60 Mins of Maths Fun! | Counting for kids | @Numberblocks

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foreign [Music] [Music] wow this is new where am I am I hahaha [Music] oh [Music] one one bird hello bird [Music] one one tree hello tree one ant hello Aunt two equals one plus one police to beat you two two oh we already tried that we need another idea what one [Music] do it one plus one equals two [Music] I am too how do you do [Music] and you're too I'm me and you're you together at last there's so much the pair of us can do like what like play tennis together come on one two one two one two one we have two you can dance to two step with one you can do the hot one one with two you can learn a new step and be spun right round like a spinning top with two you can ride a tandem but you haven't seen anything yet with two you can give a piggy back with two you can sing no no no everything is better with two the two of us together just me and you imagine all the crazy things we can do with too with two one two one two one two one two with one you can kick a football with two you can do a one two one two it's more fun to kick a football when there's someone there to kick it back to you three one equals two my audience that's better ready one two three [Music] one two three everybody look at me I'm here to entertain you with this funky Melody I'll juggle three balls in the air and everyone will cheer hey everything gonna be all right now number three is here I'm in tic-tac-toe I'm in Ready Steady go you're gonna have to count to three to get three in a row you'll find me hiding everywhere you look at a fairy tale or a picture book one two three can't you see I'm in Three Blind Mice three wishes would be nice you should try and try and try again that's my advice Goldilocks came across Three Bears one two three and let's play find the Apple round and round and round round and round and round Ready Steady stop so which cup is the Apple under one you're the first number so you can have first guess this one the first cup oh bad luck one two you're the second number so you get second go oh this no that oh my turn the three is the third number add one two three Third Time Lucky well done [Music] two apples left look another four hello four let's make some friends four minus minus one equals three this this won't do I'm three I want to be the biggest hmm I can be your turn that's much better oh yeah I am Square what's so special about being Square I'm so glad you asked I'm four have you met me before I'm one more than three that's plain to see three plus one equals me I'm four [Music] I can't keep up that was one awful sound we need someone to sort us out a shooting star make a wish [Music] it's star-shaped who's it for me well I'm the biggest I'll go first one equals five [Music] I am five I feel so alive one two three four five five points ah A Star is Born what what how just a little Huff oh hey one plus one plus one equals three see how you like it stop this isn't How The Story Goes the Third the third Heist doesn't get blown down oh one plus one plus one plus one equals four no where will the three little pigs live now there's always my house it's got four rooms with one two three four four windows and one two three four three one four two five that doesn't sound right in the wrong order I know what to do diddly diddly do almost that way biggest this way go I'm bigger than you I'm smarter than you diddly diddly do I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you do I'm bigger than you I'm smaller than you diddly diddly do are we all in order did we all do the right thing Ready Steady sing one two three four five [Music] one two four five that doesn't sound right [Music] look what I've got oh one two three four four Flapjacks perfect for our picnic better let them cool now one two three four four plates just enough for one two three three Flapjacks what gone missing but how this might just be the work of the Jack snuffler what's a flapjack 's Fleur it's a strange creature made of three blocks with three eyes to spy out Flapjacks three arms to grab Flapjacks and three mouths to eat Flapjacks and there must be one hiding nearby because there are only one two three four [Music] welcome welcome welcome to my new stampylene park don't you mean trampoline no no no look [Music] oh that was fun oh is that you of course it is one two three four four blocks see [Music] whatever way round I go I'm still far look at me I'm still three [Music] not bad you think that's amazing you should see fine I'm number one I've got one block to play with and the whole of me is one one one two one two four number two how do you do I got two blocks to play with and the whole of me is two one two one is a part of me and one is a part of me and the hold of me is to watch I won and I'm a part I'm one I and I'm apart and the whole of me is ten one two three one two three four one two three I'm number three now look at me [Music] of all the number blocks as you can plainly see [Music] sorry five plus one equals six I and six six time for some tricks six minus one equals five one two three four five six spots just like me what is it this little block is full of Tricks it's got six faces one to six it's called a die it's called a dice dice all die both names are nice what's it for let me explain want to know more let's play a game and this game goes like this when you see your number make the shape one once on the dice make the shape one a rainbow wow what what happened look oh the mirror that's lucky one two three four five six seven seven colors and all the colors of the rainbow got a stroke of luck ILY I know just what to do now seven minus one equals six all you lovely blocks are my friends I'm the luckiest number Block in the world I'm lucky number seven I'm in a happy place the sun is always shining and there's always a smile upon my face [Music] eight one two three four five six seven eight eight arms or are they legs let me see whatever they are I like them I am eight and this is great anybody here oh hello who are you I'm eight and I'm another eight watch this eight minus one equals seven hey told you that was a lucky hop [Music] hello four hello eight guess what what I'm a square I know I'm the only Square in the world yes I know I'm the only Square in the world have no fear octoblock is here rearrange one two three four five six seven eight rearrange how's this um you're a square with a with a oh that doesn't really count oh I'm sorry for me [Music] equals nine I am nine ten minus one equals nine you're amazing one bigger you're one bigger why do you have a one on top [Music] if you're wondering why there's a one on top you'll know the answer when you realize I'm one big block I'm one big perfect pen I'm a ten block I'm a tent lock you might think we're different think again we're more alike than you suppose you're one one and I'm ten ones which means one two three four five six seven eight nine ten tree is made of two blocks I'll always be your friend three will entertain you on that you can depend if there's nothing going on no one's there and it's no fun you can get the party started with a bang by adding one I have one and I'm playing in the sun being one it's my idea of fun one one little block now let's add another one one plus one equals two I am two and I'm playing in the Sun a song and dance is my idea of fun one two one two one two one two one two two dancing shoes now let's add another one two equals three I am three and I'm playing in the sun juggling things is my idea of fun one two three just count down from ten to one ready oh ten nine eight seven six six five four three two one number ten up on the moon and my friends will be here soon ten equals nine [Music] we're on the moon nine and one that was easy this is fun one two three four five six seven eight nine nine aliens [Music] one more is ten six sheep ready for sleep foreign [Music] okay sheep listen to me I want you all in groups of three one two three one two three well done sheep it's clear to see six is the same as three plus three Let's Roll [Music] you okay sheep here's what to do arrange yourselves in groups of two one two one two one two six is the same as three lots of two I know that now thanks to you listen now it's time for you to get some sleep one plus one equals two let's see two main cars [Music] one two two parts which way should I go [Music] you go left I'll go right [Music] not alive rubber the worst kind will have to tread carefully one two one two one two one two made it which way through here we need someone stronger someone bigger foreign look at it go oh mind that oh tree can you get it down me maybe we should just get 10. 10 is taller than I am we don't need ten you're a big Square you can do anything what well maybe if I take a run-up that's it Go nine one action maybe we should get 10. 9 equals three plus three [Music] roll up roll up roll we three are the three threes the most amazing the most incredible the most extraordinary acrobats in numberland drum roll please as we present the three threes [Music] [Applause] wow cool Court let's play hunt ball one two two sides we need two teams wait I'll start one team I'll start the other we can take turns what layer on my team then one on yours three you're with me four you're on my side fine with me six in the mix seven over here eight great nine yay last but not least ten [Applause] picking sides and playing games both our teams need funky names that's a great idea sex each team think of a name um we can be the yellows but we're not all yellow oh right hmm hey look rose [Music] [Laughter] [Music] look a fluffy Square okay one two three four four Stuffies [Music] would you look at that one two three four five five floppies on five fingers [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're sitting comfortably then I'll begin chapter one in the beginning once upon a time a little block fell from the sky I am one this is fun I am one one block this is my numberling it means one me and this is one Wonderful World oops um but one was all on her own so she decided to make friends oh a magic mirror hello I'm one hello I'm another one for tennis [Music] one last one equals two [Music] blocks they like big things which is bigger tree is bigger than flour be like three yeah nice to meet you tree will you play with me wow [Music] this apple is bigger than this one and you're bigger than me so you have it three thank two I like apples I like to munch them and crunch them and bubble them up [Music] huh huh [Music] three has more blocks than two two plus two equals four five [Music] okay friends leave this to me I'll stop the Train by adding three oh one two three equals you're not quite sure not before [Music] minus three [Music] two four three equals five only I can start the tree and I am about to five mine was three getting close to five equals one plus four five equals four plus one more plus one equals five [Music] equals two plus three [Music] one two three three [Music] I told you easy peasy lemon squeezy oh me when they're in the boats and kids in the bay you've got zero we know [Music] when you've eaten all the cupcakes you've got no cakes no shakes [Music] we know the sweets have banished from the jar you've got zero we know [Music] and you've broken all the teacups you got no hats [Music] I'm the number for nothing I'm one less than one when there's nothing or something oh I'm the number for none when there's nothing there to count now you see your mouth I am six in the mix time for Rhymes and skip s up my blocks one two three four five six I'm six you see this up here means six as well and I love games as you can tell let's go [Music] six tricks coming up quick one six two tricks Three Chicks four drinks five chicks six tricks [Music] [Applause] oh six plus one equals seven I am seven and I feel lucky after seven Falling On My Feet fancy meeting you up here that's lucky I'm I'm seven I bought one two three four five six seven seven blocks four how funny that cloud is red and here comes the orange yellow green blue indigo violet four number blobs and me counting everything we've seen opening the door [Music] whistling happy Melody [Music] one two three four four doors [Music] five number blobs and me counting everything we see the Stars one two three four five five stars and me pick some of the Vlogs on me counting everything we see picking up a stick showing off [Music] [Music] and me now there's something you don't see every day an alien [Music] up up oh is that where you live up up up Don't Worry fellow space cadet I can rocket you home hold on tight ten nine eight oh [Music] I think she's building a tower up oh um I think you'll need more blocks than that top that tickles [Music] let's build a tower my turn that looks like fun can you see me I'll never fit through the door ow three it's smaller than four I can get through the four door [Music] hiding behind you cause I'm equal to you no one will find you and give us a clue can you see me [Music] peekaboo if you're bigger than me you can hide me as long as you make the right shape if you're smaller than me it'll never work no matter what shape you make into four little beds I can lie down intense bed instead [Music] already when it's your turn just say cheese and the camera will take a picture like this [Music] then it pops out here [Music] my turn jeez bread cheese bread cheese sandwich [Music] cheese cheese [Music] cheese cheese octoblock pose one two three four five six seven eight jeez that looks really good my turn [Music] lucky catch wish I could be you seven you're so lucky you can be me just ask a friend to jump on your head but first you have to know the difference between you and me we all have a place but we're different that's very easy to see we're all friends here but we're different but what makes you you and not me I'd love to be you but I come up short I need to add something but what I'd love to be lucky like seven wanted you guys that we haven't got [Music] the difference for eign [Music] [Music] pedal powered cars but only a woman can lift the trophy so let's go over to the start line everybody ready hey wait has anybody seen one coming let's go [Music] hope you're ready to play with the high rollers [Music] Teddy go [Music] nice day for it hey ten is in the lead with 10 wheels she seems unbeatable she's lost a wheel let's see that again in slow motion for as long as I can remember I've always wanted to escape in Wind rain and snow no matter how gnarly it gets I put in the hours cause practice makes perfect welcome to 15's minute of Fame show us what you've got 14 no problemo but I need a volunteer for this trick [Music] 15. no no I'm not the ACT he is I'm just helping him take it to the next level 14. oh no I forgot my skateboard whoa well that was lucky one three four five six seven eight nine ten and one more is eleven whoa extreme let me try two heads are better than one great idea 14 everyone grab a partner for a head the ball contest I'll be the ref [Music] ER I'll pick twelve time for this super rectangle to get in shape so what I don't have a partner I'm lucky me [Music] agent 15 here I'll be your partner oh don't say my name don't say 13. [Music] is everyone all right are you all right um oh sorry who are you 13 minus three is ten fourteen minus four is ten minus five is ten foreign [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] yes if this is tens place where are the tens they say we make this floor three's Place everyone off [Music] what's going on oh 12 needs balancing and 12 is ten plus two come on ten wait where's ten bit busy sorry then we need another 10. ah seven three you can make ten oh that's Lucky Seven plus three plus two equals ten plus two equals grab hold we're halfway there what could possibly go wrong all right [Music] you said it we need to balance thirteen but we haven't got a three or a ten maybe I can help I'm only one less than ten that's close Square really big Square sixteen ten and six I like this game 16 10. party 16. I am 16. I'm ten and six and I got no no party tricks no doubles lay down stand up lie down stand up keep going four by four four by four four I have a square oh are you sure of course I am I'm four by four sixteen foreign [Music] cake sounds good pink or yellow pink no yellow no pink no yellow pink yellow oh I don't know oh no that's terrible choose what's the first rule of square Club no round things [Applause] don't panic no Panic pull yourself together or not we three are the three three [Applause] good idea we are the one two three four fours what could be more Square than squares in a square oh you and you know [Music] I like it but where's the art oh I spent so long making sparkly invitations I forgot to get any [Music] can we help I thought you'd never asked are you sure you're a rocket you're full of colors fly through the museum and make art but no stop ten seven eight maintain oh now there's a surprise I am 17 and I love to paint oh they're they're cool go go go don't mind if I do some painters on the den portraits Majestic and Serene oh lost eight equals 18. refreshing hey time to discover who I am fun I am 18 and I'm a super Speedy super rectangle and I like to go fast [Music] falling over competition I win 18 by one one Ray is all I need one rare to build up speed I start to go and I go go go go whoa fourteen fifty fifty sixty seventeen how anyone can ride that thing check this out the double Looper has a two Ray mate ease so you can only ride it if you can make a rectangle that's two blocks wide like this two by nine two rays and away one two Land Two by six whoa two by seven double lucky double seven eight two five eight that does look like fun but odd numbers like me can't make a rectangle two blocks wide see don't let that slow you down 15. this next one could be made for you with three Rays so you need to make a rectangle that's three blocks wide like this three by six three raise and away maybe it's something to do [Music] super rectangle switch switch turn see ya maybe I can make lots of rectangles right let's do this bye how oh silly me one block missing singing three boy Swan block too many never mind four five again you can do this not a rectangle come on 19. concentrate five boy no one off six bye one off oh I can't do it [Music] [Laughter] who wants to dance with me [Music] I know someone who wants to dance me Shall We Dance [Music] plus ten equals twenty hello hello did somebody say dance I've got the shoes cap I've got the cane tap I've got the tip top top hat tap tap tap are you ready for the big dance number that's me I am 20 and I love to dance [Music] chapter 18 Full Speed Ahead extreme 14 here reporting live on a cool attempt to be the fastest number ever rookie 10 ready to fire two four six eight super Speedy don't be late then somebody say speed 18 speed machine [Music] 18 18. you're cool Compadre 18 raise and Away look out tunnel now that was a speedy Escape phew we don't need to carry juggling balls [Music] have everybody in order please one two three four equals eight now to fill in the gaps [Music] nine colors beat that oh that looks like fun can I have a go round in a loop like an empty hoop make zero zero colors oh whoops where's everyone gone [Music] that's better I'm sorry the one turned to saw Zero colors and itself too the wand where is it I don't know someone bumped into me and I dropped it oh maybe there's a counter spell in here you'll stay invisible until you draw your number with this my number's easy to remember round in a loop like an empty hoop makes zero [Music] that's right [Music] you guessed it powering in at number eight is eight with octoblocks assembled two [Music] block [Music] S one and seven seven and one oh I see it now one less than ten is nine hey [Applause] it's the end of the round let's see what you've scored six stars lit up with the board and now round two mystery visit there's a home on the screen but whose home is it oh time's up what did you see I saw two rows of four pictures five crates with three more on top and four pairs of chairs so it must be oh eight auto correct one two three four five six seven eight correct you win four shining stars my friends one at a time please one one is one two ones are two three ones are three four ones are four five ones are five six ones are six and seven ones are seven eight ones are eight nine ones are nine and ten ones [Music] sing along one one is one two ones are two three ones are three four ones are four five one is a five six one's a six and seven ones are eight nine ones are nine and ten of ones are ten sideways five eight [Music] plus six [Music] there's two H ten friends they've made the ten hello ten fans two came from six to leave four tummy tuck Square flop assistant equals 14 extreme it's much clearer just in time for the target round where our vultures need to make exactly 17 that's a big Target what its accuracy that counts you need to pick your partner carefully good thing we train for that too no two squares are better than one thanks friends oh two rays and two Riders wanted what would ten do oh two can write two rays of course and two's ten friend is eight another even number and I'm 10 more than ten so I can be [Music] eighteen and two two five nine two rays and away four raise no count do me neither if ten can be eight and two then I can be eighteen and two oh twelve and eight switch four by three write the raise up and away [Music] this is where I'm meant to be for I am extreme 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 fourteen whoa whoa lucky double lucky double let's go oh how odd I mean how even [Music] no way I belong in to land too Bears party hesitance me again a square made of pears who's next 18 on the scene did you miss me to raise and away oh no my shoes have lost their Sparkle where will I get a new pair of magic dancing shoes oh oh a magical shoe shop that's where welcome do you like shoes uh-huh well I like twos I'm the two times table and we both like to dance [Music] I like things that come in twos I like ears and elbows and knees I like pairs glows and turtle doves are like wings and Wellies and water skis When you're counting slippers or Flippers or shoes this is the method you'll need to use a table for twos [Music] [Music] odds events [Music] even what's even is even even plus even there's even add even to even and you'll get even [Music] odd plus art is even odd plus odd is even wow odd plus odd is even add an odd to an odd and you'll get even Prime positions wide and tall and more switch turn switch turn Hello friends welcome to the rectangle Retreat seeing what rectangles a number can make really helps figure them out totally when I found out I make a 2 by 11 rectangle I knew it once I was a thing of two halves results well 12 you can make lots of rectangles I'm a super rectangle I can make different rectangles all day long and it takes all day at that rate some of the super rectangles like to go a little more speedily how rectangly is that sponsor you're looking for is very rectangular indeedly whatever shape you make with your blocks the pattern wall will copy oh bad may I help yourself it's a surprise cow but now let's loosen up those blocks and make some crazy shapes oh [Music] no let's find a clean bit of wall and see what we can do octoblock personally one two three four five six seven eight tessellate oh let's give it a try Square cross Square cross Square cross Square cross right let's explore some patterns you're both making are tens and ones pattern at the moment like this ten ten one foreign [Music]
Channel: Learning Blocks
Views: 238,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alphablocks, number blocks, alpha blocks, numberblocks, phonics, phonics for kids, learn to read, learn to count, learn to read for kids, numberblocks full episodes, alphablocks full episodes, numberblocks castle, numberblocks episodes, alphablocks episodes, cbeebies, phonics song, alphablocks for kids, reading for kids, counting for kids, jolly phonics, numbers for kids, counting for preschool, counting for kindergarten, maths for preschool, math for kindergarten, fun maths
Id: ABA66EKrKtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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