I Built My OWN AIRPORT In Roblox! (Airport Tycoon)

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everyone i want you to say hello to my brand new airport check it out yeah it's not really an airport right now is it no but we're gonna be building one and over here we can claim some money can i get some of this cash please oh we have to start working first yeah you can't get paid until you start working i wish someone had told me that okay our first bag is hit the conveyor belt and i guess when that goes in do we do we make some money right yeah we got 150 for that not sure where it's going because we don't have any flights yet but it's the thought that counts all right let's claim this um i could do with 500 maybe could you do me five 500 please please please please there we go okay so now we can buy the dropper okay oh we just bought another dropper okay so yeah things are moving a little bit quicker now this bag looks bigger so maybe we get more money for that are we just stealing people's stuff that's how we're making money oh yeah i should probably um go over here and upgrade ourselves a bit we definitely want times to cash now glider radio jetpack i think we can chill on that one for now i think we'll be okay oh is this what we've already bought yeah we have okay oh wow we've got 2 000 look at this okay we can do an upgrader and increase the speed okay now things are moving is that what does the upgrade do okay fine okay we're at two and a half thousand now so we can buy wall dropper is that is that gonna make us even more money or oh yeah it does okay good at four and a half thousand we can buy another dropper over here but what does the parking lot do does that get like customers coming in or nope it's just a big parking lot that was a waste of money okay here we go another dropper so we should be picking up now in terms of money and all of the green ones i think contribute to our money so we want to be upgrading these first then the red ones afterwards because they're just cosmetic which is boring okay it's gonna be a little bit of time now before we can get any good upgrades i think the next one is going to be 4 000. oh there we go we just got it so we've managed to increase the speed even again but the next upgrade is going to be 7500 so we could look at doing some basic upgrades now like a front wall wow very nice why don't we treat ourselves to a back wall while we're at it aloha airport i gotta admit guys the temptation to buy some big cash right now is real we gotta hold off okay i also think we can like attack other people at one point which would be interesting i don't know what we've but uh yeah all right we've got a good chunk of cash there so we're gonna get this upgrader and i think why don't we buy something nice information screens wow oh that actually i think that never mind i thought that actually told the scores but no well money's definitely coming in a lot quicker now but uh almost not quick enough let's give ourselves a small cash infusion of a million dollars that's not too expensive you know we just had an outside investor come in and just drop some cash on us another wool dropper both of these things another one of those okay so we bought oh and we can even do a golden upgrader okay let's do that oh wow look at that okay that's looking good so i don't think we've got any more green upgrades yet and whoa look at the cash though that is coming in quick we've almost made our money back okay i guess we can do some upgrades of these owner only door why not security camera that'd be good to have okay this front area is really coming together now oh we even got someone sitting on their phone let's sit together never mind i've got things to do grab a couple of these outdoor things and whoa this is looking really nice now why do we need a bigger parking lot it doesn't actually make us money does it no but we can buy some vehicles now it just looks whoa can i drive this no seem too good to be true for five thousand oh and it's gone dark now there is some upgrades here we get a marina okay it's orange does that mean we're gonna make money from it well that's huge okay let's just focus on our airport for a second there 26 000 to claim that's cool and then we're gonna buy floor and okay there's a lot to get here so wall stairs let's get all the base level ones first twenty thousand dollar escalator wow okay getting this uh one million dollar investment has really helped things wait what the heck excuse me you can't park there mate what is happening why is someone nose dived into my airport okay i guess we'll just cont oh and now it's falling over uh-oh we've got an unwanted guest they're saying hi okay baggage scanner we can make some money from this so this is basically security so we have a second opportunity to steal everyone's stuff we can also expand the floor out here buy some railings and stuff but let's finish up downstairs oh we got some scanners here we can buy but don't know if they make us money 30 000 i'll take it i'll take it and we can also get scanners on this side as well okay security cameras lounge access okay there's some cool stuff in here and there's also a plane we're just going to ignore the fact that there's a plane stuck inside wait a second i see that there's a first class lounge ticket scanner can we make some money in the first cast lounge whoa look how many things there are okay this is actually really satisfying just walking over and buying everything i'm not even reading it now look at all these rich people what do they got to eat is that a massive piece of sushi right okay how's our unwanted guests going are they still here no i think they've left okay so we can make a bit more money up here let me just finish upgrading these though a roof would be helpful yes and we can put a wall over here we should be able to buy pretty much oh whoa okay so we can make some money from this burger place and we gotta hire a chef of course okay and a donut shop we're gonna make some money here as well oh no we've run out okay so we've actually run out of money let's just finish uh buying what we can then we do need a roof because people are literally getting rained on lights metal posts still no actual planes though i'm realizing but let's not think about that too much i think i can't afford any more down there let's have a look down here this all looks quite good wait there's security here but if you're just taking the different escalator you wouldn't need it to have gone through i'm not gonna question that all right let's head back up and continue expanding i do want to you know have some real planes at some point is that too much to ask you know what we could do actually we could do all these plot expansions apron oh okay wait a second twin propeller plane we've actually gonna get it guys i'll oh wait no there's a starter plane over here we'll start with the starter plane that only seems right one starter plane where is it oh over here one starter plane oh here we go all right do we have a big enough runway oh wait we can customize the colors vip there's vip okay we'll be a vip uh oh oh can't say we're the best at this how do we how do we go up oh well that wasn't a good start was it 100 million dollars you heard it right here now we're playing in the big leagues that's good portal plot i don't even know what that is okay we're gonna focus on upgrading around us first like we can finish off the airport itself that's probably a good idea pick the route that i don't need to do security because i'm big brained oh and we can do the upgrader in here that's smart okay oh okay so this is what connects to the planes i guess buy ourselves a roof you can do some walls on this is that an option currently it's just floating all right let's hop down and see uh is this what we're supposed to do oh okay so there's like a whole thing here all right let's run around and buy all of these real quick i guess this is like an employee area it's like a control oh we can let's give ourselves a fancy outfit this one no no wait no no currently if we're not flying we gotta wear this one okay that's that i think but there was some more to buy over here now we're not going to be upgrading the docks or anything that's not really what we're focused on we're interested in the airport and we still got 99 million um i think i underestimated how much we just got invested and it also is now becoming quite time consuming to run around to all these oh helipad that sounds good oh look at this okay hopefully it's a little bit easier to fly um up oh oh whoa whoa look at this no oh i accidentally got out whoops wow this place is looking so much better than when we started all right let's uh i mean we can probably just get this back right so let's just hop out here and finish our upgrades um yeah don't worry about that okay so over here is a hang up when are we gonna start being able to make money a fighter jet sorry okay guys calm down a little bit maybe we'll get to that we need to make it get some like money making things here private jet oh exit taxiway is this what crashed into us let me see yep right there looking pretty good we should just spawn it and leave it there because it looks good okay so we've got taxiway markings but there's nothing more to do there let's just buy ourselves a fighter jet and just leave it in there just so it looks good we'll maybe fly at the end of the video oh wow we just got the entire runway in one it's crazy though that everything we've just done we won't we wouldn't be actually making money from if we hadn't got a an investment i'm surprised this must take forever okay one of these little buildings never know what they do atc ground oh it's like a towel oh oh whoa whoa whoa what is this oh it's a thingy for like planes and stuff oh whoa check this guy out okay enough of that after that we've got a job to do all right the check-in desk is looking good the front parking area looks amazing all of these parts in here all seem to be done we've got burgers coming out donuts coming out all right guys i think it's time we get our pilots out there on and test out this jet which one this one this one is cooler uh we do have to kind of run over to the jet though but we'll be there in a second don't you worry now hopefully we actually you know know how to fly now let's taxi it to the runway controls oh too fast too fast we're supposed to taxi no no oh we've somehow done a backflip um oh my well that just happened all right fighter jet attempt to so the main problem is the mouse appears to be like the maneuver thing so we've got to use this a bit you know smarter so throttle up throttle up point up point up now we're talking oh what is that explosion there was a momentary explosion oh and i so i think this is where other people's islands are oh whoa what is that like a volcano so what is this one over here is this another volcano oh well a bunch of islands just spawned hey look it's another airport oh this has got so much more to it that just shows you what else we can do and if you want to see that click like on the video and i'll see you in the second episode thanks for watching headaches.com click the video on screen to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 468,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, I Built My OWN AIRPORT In Roblox!, Airport Tycoon, airport, tycoon, roblox, solo
Id: uVnKns5gwJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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