I Can Talk Right When I Was Born | Animated Stories | My Story Animated | Storybooth

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i was born in 1994 and was my parents third and final child i had two siblings one brother and one sister and for the most part they had a pretty ordinary life my dad was a pastor and my mom worked at a market in town they had a great reputation throughout the town because of my dad's status with the church that all changed however when i was born i was an unusual newborn and strangely i was able to speak fluently as soon as i came out of the womb instead of crying and screaming like the other babies in the hospital i was extremely quiet it wasn't until three minutes after i was born that i finally made a noise i was able to speak fluently everyone in the room gasped in shock at that point i was confused about what everyone was so surprised about as at that point i thought all babies could talk one of the nurses suddenly burst out calling me the son of the devil and from that point on my life was ruined as soon as i was brought home my father was intent on baptizing me but even that wasn't enough to convince my mother that i wasn't lucifer all the while i was trying to argue my case which looking back probably made it worse my parents finally came to the decision to hide me away from the world so from the day when i was born to the age of 18 i was only allowed to go outside for rare occasions for example a doctor visit or trips to the dentist on top of this i was homeschooled by my mom and forced to sit through hours of bible studies so that she could cleanse me from what little information i could gather from my quarantine section of the house my siblings were allowed to roam free and were enrolled into public school however i know for a fact that they weren't allowed to mention that they had a little brother i remember once my sister coming home from school after letting slip that she had two siblings to a friend then she was instantly moved to another school by my parents and grounded for three months this pretty much pitted my sister against me for life as she blamed me for the cruelness of our parents my brother was already in high school by the time i was born so he stayed out of family matters and left home pretty early once i hit 16 i decided that i wanted to break free so one evening when i was supposed to be asleep i snuck out of the house and made my way into town due to it being nighttime there wasn't many people around but those that were were completely different to my mom and dad for starters they didn't believe that i was satan's son and they hardly even noticed me to them i wasn't a freak i was just someone else on the sidewalk it was from that day on that i decided i had to get out of that house i started planning on how i would get out i knew that i would have to get as far away from my parents as possible because if i was caught i imagine that my punishment would have been severe i started taking more frequent late night trips into town learning bus routes and how much they would cost a month later i would commit my first true sin i stole twenty dollars from my dad's wallet and used it to escape it was noon when i left i couldn't leave at night because the buses in my town only operated until 10 pm i crept through the living room trying not to create a commotion i knew that i didn't have long before my mom would check up on me so i had to be quick after what felt like forever i was able to army crawl past my father sitting on the couch reading a magazine i slipped out the door unnoticed i quickly bolted away and made it to the bus stop at 12 40. a few bus rides later i was able to make it out of my town and camped for the night in a field i ended up having to camp a few nights before i managed to pool enough money together to stay in a hotel after a month passed and there was no sign of my face in the papers or on a missing poster i decided i was safe i got a job at a factory and luckily was able to rent out an apartment it wasn't as nice or as big as my parents home but it also didn't come with the added side effect of six hours of bible studies a day a year later i adopted a dog and we moved into another state i often find myself flashing back to the years i spent imprisoned within the walls of my own home when i pass a church but other than that i try my best to push those days to the back of my mind i haven't heard anything from my siblings or my parents and haven't visited the town since nor do i intend to my dog is all the family i need i have new friends and they each know loose parts of this story but for the most part this is my first time coming clean about my experience with my bible-bashing parents to be honest i don't know if they were crazy or if they just genuinely thought that i was the son of the devil however i am glad that's all behind me my name is emma i'm 25 and live in a fairly nice home some would call me wealthy but i don't like to brag one day i was walking home and a group of boys jumped me i couldn't defend myself against all of them they were going to molest me luckily a man that was walking by was able to stop them he led me to somewhere safe telling me that his name was robert he shared the same sense of humor as me we quickly became good friends after many months our relationship grew to something more i thought he loved me but all he was after was my money on one of my birthdays he drew a beautiful portrait of me i had no idea he was able to draw so well i had that picture hung up on my wall for so long he proposed to me soon after and i immediately accepted i was ecstatic i thought i was finally getting my happy ending sometimes i see a phone number pop up on robert's phone but he'd never answer it i asked him one time why he never answers his phone he said that it was one of his clients i knew it was a lie but i didn't say a few weeks later i wanted to surprise robert for being a great fiance i went to his house and hid in a closet until he came home i heard his footsteps and prepared myself to jump out then i heard a woman's voice and froze they were in the middle of a conversation one about me robert says that he got what he wanted and is about to break up with me he was using me i jump out of the closet and throw the wedding ring at his feet i left that house with tears rolling down my cheeks i cried as i drove home my vision was so blurry i had to pull over my car i continued crying for i don't know how long it wasn't until i heard a knock on my car door that i realized i wasn't alone in the parking lot i wiped my eyes and rolled down my window hey he said you probably shouldn't be driving that condition i can take you home if you'd like i wasn't sure about letting a stranger drive my car but i was also desperate about getting home he told me his name was alex and he was a banker he looked trustworthy enough so i agreed still holding my phone if i needed to dial 9-1-1 luckily he was good to his word and brought me home weeks after that we were still talking and alex came to check up on me every day i realized that not all men are like my ex robert and i allow myself to open up i somehow found love again with alex alex proposed to me months later and we got married it wasn't long after that i found out i was pregnant i assumed it was alex's and he did too he was overjoyed about a child one day he was using my phone while i was cooking and called me over there was worry in his voice alex showed me a picture that i'd taken with robert kissing me on my cheek i'd forgotten to delete it i tell alex about robert and explain that he has nothing to worry about my ex was a jerk and i delete the photo a few days later i gave birth to a baby boy alex mentions that the baby doesn't resemble him i think he was worried that our baby wasn't his two years pass and alex is still uncertain about our child i try to tell him that it is definitely his but he isn't convinced we get a dna test to put his concerns to rest we wait a few weeks for the results it is alex's child we were both relieved alex finally stops mentioning the resemblance of our child and we move on with life it's a fairly normal and boring one but i wouldn't trade it for the world [Music] you
Channel: WOA Story Time
Views: 227,825
Rating: 4.9005585 out of 5
Keywords: WOA Story Time, animation short film, short animation, animation, animated channel, animated cartoons characters, animated films, stories, story, storytime, true stories, Animated Stories, my story time animated, story time animated, short story, reddit, animated story, talking, born, talking at birth
Id: HMy6hB4VZ0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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