I let MY DOG control my game...(Roblox BedWars)

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all right boys so in today's video I let my brand new puppy control my entire Roblox Bed Wars gaming experience not even trolling right now I let him decide whether or not I use a kit I let him decide whether or not I use a bow and I even let my Dodgers and choose what exact weapon we're gonna be using for this video okay literally everything about my game was chosen by my dog and listen man you thought that was the end well it's not because if I ended up losing the game I promised him that I would take him on a shopping spree and uh yeah everyone subscribe everyone like and everyone comments because uh W Doge so this is exactly how it's gonna work okay we got mini right here bro he's locked up dude he's imprisoned yo little bro yo how you doing little man you're looking cute as ever little bro you're looking cute as ever and in trapped and trapped as ever yo get your tongue off my fingers I'm telling you right now bro we have no clue what that man has been licking and I've seen him look some insane stuff but we're not gonna get into that right now because we have three checkpoints set up around the house okay we have a checkpoint inside the kitchen we have a checkpoint inside of my room and then we have a checkpoint outside so the first thing I'm gonna do is let them through this front door right here in front of our house okay and he's gonna go all the way from the front door come around here and there is four pieces of papers with four treats on them okay as you guys could see and we got sword Hammer dagger and also the Scythe okay there's four options on there and whichever one he picks first that is gonna be the only weapon we're gonna be able to use after he picks one weapon he's gonna come around here come into the room hey Minnie was good but then he's gonna come into my room walk over here and whoa yeah I bet you guys didn't really expect that we have the Retro mini blaxia plushie that is unreleased right now okay it's probably gonna be released in like a month or something like that unreleased and also um yeah the torn up many blocks you plushie with no clothes no bandana no duffel bag because uh yeah I'm guessing you guys could guess what happened all right the mini blocks you plushies clothes are literally in his cage bro like what what is he doing in there my man's wild and while he's sleeping oh we have the Retro Edition mini Blocks Your plushie and dude I'm telling you guys right now there's supposed to be a chain on this guy like a like a big old chain going across his chest but guess who also tore that up I had it on the floor for a second bro next thing you know he ripped off his chain chewed it up and it was gone forever but he's gonna come over here he's gonna pick a plushie and whichever one he picks first which is nobo and Bo oh that's what we're gonna be doing okay and last but not least he's gonna come through this door right here which leads to the outside world he's gonna walk out here as normal and right here we have two of his favorite toys okay he loves balls for some reason yo what I don't know why but Dojo sends just be loving balls for some reason okay it's hey I don't understand it either so he's gonna pick either the right ball or the left ball yo I'm a child but he's either gonna pick the right ball which is no kid or the left ball do all right Minnie you ready to be Unleashed are you recommending I think he's ready all right come here Lobo this way Minnie come here Benny Benny yo where did he go whoa yo Minnie's going crazy right now dude all right he's going out here I guess we'll just let him pick from here yo do you smell the treats dude do you smell it which one are you gonna pick they're right there bro they're right there yo you blind little bro no you're supposed to have like like superhuman sudden or something like that he's just standing there is he barking at me dude yo he's trying to attack me oh oh you found it which one did he pick oh he picked the hammer one he picked the hammer first well okay I'm pretty sure that's the worst weapon in the game but yeah I guess that's it for the first checkpoint Hammer only boys yeah Minnie you done all right next checkpoint buddy yo he's going crazy what is he doing he still hasn't eaten the ones that he already picked up okay we got Bo and nobo which one are you gonna choose first all right he chose bow yo nice one dude and whatever you do do not ruin my uh my retro mini block she had plushie that'll be great thank you boss man all right appreciate that yo why is he running come here oh he's a good doge look at him he's wandering around oh we're gonna let him outside get the ball Minnie get the ball the balls are right there which ball you like better oh he likes the left ball oh or the right ball um yep yep he took the left ball okay nice one dude he extracted the left ball which is uh yeah we're able to use a kit so we're able to use kit bow but only the hammer and wow many yo nice one dude um that was very much needed so apparently Minnie Jr decides to pick all the best options except for the uh the option that matters most which is the weapon he picked the hammer dude like what who in their right mind is using the hammer inside of this game and I gotta take the sword out of my inventory so I gotta figure out how to get Mastery points before I start fighting people which means I basically need to break somebody's bed dude I'm coming with an ax I don't even care you ever seen a man pie in accident beginning of the game if you have that man was a loser because who buys an ax at the beginning of the game dude that is the scummiest thing on the planet but there we go we just broke something he's bad he was AFK not even inside of the game disconnected Wi-Fi is terrible Forge the hammer oh we got it we're finally chilling bro we got we got means of Defense what Incarnation is this little dude on right there what are you doing that was a crazy that was a crazy push man I'm not even gonna cap to you oh my god maybe the Hammers will pee what does it do more knockback or something yo this is crazy I'm teleporting back to base sorry never mind he's building up to me it's like I'm running away is that man chasing me bro he's chasing me you're trolling there's no way this guy's real right now I will literally run all the way to my base take pearls go back to the middle like bro I'm running away from my life bruh you guys are teaming who in the right mind is teaming right now this guy's literally chasing me with everything he has I am the opposite of teaming trust me buddy I'm the opposite trying to run away from this dude if anything and he's chasing me oh my God he's breaking the bed no so I threw my cards and the cards didn't work so that's great uh let me buy this real quick I guess you know I love when I buy a kit I pay to win 15K Roblox and then I don't get anything it's really nice you know it's really nice he's dead let's go man get that green dude out of here bro came out of left field thinking he was gonna do something like what man I dare you to do something okay more Force more forged upgrade this Hammer man all I got is a wood one I need better more damage and upgrade armor too because I'm uh I'm weak I'm pretty sure Green is right next to me so you better hope he's not because let me catch you lacking little bro I'm on that bed like white on rice actually hold on blues at that space over here I'm going over there whoa he has a dumbest sword oh my God no you are trolling buddy you are literally trolling bumped up for my life out here not even cabin bro that was the dumbest thing on the planet how in tarnation do you actually have a diamond sword bro's been forging up that thing for the past 10 years yo give me a diamond Hammer at least the hammer I'm using sucked dude he's forging even more oh my God I need a crossbow but I've been forging other things this entire time oh wow he's still hitting me with the diamond sword congratulations buddy congratulations oh oh he hit me with the gloop wow even better bro this man wants my soul oh another gloop you gotta be kidding me there's no way this is real this game this game had not be real dude I don't I do not believe it I actually do not believe it this guy's got to be trolling all right finally he's fighting somebody else bro leave me alone I got this stupid hammer in my inventory dude take it out like actually this Hammer is so bad it's like good but it's bad at the same time dude you can't get like a combo I'm more of like a speed guy you know what I'm saying not this big old at a tunde slap him here slap him there crap I need something good I'll get more upgrades I'm not even trolling I think that man over there has a rage blade I'm not even lying this Barbarian right here has a rage blade I don't know how he only has six kills but oh my God at this rate Minnie is actually gonna get a shopping spree I'm not even lying I don't get it that is a spoiled dog right there I literally just built this dream room got him a girlfriend I literally bought him been feeding him ever since bro this is absurd this is the most privileged dog on the planet I've never seen anything like it in my life like actually I need to figure out how to get a crossbow inside of this game dude that's the only way no he put glooms down oh my God oh my God he's actually dying wait what something to go oh my God he died wait what just happened two people just died in a row the guy with the rage blade and then that guy just missed his Pearl dude what just happened he literally died at the same time as a barbarian kid well I have no clue what just happened but Minnie isn't getting a shopping spree let's go I've already spent way too much money on toys dude he doesn't need any more trust me anyways W's I'll take you in a traffic Street buddy I'll take you on a shopping freak you know that I'll take you on shopping whoa whoa yo a little bit too crazy bro I get it it's exciting foreign
Channel: MiniBloxia
Views: 225,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BedWars
Id: N1ye7x3Mdfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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