Designated Survivors | Bishop Carolyn Showell | Allen Virtual Experience

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everyone to the ab the allen virtual experience and on behalf of our pastors the reverend doctors floyd and elaine flame we welcome you and invite you to a very special worship experience today today is our women's conference culmination and indeed we are celebrating with the women of god today all of the unstoppable women out here today listen their conference theme comes from romans chapter 8 verse 31 if god be for us then who can be against us we'll be blessed today with the presence of our guest preacher for this morning bishop carolyn show well amen come on let's celebrate she is a sister beloved and one that we love very much and we know that you will be blessed by the word that comes forth today listen i encourage you to drop a praise or even a prayer request into the chat where our ministers will be there to answer uh you and to engage you and also most importantly to pray for you come on let's enter into worship now oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together won't you open up your mouth and send up praise to the lord if you're at home if you're in the sanctuary god we bless you we honor and adore you we speak well of you right now we take a moment to say thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you that you kept us all week long thank you that we have the activity of our limbs thank you that you breathed another breath into our nostrils up god we don't take it for granted that you've extended your mercy that you've extended your grace and god we pull on your power your power oh god that would destroy our god every part of the enemy your power god that would heal on god every broken heart your power father that can heal every sin and shut in individual and we say thank you for your power that is causing us to be unstoppable thank you for every word that was imparted all week long thank you for every speaker thank you god for every song leader thank you lord god for every workshop and we declare that we are unstoppable unstoppable in our careers unstoppable in our prayer lives are unstoppable and our finances are unstoppable in our faith and we decree that the plan of the lord it will manifest in our lives that today our lives will be shifted today our lives will be better and we say thank you for your glory thank you for your anointing god from every move god we thank you for every open door we thank you for every miracle we thank you and we give you glory for every prayer request that you shall answer for every victory report that you shall perform we give you glory i need about 30 women to go crazy and worship we thank you for your glory we thank you for your power your power you're anointing your flu now for nowhere your spirit your anointing [Music] your glory it's filling our homes your glory we thank you for your glory wherever you are let the glory of the lord consume you wherever you go let the glory of the lord consume you and it is so somebody give a praise for his glory i said somebody worship him for his glory somebody shout for his glory hallelujah hallelujah somebody give jesus i said somebody give jesus a praise the king of kings and the lord of lords the great i am the almighty god somebody give jesus jesus praise him like he's still got power praise him like he's still god praise him like he's still healed praise him like he's still delivered praise him like in that name somebody i said we came to lift up jesus we came to lift up jesus he somebody give him the glory i'm going through what i'm going through but i still praise him i need what i need but i still praise him i got stuck on the prayer altar but i'll still praise him because he's worthy it's time to worship it's time to worship hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah you want to tell somebody wherever you are there's something about the name of jesus i said tell somebody i know there's something about the name because i call on him and he said with the righteous trump they don't know how nobody about it [Music] hallelujah it's time to worship jesus we're moving hallelujah [Music] and it's your righteous name [Music] oh [Music] [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] is yes [Music] every day [Music] is [Music] and there [Music] she [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i can't hear you [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] watching [Music] but the name of thank you lord you know i was watching a sports event the other day and they were talking to this coach and they were asking them well you had one of the greatest basketball players ever on the planet and they asked them they said well he's accomplished so much how do you see his accomplishments and what got him here and the coach said it was the name of jesus he said it on national tv and called the name of jesus thank you as i've been hearing all these families talking about all the difficulties and they asked the family they said well what got you through the storm and what got you through your disappointment and what you what got you through the grief and they said it was faith in the name of jesus tell somebody i'll stick with jesus [Music] come on let me see you clap your hand this morning [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] with jesus [Music] [Music] i never ever [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] because i said thank you thank you [Applause] come on [Music] i'm gonna stick with you [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh tribulations [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] you [Music] [Music] today isn't he good come on if he's good come on and give him the praise he's worthy of the praise he's worthy of the glory he's worthy of the honor he's worthy of our worship come on and give god some praise because god is good over time and like we say all the time god is good come on and worship the lord today come on and stand up and let god know god i'm with you i'm sticking with you all the days of my life hallelujah give god some praise oh he's worthy to be praised this morning as we come into the presence of god we want to come before his presence knowing that god has already accomplished our healing we're just coming before god agreeing with god and what he's already done so let's go before the lord in prayer this morning precious father as we come into your presence today we thank you for the joy of the lord we thank you for your presence we thank you for your your strength we thank you o god for being with us and god we thank you that you stick with us all the way oh god when we have turned away from you you were always right there you were always looking for us to come home and you were always there so father we want to say thank you we thank you for being a god that sits and throne with all power we thank you for being a god that never sleeps and a god that never slumbers we thank you for being a god oh lord who's awesome and we thank you oh god for being a god that is mighty we thank you lord god for all you've done for us be because there's none like you who would have given up their best who would have given up their only son who would allow their son to become sin but you allowed it because you loved us so much and we come with thanksgiving in our hearts today father we thank you we thank you for making the heavens and the earth and we thank you oh god with your outstretched hand oh god you perform mighty works lord god and in the name of jesus lord we come lifting up to you those that are sick and those that are shut in father but oh god we're lifting up this world to you lord god where people are suffering throughout the world where their bodies are in pain but we thank you god that you said jesus that you are the resurrection and you are the life and so in the name of jesus we speak life to bodies right now in the name of jesus we curse tumors at their root right now in the name of jesus we curse dead cancer cells and we command them to dry up right now in the name of jesus you said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven so in the name of jesus you yahweh you yahweh boy ray the lord that created everything the lord that took me a dust and made a man the lord that took a rib and made a woman you are yahweh bori the lord that creates and so god we ask you to recreate oh god recreate oh god oh god where there's a dead liver right now oh we speak recreation in the name of jesus because you're the god that recreates there's nothing too difficult for you oh god where there's a child suffering in a hospital with cancer lord god in the name of jesus recreate new cells in their body oh god we cast out the old and we call in the new in the name of jesus somebody's laying on their deathbed right now from this coronavirus lord god taking their last breath but god you breathe breath into into ashes and you made a man so father go in and breathe your breath and bring life in the name of jesus because you are life and we thank you lord we thank you for healing bodies from the crown of the head to the souls of their feet lord god we thank you o god for reviving bodies in the name of jesus we thank you for restoring bodies in the name of jesus we thank you for opening the blind eyes and i'm stopping the deaf ears in the name of jesus and we thank you for raising up oh god oh god we thank you for raising up somebody right in that ambulance right now you're raising them up you're touching them right now and we say thank you for you are the power oh god your presence heals and we thank you for touching those o god that are bent over in greece we thank you o god yeah i even speak to them right now woman thou art loose from your grief man thou art lose from your grief child thou art loose from your grief and we thank you lord that you stand in your word that you are the healer of a broken heart and you bind up the wounds lord god so we thank you for going throughout this earth lord god and healing the sick and raising the dead in the name of jesus we pray let the people of god shout hallelujah let the people of god shout hallelujah let the people of god shout hallelujah he is the resurrection and he is the life come on and give god some praise come on now he's a wonder and we bless his holy name he's a miracle worker and we bless his holy name he's a god that cannot fail and we bless his holy name he is jehovah rapha the lord who heals and we bless his holy name come on and give god some praise [Music] god we worship you in spirit and the truth [Music] you alone get our worst [Music] me [Music] me [Music] see you lord [Music] foreign [Music] no one can win [Music] all of my words [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] easy [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and i will [Music] be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and tell him what is this and we give you praise [Music] [Applause] yeah hallelujah [Music] [Music] is in the presence of the lord hallelujah [Music] he's been waiting to hear from you he's been waiting to hear from you so right where you are right in the midst of it all give him worship give him what he deserves give him worship [Music] it's the only way we can make it through is with our worship all of us [Music] lift your hands in the sanctuary lift your hands at home wherever you are hallelujah and just begin to worship the lord this morning in spirit and in truth the power of god is moving from heart to heart the power of god is moving from breast to breast the power of god is covering god's church and god is calling all of us to worship the lord so come on let's just take a few moments and exalt him let's take a few moments and extol the god who is the god of all flesh god we worship you for you have declared that you love us with an everlasting love we worship you god because you have been that very present help in the time of trouble and your declaration to us is that there is nothing too hard for god so glad we give you all the praise you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy we shout glory glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah the sovereign god the majestic god oh the god who is king of kings and lord of lords [Music] we bow before you we surrender to you we submit our will to your will hallelujah jesus and we will worship you all the days of our lives we will bless the lord morning noon and night we will shout hallelujah even when things are not going the way we want them to go [Music] we worship you today we honor you today [Music] receive our worship today receive our hallelujahs today receive my word receive our words of adoration today you put your hands together and give god praise hallelujah come on lift your voices out lift your voices [Music] moving in this place moving in our homes and moving throughout the land hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god on this the day that the lord has made we have come to rejoice and be glad in it we greet you with jesus joy on this women's culmination sunday we thank god for the journey we thank god for the victories we thank god that we can declare that because we are the women of god and because his spirit is in us we are unstoppable i certainly thank god for this women's experience it has not been our typical one but the power of god has been moving and we certainly give god praise we're so happy today to have in uh the sanctuary with us members of our uh uh women's ministry many our supervising chairs and those who have served on respective committees just a few and we want to thank god for them and we want them to know how much we love and appreciate who they are and then of course we want to thank god for our guest preacher today the bishop carolyn denise show well all the way from baltimore maryland let's thank god for her we thank god for her ministry we thank god that she always has a word for us and we are excited that she thought it not robbery to join us for this women's culmination sunday amen now before we move to the offering of course i just want to say that we will as the church of the true and living god continue to pray for our nation pray for our nation amen now on this past week we uh heard the verdict come down and we celebrate with the floyd family and we pray that god will continue to cover them that god will continue to keep them and that god will contin will continue to move we also thank god for this one young woman by the name of darnella fraser the woman who took out the young girl who took out that camera because without those videos we don't know how this would have turned out so we pray god's covering over her we pray god will bless her and bless her family and we admonish you to continue to continue to pray for this nation because we have two funerals uh uh one i think has has passed uh we pray for the family of dante wright and we pray for the family of micaiah bryant amen those two have lost their lives to the same police violence and we know that there is much work yet to be done in these united states of america that the people of god say amen it is giving time at the cathedral it is giving time and we pray that you will join us in this time of giving giving is worship and we have worshiped god we have danced we have sung and so now we worship god through the giving because god has been good to us amen everybody just ought to shout i know that's right god is good god is great god has showered us with blessings and look if the blood is yet running warm in your vein if you still have the activity of your limbs you want to jump up on your feet and just give god praise and say that i willingly give i gladly give because i owe so much to the lord our giving instructions are on the screen you can text to give you can give by way of cash app and give the if you're on our website just please follow the prompts and of course you can always mail your tithe and offerings in and we uh admonish you uh to do just that if you do not give electronically please mail your tithe and your offerings into the greater allen cathedral of new york 110-31 floyd h flake boulevard jamaica new york zip code one one four three three now listen because the post office has not yet really caught on to the name change of merrick boulevard i'm gonna ask you to do something very special because many of you will uh testify that your your mail has come back because you have just used the floyd h flake boulevard address so what we're gonna ask you to do for the next few weeks is write 110-31 floyd h flake boulevard and then in parentheses write formally merrick boulevard amen we need you to do that because our many of you as i said your offerings have been returned to you because the post office has not yet acknowledged the name change but we want you to continue to pray we thank god for this church we thank god for this ministry god is good and i still say i still say that we are a blessed church we are being blessed by our music department by our dancers by our communications ministry and we know that we're going to be blessed by the word that comes forth today so we thank god for the journey we thank god for the victory and we thank god that god is not through with us yet now everybody shout glory to god everybody shout hallelujah hallelujah and amen hallelujah come on let's give god some praise let's lift up the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah truly i believe god today i know that the spirit of the lord has already moved in this place how many of you feel the spirit of the lord where you are in your home hallelujah in the sanctuary the spirit of the lord is here and the word of god is getting ready to come forth hallelujah but revenue lane said that that there's a issue with the name change at the post office i said she said there's an issue with the name change at the post office it's already been done i can't get a witness in the building but look at somebody and tell them god is getting ready to make the enemy recognize what he's already fixed what he's already worked out i need somebody to open up your mouth and begin to give god praise because they don't want to recognize it but god said it's already done and sooner or later they're going to have to know not only no but they're going to have to acknowledge i can't get a witness in the building i just need about 10 of y'all that are waiting for somebody to acknowledge what god has already worked look at somebody tell them i believe god if he said it it's already done if he promised it it's already in motion and there's nothing that the enemy can do about it i'm standing on the promises of christ my savior somebody open up your mouth and give them praise if you believe god come on right there if you believe god open your eyes it's already been accomplished it's already been manifested it's promised to me and the promises of god are yea and amen i believe god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] people ask me isn't it crazy to believe in something you can't see people [Music] but you see my faith is strong and anger my faith cannot be way my faith makes the unknown reality and one day if i pray i know my dream will come to be [Music] he is incredible invincible [Music] sometimes it's tested on this shaky road i tried [Music] storm is doubting god is never the option to consider because i've seen too many miracles hidden inside of my pain now faith is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of things not seen god works in mysterious [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Applause] yes [Music] he is i am yes god [Music] [Music] [Music] do you believe [Music] set free and god will [Music] one more time somebody needs to hear it oh somebody say god [Music] [Music] he's gonna open up [Music] [Music] god [Music] is [Music] thank you jesus i just need you to praise him put your faith in action i said put your faith in action [Music] [Music] and so we speak to those of you who understand that in these trying times to not believe god is to make a decision to be destroyed the only the only help we have is to believe god and not give any energy any right away any power in the authority doubt that would come because sometimes we spend too much energy on doubting god be taking that energy and believing god so somebody just open your mouth and say lord i believe you say lord i believe you i don't care what it feels like but my confidence and my complete trust is in god we thank god for this opportunity and pray and privilege to be here thank you elder figaro for that that most timely needed selection uh that song of ministry there is a word from the lord for everybody who's under the sound of my voice this morning but before i get started i want us to give a word of celebration love adoration and honor to that great that great builder visionary of this house so excited that we are now driving up and down florida h flake boulevard come on we can do better than that we can do come on make some noise [Music] and while we are celebrating him to my mentor dear friend and sister uh the one and only one of the greatest co-pastors anywhere in the world uh revenue lane mccullough flake come on let's celebrate her and to all of the saints and friends here always a special shout out to my nephew brother stanley there's a word from the lord this morning and if you all come on and pray with me and and let's let's do this to the glory of god um having been in the hooping mode for about a year now but still have something to say let's pray father in the name of jesus i declare everybody under the sound of my voice is good ground i declare that when they hear the word not many days hints it shall bear f root so that it can produce fruit god everybody that's listening to my voice i pray that you would bless everything make it prosper everything they touch and everything that they do god make all of us a vessel of the download of the holy intelligence of god and god let the word be incarnate that we might be living epistles read of everybody that comes in contact with us and we will always give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in jesus name even behind your mask somebody open your voice even in your house somebody open your voice uh-huh there's a hallelujah even behind your mask come on i got to hear it come on come on open your mouth and shout hallelujah the theme unstoppable the lord has given me something that would help us understand what it means to be unstoppable i need i need you all to come on go with me for a moment there's just there's just this little thing that keeps coming up in my spirit and then i'm going i want you all to rehearse it real timidity i need y'all come on y'all with me we only gonna sing it once or twice but i need y'all to come in and jump on in it's gonna help help somebody it's only two lines only two lines and it goes another day another day lord i thank you for [Music] honor there another day that's it another day [Music] another day you got it come on come on [Music] come on come on lord we thank you come on you sing it now you say music [Applause] [Music] lord i thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] that's it that's it that's it thank you it's been ringing in my spirit and i just had this lord you'll see how it fits into the word of god the word of god i need to read these passages of scriptures because these passages of scriptures that i'm about to read help tie in the thought that i want to convey this morning to each of you i shall be reading from romans the fifth chapter verses three and four i will co-reference that to psalms 34-19 and then tie it all together in 2nd timothy 10 12. just follow me as i read romans 5 and 3 reads in this manner [Music] but we glory in tribulations knowing knowing that tribulations produce patience and patience experience and experience hope look at the spiritual growth paradigm tribulations produce patients or endurance patients and produces experience and experience produces hope psalms says many are the afflictions of the righteous but god will deliver him and her out of them oh ii timothy then says and all that will live godly all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution my foundational text scripture but we glory in tribulations knowing i want to speak to everybody under the sound of my voice and i want to speak from the subject i want to speak from the thought designated survivors i'm going to say that again designated survivors several months ago i became engrossed in a political drama called designated survivors the story revolved around the character thomas kirkman who after a devastating event on the eve of the of the president's state of unity just the president's state of the union address the u.s congress and the house of representatives were totally eradicated upon the eradication of the political governor governmental bodies thomas kirkland was the only remaining politician therefore making him the designated survivor the designated survivor and the unelected president of the united states what was most interesting was that i discovered that that selection of a designated survivor it was and it still is an official ranking found out that it was created by the government in 1950 during the cold war and watch this and this i need some of you put on your spiritual ears what you will find out is that the protocols that help to formulate the office they are quite enlightening even for the child of god what you must understand when it comes to the designated survivor and some of you'll get it in the spirit number one is you don't know who the designated survivor is until after the tragedy has passed number two the survivor is always kept hidden in a secure location separated from everybody else number three many times they are not told that they have been chosen as designated watch this they often have to miss out on gatherings and meetings and and conventions and and committee meetings they oftentimes have to miss major events because the purpose and the assignment of the survivor is to make sure that there is a continuity in the function and operation of whatever cause whatever family whatever group whatever institution they represent they must assure that people places and things are secure and keep moving forward after the tragedy note this now here's where i make my announcement if you're listening to my voice whether you hear or at home if you hear me let me make my declaration based upon the authority that i have let me inform everybody that can hear me if you can hear me then i am justified in making this announcement and that announcement is this in consideration of all that you have gone through doing this strange pandemic some of you have had to share in in in great mountains great volumes of aches pains hurt and losses in consideration of all that you have been through i can feel justified and backed up and validated in making this announcement what does the announcement show up the announcement is if you still breathing you has been chosen to be a designated survivor let me say that again for somebody it's not ringing in your spirit if you can hear me if you are still breathing then you have been chosen to be a designated survivor because within the last 13 months around the world over 3 million people have left from cobed alone and while we may be hurting and even feeling somewhat guilty because many didn't make it we still have to acknowledge the fact that up until this day god has kept us and we have survived let me keep talking i need somebody in this place i need somebody at home i need somebody that can breathe i need somebody that can lift their hands i need you to in respect and consideration of all that god has done i need somebody to open their mouth in the midst of your hurt in the midst of your pain in the midst of your your guilt in the midst of your anger in all of the doubts that are going through your head i need somebody to still open your mouth in this place and at home and tell god thank you for another day so now you see you see now it's important thank you sis it's important that we understand our survival uh let me let me talk to you a minute because if we don't understand our survival then we might handle it ungratefully and even recklessly if we don't understand our survival then you don't understand that that because you survive your survival here and now defines who you are in god your survival confirms who you are to god and your survivals should settle who you are to yourself in other words uh because you survive that ought to tell you that you are greater than the worst thing that has happened to you up until this time if you have survived then that should tell you there's more life for you beyond the difficulty of this present moment you may still have some symptoms and some scars and some aches and pain knowing that you survived should make the symptoms and the scars bearable that's they they only remind you listen to this they the symptoms of scars the aches the pain they only remind you that whatever it was whatever it may still be it could have turned out differently it could have been worse your pain could have ended up in death your loss could have been multiplied and your diagnosis could have been your obituary but thanks be to god we open our mouth and tell him lord i thank you surviving now understand surviving is what living is about if you survive it's because you are living you had to be here because when you survive the purpose is uh that god needs a witness that whatever you went through you came through it and needed to be here to tell about it because some folk would never believe what you have been through during this pandemic unstoppable uh-huh you didn't get picked hear me now for some of you who may be feeling guilty because we have buried our loved ones just buried my own brother about three weeks ago but sometimes you feel guilty but i came to tell you you didn't get to pick your survival you don't even understand god's decision oh you know that as god is sovereign and god does what he wants to do and you are yet learning how to trust in his decisions consider this now and and then we're going to uh bring this to clearer understanding we glory in tribulations let me say that again let me say that again we glory in tribulations a very complex a very difficult statement that must be dissected in order for you to understand we glory in tribulations glory in the context of this text means that there is a continuous act it's a present continuous verb which means there is an action and an activity that must continue to occur to you and in you this glory then means that there is an awareness about something that is growing with every uh every revelation or understanding that you have it causes something to mature and become perfected in you by by glory we mean that something is happening that will transform you that will turn you uh into something else that will change you because of it and that you will become because of it we gain internal qualities character that now produces external signs of an unexpected unexplained a resiliency you don't know why you keep getting up you don't know why you keep uh uh putting one foot in front of the other because there is this unexplained resiliency that comes that god is putting in you it is no help of our own because the bible does teach us about the the glory of a person the bible talks about human glory it talks about the the glory of jacob the glory of joseph the glory of david and proverbs the glory of a virtuous woman remember jesus spoke to god and in his last prayer in john 17 chapter and the fifth verse jesus said to god the glory that i had with you before the foundation of the world i now want to give it to them uh-huh the glory i had i want to give it to them now he wants us to understand that there is a human glory uh a god-given delegated gift of glory that has been given unto you here it is now this kind of human glory that you have is created this is the mind blower right here this kind of glory that's growing in you that abides in you that dwells in you is created is developed and is activated only by tribulation ah let me say that again that that's the that's the uh the breaker right there that that the tribulation uh that's growing in you is the source of of the of the glory trouble trouble now is that which releases a dimension of manifested power in you that you would have never acquired if it wasn't for trouble now becomes your teacher trouble becomes your professor trouble becomes your instructor isn't it ironical stranger even scary that what we want so much uh-huh what we seek for so much what we desire so much for god to be blessed the glory of god that's all we hear about the glory god of god the latter glory well let me tell you the truth about that glory that glory is only coming through the trouble that you go through uh-huh in a world where we believe that an untroubled life is the ideal existence when trouble we make trouble the enemy and trouble is to be resented to be immediately removed and to be endured here the scripture is telling us god uses trouble to get out of us all that he has invested in us god now uses trouble for his purpose to get his purpose out of us trouble is an instrument now god employs god hires god uses trouble to prepare us it wasn't just let me say that again he used trouble to prepare us it was trouble it wasn't just a up it was a breakthrough it wasn't just a closed door it was a danger due not into warning it wasn't just hurt it was a path to wholeness it wasn't just a conflict it was the creation of a new reality that god has for you so hear paul say those who live godly you shells you shall suffer persecution then here paul said but know this all things work together for good then hear him say again these light afflictions cannot be worthy or not worthy to be compared with the glory that is going to be revealed in other words compare the glory with affliction and the glory will win all the time compare the glory with the trouble and glory is always greater than the trouble i need somebody to hashtag glory is always greater glory is always greater but it's the devil's assignment to make sure that trouble does not produce peace trouble does not produce prosperity trouble does not give you power his job is to make you be resentful and to be hopeless depressed and full of self-pity but i came to tell you uh it's not about the affliction it's not about the trouble because what's coming after the trouble is so much greater on the other side of the breakthrough there is a ministry there is an anointing there is a call that's coming and waiting for you on the other side of the trouble here then even god says to job and for for those of you who who persevere for those of you who who endure uh-huh i'm gonna give you double ain't nobody saying not even in here anybody need a double a double blessing just slip your mask down real sick and just holler double uh-huh he's gonna give you double another in other words he has put your tears the psalmist says he gather up your tears and put them in a bible a bible and when he put your tears in a bottle your tears have now become redemptive with me for every tear i have cried there's a blessing coming for every night i have to stay up there's a blessing coming for every time i thought that god had left me there is a blessing coming because my suffering is salvific my suffering brings a greater reward here now here god says it takes trouble it takes trouble to stretch your faith and confidence in god i'm preaching on trouble it takes trouble somebody gonna get this it takes trouble to understand trouble in other words uh it's only when you've been through something that you become more sensitive to other people who have to go through something and guess what a trouble makes you less judgmental you're not so quick to talk about what somebody else going through when you done been through some stuff ain't nobody saying nothing whether you admitted or not it was the trouble that you went through that gave you a burden for somebody else uh-huh because you remember how it was when you went three anybody remember how it was when you uh couldn't pay your bills and how it was when you was all alone and how it was when you felt like god has stopped talking to you and see it's trouble it's trouble now that helps you to understand uh that that i can never say out of my mouth or what i won't do trouble is what makes you not be so quick to put your mouth on somebody else ain't nobody saying nothing anybody in this place remember a time when when things were just messed up for you and you came to church and you was dressed up and you sat beside your friends and you you confronted and had conversations with your friends but you couldn't tell them just how messed up stuff was uh family messed up finance is messed up i guess i'm a preacher to the empty pews anyway anybody ever been on the verge thank you sis anybody ever been on the verge of giving up came to church and he was praising god but the truth of the matter is behind the praise was a whole lot of trouble trouble is why you can't drive past people now and point your finger and laugh at them trouble is why you can't walk right past homeless people trouble is why uh you can't turn your back on alcoholics and drug addicts uh-huh because some of us are some of us in here some of us at home we have to admit we used to be them people but except for the or i hear nobody except for the grace of god except for the goodness of god even in this pandemic do you know how many children of god have considered suicide do you know how many children of god have considered walk the walking away and some have walked away but thanks be to god here we stand there's a population hear me declare this is a prophetic utterance there's a population out here that's coming back and when they come back they don't want your title they don't want your position they don't want your attitude they want to hear how god brought you through a pandemic without you blowing your brains out they want to hear about your testimony what kept you from going back to the world what kept you from taking drugs what kept you with the soundness of your mind that you didn't find yourself checking into bellevue or saint luke's hospital but you still have a determination and you can still open your mouth and you can still say lord i trust you lord i love you lord i have confidence in you lord i have faith in you because it wasn't because of just the good times it wasn't because everything was all right it was because yay though you walked through the valley of the shadow of death you could fear no evil why because god was god is looking for some saints now uh you keep your turn back collar keep it keep your dog god is looking for some servants listen to this servants who have been born out of adversity servants who have discovered the salvation that comes in suffering the child of god must understand hear me out there god did not pick you out to pick on you he did not invent trouble when you were conceived surely you have read your bible and if you really read your bible then you would understand that everybody god uses has had to go through let me say that you want to be used by god you want an anointing ah you won't uh to be moved by what you do by what you say uh about who you are i came to tell you he only uses people who have been if you don't believe me ask david as daniel as elijah go through the bible in every book you've got people who have been through trouble uh asked jesus don't you think that the cross was trouble the the the death was trouble they they wanted to kill him they beat every disciple disciples were beheaded they were boiled they were burnt to death listen to what james says listen to what james says his first commandment to the believer ah i love this they were beaten they were burned they were beheaded they were chased out of town they were put in jail but listen to jail or james james says to every believer hear me out there count it all joy but they talking about me count it all joy when you go through various trials for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and when steadfastness has had us full of a full effect you will be made perfect you will grow up you will mature and be complete listen to this part and you will lack nothing i got to read that again i got to make some believers in the house [Music] think about what you're going through think about what you're dealing with think about what's in your house in your family and hear james say count it all joy for you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance steadfastness experience patience and hope and when steadfastness has head is full of fat you're not coming out of this prematurely but when it has had its full effect when you stop trying to help god when you stop getting in the middle of it when you shut your mouth and let god speak when steadfastness has had its full effect then you will be made perfect and complete and you will lack somebody holler nothing [Music] i'm going to say something that might sound strange coming on in now but some will understand this is for grown-up saints this is for grown-up believers hear me when i say this troubled heartaches and pain are the real tests of promotion for a child of god i'ma say it again for grown-up people i know you think it's going to school and you think it's rubbing shoulders and you think it's being in a certain clique and you even think it's having the right last name i came to tell you trouble heartaches and pain are the real tests for the promotion of a child of god tell them show well said it uh-huh and see here's what you need to understand and and then i'm gonna say this in love and and some of you don't don't don't turn off on me uh don't don't turn the channel but don't click off but see we we under this delusion stanley we under this this fake this fake lie uh-huh uh that makes us believe that shouting and jumping uh-huh they're just byproducts a shout and a dance that's a secondary incidental okay we try to make shouting and jumping primary that's why the internet is saturated with praise break you come on all the they don't want you here to preach all the churches want to do is post their praise break with their choreograph shouting with their special music but i came to tell you keep your dance but when you feel finished dancing you better learn how to live holy keep your dance but you better learn how to dance with tears coming down your eyes keep your dance but you ought to be able to dance when god says no keep your dance but you have to keep dancing even when you can't hear god keep your dance but at the end of your dance make sure you got true victory here now here's my final observation that we've done ca i have to the sermon begs me to ask the question i can't go any further unless i pose the question or else i haven't done justice to the subject at hand of being a designated survivor where god has caused you to survive in the midst of trouble here then is my question with all that god has caused you to endure and survive i ask this question of everybody under the sound of my voice what will you do with your survival will you take your survival and use it as an opportunity to continue to ignore god will you take your survivor as a license to live wild and carefree and reckless do you think your survival means i got time to to finish my wish list do you think your survival means that you got over on the devil here is what i must tell you every survival every survivor is connected to an unfulfilled purpose and an unfinished assignment i'm going to say it again the reason why he let you live is because you have a call of purpose an assignment that has yet to be fulfilled uh i'm gonna say one more time he let you to survive because uh there is a sphere of influence that you have not penetrated yet there is a world that's around you that you have not healed yet there's a situation that's waiting for you to come there's a predicament that cannot be solved until you come and handle it there's a family waiting to be saved but can't be saved until you show up that's why he has allowed you to survive ain't nobody saying nothing because now your survival requires accountability listen to this what you survived whatever you have survived think about what you have survived whatever you have survived is supposed to redefine the rest of your life you should not have the same perceptive perception about life the way you had before you went through the pandemic ought to have made your priority shift and now it's not about you in that situation because he let you live it's about chewing god the pandemic now says now because he let me survive and i should be more committed dangerously determined uh-huh because the my survival mean listen to this you are i'm coming home my survivor mean a deliverance has taken place my survivor means that he brought me out of something he saved me from something i escaped something i'ma say it again if i'm survive if i have survived that means he brought me out he delivered me from and i escaped but he delivers me from something to take me to something so the question is he delivered you from what for what let me say it again he delivered you from what forward here now god says this next sense this survival now means that uh it's all about you and god because you know if it was not far if it had not been for the lord who was on your side uh-huh you know you wouldn't be here today trust me when i tell you he did not keep your life for nothing let this be a warning given to you in love god gonna get a return on his investment i got permission to say it again god is going to get a return on his investment uh-huh well i i'm interested to see uh figaro i'm interesting to see i want to see what god gets out of what you've been through i want to see what you've gotten out of your hurt what what's going to come out your pain what's going to come out your sleep this night what's going to come out of your loss what's going to come out of what you had to leave and above all what's going to come out of what you got left over paul tells us when god begins to use you because you survive that's when he says count it start counting all the blessings that's going to come out of this start counting all the healings that god's going to use you to perform start counting all the victories that you're going to be able to share with somebody count how many times he will protect your family he will deliver your family he will make ways out of no ways when your money is funny start counting how many times he will send you provisions and watch how god watch how god calls it listen watch how god teaches you how he's gonna make you thrive because he has allowed you to survive here then is the conclusion i have a right to declare uh i'm a designated survivor here's here's what uh percy this is what's gonna make people mad this is what's gonna make people mad get ready for this get ready for this what's gonna make them mad as a designated survivor you became a survivor designated by god you became that unexpectedly you didn't ask for it you didn't know you was it all you know is that god had a plan that was greater than the problem because the a problem the problem was supposed to take you out but because your assignment was greater here you are i'm done i'm done i'm just chit i'm just chit chatting with you this what this is what makes this is what makes your praise pure and authentic because you know you don't owe nobody nothing but god this is what gives you one of them i don't care praise about what you think because the truth of the matter is you supposed to be dead [Music] this is what causes you to praise god even in the confines of your own home because you know that god's been doing some things in you by yourself that never happened to you in church i'm talking to myself now and so now as a designated survivor uh we we we come with a different kind of worship uh we we come with a different kind of praise we come with a different kind of reason to be in the house of god we come with a different kind of purpose because our purpose now is connected to a right to be here and so now i declare i need about two or three of you i need you in your house i don't care who you sitting around in your house you could be sitting around somebody that can't stand god and can't stand church i need you to open your mouth and declare in the confines of your own house i am a designated survivor [Music] i need somebody take the mass off your face and let the devil hear you declare i am a designated survivor [Music] now within the next 30 seconds the next 30 seconds the next 30 seconds i need to hear some praise in your house i need to hear some praise in the sanctuary all the survivors all the survivors you know why we praise god because the dead can't praise him [Music] hear me make this announcement this pandemic has caused you to be in incubation you have been in an incubator but in a minute he's going to bring you out of hiding and you're going to blow everybody's mind because they never saw you coming [Music] that's why he had to hide you in the secret place because they don't expect you you didn't do this pre pandemic oh but wait till post pandemic you have been that that's why that's why some things you couldn't go through can't go through don't want to go to don't want to be around got friends that you used to be with because god has destroyed clicks he's only putting people around you that can help you get to where he wants you to go he's only putting people around you that can add to the next dimension of where he's taking you that's why he let you survive and so we we we bow our heads and we we tell god thank you father we thank you for another day i hear you god god said tell some people i'm going to heal them in their sleep he said tell some others i'm going to bless them while they sleep so when they wake up they're going to wake up to the blessings of god tell some other ones that i've had some things on lay away that are now about to be released because the timing has come that's why i let them survive because there is a ministry um a different kind of ministry not just this but there is a ministry out there that they've been called to first their family then their neighborhood then their state city and then to the utmost parts of the world father in the name of jesus we pray for new gifts god hear my heart we need new gifts new talents new abilities new skills because the ones that we have had they've gotten distracted but the new gifts are awaiting the wings you have already caused them to survive god you have made a a space for them you made a room for them and won't nobody be mad but devil and his camp because the new army is already marching towards the house of god we thank you dear god we praise you dear god we lift we lift our hands now and we give you a peer praise we give you a pure praise we open our mouth uh-huh i need somebody to stop hiding behind a mask thank you sir thank you sis thank you sis and open your mouth if you know the lord if you know the lord has kept you [Music] then tell them thank you and god let us always remember let me always remember my survival is connected to our unfinished assignment and the time that you have given me is a space for grace you're giving me grace so that i can step into the divine ordination of a new future and i thank you in the name of jesus everybody put your hands together and tell god thank you i'm asking everybody in here as well as out there this is sea planting time we're in the season between passover and pentecost this is so seed so in time because there is a major harvest that's coming around september the 7th we go into the new dispensation of jubilee the time of debt cancellation the time when debts are forgiven and the harvest is produced therefore because of my understanding i must i must assist at you so everybody the the means the options i've given now on the screen those of you who can give a hundred dollars you do so those who can do the best you can but i need about fifty or hundred people to sow the seed of a hundred dollars uh-huh and you have it we have it those who don't uh you keep telling god thank you you keep telling him thank you now god get your seed even in here and out there hold it up i'm going to pray god we plant these seeds because as long as we sow and there is seed time there will be harvest but this seed is different because it is planted during difficult times it's planted to make the devil out of a liar because he wants to disprove the scripture that says he gives seed to the sower and so because of what you have given us we sow back to you willingly and grudgingly and god we anticipate we look for we believe you for the devil that's coming because we sowed in the time of trouble we thank you we praise you and all god's people that love the lord the only reason why i want you to shout hallelujah is because you love the lord and because you are a designated survivor come on somebody and tell god thank you tell them thank you god bless you [Music] [Music] for he is good [Music] yes every designated survivor you ought to just put your hands together and give god praise today come on let's praise god for god's keeping power let's praise god for the bishop carol and show well who has certainly poured into our hearts on today she has made us glad and we thank god for her ministry now listen if there's anyone who is viewing today and you want to make a commitment you know that god has kept you god has watched over you and you are ready now to really fully put your life in god's hands if you've never given your life to the lord jesus if you've never accepted him as your savior then this is your opportunity oh you ought to give god praise god fashion this worship experience just for you so if you're ready now we need you to type the word salvation to the number 31996-31996 type the word salvation or maybe you are one you have been a member of the church but you would now like to become a part of the allen family maybe you kind of slipped away and you now want to reunite if that's the case won't you type the word gac membership we would love to be your church family so type gac membership to the number 31996 the lord is good the lord is great the lord is greatly to be praised this worship experience has been second to none we thank god for the word we thank god for god's love for us and we pray that as we go through this next week that you will all give thanks unto the lord for the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good foreign [Music] foreign yes you
Channel: Greater Allen Cathedral Church
Views: 14,420
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: azg3OIZ-4ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 21sec (6921 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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