 28 or something I think I could barely got that 130 once [Music] I will just fiery dance okay got my Boost now Teeter dance oh okay you can't heal that just get lucky I guess I guess I could have fire dance again oh that might live now I could probably matter [Music] this music's so anti-climatic oh my God it's just so bad no no oh that's bad [Music] okay I'm out of confusion I'm probably good yeah that thing has a hot that thing has uh almost as high a special attack as Mewtwo actually so that's really scary thank you [Music] it's not actually drastically like the the text says it's a only one stage I think the text is wrong oh nice great probably matters and the final part one diligent all right GG everyone that is the run but I'll definitely add Stephen as a bonus attempt that that one's gonna be level 70 so it might be a little tougher GG now time comes up when I'm in the Hall of Fame [Music] and it's also really convenient you just hold a button and it'll uh it'll Mash text me and depositing brux was actually optimal because we're gonna have to watch one less Pokemon in the Hall of Fame that's a PB back to back at USA [Applause] I'm an hour underestimate all right GG [Applause] it's worse than last time [Music] um so yeah I can offer you to do a metronome only run to beat Roxanne or a no XP run to beat Roxanne that could be fun too if we need to stall and add extra content I don't know unless the next round is ready yeah okay the Steven battle is less than 10 minutes okay so we'll do the Steven battle and then we'll move on to the next run [Music] [Laughter] can you change the estimate on screen to like uh I don't know 130 or something [Music] interesting Auto fire oh yeah I'm gonna have to find them yeah nabbing there would take up forever let's let's just speed that up [Music] oh yeah of course post game [Music] but yeah if you enjoyed this run um I do Pokemon randomizers like this all the time you can check me out on Twitch or check out my YouTube channel a bunch of map randomizers and other other types you can find there um other than that like I said if you want to get started on this yourself we don't have speed on our comp Pages for these categories but usually like everyone just tracks their own PBS um and you can get started by getting the resources in my Discord server or oh yeah I'm not going to teach fly to Mewtwo I never repel ran out too great okay we have to find a PC I'm gonna find a PCS somewhere um there's nothing red here there's nothing red here uh catch something else that's actually so smart there you go oh [Music] I have to Quick catch [Music] I'm not stalling I didn't think of that okay [Music] [Music] boom burst on type null that's pretty strong [Music] and then we fly see right here oh Mount pyre third floor or Mountain Power fourth floor which is full Arbor oh I chose the worst path [Music] but yeah if you're like really good at the game you remember every single loading zone that you've entered and you know choose the best path but I'm not that good [Music] [Music] all right so this one without X items could cause problems I'm just gonna hope some fiery dance boosts me YouTube shut out speed pretty much everything unless there's like a Reggie like or something [Music] oh I guess yeah it does this wouldn't have off all right fiery dance [Music] that's a good that's a really good one to set up on yeah [Music] oh but I can't I can't vote switch now I should have knocked out I should have knocked out the type null first it's all right without and switch oh boy it's actually doing so much damage now [Music] or four for the whole run [Music] all right surely that's good enough no okay then uh [Music] okay [Music] chandelier should go down [Music] [Music] that's fine [Music] don't Vault switch goes down all right GG [Applause] yep I hope you enjoyed this run thank you for accepting the run you say and enjoy the next one thank you so much for your awesome run um next we will have the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess run by anarakis which is gonna go on for a long time but yeah I hope you're ready and hyped for that one and I'll be giving over my shift to say that too thank you so much and see you later thank you
Channel: ESA Speedrunning
Views: 76,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 360Chrism, Alzheimer Foundation, Alzheimersfonden, Charity, ESA, ESAMarathon, ESASummer23, European Speedrunner Assembly, Pokémon Emerald, Speedrun
Id: pAUhAgIojb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 16sec (5476 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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