I Cooked a Brisket While Waiting in Line at Franklin Barbecue

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no go for it [Music] hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue I'm Jeremy Yoder today I'm in the Franklin Line as a matter of fact I'm first in the Franklin Line this line has grown notoriously long and as soon as the first customer shows up we're going to start cooking a brisket because I want to see if it's possible to cook a brisket from start to finish all all waiting in line so you might be wondering why I decided to cook a brisket while waiting in line at Franklin and the Genesis of this idea was from a few years ago when I went to Franklin Barbecue got in line super early in the morning and then went inside had some delicious food a lot of people in the comments were like no barbecue is worth waiting in line for that long I could cook a brisket while you're waiting in line and so I thought you know what challenge accepted I'm going to give it a shot and so I thought there'll be enough time if I'd use something like an ugly drum smoker in this case I found a Pit Barrel Cooker and that's what we're using and I thought well I probably can cook a brisket in that time but is it going to be of the same quality is there a reason why people are waiting in line so long that you could cook a brisket during that time yeah it turns out there is so the places that have these crazy long lines the reason the lines are so long is because the quality of what you get there is beyond what most people can be making at home and in addition to that the method that they're using to cook it takes a really long time like 14 hours to cook briskets so what you get in the end is something that you don't replicate in just a few hours of waiting in line and kind of A good rule of thumb is if there's a huge line at one of these places chances are the barbecue is really really good probably better than what you're making at home so I thought let's do this cook and then we'll compare it to something that people wait in line forever for and see is there a big difference is there a small difference is it a big enough difference to make a difference so stick around and see if I get the brisket cooked and see how it compares to a Franklin brisket okay we're here at Franklin Barbecue in the parking lot at a completely unreasonable hour because I have to get here to see how long people are actually waiting in line and if you can cook a brisket in that time I've resolved that I'm not going to light the fire until the first customer shows up because if I have a hot smoker that takes away part of the time that goes into actually prepping the brisket I just realized that that thing right there is a natural gas pipeline so I'm going to move a little bit further away I've seen people cook briskets extremely fast on drum smokers I saw the blues hog guys cook a brisket from start to finish in like three hours and 45 minutes blew my mind so I put it out on Instagram that I was in search of a drum smoker so thank you Tracy Cortez for hooking us up with the drum smoker we went to HEB yesterday we got a brisket we got some seasoning we got the Franklin Barbecue spice rub we got some salt and pepper 50 50 mix and we got let's see what else we got some Franklin charcoal and some wood chunks we got all the stuff that we needed because HEB is awesome anyway we got all that stuff I had Joe trim it up because he's a barbecue professional we got it seasoned and it's actually sitting in the truck right now we're all ready we're all set to go so as soon as somebody shows up we're gonna light a fire and get started thank you it's a very scientific process to open a bag of circle couple chunks of Post Oak after they use coals get lit and pour them back in put the grate on close it up and let it come up to temperature put the brisket on and we'll see what happens big shout out to Maiden for sponsoring today's video I'm a huge fan of the company they make tremendously good products and I'm really excited today to share with you a new product that they've come out with it's the carbon steel griddle and a couple accessories one of the things I like to do is cook outside it doesn't produce smell or smoke instead of bothering my wife by smoking up the house and making a mess this is a better option first of all it's carbon steel great cooking characteristics it's half the weight of cast iron but equally durable so if you want something to produce a great sear if you want to do Smash Burgers or steaks you want to fry eggs or bacon this is the ticket here so it's really kind of Ideal for the kind of cooking that I like to do also they have this press it's ergonomic it has a significant amount of weight to it so if you need to press stuff down this is going to be super helpful one other thing is they have a cover for this griddle it's going to trap heat so if you're on the quest to make the world's greatest grilled cheese sandwich and you're good at getting the crisp but not great at getting the cheese melted this thing is going to trap heat you just set it on top and so the steam that would normally just kind of be blown away by the wind it's going to be trapped in there and if you want to do something like lightly basted eggs you could do that too this griddle is safe up to 1200 degrees it's wide enough for two burners so there's a lot of Versatility here with made in cookware they're making professional quality cookware for the at-home Chef there are three Michelin star restaurants that use made in cookware and unlike most of the other equipment that they have in their kitchen this is something that you can have in your kitchen at home so click on the link in my description so you can go over to Maiden you get a discount on their products check out all the great stuff they have on their website and make sure you check out this griddle so click on that link use that discount so here's our brisket let's put it on we're gonna go fat side down Breaking All the Rules and now we go join the line I think I told you about this but I saw the blues hog guys cook a brisket from start to finish in like three hours 45 minutes insane blue mama and I think that they went that side down and then when they wrapped they went fat side up yeah the high school deal yep they literally get it at like 6 a.m and they have to turn it in at three so we can usually get it done in about four or four and a half hours for somewhere in there and then let it Coast if we get four and a half hours we're going to be done at 10 30 which means we'll have succeeded I'm excited either of them that feel like a genius at the end of this or a yeah so what do you what tip are you going to try to wrap at because you got to get on this you can't really go by feel you got to go by Temp and just let it rip yeah I was going to try to get it to 175 maybe and wrapping foil totally wrapping foil yeah just a hundred percent crutch it because it's just about getting it done yeah I was told that these things can kind of get hot spots so it's a good idea to rotate them so 30 minutes after we put it on I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees in another 30 minutes 90 degrees more et cetera et cetera until we're ready to wrap and then I think I'm just going to leave it alone but let's see how we're doing wow actually looks pretty good already feels warm that wasn't 90 degrees was it I'll do almost 90. with the great there it's got good color already internal temperature is probably like 65 so we got a ways to go but I think we're gonna do it I believe in it [Music] as you can see it's a lot brighter so we'll get our first real look at this brisket and I'll rotate it in another 90 degrees aha not bad starting to tighten up because it's cooking a little bubbling fat so not bad for like an hour in I like this oh my God someone go like this [Music] all right so it's cooking pretty fast and it looks like it looks like the edge of the flat might be getting a little too hot so I think I'm going to insert one of the rebar bars through there to maybe slow down the cooking just a little bit all right it's nine o'clock it's been on for about three hours now so we're gonna temp it and see where it is and we're probably gonna have to wrap it at this point because we can't really wait any longer but let's see look at that action 180 that's unbelievable 172 there over here it'll be hotter 187 that's crazy can't believe that maybe we could just Let It Rock unwrap the whole time it's getting a little crusty though all right I'm Gonna Go Wrap This at the tailgate because I'm sophisticated all right goes back on and it's locked in done to wrap it we kept it really simple use some aluminum foil because we want to go as fast as possible and use some wagyu beef towel because it's delicious [Music] so it's been about an hour since we wrapped it so it's the Moment of Truth we're going to check this temperature [Music] can't see anything in the Smoke 201 202 feels a little tight still that feels great that's like 208 I think this needs about another 10 minutes so we're going to come back in 10. we'll pull it off and let it rest and slice it at the last second okay it's been about 10 minutes so total cook time about four hours and 10 minutes let's see [Music] that feels good now that guy's done let's take it off four hours and ten minutes Perfection probably not I put it in the very sophisticated warming oven aka the bed of the truck because very sophisticated today uh put it back there we'll let it rest until the last second that we can and it'll slice into it because right now it's about 210 which means that it's got a drop a significant amount and we don't want to do it too quickly or else it can tighten up again we want to do it as gently as possible so it's it is what it is so I'm gonna let this burn out because I have to load this thing up again and um yeah we'll check back in probably about 40 minutes we'll slice it and we'll go in [Music] foreign [Music] yeah don't blame them for this [Music] all right so we have our four hour brisket and our 14 hour brisket so we're gonna have to try them before these oxidize too badly let's take a look at some comparison brisket slices first this is the four hour brisket okay you see the fats rendered pretty well but the Fat's kind of been burned away it doesn't have that deep kind of translucent yellow look that we're really after also all the scene fat is still pretty white so it doesn't have that kind of melted away texture so it's not going to be the same yeah here we go okay here we see the kind of dark translucent looking fat that's the result of a 12 14 hour cook where you're really rendering the fat down for a long time you're not subjecting it to super high heat to kind of scorch it away also the steam fat has cooked down a lot more and this fat in the point muscle itself has rendered a lot more so with the four hour brisket you see those big kind of seams of that here it's all kind of liquidy even though the first brisket the four hour brisket was still a lot hotter when sliced so we have some obvious physical differences on the top side of this brisket the Franklin brisket it's a lot darker it's just the result of building up smoke for many more hours and the smoke ring is thicker also part because it's cooked at a lower temperature it's not going from zero to 100 immediately so I'm excited to try these back to back there's so much fat just on my hands I'm gonna try a ribbon then jump right into the brisket because I don't want to wait any longer but I want to try one of these ribs so pretty good looking rib on the board they just glisten and shine I feel like I can stop there that was phenomenal pretty good right all right I'm gonna try the four hour brisket it's gonna tear a chunk off so we did get to tenderness but it took us to like 211 degrees to get there so if if we took a regular Offset Smoker brisket to 211 degrees it would be mush on The Cutting Board actually when I'm flashing it at like 190 or whatever it is kind of tastes like a burger um it's nice it's a completely different flavor profile than I'm used to um fat on the outside is rendered well it's got a decent bark but let's try this so you have Franklin brisket we'll try that that's the difference the fat melts how's it going all right over here yeah okay we have our brisket imposter the four hour brisket I caught a weird smell in here definitely like Franklin yeah uh looks pretty okay though boy sure cook fast yeah it's really good though oh okay I think it tastes more like a burger taste just because no go for it [Music] seasoned well it was Franklin rubbed by the way oh well yeah interesting texture that's like tender but not like developed I think it has to do with the muscle fibers themselves not having enough time to sweat out water so they're still kind of tight whereas this has lost enough water to where the muscle fibers kind of gently lay judging by the food cost it's lost almost all of us wonderful it could be well done oh well thank you most people would be really really have that well they probably haven't had this brisket then thank you appreciate it well thank you sir so this brisket though [Music] you just eat it just melts if I'm choosing brisket 11 times out of ten I'm choosing this one yeah but I mean if somebody served this to me and be like oh okay yeah you know because you go over to a friend's house somebody made it I'd be like okay yeah good job good try means of himself most people will be happy with that yeah notice what he didn't say he didn't say I would be happy with that right that's the difference yeah it's just about what you're used to the flavor profile you're after and the texture you want so if somebody's doing competition barbecue trying to get it just done immediately um to keep maximum water in there yeah but to me I would make a meal out of this a hundred times out of 100 compared to this yeah the smoke flavor that's on the four hour brisket is the flavor of like fat burning in the fire so like what a burger smells like when it's cooking that's what this tastes like with this Franklin brisket the fat is cooked down so well that it's almost like cotton candy in your mouth there's a sweetness to it even though I don't think they really put any sugar in their rub at least not very much if they do but it just it's sweet it's Smoky it just disintegrates it's everything you want to be able to accomplish when you learn how to cook a brisket when you decide I want to make a brisket this is what you're after and they've achieved it and I've eaten in some great places here in Central Texas this is the best brisket that I've had anywhere in Austin um sometimes when you go back to a place there's an element of diminished Excellence because you built it up in your head it's like oh that was a magical experience this is one of those that it lives up to every bit as good as I remember it being there's the reason why this guy's Super Famous there's a reason why people wait in line for many hours and there's a reason why you can't cook a brisket in four hours that matches this in terms of quality so I'm gonna eat the rest of this food I hope you guys have enjoyed this video I would encourage you definitely if you're able come get in line being in line is part of the experience make friends with the people around you and then you go and you'll tell all your friends yeah one time I waited in line for four hours to get Franklin brisket it was incredible you should do it too if you if you get the chance I'm gonna enjoy this I'm gonna do some work on this tray I'm gonna take all the leftovers home with me and I'm gonna put them in the fridge and then probably in a couple hours I'm gonna eat them again so thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed the video hit the like button down below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and follow me on Instagram Facebook and Twitter at mad scientist barbecue I'll see you guys next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 929,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: franklin bbq, brisket, bbq, aaron franklin, bbq with franklin, austin, texas, barbecue, franklin bbq brisket, texas bbq, franklin barbecue, franklin bbq review, austin texas, texas barbecue, aaron franklin bbq, best bbq in texas, franklin bbq austin, smoked brisket, smoked brisket recipe, how to smoke brisket, texas brisket, beef brisket, texas smoked brisket, texas style brisket, hot and fast brisket, drum smoker brisket, drum smoker, pit barrel, pit barrel brisket
Id: 7KtJyE9A6LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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