"I can't cope no more" New Years Revival 2020 GMCHC

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[Applause] would you clap your hands and give jesus praise in this building come on would you clap your hands and give jesus freeze all over this building come on come on come on come on all right now while you're clapping your hands you ought to open up your mouths along with it and really praise the name of our god come on all in this sanctuary would you bless god like you're glad to be here if god's done one thing for you this week i need you to just turn about two or three people on your row and tell them neighbor god has been shown enough good to me just just talk to somebody on your roll and tell them god has been good to me he's been good he's been good he's been shown up good he's been showing up good hallelujah and i've got a right or reason i've got more than enough reasons to give god praise now if you had something to talk about you ought to find somebody else and tell them neighbor i thank god that i got a story tonight hallelujah i thank god i got a testimony and if you have a testimony one more time put your blessed hands together in this place and give god a shout of praise a shout of praise a shout a shout out praise the shell come on oh magnify the lord with me and and let us exalt his name together would you just help for the next 30 seconds would you just fill this sanctuary with the praise and worship of our almighty god for he is good he is good he is good he is good he is good he is good he is good he is good he is good he is good and we give him glory honor and praise tonight certainly we serve a god who is worthy to be praised and we bless him and we thank him and we magnify his holy and his righteous name tonight for our god he is good we give honor to the spirit of the lord that is in this place and tonight while we thank god for his spirit we thank god for the shepherds of this great church in the persons of bishop alfred owens and co-pastor susie owens would you honor them amen even in their absence we thank god we thank god tonight hallelujah for who they are and the legacy that they have in the earth and to the kingdom of god amen and we bless god for them i honor god tonight from my pastors and my leaders amen all the way in jamaica queens new york and the persons of reverend doctors floyd and elaine flake for allowing me the opportunity to come and to share the word of the lord with you on tonight i am honored to have the opportunity to share the word of god here tonight and i am just blessed uh you've heard so much in my bio and at the end of the day all that means is that i love god and i'm striving real hard to do what god has called me to do i i tried to just live so that god can use me amen any time and anywhere uh first peter chapter five verse seven first peter chapter five verse seven amen i thank god for y'all read my whole bio tonight amen he talked about everything we we talked about everything she's a scholar she's a sorority she's business owner amen amen y'all go check us out at in the magazine.com whenever you get a chance we have an online television network we doing big things amen for the kingdom of god so y'all go check us out there first peter chapter 5 verse 7 from the amplified version of scripture as we all be reading tonight first peter chapter five verse seven from the amplified version of scripture and if you have it i would that you would signify by shouting amen and if you don't have it just say preacher hold up wait a minute amen sounds we're all there first peter chapter five verse seven it says casting all your cares all of your anxieties all of your worries and all of your concerns once and for all on him for he cares about you with deepest affection and watches over you very carefully the king james version simply says cast all your cares on the lord for he cares for you would you buy your heads for word of prayer gracious god our eternal father it is once more and again we your humble servants come before your holy and your righteous name and god tonight before we ask you for anything we want to take the time to tell you thank you for everything we thank you for being good we thank you for being kind and now god we thank you for being merciful now i pray that you would in fact and indeed hide me behind the shadows of your cross that the people may only hear see and know you and me i pray now that you'd help me preach to the end as soon as our saved lives aren't changed the body of christ is edified now god we pray for two things and words it is precise and right in the name of jesus that the people of god shout amen amen and amen on your way to your seat i want you to hear help me share my semantic thought and for those of you in here who are academically scholastic and strong this this is a little a little out of your league because this is not quite as proper as it ought to be but i need you to still say it with the same kind of authority would you just look at somebody and tell them neighbor i can't cope no more you may be seated in the presence of our god i can't cope no more i can't cope no more brothers and sisters as we stop and give great thought and consideration to the moment in which we are standing in this space and in this time while tonight i believe that there are many of us who are simply holy ghosts happy to be here while there are those of us who are always glad when they say unto us come and let us go into the house of the lord well i believe for many of us it is a great honor just to be in god's house i'm smart enough to know that there is a remnant of us who are here and the fact that we are here is a miracle because the fact of the matter is with everything going on around us and inside of us we should really probably be somewhere losing our minds but with the last little bit of faith and courage we have some of us literally fought our way into the house tonight on a limb and a hope that god would say something to us that in this moment would keep us from going over the edge i can personally attest to the fact that i am here tonight and it is only a miracle and i don't want y'all to look at me strange asking why i'm not holy ghost happy why it took so much for me to get here because maybe you don't understand the definition of a miracle a miracle is a highly improbable event that is not explainable by natural or scientific laws my being here tonight is a miracle because with everything that i have been through in the first 21 days of january alone law and nature should tell me that i should really be somewhere losing my mind going crazy with every right to feel what i feel but i am in the house of god because god is still in the miracle working business i'm not the only one i know tonight that came into 2019 expecting god to make all things new and within the first three weeks it seemed like god flipped life upside down for not only me but so many connected to me and it seems like all of this is going on at a real bad time and so the fact that i'm here tonight still believing that somewhere down on the inside somewhere down the line that all of this is working together for my good is a miracle but i don't think that i am the only one here who knows what it means to be a miracle that you're in church because for the last 28 days over 800 000 people have been facing wipeout from this government shutdown facing evictions and losing money losing business and bills are due tuition unpaid i know that somebody is only here because you're a miracle and quite frankly in the last year somebody here has experienced loss and setback hurt and disappointment frustration and chaos family and marital crisis i know that it's a miracle that on a wednesday night i dragged myself into the house of god because somewhere on the inside i'm still believing that god is making messes and turning them into miracles somebody has the same testimony that after everything that i've been through i should be somewhere crazy losing my mind high up shot up locked up at a bottle or something but something in me is fighting to keep my head in the midst of my faith when my frustrations are overwhelming me the truth of the matter is that life has brought us to a season of unprecedented issues and individually i believe that each of us knows what it's like to have to drag yourself into the house of god when it hurts because it seems like every time you look around there's something else going on around you but the truth is what i have discovered is that for some of us after we drag ourselves into the house of god and push through our press some of us still go home with habits that help us cope with realities that we face when we return i'ma say it again what i have discovered is that while many of us can come into the house of god we can come in with a shout a dance and a praise too many of us come into the house and when we return to realities that are not changed we go back to the same habits that help us cope with our realities some of us come in the church and we are fighting to feel the power of faith but when we return home facing the same crises that wasn't worked out by the time you got back home as the preacher has often said we find ourselves in cycles of coping with our chaos coping the mechanism by which your mind comforts your body and its physiological and mental frustrations coping is the mind's response to negative emotions and trauma it is the method by which the mind attempts to soothe discomfort while there are mechanisms that are positive to cope too often we find people who fall into negative patterns of coping with life people all over this world fight through and battle trying to cope with the stresses of their life but the pain for us as leaders and believers is that the negative coping cycles don't just belong to the world but many people that sit in the pews sunday after sunday week after week find themselves struggling through the complications of life and dealing in cycles of negative coping patterns that snatch us away from god patterns of living that create barriers between us and god but i hear the lord calling the saints of the living god back into alignment with him because god wants to shower us with his love and his blessings but in order to feel what god wants to give you you got to lay down all of the negativity that has caused you to be out of alignment with god we have to get to the place in god where we stop coping with our trauma living with addictions that comfort our confusion can i say it again we have to get back in alignment with god and stop negatively coping with our trauma living in addictions that comfort our confusion relationships that are emotionally mentally and spiritually unhealthy secret and subtle addictions to drugs and cigarettes weed and alcohol sex and pornography cutting and self-harm moral coping selling ourselves from material game putting walls up of defense to avoid being loved the fear of trusting others habits that help to temporarily relieve the fears and feelings of frustration but one that guides our action and tears us apart from god some of us are even addicted to doing church can i say it again some of us are even addicted to doing church that's why we end up at the altar every week for the same issue because we're busy doing church and not doing god because the church culture has given us a sense of self and a social sphere that helps us to feel all right every now and then and so we come here and we go through the routine but we never give god our whole cells to heal us so many are dealing with frustration frustration all that has been birthed from early childhood and birthed in family dysfunction and birth out of being a product of a divorce and generational curses birth and abandonment and rejection you're dealing with coping to job loss and financial strain grief and guilt shame and upset from that moment in your life where the entire bottom pulled out and you did not recover somebody here knows what it's like to have a moment in life where it seems like the entire bottom fell out and you ain't recovered yet so you go home night after night you're doing the same things that help you feel better temporarily but what i've come to tell you tonight is that god wants to heal your whole heart if you don't hear anything else that i have to say the lord has sent me as a prophet to tell the people that he wants to heal your whole heart would you do me a favor grab somebody next to you and tell them neighbor god wants to heal your whole heart tonight he doesn't want you to keep playing this game he don't want you to keep showing up with the same thing but god wants to heal the church of the living god one more time talk to somebody beside you and tell them neighbor god wants to heal your whole heart tonight yeah god wants to heal your whole heart because god loves you and that you are in a season of your life where until you get the negative coping out of your life you won't find the healing that you need to walk in the fulfillment of the blessings god has for you can i give you that alarm again that we are in a season where god wants to give us great blessings but we cannot access what god has for us until we stop dealing in negative coping cycles and i don't know about you but after what i've gone through in the first 21 days of this year i don't have time to be missing the blessing that god is trying to release in my life can i speak over about 150 of y'all and declare that you are standing under an open heaven that you were in the season where god wants to release miracle signs and wonders in your life but it's time for you to break the cycles that have kept you away from your god i dare you to touch somebody up and down your road in fact just start waving it in the atmosphere and declare tonight it's got to break i don't know what you've been holding on to but tonight is scheduled i said it's got to break i said it's got to break touch three people around you and just shall break break break break break break i don't know what it is that you've been holding on to but tonight it's got to break i don't know how long you've been in it but tonight it's got to break i don't know how strong it is but i declare by the power of god that tonight is under the blood that it's got to break it's got to break somebody shout the blood in here ah god wants to heal you tonight all but this is what you have to understand that in order to be healed by god in order to find yourself in alignment with what god wants to you it means that there has to be a level of vulnerability that you have never given god before in order to be totally healed by god you got to stop fronting with yourself and give god a level of vulnerability as to where he can heal you and so the question becomes how do i achieve this level of vulnerability well here at the point of our text y'all peter is offering words to the elders of the flock in other words all he is really doing is encouraging them in the faith tonight all i've come to do is encourage you in the faith i i didn't come to holla i didn't come to have a hoop fest i i didn't even really come to do a hermeneutical somersaults i just came to encourage you in the faith you all by time we drop down to verse seven peter says listen he says cast your case upon the lord because he cares to you and as i was reading through these words church i found a remedy on how to become vulnerable enough with god to let him bring me total healing peter encourages us firstly that we have to cast our cares would you do me a favor touch your neighbor and tell them neighbor you got to cast your cares what does that mean what does it mean understand that when you cast your cares the problem is this that many of us have been trying to cope with what we should be casting [Applause] many of us have been trying to cope with what we should be casting now remember that to cope is to now allow yourself to have a mechanism by where you soothe your trauma your issue and your negative emotions in other words when i cope with something i am trying to self-manage what i am feeling and so when life becomes overwhelming when i'm frustrated when i'm tired when i am weary when i am coping i am trying to find something that soothes me for the moment something that gives me a glimpse of feeling afresh i win something that helps me to feel alright for a minute but the bible tells us here to now cast your cares y'all what does it mean when you cast when you cast something you are literally throwing out what's in your hand y'all y'all don't want to hear me in here the problem now that many of us are dealing with is that we have been busy trying to hold on to what god is telling us to let go of too many of us have been holding on with a tight grip to what we know best but i heard the word of the lord remind us to trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding because in all your ways you've got to acknowledge him and he will direct your path what are you saying preacher i'm saying that when you are trying to self-manage your issues you are trying to do what feels best for you but god shows us in his word that we don't always know what's best for us because god's plans are so much greater than ours that the bible tells us that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not thought what i've come to tell you is that if you were going to be successful in this season of your life you got to stop coping and start casting it's time for you to start releasing to god everything that's been troubling you it's time for you to start giving over to god the things that plague you it's time for you to stop playing with god and be real with yourself about you if you're going to throw it out you got to throw it all out there you ain't got to talk to me or your neighbor but it's time for you to be real with god oh what peace we often forfeit oh what needless pains we bear oh because we do not carry everything to god in prayer but to touch somebody beside you and tell them neighbor it's time to start casting in other words you got to be real with god i'm cut out and i'm tired of the taboo church that tells you that you got to keep it quiet and you got to keep it hush-hush the devil is a liar the first step to deliverance is acknowledging you have a problem and so tonight i've come to raise and sound the alarm that it's time for us to be real with god about what's going on with us it's time for us to go back into the places that change our perspective about life it's time for us to get back to the moment when we deal with what hurt us and broken us so that we can really cast i cares upon the lord and tonight i just want to know is there anybody in here who's ready to give god your whole heart is there anybody in here that's ready to stop playing with gail god stop playing games with yourself and give god your everything i dare you to touch somebody besides you and tell them neighbor i'm throwing it out this year i'm not holding on to it anymore i'm throwing it out this year i'm putting it all out there i am not ashamed of their faces i am not ashamed of what i've been through i'm not ashamed of what's happening to me because if i don't acknowledge it now i might not make it on the other side of this i need some real christians that can be bold enough to acknowledge i'm going through some stuff that if i don't talk about it now i'm a mess up and be caught up later you got to be real with yourself touch your name and tell the neighbor it's time for you to cast but not only do you have to cast but peter says cast your cares would you just shake your neighbor and tell them neighbor you got to cast your cares what does that mean when it says your cares that means that this thing is personal would you lay your hands on yourself and declare this thing is personal peter says cash your cares the reason why some of us are still stuck is because we're busy casting everybody else to god we know how to deal with everybody else's stuff we know how to pray about everybody else's issue we know how to seek the lord for everybody else but i dare you lay your hands on yourself and declare this is my year to deal with me i didn't pray for everybody else i don't counseled everybody else i've been holding on to everybody else's stuff but shake your neighbor and tell them this is my year to do it for me i haven't been there for you i haven't been there for your parents i haven't been there for your family but this is my year because i got to go after everything that god has for me and if i don't get free soon i'm not going to be benefit to nobody else i wish i had somebody that declares that this is my year to deal with all of me to jump up on your feet and lay your hands on yourself and declare i'm getting me together i haven't talked about your stuff i encountered you do your stuff but i got to talk about me even if it looks like something i'm not ashamed of looking weak i'm ashamed if i die i'm not ashamed of looking vulnerable i'm ashamed of letting myself go and i've come to talk to the church to tell you that this is your season where you got to focus on you it doesn't mean that you're selfish it doesn't mean you don't love your neighbor it just means you don't carry so much stuff that if you don't release it soon you gonna mess around and blow it all up but i need you to shake yourself and declare this is my season this is my season this is my season matter of fact get out of your seat and touch three people and tell the neighbor i am unashamedly declaring over my life that this is my season that i'm dealing with me so if i can't go to the movies with you cause i got to take myself to the spa this is my season for me to deal with me if i can't talk to you as much because you always got some drama this is my season for me to deal with me i'm not trying to be bougie i'm not trying to be up in it i'm just trying to save myself cause i'm about to blow is there anybody here that can be real with you for the last time shake somebody tell them they love this is my season for me to deal with me y'all i got one more thing peter says cash and then he says your cares but can i tell you what's important it's important where you place them because some of us have been placing our issues where we can go and pick it up again we've been placing our issues on a shelf for a little while then we go back and pull it off but shake your neighbor and say never peter says cast your cares upon the law for he caring for you well why does peter tell us to put it on the law because peter understands that if you want to be made whole you got to give it over to somebody strong enough to handle what you're going through if you're going to give it over you've got to give it over to the power that is able to fix it and i've come to tell you that you didn't give yourself over to people long enough but in this season you've got to give it over to the almighty god would you shake your neighbor and tell the neighbor cast your cares upon the lord because the lord cares for you cast them upon him because he's strong enough to handle your case would you do me a favor would you get out of your seat would you run across the aisles find three people and tell the neighbor the lord is strong enough he's strong enough he's big enough he's great enough he can handle what you're going through touch three more people tell the neighbor the god we serve is strong enough he's the king of kings he's strong enough he's the lord of lords he's strong enough he's the holy [Music] [Music] he will give you peace he's strong enough foreign [Music] because the bible says that he cares would you grab somebody and encourage them in the lord squeeze that hand and tell the neighbor he cares for you tonight i've only come to encourage you to give it over to jesus this is the last night you're going home to the bottle this is the last night you're going home to the mess this is the last night you going home crying if you cast it on him he can handle it the altar is open tonight i dare you to get to the altar and cast your cares upon the lord it's time for you to stop coping touch your neighbor and tell a neighbor i can't cope no more and if you want to be healed get to this altar and lay it all down lay down alcohol lay down drugs lay down cigarettes lay down the sex lay down the relationship lay down the pills lay down the needles laid out the guns lay down the addictions come and lay it down the altar is open and you need to lay it down i dare you to get here and lay it all down but god says come unto me that are weary and heavyweighted god says i will give you rest would you thank your neighbor and tell them neighbor if you won't rest get to the altar if you water it get to the altar if you want rest to the altar and cast all of your case cast your worries for he came to you cast your pain catch your doubt catch the insecurity catch your brokenness he is here to receive you to revive you to restore you to rejuvenate you catch your lifestyle catch your [Music] god is here and he's breaking the stronghold over your mind god is here and he's breaking he's breaking he's breaking he's breaking he's breaking he's breaking every [Music] i said release i shall release if you're giving it over to it i tell you open up your mouth and shout in here shout for your release shout for your release shout for your release shout for your change shout for your freedom shout for your victory this is the year of victory come get it and this although come you can't have victory until you cast it and let it go let it go let it go would you do me a favor touch three people and shall let it go let it go [Applause] catch your cage catch your cage catch your cage catch your cage he can handle it he can handle it until you get to the altar until you get to the altar when you get here i dare you to lift your hands as a sign of surrender father in the name of jesus we come to you tonight on behalf of your children lifting them up before you father i don't know everything they're holding on to but tonight oh god i declare that they have come they have walked this way they have come out of the sheets they have walked into the aisles because they have come with a true intention to cast their cares on you and tonight god i'm glad you know that you've already received us because you care for us you've already wiped us clean because you cared for us you've already taken it away now god i pray as we your children return to our homes that the curse is broken off of our minds that the stronghold is broken off of our homes that every negative coping mechanism would be released right now in the name of jesus help us to find ways to give it over to you help us to find ways to put it in your hand help us to find ways to release it to you we lay it down tonight and we declare that we don't want it no more we declare that we trust you with it to fill us up again now god i pray that a wind of revival will fill your people for everything they lack for everything they give up that you would restore 100 phones give them something greater give them promotions to fill their time give them promotion to build their schedule give them new friendships that we surrender now we release it now we lay it down we submit it to you in jesus name now if you believe that you're letting it go that you are made free for the next 60 seconds i dare you open your mouth and release the sound of freedom release a sound of revival release release release release your sound release the sound the sound of freedom release the sound the sound of victory release the sound of laying it down release the sound of leaving it there release the sound of giving it to jesus release the sound of god i trust you release your sound god i lay it down i give it over to you i'm letting it go i give it all to you every unhealthy habit i give it all hey hey hey cash your case apollo [Applause] he cares for you he cares for you i don't know who broke you i don't know who hurt you i don't know who lied to you i don't know who left you but tonight i want you to know god cares for you sometimes in the tumultuousness of life it don't always feel like it but tonight i got good news he cares all across this church would you just lay your hands on somebody and just whisper he cares for you he whoo hey god cares for you lift your hands all in this room he he cares for you maybe tonight you didn't make it to this altar but for the next 30 seconds i want you wherever you are to give it over to him whatever you've been holding on to that you feel god pulling you out of whoa you can lay it down right here you can leave it here tonight he cares for you he cares for you your mother father might have left you but he cares for you you might feel by yourself tonight but he cares for you so give it over to the one that cares he he's sticking closer than a brother he he's a friend above friends he he's a mother to the motherless father to the family he can help you he's a counselor he he's a healer he's a provider is peace whatever you need god is tonight lift your hands there is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary [Music] there is a stillness in the atmosphere the come and lay down [Music] is he one time no music just voices there is a sweet anointing in this sanctuary there is a stillness [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] come on everybody [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] this everybody say come and lay down come and lay down that's what i want you to do tonight come and lay whoever you are [Music] he is here for you call me later can i get the word of the lord listen he says come on to me [Music] come on to me whoever you are wherever you are god says come on to me he's giving you an open invitation tonight just come on to me he says i will give you rest come on to me oh you got a weary and heavy lady come on to me he wants to give you rest tonight he says come on he wants to give you rest come on to me come on last few times don't be jesus [Music] and lay voices whoever you are wherever you are come and lay down god wants to give you us hey i say god wants to give you rest rest for your weariness tonight wrestle your anxiety tonight he wants to give you an ass tonight yesterday god wants to give you resistance [Music] [Applause] [Music] the birds [Music] [Music] listen on your way back to your seat i just need you to grab three people and tell them come and lay down he he's giving you an open invitation tonight to come and give it to him so when you get home tonight whatever it is yet you know you know that you've been dealing with you know what you've been bothered by you know what's been worrying you you know what's keeping you up at night whatever you do when you get home tonight i need you to just give it over to him come on [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] i prophesy rest over your house over your life i prophesy [Music] [Music] you go back to sleep [Music] ugh while the choir's still ministering everybody [Music] [Applause] y'all i'm really trying to let this go but i'm really about to walk off this bullpen and lay on this floor [Music] [Music] every person in here i need you to do me a favor and get the greatest gift you can in your hand i need as many of you who can't who stand who will with me to grab a 50 seed offering i'm going to ask that they bring my phone cause i'm not going to let y'all participate and not not join so i need every person in here to get a 50 seat in your hand and when you get that 50 seat every person who can get a 50 c i want you to get that seat in your hand i want you to jump to your feet and when you jump to your feet tonight i want you to come on out of the aisle where you are step out into the aisles i want every person who can be obedient to a fifty dollar love gift love see tonight to seed into this place to seed into what you believe to seed into what god is speaking to you to get your gift in your hand and i want you tonight to jump out into the aisle i want you to get it get it quick jump up stay under your feet when you got it tonight every person who's given a 50 seat tonight grab it grab it grab it if you're writing it jump to your feet let me know who it is every person every person get it in your head get it in your hand get it in your hand yes there we are come on yes jump to your feet there we are wherever you are jump to your feet jump to your feet every person who's releasing a 50 seat tonight not into me not into bishop owens not even into co-pastor stuzio owens but into what you believe god is speaking to you in this moment and whatever god chooses to do with you after this moment it's seeding it into faith right now get that gift every fifty dollar giver jump to your feet jump to your feet amen i see you i see you i want now everybody who says preach i don't have fifty but the lord is releasing me to give forty jump to your feet the lord is releasing me to give thirty jump to your feet the lord is releasing me to give 20 to give 10 get the best gift you can in your hand and i want you to jump to your feet get the closest thing you can to 50 jump to your feet i want to speak a word over you tonight because there are so many of us who are struggling and dealing and i know that we are in the midst of a government shutdown and i know there are people here who have been impacted and affected and i know that there are people here who are struggling and dealing with the fallout of that but tonight what i want you to do is try god because this is what happens every time i think about seed i reminded of mary who was carrying jesus in her womb and she was on her way for the census she was on the way to be counted and it was then that god decided that the son of the living god was to be birthed into the earth so while they were traveling while they were walking while they were journeying god said jesus is supposed to be born today so they begin looking looking looking for a suitable place to have a sea they are looking for a suitable place to release a seed they are looking for a place that fits and is perfect to release this seed but what happens now is as they were journeying because god commanded something of them in the midst of nowhere out of nowhere they did not have a proper place for that seed so they began to look and the bible declares that there was no room in the end so what happens now they begin to give birth to jesus in a manger in other words god turned a manger into an ob gyn department and so where there was no room god gave them place preacher what are you saying i'm saying tonight you may feel like you are not in a suitable place to release a seed but what i know about god is that he will provide for you where he has planted you and so tonight when you release this seed i need you to release this seed knowing that it might not be perfect it might not seem suitable it might not seem like the best season but i need you to release it believing that god is about to make room for you as you release your gifts as you come giving your gifts the people are coming to collect your gifts i need you to release it out of your hand and when you release it i need you to open up your mouth and shout with conviction that god is making room for me won't you come won't you come release your seed and declare god is making room for me he's making room for me god is making room for me in this season of my life god is making room for me right where i stand god is making room for me through what i'm going through everybody say come and come [Music] everybody [Music] whatever it is god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] right in this moment before i leave this place i would be doing an injustice to my life and who i'm called to be if i did not take the opportunity to offer christ to somebody who may be seated here tonight so all over this room would you jump to your feet we're about to get out of here but i need you to do me a favor and become an advocate an evangelist for the role in which you are standing everybody jump to your feet i need you to do me a favor and talk to one person on your left and one person on your right and ask them neighbor are you saved and are you sure and i need you to wait for an answer if they say no i'm not saved no i'm not sure tell them tonight she wants to come and lay it down the lord is calling you to change your life if they said yes to both of these ask them who's your pastor if they don't know they don't go and tonight we want you connected to a fellowshipping body of believers is there one tonight is there one is there one you want to be saved you want to be restored you want to be healed you want to be made over you want to be made whole is there one is there one is there one well if you're saved and you know you're saved and you're glad you're saved i dare you shout for jesus joy in this place like you'd have lost your ever loving mind come on shout for jesus in this place shout for jesus in this place shout
Channel: Marissa Farrow
Views: 2,240
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Keywords: Marissa Farrow, Rev. Marissa Farrow, Evangelist Marissa Farrow, Sarah Jakes, Tasha Cobbs, Real Talk Kim, Latrice Ryan, Female Preachers, Baptist Preachers, Greater Allen AME, Elder Marissa Farrow, Shalondria Taylor, Preaching, Youtubechannel, Youtube, Youtuber, POdcast, Explorepage, love
Id: lfAcjDdNZQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 6sec (3306 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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