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have you been neglected so this has been our life it's so cold they look pretty happy for weaning day hi guys um i have no power there it is always have light in here good morning you guys so yesterday's storm took out a tree down the road my animals need fed we are on generator power right now but the generator is hooked up to the water and to the house mark had to run into london quick with his brother to power the barn we have a second uh breaker source that we would have to move we'd have to take the generator off the well and put it on that other source to run the mixer and to run the door so i can't really do anything until he gets back oh hi go so easily distracted hello have you been neglected i love you how's it been going what's been going on tales from goat some mothers have found their way into a creep area you're not supposed to be in here once you get in here right so this has been our life for the last well overnight basically we had the 3130 on the generator it ran out of fuel it was impossible to start last night mark got it started by the grace of god this morning so we did the loader was all we had it all hooked up and locked up in the shed which is hard to get into when there's no power but we we broke in and we got it and then this morning we had to fuel it up with the portable fuel tank which has come in so handy so yeah not having having a generator is amazing but keeping everything going is sometimes the challenge well it's really really dark in here especially where i want to run them through so it might be difficult they don't like shadows they don't like dark the only thing i could do is open my door just for some light but it's so cold that i'm gonna make suck i have 10 from last week and i'm just going to add to these guys um whatever's ready i would imagine there's quite a few ready this week there was a lot in that 100-105 range last week in here so hopefully not you hopefully some of you will be good it's so cold oh so if their 105 pounds are over they're going over there if they are under 105 i'm gonna give them another week or so and they're gonna go back in their pen but we are getting down to the kind of the um the tail enders now hey guys if they're not 105 pounds or over i'm not even gonna scan their faster this tag not that i have anything else to do okay i am going to be the first to admit this group of lambs is very disappointing their weights they just i feel like they've hit a wall and they're just not growing um i think i only maybe got four more let's see here oh i got five more today and there should have been for how many were really close last week there should have been i would have thought about 10. um so i have to make a decision uh we're getting close to five months of age now this group was prolonged a little bit because they were bred naturally so um i've been a bit hard on their age because they started in june but i don't think they end until july so some of these could be some july lambs just those tail enders that never do that great that's why i don't like these really prolonged lambing groups because that's what i find the little ones never can compete with those really nice big ram lamps that are born like that first week so um this is what i have so far i am really really tempted to run them through again and pull out the hundred plus pounders there's probably another five or even go down to 95 pounds i don't really know i would think november our prices probably aren't the greatest i'm gonna check quick well i got you guys with me i'll see what they were last week so it's pretty sweet we have like an app that i can go on and check what the the prices are doing so i'll tell you what the prices we're doing last i honestly have not checked since i last shipped which was a while ago so november 12th they were still really good still 262 263 average for the 100 pound range that was 101 pounders we're going for uh 262 62.90 per 100 weight so that's still really strong 90 pounders were 274 so i'm just going to figure that out what'd i say 274 so here's still 246. i might run them through again and grab some more just to make it worth the trip and the prices are still pretty good i think i'll do that i'll catch up with you guys when we're done okay i ran them through again and i have so many more uh i think i have 20 not i have 29 ready to go so it's well worth the drive now uh my trailer will be much fuller part of my decision making too is of course price so if it looked like the price had tanked last week i'd be a little more tempted to stay the course and wait till they're 105 pounds and hit that 100 pound uh market but because that 90 plus uh sorry my nose is running because that 90 plus weight range is still strong then uh it's just worth me going down that one weight range and being a little more economical on the freight of getting them there so uh these are all just little things that i've learned along the way that yeah the price might be good for a certain weight group but at the end of the day it's got to be all your cost of production and freight and my time has to uh has to be included on that wait a minute this room isn't dark anymore we have power chores will now resume as they should hallelujah so we ran out of creek so i have this drop shot in the old burn in the lamb finishing brain um for a few days i don't want to order creek for like three days so this is what we're doing 15 minutes till launch i'm really nervous i'm really excited one minute left seven o'clock we have launched our website okay we're out we're live we're live we're up to 19 orders and the website's been up for two minutes this is crazy mark's making me supper it's a good night another day we are shipping my lambs jess is helping me that went so fast i forgot to turn on my camera so everything is loaded pen is empty everything's torn down uh what i'm gonna do i'm gonna leave the trailer hooked up today because tomorrow i wanna wean so those few lamps in the back pen they're eventually gonna go across the road uh maybe next week i'm gonna move them for the time being for tomorrow they're gonna get pushed to the back side of this pen because there's not many left at all all these will go in the next couple weeks to the to the sail barn because there's like barely any left so i'm going to cut that pen in half hi hello and uh they'll be at the back there just for just temporary okay so before my half an hour trek to the sail barn i thought i would just touch base with uh how the last 24 hours has gone last night i launched the website which i'm not gonna lie i have been my stomach's been in knots um it's just i'm not i know what i know everyone assumes i'm gonna be good in technology because i make youtube videos i it took me forever to learn how to do a youtube video how to upload a video and all the things to create a website is so beyond my scope that i asked my friend christina to do it and she has been amazing everything really went off without a hitch it was such amazing uh uptake i guess from from all you guys i'm so humbled and i i really can't believe it i'm really most especially so so proud of my collaboration with romy with revelation wool and it was something that i went out on a limb about because i just i saw there was huge potential she's trying to get her wool store up digitally and she's all the festivals were canceled this year and there was no way for her to really get out and showcase her wool she's doing everything she can and i'm like i have people who ask me all the time for like something with wool whether it be whether it be just my raw wall and i don't have the time to create or to design or to you know fulfill these orders that people want to know that there was a possibility to you know lift her up um at the same time as me by co-branding something together was just no matter what no matter the merch and all that stuff that part of my store means it means the world to me because it just goes to show you the power of collaboration and working together and just finding a way to you know showcase other people and not just me so i'm so happy that i was able to use uh the work that i've put into the channel and to building the community i was so glad i was able to use it for good i am going to go back to my normal job now which is sheep farming i have to take these lambs to market there was 29 if you remember and then yeah tomorrow's gonna be a busy day with weaning and then it's going to be um earplugs for the rest of the weekend good morning today is the day we are waiting chris has taken down all the creep areas that's why all these big mamas are here because they are finding all the grain that the lambs have spilled so we're going to let them work away here because you will not move them and be like trying to move a wall i'm going to let them do their business i want to move this guy out of the way i want to go across the road and get those u lambs kind of moved over to the other side and then of course i got to set up that whole side for um handling them so lots of pre-work but we always open everything up just so they can clean up all that spilled feed or they won't move bye so now there's 52 over there and that's i think there's like 20 in that group and then the group i'm weaning right now we've got some really nice ones oh you know what i'm gonna use your strength okay that's it hello hi you do have milk replace here ah thank you um um foreign so kids these days why is it so close up i don't know hi kids cinnamon can you show everybody how it's done come on come on let's show everybody where it's done that's it good girl okay follow me come on come on don't look at me come on that's it that's it that's it that's it turn around turn around there you go follow there you go they look pretty happy for weaning day hi guys i did take the telehandler and just clean out a little bit of that um really really deep pack where the bottle babies were the thing with it looks it looks bad it's it wasn't we just have to keep it really really bedded because for those first like 40 days they're on such a fluid diet and in that little area like the pack just builds up so much because they don't spread it out as much as the rest of the rest of those lambs would i just want to clean that out because i'm scared that i use just gonna like clear that gate to look for her babies it's a good job to have done weaning day is never usually my favorite but what chris and i did is we did it in about four loads um and that worked really really well they're they're looking really good across the road but it's uh it's showing me that we need we're probably gonna need both sides for how many lambs are over there just we just had really good numbers and they're big so i'm probably going to move those u lambs back over here next week after i move these rams out of the breeding pens and i actually did free up a pen so there should be lots of room here for them and then and then that last little pen that's left of market lambs could probably go next week so just kind of getting some logistics figured out because for the next couple weeks we're going to be really honing in on getting this group ready to lamb again the ewes will be loud for usually about 48 hours two two good days and then uh and then they they usually quiet right up uh and about the same with the lambs and i find it's it's a little nicer when you separate them right out of the barn so if i had lambs and i took them out of their pen and just say put them in this pen it would be way worse so yeah they sound pretty bad but they're they will um forget about them surprisingly in about two days i'm at the other barn and before i before i actually came over here i decided i better mail some checks that we had so i thought while i was at the post office i would check to see if i had mail and i had mail sharon from michigan knitted me knitted me a big sheep oh so pretty a really nice letter from alexandra from ireland north ireland i have my knife it's light but it's long that is hilario who did this come from oh someone was watching my bo peep video i love you guys so much oh my god oh this is what they were talking about so it's got like a little a little leg snare i'm thinking this is for the legs and then this is for the neck i can't believe you guys got me this this is incredible okay let's see who this came from here we go wendy hello i saw your video the other day and i thought you could use this apparently i could use this from wendy that's awesome thank you wendy you guys are amazing let's go see these lamps hi what are you kids anyway i'm gonna fill water uh
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 90,707
Rating: 4.9670401 out of 5
Keywords: weighing market lambs, what price are market lambs, what weight should I ship market lambs, weaning lambs, sorting ewes and lambs, my pet sheep, launching my first website, Sheepishly Me, Sandi Brock, sheep, lambs, cleaning a bottle lamb pen, moving sheep, moving lambs
Id: lwSy2J8xg0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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