I can count to 1000000! | 60 mins of Learn to Count | @Numberblocks

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[Music] foreign [Music] one bird hello bird [Music] one tree hello tree [Music] one ant hello Aunt one B hello [Music] when you count to one you can't go wrong counting up to one never takes that long there's no need to linger When you're counting on one finger as soon as you've begun you're done [Music] one one bird one one three one one and one one [Music] don't want me tennis is more fun with one and another one this is fun how do I hit the ball back we've only got one racket we need to run really really quickly watch [Music] oh it's working [Music] plus equals two I am two how do you do ah where did they go oh one and another one turned into me they didn't go anywhere one two two blocks I'd like to meet one it would be nice to be her friend so equals one plus one oh did you see that let's do it again one plus one equals two I am two how do you do oh uh one two three four one two three everybody look at me I'm here to entertain you with this funky Melody I'll juggle three balls in the air and everyone will cheer everything's gonna be all right now number three is here [Music] I'm in Ready Steady go you're gonna have to count to three to get three in a row you'll find me hiding everywhere you look in a fairy tale or a picture book one two three can't you see I'm in Three Blind Mice three wishes would be nice you should try and try and try again that's my advice Goldilocks came across Three Bears one two three three balls three chairs three beds upstairs I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere one two three everybody look at me I'm here to entertain you with this funky Melody I'll pull three rabbits from and make them disappear everything's gonna be all right now number three is here three meals a day three sections in a play beginning middle and end three weeks one equals four I am four I'm one more one two three four four clubs Hello friends follow me one two one two one two one two look another four hello four let's make some friends okay four four equals three this won't do I'm three I want to be the biggest hmm I can be your turn that's much better oh yeah I am Square what's so special about being Square I'm so glad you asked I'm four have you met me before I'm one more than three that's plain to see three plus one equals me I'm four one two three four four equals five I am five I feel so alive one two three four five five points ah A Star is Born I don't know about that take a look high five high five [Music] a big hand for you five five five equals four and who are you I'm five and you can count on me to get this party started five numbers [Music] [Music] [Music] time for some tricks six minus one equals five hey one two three four five six six spots just like me what is it this little block is full of Tricks it's got six faces one to six it's called a die it's called a dice dice or die both names are nice what's it for let me explain want to know more let's play a game and this game goes like this when you see your number make the shape one one [Music] one two two spots on the dice make the shape two [Music] one two three three spots on the dice make the shape three [Music] one two three four four spots on the dice make the shape it's a square one two three four five five spots on the dice make the shape [Music] number seven I'm in a happy place the sun is always shining and there's always a smile upon my face I see a penny and pick it up and all day long I have good luck I'm lucky number seven and everything is falling into place I'm lucky number seven and as you might have guessed I always win the rapper with seven on your side you're seven blessed in a pickle you're in luck I'll help you out when you get stuck and if you stick with seven everything will work out for the best rainbow time my first block is the same as you orange my second block is the same as two yellow my third block is just like number three green my fourth is green as you can see blue for five Indigo for six Violet is for seven oh that's B I got seven rainbow colored blocks that makes me unique I got seven pairs of pants and socks one for each day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday one two three four five six seven I've got seven golden tickets one two three four five six seven all my ducks are in a row oh [Music] one two three four five six seven eight eight arms or are they legs let me see whatever they are I like them I am eight and this is great [Music] anybody here oh hello who are you I'm eight and I'm another eight watch this eight minus one equals seven hey told you that was a lucky hop [Music] hey there you're very good at waving that's not all I can do who are you I'm eight but you can call me [Music] block block one two three four five six seven eight he can stand really tall he could climb up the wall here's OCTA block off the block octoblock live one two three four five six seven eight climb [Music] a square yes one two three four four sides like me one two three four four corners like me yes I'm a square like you so why do you have a number nine on top silly I'll show you one two three three blocks in my first row one two three three blocks in my second one two three three blocks in my third row three rows of three three rows combined as you can see three rows of three make nine one two three four five six seven eight nine four quickly those ah I'm fine [Music] [Applause] one two three three blocks in a column one two three three blocks top to bottom one two three three blocks if you've got em three lots of three three in a line as you can see three lots of three make nine that's right one two three four five six seven eight nine [Music] I'm three blocks up and down and three from side to side on the same in both directions I'm as tall as I am nine plus one equals ten I am 10. eat again I am 10. watch this ten minus one equals nine we're amazing one bigger you're one bigger why do you have a one on top [Music] if you're wondering why there's a one on top you'll know the answer when you realize I'm one big block I'm one big perfect pen I'm a 10 the 10 block [Music] we're more alike than you suppose you're one one and I'm ten ones which means I won one two three four five six seven eight nine ten two is made of two blocks I'll always be your friend three will entertain you on that you can depend I'm two ones and I'm three ones and nine ten one switch means one two three four five six seven eight nine ten four is made [Music] counting everything we see Melody [Music] one son one numbered up two number blobs and me counting everything we see taking off our shoes and me [Music] three number blobs and me counting everything we see hiding in the trees we're selling a happy Melody one two three three trees [Music] and me [Music] counting everything we've seen opening the door [Music] whistling happy Melody [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten and one more is eleven I am eleven and I love football yeah wow let's play football [Music] is eleven we're on our way to the trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten and one more is eleven two three days [Music] [Music] oh a rectangle with a hole come on then oh a whole new rectangle I knew I'm 12. I'm ten and two twelve yes I am 12 and I am a super rectangle ah [Music] the rocks are in columns and rows my blocks are in columns and rows and that's called an array oh hey hey I'm rectangular 12 I'm ten and two I make a raise that's what I do when I put my blocks in columns and rows I make an array and my rectangle goes like this by four today's the day for NRA display I can make a raise all day I'll make a raise in many ways stand back let's play a raise away three by four is my first array three lots of four you could put it that way and if you're not following what I say I'll Rectify that right away right away I am thirteen [Music] and I think I might be a little bit unlucky this is me ten and three expecting to run out of luck sorry it's all Charlie Jake's when I get into scrapes I'm always coming and stuff I'm the clumsiest number you've ever seen and lucky number [Music] [Music] it happened again and no one knows when somebody should tell him that it's happened again me again three and ten expecting to fall down a hole I'll jump through a hoop and step in the puddle that seems to sum up my road [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve 13 14 extreme I wanna be a skater I wanna be greater than the rest I'm gonna ride through a tail slide I wanna be better than the best I'm gonna nail all the tricks all the Ollie's pops and kickflips trust me sooner or later I'm gonna be a skater [Music] I'm 14 I'm 10 and four I'm also double seven I'm riding on an elevator Street to escape in the middle of one of my brand new tricks I've got my lucky double to get me out of trouble good maybe you've got a lucky double too hello I do and I can split into ones I'm six and I'm double three look at me I'm eight and I'm a four and a four hush ten plus five equals fifteen [Music] hmm I am 15 and I am super special step-shaped secret agent I'm a number with ambition I'm a number on a mission with a talent that you won't believe despite my size I'm a Master of Disguise and I've got a little trick up my sleeve okay [Music] this is a job for step Squad five four three [Music] two three [Music] my super special secret Squad is here [Music] step one remove the milk carton remove the biscuits jump on your friend's shoulders ten plus six equals sixteen oh look here I am then well that's nice isn't it right then let's get on with it see what shapes I can make yeah oh um aha oh no no way I can't believe it I'm so excited guess what I am 16 and I am a square root then what a squares do I bet it's really amazing wait no let me guess I know Square hey one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen I am 16 squares of box and guess what I've got 16 blocks Square really big Square sixteen ten and six I like this game 16 10 [Music] 16. I am 16. I'm ten and six and I got loads of party tricks no doubles stand up keep going four by four four by four four boy four I have a square oh are you sure stop ten oh now there's a surprise [Music] I am 17 and I love to paint oh they're cool go go Go Don't Mind If I Do some painters on the den portraits Majestic can serene I can also paint portraits but I've been 17 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen look at me nice juxtaposition some painters like to paint blue birds in a lovely nature scene why paint only a few Birds what happened 17 10 and 7 17. oh there's juxtaposition some painters paint flowers they look so Sublime I paint for hours 17 of everything takes time what nice juxtaposition hmm some painters like to paint apples in brilliant shades of green I can also paint apples done I am 18 and I'm a super Speedy super rectangle and I like to go fast [Music] falling over competition I win 18 by one one Ray is all I need one rear to build up speed I start to go and I go go go go whoa oh this is fun two first one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve first turn fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen when it comes to acceleration I'm the Undisputed master I'm the quickest in the nation I change shape when I wanna go faster switch nine by two to raise it away I'm 18. I'm a speed machine I can set the world's ugliest watch me Zoom with a sonic boom I Was Born to Ride the race [Music] [Applause] [Music] what I need three rays and I build up speed I start to glow and I go rectangle ten first nine equals 19. all right then I am 19 and I who am I maybe it's something to do [Music] super rectangle switch turn see ya maybe I can make lots of rectangles right let's do this bye how oh silly me one block missing again three boy ah Swan block too many never mind four five again you can do this not a rectangle come on 19. concentrate bye bye [Music] oh I can't do it I'll never be a super rectangle monster [Applause] [Music] oh hello did somebody say dance I've got the shoes tap I've got the cane tap I've got the tip top top hat tap tap tap are you ready for the big dance number that's me I am 20 and I love to dance with plenty of moves to my name I'm Joel and I'm slender I'm graceful and tender I swear as I do the Fandango two tens nothing more as I take to the floor and dance to the two dance tango [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten drop to the floor and go round again three four five six seven eight nine ten two friends two tens make twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine ten halfway to twenty go round again eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen then sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty my two says I'm made of two tens and who says I need any more no more that's how I'm created I'm perfectly waited to move to the beat of a mambo and then rides on cue I can split into two boys [Music] [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty can you count to 20 tapping on your nose [Music] thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty two accounts [Music] we can count to 20 in a matter of your choice [Music] sixteen seven ninety what I think will be quite a lot of fun why don't we come down from twenty to one twenty nineteen Seventeen sixteen fourteenth birthday [Music] chickens and they ask how many names [Music] [Music] [Music] three which means I'm also three three sevens [Music] Treasure Chest full of ice creams on that rock how lucky is that triple nutty [Music] laughs hey wait I'm a step shape that means I can be a step Squad ready fraction wow we found out so much about you 21 and I found out that I love finding things out I figured myself out I'm 21. and I'm a number the question is what comes next there's always more to explore we'll need a magic mirror here's one triple lucky hello [Music] ready to and go 20 plus two equals 22. I'm 22. I'm 20 and 2. oh excellent let's find out what you can do you're 22 blocks which is two tens and two blocks more let's try the two on top ah you're an even number which means you're a double try splitting down the middle I'm double eleven I figured myself out I am 22 and I'm two football teams happy to play home and away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great game nicely played that was fun now let's find out what's next 21 22. it's my turn me me yeah 20 plus three equals 23. I'm 23. I'm 20 and 3. now let's figure out who you are I told you I'm 23. and I'm happy being me I want to explore more now [Music] well I have got a bus back there all aboard and off we go [Music] let's see what's out there 20 21 22 23 24 25. welcome to school is something wrong you don't look very Square you are 25 aren't you of course I'm 20 and 5 25. don't give up fellow squares when in doubt say the square Club motto even though we're different sizes you can always recognize one by one two one two three by three four by four five five you are a square I figured myself out I am 25 and I'm a really really big Square hooray look at all these pretty patterns [Music] I can make patterns too [Music] [Laughter] we found you by following a pattern one lot of one two lots of two three lots of three four lots of four five lots of five but we don't have to stop there we can keep following the pattern [Music] come on let's go and find six lots of sex that's seven lots of seven eight cups online two tens put us together and what have you got three tens ten plus ten plus ten equals Thirty I am Thirty the big Entertainer oh three step three stop for three tens and nothing nothing oh if you'd like to see more then come to the circus What circus oh I like to keep it under my hat welcome to the big big top the three tens are a 10 20 30. 30 balls [Music] wait there's more I'm three tens which means I'm also wow [Music] if you like that you're gonna love this next ACT for which we need another 10. [Music] one one 32. [Music] sixteens dates Force [Music] Chase [Laughter] ah Do You Want to Build a Snowman yay [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] oh okay [Music] oh wait there [Music] someone's missing everyone jump along [Music] uh snow days are double the phone [Music] I am the four times table calling all fours all fours to the dance floor four on the floor and one more forward that's what fours are for to get funky on the dance floor or on the floor and one more four that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the glue with 36 be there we Square where all the Falls are on the floor is 40. 40. ten fours a forty one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to tell it straight four four is a sixteen five four is a twenty six fours and twenty four seven fours are twenty eight eight fours of thirty two nine fours are thirty six and we'll hold the fours are in the mix ten fours a 40. four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four then four before four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four then four before one four is full Square two fours eight Auto disco three fours a twelve ride those rays or sixteen five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty thirty five forty forty five and thirty let's Rocky I'm a rock and roll Superstar I'm all the way when I take the stage with my shining gold guitar and so you don't forget my name I played a counting game in five five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty thirty five forty forty five and fifty [Music] high five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirteen twenty five forty forty five and fifty Seven that's my name is 50. I'm a rock and roll Superstar I'm all the raid when I take the stage with my shine and gold guitar and so you don't forget my name I play this counting game in five five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty twenty five forty forty five and fifty I'm fifty foreign [Music] [Music] what's up 10 20 guys 30. [Music] start again [Music] I am ten one ten and nothing more ten ten trees hello trees oh ten Birds hello Birds oh 10 brackets everyone feel tennis oh I need to make friends [Music] plus ten equals 20. pleased to meet oh I know 20 equals ten plus ten [Music] hello there let's play oops ten times too hard come back it's time to come alive and meet your Heroes [Music] one five is five two fives are ten three fives are fifteen trust me you'll go far four five or twenty five fives I'm twenty five six five or Thirty You Know Who You Are [Music] Take It To The Top one five will land a hand she's the leader of the van high five can take a trip bacon make a rocket ship yeah [Music] thank you but you ain't seen nothing yet twenty years [Music] the greatest show in number land seven fives never come unstuck seven five [Music] six times ten ten calls d I am 60 here to play with 60 spots hip hip hooray [Applause] [Music] see six lots of ten is a new high score I'm six tens or ten sixes [Music] come online oh oh oh no the special game dice I'm sure you'll see that dice again it's calls for another ten seven times ten equals seventy I am 70. you lucky numbers as luck would have it I'm seven tens so I'm also [Music] I see it it's way over there but how can we get it back again luck is in the air tonight here comes another ten [Music] eight times ten equals 18 I am AK super Autobot to the rescue oh secretly I'm eight tens but this is a job for 10 8. Autobots Assemble oh octo block forward [Music] smash [Music] 80s the biggest hero of all oh there's always someone bigger look up in the sky it's another 10. 10 equals 90. I am 90. you won't believe your eyes [Music] are you a square or not I can't tell [Music] grid is ten blocks by 10 blocks but I am one column short or one row either way I'm not all square and now a Vanishing trick ten times now you see us now you don't [Music] 60. racing through the sky this High Roller's Gonna Fly 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70. we're going over the rainbow 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 18. I don't like the look of those clouds there's no assembled [Music] Up Up and Away 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90. nearly there with no time to spare this should do the trick 99 [Music] Boris 100 I am one hundred ten lots of ten on top of the world now how do I get down again ah a parachute laughs 100 is look how far we've come remember when there was only one then ten ones made one ten we're the one and the zero now we've reached a new place of possibilities and new friend a new face and a brand new kind of hero I'm big I'm really really really big I'm gigantic did I mention I was big tallest tree no one hears a stall as me cause I'm big I really really very big one two I'm so big you need a quicker way to count [Music] if you count ten tens one ten at a time you'll reach the right amount ten twenty Thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighteen nineteen one hundred Square oh I'm ten by ten that makes me Square she's impressive now I noticed that she squared one four nine sixteen twenty five you'll know when all the squares arrive cause I'm square one ten is ten two tens are twenty three tens are thirty four tens are forty Heroes with zeros Heroes with zeros five tens are fifty six tens are sixty seven tens are seventy eight tens [Music] nine tens and ninety and ten tens are one hundred Heroes with zeros with zeros alternate the original she'll get us underway when she has a double boost he can dance all day it's a terrestrial Tango oh yeah [Music] You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet the greatest Showman [Music] [Applause] of love [Music] Interstellar Overdrive [Music] Galactic game over [Applause] [Music] gigantic Starship as soon as everyone's ready speaking of which remember wait for the signal number explorers it's time to get out there Amazing Adventures a week with so many new numbers to meet are we ready Freddy sandwiches sandwiches Heroes with zeros oh Rockets ready check sandwiches Jake big squares prepare for Mega sneeze everyone's ready I think I mean if you are ready to explore the Stars why I'm always ready [Music] I'll miss you you don't have to I'm taking you with me I'm taking everyone with me [Music] and what about you little one [Music] are you ready I'm nervous it's such a long way to go it's okay to be nervous but I know how Brave you can be and how much you can do and we will be coming with you too after all you can make any number if you keep adding one one wonderful world [Music] and one amazing Universe one one block now ten of you ten ones what's that ten now let's have ten tens what's that 100 now [Music] dreads what's that what [Music] you look like a giant me wow I can't wait to meet you good night little one good night one thousand [Music] oh how many big thoughts buzzing in my head I'll never get to sleep ten hundreds are one thousand and that's not even the Beast number oh one what team hello dream ten ones are ten ten tens are 100 10 hundreds thousand lots of one thousand are ten thousand lots of 10 000 dark 100 000. one million hi no hello little one wow wow that was a number so and you can always make a number that's bigger bigger [Music] one Teddy one Moon one million stars and more there's so much more to explore you can take a look now we've opened the door when we run out of fingers we counted our toes how high can we go to who knows if you start with a number for fun you can make it bigger if you just want one you can do it yourself [Music] so much more to explore there's so much more to explore as you've done it before yeah [Music] is so much more to explore numbers are everywhere everywhere you look you'll find some of us on a clock on a bus on the pages [Music] [Music] 49 and I bet you can guess the very next one is mine watch me draw or the block drawer so much [Music] more there's so much more to explore polka dots potato Prince and patterns Galore it is the best way to find out is to ask me a question what sort of question the question like this what if you kept on Counting forever it would earn the admiration of your friends might make it to a million in a fortnight but how high could you get if forever never ends what if you kept writing zeros after one it's the same as if you multiply by ten [Music] reach a million a million again what then what then what if you start with a single grain of rice then double it double it double it every day in a week you'd have no more than a handful in a month you'd be giving it away please stop the rice that was stopped interesting question ask me another what if one could be divided into pieces smaller parts like the slices of a cake or 8 or 60 but is there any end to the fractions you could make [Music] what if we tried to build a tower to the Moon would it take a hundred years to reach the top so you might not want to think about the drop oh don't stop don't stop [Music] thank you
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 1,483,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, count to 100000, 100, counting to 1000000, 1 milion, 123456789, count to 1000000, big numbers, compilation for kids, numberblocks compilation, kids tv, count, maths, kids cartoons
Id: lIz1SdE0YJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 5sec (4145 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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