I caved and finally tried God of War...

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I am God of War that's my son Secretary of War get in the boat boy bring me up here boy father what I think change the forest feels different we're on a PS5 boy you're feeling the 60 frames this is my first time playing this I know I'm late but I want to be ready for God of War Ragnarok but for now I must bury my wife find your way home bury your mother boy death is a natural part of life Welcome to the first God of War Mission my son and I are bonding hunting deer find the deer boy uh use this way I can see more tracks oh wait I'm exploring boy see that aha a chest or we can follow you shut the [ __ ] loot is important son you can learn from your father whoa wait try that again do that again hey there's fairies in this game it's gonna pop up hey you can do this you know what I want it back give me the X yeah change my mind what is over here I see the chest I hardly see the chest where are you going exploring I think he's this one I'm gonna shoot this kid I swear to God so satisfying oh look what is it boy oh you find the deer or dinner wait for my Mark here boy relax do not think of it as an animal think of it with mashed potatoes good it's okay son death is a natural part of life well done boy I don't know how to [ __ ] take this monster yeah take this I want it back take that I want it back I can just do this for 20 minutes yes boy get him oh Jesus walk it off there we go the finisher god of war is known for its finishers look away boy it's taking a long time I'm better now oh he's got like cancer or something fine what was that oh it's this part it's Baldur sorry it's a popular game I've seen a lot of cutscenes throughout the years coming Long Way from Home aren't you three hour flight whatever it is you seek I do not have it go leave in peace you should move on well ladies and gentlemen this is balder he's the main bad guy I think I love this scene my turn oh you never see it coming get out of here this is my property parrot oh God it's the Flash I don't know your moveset chill I am the god of war Baldur what are you the god of tattoos got him oh you can Parry cancel too this game's easy yeah Jesus so threatening to just toss me around randomly like that get him Kratos look at him fight back uh run Spartan rage available oh cool I killed Aries I killed Zeus I killed the competition back in 2018 cool I should have made some popcorn before playing this look at that can't hurt me nothing can a crab you say can probably hurt you let's finish what I'm at the end of the game already ladies and gentlemen welcome to the last God of War Mission I am currently winning Baldur give up you're no match I have Quicktime events for this first God of War Mission my son and I are headed to the mountain to spread my late wife's ashes we're bonding how long will it take to get to the mountain before winter Falls I do not know okay okay Shrek donkey Vibes are we there yet I'm still Lonely at the Bare Bones of kratos's moveset but we'll get there games like this the combat only gets better there's the mountain damn already uh welcome to the last the last God of War Mission Sun get off the bridge oh my God this game is a condom commercial more drawer please boy oh God no I miss timed it the little puzzles in this game are all right so far pretty fun actually I expected worse old God of War puzzles hit differently put that [ __ ] in the SATs what do those runes say oh it says family what this place looks great I love colorful nature walks so peaceful and pretty [Music] dog good boy you look awesome by the way uh puppy merch is available if you want it I bought the tank top and t-shirt for myself look at those Beach Vibes huh this is one of those game environments where you wish you could dive into your screen and just have a swim is the world serpent I'm light years ahead of you kid saw the cutscenes on YouTube A Thousand Times what is this this is Cinematic Kratos [Music] so much cooler seeing it while I'm playing the game it's okay son he's a gentle giant probably uh these runes read death inside oh great I have new moves observe first you hit them with a combo and then brick slam sends him flying I also got this charge up the ax whoa right there he is the enemy The Soul Eater every enemy has a weak spot atreus see that gotta wait till he's vulnerable cover me boy I need to heal [ __ ] crazy how are we supposed to kill something made of rock we use paper boy we punched the rocket hit me come on [ __ ] awesome yeah how's it feel I punched I'll punched everything the world serpent I don't give a [ __ ] upgrades people upgrades uh that should be fine always a pleasure now [ __ ] right along relax Danny DeVito we've arrived the mountain whoa right and would you look at that there's already a chest here give me the loot give me the loot give me the loot I don't throw you off this mountain stay back boy well new problem what is that it's an Assassin's Creed loading screen don't step in find another way up my magic is useless against the black breath and there's no way around it Odin soughted that long ago what if I punched here Maybe by helping you I'll make up for a lifetime of mistakes ah I know what you're referring to or maybe like years ahead of you you believe in Ragnarok I totally wish I didn't oh they already announced it baby oh my God they're not even acknowledging it so cool you will need this a buy Frost to create travel between another thing from the movie can't believe I just captured vanheim this is sick I didn't know I'd be going to other Realms I guess I'm not light years ahead let's go to Detroit remember to take the bike we're headed to all time can't say I know anything the round between Realms will open should have made popcorn such a cinematic game opening the bridge to that round that's why realm travel is only stop saying well this room stop saying all time we are at tears Bridge here oh that's the uh head guy right yeah like here big slam boom I got new moves for these new enemies they fly around and they have ranged attacks I'm already pissed oh Darth Mauldin hold him still hold him still a Trace well done boy nope Perry atreus with the leg sweep I'm so proud I physically can't be threatened by you and your fairy wings I'm sorry the leg sweep again atreus is so useful I love him the leg sweeping is just bullied this last guy come here come here goes in one ear and out the other with you huh he always leaves never here doesn't want me and he never will just wait for my character Ark son out of my way boy maybe instead of looting a sacred Temple he could just get out of here you are no son of mine what my real life son's getting jealous what is that boy wait Daddy's working I am the god of puzzles I'll figure this out uh do this and puzzle foreign if you want to help your father at all feel free to speak up I hate the puzzles now but I'm also not thinking so maybe this is a me problem so the symbols are b e f and fancy F boy look away you shouldn't see this your father is stupid father I have a confession yeah all those voices in my head well this wasn't the first time it's called the schizo moment son pick this give it back it's time say something helpful son uh a trace and for the youngster no I'm good with your stats and we're back to you what a surprise good Lords I think that's how you say that Asgard you can go to Asgard Nephilim there's so many Realms I've been to like one I'm at the beginning of the game uh this is a lot of bodies you're having quite the childhood huh well as good as this game is it can't resist recycling bosses like every game this is like the fourth time I'm fighting this kind of troll monster earlier he was gray now he's blue amazing hit me give me the Perry look did he just throw his co-worker after we scattered mother's ashes what then what comes next next I put you up for adoption you're just kidding we're almost at the summit nothing's gonna stop us excellent comedic timing boy you are truly my son observe boy the Spartan Kick That was so underwhelming go on hit me he doesn't want to do it who are you me it's the head guy they call me smartest man alive she wanted us to spread her ashes on the highest feet in all around yeah that's why we're here and then you've come to the wrong place that a little bit of the [ __ ] the highest peak in all around is not here in mid God it's in your name you know we're going to Yona how about Disney World instead huh smooth Kratos it's probably a chest up here I need more like cool looking armor oh there's a guy here oh you all right I'm leaving never exploring again the game won't let me leave she's the God of War now I saw the number seven and the skull felt pure fear this is so tranquil so peaceful I am now the God of Peace this guy stole my title don't mess with the God of Peace I'll get you just wait I'll take my time is this tickling at all or what is that what are you doing what's he doing if I throw my accent hey okay game [ __ ] okay all right if he blinks I'm quitting uh over here I guess atreyus fire damn it boy hey yo it's him again and he's blue again the Deb stop trying do you have any idea what franchise you're in Monster you're dead get him ah well that was the nastiest finisher I've ever seen oh no brother the little freaks got a bow what wow wow all right open and even let's [ __ ] go give up I'm the God of Peace I'll leave you in pieces huh so these guys are the sons of Thor like who the [ __ ] didn't even know he has kids had kids he has fallen ill this is no ordinary illness no the boys heal him please there is a rare ingredient found only in hellheim hell it protects the person scary to pass as for the dead your Frost ax will be useless you'll need to find something else oh I know what's next I know it says light years like the blades of chaos I knew they were in the game I was just wondering when they'd show up all right let's get crazy let's get chaotic I am no longer the God of Peace nope married oh this is great fight back come on fight back I'm having such a good time right now what am I here for again [ __ ] off ghosts oh man I don't know how to fight this enemy because I've never seen him before this one's okay I guess he's got like 10 new moves and he can teleport [ __ ] you the heart you have it now heal him please your leg sweeping days aren't over atreus did I tell you that I have a son too light years for you [Music] [Applause] but at least I know the truth now I'm a God boy I got three video games and everything another land far from here [Music] I feel like God it comes with puberty that's a different talk like the video and I'll stop playing bad video games [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: zanny
Views: 3,467,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NEh9ip6RnQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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