0 Wins Vs. 3000 Wins (Roblox Bedwars)

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all right boys so today is gonna be a very special day okay if we take a gander at the goddamn top right of the screen real quick we can see that we are officially five wins away from 3 000 wins on my main account all right now boys if we also take a gander at the history of the channel you can see right here that whenever we hit 1000 wins we made a video on it and if we go up here and we change this number real quick I also made a video on hitting over 2 000 wins and dang bro that was over a year ago I'm not gonna lie bro it's taking over a year just to get an extra 1000 wins but listen boys everybody calm down all right give me a break because on my old accounts I actually have 1200 wins so that basically means I have over 6 000 wins combined all right I only started playing on my main account again whenever they added streamer mode back into the game all right because you guys man every single time I catch you guys in the lobby and you guys notice it's me y'all literally Target me till the end of time man let me catch one of you little man's inside of my Lobby targeting me I'm gonna find you okay I'm just trolling but listen man I was always curious okay we've checked out the first video I ever made on Roblox Bed Wars and like we've examined how I played and listen man we all get it okay I was basically a bot but we have not checked how good I was when I had a 1 000 wins and we also haven't checked how good I was when I hit 2 000 wins so we're gonna be looking back at these videos we're gonna see how good I was because listen boys sometimes whenever I live stream dude I will literally lose one game and everyone's like bro the old you is better hey man we're about to see right now all right boys so this is a thing okay I am this close to reaching a 1 000 straight up wins an absolute W I don't know bro every single time I hear my old voice I'm like dude what I'm the weirdest man on the planet all right all right so it looks like I played solos in the game uh this guy's AFK I'm pvping in third person bro and every single one of these clips I'm literally pvping in third person shift lock what is my life man how am I supposed to build a third person shift lock that makes no sense all right I'm building a third person as well uh that is not a good idea okay okay he's bridging he's bridging yo what how did I hit that man bro this was like two years ago back in the day when Bose used to actually hit dude like boys look where the bow line is it is nowhere close if anything is above his head so if we take like a dotted line right here across right there is still this much space left over how is this bow shot hitting right here good idea to uh yeah look at it dude it literally hit right there he's right here next thing no hits him he goes flying off the map dude because the knockback was crazy as well look at that dude dude I'm just gonna sit here and just Patrol this guy's bass dude he is not yo that man is actually staring all right he's bridging boat off once again he's leaving again look at the hitbox oh my God okay he's Crossing again bro this entire game right here is me just shooting this pirate Davey off the map bro why can't I just rush him I'm doing him dirty by doing that all right let's go into this next game right here I'm still PVP in third person w ow spam because it's easy he fell off the map dude the difference in players nowadays is insane like when was the time you guys saw a player literally just standing there staring off into the abyss the last time I saw a player doing that was back in 2021 when I was still with yo mama that was a long time ago bro they don't stand there anymore like look at this guy he's just standing there the bow shots are hitting because it was overpowered back in the day oh my God bro PVP in third person I was still not building like you really didn't have to combo back in the day you could literally just go in third person shoot him a couple times slap him up a little bit like that was literally all you had to do I have probably placed a total of three blocks in my entire lifespan I'll just straight up whoop you with my sword you're dead either way I don't know why you're complaining dude okay I'ma be honest if I was getting both spam like that too I'd be complaining so I don't know why I asked that guy if he was complaining bro when I was at a thousand wins in this game the beds you still broke in literally five hits yo watch this bro it's literally gone and then I just slaughtered him so basically we can take from this everybody in the game was a bot I never built in any way the bow spamming was insane because the radius was so big and then I'm also PVP in third person with shiplock yeah I was definitely not a good player back in the day so now we're gonna fast forward an entire year this is how a player with 2 000 wins plays Roblox Bed Wars all right bro let's see it how does a player play did I play the same or not oh look bro I have face cam my face looks more yellow than the goddang yellow bed defense right here oh look boys it's so pretty with her old Avatar mini Clan my old Avatar oh my God these are some good times boys some good times hey yo chill hey Boeing look at the arch on that dude look at the arch you look at the arch on that okay do I pull this guy let me see it and now I have to move it bro because this guy's bridging dude come on oh my God bro the knock back it's almost like Casper was right beside him slapped him up with a knockback fish man that is insane I've never seen anything like that in my life okay she's moving she's moving do I hit that do I hit that oh that shot would have never hit in today's standards let me see that knock back again oh my God even a year later bro hey let me go back to those days I'm just kidding man because then everybody would be bowing and then with everybody bowing that'd be a tragedy the only reason why it was okay here is because that was way back in the day when nobody was good now everybody's just try hard man I don't know how a new player could play this game I need to get arrows quick shoot this person off the bridge let's go oh my God the knockback no let's go okay okay Brady is hitting the bow shots let's go let's go oh Brady with the bow shots was a pro back in the day man not even Kevin all right let's see a doubles Rush boys a doubles rush let's see what happens I'm still busy being in third person I'm not even doing shift locking this clip like what I'm literally just swinging my sword around literally just looking in different directions bro oh now I'm using shift lock okay that's a little bit better boys like look at these players man I'm standing up here this guy doesn't even know what that blocks exist inside of the game this dude's praying at the BET defense hoping that it doesn't get destroyed like bro these players back in the day are insane man guys look at my building skills right here ready I try to build look at this look at this oh oh I'm building slower than a goddamn silverfish in the middle of Minecraft man I'm gonna try again Billy skills nice nice hit that guy off the map possibly oh I did and then I got the bed I'm still building in third person even in this clip a year later dude that is insane man activating the turrets yo you know okay five turrets on the base is also insane man that's like as many times I've took your mama on a date bro okay bro I need to relax man two yo mama jokes in the same day is insane look at the turret dude oh my God now the turret has way more knockback than even that it's a little bit more overpowered all right well I guess even at 2 000 wins I'm still building a third person building slow by the way the knockback radius on the bow is still insane so I don't even have to PVP half the time and boys now we're about to touch over 3 000 wins a year later and let me show you guys how a player with 3 000 wins plays in 2023 you see boys these are the players we get nowadays we got this guy that looks the same as this guy they're in the same Clan like bro what back in the day I never had to rely on being good at PVP all I relied on was literally my bow dude because it was so op nowadays you literally have to be good at PVP or else you're getting boxed up like a goddamn salamander well that man just got a pirate Navy to the void oh no he's going to our bed I think yo that's not good bro that's not good push there man dude push their bed now [Music] oh we got that guy does that make a pirate Davey dude what dude these are the players we're playing against the 2023 Boys Ain't That Just insane boys oh we just won bro it is the same exact people I have a chance to redeem myself listen here buddy the only thing that you've redeemed in your entire life is a goddamn Roblox gift card that your mom bought you for Christmas Eve all right that is the only thing about yourself that you've ever redeemed okay the other man is down there with a pirate Cannon but I was down on the void of the fire Cannon bro they got their bed destroyed oh my God my teammates doing all the work out here I'm just collecting loot like a goddamn Goblin oh she just died no they gotta shot a fire Cannon again oh my God was this guy gonna not buy her Cannon and what is this guy gonna stop Whispering oh he just stopped here we go little man you better lock in You better lock in a little man it's over for you oh this dude's just running the dude is still running all right bro good luck with all that running man I hope it works out for you dude oh this guy's dead let me build up a little bit dude something that I've never done in the past come over here this guy's just running across the base dude I don't know what he's doing yo is he stuck at the top hold on I'm gonna do a goddamn uppercut in this man bro he's on the side of the base right now bro there's no way this guy's real right now he's just jumping around I'm about to get a fireball and slap this dude up I'm not even lying Fireball w ow is he dead yet I just suffocated him oh no he said he hates me oh no please bro don't unsubscribe dude whatever you do do not unsubscribe bro do not bro there is two Alder trees on the other team man yo let's all relax here that's a lot of Health if you ask me yo they put a stone bed defense that is insane bro I haven't seen that maneuver since the 1800s bro I just got a crossbow dude you out of the trees don't even exist in my mind I do 50 damage a shot bro this is absurd y'all are teleporling oh my God and I know they're gonna do all that brother telling is insane I don't even think they're gonna get the bud oh no they definitely got it they're getting spam though dude I think they're a little bit weak get back over here bro got one and the other one's dad dude oh my God bro this isn't even a challenge we've gotten four wins already the last round bro we're going into doubles a real man's mode all right here we go we got a worthy candidate he just threw a guiding spirit I mean you hold up shoot him twice real quick hold on hold on yo this man just jumping around bro you got no blocks out here you know he's trying to salvage from blocks dude that's crazy jump down on him hold on PVP goes crazy ggs bro it's almost like every single time I live stream people are like bro you were way better back in the day yeah bro me Swinging my sword around like this I was definitely way better bro you're right me building up like this PVP in this guy to his death with still 57 Health remaining I am definitely the worst player on this planet listen bro we got a tactical crossbow just for good old time's sake all right we're gonna do no armor for good old-time's sake we're not going in first person for good old-time sake hold on throw this at this guy shoot him once with a bow he should be dead right yo where's the poison at yo come here dude dead those guys over here crossing the bridge you're dead too this guy's standing up on top of the pillar yup get down there you're crossing the bridge yup you're dead too you're fishing yup get off the map little bro you'll see man if I really wanted to sit in the middle goddamn bow spamming like I always used to back in the day okay honestly it's kind of fun dude I love just sitting here with my crossbow bullying people to their death you know what I'm saying like look at this guy too like you're off the map dude you can't cross you try to cross the bridge too you still can't cross this guy's trying to Juke by arrow shot he still can this guy's jumping around like a kangaroo he's still dead okay I'm gonna be honest boys I forgot how good the Tactical crossbow is like Bro Look at that damage it's like we went back to the old days like bro I'm gonna be honest the hitbox is like way better with the Tactical crossbow as well it's like it has more radius it's very weird but it's also very smooth it's not like I once shot him twice Dead who that guy won he got a bow he's trying to be just like me listen here buddy you can't be like me there's only one person that could be me and that's me get off the map buddy I'm already at 17 kills five minutes into the game somehow I've been sitting here goddamn spawn camping for the past 10 years with literally no armor yo is that a drone yo I'm trying to shoot that thing it's dead I got 21 emeralds oh nah bro if I was that drone right there I'd be triggered screw it bro I'm getting armor I can't let these emeralds go to waste you know what I'm saying bro I couldn't have ended this game like two minutes ago I could have rushed the base with attachable crossbow shot him twice dropped him dead broke the bed killed him just like that shoot this guy off this bridge over here just like this shoot him one more time just for good old time's sake oh my God jump up hit that guy okay I'm gonna be honest with the Tactical crossbow this game is too easy it should honestly be illegal how easy it is thank you where's the bad words about can I break it can I get it no I gotta get the bad bro watch that thing's one shot yo is am I getting emeralds over there yo nice emeralds you got there bro Betty Betty nice absolutely nice and that's some nice uh nice blue you got there too dude bro kills just come so easy inside of this game it's actually concerning I'm very concerned very concerned about the mental health and stability of these people that I'm killing right now okay PVP PVP boat dead guys I think we have a little bit of a problem I think we're being too big of a menace for this game to handle I'll break this dudes bad bro I'm not gonna lie broken dead you're dead like bro I'm doing all of this and I'm not even breaking a sweat bro like that man's off the map I just got to the middle dude I comprehended that that man was on the map I saw him then he's dead like that all happened in the span of two seconds help me hit him one hit him twice Fireball uh another Fireball multiple Fireballs unlimited Fireballs oh you're gonna get fireball dude that's all I want to do I just want to kill you the fireball real quick bro did he die yup he died all right we got two more teams two more sad souls oh my god dude are you guys watching right now the PVP is insane oh my God it's over Dude the entire team wiped in two seconds while that man had diamond armor where's that sad soul right there where did he go that's a nice Guardian you got there bro not gonna Cap all right 360. you're dead I guess he's not dead hold on let me build up a little bit higher 360 and my teammate just killed him oh my God this is literally how a player with 3 000 wins plays this game in 2023 it's too overpowered foreign
Channel: MiniBloxia
Views: 254,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BedWars
Id: E9YJpYcr0ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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