I Built The Worlds Strongest HOUSE!

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two houses two drills two locks look at this two chains you cannot break into that it's actually one chain but yeah two knobs and two unspeakable shirts there's actually three because i'm wearing one and there's two things that i want you guys to do on this video that's click that like button and click that subscribe button we got team preston here and team unspeakable you guys have two hours to build the safest house possible the time is already starting by the way okay so we gotta build the safest house possible yes and we need to reinforce this place it is very bare we have wood there's a weak window here and we don't even have a door yet we have any doors i saw a door when we were walking around the warehouse what if we put two doors like side by side okay so here's what i think we need to focus on obviously that door is a weak point we need to reinforce that a lot uh this window is pretty weak as well we should cover it with wood and then we need to reinforce these walls dude these walls are paper thin i think a ninja star could go through that yeah all right speaking of a symbol wait assemble is like come together game plan guys so i'm really good at construction so i'll carry the team she's in charge of arts decorations sweet i will be team leader chase is captain of defenses i have like to see like really sneaking suspicion he's gonna try to break into the window so we're gonna focus so much effort i think we have giant mousetraps and a paintball gun okay what is our first plane of action the first thing layer one the rock we are also going to need extra doors brie you can get all the extra pretty stuff they brought all these decorations for us that are outside we also get to use stuff in our warehouse i actually think i should grab all the decorations before they get them oh i'm pretty sure you just crossed the line i'm pretty sure that you're going to lose take them off you're in our house you don't get any gloves why is there someone in our house are we getting robbed what already excuse me i just was chucking it out it looks great you already lost part of your house though that's a bad sign i'm just taking our door back because i don't want to steal it what if we just put it straight up like normal but put two doors on it we could do that yes sir what i want you to do is i want you to antagonize them right put like precedence better the speakable you know preston's better than brie stuff like that was rude i found a brick wall it's not real bricks preston you and me we need to walk around the warehouse real quick and grab some materials let's go hey brittany play defense hold on i gotta get brie in defensive items i have a chair wwe if you try to steal any of our stuff don't steal our stuff that got in my hair three four squats why is it not going it's a real brick i can't open the spray paint this is a bad start gabe do i have to bribe you to open this for me i'm busy no we forgot to mention we have other people here at the warehouse this is larry berry all right where's our most toughest thickest material can we break these mdf very strong you got it it works you shall not pass excuse me i'm guiding he's got nothing he's not doing anything and you've got any help really good guy we already got two brick walls up and preston's team has literally only wrote impressive theme we're definitely not getting the screw out i want you guys right now before you watch before you watch till the end of the video i want you to leave a comment in the comment section below which team do you think is going to win us don't skip to the end and you gotta watch till the end because what are the houses gonna look like they're gonna look crazy you dropped it we're wasting valuable time guys this is as close as we can get it let's grab some two by fours oh you're painting your your house red so it can be a target red is intimidating oh what are you doing who you are that's a line of defense geez you ruined your world the screen i'm taking all the good i like this put it right in front let's see what that looks like right now beautiful job makes me feel very strong excited baby it's crooked on purpose okay perfect we'll put one in the middle why not i'm gonna put a mailbox up on the house secret weapon not a secret anymore i got more reinforcements oh nice our mirror box is above our door because we're geniuses the finest engineering of engineering is team unspeakable watch us catch this dub you ain't never seen a victory like this all you gotta do is click that subscribe button hold the line before we enter the base time to test our door and see if it works [Applause] solid now we need to install a lock okay you guys get that wall this giant piece of wood is going to go over this window big brains okay there we go here we go look at this teamwork baby we haven't seen bree in a while but i know she's doing things now i need to get these onto the building somehow how do i do that staple gun we don't need this it came back is it your size though it's definitely my size i wear a nine and a half that's a nine and a half oh dude this is sturdy boys we got some really long screws for this three inch nails isn't that a band no solid how cool is this to be honest i'm having no help so if this looks bad i blame everyone else i'm quiet too so this is difficult for me imagine if i trip him right now and we like talk about how he has sunglasses on inside i have all the camouflage it's not really camouflage it's just green well that's part of camouflage all right look i have different colors now this stuff right here the chicken wire this stuff will keep the chickens out 20 minutes down hour 40 to go we're just getting started what can we do glue traps i like those we got james finishing off the door handle make sure that thing is locked working and locked all right boys so here's the deal i saw a lot of super glue on that counter we need to not only lock this door but we should super glue it shut we should put glue on everywhere okay that door ain't coming open ever and then we wrap it in chains is this enough glue that is enough glue i think i think yeah how does this operate oh you push this button right here let there be light i'll just stand like this the whole rest of the video we can reinforce after we reinforce our reinforcements you must wash your hands before you leave we don't have a sink all right pick a fence so what was your uh idea here oh you're on the floor that's like big frame that's decoration i got an idea come here i got string and i got a paint bucket you guys ever seen home alone you know where i'm going with this string paint bucket booby trap oh it doesn't match it's too small there's got to be another boom that's a lot of hot glue yes so when the door pulls open how would that trigger it dude i'm a big brain confused right now kevin mcallister held the paint buckets and he let them go oh duct tape duct tape i know i can do with this excuse me you need to have a caution sign on your wet paints how is anyone supposed to know that's wet what is this a collaboration of something oh wait boys how are we supposed to lock the door and get out of the house if we board it off the window we'll figure it out it's fine also the door doesn't shut we don't put fences around our buildings we put them on our walls yeah not as clean as the other one but these are probably my favorite features of our secure house so far hello i need everyone to listen here and just realize that we're beating unspeakable yeah reinforcements all right game we gotta do this let's lock ourselves in there we're gonna drill that door shut we have more to do we have an hour and a half left fine i like my white switch [Music] carpentry i want to bolt this door shut from the inside i want to put three more doors on top of it i want to chain it across 1000 screws in it let's do it okay we'll figure out how to get it out later when in doubt glue out listen just because it has to be secure doesn't mean it can't be pretty we should bolt those two doors to the inside i stole their wall yeah we need a caution sign that's very important yeah what are these latches so you can put a lock on it i think we should do that we got three of them we got a lot of stuff to do this is all in the beginning oh that is a solid line of defense we should put together oh and behind this attach it to the frame this is so unfair they got like six people working on their house we got two we're trying to block the weak point the window first he's gonna break through the glass yeah but you've seen their team week i'm telling you this video gets 200 000 likes preston diy we're gonna use this entire model of super glue good thing we're wearing gloves we got preston team wins you got the chicken wire lamps for light and then security much more secure looking than theirs yeah those lamps really scare you that's what i'm saying like in theirs i'm gonna leave them a message there's mail there's mail yeah you didn't say ding dong oh oh we got mail yeah there you go i can't reach it [Music] all right there we go close it bye forever it's good knowing you james yeah help me hold it all right i'm gonna do more oh dude this thing is frozen shut all right we're gonna put more in here look at it all dripping down this is not normal glue this is super glue permanently sealing us in forever we have more you think that you're messing us up but we have plenty i ain't messing it up i'm just making mine better boys i have a problem it's stuck you should have known come on it's stuck take it off oh oh look at my finger look if you weren't wearing gloves your hand would be if i wasn't wearing gloves i'd be done okay so this door is sealed shut we literally just used like a pint of now we need to throw more wood on it more doors this is just the beginning oh yes you know what you go pick something and i'll add it to the house just for you yeah i like it games yeah we need nails and the drill all right give me a second i'm putting mayonnaise on the house did he say mayonnaise is mayonnaise an instrument oh of course chase what stop bonding with the enemy james consider our relationship over all right no secure houses complete without the foam shag rug are you putting that in the front no i want them to feel welcome when they lose or they could slip really easily which is good i don't even know how he's gonna hand it to me i don't think it's the best idea for us to lock herself in there but i don't know how to reinforce it because we want to reinforce it from the inside not the outside but we also don't want to lock yourself whatever we have a ladder oh hey what's up you want to put the ladder over here so we can also get down too you should see the front of the house there's just like a puddle of super glue three environments yes sir okay oh we're starting low okay oh dude this super glue is messing with my eyes should i screw the door into the door should i screw the door into the house and then the house into the door and then both everything okay larry has a good plan he's helping me with up here so just just wait nobody saw anything nobody saw this crap are you knocking or hammering i can't tell oh he's hammering okay that's loud nice stop hammer time he yeah you know this you're not an employee are you okay give me back my mayonnaise right now i'm just gonna read it i'm not my man you can't catch me i'm just doing as much reinforcements as i can glue tape nails anything we got it's going on this door good so i'm thinking the other door let's do it at the high point yeah the weakest points are the door like kind of the bottom of the top we need to get the other door though oh we left the other door outside that's the other door james we need a door a door a whole door all right james doesn't disappoint he said we need a door through the roof he said off right coming along very well it's really a benefit that we got to do this in our warehouse it was supposed to be three of us and then there was like another three of us from the warehouse it's like 6v3 so if we don't win it's extra shame well this is the first time i've ever seen i need i i can't i don't have no grip i have one hand on it there you go i got it there you go i got it got it all right we got another [Music] door so pretty much our teams are split into two right now we have the outside defense and then the inside defense right because what you put on the outside is important but you have to make sure they're unable to literally physically push into it chase is basically our support system i'll paint everything very supportive he just comes over here and thinks he owns the whole place like he does already like but still i can't retire but you know the camera can't reach that height [Applause] who knows what's happening making progress you cannot break into that we've done all this in an hour it's pretty cool good job gabe i'm so proud of you let's go check out james see what's going on how's it looking dude oh my gosh what have you done oh there's a jar of mayonnaise yeah we got spikes fences a rug do you like what you see dude that looks scary can you give me your best derp face ready three two here how's it looking boys these are security guards james what you working on i'm covering the window door is locked over an hour left we didn't even need the full hour we're basically done i want to put this metal behind the window whoa hey whoa spider monkey i think we should put this in here for when they bust through and they bust through so they finally feel welcome that's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen i know we got even more reinforcements on the front we got like three doors on the other side we're putting more doors here what would it take for you to join our team you guys already have like 20 people on your team you got more than home depot in there like what the heck i can't even hand write that well did you ever do a legal graffiti what's your name the only people who know how to spray paint this wall are graffiti artists what do you mean it's just words have you ever written your name on paper before you should try no no i haven't where's the e it's unspeakable they're they're inside fortifying the base on the inside walls so they're on the inside they're on they just have no words yeah they really i haven't heard them say why do you want me to help you because you might need it yeah no are you sure have you seen the inside of the base oh why you don't want to well i would like to actually is it is there a toilet the door doesn't open it's sealed shut with a pound of super glue and four other doors what you get for the door did you take doors from a warehouse no maybe yeah probably yeah actually i knew he was a dorothy we are so confident they're not gonna make it inside of our house we're gonna be putting diamonds you're welcome so good luck you're gonna need it 30 minutes remaining what do you think yeah oh it's upside down you're just upside down then everything else is upside down [Music] this is the strongest part of the whole structure we care about safety here i am a nurse you shall not pass i don't know what's going on over there that ain't it that ain't gonna go apart okay boys there's only ten minutes left and i'm just going to put as many nails as i can to this door making it as strong as possible someone is banging very hard on the other side of this wall look at this i'm putting locks on locks unlocks also i can't breathe because there's so much glue in here all right the final screw it's brutal in here there's so much super glue let's get out of here we didn't have a whole lot to do this last like 30 minutes to hours but we also kind of cheated he decided to do this at our home turf you ever heard of the home advantage i i just what we had they don't call it the away image hey grab the fart spray it's going to be stinky for all of us i know but like if we spray it on our house they have to get in our house i like that idea big brain i win and then we could spray it on preston's like front door and then like he won't want to go home everyone listen up five minutes left when this timer goes off you gotta drop every tool everything in your hand including that duct tape in five minutes you can hold that duct tape for five more minutes you cannot tape me go away no please i need to tape you no it was in my contract nope i'm gonna hit you with this two by four two by four versus duct tape two by four wins [Music] what the where the box the screws we only need one more screw we stole our screws wait where did my box of screws go can we just realize real quick that it is us through working on this house and they have seven people this is fair yo hold on hey we have a secret way we have a secret weapon yes wait let's go talk about over here uh preston i need you to leave real quick we're having a team meeting yeah there's support no fire people no purple no purple get out get out what's the secret weapon oh it's fart spray dude i don't think you guys realize what fart spray smells if you could capture the smell of just straight poo and put it in a can that's what it is yo one minute 30 seconds it just doesn't look very good dude i can't open the box we only have a minute left use the back of this do anything there you go yes yes these aren't screws i know they're not screwed what are these don't worry about it i know the screws are hammer hammer hammer i know where the screws are i know where the screws are it's out it's out what is going on 10 seconds 10 seconds go go go five four three two one drop the tools drop the tools [Music] you're going down no you're going down i'm actually going down oh you're going down i'm going up you are going down all right so the houses are done we got the unspeakable safe house we got the president hold on this is not our entry point this is the preston house beautiful beautiful so guys here's the deal we have this table full of tools we have machetes we have chainsaws we have battering rams we have a fish um we have a fish we have saws we have sludge hammers and we are going to try to break into each other's houses which person actually built the better house if you guys want to see us break into the house you have to leave a like on this video you have to click the subscribe button you also got to go check out preston's channel otherwise you won't figure out which house is the most secure coming soon we'll break into each other's houses good job by the way your house is nice thanks man i really like it i like yours yours makes me feel like i'm back in japan we can reinforce after we reinforce our reinforcements
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,149,463
Rating: 4.9308672 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: Ck_rfntrVs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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