"Desolate But Divine"

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come on I said why you clapping your hands you ought to open up your mouth make some noise for the King of Kings and the Lord of lords but I am that I am for the Alpha and the Omega come on that's harder our God in this place let's salute him well he is certainly the lover of my soul that I honor him tonight a man I give honor to the Spirit of the Lord that is in this place and Wow I thank God for his spirit tonight I certainly thank God for the spiritual Shepherd's of this great church would you clap your hands and help me honor God in another their Bishop George see right a man and you ought to clap a little louder because beside every great man beautiful woman with a man every bottom chocoholic levered up advance of marriage hey man I don't know another more dynamic couple in ministry and I am just so honored to have connected and had the opportunity to come back and to share with you all tonight I give honor to each and every one of you I praise God for all of your faces and I am just excited about what God is going to do for us and for you on this weekend I am thrilled to be back here six months ago I had the opportunity to be here and y'all didn't let me get through my sermon so I pray tonight y'all gonna let me finish hey man hey man I bought my books with me tonight amazing we deliver from dysfunction for those of you follow me you know about it for those of you who don't I wrote two books come get them and check them out let me know what they're all about out be downstairs after this worship experience the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 4 verse 4 is the book that claims our attention tonight and then I'm gonna jump over to 2nd Samuel verse 1 through 5 there is something God to give me in this season a man that I believe is going to meet us where we are tonight helped us to deal with and dive into some of the hidden places some of the things that drive and direct our lives as we sit in the wait second Samuel Chapter four and four then second Samuel Chapter 9 verse one through five I pray this word encouraging heart tonight if you have it somebody shout Amen second Samuel Ford for talks about Jonathan the son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet he was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel his nurse picked him up and fled but as she hurried to leave he fell and became disabled his name wasn't Mephibosheth second samuel chapter nine verse 105 says the david comes back later and asks is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake I did you look at somebody and say God will remember you there's a servant of Saul's household name ziba they summoned him to appear before David and the king said to him are you zebra at your service he replied the King ax is there no one that is still alive from the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness the ax answered and said King there is still a son of Jonathan he is lame in both feet where is he the King acts Seba said he is in the house of macare son of mal in lo debar so King David brought him from lo debar from the house of a care son of a BL drop down to verse 10 says you and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him bring the crops in so that your master's grandson may be provided for the Mephibosheth grandson of your master will always eat at my table now Ziva have fifteen signs of 20 servings this is even said to the king you serve it will do whatever the Lord the King commands his servant to do so my Febby chef hated David's table like one of the king's sons Mephibosheth had a young son named mika and all the members of Ziva's household were servants of Mephibosheth and mephibosheth live somebody shall lived in Jerusalem because he always ate at the Kings table he was lame in both feet would you bow your heads for a word of Prayer gracious God our Eternal Father it is once more and again then we're humble servants come before your holding in your righteous name God now before we actually be anything we want to take the time and say you thank you for everything we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your kindness now God we thank you for your mercy now I pray that you would in fact and indeed hiding me behind the shadows of your cross that the people they only hear see and know you wouldn't be I pray now that you he'll be preached at the end as soon as our save lives are changed the body of Christ is edified now God we ask for two things the word that is precise and right in the name of Jesus oh gosh say ma'am say hey man hey man you may be seated in the presence of our God for the time that's been given me to share I'd like to preach from this thought desolate but divided desolate but divine my brothers and sisters tonight I am without contest convinced that as we go through this year of manifestation and walking in the authority that God has given us I believe that it is imperative with the power of the Holy Ghost that we as individuals in whatever stage or state we find ourselves take hold of the faith on the inside of us and no matter where you are positioned in your life's journey that faith on the inside of you takes hold and anchors in the belief then all things truly do work together for the good of them that love the Lord and I stop and give thought to the crises in our country in our nation even in this world and uncontested Truth among spiritualist and socialists is that the progressive dismantling of the family unit has become a great inhibitor to the strength of our young men and women to marriages and to divorce rates in other words the lack of a fundamentally sound family unit has become a great reason why young men and women have lost direction marriages are down significantly from that of generations previous and divorce rates are higher than ever before it's the destruction of the family unit the hidden place attributes to the ongoing and ever-increasing crises of identity that thrust people into patterns of lifestyles and even relationships and the lack thereof that fit what we feel but not who we truly are it was the 11th president of the country of India who said that if ever any country yes to ever be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds that I strongly feel that there are three key societal members who can make a difference that are they that they are that of the mother the father and the teacher and his assertion is that the principle of moral uprightness the way in which we direct our lives our existence our morals and our values the way we direct our actions our thoughts and the way we live is all tied to having a foundational start that is strong enough to catapult you into a place of uprightness in the way in which your mind and your values have been shaped throughout your life all I'm really saying is that family is fundamental to healthy growth to mature ation to healthy relationships healthy friendships healthy decisions through life as it is the first model that we see for the relationships of which we exist in but the fact of the matter is tonight that so many people across this world so many people in this very country so many of us right here in this very sanctuary Bishop we don't all have the testimony that our family was the quintessential American dream in fact many of us can probably attest to the fact that some of the reasons why we've been where we've been and I journey has gone the way it's gone is because we didn't have the quintessential American dream while so many of us would have liked it family they look like the Cosby's to have the ultimate love connection that one that looked like the Winslows they hadn't loved so deep that not even a coke a breaking one that looked like the banks to have an uncle feeling Onvia come in and love you out of your troublesome state the fact the matter is not everybody's situation was that ideal and that exactly is in what's going on right here in the text with this brother name of fibber chef because in the opening of this text tonight by the age of five he is seated on the lap of his nurse when news comes that his father Jonathan and his grandfather saw are now on both dead from the battle at Mount Gilboa and as the nurse jumps up in a haste to flee she drops this five-year-old boy leaving him lame in both feet but not just these circumstances are unfortunate the truth of the matter is that in just this quick moment he realizes that he has lost his entire patriarchy or lineage that his father and his grandfather are dead in the same moment he has left lame in both feet he's left with the condition he didn't act for because somebody else dropped him if it's not enough that he's been dropped by somebody else and now he's lost his father and his grandfather the male figures in his life that ought to help rear and raise him now he's left with this condition if that's not enough in the same time span he is also shipped off to go live down in the city of lo debar because when your Bible readers we all know that lo debar is a place of desolation it is a place that is defined as having no word no pasture or no production he is dropped without a cause he an axe what he didn't deserve it he lost his entire family and then he is shipped off to live in a place of no production this seems like to ultimate disservice to the life of this young man to experience all of this unmerited by just the age of five he is left desolate before he even had a chance to understand the hand he was dealt in life and the truth of the matter is the only reason that I've come to declare this word tonight is because I believe that there are so many of us who are seated in this room tonight who have found ourselves understanding what it's like to be dropped by somebody else before we had a chance to deserve what we were dealing with I believe that there are so many of us going in this room tonight who have experienced situations that we did not ask for nor did we deserve I believe that there are people in this room who never asked to be abandoned by a parent or rejected by a family member molested or abused by an uncle or on people who weren't deserving of you but people who mishandled you and then left you to figure out life on your own maybe it wasn't your family but maybe somebody mishandled you on your job in the home extra school or even in your church but somewhere along the line I believe that everybody in this room knows what it's like to be dropped but can I tell you that the difference between those who are dropped and those who are delivered is a matter of mindset about staying where you would drop I understand that many of us have experienced situations in life that will beyond our control people who are raised by our grandmother or not because your mother or father walked away people who found themselves caught up in the mix of generational curses and family addictions dealing with dysfunction you've been dropped before you even had a chance and now it seems like because you were drop it did take everything that you do it dictates the way that you think and the way that you love it dictates the way that you trust and the way that you wait and it takes the relationships you attach yourself to the things you allow the things you allow yourself to settle for the people that you operate with it seems like you're being shrunk has now become the reason and the way of which you think and you did take but tonight I'll come the killer daemon and let you know that just because you were drop doesn't mean that you have to stay there that just because you find yourself in a desolate place doesn't mean that it's not divine in fact touch your neighbor and tell'em neighbor it might be desolate but it's divine many of us have found ourselves dropped in in these seasons and then we become emotionally corrupted living in a place that looks like loaded bar we are emotionally drained and dried up we are sitting in seasons that seem to drain and get the best of us because we feel like we are in stagnant places places that have no word no pasture or no production we find ourselves living in places that are beneath our purpose and the things that God has ordained for us and if it's not enough that we found ourselves in emotional spaces then look like lo debar it's another thing when we are in lo debar and we are wondering where God is in this situation maybe it's just me but there have been seasons of my life where I found myself living in a lo debar like situation and I started asking myself where is God in the midst of all of this because if I'm not able to turn to my mother or my father the person who I should be able to turn to his name is Jesus I was raised to believe that when my mother and my father would forsake me that the Lord would then take me up that I have a father in God that I have a comforter in God but there were some seasons where I wonder where God is now maybe it's just me by myself but is there anybody here that knows what it's like to be in a season where you got to wonder where God is maybe every day all day of your life you feel confident in God but there are some situations that were bigger than my understanding there were some events that were bigger than my comprehension where I had to stop and ask God where are you while I am living in loaded bar at the end of the day God you are my father I have an expectation of you I put a demand on you that when everybody else drops me that you will pick me up but can I tell you that there is something that I have found from the word of the Lord tonight concerning you that sometimes God has to drop you for a season I know it don't sound good and it don't feel good but there are times in your life where your father knows better than you and he has to drop you in a season for just some time to deal with some things concerning you i'ma help you because I realize that God will do it for you because he was doing it with Mephibosheth can I tell you that the members have found himself living in loaded bar and I can only imagine but even this place Mephibosheth is trying to understand not only where God is but what happened to him cuz imagine this Mephibosheth is the grandson of a king of Israel in other words there were some things that I am entitled to because I am of a royal bloodline there are some things that I shouldn't even be experiencing because of who my daddy is and my grandfather there are some things that I expect myself to have but every time I look around it feels like I'm living beneath my purpose I feel like I'm living beneath my means and beneath my anointing and I'm living beneath my self-worth every time I look around it feels like there was something around me that is beneath what God has ordained from me but Mephibosheth he's living in lo debar and can I tell you what happens one day David raises the question is there anybody left out of the house of Saul that I can Bluff so Jonathan say can I put a posting right here to tell you yes sometimes the only thing standing between you and your next season is one day I don't know who I'm talking to but I wish I had thirty crazy people that believe I was somebody on your one day one day one day because God has the power because with three people they shall one day one day one day y'all understand now Michelle he finds himself living in loaded Bohan y'all gotta be seated hope but I'm into excited watch this Michelle is living in lo debar he is trapped in a place that is not representative of his bloodline he is literally sent to live somewhere that is not reflective of his bloodline he it's a royalty but he is living in desolation tonight I came to talk to everybody who says I know that I'm cold I know that I'm anointed I know that God has gifted me I know that there is somebody God has for me but for some reason I find myself live oh you're good you're good is weapon for you your badass weapon for you for you hey it's working for my good yes I know what should be so I gotta finish my sermon watch this I know what to be so because this is what God is doing full membership yeah he is trapped and loaded but left desolate for something he didn't do or deserve he lost his family let the deal with something he's not mature enough to handle it dictates his thinking because he is living in a place of desolation but he knows that he is a royal lineage there's a conflict between his spirit and his flesh because now I realize that there's something I'm entitled to that for some reason I haven't reached yes so now I got an issue it goes because I'm trying to understand why God told me that I am a royal tea but I'm living in desolation I'm trying to understand I'm confident my soul there's something on the inside of me that's warring because I recognize that I'm do something I'm not obtained yet so gotten out what you have to do is explain to me help me to understand why I'm living in desolation and how I know but it's divine but you're understand then later on in the story there is victory that comes in the text that helps us to understand that sometimes you only reach victory through waiting I know we don't like it it's not that good right because we don't like to wait but sometimes waiting is the best thing you can do know I serve the kind of God that has helped me to understand this sometimes I gotta break my spirit in order to save my soul yeah I don't know how many things I'm thankful for that God didn't let me do I don't know about y'all but I want to take the next 30 seconds so tell God thank you for what he didn't let me do thank you for the door you didn't let me walk in the Negro you didn't let me thank you for the relationship that you make if we expose in that demon God my dear for watching [Music] thank you for the doors you club almost killed me but I thank you since my sister the weight is the place that we often get lost in because God often withdrawals us to withstand the test of time this is the reason why I came to talk to the singles tonight and those of you who are here and you married you got a booth in you got something aside you ain't quite single but your Heat anyhow let me help you many of us get caught up in the way when we don't see the manifestation of God but what have come to prophesy over this house is that when God gets ready to move for you this is gonna be the greatest into walk in everything that you've been working for is coming to work for you to walk in my life because everything for me to give it back to me understand I gotta calm down it was in the concept awaiting but I had to realize what God was giving me for this word that he has placed in my soul of this season y'all because when I thought about what it means to wait on God I understood what I've learned through being a child waiting on a parent because God is our Father and the thing about God is sometimes God handles us like Abba he he deals with us like father and some of us have misconstrued relationships with our parents I'm one of them you ain't gotta feel bad and so sometimes we don't understand the doings of God because sometimes God makes decisions but we don't understand or agree with it wasn't until I turned this AIDS I'm not gonna tell it then I realized why my parents made some decisions concerning me and the reason why it's because I always thought I knew what I wanted but then they had to sometimes help me realize that the things I knew and the things I thought I wanted I really didn't know or need after all it was in this concept of waiting when I went back to my childhood and I've learned three things about waiting and I learned three things about relationships with our parents that helped me to realize what God does for us and I watched it because God did it for love in the chef in the tip imma give him to y'all and I'm gonna get out of your way here's the thing that I must help you to understand as I was reading the text I became discovered because I'm trying to understand the need for desolation God why did you allow him to go through this desolate season because mephibosheth seems like the most undeserving Cannady he's five years old he he didn't do anything the Maverick lo debar so why have you sent him into loded ah and that's the burning question for many of us God I didn't quite do anything to get myself here why now did you have me seize it in this place but then it was when I realized what God was doing in second Samuel Chapter nine that I understood how God deals with us as father angel tonight the very relevant question that I want to raise is why would God allow me to be in a desolate season and how do I hold on to my faith when I'm in something that's desolate and divine when I'm positioned in something that feels like no we're in some way at the same time when I'm stuck between where I am and what I believe when I'm positioned between where God has me and where God promised me is there anybody here that knows what it's like to be in something that is both decimate but divine maybe you haven't realized the divinity in your season but I couldn't explain to you right now watch this mephibosheth yes in lo debar and the Bible tells us Bishop then one day David raises the question is there anybody here who was a locked out of the house of Saul that I can show kindness to for Jonathan's sake before I give you these three lessons from my childhood I want to first release another word over the house you ready I need you to help me by talking to your neighbor grab your neighbor and tell the neighbor the next blessing that's coming to your house it's gonna be bigger than your bloodline i'ma help y'all watch this the Bible says he says David said is there anybody that is a house must sow then I can bless my Dominus I can't explain it what you gotta remember now this whole song is to David and who Jonathan is to David because sour was the man who are not to David to be the next king over Israel did Saul became jealous of David and Saul tried to kill David not once but several times so David has every right to be disgusted with the entire lineage of Saul and coffee inheritance that was doing it in its shadow coming after him but David says is there anybody that I can bless that is the house of Saul for the sake of [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] notable but in Chapter nine david says listen I'm gonna bless somebody how did the houses show regardless to the fact that Saul tried to kill me because of the relationship I have with Jonathan oh you had a thank God for open though watch this Davis says she believes they anybody that's left out of the houses own Ziva says listen yes since there is one so grandson of sole name is mephibosheth he is lame and both of his feet whoa watch this didn't Davis says go get him I need you to practice all over your role and tell them somebody's coming to get you this week so somebody's coming to get you this week so I said somebody is coming to get you this week he says listen go get [Music] welcome to the palace is that many of us in this room a struggling with the time that is gone by before David called I know coz by this time yo fifteen years have paid got up and waiting in the bed for 15 years so now what you gonna have to help me understand it's why I've been in the way tonight I really only came and talked to the people who pin it away yeah I came to talk to you didn't coverage you to let you know that the only reason you are in the weight is because God knows better than you the reason why you am this place that is both that is both desolate and divine is because there is a plan that is attached to your weight that is found in the manifestation of the word that all things really do work together good of them that love the Lord yeah I got three things and I'm getting out of here for those of you who've been in the way I came to tell you that because God is your father the only reason why you've been in lo debar so low it's because when your father knows what he has to do sometimes he has to drop you off because he has business to take care of that is bigger than you I wish you would touch somebody next to you and tell them neighbor the only reason you in the weights it's because God is taking care of business that you can't be a part of y'all the reason I found that sometimes God will put you in the weight is because if he takes you along for what has to be done like children who because he doesn't love you because you in the night would you sake somebody next to you and tell them maybe but because God has to take a business that's concerning you you are only loadable because the business handle requires you don't wait till it does it before you can get there [Music] [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gotta get out of here grab somebody next to you and tell the neighbor you shall live with no luck no matter I don't care we're gonna squash you man who shall name some of y'all looking at me saying why she sit on that stuff him to help you the Bible says that mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem lame and both feet God didn't take away the Trump but he helped him to live with the scars but here's how he lived with the scars i'ma help y'all and I'm leaving Bible says that mephibosheth ate at the Kings table always catch a son about Kings table the Kings table is not your average living room table but the Kings table is always adorned with linens fine china to the ground [Music] sat down at the table the fact that he was laying was covered [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Marissa Farrow
Views: 2,869
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Marissa Farrow, Rev. Marissa Farrow, Evangelist Marissa Farrow, Latrice Ryan, Real Talk Kim, Sarah Jakes, Tasha Cobbs, WTAL
Id: MqMdsDJIpZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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