I Carried MY CRUSH to 100 Wins In Roblox BedWars!

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all right boys so as you guys can see okay I'm once again here with Hoppy and boys if we take a gander at the goddamn leaderboard right now she is only five wins away from the triple digits of wins the big 100. now as you can see hobby uh there's five modes right here if he couldn't tell can you can you count it looks like six mini blocks here six no no no we don't count ranked over here we don't count that so we're gonna win a game in Sky Wars Bed Wars classic Lucky Block duels and then last but not least 30. okay we're gonna get a win in every single mode I'm ready have you even played SkyWars before nope well you're about to play it right now these people in this server look like a bunch of noobs you look like a noob you don't even have 100 wins what do you what are you oh I'm getting this getting this and I'm leaving bro get this dude there's my dude no um I'm gonna give you that stuff give me that stuff give me that stuff I need that where are you oh I'm chasing this dude Down The House Emerald goddamn helmet and I need it don't worry I need it bro these guys are just leaving dude they're leaving no they're not like leaving but they're like leaving they're running away okay I got one guy your job good job good job get this guy we're gonna kill zombie we're gonna kills right now you're getting kills uh no no we're getting killed don't worry my kills are your kills trust all right oh are you sharing with me yeah we could share sharing is caring you know yeah kill him bro oh my God I gotta stop gonna stop I'm so weak right now no way bro you still got no armor bro stay get some armor out here dude you told me I mean yeah the the chest stuff yeah a little bit of armor you gotta kill somebody you know they drop Lou right see an open chest I'm gonna go get it bro okay Go Get It Go Get It you need it you need a battery actually I'm gonna kill that here so I have nine iron chest plates and you don't even got one yo look at this chest real quick all right wait no I can't put it in there never mind oh dang bro you're broke forever not gonna lie to you Papi I got a gift for you come here oh my god I've always wanted one of these W yeah I just used all right four more modes I have never been more proud of you in my life oh thank you Bobby I appreciate that nobody's ever been proud of me all right next game mode we're now inside of doubles dude you know exactly how to play this mode bro it's the normal mode come on man you should know how to win these right yep and dude what happened to your outfit bro you're kind of looking you're kind of looking a little bit nice so happy why did you uh where did you buy that like shirt right that you got right there you know what I'm saying where'd you buy it I clicked on your Roblox Avatar then I clicked on what you're wearing and then I clicked bye really yeah what do you rate the fit yeah thank you thank you bro I appreciate it duffel bag though is like a five out of 10 looks like a body bag the duffel bag is a five out of ten I literally made that duffel bag I know you should definitely keep hiring people to make you stuff even though you just roasted it makes sense yeah oh wait I need to start shooting them yeah yeah yeah can you see them do damage do more damage always running two he's running two he's coming to get me yeah I can see that don't worry are you somebody in the bed now did you kill him yeah bro you were still in the whisper you should have gone to the bed I forgot that you can't just click off the whisper yeah you definitely cannot just do that it's fine it's fine bro's legit about to spectate the entire game it's all right I'll be one day I bought your merch I bought the doggerson I got other ones oh that's so cute you know I'm not spectating what the floors that's one of my viewers guys hoppy is popular now dude she has people spectating her like every single game she goes into oh my God oh my God what oh my God all right what is this game bro I need you Wizarding those people over there okay you understand they need to be dead you'll have me come here come back come here quick when you go [Laughter] we're actually gaming I'm building a bridge I'm taking all the shots for you okay do you need me to come back up don't worry yeah yeah yeah um yeah yeah use that stick to your advantage right what are you doing Bobby are you all right dude I'm getting the better now don't worry about it no I'm gonna go surprise him it's like a maze out here dude y'all this dude is in the map this dude is in the house this guy's stripping all right let's pick up the iron real quick this is a tragedy dude I'm not even gonna lie all right hold on I'm about to break the bed it's fine I need to be bigger faster stronger power oh God the bat is fine I got the bad I got the bad it's fine I am but I only have a stick bro you have a stick dude why you're going into a sword battle out here bro after you use all of your ability literally just stand there and look pretty okay that's all that's your entire job okay I can do that again you're pretty good at it anyways that's the nicest thing he said to me all day really I say nice things to you all the time I'll be what are you saying today it's been all right you see this crossbow right here and it's getting me rageblade right now how unfortunate you know what my freaking recording stopped at 30 seconds on the uh First recording so I just started recording again so the entire the entire recording was only 30 seconds well now it's like 45 seconds because I just started to get back up again so when we first started recording it's gone there's nothing there that's crazy all right new match guys we had to take a little breather there yeah because you forgot to record bro that is the most insane thing on the planet dude the viewers want to see your face no no no I just want you nah they want you hobby they want you they want hobby a19 High hoppy dude everyone's spectating you oh that's one of my viewers yeah yeah I could tell so are we going for a bed or are we going forward yeah yeah start playing some blocks over there dude okay start making your way downtown bro making my way downtown walking fast faces okay get diamonds get Armory I'm gonna get emeralds I'm gonna get crossbow and then I'm gonna win the game as always I'm not messing around like last game dude that guy came up with a weird combo dude as I was talking to you bro I was distracted never messing around guys it was really sad I was like mini blocks yeah guess what I stopped recording and then he was like oh my God you mean you only got 30 seconds okay first of all that is not that that is definitely not how I speak okay and come back to base hurry up when you split again Aubry I have four diamonds I'm gonna get Armory right now yeah crossbow all right winning the game come on I'll be follow me you're gonna be my support get an ax if you can bro I will I will be your support I promise I promise look at Hobby carrying mini that's what I thought what you are not carrying me right now you never have never will get the bed and then I'm come oh get the better get back quick bro you bought a pickaxe didn't you tell me to buy that I started to get an ax there's a big difference bro bought a pickaxe man you bought a pickaxe oh my god dude wait am I supposed to be getting uh what am I supposed to be doing right now ah just follow me right you can be my bed Wars companion you're like a goddamn Axolotl Amy like fish you know what I'm saying or like I'm your this is your little ducky and Mom duck I'm the mama duck okay your daddy duck daddy duck is crazy duck is crazy that's the most insane statement you've ever said in your life bro I upgraded the jump all right good job even though I'm not adjun I know I don't really know where you're at right now I'm fighting I'm fighting people dude I'm putting in the hard work oh you're doing so good I just saw you killed two people thank you bro thank you two whole people when was the last time I lost dude and don't even say last game because I didn't count poppy you are the laggiest player I've ever seen in my life bro look at you don't lag out please I'm about to get this dub do not log out I'm back to life Hobbies back to life I've returned yeah my Wi-Fi is like terrible bro yeah we knew that we've all known that for the past 10 years already I didn't even die that game bro what does the fox say dude how much coffee have you had today bro you all right you don't actually know how much coffee how much coffee have you had today bro uh three shots of espresso by the way we're in lucky block now okay three shots of espresso how much uh how much caffeine is that uh three shots of espresso each shot has about I think eight and then you drank a Red Bull it's like a Red Bull like two hours afterwards that is absolutely insane not only did you not split the Gen I'm also dying right now and you don't care nope bro you just put me in the void don't worry I'll Avenger another trucker dude yeah just stick them hard enough bro all right there we go I got him I'm good okay it's all the way on the right side because I need a crossbow right now bro or a huge Lucky Block something like that he needs it and he needs it I need it now exactly no I'm going don't you worry about sweetheart I'm sweetheart now no I'm sweetheart what your sweet tart that that just makes no sense have you got armor yet or no I'm on my I'm breaking somebody's bed right now and he has no clue oh he has a clue now come on bro this guy keeps on hitting me and I don't know how oh I see you pinged yourself it was an accident I'm ziplining out of here bro I'm making a great escape be there anytime soon you have Armory now sir oh yeah all right yes okay uh I need to get across by now anything for you bro this guy's actually come with me oh my God I got you are you near the base uh I need some help bro I'm not gonna cap to you my Wi-Fi oh no that other guy's legging is on me oh I killed him Jesus oh my God bro I'm trying Hardy right now hobby I'm trying to find you but I don't know where you're at where you're at I'm trying my life away I got him oh my God good you got Patrick's star yeah I need two more emeralds dude I got a crossbow but there's people rushing around here three emeralds I'll put on my face yeah put up my base real quick dude I'll be there in a minute wait no I just got some never mind I don't need yours uh well they're in the chest anyways well I don't need it I don't know what I'm gonna do well I don't need it well well once again I don't need it I need it I can upgrade my staff yeah you can do something like that I got in level two wizard staff now and I'm about to smack them up I gotta knock back fish so it's actually over all right well I'll help you get some kills out here well you have that all right I will I will me and my fish dynamic duo I thought we were the dynamic duo nah bro it's me and serious right now for ready yeah how do you feel I feel betrayed bro there's no way oh Abby we are officially on a mission and you should break Red's bed all right can you do that yeah yeah we need we need to kill him now across the way but I'll be there can I can I please can I please get some Force to support on red just a little bit of support on red oh yeah right now my ETA is like uh two minutes two minutes no that's a lie like 10 seconds well hurry up hurry up I need a faster I'll be need a faster I'll be on the way I'll be on the way I need expedited shipping right now bro you getting that extra I got a bow oh no way this is cool they're getting smashed yes come on good job puppy get him gotta get him oh you just died bro come on now how do you die just every single time I'm coming back and I have a yeah one kill gotta get the second hold on GG s finally bro we got two more modes all right now where's the duels this is gonna be the fastest game of Our Lives all right and what are you saying tell your mom I said hi yo bro thinks he's me bro this man's building up in the air dude kill that dude I'm smacking him slap him up one more time bro keep on slapping him well that's reloading but he's definitely gotten a lot of damage oh yeah oh you got one nice I can't get over there okay I'm gonna get him just keep on Wizards tapping him I'm chasing him down oh bro bro that man just blobs oh bro he's possible okay okay [Music] I told you bro we got an under one minute game dude I told you it was about to be the fastest gaming experience of our life all right now it's time for the last mode we just did the quickest mode this is about to be the longest mode so listen I need you to become a farmer kid all right you're gonna be a professional farmer in this game you're gonna do it this time all right we're on 30 30 out here and then I'm gonna be Barbarian and then you're gonna give me everything on the planet okay that's basically what's about to happen farmer Cletus Farber in all right so this is the plan we got 60 people inside of this game I'm about to get you some emeralds you're gonna Farm up more emeralds and then we're gonna be rich forever basically all right the man really thinks I know how to use the farmer kit bro all you gotta do is just buy seeds Okay you see the seeds over there like the watermelon seeds and all that yeah that's all you gotta do is buy those and then just plant them okay that's all you gotta do and I'll get you those emeralds so don't worry about it I'm gonna have to cutest it's definitely gonna be great but that is the craziest question I've ever gotten in my life but uh I'm just gonna Farm it up for you just get some watermelons dude there's five people on this Emerald generator it's actually insane you get carrots roll these guys are all up on the generator dude don't worry I'm farming like nobody's business my little babies this is Timmy Horton and then here's a Who [Music] oh my God this guy just got combo to the Oblivion oh my God I need to go back to base oh my God I'm a legend okay so how much are watermelon seeds um emeralds two that's it okay I got two animals for you it's in the chest just Spam it up all right take that animals take the animals quick quick take it bro sitting there and then now just buy carrots and watermelons okay that's all you're gonna buy okay and just plant them it's gonna give us loot okay after it's done I don't have to do anything you literally do not my carrots are ready for Harvest okay I got another kill I got a dinosaur right now okay I'm working on a raid blade trying to get there as fast as I can I'm actually living my best life right now it's so peaceful and relaxing well the amount of kills I'm getting is insane bro I got eight already hold on let me cook let me cook you ever want to use any of my vegetables for your cooking you are totally well I appreciate that hobby you're such a kind soul sharing is carrying my blocks yet okay so I'm gonna give you some more emeralds you're gonna make a bigger Farm okay just keep on planting all right get over here Hobby who cares about the dude building a farm bro you need some medals to pick up that's my farm all right buy some more watermelons go go go all right six emeralds six whole watermelons or not three just kidding I can't do math all right so how many watermelons you got in total right now four whole water nice and now I have nine uh diamonds so yeah I'll upgrade some uh upgrade some stuff out here because this is lit I'm having the best time of my life yeah same here dude I'm slapping up these dudes okay I'm coming back to baseball I got a bunch of loot I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming okay and what I mean by a bunch of loot is one Emerald okay okay One Singular Emerald there you go I got it thank you pretty blocks yeah well your farm is huge I told you bro you got like dude it's kind of cozy in here I know bro if I were to build a farm that would God dang Fireball it but when you build a farm everyone's helping you like what bro I have so many emeralds how many apples you got five that's it and what world is that a lot so much fun right how many blocks yet he's like uh M.I.A all right I just got it I just got the bed oh my God I was try Harding I was trying I just got in bed she was try Harding yeah I don't even concentrate on anything else but the game I don't concentrate on anything else except for my farm I'm a dedicated farmer I'm learning Fireball in the entire team right now this is actually insane I got so many kills no I'm gonna die I got only four kills before I died bro I'm not even cap and I got 5K iron from that guy and I just died bro all right all right I need I need to hold the loot bro we need to start getting kills I need every last bit I have 20 20 diamonds I don't know what I'm gonna do with them bro buy sharpness oh okay I have seven emeralds all right give it to me give it to me it's in the chest thank you boss man you are so welcome nice doing business with you you're so nice hobby okay I'm moving out I'm about to win the game okay got 15 kills right now more kills combined than the entire team I'm about to just play 30v 30s and do Farms I really dude is it entertaining yeah thoroughly enjoying Farming Simulator hello I'm about to win the game about to win the game yesterday and we have Max sharpness I'm killing all those people bro there's a Vulcan right here dude he's hiding he's literally in hiding oh I'm shooting this guy got him there's only two more people left Hobby oh my God my farm look good and this kid's just helping me build it right now dude where are these people at he's up here hold on hold on all right should be dead ggs we got him we didn't [Music] let's go back to the lobby hold on hobby I think currently you have a hundred wins congratulations I'm so proud of you yeah I still have 20 times more wins than you but it's all right one day hobby you'll get there I just start [Music] Ed
Channel: MiniBloxia
Views: 484,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BedWars
Id: pdktBrJz4Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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